Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1960, p. 18

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METRO WRECKING & LUMBER Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill New and Used Building Materials Gyproc: Insulation; Trim; Doors; Plywoods; Cottage Windows; Pic- ture Windows; Plumbing and Electrical Supplies. Used Pipes and Soil Pipe SPECIALS in lots of 1000 BF 2x4’s; 2x6's, Sheathing. $90.00 MBF. ' - CLEARANCE SALE 10,000 New Storms, Screens and Sash, 50c and up. Free Delivery -AV. 5-3942 OPEN DAILY UNTIL 6 PM. tfc37 WEDDING PHOTOS For VALUE and QUALITY LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Yonge St. South Blchn'mnd Hill TU. 4-27‘ ACCORDIAN. 120 BASS. like new, $100. Phone AV. 5-5163. WOOLLEN blankets. suitable for gifts, others for cottage or cam- ping. Factory prices. Orders tak- en for Spring Sale until April 23. TU. 4-1835. ‘ *1w42 HOME FREEZER meats cut right, wrapped right. priced right. Call Levendale Meats TU. 4- 5801. tfc24 Any size Retail Planted & Guaranteed - Trees should be planted before the end of May RICHMOND TREE SERVICE and FORESTRY COMPANY Free.Advice Free Estimate TU 4-1221 Richmond Hi1 PIANO and music [mum Junior bed $35.00 or exchange for single bed. PR. 3-5100. Johnson motqu ifiglly iequipbéaâ€" $400.00. TU. 4-3469 HOME FREEZER meats cut right. .Wrapped right, priced right. Call Levendale Meats. TU. 4- 5801. tfc24 BABY PICTURES are priceless when taken by The Lagerquist Studio; TU. 4-2791. ‘ tfc12 2% H. P. Waterloo tractor with plow and cultivator. AV. 5-3368. c1w42 TRAILER. $60; Fridge 575 mi electric stove $40. TU. 4-3484. SET OF 4, 550 x 15 tires witfi tubes, $20. TU. 4-5350. c1w42 HOME Soft Water Conditioners, sale of floor model water soften- ers, like new, guaranteed, full price including installation $199. Terms arranged if desired. Call H. Sheppard, TU. 4-7433. c1w42 PETERBOROUGH BOAT with FUNK’S SEED FUNK'S SEED CORN, ensilage and grain corn varieties. Clifford L. Winger. Order now. Phone Gormley 5217. *2w42 HA‘;v for sale. AL. 7-2470, afte 5.30 pm. clwé BRIGHTEN UP that room now. Install a pre-fit window-unit. We have a complete stock of stand- a“ sizes on hand. Butler and Baird Lumber Limited. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1125. tfc41 Call I Frank's Movers and Stof- age, 28 Industrial Rd.. TU 4- 2613. th3 GOOD used furniture for sale WEDDING Invitations, engraved finest quality, reasonable prices. Quick service. "The Liberal," Phone TU. 4-1105 Richmond Hill Sales- Service - Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale In- cluding new and rebuilt standard, portable and electric models. Special rental rates avaUahle to students. _ 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 1‘ TIME TO PAINT UP Ser us for Crown Diamond Paint. Painter's pr'ces- BMW and. Befiid lumber Limited, Richmond Hill, TU. 4- 1125. tfc4l SYLVAPLY MYWOOD, handy panels, tapered hardwood table legs See them at Butler & Baird Lumber Ltd. 18] Yonge St. N. TU. 4-1125, AV 5-3506. tfc48 18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 14, 1960 STAN’S ‘GUNSMITH All Types Gun Repairs Gun Belts. Holsters New, Used Guns for sale Gun Rentals. Gun Racks Ammunition for all Guns Call evening, Stan, TU. 4-7 CASH RATES. first insertion 50 per word. min. charge .. Second and subsequent insertions it wording unchanged. 50 per word. min. charge . . . . . . .. FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. COMING EVENTS NOTICE: Sc per word: min. charge .. CARD 0!" THANKS. lN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per insertion Classified advertisements should be In as early In the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Send ads by mall and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive Invoice. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES TREES FOR SALES ARTICLES FOR SALE L. H. SIMS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Free Estimates Richmond Hill tfc41 TU. 4-2791 tzfc17 1'0. 4-1745 tfc49 c1w42 c1w42 tfc40 tfc24 ~7483 tfc37 1w42 LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT Carl Walker Sales & Service Victoria Square We have in stock: * Wheel Horse Garden Tractors * Ariens Imperial Riding Mowers * Ariens Rotary Garden Tillers * Toro Power Mowers BOY'S bicycle, excellent tion. $25. TU. 4-5504. 100 GAL. tank and deep well pump (needs some repairs) $50. Shallow well Beatty pump, 30 gal. tank $50.00. Remington-Rand electric book- keeping machine, automatic bal- ance $850.00. 2 five file strong-boxes (guaran- teed one hour exposure) 32" x 27" x 27”, $60.00 each. , Apply Central , Ontario Cattle Breeding Association, Maple, AL. 7-2206, or Box 349, Maple. c1w42 N‘IARVALOUNGE _ r9dpcing ma- A.---.‘- -‘uv..a Luv“, 0 onlua, CA- cellent condition. reasonable. AV. 5-3083. c1w42 INGLIS automatic washing ma- chine, like new, must be seen to be appreciated. No reasonable offer refused. TU. 4-5028. c1w42 {ELECTRIC motors, $5.00 each. one 11 ft. boat, needs some work. $10.00. 1 leather brief case new condition with key. $5.00. PR0 3-5534. *1w42 chine, $50. Also brieffié‘é $10. TU. 4-1517. c1w42 MLNK NECKEIECE, 3 skins, ex- em and 30 gal. tank and réhéIZrâ€"xig- stat $10.00. TU. 4-3790. *1w42 WELL ROTTED manure, $5 a load. Peat loam $7 a load. BA. 5-2712. tfc42 FOR BETTER lawns and flower- gardens, use Natural Organic Peat Loam. Call Oak Ridges Peat Ltd. PR .3-5413. tfc42 ELECTRIC rangetfe, 2 burners, oven. Excellent condition, nearly new. Cost $39., selling $22. TU. 4-5953. c1w42 GIRL’S 3 piece winter outfit, size 4. One size 5-6 and spring coat. 2 lady’s suits, size 16. Sump pump, guaranteed. All excellent condi- tion. AV. 5-1282. clw42 * Pincor Power Mowers * Wright Super Rebel Saws * Briggs & Stratton Engine Parts * Lauson Engine Parts Prompt repair service - all makes iPhone Gormley 5413 ELECTBIC water beatenwélem- 15 USED .22’s for sale, Marlin, Savage, Weather, Remington. Trade, sell or exchange. AV. 5- 2348. c2w42 BROWNIE UNIFORM, size 10 complete, $5.00. TU. 4-3877. SUMP PUMP and pipe, $28. AL- pine 7-8935. c1w42 BEDROOM SUITE. Hollywood bed, twin dressers. high boy. grey limed oak. Open for offer. Phone AV. 5-5006. c1w42 PIANO, reconditioned, upright $200.00. Call after 5 pm. TU. 4- 4704. r1w49 rug BOY'S BICYCLE, suitable for 8 to 10 years. In good condition. AV. 5-1849. c1w42 FOR SALE â€" Refrigerator. Good condition, New Unit. TUrner 4~ 7197. c1w42 GIRL’S ‘bicycle, medqu size $9931 condition, $16.00. TU. 4- OVAL dining room table and two buffets. 35 mm. camera. 16 gauge Winchester shotgun. AV. 5-3923. BOY’S bicycle, suitable for age 7-10. Excellent condition, $20.00. Phone AV. 5-4007. c1w42 GAS STOVE, deluxe Moffat, 36" with broiler. Phone TU. 4-7136. c1w42 1 FULL SIZE lady’s bicycle, in good condition, $15.00; 1 GE. Console radio, $15.00; Beatty washing machine, $10.00. All in good working order. TU. 4-2122. c1w42 REFRIGERATOR, coal range. 6 rings; electric range. George Say- ers, Don Mills Rd., lst house north of Stouffville Road at Gor- mley. c1w42 condition 'with parcel carriers. Phone TU. 4-1835. *1W42 LAWN MOWER, new, rubber tires, $5.00. 85 Yonge St. S. BICYCLES, two men’s, in good SINGER Sewing Machine for sale, $39.50. Private. AV. 5-5107. c2w41 9 ROSE colour broadloom plean and reasonable. AV. FOR SALE (Continued) condi- c1w42 *1w42 c1w42 c1w42 c1w42 clw42 c1w42 1.00 *1w42 850 500 75c tfc42 BABY CRADLE. TU. 4-3853 We buy used TV sets. Herridge Electric, TV and Appliance Re- pairs. 53 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3211. tfc40 SOD FIELD, highest price paid. TU. 4-2538. 02w42 tion, one owner car. Unionville 278. c1w42 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Casl‘ prices paid. Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613, AV. 5-5101. tfc7 DEAD STOCK Prompt removal, top prices paid for dead or disabled horses. cat~ tle, hogs. Small animals removed free. Call long distance, Zenith 32800. No toll charge. We are as close as your telephone Ed Pec- oni 8; Son Ltd., Box 11 Argyle. tfc39 gals., with power take-'off. ATlas 8-0882. c1w42 LIKE NEW, 1959 Rideau 500, 4 door sedan, 8 cylinder, dual range automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes. $2500. TU. 4-3840. c1w42 1953 CHEVROLET 9% ton pick-' up, good condition, Unionville 278. c1w42 1948 DODGE, running order, bargain. Reasonable ofier. Union- ville 278. c1w42 and 1949 Ford. All parts cheap. Phone AV. 5-5335. c1w42 M.G.T.D. or good used car. Pref- erably convertible. Will pay up to $600.00 cash. Private, prin- cipals only. PR. 3-5100. c1w42 DEAD FARM STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or disabled horses and cattle. Small animals and pigs removed free. Phone collect Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2538. Bill Megens and Sons. Please phone promptly, any gme. C33 PIANO WANTED Any size or make. pay cash, phone Toronto LE. 4-9419. collect. tics DEAD STOCK Highest prices for dead and dlsâ€" abled horsfieercagtle and hogs. RAY VIVIAN Phone Markham 1160J collect or UL. 2-3891 (Uxbridge) 7 day, 24 hr. service call anytime. We guarantee that no animal or portion of animal collected by our company will be resold for human consumption. tfc 34 ORCHARD SPRAYER. 100-1 50 transmission. Excellent condition. AV. 5-1212. c1w42 1930 MODEL A FORD. $100.00 or will take trade. AL. 7-1544. NEW rebuilt Austin motor. Reasonable. Can be test driven in car. AV. 5-1903. c1w42 1954 AUSTIN, new paint, very good condition, $350 or best off- er. Phone TU. 4-0003. *1w42 1953 Chev. de luxe, automatic $50 1949 CHEV. new master cyl- inder, new brakes and battery, good running order. TU. 4-5310. c1w42 1959 VAUXHALL Victor, 13,000 miles, one owner. 291 N. Taylor Mills D12, Richmond Hill. Pri- vate. After 6. c1w42 MRS. Hadley’s own car, 1957 Studebaker, perfect condition. PR. 3-5233 or PR. 3-5201. c1w42 WRECKING 1950 PLYMOUTH 1950 DODGE, excellent condi- ’53 GMC 34 TON truck. Good con- dition. AT. 8-0882. c1w42 1951 CHEV. Coach deluxe, cus- tom radio and slip covers, com- plete motor overhaul within the year. 5 regular, 2 snow tires. $250 cash or best cash offer. AV. 5-3745. c1w42 BAILIEY Tire changer, used one year, $35.00. clw42 BELL Piano, excellent condition. TU. 4-4983. clw42 .22 Winchester automatic, tele- scopic sight. .410 Stevens, shn' gun. TU. 4-2615. c1w42 LAWN MOWERS, Garden trac- tors, tillers. lawn sprinklers, ev- erything for lawn and garden. going at low low prices. This is a genuine Spring season sale. First come first served. Don't put it off! Do it now! Cail on us today at the sign of The Big Snowman 2 miles North of Rich- mond Hill on No. 11 Highway. Yes... It’s Stan Troyer's Lawn 8; Garden Equipment with Sales 8: Service. tfc42 2 CHAIRED Chesterfield suite Good condition. AV. 5-3326. lst CLASS hay. TU. 4-2533 USED CARS AND TRUCKS CASH FOR YOUR OLD TV USED CARS WANTED FOR SALE WANTED (Con dnued) clw-tz c1w42 c1w42 c1w42 SANITARY CONTRACTOR Complete septic tank and weep- ing bed installation. Satisfaction guaranteed, reasonable rates, Call Murray Baker. Newmarket TW. 5â€"4151. tfc40 TEEN-AGE .Dressmaking Con- test. Enroll now for the Teen- age Contest. Many prizes. ‘En- quire at your Singer Sewing Centre, 18A Yonge St. N., Rich- mond Hill. TU. 4-2931. 02w41 Rotovating and garden mainten- ance, call Joe Hamptm. TU. 4‘ 2420. tfc41 MUSIC learn to play drums, vib- raphone and Latin American in’ struments. Tuition given. PA. 7- 9373. c2w41 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee; Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV 5-1682 tfc43 Free Advice Free Estimates TU. 4-1221 Richmond Hill TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS tfc41 LOAM, sod, sand and gravel, call Joe Hampton. TU. 4-2420. tfc41 BOB’S WASHER SERVICE For all makes of washers and driers. TU. 4-3949. c4w41 POST HOLE DIGGING Post Hole digging, call Joe Hampton. TU. 4-2420. t£c41 ADULT Dressmaking Course. En- quire at your Singer Sewing Centre, 18A Yonge St. N., Rich- mond Hill, TU. 4-2931. c2w41 Frank’s Moving 8; Cartage. pack- Ing and storage. Experienced service anytime. Pickup and de- livery. Good rates. TU; 4-2613, AV. 5-5101. tfc16 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. PR. 3-5707. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill tfc8 PRECISION lathe-work by ex- perienced workman. Reasonable rates. Guaranteed workmanship. L. Boomhower, 217 Colborne Ave. Phone TU. 4-1262 . tfc6 MINOR HOME REPAIRS Alterations and carpentry work by reliable tradesmen. Howard Croutch, AV. 5-1971. tfc18 Repaired, Cleaned, Restyled. Insured cold fur storage. KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Stop 21A Yonge St. AV. 5-1172 t CH EXCAVATING & GRADING Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 5-5332. tfc48 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations and repairs, prompt service. RUBBER STAMPS, all kinds any size. Quick service. The Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. UPHOLSTERING and repairing Apply F. Graham. Lake Road, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5691. tfc27 e TV SERVICE Reliable. 240 South Taylor Mills Drive, Beverley Acres. TU. 4- 4347. Stan. Kucharski. tfc35 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood. Richmond Hill. TU. 4â€"5072. tfc40 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701. THE FURNITURE SHOPPE - We specializé in recovering and remodelling Chesterfield suites. Phone AV. 5-5201. 44 Levendale Rd., Richmond Hill. tfc32 RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE Light pick-up and delivery. TU. 4-1812. tch S. Hoffman Formerly of Gerard Heintzman Work guaranteed. Free estimates Phone Liberal Ofi'ice. TU. 4-1105; evenings RUssell 2-6516. Toronto Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813. tfc52 PIANO TUNING 8: REPAIRING RICHMOND TREE SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS SEWER ALTERATIONS & INSTALLATIONS PAYNE CONTRACTING AV. 5-1153 DRUGS Richvale Rexan Pharmacy Free AU'Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed AV. 5-3773 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 WALKER _& MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 SEPTIC TANKS Installed and repaired. Harry Smith, AV. 5-1578 and FORESTRY COMPANY MOVING 8; STORAGE SAME DAY TV ANTENNA SERVICE TU. 4-4749 ROTOVATING UPHOLSTERY TRENCHING excavating. LOAM FURS tfc31 tfc43 tfc41 tfc13 GENERAL Carpentry, recreation rooms and cottages built to your plans. TU. 492505 after 5 pm. c2w42 HOME WINDOW CLEANERS Windows cleaned, walls washed, basements cleaned. All spring cleaning done very reasonably. Tu, 4-7962. c1w42 ROTOTILLING Gardens and preparing lawns for landscaping. Reasonable rates. AV. 5-2850. c4w42 shrubs, free estimates; TU: 4- 4983. c1w42 WHO? WHAT? WHERE? Why, now the snow has departed but The Big Snowman remains to serve your Spring Garden needs. Every type of equipment now go- ing at low low prices in our great Spring Clearance Sale. Mowers, Tractors, Tillers, what- ever you need for lawn and gar- den, is now yours at ridiculous ices from Stan Troyer, 2 miles north of Richmond Hill on Yonge Street North. Call today. First come - first served. Thank you. tfc42 Repairs. Antennas a specialty JACK AND LEE TV .. .... .. TU. 4-3811 .. .. HOOD’S RUG 8; UPPOLSTERY CLEANERS We clean, shampoo and moth- proof in your home. Modern method, reasonable prices. TU. 4-5322 TU. 4-2932 PRUNING. Fruit tres, hedges. DRIVEWAYS graded and gravel spread, asphalt patched with cold mix Lawns rolled with powâ€" er roller. TU. 4-1538. tfc40 GENERAL Carpentry. recreation rooms and cottages built to your plans. TU. 4-2505 after 5 pm. _7 CALL E. W. PAYNE for septic tank systems and repairs, sewer installations. basemen‘ water- proofing, all types of concrete work around your home, general home improvement, alterations and additions. No job too small. free estimates. AV. 5-1153. tfc35 WEDDING invitations, printed or engraved, Finest quality at a reasmable price. The Liberal. phone TU. 4-1105. ‘ t! WELL DRILLING King City Drilling Co. Ltd., repairing, pumps installed and re- paired. Formerly George Adams. Box 192 King City. TE. 3-63:1. t C46 TV, radio, record players repair- ed, expert workmanship. free es- timates. Vaughan TV. AL. 7-8735. c4w40 RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE TV & RADIO Service, antenna in- stallations. Car radios. Same day service. 50 Yonge St. S. AV. 5- 3756. tfc44 CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple ALplne 7-8876. tfc'l EDYTHE’S Dressmaking Shoppe. Ladies’ custom dressmaking and alterations. Mrs. Warwick, 7 Col- borne Street. Thornhill. AV. 5- 4204. tfc26 Painting, carpentry and plumb- ing. Free estimates. AV. 5-2842. . tfc32 PAINTING 8.: PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholsteriug, cabinet work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill. tfc31 FRONT END LOADER Bulldozer, no float charge. Avail- able immediately. Carl Herman. PR. 3-5678. tfc28 FRANK'S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. Lic50 Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating, roof flashings, etc. Free estimates. Work guaranteed TU. 4-1006. ‘ tfc37 CARPENTRY Recreation rooms, kitchens. re- modelling, no job too small. Call Graham at TU. 4-7893. c4w39 ANYTHING in painting paper- hanging. Free estimates A. ,Rol- linson, R. R. 1 King. Phone TE. 3-6671. tfc19 Radio TV Service Repairs to all makes TU. 4-5846 455 Alper St. Richmond Hill tfc42 MISCELLANEOUS F. DUVALL AND SONS GENERAL CONTRACTORS ELGIN’S ELECTRONICS SHEET METAL WORK PROFESSIONAL TREE SERVICE Custor_n_ Chaig iSawmg TU. 4-4031 Free Estimates CHIMNEYS (Continued) TU. 4-2932 tfc42 c1w42 c2w40 tfc25 Telephone Operators FULL PAY WHILE TRAINING Representatives HANDLING BUSINESS CON- TACTS WITH CUSTOMERS GRADUATING THIS YEAR APPLY NOW FOR INTERESTING POSITIONS AVAILABLE AT THE END OF YOUR SCHOOL YEAR MAN to assist in all round work at kennel of pure-bred dogs in Thornhill. Either full or part time. Apply Box 283 Thornhlll, 0n- tario. c1w42 CLERK for men's wear store. Reply stating age, experience and salary, Richmond Hill. Apply Box 68 The Liberal. OPENING for one salesman in busy Richmond Hill Realty 0f- fice. Call Mr. Shields. TU. 4- 3805. David McLeaz. Ltd. Real- tr: Richmond Hill. c1w29 BABY SITTER, one day every other week. TU. 4-5052. c2w40 AGGRESSIVE salesman for es- tablished bread route, local area. Salary and commission. $60.00 minimum plus hospital benefits. AXminster 3-3241. After 6 pm. AV. 5-2766. c1w42 Manufacturer Requires Experienced general shop man for full time work. 5 day week and usual employee benefits. Ap- ply in person. Saturday morn- ing 9-11 am. April 16th. Gran- ger Adanac Ltd. 5382 Yonge St. Willowdale. c1w42 in writing on or before April 21, stating qualifications. Secretary- treasurer. Richmond Hill Public School Board, 316 Kerswell Dr., Richmond Hill, Ont. c1w42 EXPERIENCED service station attendant. Apply Henry’s Esso Station, Yonge St. and the Gam- ble Road. TU. 4-5861. c3w42 WOMAN to do housework and prepare dinner, 1 pm. to 5 pm. Monday to Friday, AV. 5-1268. clw42 CARE'l-‘AKER, full time. Apply PAR’T TIME office help to han- dle complete office routine, typ- ing. AV. 5-3672. c1w42 WANTED Protestant Teacher for S. S. No. 3 Markham at Headford. Grades 1-6. State Salary and qualifica- t'ons. Duties commence Septem- blér 6, 1960. Apply to Cummer Lee. Gormley R.R. No. 2. Ont. Secretary Treasurer. c2w42 “SPRINGTIME IS IDEAL TO START IN OUR BUSINESS: We still have some well-built runs available. Our cosmetic, culinar- ies, medicines, farm products, in- secticides are all guaranteed. Ask for our 30 day’ trial Plan. JITO, Dept B. 5130 St. Hubert St., Montreal." WOMAN for housework, possibly live in. AV. 5-4645. I"1w42 FUR REPAIRS Remodelled at reasonable prices. free estimates. TU. 4-4317. c1w42 FURS - W. HAMILTON 71 Yongehurst Rd. TU. 4-2452 Repairs, re-styling, insured cold- storage, new garments made to order. CLERK-stenographer - qualified for general office work. Refer- ences. Richmond Hill area, tranâ€" sportation provided. Good salary for experienced girl. Box No. 69 The Liberal. c1w42 EXPERIENCED typist required, Richmond Hill office. AV. 5â€"1105. c1w42 VARIED AND INTERESTING WORK 25 years personal experience ROTOVATING, Aerating. Lawn Maintenance. Phone TU. 4-1170. Tom Mashinter. tfc42 ELECTRICIAN For anything electrical â€" repairs - alterations - motors â€" pole lines - free estimates. TU. 4-5216. HOLLANDIA COMMERCIAL CLEANING Windows, Walls, floors, carpets. We contract offices, stores, res- taurants. Supervisor, W. A. Van- Grootel, Box 491 Oak Ridges. Telephone PR. 3-5133. c4w42 HOUSEKEEPER. Week ends free. Two- children. TU. 4-7197. c1w42 FEMALE HELP wanted. tele- phone between 6 and 7 pm. TU. 4-2651. *1w42 NURSES. registered, 3 full time, 1 part time. TU. 4-2651. *1w42 MISCELLANEOUS Typist: TYPIN G SKILL REQUIRED TYPING & 'SH'ORTHAND REQUIRED THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 76 Adelaide Street West Toronto HELP WANTED Business Office Stenographers (Continued) FEMALE Clerks c1w42 c1w42 tfc42 FOR QUICK RESULTS USE “THE LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS ' TU. 4-1105 SEWING â€" babies' and child- ren’s. 161 Baker Ave., Apt. 6. TU. 4-7020. c1w42 PAINTING, grass cutting and odd jobs. AV. 5-4218 01‘ TU. 4-4782. c1w42 ENERGETIC High School girl, 18, seeks summer employment, conscientious, hard worker. Ap- ply Box 63 The Liberal. *3w42 Accountant â€" Office Manager 5 years in present employment - seeks position for advancement. Fully experienced including Cost Accounting, all phases of Office Management, purchases, sales etc. Box 70 The Liberal. c1w42 DAY CARE for one or two CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms. additions and garages. No job too small. Tom Price, AV. 5-3653. c8w40 JANITOR SERVICE, store and office cleaning. General mainten- ance. PRospect 3-5040. c2w41 ren in my own home. 161 Ave., Apt. 6, TU. 4-7020. OPENING for one enerp‘etic Real Estate salesman. Apply to Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176. Evening AV. 5-2742. David McLean Ltd.. Real- tbrs. ~ c1w31 Practical. for nursing home. Van ious shifts. PRospect 3-5141: for S. S. No. 6 Markham on Don Mills Rd.. 4 miles from Metro. Grades 1-5, approximate enrol- ment 26. Salary to $4400 accord- ing to qualifications. Reply stat- ing experience and name of last inspector to Mrs. Carroll Bolen- der, R. R. 2 Gormley. c3w40 PROTESTANT teacher GARDENER by day to plant, care for} flowers, cut lawn and feed horses occasionally. 5 miles east of Richmond Hill. Call Gormley EXPERIENCED teacher wanted for S. S. No. 8 Whitchurch to act as principal and teach senior room. Apply, stating salary and name and address of last inspec- tor to Mrs. Edna Ratcliff. R. R. 4 Stouffville, Ontario. c2w42 GENERAL maintenance man for the Township School Area of Vaughan buildings. Duties to in- clude supervision and general maintenance, as time permits. Reply, stating age, qualifications, experience and salary expected â€" to Mr. N. C. Jackman, Secret- ary-treasurer, T.S.A. of Vaugh- an, Municipal Buildng, Maple, Ontario. c1w42 EXPERIENCED handy-man to do carpentry and cleaning cellars and garages etc., evenings and Saturdays. TU. 4-4137. tfc23 REGISTERED Nurs Nursing Assistants 5 Nurses required. V: Miss Mackie, ’lhe ‘ Hospital. AV. 5-4931 THE PRUDENTIAL Il‘ nus PHUUENl‘lAL. Insurance Company of America has an op» ening for a clel‘k-typiat, 17-25 years of age. graduate High School student. 5 day week. ex- cellent employee benefits. Apply at 18 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill or telephone TU. 4-7501. WILLOWDALE STUDIO requires part time commercial artist, ex- perience necessary. Tel. Art Dir- ector, BAldwin 5â€"2369. clw42 NquT dishwasher wanted. Ap- ply Pop’s Restaurant, 194 Yonge St. Richmond Hill. tfc42 EXPERIENCED woman willing to look alter farnlly in mother's absence; also baby fitting. TU. (-3158. tic23 5508 HELP WANTED Girls’ Dress Shoes, black leather, swing strap by “Savage” 81/2 to 21/2 Girls’ Vinyl Car Coats, With fancy trim, plain shades, up to 6x Girls’ Corduroy Coat Sets with embroidery and lace, 1, 2 and 3 Men’s Beige Cord Wind- breakers, self collar and cufl’s, rayon lined Boys’ Holland Suede Windbreakers, lined, up to size 6:: SIMPSUN’S DRY GOODS 12 Yonge St. S. SIMPSUN’S DRY GOODS EMPLOYMENT W ANTED (Continued) NURSES ses. Certified and Practical arious shifts. Villa Private wanted child- Baker c1w42 c4w41 clw41 *3w42 tfc33 fiTrREMELY well secured short term 3rd mortgage for sale. Shows over 5% return on inyesAt: ment. TU. 4-3263 MORTGAGE WANTED $30,000 first mortgage required for $80,000 block of five stores, 71/4, per cent interest, good cov- enant. Inquire without obligation. (Taifiwr. McLean, AV. 5-1176. Da- vid McLean Ltd. Realtors. clw39 near 5-1321 for 1 gentlemen. Permanent only TU. 4-3758. c1w4: BRIGHT bedroom. board and laundry, suitable for one gentle- man. Conveniences of home. AV. 5- 4228. c1'-\'~.12 LADY’S small ‘ “Rolex” wrist‘ watch. Vicinity Allencourt Plaza, or 318 Taylor Mills Drive Sgut_h‘. Reward. TU. 4-4461. PRIV ROOM AND BOARD available LADY’S gold wrist watch, on Friday, April 8. Reward. TU. 4- 5200. c1w42. ROOM and BOARD SELF CONTAINED bachelor TRANSPORTATION WANTED Elgin Mills West and Yonge St. to Eglinton Subway or Eaton's Main Store. Arrive by 8.45 am. Returning 5.45 pm. TU. 4-7545. c1w42 GOOD ‘FARMHOUSE, close to highway and 400. Immediate pos- session. Apply AL. 7-8939. c1w42 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT CENTRAL RICHMOND “ILL 111 modern triplex building. Elec- trica‘ly equipped Adults only. TU. 4-2883. c1w42 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Richmond Hill to Aurora. Monday to Fridays. TU. 4-7236. - clw42 RIDE WANTED from Centre St. East to subway, arriving approx- imately 8 a.m. TU. 4:3294. c1w42 ENGINEER wishes board and room in good Catholic home in Richmond Hill. Preferably with English speaking people. Will- ing to help high school student with mathematics. TU. 4-3592. ROOM & BOARD, one gentle- man, $15.00 weekly. Parking. TU. ROOM AND BOARD wanted for gentleman, central location in Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3261. TRANSPORTATION wanted from Central Richmond Hill to Northtown Plaza. Arriving 8.30 am. returning 5 pm. TU. 4-3273". DOGS available for good homes. Impounding Kennels, Duflerin Street. Maple. Telephone AL. 7- 1511. m3 RABBITS, all white, 7 weeks old. PRospect 3-5672. 1w42 REGISTERED baby budgles from talking strain. also breeders. TU. £22057 tfc23 9 BUDGIES, large flight cage, 4 nesting boxes. TU. 4-7485. _ BEAGLE, 18 months, child’s pet. Free to a good country home. TU. 4-4029. c1 HZ FREE to a good home, 4 cute black and white kittens. AV. 5- 3946. c1w42 TWO LITTLE KITTENS to any- one who will give them a good home, 16 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill, U. 4-1856. c2w42 4â€"7460 SELF CONTAINED bachelor ap- artment for <tw6 men. 86 Spruce Ave.', Ricllvale, AV. 5-4373 after 5 pm. tfc42 PETS FOR SALE MORTGAGES Richmond Hill ATE ROOM 8: BOARD, Yonge. separate bath. AV. . . *1w39 LOST $550 $7.95 $695 $195 $393 c1w42 c1w42 c1w42 c1w42 1-3273. *1w42 c1\v42 1w42

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