-.._ :7. of the disease. This spread â€" called Metastasis by doctors â€" may take place early or late and may be extensive or limited. For instance a primary cancer in the lung may have metatasized to the brain without detection and cause trouble there after the primary has been removed. 1 Correspondent: Mrs. B. Lepkey Phone AV. 5-3489 The April general meeting of the Thornlea Home and School Association was held April 13 with Mrs. Wright presiding. After reading the minutes of the prev- ious meeting, Mrs. McQueen read the new Thornlea Home and School by-law regarding: (a) The name (b) Title of officers (c) Time and night of meetings (d) Annual scholarship - pro- ï¬ciency award. 7 It was also decided a quorum for association meetings would consist of one-third of member- ship. Annual membership fees would be raised to $1.00. Mr. Kinzinger was called our to speak and he asked parents to take note of the times the cross- ing guard was at Bayview and No. 7 Highway. The times are listed in the home and school bul- letin sent home by pupils last week. Some pupils are arriving at school before 8.15 am. and no staff is present at that time. Mr. Kinzinger then introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Frost of the Board of Trustees, Markham School Area No. 1. Mr. Frost told of the problems that faced the new trustees at their ï¬rst board meeting. He said there are about 300 pupils from new subdivisions in the southwest to be accommo- dated. The board recommends a new school site east of Bayview and increased capacity at Hender- son Avenue school. The board has permission to build a new school when they feel the need arises. 150 Markham children attend school in Vaughan and will do so for another year. The speaker brought the good news of a plan- ned extension program for Thornlea. He said the architect had been instructed to draw up plans for two more class rooms, cloak room, teachers’ room and a play room. A very interesting question period followed, when Mr. Frost was asked if he realized the lunch hour problems of Thornlea as such a large number of children stay for lunch. It was asked if there had been any fur- ther effort to obtain stoplights at No. 7 and Bayview, a very dan- gerous corner for children. Kin- dergarten children will still be going to Vaughan Township schools. In the biophysics research department of the Princess Margaret Hospital, Dr. Jan Cederlund, an exchange Fellow from.Sweden, is experimenting with a ponderous machine called a total body scanner which it is hoped will locate cancer cells that have emigrated from the original growth to other parts of the body Determining the extent, scope and location of the spread of cancer cells from the original growth is one of the most seri- ous problems in ‘the treatment The body scanner works by de- tecting radio-active substances given to the patient, which are taken up by the cancer cells. The body is then surveyed by the de- vice which contains a detector sensitive to the rays given off by the radio-active compounds. ilï¬'WTracing Cancer Spread With Body Scanner Machine 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 21, 1960 Mrs. McQueen reported on the recent telephone survey held by the executive. 78% were in favor of carrying on the association; 15% were not interested and 7% just did not attend. Mrs. Wilkins reported the fam- ily dance night very successful. The problem of York Univer- sity was raised by Mrs. Hutchin- son and after discussion it was decided that it would be of great educational and cultural advan- tage to the community. It was decided to write a letter of opin- ion to any ‘influential body, in favor of having the university on the Langhtaï¬ jail farm prop- erty. Birthday greetings to Ann Sher- man. Master Feeds Farm. who celebrated her 15th birthday on April 13. Former friends of Gizelle Kan- er were happy to see her spend- ing her Easter holidays with her sister, Mrs. Bailey. Sussex Ave. Gizelle moved with her parents to Niagara Falls, last fall. Your correspondent hopes all her readers enjoyed the pleasant spring weather during Easter week end. Don’t let today’s (Mon- day) weather dampen your gar- dening enthusiasm because it can’t last for ever and warm weather is bound to come to stay soon. i Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars Can You Count On Safe Stops? Good brakes are a “must†for safe stops. Have the peace of mind of being 100% brakewise. Come in for a brake check. If needed we’ll reline and adjust them. ‘ COOK'S BP THORNLEA ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 The difficulties, Dr. Cederlund explains, lie in ï¬nding radio-ac- tive materials which are depost- ed in tumorous cells rather than in normal cells and at the same time are short-lived enough not to cause damage. The mechanics are quite sim- ple. The patient lies on a metal “bed†and underneath him the crystal, encased in a 1,500-pound lead ball roams back and forth and up and down under the bed looking for cancer. An mgenious focusing device for the sodium iodide crystal, by means of which 37 chambers converge from the crystal which is ï¬ve inches in di- ameter to a small opening. was developed by Dr. Harold Johns, head of the Physics Department, Dr. Cederlund and Mr. A. D. Rot- enberg, who operates_the scanner: TO ENTER:â€" VISIT ANY STORE BELOW 8. REEEIVE FREE COUPON. SIGN YOUR NAME & DEPOSIT SLIP. â€" No OBLIGATION. We are now carrying a com- plete line of Dr. Johns, who in 1951 built the world's ï¬rst cobalt 60 unit, sup- ervises a number of experiments on the effects of varying amounts of radiation on different kinds of cells. His work is supported by Materâ€"nity Sports & Dress Wear Naturally, a well-constructed steel track is required under- neath the bed to carry the 1,300 pounds of lead, and there is also a device for indicating where in the body new cancer growths may be developing. Dr. Johns points out that the scanner is still in the experimen- tal stage. “We have to keep try- ing until we can ï¬nd a radio-ac- tive isotope with the right char- acteristics. Then we hope that the machine will be a useful clin- ical tool.†. TU. 4-1812 ALL HOUR Delivery Toronto 8: District ‘ RICHVALE, ONT. STOP 22A‘ AV. 5-3821 Gliddens Paint Giftware Boots & Shoes I. D. 189E Centre TU. 4-1313 1v1uu1v paint. Phone ALpine 7-1121 Maple |.A W R I E HARDWARE Benjamin Moore M. HARDWARE - PAINTS IMPERIAL GASOLINE & OIL GIFT SHOP - Second Floor K ET OLA POWER EQUIPMENI 7571 Yonge St., Thornhill Lawn mowers - tractors - power saws and small engines. SALES. & SERVICE AV. 5-1538 LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR C 0 L L I N S HARDWARE TU. 4-296] RICHMOND HIIL Announcing for all occasions Blue Coal & Fuel Oil Richmond Hill RAMER THE LIBERAL POLAROID “HOME OF THE WEEK" ’atti - oL'u ALL HOURS 8. SON Dbl/275 the Ontario Cancer Foundation and the National Cancer Institute of Canada, which recently pro- There are 7'7 children at the Orange Home, along with a staff of 14 personnel, headed by Ma- tron S. Frecthy â€" and, as Mrs. Freethy puts it, “Being a house- keeper at this time of year, with eggs so expensive is not easy. But we always see that each child has at least three eggs a week, no matter what the price. This an- nual egg collection by the Aur- ora Lodge is a wonderful thing and we appreciate it_very much.†At the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home, north of Richmond Hill, the legend of the Easter Bunny is not just a one-day affair. For Easter time is the period of the year when the Aurora Orange Lodge makes its annual egg collection for the Orange Home through local .schools, and by many cash donations received to buy eggs â€" Grade A hens’ eggs that is! 5,000 Easter Eggs For Orange Home At Easter time, 100 dozen eggs were delivered to the Home, and as a result of the collection an- other 3600 are reserved in cold storage. Matron orders 30 dozen lots when needed until the “egg bank" is used up. ‘ Several Easter Bunnies visited the Home over the Easter holiday and left chocolate and candy eggs too and a large quantity of choc- olate eggs were received in time for Easter from Georgetown. STARTS MON., APRIL 25 Bargains For Everyone! REXALL ONE CENT SALE FLOWER SHOP Shell Service Station KEN RUSTON R 0 S E GARDEN SUPPLIES AND ‘al egg collection by the Aur- a Lodge is a wonderful thing d we appreciate it very much.†At Easter time, 100 dozen eggs are delivered to the Home, and a result of the collection an- he'r 3600 are reserVed in cold )rage. Matron orders 30 dozen is when needed until the “egg nk" is used up. . Several Easter Bunnies visited e Home over the Easter holiday id left chocolate and candy eggs 0 and a large quantity of choc- ate eggs were received in time r Easter from Georgetown. Mr. Collins, Wérasked MrS. Freethy how they divide the candy eggs am- ong the children and she told us they are given out at dessert time, following their supper. “We have a dental clinic looking after the children’s teethâ€, she smilineg told us, “and we don‘t like to un- do the good work. But since the children clean their teeth night and morning‘we feel that if they have candy right after their meals no damage teeth. She also added that allot- ing the candy eggs alike to each child ensures no tummy aches at manager of thethe Easter season. will result to their N0 FINANCES CHARGES THEATRE BLOCK PHONE TU. 4-1282 NEW & USED CARS RICHMOND HILL FOR ONE YEAR ON W l G H T' S PHARMACY 28 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 2 Miles North of Richmond Hill LITTLE &SONLTD. AV. 5-4211 HIGHWAY 11 TU. 4-1521 TU. 4-7821 CLEANERS TU. 4-1911 JEWELLERS SINK! Richmond Hill Woolworths store, visited the Orange Home on Eas- ter morning with all his surplus stock of candy eggs; Woolworths. Toronto, also sent eggs, and a gentleman from Newmarket who said, “Just call me the Easter Bunnyâ€, called at the home and left a varied collection of colour- ed eggs. Yes, you too might win a Polaroid Land Camera. Simply visit any one of the stores listed here for your free coupons. There’s nothing to buy. no jingles to write . . simply sign your name and deposit the slip. A loca41 draw will be held monthly so you stand a good chance of winn ng. ommerce AV. 5-5321 Licencea Mechanics Yonge at Bunker, Thornhill The Only BP SERVICE in T H o R N. H I LL PAINT SUPPLIES Ramona HILL 1' V & CAMERA If you are the householder of this home, call at “The Liberal" office and you will receive FREE a $5.00 purchase order good at one of the places of business shown here. LADIES’, MEN’S AND CHILDREN’S READY TO WEAR Yard Goods, BootS. Shoes, Rubbers 12 YON GE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL Exterior House Paint While Supply Lasts 7707 YONGE ST. THORNHILL, ONT. McATEER’S so YONG: 51'; 5. AV. 5-3756 SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS DO YOU LIVE IN THIS HOUSE? Special $4.95 a gal. AV. 5-1833 Your Polaroid Headquarters SALES & SERVICE Cameras - TV - and Hi-Fi BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE Win a Polaroid Land Camera Thornhill Lawn Mowers, Outboard Motors Overhauled SERVICE AL 8. TOM'S BA SERVICE STATION “The best in home-made bread and pastries†55 Yonge St. S. Yonge & Clarke Sts., Stop 14A g5 Thornhill, Ontario Phone AV. 5-2961 Tune-ups For All Makes of Cars FOR DELIVERY TU. 4-5581 NOW â€" DRY AN} DAY! with the famous GAS DRYER (Manufactured by the Dominion Division of Beauy Bms. Ltd.) Canada’s oldest name in Iaundryequjpment. and other features usually found only in much higher-priced dryers. lOOK A'l' THESE FEATURES 2-FAN AIRFLOW SYSTEM for greater air flow and faster drying with even heat. 3 POSITION SELF-CHUTE DOOR for easy loading and sorting. AUTOMATIC IGNITION. COMPLETELY AUTOMATICâ€"High, low and medium drying with autom‘atic controlled timer. Dries Clothesâ€"faster. cleaner and flufï¬er. 18 lb.-full load; | Compactâ€"only 2'6' x 26' x 40' high AUTOMATIC No. 7 Hwy. W. & Yongo Thornhill Call AV. 5-3251 AV. 5-1535 TWEED. TWEED, TWEED, at the MURRAY MOTORS Where you SEW much for SO little 80A YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL Garden Centre EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN TU. 4-2819 21 Yonge N. Phone TUrner 4- 1213 A P R l D H A M' S PAINT & WALLPAPER WALTER RICHVALE HARDWARE Paints - Enamels - Varnishes Stains NEW VOLKSWAGENS ONLY $1595 Try One Today The Birdies Now Sing FABRIC FAIR Yonge St. . Thornhill STOP 22 YONGE ST. PHONE AV. 5-361] THORNH ILL I.G.A. FOODLINER LOWEST PRICES FREE PREMIUMS Mama With the HOUNDSTOOTH RICHMOND HILL â€" AVenue 5-3722 CHECK, paints paints lat‘ '"E @onsumeIS'Cflas Sterling Reid TU. 4-5011 SHELTON MANSELI. MOTORS Complete Collision as Reï¬nishing Service AUTO BODY SHOP Bicycles: C.C.M. & Raleigh Repairs to All Makes Complete Line of Sporting Goods Phone TUmer 4-1213 25 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. 41/; CM, 6" 5;?0l't Fine Diamonds Ltd. Doors ‘ Moulding - Plywood Paint - Wallboards Butler 8. Baird lumber Ltd. Corner of Yonge St. and Eigin Mills Rd. Richmond Hill PROCTOR'S “Everything For the Home Builder" 191 Yonge St. North ALLENCOURT SHOPPING PLAZA Members of the Canadian Jewelers Association REID'S All Work Guaranteed 75 YONGE ST. s. TU. 4-7331 TU. 4-5631 only Cities Service Quality Products AV. 5-3902 TU. 4-1125 AV. 5-3506 Telephone COMPANY .00 a on your gas bill Look Better! IN CLOTHES CLEANED WIMBRIDGE CLEANERS SPECIAL THIS WEEK â€" 1959 Renault - Dauphine Hill City Motors Industrial Road Richmond Hill TU. 4-3331 AV. 5-3338 1'". 4-32“ 53 N. Yonge St. Herridge Electric Models on Display at 9020 Yonge St., Richvalo AVenue 5-1109 L0 U G H L I N LUMBER a. SUPPLY Protect your car with a G A R A G E Free All Day Motorized Delivery RICHVALE R E X A L L PHARMACY week Richmond Hill & Appliance Repair 12x20 $335.00 $17.00 MONTH ._ LIMITED â€" TU. 4-2162 9014 Yonge St. AV. 5-37 72 Feel Better! from