Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1960, p. 11

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0n the evening of the last meeting the leaders Mrs. Gar- diner and Mrs. Maurice Beynon Were presented with cups and saucers in appreciation of their work. Mrs. Charles Henshaw. Mrs. T. Thomasson, Mu. W. James. Mrs. Nelson Thompson. Mr. Stewart Paxton, Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and Mrs. Milton Wells were those who took the course. Denise and Diane, eight year old twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Berwick. celebrated their birthday on Saturday by inviting their friends to a party. Guests were Cathie Macklin, Cathie Cow- ie, Brenda St. Claire. Glen 0r- aer. Terry Chalk, Henry and Da- vid Hornstein, Bob Cainan, John Mosley. The last euchre held this sea- son at Temperanceville School was very successful despite bad roads. There were eight tables taking part in the game. The sup- port of all who attended and pro- vided prizes is deeply appreciat- ed. On April 6, Mr. and Mrs. Ev- erett Phillips were donors of the prlzes which were won by Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and Fred Hare. Wednesday members of Tem- perancevllle W.I. who took the Ihort course "Focus on Finishâ€" Ings" met with some 20 other W. L’s of North York at the sum- mary day in Newmarket legion hall. Temperancevllle's display consisted of three dresses, three blouses, two girls' coats, a loung- lng robe and a casual duster. Mrs. Lorne Cunningham. Mrs. Jack Macklln and Mrs. Wells attended the film shown by the Cancer Society in King. The W. A. members who at~ tended Laskay W.A. meeting on April 6, were Mrs. Fred Boys. Mrs. Fred Hare, Mrs. Ray Jen- nings, Mrs. Jack Macklin and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings. Mrs. Fred Boys was soloist. W.M.S. WJ. The Temperancevllle WA. will hold the April 14 meeting at 2.80 pm. at the home of Mrs. 1. Ken- nedy. The devotional will be tak- en by Mrs. Wm. Turner. The roll call is “A thought from the Upper Room". Mrs. Stewart Pax- ton will convene the program. The lunch committee is Mrs. Fred Hare ‘ and Mrs. Ray Jen- nings. W.M.S. members who were guests of Aurora W.M.S. were Mrs. Wm. Turner. Mrs. Ray Jen- nings. Mrs. Fred Boys and Mrs. Milton Wells. They heard Miss Scrlmgeour of Trinidad speak of her work there. Easter Sunday service will be held at the usual hour of 9.45 am. with Temperanceville choir sup- plying appropriate anthems. The Good Friday music will be a joint choir of Wesley and Tem- perancevllle with Mrs. Farquhar- son of St. Paul’s as soloist. Correspondent: Mrs. Milton Wells, MI. 8 King Phone PR. 3-5239 Good Friday Service will be held at 11 am. in Temperance- ville United Church. Wesley. Mt. Pisgah and St Paul's will join in the service. Then, for the more practical minded folk there were delight- ful and tempting displays of home made cake and pastry. Mrs. Mrs. E. Redelmeier and her as- slstant Mrs. R. Kerslake were kept busy supplying buyers wlth irls in blue and white. golden dafl'odlls and roses that could only be grown In Richmond Hlll. donated by Bedford Park Floral Co. and H. J. Mills Ltd. The flower booth with its hun- dreds of bright blooms and num- erous attractive arrangement: was a centre of great lntgrest. The tea garden was a haven of rest with its panelled fence and rose-trellis. roses on the tables and Chinese lanterns overhead. Its excellent staff was convened by Mrs. Williams ably assisted by Mrs. Gralnger as hostess. Mrs. Strugnell as cashier and Mrs. Kitchen In charge of hot dogs fmd treshle -â€" to name just a ew. The plant aaIe in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Large oflered a wide selection from African Vlol- ets rto cut-leaf philodendrjon, The hall was alive with the col- ours of spring - so refreshing to wwinterâ€"wealjy eyes. His Worship, Mayor Ken Tom- lin, was again on hand to open the Garden Fair and in doing so he congratulated the society on the work they are doing through- out the town. While Old Man Winter still raged outside the local Lions Hall on Saturday last. on the inside the Garden Fair of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society gave a truly inspiring “Breath of Spring” to the many visitors and member: who visited the Fair throughout the afternoon. Auto Service Complete Service To Makes of Carl ELGIN MILLS Large Crowd Enjoys Local Horticultural Fair Good brakes are a “must” for safe stops. Have the peace of mind of being 100% brakewise. Come in for a brake check. If needed we’ll reline and adjust them. COOK'S BP TEMPERANCEVILLE Can You Count On Safe Stops? TU. 4-3151 HARDWARE - PAINTS IMPERIAL GASOLINE 8; OIL Phone ALpine 7-1121 Maple TU. 4-1812 RICHVALE, ONT. STOP 22A AV. 5-3821 Gliddens Paint Giftware Boots & Shoes POWER EQUIPMEN'I Easter Special 8-Ply Faille Dusters $18.95 and up Navy. Black, Mint, Beige, Powder Blue 189E Centre TU. 4-1313 [A W R | E HARDWARE Benjamin Moore m. TO ENTER:â€" VISIT ANY STORE BELOW 8. RECEIVE FREE COUPON. SIGN YOUR NAME 8. DEPOSIT SLIP. - NO OBLIGATION. [8292 37/6 I. D. WOODBRIDGE â€" Council has approved menace of Councillor's salary to $18 per meeting and the Reeve’s salary to $1,000 per annum. This is a reversal of an earlier decision of $16 per meet- ing for the Reeve and $12 for the Councillors. The garden lounge was won by Mr. F. F. Harwood. Steel garden tools by Mr. C. Kitchen; the plan- ter box by Miss Gladys McLat- chy; and Lawson Mumberson won the rose bushes donated by Bed- ford Park Floral Co. Mr. Gerry Longworth and his able committee are to be con- gratulated fgr a beautiful show â€" a reward for many months of planning. The membership and informa- tion booth was well staffed by Mu. Wright and Mr. Urquhart, Mr. J. Spanner and Miss G. Mc- Latchy. The tea garden draw prlgp was won by Mrs. Orme. Meanwhile the children and the young at heart enjoyed the fish pond. presided over by Ralph Kerslake. Mrs. W. J. McLeod and Dr. H. H. MacKay ably assisted by two charming young ladies. Nancy Banks and Janet Lehman. dispen- sed draw tickets. The Endean Nurseries, with Len Rice in charge, skilfully pre- sented a section of foundation planting â€" right way and wrong way and many interested visitors gl‘scussed their problems with Mr. ce. Under the clever leadership of Russell Tilt and Bob Campbell, the Naturalists transplanted a small section of Woodland right into the hall. complete with pool, pussy willows, hepaticas in bloom, hawk, duck. flying squirrel, hor- net's nest and pileated woodpeck- er, while from a nearby tree the sapApouged_ into 3 bucket. D. Boyd and her group were res- ponsible for this challenge to the appgtite. A_ 7571 Yonge St, Thornhill Delivery Toronto & District GIFT SHOP - Second Floor n mowers - tractors - power saws and small engines. SALES & SERVICE AV. 5-1538 C O I. L l N S HARDWARE LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR TU. 4-296] RICHMOND an L Blue Coal & Fuel Oil for all .occasions KETOLA RAMER Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL POLAROID “HOME OF THE WEEK" ’atlz-oll. 8: SON ALL HOURS owerd Shell Service Station KEN RUSTON' R. D. FLOWER SHOP Release of the farm accident figures for the months of Sept- ember, October and November of last year showed that the [all three-month period led compar- able periods in spring and sum- mer in the number of perma- nent injuries suffered and medi- cal bills incurred by injured per- sons. A total of 1794 accidents were suffered in the three~month per- lod. Some 287 accidents occurred in fields alone, and these result- The formation of the Farm Safety Council of Ontario follows the Provincial Farm Accident Survey which was undertaken by the Ontario Department 01 Agri- culture. with the assistance of local people and organzietions. for the one year period ending February 29, 1960. Figures on the year-long farm accident picture are now being analyzed, and these will assist the Council in drawing up a safety education program for Ontario farm peo- pe. Many counties and districts have already formed their own safety councils, and these will work in conjunction with the ov- erall program of the Farm Safety Council of Ontario. Each county and district safety council will work out safety programs that apply to particular conditions in the area concerned. The Council will 'co-ordinate and encoura e the co-operation of county an district Farm Safe- ty Councils in Ontario. and strive in all its activities to bring about a safe_ rural community. The Farm Safety Council of Ontaria, composed of farm peo- ple from the counties and dis- trlcts in the province, was form- ed last week. Chairman of the Council is Grant Smith of Burgessville, with uarry Doble of Uxbrldge and Eu- gene Lemon of Stouffvllle as vice-chairmen. R 0 S E GARDEN SUPPLIES AND Farm Safety Council Aims Reduce Accidents AMAZING NEWifi Cream Halr Tmt! Make A Offer On A Car Of Your Own Choice NOW! THEATRE BLOCK PHONE TU. 4-1282 W l G H T' S PHARMACY "LITTLE &so~nn. RICHMOND HILL 28 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL “Crowning Color” by Helena Rubinstein 2 Miles North of Richmond Hill HIGHWAY 11 AV. 5-4211 TU. 4-7821 TU. 4-1521 CLEANERS TU. 4-1911 in an? n ma JEWELLERI Yonge at Bunkerr’ili‘ifibmhill The Only BP SERVICE in Thornhill Yes, you too might win a Polaroid Land Camera. Simply visit any one of the stores listed here for your free coupons. There's nothing to buy. no jlngles to write . . simply sign your name and deposit the slip. A local draw will be held monthly so you stand a good chance of winning. 7 - CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill a. District Unit For Information cull Richmond Hill TU. 4-1328 TU. 4-2382 TU. 4-4821 Thnrnhlli AV. 5-1603 AV. 5-1743 AV. 5-4825 ed in 40 permanent Injuries and 1 fatalities, a loss of 7,252 days of work .and medical bills tot- alling $37,233. Fixing a running machine once again proved a foolhardy practice: 37 persons suffered permanent injuries this way. A further distressing fact: the age group 1 to 5 years led all others in fatalities for the three-month period with 11. TH 0 R N HILL PAINT SUPPLIES PAIN TERS SUPPLIES VARNISHES WALLPAPERS Household Repair Service LADIES’, MEN’S AND CHILDREN’S READY TO WEAR Yard Goods, Boots. Shoes, Rubbers ‘ 12 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL If you are the householder of this home, call at "The Liberal" oflice and you will receive FREE 3 $5.00 purchase order good at one of the places of business shown here. RNHMOND I-Ill.l. T V 6: CAMERA TU. 4-1365 162 Markham Rd. McATEER'S THORNHILL, ONT. AV. 5-1833 SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS APPLIANCES LAWN MOWERS SUMP PUMPS HOME WORKSHOP TOOLS 50 YONG! ST. 5. AV. 5-3756 DO YOU LIVE IN THIS HOUSE? Licenceu Mechafiiés BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE Win a Polaroid Land Camera AV. 5-2408 Maple ALpine 7-2650 Unlonvillo 239 Your Polaroid Headquarters SALES & SERVICE Cameras - TV - and Hi-Fi Free Lub With Minor Tune-up AV. 5-5321 SERVICE AL 8. TOM'S BA SERVICE STATION “The best in home-made bread and pastries” Tune-ups For All Makes of Cars Yonge & Clarke Sts, ? Stop 14A ' A Thomhill, Ontario Phone AV. 5-2961 55 Yonge St. S. FOR DELIVERY TU. 4-5581 NORTHTOWN SHOPPING CENTER LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME? TU. 4-2819 21 Yonge N. Phone TUrner 4- 1213 Palnb - Enamels - Varnish” Stains CHECK, The Birdies Now Sing TWEED. TWEED, TWEED, at the where you SEW much for SO little 80A YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL Call AV. 5-3251 AV. 5-1535 P R l D H A M' S PAINT a. WALLPAPER MURRAY MOTORS RICHVALE HARDWARE Garden Centre EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN WALTER FABRIC FAIR NEW VOLKSWAGENS ‘ ONLY $1595 Try One Today No. 7 Hwy. W. a; Yongo Thornhlll STOP 22 YONGE ST. PHONE AV. 5-3611 Yonge St. . Thornhill THORNHILL I.G.A. FOODLINER LOWEST PRICES FREE PREMIUMS ucllJuuuu Moore With the HOUNDSTOOTH Benjamin Benjamin THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hi“, Ontario, Thursday, April 14, 1960 paints ESTABLISHED 1898 Corner of Yonge St. and Elgin Mills Rd. Richmond Hill . Complete Collision 8 Refinishing Service Bicycles: C.C.M. & Raleigh Repairs to All Makes Complete Line of Sporting Goods Phone TUmer 4-1213 Sterling Reid TU. 4-5011 R E I D' S AUTO BODY SHOP SHELTON MANSELI. MOTORS Fine Diamonds ltd. ALLENCOURT SHOPPING PLAZA PROCTOR'S Doors - Moulding - ['1wa Paint - Wallth Telephono TU. 4-1125 AV. 5-3506 Butler 8. Baird lumber ltd. ,4/; CM. “Everything For the Home Builder“ Then come to National Trust at Northtown Shopping Centre. Our Real Estate Department has a wide selec- tion of homes in Willowdale, Richmond Hill, the Bay- view district and North York. National Trust offers you “Photo Co-op Service” â€" and 60 years’ experience in real estate. You’ll find that National Trust Realtors will give you fast, dependable service in getting the right buyer for your home -- at the right price. We invite you to come in or phone BA. 5-6439, 25 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. 191 Yonge St. North Members of the Canadian Jewelers Association All Work Guannteed 75 YONGE ST. S. TU. 4-7331 TU. 4-5631 Cities Service Quality Products AV. 5-3902 $90” .510,” MEMBER OF TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD 1'". 4-32“ 53 N. Yonge St. TU. 4-3331 SPECIAL THIS WEEK _ I959 Renault - Dauphine Hill City Motors IN CLOTHES CLEANED WIMBRIDGE CLEANERS Look Better! Herridge Electric 12x20 $335.00 $17.00 MONTH Models on Display at 9020 Yonge St., Richvale AVenue 5-1109 [O U G H L l N LUMBER a. SUPPLY Free All Day Motorized Delivery Protect your car with a G A R A G E RICHVALE R EX A LL PHARMACY Richmond Hill & Appliance Repair Industrial Road Richmond Hill 9014 Yonge St. -â€" LIMITED .- TU. 4-2162 AV. 5-3772 Feel Better! from AV. 5-3338

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