24 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontarin. Thursday. June 2. CAN CHARGE CAN CHARGE CAN CHARGE â€"- CAN CHARGE CAN CHARGE 1960 HSHVHO NVC) (- Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night received a request from Mrs. G. .\lagvas tor the in- I stallation of street lamps on the existing pole at the entrance to public easement on Osiris Drive. Mrs. Magras in her letter sta- ted “this section of Osiris Drive is poorly lighted to begin with because of a large empty field directly opposite. I have always felt uneasy about. this situation as it is not the safest thorough- fare for women or teenagers at night: in winter months of early darkness and T. V.‘s going strong a cry of distress from this case- ment. of field would not be heard, It a pervert roamed the streets I he could not. find more satisfac- tory conditions. Adequate light- ing would deter this sort of thing." The letter stated further “this easement also lacks a bridge or concrete slab to span the ditch at both ends. Countless children are thrown from bicy- cles scraping knees and arms in their spills. For pedestrians it is quite a span to leap over the water-filled ditch on rainy days.“ I Animals On Highways This is the time of year when 2 year old beaver leave their homes either of their own ac- cord or are forcibly ejected by the mother and begin to fend for themselves. In some cases, ac- cording to Mr. J. S. Dorland of the Fish and Wildlife staff at. Maple. they start roaming across the country in search of a mate and new home site. During such travels the fur bearers are very vulnerable to other animal pre- dators as well as motor cars. Re» cently a fair sized beaver. pre- sumably a 2 year old. was killed on Highway 400 by a motor ve- hicle just south of the Aurora Cloverleaf and was brought to the District Office for examina- EIDEIVHC) NV) NVD HOHVHO EIDHVHC) NVD“ Z'Street Light WITHOUT QUESTION We Believe These Drive To Be yTlrgBlGGES/L - -_.. h’g / ' v“, .. h i. 4: ' .-- ‘ V V » . / '21' ' T’IREVILAIJ' EVER oad Haza IN SU RANCE Biggest Price Outs in Years mean extra savings for You â€" at Canada’s Largest Tire Retailers BRAND NEW â€" FACTORY FRESH SUPERaLASTIG §TP..'. 13. 605716 Regular List $15.45 Mfr’s.\ - ReSUI-1r Mimi; gang": 3 550-15 19.45 12.95 600-15 ,5 45 \.\'H 9. With Class "A" Trade-in EASY TERMS CAN CHARGE â€"â€" CAN CHARGE tion. . Another road kill. reported by Conservation Officer Fred Mar- shall. was the fatal injuring of a deer on the road between Camp The best everyday value. in town â€" even before the new price cut . . . Now priced lower than national brand “Bargain-Built†lightweight tires -â€" And Super-Lastic Tyrex quality can‘t be matched for bonus mileage and peak roadway performance, unless you’re willing to spend many, many more dol- "Eda-tn Borden and Alliston. When the _ _ "me a . . . - b . nd offlcer art-wed 2 of the Camp lars per tire. Compare the sayings on your Size l 31 NHL: m. any sn'ngEWALLs ' '"tewau, ' Tubeless l on EXTRA-lift, NEW-CAR 0011111 w (I) SAVE TIMEI (2) SAVE MONEY (3) SAVE â€" Speedy Drivc-in Service 50% on “new-car" quality on Longer Service Lilé ail ' Borden R.C.A.F. police and 2 0.P.P. Constables were on the scene. All were complaining a- bout the mosquitos and Mr. Mar- shall volunteered the suggestion that the hungry insects might di- vert their attention to the gore splattered on the pavement. The rejoinder. from the harassed po- lice officials was, “What do you mean try the blood? -- The m‘os- quitos have dragged the carcass off the road already." Leo. Gene Madden Takes Over Elgin Mills IGA Store Two brothers who between them represent a thorough knowledge of the meat and grocery business and the ï¬nancial know-how to operate such a store are the new owner-managers of the Elgin Mills IGA store. They . Latest highmiloagc, cafety-siped treads of Polymer Blended .Icl Cold Rubber. o-Famous TYREX" cord construction â€"â€" flu miracle‘fibro specified by all leading car manu- facturers for 1960 original equipment. 'Certificatlon Mark of Tyrex Inc. {or Viscose Tiro yarn and cord. NEW MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH o o 0 . on safer lure consirucllon! 0 EXTRA BLOWOUT PROTECTION ' EXTRA TRACTION ’ EXTRA MILES SUPER-LASTIG DELUXE DUPONT NYLON With SARCA* NATURAL RUBBER EIDHVHO NVO NEED A NEW MUFFLER? Drive In to Canadian Tlro for your frco Iofoly chock. Whon tho car in on tho hoist, you on tho ludgoâ€" you dccldc whclhcr your old muffler is still sorvicooblcâ€"or needs '7 "placing. FOR GREATER SERVICE LIFE from your new muffler, Ipoclfy Meta-Master. Bigger cravings, too, of Conudiod Tireâ€"and inflflllollon h FAST. F-A-S-TI Superior design and conï¬ruc- tion for better performance, grcoter cololy and so quiet operation. Gucronmd blow-our proof. 670/16-760/14 732 .95 SAFETY CHECK 1,1 V "Do-lt- Muffler ' Muffler Yourself" Installed Installed ~ Solo Prico Solo Price with Tail Pipo ‘ 5.20 7.70 11.80 c1..v.,1954-59,5.¢y1. (most) MAKE AND YEAR Chow, 1949-53 (mo-l) *Super Abrasion Resistant Carbon Alloys ______.._..â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" | nouvno 'uvoaouvno nvo CAN CHARGECAN CHARGE Pontloc, 1951-54, l-cyl. l. P (tosllwu s, ‘ I have tahkerll] ovebr from Mr’tiAg. I \ If on Ice. - . -¢Y. I o as een opera ll . A 3 (mm iglpsulgr food-centre for the past THE SAFEST TIRE *' ' 7/ â€"_â€"_â€"'â€"-. ' ___â€" â€"’ '__'â€"- th ‘ ‘ . Dodge and Plymouth 6 9 l{Elie yfigi: owners are MP. L80 1949-59, 6-cyl. (mm) - - . . ‘ I _____ Madden and hls brother Gene. ' 5 7 I Leo comes Cfrom Toronto where ! ~ I 4-1949-54 - . . 1 h live or many years In . . " (mm) Eirkdasile. In the past 20 years he save on your Slze' p I u S 5 -Ye a r Eord,19SS-56(mosl) (3 has emaSSed 8:301“ 31%) “1: fans SIZE ‘ RMWT' Vilma“? tl i 'now a 0U every _egugr rscoun lord,1957-59tI-cyl.) a pillar; 3:: fanning a foodb “(A)â€: Newur buyers willéng'yi ng .alpnm‘um for List Prrco Savmgs' r â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" f‘ t 'n , managind, uying Nylon Tires as op iona rigin equipmen. “ 5 15 ' 7 65 11 40 g .rr gains... to was $3:Estimatetantra: Entrants: 670-15 28.50 16.95 1947.54 ( ' ' ’ ' tions. h 1 I d' c unts. â€"â€" â€"â€" â€"â€"â€" Ikudcbokcr 3:25 \ > Married he is the fathér 0f :p:e::vaa: :o:ed Nylon shrugs of! impact da- ' “55'†("mm :6 two boys a.nd one guil‘ when he magei ends cord-rot blowout halard. sleek styl- ' ' SUPER_LAS~‘-lc 13°_LEVEL wuH ‘ 3 “its 1â€â€ l‘me’ Lt°216kes a? it}: rea'atawzra earnestness". 19 95 RCA- NATURAL RUBBER us 1 or 1e pas ye s I _ given as much time as his busy ':ï¬giskos'flquï¬ï¬Aï¬gé‘RANII-EE ‘â€" PM ROAD ' SA 0 YOUR K'ND OF Ride-O'Mallc schedule will permit to youth ac- ' BETTER F R I tivities. He is a member of St. 7 800,15 DRWING_ YOUR DISCOUNT PRICE â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" .â€"â€"â€"a ’â€" Michael’s Quarterback Club, one Front-Rear Springs SHOCK ABSORBERS New Super Abrasion-Resistant Car- bon Alloys (SARCA‘F) compounded of 25 men charged with the re- 750-14 } 28.50 16.95 . ‘ . . . Y . ‘ . . f ‘ $4.98 to $14. ea $910 8: an?“ 93" ; 2322:3129 5‘1? ‘iti‘étiel‘°’6%t.§; 670-15 710-15 760-15 ._._ .1... at...“ Rubbegngiï¬z .353 ‘ us a cc ' eh S 1 1. --s 1 <1" nd - rugget, ongcr wear . . 2 {33361 citiggnshippoéoiglaildgldï¬tgr," l thousands of EXTRA MILES 'ot INSIaIIEd $ eaCIl to ea Tie said. “Give a kid plenty of ' r' - â€"-â€"â€" â€"â€"-â€"â€" -’â€"â€" satelttlrwing tlg thgaing: saggy: . o - ‘ . l . ‘ ies o a u I e a stricter. a... rations; 750.14 l 300-14 l 050-14 850-14 35.50 19.95 NgmgpbbEQIï¬ , {P him healthy and out of mischief, 1 super - strength i W b t _' t“ -l h†_ ' l onâ€" _ L i _ _ ' _ . _ _ . I combine to make SUPER-LAST": FRONT END AUGNMENT gprgm c: 1‘ 95 t , 00014 . 22.95 E m as we†as helping .him to lay the “'Viih Class “A†hade'in ~-'\\7ith Class “A†trade-In “1mm “FBI-‘1‘lore “flï¬flnébthe Cheek brake and 1mm: You Get “1' New“ “‘8†TUBELESS “my $75- nntsa..: 323"“.‘35. cataract, ms... marital†. \VHITEti‘ALLsâ€"sa. extra ' â€"â€"z\t any speed. All yours when ships.†I Gene is the accountant of the ï¬rm and will be here by the end of the week. For the past 15 years he has been with the Parker Pen Company in Toronto and is now cleaning up his aï¬airs there pre- paratory to beginning his new career in Elgin Mills. Gene lives in Willowdale. is the father" Clean. pack front wheel bearings t BRAKE 2. BALANCE WHEELS 3. ALIGNMEN you enjoy the naturally softer ride on the SAFEST TIRE ON EARTH. NOTE â€" Add 50¢ to tire prices for installation. 12 MONTH GI'ARAN'I‘EE â€" INSTALLED .80 (With Class A Trade) NO NEED 'ro WAIT â€" TAKE ADVANTAGE or THESE new row PRICESâ€"OPEN .t' (TC, CAN CHARGE N0 oowx PAYMENT â€" NOTHING To My ron :27» DAYS. I F REE-1123.236 INSURANOE â€"â€"Against biownuts. acâ€" cidents. glass cuts. stone cuts or other normal ha- zard: which mane : fur untit to.“ iiir'lier "5. Customer rm ' w“ For service I‘E‘WV'F": NOTE -â€" Add 50c to tire prices for installation. NV.) (‘orrect Caster. Camber. Inspect Steerinz CAN CHARGE CAN CHARGE of six. and like his brother is in- terested in kids‘ sports with em- phasis on hockey. Both men say they are impress- 'ed by Richmond Hill, its people. geographic attractions and indus- trial potential. As Leo said: “We hope to make our community contribution with modern store service and top quality goods." The store will operate with the two owners and a staï¬' of four. The Elgin )lills post office, situ- ated in the rear of the store, on Highway Number ’11. will con- tinue. "There will be no changes.†Leo said in reply to an expressed rumour tne post office might be shifted. "We expect it is here on! a permanent basis.“ ' Richmond Hill businessmen and citizens generally join in ex- tending a warm welcome to the Madden; and warm wishes for their success. )HVHJ â€"â€" l k E! for all your CAR REPAIRS, open a Canadian Tire “CAN CHARGE" no down payment â€" nothing to pay for 30 days. CAN CHARGE SIDHVHD NVL) 'â€" â€"â€" \VOODBRIDGE -â€"â€" Scholarship“ grants to 20 of the more Ihaul 25 YGi‘iGE ST. it, Riii-EE‘AQND HILL Water 441% e AV. 5=45OI filll‘r' ll.) NV.) 600 contestan's were mgde re- cently in the “indun of the 1960 r‘ierk Mustc Festival. 3. i l I 5-Year GUARANTEE 11 1 I yI