I Coun. Ralph Urges Vaughan ' Foster Industrial Growth This late start and the wet weather seemed to spoil the ev- ening since there followed only a short meeting with nothing of real interest to report. So per- haps it was as ’well that the pub- lic on this occasion did not wait. Reeve John Perry remarking the unusualness of all empty seats in the public gallery said, “It takes the rain to keep the folk at home.†No Decision on Race Tracks Some of them commented that Council should do something about this clashing of Board and Council meet- ings stating that it was unfair on both the public and the press members who have to cover these meetings. It does not happen with other councils, they say. Richmond Hill was mentioned as starting every Monday evening promptly at 7.30 pm. without fail week in and week out. Everybody was expecting a de- cision as Indicated at last weeks meeting on the proposed “Go Kart" track but this has been deferred to a later date. It would seem that Council want to take more time to study this question. Likewise the proposal for a mo- tor bike track is also still pend- (by Paul Delmer) Vaughan Council meeting followed Planning Board Monday night. Planning Board continued until almost 9.30 p.m., .which made it a late start for council. Some members of the public who attended at 8 pm. to listen in to Council, gave up and went home. ï¬lllull!!!“lll\lll\ll\\lll\lll“lllllll\lllll“l|{umllllll\llRlll\ll!\i\lll\\\ll\\\\llll\l\l\lll\ll“mum“!llllll\\lllllll\lll\l\l\i\l\\l“MNl\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\ll\\l\\\g Free Advice Free Estimates 'I'wp. Council Session NOW IS THE TIME Richmond Tree Service SPRAYING Suburban chain link fencing including top rail and steel end posts. Now in stock. 42†x 13 gauge chain link fabric. $17.00 per 100 ft. rolls. 6 ft. STEEL POSTS $1.00 ea. 7 ft. STEEL POSTS $1.10 ea. 34 ELIZABETH ST. S. RICHMOND HILL - 24 Years In Town â€" Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Williamson are shown above leaving Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church, following their marriage on Saturday, April 23. The Forestry Company HORMAN BONE Gates to Match Above Fencing A complete line of farm fence in stock. Erection done on all types of fencing. FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL TU. 4-1443 Fruit Tree TU. 4-1221 and Williamson Sanderson Wedding Fence Builder ing. There is likely to be some interesting debate when these questions come up again before Council, perhaps next week. Offers Land For School Mr. Lou Fruitman who plans to build a sub-division in the township was asked if he would make land available to the School Board for erection of a school without profit. The question was put by Reeve John Perry. Mr. Fruitman replied that he was wil- ling to make land available with- out consideration of profit at a fair price taking into account services supplied. Comments on Weather Council members agreed to meet with Mr. Fruitman yester- day, to sign the sub-division agreement. Councillor J. Bryson referring to the rain and floods in his home area, said, “I’ll at- tend if I can get here." Respond- ed Councillor William Anstey, “Want to hire a boat Jesse?" (laughter). The rain drew comments all evening as when Mr. Grant for the Normaple Sub-Division said Council approved the School Board Budget at $494,854, with $27,000 Capital Lot Fee Contri- bution towards the costs of schools to cope with met-easing demands. “We are arranging for proper dust control.†Quipped Deputy Reeve Vic Ryder, “Did you order this rain?†School Board Budget bride is Mary Sanderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanderson of Rich- mond Hill, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Williamson of Willowdale. - Photo by Lagerquist UXBRIDGE â€"â€" "First it snow. now mud, and soon it be dust.†Reeve Earl Dow: stated and remarked roads bad everyWhero. Clerk Jim McDonald advised Council that 133 persons in the township received $2,770.01 in relief, which was a little up on last April's ï¬gure. ' He said it meant employment of two additional men and would cost the township $1500. Part of the equipment is a 2% ton 1953 used International truck at $700 from Kerr Equipment. Concluding, Councillor Ralph said, “If we don't speculate, we will never get anything.†(Chorus of “Hear, Keanâ€) On this note the Council meet- ing ended, having begun at 9.30 pm. and closed at 10.30 pm. How True â€" But True UXBRIDGE -â€" “Firs Will Patch Roads Deputy Reeve Vic Ryder placâ€" ed further details of the road patching equipment he wanted the Township to purchase. Asked the ï¬eéve. “Does it have tires on at that prige?†(laughter) Council approved the purchasâ€" es. It now only remains for the residents on the scores of roads requiring patching to queue up with their demands. Wants Backing For Industry The Council meeting was! wound up with a stirring address by Councillor Bruce Ralph back from building a property in Nova Scotia or other foreign parts. Councillor Ralph wants Council to take a firm attitude towards the development of the proposed Industrial Sub-Division on No. 7 Highway at 400. Comparison with Richmond Hill. Reeve Perry replied. “We are faced with the attitude of the Municipal Board in regard to lo- cal improvement.†Councillor Anstey, in obvious sympathy with the remarks of Councillor Ralph, said. “What they have done for others, they can do for us.†(He was referring to the Municipal Board.) Mr. Ralph told Council he had enquired of Richmond Hill what promotion of industry in Rich- mond Hill was costing the town in salaries and had been advised that it was in the region of $12000. He added, “Here is an, adjoining town spending annual-’ ly twelve thousand in salaries to; promote industry. Here in Vaughan Township we have a! subdivider doing it for us V for free.†He went on to produce _ This sort of promotion costs money and it is beneficial to the township. He went on to suggest to Council that the sub-divider should be placed in a position that he would know just where he stood. He alleged that this is not the case and he felt strongly he said that Council should dir- ect serious consideration to the industrial sub-division and co- operate with the sub-divider. ‘He suggested the township through council should encourâ€" age the {uh-divide; subdivider doing it for us for free." He went on to produce a map of the proposed sub-divis- ion showing its exact location and distances from distribution cen- tres and other information. “Twelve thousand of these have been printed and given out by the sub-divider" said Mr. Ralph. Seeks Council Encouragement 53 romno SAVE m ALL GROCERY ITEMS EFFECTIVE MAY 12 THRU MAY 2] ALL FRESH ITEMS EFFECTIVE MAY 12, l3, l4 ONLY SAVE 22c IGA FANCY SAVE 24c - CHOICE SAVE 10c CLOVER LEAF SOD RECEIVE A FREE $2.00 BONUS TAPE WITH THIS COMBINATION OFFER â€" 16-02. Jar Kraft CHEESE WHIZ & SAVE 8c CARNATION OLD SOUTH SAVE 10c â€"- REG. EVAPORATED MILK SOCKEYE SALMON ORANGE JUIC 6 oz. 1 TINS $ MONARCH MARGARINE I 1.5}:- $1 IGA PEAS Both For 20 oz. TINS 15 oz. TINS TALL TINS pkgs. OF FREE GIFTS FOR IGA CASH REGISTER TAPES-NOW AVAILABLE More pages! More useful, practical items for the home, for the cottage, for gifts! We know you’ll ï¬nd this new IGA catalogue olfers an exciting choice ranging from summer barbecues, beach toys, garden furniture, right through to kitchenware, cameras, tools, in fact everything you could wish for in a gift catalogue! Ask for your free copy at IGA today! Be sure to pick up an ofl’icial savings folder at this IGA Food Market. Then each time you shop, slip your Cash Register Tape in it for safe keeping. Just keep saving those IGA Cash Register Tapes until you have enough to equal the value indicated for any item in the IGA Catalogue. All prem- iums can be claimed in this manner with NOTHING EXTRA TO PAY. Each week a number of food features are selected as “BONUS BOOSTERSâ€. When you purchase these products you are given “BONUS TAPES†which have a catalogue value of $2.00 each. Just save these Tapes in your folder with the regular IGA register tapes. Check this week’s ‘BONUS BOOSTER’ FOOD FEATURES at your IGA store. GREATER SELECTION THAN EVER! SO SIMPLE! SO CONVENIENT! Vz-LB. PKG. TABLERITE RINDLESS SLICED SIDE l-LB. CELLO PKG. TABLERITE WEINERS AND l-LB. PKG. TABLERITE SMALL LINK PURE PORK COMBINATION MEAT OFFER! LEAN, MILD CURED BEAMEAL Cottage Rolls lb. 39c FRESH, LEAN, MEATY .ideal for barbecuing PORK SPARE RIBS lb. 49c BACON AND SAUSAGE SPECIAL! BOYS‘ AND GIRLS’ SIZES RUNNING 5_ l2 SHOES ‘34.? ALLENCOURT IGA FOODLINER BAYVIEW & MARKHAM ROADS, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AVAILABLE ONLY SIZES 5 - l2 l3 - 3 PAIR SAVE 3k ’[OILET TlSSUESévA‘JEEucCMS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES DURING TWO WEEKS OF ALL FOR iGA APPLESAUCE sm Meat Balls 8. Gravym l Aylmer Tomato Soup??le IGA DOG FOOD Puss n' Boots Cat Food IGA CATSUP 1 MONARCH 1 Cake Mixes 33;; 23. SUPER FAB IGA FOIL WRAP IGA WAX PAPER TOILET TISSUESFJA THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 12, 1960 MONARCH CHOCOLATE WHITE OR GINGER- BREAD .- SAVE 30? (400 OFF PACK) SAVE 11¢ SPECIAL! BOYS’ HAWAIIAN BEACH SHIRTS Juicy, Thin-Skinned, VALENCIA CELERY LETTUCE 32% PINEAPPLE SUNKIST ORANGES Dog House 15 01 SAVE 80 I 211115 For PURITAR ‘SAVE 1 7c SAVE 16c SAVE 13c SAVE [60 SAVE 24c FLORIDA US. No. ‘l CRISP & TENDER sizes 8-16 GAY PRINTS 7- Doz. FOR Size 138's EACH VACUUM COOLED GARDEN FRESH King Sin> Pkg. For 15 oz‘ l‘ins For 15 oz. Tins For For 25-h. Rolls For loo-ft. Rolls For Rolls For For Tins For CUBAN Peak 0! Flavour .‘ H! 3.1;... 25c 00