On April 10th. Palm Sunday, 28 persons joined the church, the largest number to ever join at any one time. Those joining by transfer of membership were: Mr. and Mrs. C. Howsev Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. T. Slothers, Mr. and Mrs. T. 'Blair. DI'. and Mrs. Don 'l‘wiss and their children, Jane and Thornhill Presbyterian Church Recent, baptisms at Thornhill Presbyterian Church were those of Ronald Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McKibbon and George Alexander. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Kilgour. Bud. Mrs. R. Kitson. Misses Mina and Isobel Kitson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wren. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ingils and son Ian, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Collins and Mrs. F. Mofâ€" fat. Those joining by profession of rfaith were Mr. John Davidson, Mr. L. Blanchard, Mr. Ron Dewsbury. Miss Louise Clow and I THE LmERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April 21, 1960 Thornhill and District News Thirty-six candidates received the laying-on of hands in a beauti- ful service of Conï¬rmation held at Holy Trinity Angliean Church, Thornhill on April 10, 1960, when the Right Reverend F. H. Wilkinâ€" son, Bishop of Toronto, officiated at the solemn ceremony. Among the new Communicants, shown above. from left to right, are: Front row â€" Susan Rivers, Patricia lliott, Carolynn Roots, Rev. Wm. E. Askew (Rector of Holy Trinity), ishop Wilkinson, Janet Jay, Dianne Evans, Sandra Evans, Judith Allen. Please take notice that the property located on the north toWnline. which has been open to you for the dumping of refuse, will he closed until April 30, due to inaccessibility. By Markham Township Police of the following vehicles and bicycles will be held 1 â€"- Dodge'pick-up truck No. 26-5833/1959 Plate. Registered Owner Reginald Longboat. Lot. 2, Con. 3, Townsend Centre, R. R. 1 Wilsonville. Three bicycles for men 1 â€" Electric Motor, 3 h.p. P II B I. I C AUCTION â€" 48 Dodge, blue, No. 228434 / 1958 plate. Register- ed owner Albert Pettit, R. R. 3 Newmarket. Ont. â€" Vanguard, No. 330-825 / 1959 Plate. Registered Owner Ted Chmiloir, 23 Vine Ave.. Toronto. -â€" Chev., No. 79-089/1959 Plate. Registered Owner, Kenneth an, 112 Balsom Avenue. Toronto. - Ford, No. J 40883/1953 Plate â€" 48 Mercury No. 270-301/1959 Plate. Registered Owner, Geo. Cottingham. S Watford Ave., Toronto â€" Plymouth, No. L90-836/1959 Plate. Registered Owner Karl Firddl, Lot 20, Con. 3. hitchurch Township. Clarence Wideman. Chief Constable NOTICE TO MARKHAM TOWNSHIP RATEPAYERS MAY 3, 1960,-4 P.M. at the Township Oï¬ices, Buttonville Thornhill Notes "LEPHONE AV. 5-2331 H. C. T. Crisp, ‘ Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Markham On Monday night, April 11th, the Fortnighters held an Easter programme which was attended by 35 people. Mrs. Patterson, the president, led the meeting. A choral group. under the direc- tion of Mrs. Mary Boyd sang several beautiful Easter selec- tions. After enjoying some rousing games, led by Mrs. Marg Henderson, the group enjoyed delightful refreshments. Mrs. Dorothy Hunt The Young Adults held a spe- cial Easter vesper service on April 17111 to which they had in- vited the Young Life Club. A Bible quiz on the Book of Acts was won by the Young Adultsâ€" but. by a very close margin. Gei‘ry‘ Easton and Nick Vander- mey sang a duet and a very chal- lenging film was shown entitled “The Glory of the Resurrection.†Rev. Célvin Chambers spent Holy Week at Massey, Ontario, “the Liberal" is always pleased to publish item- ot interest “unnamed by it. readers in the Thornhill are) . . . . . Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Margaret McLean. who mu be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. where he conducted a Holy Week Mission, sponsored by the Ministerial A§sociation. Massey is near Sudbury, in case you are wondering. Langstaff Art Club To Hold Exhibition ’ An exhibition of approximate- ly 100 painting, the work of members of the Langstaff Art Club, will be held at the Masonic Hall, 7754 Yenge st. (above the library) on Monday, April 25th from two to five in the after- noon and from seven to ten thirty in the evening. Everyone is welcome and there will be no admission charge. S e v e r 31 Thornhill residents are members of the group and will have pic- tures on display. Members come from as far afield as Concord, Woodbridge. Richmond Hill, Scarborough and. Toronto. The group is' under the direction of Mrs. Nell Aston and this is their 4th annual show. Well, if they’ve kept it up for four years this must be quite a serious group of painters and their work should be well worth seeing. Thornhill United Church. Rev. H. R. MacDonald of Thornhill United Church is pre- sently in Bredenbury,‘Saskatche- wan, conducting an Evangelical Mission. Rev. MacDonald work- ed in the Saskatchewan mission fields as a student and is in Bredenbury at the invitation of his friend there, Rev. George Slater. And in case you are wondering again, Bredenbury is near Yorkton. Sask. On Tuesday, April 12th the, the ladies of Group 4 of the W.A. met at the home of Mrs. B. A. Heslop on Yonge st., while Group 1 met at the home of Mrs. E. C. Radford at 83 Highland Park blvd. On Friday, April 29th, the ladies of Group 7 will hold their Annual Rummage Sale at Richvale Community Hall. 0n Easter Sunday, Thornhill United Church was very beauti- fully decorated with flowers, placed by Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bone in loving memory of Mr. Bone’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bone. At the service on Easter Sun- day morning. Rev. MacDonald spoke on the topic “Jesus Christ is Risen.†The choir sang many beautiful Easter selections; in- cluding the Hallelujah Chorus and the soloist was Mrs. L. E. Clark. Next Sunday, April 24th, there will be a reception of new mem- bers by transfer and profession of faith and the Sacrambnt of the 'Lord’s Supper will be ob- served. At the evening service, a colour science film will be shown entitled “Dust or Des- tiny." Thornhill Baptist Church Both the Easter services at Thornhill Baptist Church were well attended. At the evening service, Dr. Johnston presented a “Meditation†he had written himself, in blank verse, on the Easter theme which was very well received. The special Easter music presented by the choir was most enjoyable. Mrs. W. C. Andersonsis now in charge of the choir, having taken it on just after Christmas, and is doing very fine work with it. A special highlight of the Easter morning service was the Dedication Ceremony on behalf of ten months old John Minton Jenkins, Rev. Johnston's grandâ€" son. The baby’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Jenkins are visit- STUART PAXTON WIRING Lm wonx Phone TUrnet 4-2881 Electrician Second row ~â€" Paul Chapman, Susan Byford, Nancy Tucker, Car- olyn Shannon, Wendy Brain. Rev. D. L. Varey, Edith Patte Marilyn Lamb, Helen Banks, Elisabeth Neil, Isong Grazes,.1y1§‘c}e‘line Jarvis. ucuuu, LADLU\I uwu .u, gnaw“.-- - -V--- _V- , -, Back row â€" Kenneth Daxlis, Wa'rren Dav‘is, Da§rid Fisher, George Ackehurst, Brian Mitchell, Pa‘ul Panabaker, Richard Darling, Paul Russell, Leslie Brown, Frank Jennings, Lloyd Davis, Terry Aimone, Roderick Dickson. ing the Johnstons this week and it was Mrs. J enkin’s wish that her father perform the dedication ceremony for little John Minton as he had done her other two children. The Dedication Cere- mony differs from a baptism in that in it, the parents accept the responsibility for the spiritual upbringing of the child. The whole congregation rises during the dedication prayer and all accept responsibility for all chil- dren under their care. In the Baptist church, baptismal serv- ices are held only for adults. The Dedication Ceremony held on Sunday, was the first one per- formed by Dr. Johnston since he has been at Thornhill. Library The Thornhill Public Library is to have a new home. Having had three homes in the past few years, the MacNeil Building, the L’Aventure home on Centre st. and the store in the Masonic Hall, the library will shortly close its doors at its present loca- tion to open in a building of its own. The new address will be 10 Colborne street, just; around the corner from Yonge st. It is hoped the newbuildiflg will be opened the first week in May, so watch for future announce- ments. Holy Trinity Anglican Church The attendance -at the joint Holy Week Mission held at Holy Trinity was very good and the numbersincreased each evening. Rev. Askew conducted the meet- ing on Wednesday evening and the Holy Trinity choir sang. On Thursday, the Presbyterian Church provided the music and Dr. Minton Johnston of Thorn- hill Baptist Church presided. On Friday evening the choir of Thornhill United Church sang and Rev. MacDonald presided. The speaker each evening was Rev. Gordon Hunter of Asbury- West United Church in Toronto. Rev. Hunter is the son of the late well-k own Dr. Crosley Hunter and is a very forceful speaker. Now residing in Willowdale. the former Jo Anne Jay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jay 0f RiChvale, is seen with her husband, John W. Kay of Markham. as they are about to sign the register in the vestry of Thornhill United Church. The Rev. Hugh MacDonald oï¬iciated at the lovely wedding. which was followed by a honeymoon trip to the southern states and Florida. Mr. Kay is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Kay of Huntsville. BRADFORD â€" This years late runoff from the melting snow may mean a two to three week delay in this years crop in this this important market gardening area. Unless farmers get two or three weeks of dry warm weather cultivating and planting will be delayed. This could mean in- creased costs for the consumer if greater emphasis has to be put on the U. S. market. The Easter Sunday services at Holy Trinity were well attended with over 500 persons taking Holy Communion. Next Sunday, April 24th, at the 8 am. servicg a Corporate Communion and breakfast will he held for all those who have been confirmed since Rev. Askew came to Thorn- hillâ€"over 200 people. At 11 am. there will be a Family Serv- ice when the children will bring their‘ Lenten Thank Offering boxes. St. Paschal’s C.W.L. At the April meeting of St. Paschal’s C.W.L. new officers were installed by Rev, V. Lo- Savio. Director. The executive is: President, Mrs. C. Dalrymple; lst Vice-president. Mrs. J. T. Briggs: 2nd Vice-president. Mrs. G. Baxter: 3rd Vice-president. Mrs. R. Hall; Corresponding‘Secâ€" retary, Mrs. W. Turcotte: Recor- ding Secretary, Mrs. F. T. Con- ron; Treasurer. Mrs. M. Jackson. A mother and daughter com- munion breakfast is to be held May 1 at the Four Winds Res- taurant with Rev. F. Stone of the Paulist Fathers as guest speaker. display of altar linens were shown, made by the Altar Soc-‘ iety, under the convenorship of Mrs. J. MacMillan and Mrs. H. Slade. Mrs. T. Durrant reported the bake sale a huge success and thanked the ladies present. Mrs. J. Cassidy gave out prizes to winners of the marathon bridge and euchne. Bridge winners were Mrs. E. Moriarity, Mrs. D. Ramsey, Mrs. E. Mal‘tell; euchre winners were Mrs. R. Hall, Mrs. E. Kelly, Mrs. R. Goodeve. W‘Rev. V. LoSaGio‘blessed a new C.W.L. banner donated by Mrs. G. W. Marlatt. Mrs J. J. Bulger, outgoing pres- ident accepted a gift and cake from the members and Father LoS-avio complimented her on a job well done Mrs. G. W. Marlatt is conven- ing a rummage sale to be held April 23 in tile Qag'isp hal_l. â€"â€" photo by Barbour w. «a, Langstaï¬â€˜ Home & School As- sociation met April 12 with Mr. Brown of Canadian General E1 ectric as guest speaker. He said that different people in various ocpupations have conflicting ideas towards education The doctor is interested in medicine, the sav- ing our lives: the clergy in im- proving our relationship with each other; the artist in beauty and the philosopher is interested in ideas and concepts. Industry is interested in jobs and money. Companies spend thousands of dollars in scholar- ships because they realize the value of higher education. The greater your education and the greater your contribution to your work the higher your pay. Indus- try and parents are both interest- ed in the child. A - ed in the child. . Canada is growing at. the rate of‘one million people every 2% years with safer lives. easier jobs. ’more luxuries and more leisure than dreamed of by Olli‘ forefa- thers. What role will our child- ren play in the fuuire? Will they spend an eight hour day doing a job they hate or will they do something they can be pro_ud and happy doing? 'It is up tb the par~ ents to coach the child, help him to seek counsel outside his fam- Home a School Stop 24 Yonge South of Richmond Hill NE muss CIR BUILT AND BACKEB BY GENERIL MOTORS . . . SERVICE EVERYWHERE ll mm mm RICH : HILL MOTORS LTD; FURTHER PROOF 0F * VAUXHALL Tim“; VALUE! Rose Garden 6': Flower Shop l' bull/Cl O l' U! PEA'I' MOSS Our professional layout will enhance your property -'â€"- it will pay you to pay us a visit. Stop 22A Yonge Street AVgnue Deaf LANDSCAPE DESIGNING thought LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B. LEPKEY Phone AV. 543489 Ontaï¬-o ° Vauxhall is the car that shows you don’t have to sacriï¬ce style for economy! Flowers For All Occasions VET“ STAND!†ily such as teacher. guidance counsellor, minister or business- man. and to help plan his future. but the child himself must supply the power and driving force to reach his goal. He must be will- ing to work! , Mr. Brown stated democracy will be better than communism only when people are willing to work hard, choose freely and aim high. Mr. Gray then showed an informative movie on the St. Lawrence Seaway. and made in- teresting booklets available to all present. Donna Lyceu. a grade 8 stud- cnt. thanked the speaker in a poised and pleasing manner. Langstaï¬ Community Association The Langstaï¬ Community As- sociation held an executive meet- ing at the home of Mr. Thlrgood on Wednesday, April 13. Draw tickets for the $50 bond and tickets for the family ï¬rewo'rks night are now available from any member of the executive. Socials Mr. and Mrs. S. Lunau and family. Roosevelt Drive. left on Thursday for an Easter holiday in Florida. Visitors to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melt Holt over the Eas- ter holidays included Mrs. A1- bert Edney, Mrs. Rass Smith and I? Mill/Mall It looks modem, carries ï¬ve adults and handln superbly â€"- even on country roads. Tlï¬ is the secret of Vauxhall’s outstanding success. It gives you the “feel†and comfort of a big car plus the economy of a small car. Save in style. Test-drive a VauxhaE soon. CASH & CARRY var? boys or Agincourt. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pulford of Weston. Major and Mrs. Thin-good, 01'.- tawa have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Thirgood. Fairvlew Avgnue. since Thursday, April 14: Mrs. Gracé Hunt. Fibriaa, and Dr. and Mrs. Graham Davlson. Smiths Falls, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Brodie. Yong. Street. last week. Birthday Greetings Birthday greetiâ€"ngs to Bill Roy who celebrated his 15th birthday on April 16. Langstan‘ Art Club Langstaff Art Club is holding its fourth annual showing of pie- tures at the Masonic Hall. Thorn- hill, April 25th. afternoon 2-5 pm. evenings 7-10.80 p.m. Everybody is cordially invited to visit this showing of local talent. Admis- sion free. 4 J. N. M ulholland, 80 Richmond St. West. Toronto Consultation. by Appointment Phones: Thornhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 truly ' 5-4211 legal Q.C’.