Mr. 3113 Mrs. Sidney Tomli'lson of Bowmanville had dinner Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer. _-__-..‘.-_, . LondSchool had a ball game on Friday afternoon with Banan- trae School with the final score 14-5 in favour of Lloyd School. Mr. John Mullinigis: ï¬had a re- lapse with the mumps and is still cogfjned to his home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Milsted and Charleen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. WiIIard Cryderman of Queensville. They attended the Anniversary services at Maple Hill Baptist Church where Rev Wm. Large, missionary on fur- lough from Peru, South America, was the guest speaker. Jr. W.M.S. met on Mondav ev- ening at the home of Miss Gen- evieve Bruce. The devotional ser- vice was in charge of the presi- dent, Miss M. Harmon. The hos- tesses were Misses Joyce Harvey, and M. Harmon. Mrs. C. Sherwood of Queens- ville is visiting at the home of M{._ang Mrs. J. C. McKendry. The Grade VIII class with their teacher. Mr. Harry Hunt of Lloyd School took part in the Tree Planting at Vivian For- est on Wednesday. This is arrang- ed by the Conservation Plan for York County, and also included a tour of the forest. ' Mr. Harry K'ruse spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sellers Of Stout-fville. Mr. ahd Mrsteorge Barrett and children had supper on Sat- urday with Mrs. Beulgh Jo‘rlgs. Bishop and Mrs. Alvin Winger and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wing- er motored to Sherkston Breth- ren in Christ Church for the Sun- day morning service. They then went to Ridgeway to the Riegle home to honour Mrs. Ella Riegle on her 75th birthday. Mrs. Riegle is Mr. A. Winger’s sister. The Annual Field Day for Whitchurch Township will be held on J-uped9 at Vapgorf park. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer (Mrs. were guests at the wedding of their nephew, Mr. James Tomlin- son, at Bowmanville on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Boyd and children of Toronto visited Miss Arvilla Forster on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd are soon moving to Alberta. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chandler and Julia of London spent sever- al days their parents, Mr. . -. n_‘.‘.‘_ Ellis Klink of Gorrie), Rhoda (Mrs. Alex Douglas, Ham- ilton), Earl of Fordwich, Albert of Morrison 111., Harold of Dun- troon, Harvey of Welland - two brothers George of Gormley and Jesse of Stouffville, and one sis- ter, Nancy, of Gormley. Tne church was packed for the fun- eral service conducted by Bishop Alvin Winger Rev. J. R. Steck- ley. and Rev. Wm. Vanderbent. The Henderson Sisters Trio sang. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Boyd and children of Toronto visited Miss Arvilla Forster on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd are soon moving to Alberta. Mr. Jos. Jones spent Sunday with his son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sayers and family of Richmond! Hill. _A Guests of Miss Vera Hilts for supper on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heise and Mrs. Beu- lah Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer vls- 'ited Bloomington Sunday School and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lemon. On Sunday afternoon they visited Lemonvllle Sunday School. Mr. Farmer was appointed to visit Whitchurch Township iSunday _Schools. “ MES. Bruce 5nd Genevieve had supper on Sunday with Miss Ar- villa Forester. Congratulations to Miss Shelli Wilcox who won the painting prize at the closing of the Nova Scotla College of Art on Wed- nesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chandler and Julia of London spent sever- al days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brands. Mr. Richard Wilcox received word on Sunday of the death of his aunt, Miss Annie Prat of Windsor, Nova Scotia. Miss Prat would have celebrated her 100th birthday on June 8. At the Mother‘s Day Service in the United Missionary Church dedication of children was ob- served. The following children were dedicated, Mark Emmerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farmer. Lily May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Taylor. John Rich- ard and Stephen Jeffrey, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. Campey, and Car. olyn Marian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bennett. The Harvey triplets sang in both the Sr. and Jr. Sunday School. A film on “Samuel†was shown in the Jr. Sunday School. The W. M. S. meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clare Bolen- der, The guest speaker was Miss Velma Brillinger. Friends here were sorry to learn of Mr. Floyd Winger’s loss early Saturday morning when his barn was burned east of Queens- ville. Between 60 and 70 pigs, one calf, fourteen sows. a new bommer mill. his tractor plough, and all grain. hay and straw were completely destroyed. The fire brigade-saved the nearby implement shed containing all the implements in spite of the very strong wind. Fortunately all the young cattle, cows, sheep and 23 other sows were out in pas- ture. Mr. Joseph Cober was buried on Sunday afternoon at Heise Hill Church. Mr. Cober was 31- most a lifelong resident at Gorm- ley. He was 90 yrs. 6 months old when he passed away on May 4 in Listowel Memorial Hospital. He leaves six children Luella 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 12, 1960 Auto Service Complete Service To Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS Can You Count On Safe Stops? Good brakes are a “must†for safe stops. Have the peace of mind of being 100% brakewise. Come in for a brake check. If needed we’ll reï¬ne and adjust them. COOK'S BP TU. 4-3151 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone Gormley 5201 GORMLEY NEWS NEWMARKET â€" Division Court in future will be held in the County’ Council Chambers in- stead of the Fire Hall. The judge has found the present accommo- dation too noisy and has refused to carry on under present condi- tions. The court was originally held in Newmarket Town Hall but due to the heavy schedule in the Magistrates Court the division court proceedings were transfer- red to the Fire Hall. TO ENTER:â€" VISIT ANY STORE BELOW 8: RECEIVE FREE COUPON. SIGN YOUR NAME & DEPOSIT SI.IP. â€" NO OBLIGATION. in denims, ginghams and plaids Bereavement struck doubly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Cober. Her sister, Mrs. Joseph F‘retz of Kitchener was buried on Saturday afternoon at the Wide- man Mennonite Church, Dick- son’s H111. The Hamilton Evening Times of Sept. 19, 1866 tells us about the Finian War and also speaks of the Bank of Upper Canada. _ In the Hamilton Spectator of March 19, 1867, 3 Victoria family sewing machine was advertised for $15. and butter was 15c lb. It also advertises a trip to Calif- ornia - 22 days via Panama Canal by Steamship. Mr. C. E. Partridge brought in a number of old nEWspapers which were very interesting. In the Montreal Witness of Aug. 4, 1864, butter was 130 lb. and 112 1b. flour was $2.40. ‘We will Have more news for you next week from an 1852 Al- manac. TU. 4-1812 31/c RICHVALE, ONT. STOP 22A AV. 5-3821 Gliddens Paint Giftware Boots & Shoes 189E Centre TU. 4-1313 HARDWARE - PAINTS IMPERIAL GASOLINE 8: OIL GIFT SHOP - Second Floor LAWRIE HARDWARE Benjamin A Moorem. Phone ALpine 7-1121 Maple 7571 Yonge St, Thornhiu Lawn mowers - tractors - power saws and small engines. K ET OLA POWER EQUIPMENI Delivery Toronto & District C 0 L L | N S HARDWARE LADIES’ RE ADYâ€"TO-WEAR SALES & SERVICE ' AV. 5-1538 TU. 4-296] RICHMOND HII L assorted colours, all sizes for all occasions Blue Coal & Fuel Oil Richmond Hill RAMER Co-ordinates THE LIBERAL POLAROID “HOME OF THE WEEK" SPECIAL 'alh’ - oL'u 8. SON ALL HOURS 'owerd A plaque is to be given, by the H. & S. Association honour- ing the top graduating boy and girl students. Their names will be inscribed on the plaque which is to remain in the school. O. M. MacKillop Memorial Home & School Association held their final meeting of the season on April 27th. A promotjon to sell sweaters to pupils in the school. will be sponsored by the Home and School Association. These swea- ters may be ordered in blue with a white M. or white with a blue M. Separate crests can be bought too. Mr. Robert Newman was pre- sehted with a cheque for $114.81 for the Music Library and Lid brary Fund. Mr. Newman thank- ed the Association for the phe- que. Further notice will be sent to parents regarding details for or- dering and buying these sweat- ers. / Reports of committees were given: Mr. George Smith ’ Fin- ancial; Mr. Cam Andrew - Mem- bership; Mrs. Reva Acton - Pub- lications; Mrs. Jean Babcock - Publicity; Mr. Ben Smithies briefly recapped the year’s pro- grammes: Mr. Newman and Mr. Rose both expressed their thanks to the members of the executive on behalf of the school members. President - Mr. Ken Smithies; Vice-Presidents - Mr. A. Beaud- reau, Mr. George Clayton, Mr. Jim Ewing; Recording Sec., - Mrs. McMaster; Corresp. Sec. - Mrs. R. Acton; Treasurer - Mr. Cam Andrew; Executive Mem- bers - Mrs. Betty Houle, Mrs. Kaye, Mrs. Pemblott, Mrs. Mr. Rose stated that Kinder- garten registration ior both schools is at 2 o'clock, May nth: VMrrrs. Connie MattheWs itistalled the new executive for 1960-61. Final Meeting Of Season 0. M. MacKillop H.&S. R. D. Coty M uguet Des Bois Toiletries BUY THEM TODAY at FLOWER SHOP Shell Service Station KEN RUSTON GARDEN SUPPLIES AND N0 FINANCES CHARGES EVERYONE LOVES THEATRE BLOCK PHONE TU. 4-1282 NEW & USED CARS "|.'|TTI.E asomm RICHMOND HILL FOR ONE YEAR 0N W l G H T' S PHARMACY 28 YONGE ST S. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1521 2 Miles North of Richmond Hi}! AV. 5-4211 HIGHWAY 11 TU. 4-7821 CLEANERS ROSE TU. 4-1911 JEWElLIIS Wynne Miss Florence Thomson. Grade VIII teacher at MacKillop School sang several delightful selections, accompanied by Mrs. Smith at the piano, "Mi‘ss Ellen Parish, in student at MacKillop School, presented an entertaining “sword Dgancg."_ WMEsJBetty MacKenzie thanked Miss Thomson and Miss Parish for their lovely selectjpns. The meeting was adjourned for coffee and cookies under the cap- able supervision of Mrs. Betty Houle. Free two-hour classes will be offered, set up in all parts of Metropolitan Toronto. Field Rep- resentative Harry Hammond told “The Liberal†that the “week†will be extended for as long as necessary to satisfy the expected large demand for this service. Any reader of “The Liberal†interested in learning artiï¬cial respiration is advised to telephone TU. 4-3200 and information will be provided on the most conven- ient class and time of instruction for the caller. Under ordinary circumstances, more than 1200 Canadians will drown this year. The May 16-18 St. John Ambulance "Save A Life†week, designed to teach the three artiï¬cial respiration “musts†to more swimmers â€" speed, know- ledge and perseverence â€" has as its objective a sharp reduction in the talities StJohnAmbulance Save A Life Week Set For May 16-18 Yes. you too might win a Polaroid Land Camera. Simply visit any one of the stores listed here for your free coupons. There‘s nothing to buy no jingles to write . . simply sign your name and deposit the slip. A local draw will be held monthly so you stand a good chance of winning. Licenceu Mechanics Yonge at Bunker. Thornhill The Only BP SERVICE in Thornhill AV. 5-5321 T H O R N HILL PAINT SUPPLIES mailman": Hll.l. T V & CAMERA I! you are the householder of this home, call at "The Liberal" nlfice and you will receive FREE a $5.00 purchase order good at one of the places of business shown here. SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS Exterior House Paint S peclal $4.95 a gal. While Supply Lasts McATEER’S 7707 YONGE ST. THORNHILL, ONT. so YONG: 51'. 5. AV. 5-3756 ï¬umber and fype of fa- DO YOU lIVE IN THIS HOUSE? AV. 5-1833 LADIES’, MEN’S AND CHILDREN’S READY TO WEAR Yard Goods, Boots. Shoes, Rubbers 12 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE Win a Polaroid Land Camera Your Polaroid Headquarters SALES & SERVICE Cameras - TV - and Hi-Fi Lawn Mowars, Outboard Motors Overhauled SERVICE Al 8. TOM'S BA SERVICE STATION “The best in home-made bread and pastries†55 Yonge St. S. FOR DELIVERY Yonge & Clarke Sts., Stop 14A & Thornhill, Ontario Phone AV. 5-2961 Tune-ups For All Makes of Cars TU. 4-5581 Nowâ€" DRY Aux DAY! with the famous GAS DRYER (Manufactured by. m Dominion Division of Beatly Bros Ltd.) Canada’s oldest name in laundry equipment. o 2-FAN AIRFLOW SYSTEM for grearer air flow and faster drying with even heat. 0 3 POSITION SELF-CHUTE DOOR for easy loading and sorting. 0 AUTOMATIC IGNITION. o COMPLETELY AUTOMATICâ€"High; low and rhedium drying with automatic controlled timer. 0 Dries Clothesâ€"fwd. cleaner and fluflier. o 18 I‘mâ€"full load. 0 Compactâ€"only 26' x 26' x 40' high and other features usually found only in much higher-priced dryers. lOOK AT THIS! l-‘IA'I'IIIII’ AUTOMATIC NEW VOLKSWAGENS ONLY $1595 Try One Today No. I Hwy W. & Yonge - Thomhiu Call AV. 5-3251 AV 5-1535 is the command from DAN RIVER, with his new “Eye Lash†design â€" be sure your eyes are right in the to see the newest and best cottons by Dan River 80A YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL MURRAY MOTORS PAINT 8: WALLPAPER TU. 4-2819 21 Yonge N. Garden Centre EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN WALTER Paints - Enamels - Varnishes Stains RICHVALE HARDWARE FABRIC FAIR PRIDHAM'S Yonge St. . Thornhill STOP 22 YONGE ST. PHONE AV. 5-3611 EYES RIGHT†THORNHILL I.G.A. FOODLINER LOWEST PRICES FREE PREMIUMS Mé'iï¬ï¬ ucujauun Moore Benjamin Benjamin RICHMOND HILL â€" AV. 5-3722 paints paints I of only on Your gas bill THE (Bonsamers’Cflas Complete Collision & Reï¬nishing Service Sterling Reid TU. 4-5011 R E I D’ S AUTO BODY SHOP Complete Line of Sporting Goods SHELTON MANSELI. MOTORS 4/; eye/e & ~3901‘t EQUIPMENT 16 YONGE STREET N. TELEPHONE TU. 4-4231 YORK OFFICE Fine Diamonds Ltd. Doors Moulding - Plywood Paint - Wallboards THE HOME OF MODERN BUSINESS MACHINES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE STATIONERY IN RICHMCS)ND HILL I Butler 8. Baird lumber Ltd. Corner of Yonge St and Elgin Mills Rd. PROCTOR'S Bicycles: C.C.M. a; Raleigh Repairs to All Makes "Everything For the Home Builder†191 Yonge St. ' North Phone TUmer 4-1213 25 Yonge St. S Richmond Hill, Ont. ALLENCOURT SHOPPING PLAZA All Work Guaranteed Members of the Canadian Jewelers Association 75 YONGE ST S. TU. 4-7331 TU. 4-5631 Cities Service Quality Products Richmond Hill TU. 4-7621 Telephone TU. 4-1125 AV. 5-3506 COMPANY .00 a TU. 4-3331 SPECIAL THIS WEEK - 1959 Renault - Dauphine Hill City Motors Look Better! IN CLOTHES CLEANED WIMBRIDGE CLEANERS TV and RADIO REPAIRS $17.00 MONTH Models on Displav at 9020 Yonge St., Richvale AVenue 5-1109 LO U G H L l N. LUMBER a. SUPPLY Protect your car with a Free All Day Motorized Delivery RICHVALE R EX A ll PHARMACY week" 12x20 $335.00 Industrial Road Richmond Hill 9014 Yonge St â€" LIMITED â€" TU. 4-2162 AV. 5-3772 60-51 Feel Better! from AV. 5-3338