Onl about now do we tan in with tie idea that it is just a mat- ter of time and summer holidays will be upon us. For some stud- ents, that time has already arriv- ed and summer jobs have begun. Mr. and Mrs. Wardrope have had some anxious days lately while looking after Danny since he was so terribly burned recent- ly. However when I phoned to check on how Danny was pro- gressing, I was given two items of good news. First 05, Danny ls progressing nicely and able to be up and around some. Next item â€"- Mrs. Wardrope was just bubbling over with excitement, she had just received word she was a grand- mother! Proud and happy parents are Bob and Norma (nee Wardrope) Fournier of Cobourg and it‘s a boy! Born on June 9, 1960. at C0- bourg General Hospital he is the ï¬rst grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Wax-drape. Norma lived here In Maple with her parents. when af- ter receiving her B.A. at U. of T. she entered Teachers’ College and graduated as a primary spec- ialist. She has been teaching kin- dergarten in Cobourg where hub- by Bob is a chemical engineer. Family Reunion 28 VICTORIAN ORDER Ol‘ NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne Richmond Hill Municipal "A'Rér Eiffears with the RCAF Continual: Supply Direct Froin Greenhoï¬ses for next 3 weeks Evergreens - Shrubs - Roses - Rockery Plants NORTH LAKE ROAD _ PRospect 3-5031 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED Richmond Hill I'Umer 4-1312 Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service CHAIN LINK FENCE - Including Steel Posts 29c Linear Foot BEDDING PLANTS Drive In - Free Parking R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5:1313 ME PHONE TU. 4-410! V. O. N. RIDGE GARDENS “The LTberal†is always willing to publish interest“ events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord resentaflve in Maple in Mrs. Len Shore, ALpine 7-1150 In. Raymond sum, AV. 5-1934. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday FRANK PASSER HERBERT R. BUTT HYBRID PETUNIAS SALVIA, MARIGOLDS, ETC. GERANIUMS, CANNA, ETC. Greenhouse and Nursery do we fall in OAK RIDGES FOR THE FINEST Associated With Dependable Service Telephone RICHVALE on Yonge St. AV. 5-4921 WILLOWDALE, on Yonge St., BA. 1-9316 NEED SOME WALL- BOARD - PLYWOOD - HARDWARE - NAILS - FENCING? YOU’LL SAVE IF YOU SEE ME. Another sister, Edna White- house of Toronto Jolned in with Betty and Pete Rumble, John and Ken, in making the welcome home a warm one. Strawberry Festival gnu --. _ There wlll be a strawberry fes- tival (see Coming Events), at Ma- ple Community Hall, June 17 from 5 to 8 pm. Seems the spon- sor’s. the WA. of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Maple. have corralled as members some of the country's best cooks. Any bake sale or supper they have put on. has been a great success and we know on Friday, June 17, the tables will be groaning vyith in St. Avold, France, Sgt. "Buck" and Jessie Rogers and son Ron- nie, one year old, are back home and will be stationed at Trenton. Sunday. June 5. was an excit- ing day when a reunion was held at Waubaushene. Mrs. Jessie Rog- ers Is a sister of Betty Rumble and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Whitehouse vyere the happy ï¬nal? 5an get-togeffler at their home. delicious (salads, hams. cakes. pies and tarts â€" not to mention the seeds of strawberries served every way imaginable â€" and bev- erages. This is an annual "do" for the whole family and there will be no limit for space this year at the Hall and it's well worth the admission charge. which. after expenses, helps sup- port St. Andrew’s through the W.A. Annual Canadian Cancer Meeting A goodly representative group of you and your neighbors will be expressed when Maple Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, holds its annual meeting, Thurs- day, June 16. at the cbmmunlty hall at 8:15 pm. This is an active group, work- ing on your behalf all year -- ahow them you appreciate their efforts by supporting them at this Maple NOE? ‘ Wellington St. E. Toronto publish interesting items regardlng people and Maple, Concord 8: Edgeley districts‘ Our rep- m- ALnlne 7-1150; and in Edgeley and Sherwood. ME. 5-1000 Toronto EMplre 2-3456 ', June 16, 1960 ~ O.K. you try to concentrate on writing a column while trucks ev- ery sixth second pass by your door and hit that one spot (elong- ated as well as wide type) tn the road. With each contact you'd swear the whole truck was dlsln- tegrating then and there. Graduation Dance Make your plans now to attend the congregational and church school picnic of Maple United Church on Tuesday, June 28th at Boyd Park. 011 My Shattered Nerves_ The proud parents of two very new R.N.’s really outdid them- selves Wednesday night. June 8. when they sponsored a dance at MacKenzie Legion Hall. Wood- bridge, and made the finale of two weeks of an exciting social whirl, attending all such occas- ions, a dream to remember. Last week we reported the 'un- fortunate accident when Gord Downey and Danny Wardrope re- ceived painful injury from burns. Gord and Danny are just eight years old and while the accident was the result of thoughtlessness we had no wish to place the re- sponsibility on anyone in par- ticular. meeting, called only once In a year, with your attendance. Church Picnic Gord is progressing favorably in the Sick Children’s Hospital and Danny is recovering nicely at his home. We all join in wishing them speedy and complete re- covery. The hall was most attractively decorated to ï¬t the occasion. The familiar and traditional symbol, a nurse’s starched white cap with black band, was conspicuous car- rying oAutAth‘e the_me throughout. The buffet tables, with pink and white carnations, held the re- sults of the many hours spent in preparation of cold cuts, salads, Danish pastry and rolls â€" all a labour of love by the twp mothens. As for the fathers, their pride was busting out all over as they kept the band and dancers rolling and‘ took care of the comforts of the guests. _ -Mr. and Mrs. George Calder and Mr. and Mrs. G. Dahl invited over 100 friends of Helen Calder and Grethe Dahl to this wonder- ful wind-up following the girls’ recent graduation from St. Mi~ chael's Hospital and the Toronto General. Until fairly recently Grethe lived in Maple then moved to Richmond Hill. She and Helen chummed around together during ‘their high school days at Rich- mond Hill and were enthusiastic and energetic members of Maple’s Ladies’ Baseball Team. Guests were co-graduates from their respective classes and for- mer high school and baseball as- sociates and friends in and ar- ound Maple. Truly a night to remember for Helen and Grethe after three years training in preparation for that big day when they would receive their diploma and tack an RN. after their names â€" this was the perfect ending to that phase. ' Grant G. Webb. B.S.A. of RR. No. 2 Maple, Ontario, has receiv- ed his degree in Microbiology from the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, at the annual spring convocation. Active in Club and Societies and various athletics. he will be engaged in Post Graduate Studies at the Un- ivesity of Toronto. Now the next phase starts when Helen will take her post-‘ graduate course in obstetrical nursing on a scholarship at St. Mike’s and Grethe will enter U. of T. for post graduate study in mental health this fall. Congratulations and best wish- es from all Maple to two ï¬ne 10cal representatives. If your child rides a bike to school daily, take a few minutes at noon or 3:30 to make a surprise check on him, or her, to see if he ob- serves the safety rules. As has been mentioned before. bicycles have permission to use the sidewalks during such hours and it would curl your hair to see some of those small types weave along the road when traflic. in trucks and cars, is increasing daily. A check-up now may save a tragedy occurring later. Man it's wild some days and hardly fair to the exasperat- ed motorist! FOB SATISFACTION USE LIBERAL C‘ .ASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. £31105 Tip To Mothers - - 0f Cyclists The churches of Maple were well represented and members of Markham Presbyterial execu- tive, Woodbridge W.M.S. and a representative from the Domin- ion Board of the United Church, Toronto, were among the many visitors enjoying the socialbility and the lovely refreshments as well as generously giving their support in a ï¬nancial way. The Weatherman most grac- iously ordered up a gloriously warm, bright, sun-shiny after- noon, Saturday, June 4, when the W.M.S. of the Maple United Church, held their annual tulip tea. As before, Mrs; R.A. Bigiord opened up her beautifully ap- pointed home and lovely gardens for this occasion. The Wonderful array of tulips in their splendid and varied tones and color were a delight; to gee. Next Sunday, service at Carr- ville will be withdrawn as there is a joint communion service at Thornhill United Church at 11 The president, Mrs. Geo. Rob- son opened 'the meeting with prayer, followed by a devotional pegiode We hope all interested in the Centennial Celebration of Carr- ville School will be present on Saturday, June 18. It promises to be a most interesting aï¬air, and offers an opportunity to re- new friendships with old school- mates from near and far. There will be a refreshment booth on the grounds. Middleton Executive Special guests. “The Little Helpersâ€, and their mothers, Were invited to attend and arrived daintily clad in their Sunday best and 611 their best behaviour. These little folk are under the leadership of Mrs. James Mgrtih. Bowling next season will be at 9.00 pm. Friday nights commen- cing September‘Q. It is hoped that all the old members and many new ones will be out to bowl next fall. Anyone wishing further information please con- tact John Witney, AV. 57-2858. Mr. Knott, Layman of St. Clair United Church, spoke on “Tem- perance†on Sunday, June 12, at Carrville United Church. With the beautiful rectory gar- dens serving as a background, St. Stephen’s W.A. celebrated their 74th anniversary on Wednesday, June 8, at 2.30 pm. outside, in the warm sunshine. The business session of the meeting was very brief. For some weeks a number of the WA. members have been busily raising Nine members of Edgeley W. A. attended the Spring Lun- cheon in Woodbridge last week. Mrs. McKenzie, past president of west Presbytery was the guest speaker-.7 The annual decoration service will be held at Carrville Church on Sunday, June 26. Decoration of the graves will be held at 2 p.m. and service in the church at 2.30 p.m. Centennial We extend best wishes and conâ€" gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dalziel on their 56th wedding annniversary, June 15. Mrs. Nelson Peelar of Oriilia spent several days with friends in the community while Mr. Pee- lar accompanied Mrs. Gordon Talman to the races at Indiana- polis, Indians, _U. S. A. President â€" John Witney; Treasurer, Flo Strachan, Secre- tary, Bernice Cook; Public Rela- tions Officer, John Witneyu W‘séï¬mé in Elié'United Church will be held on Sunday, June 26, Concord and Edgeley Bowling League held their third annual banquet at the Legion Hall, Woodbridge, with 46 members at- tending the dinner. Twenty tro- phies were presented and the 1960-61 executive who were al- ected are: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and Bert Middleton attended an ex- ecutive meeting to plan for the Middleton reunion at Orillia Park on July 1. Mr. and Mrs. George Hewitt of Peterboro and Mrs. Lorne Cox of Orillia, were also present at the meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Bar- ton, Beverley Acres on Saturday afternoon. Strawberry Festival Birthday greetings to Lynn Morris and Mrs. E. Bone who have their birthday the same day, June 20. 74th Anniversary Held St. Stephen's W.A. Maple The annual strawberry festival is scheduled for June 22 at the Can-ville United Church hall. Birthdays Wedding anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wood on June 14; and to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kirk on June 17. Mrs. Dean Wilson and Myra Jane and Betty Ann of Toronto, visited the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton, and at- tended the Rowntree-Hndry family picnic at Mr. Tom Knight's home at Doncaster, as did the Bartons and the Bert Middletons. Maple United W.M.S. Tulip Tea Held At Home Of Mrs. R. Bigford The ï¬fth Rowntree-Hendry fa- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone AL. 7-8920 CARRVILLE NEWS Edgeley Socials with Rev. Gordon ister of Ashbury‘ | Church in charge. V iWith 25 years serviceâ€"as supply secretary, Mrs. Jennings was pres- ent and celebrating her birthday, The tea table looked elegant with the Wondrous array of dain- ty sandwiches and cakes. and presiding at the silver tea ser- vice at either end were W.M.S. president, Mrs. T. Jackson and vice-president Mrs. Hunter. Sharing in this honor through- out the afternoon was Mrs. Jar- rett, the corresponding secretary and Mrs Wood, recording secret- ary. The executive members each Wore a beautiful Corsage. June 4, as well. Mrs. Blgford as hostess and past: president of W.M.S. joins with the executive in thanking everyone for the tremendous suc- cess of the tea which was poss- ible only because of your inter- est and support. 7 'Talent Money†by baking, doing needlework, baby-sitting, etc. and turning over all proï¬ts to their W.A. treasury. A Presiding and pouring at the pretty tea table were two of the members of long standing, Mrs. F. Cooper and Mrs. H. Taylor: The birthday cake was a de- light to behold -â€" white icing with pale blue and yellow decor- ations and was cut by Mrs. J. Watson. another member of many year_s. After the close of the meeting, Dr. Armitage lnvized the “Little Helpers†to join him in a brief service in the church where he accepted their little offering boxa es. This was the ï¬nal St. Stephen’s W.A. meeting until September. The July meeting of the Edge- ley Women’s Institute will take the .form of a pot luck picnic at the Dalziel Park at 2.30 noon. The afternoon of the picnic will be spent on a tour of the Black Creek Conservation Area. mily picnic was held on June 12, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Knight (Maggie Rowntree). Clarke Ave., Doncaster. There were 115‘present to enjoy the re- union. ,Prize winners in the races were: Twelve mem' meeting of the meeting of the Edgeley W. I. at the home of Mrs. Fred Bodker. Mrs. ‘Bodker gave a paper on "Immigration" which was very interesting and the members dis- cussed entering into the district workshop which will be held next fall. The theme of the workshop will be “Eat To Live" and it is expected that the committee on Home Economics and Health of the Edgeley Branch will attend the workshop. Mrs. Roy, conven- or, Mrs. Charles Summerfeldt and Mrs. Paul Snider are the committe. The Federation of Agriculture Church service will be held at Sharon Temple on June 19. Rev. J. C. McFarlane of Aurora will preach th sgrmqn. r The Yérrik County Women's In- stitute Rally was held this year at Vandorf..- Girls under 5: Myra Jane Wil- son, Bonnie Barton. Girls 6-7: Susan Ditta. Boys 7-8: Glen Rice. Boys 9-10: Doug Collyer. Girls 9- 10: Susan Dinner. Boys 11 and over: Gary Rowntree. Girls 11 and over: Joan Kitchener. Ladies’ shoe kicking: Jean El- len Jenkins. Men’s shoe kicking: Bill Jenkins. Roll the ball, men; Ed Parsons. Roll the ball, ladies: Beth Wilson. Pie plate race: Chas. Kitchener and daughter Joan. Spot race, children: Gary Rown- tree. Spot race, adults: Elinor Whyton. Nail driving, ladies: Gertrude Hendry. Nail driving, men: David Barton. Bean guess- ing contest: Susan Ditta. Miss Picnic was Shirley David- son. Mr. Picnc was Howard Plun- kett. Baldest head: Lloyd David- son: Oldest man: Mr. Wm. Hen- dry. Oldest lady: Mrs. Dunham. Longest distance away: Mr. and Mrs. Will Hendry and family of Porquois Junction, Ont. "i‘rlliéwWomen’s Institute Holi- days at Guelph will be held July 11 to July 15. Youngest baby: Karen Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stewart. Most recently married couple: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stew- art Longest married couple: Mr. and Mrs. Britten Punkett, 40 years married. The same executive was r'e-el- ected: President, Jack Barton, Maple; vice-president, Fred Hen- dry, Edgeley; sec.-treasurer, Mrs. Jack Barton, Maple; committee: Sam Stewart, Oshawa. Lloyd Dav- idson, Woodbridge, Tom Rown- tree of Weston. Gordon Monks of Alliston. Tom Knight invited the re- union back for the second Sunday in June, 1961. and all accepted. STOUFFVILLE -â€" The Seven- teenth Annual Convention of the Whitchurch Township Sunday Schools was held May 26 in the Hartman United Church and was extremely well attended. memBers Hunter, West 1 attended -, min- United the Patricia White, proprietor of the Patricia White Shoppe in the Richmond Heights Shopping Cen- tre, is her profession’s own best advertisement. Young, slender, thoroughly feminine and always charmingly dressed without being ostentatious. the casual observer would never guess that she is an astute business woman. She is the owner of a second fashion shoppe in Toronto and has been in business for herself more than 10 years. Miss White, Toronto born and raised, feels that Richmond Hill has a Wonderful future. “I think it will amaze everyone even more that} it_already has,†she said. Miss White does all her own buying. regularly visiting the best fashion wholesale houses in Canada and the United States. One of her chief functions, she said, is to make certain that her clients can avail themselves the latest styles. Everything offer. ed to shoppers is carefully exam- ined for style, quality and econ- omy. A staff of three, each one highly trained in feshions, will provide expert advice to local shearers-,_ _ Her shoppe in the Centre, like that in Toronto, will specialize in ladies’ fashions for young and old wigy‘emph‘apls op petith sizing. She is actiwie in 'the North To- ronto Business and Professional < $30473 Industrial Road - Richmond Hill aEll. 4-3331 AV. 5 with the purchase of a new Just look af flair for value! Bigger on the inside where it counts * Smaller on the outside where it costs * Choose from 2 or 4 door sedansâ€"wagonsâ€"hardtops * Only convertible in the compacts * Choice of V8 or 6 engines. 7 Buy the for as little as $50, per month at : 'alricia HILL CITY MOTORS (WORTH OF ACCESSORIES ’WA BUYS YOU Women’s Club and is widely known as a fashion co-ordinator. She said that her busy schedule leaves little time for recreational pursuits but that she golfs when- éver possible. Now he knows â€" there is a jog for half a block â€"- and we trust he will slow at the proper places. but in case he hasn’t lear- ned, maybe We can save him -- and others â€"- a real bent-up axle and worse. by having a flashing light, or something similar, in- stalled at that point before a hu- man gets badly hurt â€" or Worse. On a recent Friday. around midnight. another automobile bit the dust in front of the Millers' home opposite the I.G.A.. Keeie Street. This time it was a Cadi- lac, whose driver had refrained from slowing to the required 30 mph. He found out the hard way, that that section of Maple Ave., coming east, just doesn't ex- ist on the other side of Keele at thet given point. One Flashing light NeededOn Keele? LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 1(Id/lion Cxloerf AV. 5-3338 COIN OPERATED COIN OPERATED LAUNDRY ALLENCOURT CENTRE Markham 8. Bayview Wash 25: Dry 10c