Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reid, .vho have been residents of the Hill for the past 40 years, have re- cently sold their home on Yonge St. and are spending the summer months at their cottage at Cry- stal Lake. Reeve W. J. Haggai-t officiated at the turning of the first sod of the $200,000. addition to Allen- court Shopping Cenre on Mon- day. _7 A l en B’clock His Worship Mayor K. W. Tom- Lin and members of Town Coun- cil will take part in official op- ening ceremonies at Richmond Heights Centre tonight at sev- ..Mrs. G. J. Bentley of Kitchen- er. formerly of Richmond Hill spent a few days this past week with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sander- son. During her visit several of her friends called to see her and enjoyed a chat over a cup of tea. Ill 1k * It "The Liberal" job printing de- partment produces the finest in engraved wedding invitations. If there is a wedding coming up in your household see us for invi- tations. thank you cards. serviet- tes and all printed accessories. The quality is unexcelied and the prices are most moderate. Nine new members were add- ed to the roll of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church last Sunday These were by Profession of Faith: Miss [vs Bovaird, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Mllbury, John Kenneth Moorhead. Miss Betty McKinley, and Everhard Heinrich ter Schmitten. Also by certiï¬cate from other churches: Mrs. E. Burns and Mrs. J. C. Paterson from Richmond Hill United Church, and Mrs. Graham Leon- ard from Dunedin Presbyterian Church The new members were entertained by the W.A. following their reception into the member- ship of the church at the Pre- Communion service on Friday. June 10th. Members of the Toronto and District Curling Association spent an afternoon last Thursday at the New Woodbine Race Track at the kind invitation of host, Mr. Clifford Bennett, Skyloft Farms, Elgin Mills Rd.. West. An en~ joyable outing was had by all present. Many were first time horse players and were pleasant- ly surprised at their luck. A- mong those present from Rich- mond Hill Curling Club were: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins. Mr. Ind Mrs. Al. White, Mr. and Mrs. James Grainger, Mr. and Mrs. C. Marple, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Laren, Mrs. M. Gibson, Mr. Fred Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mor- lock. Mr. and Mrs. D. Buddeu, Mr. Ab Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. Barrow and our host. Richmond Heights Centre SHIELDS “A WOMAN'S GREATEST ASSET IS A WELL DRESSED MAN" Agent for all lines ' Air . Sea ~ Tours - Cruises I Richmond Hill TU 4-2152 I Bradford PR. 5-3464 _ tatéegedmxtém! emWSéoe [wad Remember (South Block. on Levendale Road) Robert Franklin Keith, B.S.A., of Richmond Hill, Ontario, com- pleting four years of study in Ornamental Horticulture at the Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph, received his degree at the annual spring convocation. An active intercollegiate hockey and football player and promin- ent in editorial fields. he has ac- cepted a position with Leslie Solty & Sons Ltd., Toronto. for winning third .prize in a “Look Alikes" contest held re- cently in a national daily paper. Jean, a lovely blonde, was chosen from thousands of entries sent in from all over Canada for her resemblance to the cinemactress, Marilyn Monroe. Two rinks of local lawn bowl- ers were in Oshawa Saturday af- ternoon and both came back with prizes. Cliff Harmer, Mrs. Helen Pipher and James Grain- ger, skip, won all three games and third prize. Mrs. Jessie Grain- ger, Mrs. C. Harmer and Skip F. R. Perkins won second for two wins. Mrs. H. Ellins, Lawrence Avenue is at p sent enjoying a holiday in Eng and, visiting with her sister Miss Flo Heath, who has been an invalid for many years and is at present in Cheltenham Hospital. Mrs. Ellins also attend- ed the wedding of her husband’s niece, Miss Anne Halse, London, and is spending the remainder of her holiday renewing acquain- tance with her many friends throughout England. The Brownies and Guides of the East Richmond Hill District took advantage of June the 5th “Shut-ins Day†to visit The Villa Private Hospital and hold their Brownies and Guides Own on the lawn. Mrs. McGregor District Com- missioner conducted the service and was assisted by Lieut. E. Jones and Guides representing each Company. Mrs. McGregor spoke on “The Idea and Ideals of Guiding." All patients who could attend were wheeled out in their chairs to join the girls inihgilj _ser_vice. At the close of the service a Brownie and Guide presented Mrs. McGregor with six sterling silver spoons with the trefoil nn them, as a “Thank You" for all she has done for Guiding in the District. Congratulatiqp§ t_o Jean Rgslin, reminder on a suitable day. Whether shoe: for dress-up, sports or slippers . . . its the gm An intimatc pair that make! a gift HAS A GIFT CERTIFICATE IF YOU AREN‘T SURE OF HIS FITTING. Ellie/(Id TU. 4-5341 Baptisms at St. Mary’s Angli- can Church on Sunday, June 5th:- Megan Elizabeth Sarah, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. L. Hill, Thornhill; Robert Edward Wil- liam, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Craig, Richmond Hill; and Mur- ray Peter. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Jelley, Newmarket. Harold Sanderson is attending a Paiht Chemistry Course con- ducted by Dr. W. Bosch. at the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, in Rolla. Missouri. As “The Liberal" went to press the Thornhill Refugee Committee had just received word the Bencic family will arrive at Malton Air- port this Sunday morning. ' Someone had a birthday? 01‘ entertained out of town friends? Or maybe went dashing off on a holiday to faraway places? These are the things that 'make for “Life in the Hill" ....and your edi- tor would appreciate hearing about such social ‘doings.’ Call us at TU. 4-1105 â€" drop us a note by post â€" or call in personally. any time during the week, we’ll be glad to hear from you. Mr. Bill Beatty of 78 Elmwood Avenue has just returned from a three week flying trip to Eng- land. France and Scotland where the visited friends in Wolverhamp- ton, England, and in Marville, France. He then rented a car and toured Scotland, enjoying the attractions of Inverness, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Flying from But- falo to England and from London to Brussels, this was Mr ABeatty’s ï¬rst experience of air travel. A former graduate of Richmond Hill High School. he is now an accountant with the Ontario Hy- in Toronto. The White Cross Volunteers, with the girls from the Park Ave- nue Home. Newmarket‘, as their guests, last week attended a gar- den party held at the home of Mrs. Hugh MacDonnell, ’Steeles Avenue. During the afternoon, Mrs. Barbara Townshend-Carter on behalf of the Volunteers pres- ented Mrs. Marie Bustin, past captain, with a very lovely gold charm bracelet, the ï¬rst charm being a White Cross pin. Mrs. Bustin will be leaving for St. Catherines in the very near fu- ture. Jean Scott, Mary Liberty, Ruth Bishop, Murray A. Jass, Elizabeth Haley, Ruth Ellen, Beulah Bas- kerville, Betty Nolus, Elaine Johnston, Beverley Lu, Beryl Turner, Noreen Taylor, Helen Borgstrom, Myrna Lock, Lena Flemming, Donna Black. Joan Farrow, Nora Lund and Alma Ev- an were among the ï¬rst to take out their Hospital Association Memberships at the inaugural meeting of the York Central Hospital Association held at he Richmond Theatre last Thursday evening. On June 13th the St. Mary’s G. A. held their weekly meeting in Wrixon Hall. After a discus- sion to choose the delegates who will attend the G. A, con- ference at Camp Couchichmg in the fall, the final plans were made for the G. A. tea to be held on June 18th at 3 pm. The fol- lowing girls received these bad- ges for their hard work during the year, at the evening church service on May 29th, Mission Chevron - Molly Hardwick, Anne Dewsbury, Ann Fletcher, Jane Lepper, Jolly Goodier. Mission Badge â€" Helen Knott. Church- manship Badge â€" Anne Dews- bury, Ann Fletcher, Molly Hard- wick, Elizabeth McLeod, Shelagh Robinson, Susan West-Gaul, Glen- na Hargreaves, Nancy Munroe, Helen Knott. Jolly Goodier. Churchmanship Chevron â€" Jane Lepper. Music Badge â€"- Jolly Goodier. Who recently graduated from the Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing. Graduation ceremonies were held in the auâ€" ditorium of the Oshawa Colleg- iate and Vocational Institute on June 3rd. Miss Van der Bent is the daugh- ter of Rev. & Mrs. William Van- det Bent, 54 Harding Boulevard. She is a graduate of German Mills Public School and the Rich- mond Hill High School. DOROTHY VAN DER BENT SOMETHING TO SELL LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 Mrs. D. Bergin returned home Monday from St. Michael’s Hospi- tal, Toronto, where she underwent surgery. After a period of recup- eraion at‘ Rondeau. where she will be visiting her daughter, Judy, Mrs. Bergin will resume her du- ties at the Richmond Hill Library. Congratulations to Ruth Perci- val and Doug Madill who for comâ€" bining high academic standing and outstanding athletic ability won the Girls’ Athletic Associaâ€" ion Trophy and the John A. Mun- roe Trophy respectiv’ely at the Richmond Hill High School last week. Mens sana in sano corpore! Our honoured guests were Mrs. R. R. McGregor and Mrs Henry Willis. Midway through the even- ing the Brownies entertained with music and songs. Golden Hand badges were presented to Joanne Nugent and Patsy Palmer. Service Stars, Proficiency and Golden Bar badges were also pre- sented. Brown Owl gave each Brownie a membership card da- ted for Jubilee year to rememâ€" ber the event. An enjoyable so= cial evening was had by all. On Friday. June 10th, the 6th Brownie Pack held their first Mother â€"- Daughter Banquet in St. Matthew’s Church. Just before dinner each Brow- nie pinned a ro_se on her mother. There will be a Garden Tea at ‘Glenlonely.’ the beautiful home of Capt. and Mrs. S. C. Snively, on Wednesday, June 22nd from 2.30 p.m. The afternoon‘s activities, which include a sale of Home Baking and a Bazaar Table, are sponsored by the tw0 Branches of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church, Jeffer- son, and-are in aid of St. John’s Building Fund. Mr. D. J. Farrell, Palmer Av- enue contributed a most interest- ing news story which was featur- ed in the T. V. panel show “Front Page Challenge†just recently. It appertained to the disastrous air crash of 1958, when the plane ‘which was carrying the world fam- ous Manchester United soccer team crashed shortly after take off near Munich killing most of the team. Mr. Busby, the coach of the team and one of the few sur- vivors, was a guest on the pro- gramme. - Forty women, members of the Presbyterian W. M. S. and guests from Richmond Hill and Button- ville, attended a meeting of the organization at the home of Mrs. Russell Boyington at Buttonville on the evening of June 8. Mrs, Chapin of Unionville was the guest speaker and gave many in- spirational thoughts in her ad- dress. A feature of the evening was the display of the annual bale including many full-size and crib quilts as well as babies' and children’s clothing. A social time was spent during which refresh- ments were Served by the hostess and her cOmmitte. Lynn Jackman, a graduate of Richmond Hill High School who received his Bachelor of Science in Applied Science at the recent Spring Convocation, Toronto Un- iversity. Lynn, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Jackman, Rose-view Avenue, left last Monday for Peru where he has accepted the post of Jun- ior Metallurgist with the Cerro de Pasco, Corp. “The Liberal" joins with his many friends in extending congratulations and good wishes for the future. At the ï¬rst meeting of the Trustees of York Central Hospi- t‘al for the past week returned Douglas H. Storms was elected president. Stuart Parker Q.C. vice-president and Dr. Allen J. Smith, secretary. Mrs. Wm. Hard, Roseview Ave., who has been in Branson Hospi- tal ofr the past week returned home yesterday. “The Liberal" joins with her many friends in wishing her continued good pro- gress and a speedy recovery. The congregation of St. Mat- thew's United Church, honoured Rev. and. Mrs. William Patterson on the oc’casion of their twentieth vndding anniversary at a surprise party held Sunday evening, June 12. The setting for this happy event was the lovely garden of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Robbins at 80 Rockport Crescent. Some 75 well wishers greeted Rev. and Mrs. Patterson on their arrival and afterwards enjoyed an out- door barbecue. Presentations were made to the guests of hon- our by Mrs. Eileen Robbins on behalf of the Women‘s Federa- tion, and by Mr. L. Justice on behalf of the congregation. Mr. Patterson le'ft t'he next day for “Five Oaks" near Paris. Visit Our Shoppe At The New Richmond Heights Centre DURING OFFICIAL OPENING DAYS THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY - JUNE 16-17-18 And You May Win... Ist Prize: WEDDING GOWN make sure you gel RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Yonge St. N. At levendale Rd. Richmond Hill > “Home Paper of the District Since 1878†PHONE TURNER 4-1105 PHON Patricia White Shoppe WUA delivered weekly by mail, or carrier BY MAIL â€" $3.50 per year in advance BY CARRIER â€" 10 cents per copy VALUABLE PRIZES THE HOME " PAPER , EVERY WEEK by Golden Gate V . . at m [Laue your duédcm/ahon _Q; YMMV-YMMV}. ‘ T T'a'ï¬'afï¬mï¬'ï¬mmmm ONE OF THREE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 16, 1960 HOSIERY by Weldrest PHONE AVENUE 5-33l6 FASHION SHOW You Are Cordially Invited To Attend Our Professional mmwmfn To Be Staged On Ramp In Front Of Our Shop