The speaker charged that offi- cials of boards of education are the arch agents in the decline of education. “These people" he said “are late arrivals on the educa- tion scene. Since education be- came big business. the system has proliferated a host of adminis- trators. directors. superinten- dents. inspectors, supervisors, specialists and experts who. hav- ing themselves escaped from the toil and hazards of the class- room. seem bent on climbing A leading Oshawa educator did some plain talking at the an- nual convention of Associated High School Boards of Ontario held at Niagara Falls. The speak- er was A. E. O'Neil a former High School Principal, a past president and life-member of the Ontario Secondary School Tea- chers’ Federation, and now a member of Oshawa Board of Ed- ucation. Last week in this column We told you about our swimming tests and system of awards. Some people have been asking about meals we will be serving on our canoe trips and on our camp-outs with the Day Camp. So here are the menues for two days on the canoe trip; Tuesday ~ Breakfast - Grapefruit sections. Hot oatmeal, brown su- gar. milk. Toast, Jam, Coffee. Lunch -â€" Chicken Noodle soup. Prem sandwiches, Chocolate pud- ding, Lime Punch. Dinner â€" Beef Stew. Apple Sauce. Gingerbread, Tea. Snack â€" Marshmallows and Hot Chocolate. Wednesday â€"- Breakfast â€"â€" Stew- ed Prunes, Pancakes and Maple Syrup. Coffee. Lunch -â€" Scrambled Eggs, Toast, Butterscotch Pudding. Chocolate Milk Shake. Dinner - Onion Soup, Spaghetti and Meat Balls. Lemon Pie,’Tea. Snack - Pop Corn. Hot Choc- olate. The above menus should in- dicate how well-fed you will be, if you come with us to Algonquin Park this summer. Let me assure you that the other meals along the trip will be equally as excit- ing. and substantial. Those of you who are nutritionally minded will note how well-balanced the meals are. Our Day Camp meals are pro- Charges Education System Spends More And Gets Less -â€"P|aces Blame On Experts 10% DOWN "10% DOWN -. 10% DOWN -- 10% DOWN 10% DOWN -- 10% DOWN ..10% DOWN .- 10% DOWN 10% DOWN u 10% DOWN -« 10% DOWN u 10% DOWN --10% THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursda lacAi/claca flea/5 1959 Thunderbird Hardtop 1958 Buick Hardtop Powder blue and low, low mileage. License 990048 SALE PRICE $1349 1959 Ford Automatic 1958 Morris Wagon LITTLE’S NOW WE MUST REDUCE OUR INVENTORY AT ANY PRICE vided for the campers on the over-night to Kettleby. where they recieve supper, breakfast, and lunch. Here is a sample men- ue for the three meals: Dinner â€" Beef Stew. Boiled Po- tatoes. Butterscotch Pudding. Cookies and Milk. Evening Snack â€"â€" Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows. Breakfast â€" Apple Juice. Por- ridge. Toast and Jam, Milk. Lunch -â€"â€"/Soup, Hot Dogs. Appleâ€" sauce and' Cookies, Milk. . It is important to note that all water used for drinking or cook- ing on both the canoe trips and on the over-nights will be treat- ed with Halozone pills (Chlorin- atlon). “They set up as experts and, not being particularly interest- ed in the learning. itself, devote themselves to a ritual of rou- tine, to methods, systems. the expansion of school activities, plant. staff and, too often. them- selves. I Mr. O‘Neill was received by an audience that laughted, ap- plauded and sat in disapproving silence. Registration -â€" The warmer weather seems to have made people vacation-minded, because the camp periods have been fil- ling up gradually during the past week. Camp two seems to be the most popular; but there are plen- ty of vacancies in all three perâ€" iods of Day Camp. Teen Camp is almost filled now with only sev- en vacancies left in the three trips together. By the time you read this we may well be filled to capacity. Those who have no registration forms should phone TU. 4-2844 immediately. “Increasingly they become immersed in administration, its techniques and routines. which has little to do with study. in- tellectual curiosity or. in short. education in the. real sense of that term. high on the backs of those who have been left behind. “These officials and former teachers soon lose interest in learning and sharing that learnâ€" ing with pupils. “Increasingly they become Next week I shall tell you a- bout some of the wonderful crafts we have planned for Day Camp this summer. It'was a moment such, as one He charged the present educa- tional system with continuing to squander more and more mon- ey [or less and less education. He said education was big bus- iness not because more and more young people were 'compelled to go to school and remain longer “but because the schools under the drive of ambitious profession- als, vote-catching politicians and starryâ€"eyed dogooders have un- dertaken through education much that could come more easily, na- turally and effectively from the home, church. occupation, social clubs, recreational groups and so forth. He said the Ontario Department of Education “is politically based and biased and must keep its eye on the future and its ear to the ground. From the minister to the humblest clerk the unpublicized slogan is: Play it safe and avoid trouble.†rug.-- -wv-.. Denying that "there is noth- ing wrbng with education that a lot oi" money won’t cure,†he said: “There is much wrong with education and a scarcity of mon- ey will imprpvg it." “We have had too many nambyphamby time-wasting ad- dresses on this subject,†said Mr. O‘Neill. “It is time to shock somebody. somehow, into a searching look at this Franken- stein monster: Frec, compulsory. public education fqr all. .A-u. “I ask you,†he continued “How many teachers and administrative hours are lost without adequate education compensation in at- tending meetings, going to con- ferences, making the rounds of conventions. telephoning, prog- ramming, arranging extra-cur- ricular activities, in public rela- tions‘and in pushing paper across desks? delegate said Tater, they had waited 20 years to witness. He said trustees were an overâ€" worked. confused, and harrassed lot who found themselves strug- gling with an already unmanage- able camel that had got its head in the tent. Conscientious souls who would like to do something for education†found themselves frustrated, bewildered 8; helpless “The experts take over,†he said. “They prevent their failures from catching up with them by keeping the attention centred on innovations designed to be cor- rective and curative. By pouring water copiously on the duck’s back it is hoped enough will get through." June 1958 Chevrolet Automatic SALE PRICE E 1957 Meteor Automatic 1957 Ford Automatic Automatic. Clean as a pin. Two Tone Grey and White. License 998726 1960 1958 Consul MADE $1364 Couples Club The Couples Club enjoyed an- evening of bowling last week Following the bowling they re‘ turned to the home of Mr. an: Mrs. Barry King where a shor‘ business meeting was conductec by the president. Mr. John Mc Cague. Lions Lions Club President-elect Law- son Mumberson and Mrs. Mum- berson, Lions Frank Williams and Donald Boynton. are attending the Lions District A Convention being held this week in the Cha- teau Laurier, in Ottawa. The Victoria Square and Dis- trict Lions Club are operating a fast Car-Wash at George Brands B.P. Service Station, Gormley, on Saturday, June 11. It will be on for all day and will provide a chance to get the tedious chore done for a moderate chargeand support your local service club at the same time. Remember that the Lions will be having their Big Annual Auc- tion Sale and Fun Fare in Sepâ€" tember again. Although it seems a long way off. they are already collecting articles to go on the block. If your spring cleaning turns up anything that can pos- sibly, be re-used don’t throw it out, instead call any member of the Lions Club and we will arâ€" range to pick it up.A Plans are well under way for the Lions Club participation in the Community Centre Carnival and Field Day and if all the schemes come to fruition it should be a red-letter week-end. The ï¬rst All Explorer Rally for the York Presbytery was held in the Aurora United Church on Saturday afternoon. with 150 girls and 20 leaders in attendance. Those from here“ who attended were: Mrs. P. Bennett, Kathy Burton, Jean Clarke, Berta Story, Dianne Koning, Barbara Harrison. Barbara Empringham, Sharon Dennie and Ellen Hoadley. Dr. Margaret A‘rkinst’all, president of the York Presbytery gave a talk to the girls. On Saturday, June 11‘ at 1 p.1n. the Gilmor Clan are holding their 7th Re-Union on the Ratcliï¬e Youth Centre grounds. All mem- bers are invited to come and bring their lunch basket, bever- age will be supplied. The chui'ch service on Sunday morning was in charge of. our student minister, Mr Garry Mc- Eachern. Next Sunday. June 5111‘ at 11.30 am. the service will be in charge of Dr. A. F. Binnington. The annual Memorial Day Serv- ice will-be held on Sunday, June 5th, at 11.30 am. with Dr. Bin- nington in charge. There will be special music, A NurSery Class will, be held at this time for all preschool children VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W SANDLE 2 Gormley â€"- Telephone Gormley 5421 ylmg they re- ne of Mr. and where a short was conducted Mr. John Mc- YESTERDAY THE BOSS TOOK INVENTORY AND SAID IT MUST BE REDUCED TO $25,000. OUR PRESENT INVENT- ORY 15 $50,000. WE MUST SELI THESE CARS. OUR LOSS YOUR GAIN. The annual Sunday School An- niversary service will be held on Sunday, June 12. at 11.30 am. The guest speaker will be Rev. J. H. Bole of the Schomberg United Church. It is hoped that our new Jr. Choir just formed will be providing the special music. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday Greetings to: Wallace MacDonald who on June 3 will be eight years old; to Betty Glovâ€" er for June 4; to Mrs. Neil Mort- son for June 4; to Dr. A. F. Binâ€" son for June 4; to Dr. A. F. Binâ€" nington for June 5; to Mrs. Carl Walker for June 6; to Bert Moor- by for June 6; to Bruce Rumney who will be one year old on June 6. . . Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buchanan who on June lst will be celebrating their third. wedding anniversary: to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hill who on June lst will be celebrating their twenty-second wedding anniver- sary; to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr who on June 4 will be celebrating their eleventh wedding anniver- sary. Master David Night spent the week-end with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. A. Tatton. Mrs. Olive Williams spent a few days last week with Miss Mabel Sanderson. Mrs. ,W. Bruce, Mrs. S. Young Mrs. John Bruce and Miss Gene- vieve Bruce called on Mrs. R Perkins on Saturday evening. Mrs. OIiveA Williams, Miss Mabel Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Collard. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. John Empringham, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr. Mr, and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis, Mr. Fraser Gee, Mr. Heber McCague attended the celebra- tion for Mr. Moff Cockburn at the Fraserdale Farm on Wednes- day afternoon of last week. [Mr. Douglas Fry of Toronto, Mrs. Arthur Fry. Sr. of Caledon East visited with Dr‘ and Mrs. A. F. Binnington'on Sunday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allan 017 and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob‘Johnston and family attended the Sunday School Anniversary service at the Hope United Church on Sun- day morning. Mrs. Gordon Orr and Mrs. Allan Orr sang a duet. The many friends of’Mrs. H. Attwood (Mrs. Willow’s sister), are sorry to hear of her illness. Mrs. H. McCaghe attended the conferring of degrees of the To- ronto University last week when Jean Sisler received her B.A. having taken Modern Languages and Literatures 4 year honour ,ourse. Miss Sisler is Mrs. Mc- ague's niece. $50,000 $25,000 DOWN These Cars Are AVAILABLE At THESE PRICES ONLY UNTILL JUNE 9th All. YOU NEED IS 10% DOWN YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL AV. 54305 SALE PRICE $12.61 1954 Ford Tudor Needs a little work. A real buy. License M27157. 1956 Meteor Automatic 1955 Dodge Automatic Automatic. Good transportatiom License 83050. SALE I PRICE $572 SALE PRICE $333 1956 Pontiac Hardtop A buy at any price. License 374936 W.M.S. V â€" Will the W.M.S. members re- member that the W.M.S. will not meet on its regular date, but on Saturday, June 18th. when the Baby Band Graduation will take place. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Abram Lehman, of Carlisle, Penn, called on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley and their grandchildren. the Mac- Donalds, attended the annual military church service held in the University Campus, on Sun- day, they had Sunday evening di‘ner with Mrs. John MacDon- al; in her apartment. A' meeting of the Vacation School committee of the Victoria Square charge has been called for Monday evening,‘ June 6th at 8 pm. in the Headford United Church. Mr. and Mrs. E. Avison and Miss Ruby Avison of Lansing called on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family on Sunday evening. Mr. Avison stayed overnight and call- ed on friends in the community on Monday .M. S The May meeting of the W.M.S. was held 011 Wednesday afterâ€" noon of last week at the home of Mrs. John Empringham with a large attendance. The Supply Stzretary, Mrs. G. Brands took charge of the worship service. Mrs. .N. Brodie read the Scrip- ture. Mrs. H. Deverell gave a very inspiring message on Christ- ian Citizenship. Mrs. H. Acre- gave a talk on Temperance, she also gave a report on the World Mission Night which she attend- ed on April 7. A card was si ned by all present to be sent to iss Mary Thomas, congratulating her on her recent graduation from the United Church Training School. Miss Thomas was the guest speaker at the W. M. S. church service held on'April 24. Brownies ' On Saturday morning. Brown Ow], Mrs. G. Hardie and Tawny Owl, Mrs. H. Varden took the Brownies on a hike to Heise’s bush. The Brownies enjoyed themselves very much. As this was the meeting for the anual clothing drive for the bale a considerable amount .was received. Mrs. McCague conduc- ted the business portion. Dainty refreshments were served at the close by the hostess. 10% DOWN --10% DOWN nt the week-end with rs. John Empringham. Story entertained sev- neighbours to “After- ‘ on Tuesday of last THORNHILL SWIM A COMPLETELY NEW CONCEPT IN " EXTERIOR , ,/ PAINT! 4~ Children Students Adults . Family .. 10% Redugtion Prior To June 15' NEW MOORGARD 21 Yonge St. N. PRIDHAM'S PAINT 6'1 WALLPAPER A SENSATIONAL NEW PAINT FROM vinyl exterior paint HAT FINISH For wood siding, shingles, shakes, sfuoco, cemeni, cinder block or abosOos siding Dries in 30 minutes 1 Clean; up with soapy woOar Durable surface lasts longer Permanent colors (N.W. Corner Yong‘e and No Metallic Blue. Buy this if you are handy. License 99493]. Season TRUCK (SPECIAL 56 Ford Dump with Body Automatic. A very nice car. Green. SALE PRICE $1377 SALE PRICE $4.26 A lot of work‘ in this unit for SALE PRICE 1956 Studebake'r V8 SPECIAL 1953 Austin Second Car special License 626273. 1st $5.00 family $2 RICHMOND HILL 1954 Ford MOORGARD Famin'mamï¬â€™; uni-unnu- Mooré m an! $938 Benjamin MNG POOL «eis Highway) and 3rd in TU. 4-2819 pain†$8.55 Ga Hal DOWN $7.50 $10.00 $20.00