\mnummmuuxxlnuumuumuuuumuIn1\\uuu“llxmu‘Im1\n11ml\1u1numuuuumuum1\mu\\mmml1lxu1numuummmuug ! ... .1 _ m- AllnnJ ML... 2 GIANT BAKE SALE \mmmmmummmmm Advance Orders Taken FOR HOME-MADE BREAD & FANCY CAKES For advance orders please phone Mrs. Hill, TU.4-l783 or Mrs. Harper, TU. 4-7495. Free delivery. SALE HOURS â€" THURSDAY 7-9 P.M. FRIDAY 5-9 P.M. SATURDAY 10:30 A.M. - 2 RM. «mmmm““mmmmmlnmmmx nuu“munuuuummumumumm1mmnuumu\\mmnmmnuumuuummmm\mummmuuummlmu\ll\\\\\mnmnuuuuunm\ï¬ Phone TU. 4-1311 * 20 WASHERS * 8 DRYERS * Cost approx. 4c lb. * Constant supply soft water * Fully automatic Use as many machines as you need. Do a week’s wash in an hour. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY June 16, 17, 18 AT THE Richmond Heights Shopping Centre Sponsored by Women of St. Matthew’s United Church EASY COIN lAUNDRY THE WORLD'S MOST EXCITING LIGHT CAR I960 ANGLIA 105E FREE - RADIO FREE - White Walls FREE - Undercoating TOP TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES ON THIS SPECIAL SALE WHICH ENDS JUNE 22nd AS LOW AS 10% DOWN A'I' I68 YONGE St. LITTLES Plan Now To Attend The 20 LEVENDALE ROAD RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA Open 24 Hours A Day - AMPLE FREE PARKING Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill to be held TORONTO 7. ommo RICHMOND HILL INCLUDING E- RADIO Mr. Mills is the father of two daughters, Marni, two, and Su- san, seven. At present the Mills family are living in Toronto but are looking forward to locating in The Hill. C. H. Harper, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in the Richmond Heights Shopping Centre, although he came to The Hill only last February, already is widely known among commun- ity circles for his cheerful man- ner and common sense attitude in business and other matters. Prior to coming to Richmond Hill, Mr. Harper spent three years at Bar~ rie. Born in Eastern Canada, he joined the bank at Brighton and served in Minden and Selkirk be- fore joining the armed forces at the outbreak of World War II and serving four and one half years overseas. Following his dis- charge, he rejoined the bank and in the next 15 years served at Kingston, Picton and Barrie. Married, he is the father of two children, 11-year-old Bobby and six-year-old Martha Jean. He and his family reside at Colborne and Elmwood. C. H. Harper Bank Manager Building Supplies Ltd. RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-3941 AV. 5-1081 AV. 5 - "05 PA. 7 - 500] H. JONES Your Salt 'Aqua-Nuggets For Your Water Softener . From You Can Order The middle of Juneâ€"last week icost farmers completed the lat- est seeding in many. many years, and some began to cut hay. Ex- cept for grade 13 students. most High School pupils will have completed examinations this week and a good many have found work to occupy them through the summer. That Garden Party date the Buttonville W.I. reserved at But- tonville Hall has been changed to June 29â€"a Wednesday. The new date was decided upon lést week. Never before can we recall such spectacular boats or so many being towed by family cars along the highway. Unless there is more care. in handling them on small lakes than there has been in the past we’re in for trouble. Mrs. E. Walton is still leading a quiet life following a recent heart attack. Her friends wish her a quick recovery Mr. and Mrs. E. Crisp spent a day’s ï¬shing near Flesherton last week-end. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scriber. Joy Fuller celebrated her 17th birthday on Sunday. In Mrs. Don- ald ReeSOr‘s absence Joy was or- ganist at Brown’s Corners United Church with Mrs. S. J English acting as pianist. On Friday of this week, June 17, birthday congratulations will go to our former neighbour, Mr. Wm. Spears. now of Markham, and to the Crisps’ newest grand- daughter, Barbara, who will be one year old. On Saturday of this week Mr. Garry, McEachern, the student minister for the Victoria Square charge, will be married to Miss Greta Black of Toronto in Yonge St. United Church. The bridal couple plan a honeymoon in the Maritime Provinces, so for the next three Sundays there will be a substitute student to help with the services here. Friends in the neighbourhood were pleased to have a visit from Mrs. Alex Burns recently Mrs. Burns was returning home from Montreal where she and Sandra were guests of relatives and Sandra remained for an extra holiday. Another meeting will be held in Headford Church on Monday June 27th, at 8 pm. to make the ï¬nal arrangements. The commit- tee in charge would be very glad of helpers. At the meeting held recently it was decided to hold the Vaca- tion School in Headford School and Church from July 11 to 145. On Tuesday evening of last week the Explorers of the Vic- toria Square charge were enter- tained to dinner by the ladies of Brown’s Corners United Church. This dinner marked the closing of the Explorers for the season. Mr.,Harold Wright showed ï¬lms. Prizes were given to the girls for their Mission Study and their Church Study. Patsy Williams thanked the ladies and Marion Koning thanked Mr. Wright. Lions At the Lions meeting, Lions Lawson Mumberson, Frank Wil- liams and Don Boynton gave in- teresting reports on their recent attendance at the Lions District “A†Convention in Ottawa. The Lions Car-Wash at Lion George Brands’ B.P.> Station, Gormley on Saturday was very successful. Between 30 and 50 cars were washed by the capable hand-s of the Lions. The meeting on Tuesday even- ing, June let will be the Instal- lation Night for the officers of 1960-1961 season. Girl Guides Sandra Swash, accompanied by Janet Lang, and Shirley David- son; Mary Foote accompanied by Barbara Davidson and Linda Gardhouse and Captain Mrs. P. Rumney hiked to Mr. Frank Wil- liams Farm on the 3rd Conces- sion. They were successful in passing their ï¬rst class Hike test. They cooked out with a company of Guides from Beverley Acres. Mission Band Picnic The Mission Band held a very enjoyable Picnic on Saturday af- ternoon at the home of the lead- er, Mrs. A. Orr. Games were played followed by delicious re- freshments. Sunday School Anniversary The annual Sunday School An- niversary service was held on Sunday in charge of the superin- tendent, Mr. Percy Bennett, as- sisted by student minister, Mr. Garry McEachern. The guest speaker was Rev. S. Bole from Schomberg. Special music was given by the junior choir. Mrs. Allan Orr is the leader and Mrs. Jim Barker is the organist. Official Board Meeting An important meeting of the Victoria Square charge will be held on Thursday evening, June 16 at 9 pm. in the Headford United church. Rev. John Morris S.T.M, Chairman of the York Presbytery will speak concerning the Toronto Home Missions Church Extension Fund. Baby Band Graduation 8: Party The annual Baby Band Gradu- ation and Party will be held on Saturday, June 18 at 2.15 pm. in the Sunday School room. The W.M.S. Mission and and all the mothers are invited to attend. Sunday School Picnic The annual Sunday School and Community Picnic will be held on Tuesday, July 5. at Musselman's Lake. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday Greetings to Cheryl Cochrane for June 15; to Miss Vera Nichols for June 19. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Valliere who on June 19 will be celebrating their ï¬fty-third wedding anniversary; to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols who on June 20 will be celebrating their ï¬fty- third weddin‘ minimum to VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE R. R. z Gonnley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 Banquet and Prizes For All-Star Bantam Team v On Monday evening of last week 15 members of the Bantam B Unionville Jets Hockey Team and their parents were feted at Buttonville Hall. After a roast beef dinner catered for by the Buttonville W.I. the members of the team which had won the run- ner up trophy were presented with jackets bearing the crest “Bantam B Finalists Unionville Jetsâ€"'59â€"Jf'60.†Mr. Bill Hood of Buttonville was the master of ceremonies, and the guest speaker was ex-Leaf player Harry Watson of Markham. The team which was sponsored by the Unionville-Markham Lions Club was managed by Messrs. Beck and Chivers. Laurence Gay- man was their coach. Among the team players were Jimmy and Robin Hood and Ed- ward Stonehouse On Monday evening of last week members of the Vacation School committee (Victoria Sq. Charge) met at Headford to plan for the 1960 school. The date chosen was the week of July 11. and a second meeting to consoli- date plans was set for June 27. Present for planning last week were Rev. Dr. A. F. and Mrs. Binnington. Mrs. Stan Boynton, Mrs. H. McCague of Victoria Square Church; Mrs. Acreman, Mrs. S. Rumble, Mrs. Burton and Mr. and Mrs. P. Briggs of Head- ford and Mrs. S. R. Patterson and Mrs. F. H. Leaf of Brown’s Cor- ners. Mrs. S. J. English and Mrs. Norman Reid had a pleasant visit with former neighbours last week. They called on Mrs. L. Scott and Rhea, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spears and Nancy of Markham. They found the Scotts very well, and Mrs. Spears able to be up and about although she is still not travelling out. Miss Audrey Scott of Oshawa is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McQuay this week. Friends are happy to know that Mr. Douglas Hood is making good progress, following his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Heber McCague who on June 20 will be celebrating their thirty-second wedding an~ niversary; to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham who on June 20 will be celebrating their eighteenth wedding anniversary. Mrs. L. Knapp and Irene spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bassinger and family at Beverley Acres. Mrs. Leslie Hart attended the I.0.D.E. Garden Tea and Bazaar at Mrs. Wheler’s at Agincourt on Thursday of last week. Miss Jo-Anne MacKay 0; Fort Eustis, Virginia, is spending a few days with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mum- berson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grey and daughter of Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Winton White of Balsam had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. S. DeFoe. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Barbara and Marta, of Pennsylvania, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols and Frank. Miss Lillian Nichols and Mr. Desmond Meed spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols and family. Rev. 8. Bole and Mrs. Bole of Schomberg, Mrs. Heffel of Re- gina, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Harry West of Newmarket, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Binnington had Sunday din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boynton of Scarboro spent Saturday even- ing with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton. Mrs. R. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mortson and Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family, Mr. and Mrs. N. Tyndall and family had a picnic dinner wih Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong at Delziel Park. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins and boys, and Miss Viola Avison of Willowdale were visitors at the church service on Sunday morn- mg. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Wm. Mackay who had the misfortune to fall and break her arm. ' Sharron Leitch celebrated her tenth birthday last week. On Sat- urday she entertained the follow- ing friends Janice, Danny, Rachel and Jerrett Farquharson, Judy, Terry and Wendy Hart, Margaret Sandle, and her sister Peggy to a Barbecue-Lunch. It was also in honour of Jerrett Farquharson who celebrated his sixth birthday last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynon and Donald had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Boynton at Epsom. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sanderson of Richmond Hill called on Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton and Dan on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Treanor Canning, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mortson at- tended the Rice-Haines wedding in St. Mary's Anglican Church, Richmond Hill on Saturday afâ€" ternoon. Neil Mortson was one of the ushers. Miss Olive Glover, Mrs. Roy Glover, Mrs. S. Boynton and Miss Grace Boynton attended‘the mis- cellaneous shower for Mrs. Weir (Judy Watt) in Toronto recently. Mrs. Weir is a niece of Mrs. R. Glover, Miss O. Glover and Mrs. Boynton. Lions At the next meeting of the Victoria Square and District Lions Club on Tuesday, June 7. arrange- ments will be ï¬nalized for the activities which the Lions will operate at the forthcoming park opening and ï¬eld day. A new member will be welcomed in the club. ' There's a saying that goes, JVe invite you to do just that. SEE FOR YOURSELF what SHUR-GAIN Laying Feed can do for you. Of course to do this you must keep records and we suggest the use of our handy egg production charts. Remember, the cost per 100 pounds of feed doesn’t tell you much. It’s the cost of that feed PER DOZEN EGGS PRODUCED which tells you the real worth of a ration. Your own records will tell you how economically SHUR-GAIN Super Laying Mash produces eggs. » Plan now to put your new flock on the SHUR-GAIN program - - - for better results; for bigger returns. Make sure you ask us for a handy EGG PRODUCTION CHART for- MAPLE FEED MII.I. “Ask The Man Who Feeds Shur-Gain" _ MAPLE ONT. Al. 7 - 1241 your flock. "I'VE GOT TO SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT" RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 16. 1960 AV. 5-3721