The Inner Wheel of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill are hold- ing a dessert bridge at the Sum- mit Restaurant on Wednesday, April 27th at 1.15 pm. The pro- ceeds are to be spent on the welfare activities of the club. The many prizes have been don- ated by members and local mer- chants to whom rmany thanks are extended. Special thanks to the. Convenor, Mrs. A. McLatchy and her able committee, Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. J. Rice, Mrs. W. Murray, Mrs. R. Chandler and all members who have co-operat- ed to make what is sure to be a most enjoyable afternoon. Tables by arrangement only. for infor- mation, phone TU. 44733. TU. 4-2124 or TU. 4-4194. E. P. (“Captâ€) Leno, and for the number of well-wishers vwho Visi- ted him at his home, Leisure Lane on that bright sunny day. These visitors included relatives and friends from “Down South" in the United States, Virginia, Florida, and from a number of points in Ontario. Mr. Leno was also the recipient of many let.- ters and messages of congratul- ation also appropriate anniver- lary gifts. 201 Rumble Ave. Celebration of his 86th birth- day on Tuesday, April 19th, prov- gd _a yegy happy event for Mr. Enjoying themselves at the “Bunny Hop" sponsored by the Eaton Junior Executive and held at the Casa Loma last, night were; Susan Gillard, Sandy Smith, Lesley Webb. Bryan Mills, Sharon Haymnn, Mike Baln. Jen- nifer Crack. Peter Purvis. Marje Aug and Bruce Wilson. The Mem’ Club of St. Mary’s Anglican Church have planned a Corporate Communion and break- fast next Sunday morning at eight o’clock for the men of the parish. Industrial Commissioner ii. Langford will be guest spea- er. I“ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. Aprï¬ 21, 1960 * 20 WASHERS ‘ * é DRYERS * Cost approx. 4c lb. * Constant supply soft water * Fully automatic Use as many machines as you need. ‘ Do a week’s wash in an hour. AMPLE FREE PARKING FOB SATISFACTION USE LIBERAL C'IASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 RELIABLE MOWER SERVICE .. 7 iv ~â€"o -v- m: “WINN- Th. secret is inside the Whirlwind’s unique ht o-nn «elusive Toro duign, 'It has none of the im Earl and camera that cause ordinary rotaries t( clumpsâ€"clippings have a clear track to be blow due bag or dispgrsed nniformly over your lawn! a EASY COIN LAUNDRY , 7777‘ â€"v'-â€" â€"----v-“ AW&‘“ Auto Whirlwind cut: grass as no other rotary doesâ€"with a new “Wini’l‘lfznnel†action that freezes each blade of [muprig t ractisp, cleancut...thenblowsdi1> m into the bagging attachment. And not only does this revolutionary mower buy your gnu clippings, but also leaves, twigs, lawn litter ~nll an sucked up by the Whirlwind’s super-mun: cud deposited in the bgg {on easy disposal. ML- ‘___.4L9 ' H 20 LEVENDALE ROAD RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA Open‘24 Hours A Day Edito: Margot Crack :hé Whirliind’i iï¬iaue housin. Iign, 'It has none of the indenta- causg ordinary rotaria to form The Apljil meeting of the W.M. S. of the Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. K. Blanchard on Wednesday, April 6. The president, Mrs. Burnie, opened the meeting and Mrs. Cameron was in charge of the Easter service which followed. Refréshments for the were provided_by Mrs. lon, Mrs. V. Pallas, Mrs ï¬n and Mrs. W. Smith Committee reports were read and new business discussed. Next meeting will be the Annual May dinner. An hour of lovely home movies of the ‘Syd Hunts’ trip to England were then seen. ‘ The regular meeting and film night for the lst Richmond Hill Scout Mothers’ Auxiliary on Ap- ril 13 was enjoyed by all. The Civitan Club of Richmond Hill announces that the sale of draw tickets to raise funds in aid of Thornhaven‘ School is go- ing very well indeed. A Renault Dauphine car will be the prize for the lucky draw winner and the Civitans will have cars on dis- play on ThurSday and Friday ev- enings 33d most of Sgturday at Richmon Heights Plaza, Allen- coutt Plaza and the L. C. B. 0. outlet when tickets will be on sale there.‘ It’s a great cause, de- serving of full public support. The Beverley Acres Y.W.C.A.; “Take-A-Break" club will learn about summer fun and safety, un- der the direction of St. John Am- bulance Instructress, Mrs. W. H. Bury, Monday night at 8:15 pm. at Beverley Acres Public School. The good word Iis. “Bring coffee cup. Boundaries lifted ~â€" every- one welcomeâ€. Mrs. K. R. Elliott, Saskatoon, was visiting over the Easter week-end with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. mid Mrs. J. Farrow. Starlight Crescent. Mrs. S. Hunt and Mrs. F. Bunoe both of ,Hunt Avenue had a very enjoyable time visiting New York during the Easter week-end. track to be blown in!» Richmond Hill. Ont. evening R. Pol- E. Rob- The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday. May 11th. Those requiring transportation please call Mrs. Harding at TU. 4-1170. “0 Canadaâ€, following which the usual good cup of tea was served by Mrs. F. Davis and her com- mittee. The meeting was brou'ghE to a close with a hearty rendition of Mr. H. Calverley, Vice-president, was in the chair, in the absence of the President, Mr. A. E. Plew- man. The Secretary, Mrs. F. Med- hurst, read several messages of appreciation for cards and birth- day cake sent to sick and shutâ€"in members. Mrs. Wm. Medhurst spoke about the Day Centre which is becoming an increasingly busy place each week-day afternoon between two and ï¬ve o'clock. There is a gentleman on duty each afternoon to welcome mem- bers who drop in for a game of cards. a friendly chat. and a cup of tea. 0n Mondays the ladies turn out in good numbers to do whatever type of handiwork they wish, and many are learning to weave under the expert guidance of Miss Janet Hall. Following a [short business meeting the group was delightful- ly entertained by Miss Lois Per- kins who presented a most en- joyable and varied half-hour pro- gram of recitations and songs ac- c0mpanied at the piano by Mrs. Charles Harding. The members also had time for several games of bingo: the winners being pres- ented with chocolate bunnies and eggs from the colourful basket of the “Easter Bunny†in the per- son of Mrs._Gordon Langley. Mrs. P. Sparks is interested in rounding up all the ladies who like to play cards or other games, and is planning a special "get- acquainted†day for them on Wednesday, April 27th. Following a short business Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross of Centre Street West, had an ex- tra happy Easter Sunday. ‘Their son Bob, who has been in hospi- tal since his accident seven mon- ths ago, was sufficiently recover- ed to be home for a one day vis- it. Our readers wili, we know, he as delighted as we are at this encouraging news. At the Curtain Club meeting this Friday at St. Mary’s Angli- can Church basement, the club are hosts to the member groups of the Central Ontario Drama League. ‘Table Number 7’ by Ter- ence Rattigan has been accepted by the Ontario One Act Play Fesâ€" tival. and will be performed in Kitchener on Friday, May 6th. The cast includes Gertie Smith,» Phil Fairï¬eld, Mary Monks, Beth Jones, Bobbie Fitzsimmonds, Bill Ferguson, Esther Postlethwaite, Wanda Trott, Rex Sevenoaks, Da- vid Coon and Dorothy Painer. Producer, Len Jones and stage manager, Neville Cross. Groups from Sudbury, Muskoka, Sarnia, Oakville, Toronto and Welland will be participating and any in- terested Richmond Hill residents may obtain tickets by calling Beth Jones at TU. 4-3140. The regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Senior Cit- izens was held on Wednesday, Ap- ril 13, in the Christian Education Building of the United Church. Congratulations to‘ the Rich- mond Hill Junior‘Bnys’ Curling Club who placed 'third in the Georgian Bay District of A. bonspiel held in Orillia on Saturday, April 16. Representing the local rink were: Skip, David Tyson; vice-skip, John Perkins; second, Collin Craddock; lead, Ron Ashkanase. ‘The boys who have been curling only a few months made on excellent show- ing, winning their ï¬rst game, then tying their second game to go into overtime, losing by one ‘and then winning the third game. The winning Iflnk was Orillia, with Barrie second. Several .enthusiastic amateur photographers are hoping to form a Camera Club in the Hill and would like to hear from anyone who is similarly interested. The forming of such an organization where all lovers‘of photography may exchange ideas and tech- niques, will be quite an asset to the community, and a call to TU. 4-5212 will furnish further de- tails. : , Jimmy Bowes of Clarksburg visited in town last Saturday, but his friends had some difficulty in recognizing him. Jim is sporting a substantial beard in honor of Clal'ksburg's Centennial celebra- tion this summer and is a big booster for the event. Jim, 3 na- tive of Vaughan Township was some years ago a mechanic at the William Neal garage. . Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crampton accompanied by their children. Nicola and David and Mrs. Ap- pleton spent the Easter holidays at Warren visiting with Mr. Crampton’s mother. Mrs. C. Crampton. Mrs. David Coon, Gormley, enâ€" tertained at a coffee party Tues- day. Attending from Richmond '11 were Mrs. J. Jackson, Mrs. R. Sevenoaks.'Mrs. M. Sieger‘man and Mrs. G. C. Crack. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Loomis and children, Karen and Robert from New Liskeard, are spending the Easter holidays with Mrs. Loom- is’s parents,, Mr.’and Mrs. W. H. Totton. Church St. South. Mrs. E. Redelmeler, with her sons, Hugh and William. her ne- phew Teddy. Joy Holland and Andre Elliott are attending the Easter ‘Bunny Party at the Royal Ontario Museum today. April 21. My husband and I would like to thank all the kind neighbours for the generous gifts and flow. ers which we received at the party given us on our retirement from the Elgin Mills Post Offima CARD 0F THAN KS Mrs. F. McRobert and family would like to thank the many friends and relatives who sent cards, letters, flowers and plants during her stay in St. Michael’s Hospital and those who so kindly drove Mr. McRobert to and from the hospitaL All these acts of kindness were deeply appreciat- ed. clw43 Mr. Sid Lusher is expected home from Sunnybrook Hospital on Tuesday, April 19, and would like to thank all the friends who were kind enough to drive Mrs. Lusher to and from the hospital so many times. Special thanks to the many people who sent cards and gifts. All these acts of kind- ness are greatly appreciated by both Mr. and Mrs. Lusher. CARD 0F THANKS St. Mary’s Anglican Evening WA. met last Thursday after a brief church service to hold their annual bale shower after which cei’fee was served. The members were reminded of the evening parish meeting Tusday, May 10, at 8 pm. in Wrixon Hall, when Canon A. H. Davis, M.A., D.D., General Secretary of the M.S.C. C. will addressihe congregation of St. Mary’s Richmond Hill. His account of “Missionary Strategy in the Canadian Church Today,†promises to make this an inform- ative and helpful evening. A car- dial invitation is extended to neighbouring parishes of St. Gab- riel, Richmond Hill, Emmanuel Church, Richvale, St. Stephen’s, Maple, All Saints King, andSt. John’s and St. Markls Oak Ridges. n: a a a The regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hillr Women’s Institute was held on Thursday, April 12, with 27 members pres- ent. There were quite a number of absentees owing to illness. The W.I. hope all will be well enough to take part in the interesting program arranged for the May 12 meeting. The entertainment’part of the program was most enjoyable. Mrs. Bessie Gardner of Buttonville WJ. gave a clever imitation of Gracie Fields and two other hum- orous readings. The roll call Indicated the members had enjoyed the various activities throughout the year. The bank balance is not as large as last year but there have been more calls for charitable causes to which the Women’s Institute has been happy to contribute. CARD 0!“ THANKS I wish to express my thanks to neighbours, friends and rela- tives for the cards, gifts and flowers during my stay in hos- pital. Also the many birthday cards sent by the Buttonville W.I. members and Master Feeds Farm Euchre Club. c1w43 012a Denhv A conducted tour through the Sterling DrugManufacturing Co. of Aurora will' be featured. A bus will leave the library building at 1:30 and the charge will be a reasonable one. ‘ The new slate of‘ officers has been elected. Mrs. H. Sanderson wll_1‘be presigent for another year. It is hoped a1! members will be on hand. Refreshments will he served at the library on their return. The installation ceremony' was capably handled by Mrs. Grace Sayers, one of the life members. At St. Mary’s Anglican Church next Sunday at the eleven o’clock service, the choir will present a short sacred cantata, ‘Jesu, ‘Joy and Treasure’ by Buxtebude. This work is written for mixed voices and soprano, tenor and baritone solos which .will be sung by Mrs. J. G. Rumney, Grant Mowat and John Large. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Art Adler of Ashiar Road has just returned from The Sun Life Convention in ’Hollywood Beach Florida. Besides a tan, he acquired some ï¬ne new ideas to keep up his high standard of. ser- vice in Richmond Hill. On Saturday, April 9, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Leonard, Lawrence Avenue, entertained on the occa- sion of their silver wedding an- niversary. Among the guests were many friends and relatives of them both and lovely gifts of silver were received. Mrs. W. A. Duncan, a former resident of Richmond Hill, who has been spending the past two weeks with Mrs. F. Boyle of Centre St. West, has returned to her home in Guelph after a very enjoyable visit. Recreation Director Mrs. Mal- colm Thomson was guest speaker at the l’ecent dinner meeting of the; lobal Rotary Club. Mrs. Thomson very ably described the work of the local recreation com- mittee. 5% so: 4: .* ' The sympathy of the ity is extended to M1 Hughes. Church St., on of her mother. Mrs Quinn, who passed away ' Enjoying a four New York over the days were Mr. and J Fernlelgh Circle. Miss Mary Dawson 3 Easter week end visiting sister. Mrs. Gordon Gray hill, Western Ontario. 2 Elgin Mills Post Office Mr. and Mrs. W. Espey Olga Denby day visit Easter h ‘rle commun- Mrs. Urban on the loss Ira. Francis ray April 11. retiremént I Yonge St. at ‘0,“ “Ring holl- Jefls the her ark- WHITCHURCH «_- This town- ship’s road budget for 1960 will be highest ever recorded by Whitchurch, $198,200. With only one hour a week training, the children’s bodies are made su ple, are strengthened, false mus le-tensions are releas- ed‘and the result is a more har- moniously-moving child who displays conï¬dence, imagination and determination. SMITH, Emily â€" Suddenly, at her home, Concord, on Sunday evening, April 17, ‘1960 Emily Dutton, wife of the late Chris- topher Smith, in her 73rd year, ‘dear mother of Sidney, Bert, Mrs. George Diceman (Tillie), Mrs. Frank Evison (Betty) and Christopher (Bud), dear grand- mother of 21 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Rested at Wright and Taylor funeral home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Interment Westminster Memorial Gar- dens. c1w43 STANSBURY â€" On Wednesday, April 13. 1960, Charles William Stansbury of Victoria Square, beloved husband of Yvonne Robertson and father of Char- les and Frank. Rested at Wright 8: Taylor Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service held Saturday, April 16 at 2- pm. from the Victoria Square'United Church. c1w43 On Friday, April 22, at 8:15 sharp, the curtains will open' on the Richmond 'Hill High School stage, to show the public in Rich- mond Hill what can be accom- plished in two ten-month seasons with pupils who take instruction inlthe art of movement at the Willy Blok Hanson Studio (Rich- mond Hill Branch). 6A Levendale Road. I Beside beginners, who ï¬nd it hard to (toâ€"ordinate, concentrate, move rhythmically, a few pupils will be shown {who have‘ had training during four to eight Above is the exotic Willy Blok Hanson whom Rich- mond Hill and district residents may at last see dancing in person this Friday night, April 22nd, at the Richmond Hill High School auditorium, when Willy Blok presents a “History of the Danceâ€. A few tickets are still available, but it looks as if this beneï¬t night (proceeds to Toronto and North York Humane Society) will be a sell-out. @cathg‘ BIRRELL MOTORS LIMITED Among those also featured in the show are Susan Tilt. Rose- mary Ross, Peggy Reid, Eve Har- wood, Margaret Queen, Donna Armstrong, Susan Sally and Ka- thy Kaye, Marney Miller Marney Troyer, Jasey and Susan Griffin, Marilyn Barnes, Marilyn Schell, Lyn Temple, Gail Frise, Elisabeth Green (Keswlck), Vicky Cleworth, Frances and Gilda Larusso, Eve Dodge, Janet McLennan, Janet and Helen Wilson, Dianne Wook- ey, Kiki Brennan, Nathalie Mc- Pharlane,'Donna Bridge, Karen Lake. Louise Schwartz", Virginia Redelmeier. just What you want - - - a $300 car for $150 a â€" ‘ See Wm. NEAL & Sons There will also. be a few home- makers performing, who know that there is “no old age, only neglectâ€. A special “mother-and- daughter" class will be shown, which makes for better friendship in parent-child relationships. The program opens. however. with a History of the Dance, treating dance forms from primi- tive and ancient times until con- temporary and modern classical dancing. “YES!†The reï¬ned, cultured move- ments of such as these can hardly be’ imagined, it has to be SEEN. The girls’ ages differ from 12 to 16. ' CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE DEALER TU. 4-1195 years 61 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill ‘See your Envoy dealer - - We have 93 YONGE ST. S 28 Yonge St. S. APRIL 25-26-27-28-29-30 COMING SOON ! RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE FREE DELIVERY DAILY ll A.M. - 4 P.M. 24 YONGE STREET SOUTH TU. 4-2101 GOODS SATISFACTORY on MONEY REEUNDED ' CONTEST $150000° IN PRIZES .'. FOR COMPLETE DETAILS SEE Wight's PharEacy FUN IN THE SUN TU. 4-1521 'I‘U. 4-2791 Richmond Hill Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL