L†Richmond Hill Reeve Backs e Toronto Mayor's Stand On Rising Costs Of Education Evening dancing to Jack Hayes and His Harvesters. Admission 75c.'Lions Annual Draws at 11.30 pm. c2w52 Lions Club Field Day in King Memorial Park starting 1:30. Races, games, lucky draw every hour. Ladies and Men‘s Softball. Entering teams requested to con- tact John Dew by June 29.‘Ad- mission 25c, children under 12 free. By Horace Calverley The Senior Citizens of Rich- mond Hill held. their tour and picnic, June 22. Two busloads with 64 persons aboard left the Municipal Buildng at 9.30 a.m. followed No. 11 Highway North briefly calling at Barrie then via No. 27 Highway to Midland through their wonderful Park then on to have noon‘meal at the Martyrs Shrine three miles fur- ther. Leaving the Shrine at 2 pm. they called briefly at the re- stored Fort near the Wye river then through Midland to the dock to see the fine display of laun- ches ready for the summer. Then on to the Museum at Penetang. This building. built of cut stone was built for the officers quarters during the conflict of 1812-1814 to keep the Americans from over- running our country. There are many items of interest there in- cluding old man of war sloops on display. On our return we halted at Magazine Island and the Town dock. Then via 27 and 93 high- ways to Barrie'for supper at Barrie's East End Park. Ideal weather prevailed all day. from Barrie via No. 11 Highway back at 7 o’clock everyone enjoying the outing and no casualties. JULY 1 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT â€"- 9.00 pm. [2.00 Dancing to Max Cameron’s Orchestra. at Canad- lan legion Hall. Camille Road. Richvale. Sponsored ' by Rich- mond mu Branch 375‘ Canadian Legion 75c pex person fleas DAILY â€" Dufl‘erin Fairways Golf Range and Miniature Golf Course, Dufferin St. at No. 7 Highway, AV. 5-0032. Open 10 am. till 11 pm. every day. Best golf practice facilities in the Tor- onto area. Grass and Platform tees. Putting Green. All grass flat fairways. Pitching. Chipping greens. Sand trap. Brilliant night lighting. Clubs supplied free. Golf Lessons $2.50. Pro Sandy Morton. 18 Hole Miniature Golf Course has felt fairways â€".â€" like well kept turf. New interesting holes. Fun for the family. party. club group, children’s birthday parties. or just come out yourself. 35¢ a game, clubs and balls supplied. Entries now accepted for the Toronto and District Miniature Golf Championship. Tournaments in the Men's, Ladies’, Boys and Girls’ junior and senior classes. $825.00 in valuable prizes. No en- try fee required. tfc51 Reeve Haggart said he agreed with the Toronto Mayor that such matters as welfare, administra- tion of justice and education should be taken care of by the province. while the municipali- tles look after the municipal ser- vices. He said he didn‘t think it fair that a widow .living on the old age pension should have her home taxed for education costs. “I agree with letters of pro- test we have received that we have no moral right tqhassess real estate for education costs, but we have no alternative,†said Reeve Haggart. He said the reg- ular increment of teachers' sal- aries will mean a tax boost of “I agree with Mayor Phillips of Toronto," he said. “that education which now accounts for the great- er part of our tax bill should not he a charge on real estate taxes". Senior Citizens Enjoy Picnic Referring to the rising costs of education subject of so much criticism Reeve Haggart said he supported the resolution carried by the convention asking the province to assume all costs and relieve real estate of this burden. Reeve W. J. Haggai‘f gave Richmond Hill council Monday night a brief report of the recent convention of Mayors and Reeves in Cornwall which he attended. He said some seventy-two resoâ€" lutions dealing with many phases of municipal administration were presented ,and considered. He would give council 3 more de- tailed report‘ at a later date. (Continued on Classiï¬ed Page) VOLUME LXXXI NUMBER 53 Province Should Pay Authorized Ford, Falcon, Monarch Dealer Willowdale - BA. 5-1151 PARTS and SERVICE 8a.m. till 10 p.m. -F|NCH MOTORS I.TD.â€" Coming Events Epiday. King City Other officers of Richmond Lodge duly invested in office were as follows: immediate past master W. Bro. Norman A. Todd; senior warden Bro. Gordon A. Gardner; junior warden Bro. Stanley F. Tinker; chaplain V. W. Bro. A. A. Eden; treasurer W. Bro. Peter G. Savage; secre- tary W. Bro. H. W. R. Sayers; senior deacon Bro. K. R. Taylor: junior deacon Bro. D. L. Moore; director of ceremonies W. Bro. J. L. Hollowell; inner guard Bro. K. W. Robbins; senior steward Bro. E. D. Manol: junior steward Bro. W. F. Leishm'an; assistant secretary Bro. R. A. Jordan; tyler Bro. James Anderson; or~ ganist Bro. H. Ince. Richmond Hill’s increased,tax rate brought protests to the Town Council meeting Monday night. Two letters of complaint came from industrial concerns and large employers of labour, and one from a private citizen. Ratcliï¬s (Canada) Ltd. estab- lished here in 1952 point out the increasing tax rate is no encour- agement to further expansion and higher taxes make it difficult for the ï¬rm to remain competi- JOHN A. MUNROE 32 Markham Road, Richmond Hill, who Friday, June 24, was installed as Worshipful Mas- ter of Richmond Masonic Lodge. Richmond is one of the older Masonic Lodges in Ontario and has a history dating back more than a century. Installing Master was Harry W. R. Sayers, a Past Master of Richmond Lodge. REEVE W. J. HAGGART Province should pay full cost of education. ' Industries Protest ,Raise Richmond Hiil's Tax Levy Ratcliffs And H. J. Mills Write Council school taxes you are paying". That is all well and good but it is still' the council and planning board who give the OK. on new subdivisions and new apartment houses. As long as you keep sup- plying family dwellings, then all the school board can do is to sup- ply the teachers and rooms to ac- commodate them. . We have increased our plant fk;e "1...â€" ."ul. 4!... nuns- “flu ..._ Councillor Whillans favored easing the load on real estate but said he would not like to see the municipality lose its auton- omy in control of education. Councillor Broadhurst â€"- I’ll gladly forfeit a lot of autonomy three mills per year in Rich- mond Hill. New Master Masonic Lodge - Photo by Ladnr‘ ’When I mention to anyone on council about high taxes, the ï¬rst thing they come back with is that “W‘n’t forget that it is 60% Councillor Mrs. Southwell said council members had to take res- ponsibility for opening up resi- dential developments which made new schools necessary. Councillor Bradstock â€" Coun- cil can’t hold back development. Councillor Mrs. Southwell â€" Council changes industrial areas to residential development. On behalf of H. J. Mills Ltd. I would like to let you and your council know that we are paying this year's taxes under protest. The increase of 300 per cent in the past ï¬ve years, as far as we are concerned is far out of hand. We appreciate your thought in cutting oï¬ budgets or I should say keeping them down, but we feel that there is still too much budget packing in the town‘s ex- penditures for this year. We should like to urge you to bring in the Municipal Aï¬airs Commission and let them probe into all Department budgets and get an outside opinion of what they feel these budgets should be. This is_in no way meaning any dishonesty on anyone's part but perhaps an outsider such as I mentioned with the experience they would have could show you where and how it has become out of line and recommend for the future a way to curb these high budgets. Councillor Bradstock â€" Let’s forget the mistakes of the past. Councillor Broadhurst observ- ed the responsibility after all rests with the people. They should elect capable, responsible people to council. Your demands for taxes for the year 1960 are to hand and we note with deep concern that they are in excess of last year's pay- ment by the amount of $3,107.00 representing an increase of some 15 per cent. We wish to protest very strong- ly against this increase as we feel that as far as we are concern- ed it is absolutely unwarranted, the direct services rendered to us by the municipality being of a minor na’ture. Reeve Haggart said the autoâ€" nomy argument was brought up at the convention but he consid- ered it just a red herring to save embarrassment Jf the great white father in Queen‘s Park. He point- ed out that those who criticize council over soaring taxes should remember municipal council con- trols only 25 per cent of the tax dollar. tive in their ï¬eld of business In a letter read at council meeting Monday, Ratclitfs said: Dear Sirs: H. J. Mills Ltd.. one of Rich- mond Hill's oldest established in- dustries and largest employers, wrote council that 1960 taxes are being paid under protest. A letter from Harold Mills, president of the ï¬rm addressed to the Mayor was as follows: Dear Sir, Forty-Eight Years In Business Whilst we appreciate the fact that as our premises are situated within the Town we must assume a certain amount of responsibil- ity for services other than those used by us directly we feel that this increase is far from reason- able. Under these circumstances we would ask you to very carefully reconsider your costs and ascer- tain whether it would be possible for some reduction to be made. Yours respectfully. Ratcliffs (Canada) Limited Councillor Mrs. Margaret S-outhwell, a former school trus- tee, said she was sure no one would be happier than school trustees if some new source of revenue could he found, “Re- member school trustees are tax- payers too." she said. \We are under continued pres- sure to remain competitive in our ï¬eld of business and the present increase in taxes is certainly no encouragement for further ex- pansion. to save 60 per cent of my bill. “In Essentials Unity: in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity" RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1960 (By Mrs. R. Stuart) The unveiling and dedication of a cairn in memory of Daniel and Elizabeth Stong and their descen- dants took place on Saturday, June 25, in the Townline Ceme- tery at the corner of Jane Street and Steeles Avenue. We have increased our plant this year with the hope that we can increase our sales enough to cover the higher expense of tax- es, etc., but just how far can this go. This is 48 years we have been in business here in Richmond Hill and we hope to be able to be here another few years yet, but it seems unlikely we can re- main if it is to be expected that taxes will continue to rise at the rate they are. We employ over ï¬fty men who all live locally and our payroll runs over $175,000 annually and we therefore feel justified in sending in this pro- test on behalf of the company as well as our employees. H. W. Rosenthal who lives at 98 Elmwood Ave.. says he ï¬nds the steady increase in taxation alarming. In his letter to coun- cil he said: Dear Sir: The rapid rise in local taxation being again up this year $72.33. I turned up my records and ï¬nd that this rising scale is ALARM- (Contlnued on Page 12) Mrs. M. L. McConaghy. 93, of 26 Centre Street West, who was born and raised in Richmond Hill, told “The Liberal" the buil- ding was erected some 100 years ago by Mr. Benjamin Barnard. “He ran a dry goods and harness store there for a number of years,†said Mrs. McConaghy, “Eventually the building was sold tc Mr. Alex Moodie. That was about 1870." Alex Moodie ran a grocery and liquor store. For many years after Mr. Moodie re~ tired this was the.site of drug stores operated by the late G. H. Glenn and in more recent years Mr. Scotchman. In 1955 the white wooden structure was sold by the Moodie estate to Mr. Irving Papoff, who Please find cheque for $127.00 now due herewith. An old Richmond Hill land- mark, at 31-35 Yonge Street North, is to be replaced by a modern brick-and-steel store and office building with 180 foot frontage. Principal Investments. Limited of Toronto will build on the site where one week ago to- day Skepic Wrecking Company of Brantford began to raze the old Powell Furniture Store. We urge you and the council to cut out all expansion in hous- ing and apartment developments and stick to trying ‘to get indus- ry to come to a town where taxes are already so high and are ex- pected to go higher yet. Thank you, Sir, for your time and I would like to point out that we are behind and for any member of your council who will make his or her stand to keep cutting these department bud- gets. Dedicate Cairn Memory Of Pioneer Stong Family Taxes Up $72.23 Councillor Bradstock said the air conditioning was just suggested for consideration and the estimate was very rough price. He thought there should he a decision soon on the alterations plan as the contractor is read: to go ahead. Reeve Haunt said there might be a finance commit- tee recommendation by 1 week from next Mona-y. Mr. Tinker said the pro- posal was considered, minus the air conditioning sugges- tion, but as there was not a mu meeting of the commit- tee n definite decision was postponed. In answer to a question by Councillor J. W. Bradstock at Monday night’s town council meeting regarding the pro- posed alterations to the Mun- icipal Hall, Deputy-Reeve Tinker on behalf of the Fin- ance Committee said there has been no definite decision. Rev. Harold W. Davies of No Decision Yet Town Hall Plans 100 year leap/awe! Yours truly, H. J. Mills Ltd. zar Janclman ,1 1?? m M; M. Silver Iaid; “It’s I {tar trating situation. We aren’t blam- ing the Richmond 3111 Police Force. The officers have done ev- vandalism itself, the neurotic ad- ventures in smash-and-tun ls quite costly.†He pointed out that the cost of replacing the glass and the repair work involved has already run into several thousand dollars. Miss Annie Stong, of Richmond Hill, who is a great grand-daugh- terd of Daniel Stong, the first member of the Stong family to settle in Canada, unveiled the cairn and asked the Rev. Mr. Davies to dedicate it. On June 20. a total of 12 win- dows were smashed, and on Tues- day another 29 panes were brok- en in the Dieomatic Metal Pro- ducts structure south of Elgln Mills at Ohio Road. "It’s really a dreadful situation,†Mr. Skoplt told “The Liberal." “Aside from the perturbing elements of the The Rev. Mr. Hornby read the Gospel, Matthew 5:1-11 and later pronounced the Benediction. The inscription on the plaque reads: ‘To the memory eof the Stong Pioneer Family. Daniel Stong was born in Pennsylvania U. S. A. in 1791, a descendant of Hans Jacob- .Stong .(Stang) of Darmstadt, Germany. who emi- grated to Buck’s County, Penn- sylvania, in 1709. Here on this farm. he and his wife, Elizabeth Fisher, 1793-1885. built their home in 1816. On this site he built the Stong school in 1824, and later the church known as the Townline Church. Later in the day the family en- joyed a picnic supper amid the scenic beauty of the valley which was carved out of the "wilderness so long ago by their illustrious pioneer forefather. Maple conducted the dedication service before a large representa- tion of the Stong family and their friends and Mrs. Harold Minielly brought a word of remembrance. In 1800, Daniel Stong and his parents Sylvester Stong, 1746- 1834, and Barbara Bolinger, 1769- 1863, migrated to Canada. He died in 1868, and he and his wife, with other pioneers are bur- ied here." Mrs. McConaghy, recalling the old days, said: “When I was a wee girl I used to play with the Barnard children. There was a big trap door in the floor of the store and the story was that be- neath the trapdoor a ladder led to a huge barrel of sugar. One day some children risked all and crept down the ladder. Sure enough. there was the barrel fil- le with a luscious white sub- stance. The children scooped up handfuls of it and crammed it into their mouths â€" and found that the sugar was salt!" a In the past 18 months, vandals have smashed some 1,500 windows and committed other damage to the 225- unit Elgin Mills Park Subdivision in Richmond Hill. Ac- cording to Mr. Fred Skopit and Mr. Silver, members of Skopit Associates, Toronto, principals, the subdivision has had 20 windows broken every week since construction started in that area a year and one half ago. operated the Powell Furniture and Appliance Company now lo- cated further north at 82 Yonge. The building also housed the Hugh Wight Pharmacy for a short time. In 1953 the building and land was assessed at $3,275.00. By 1957 the Richmond Hill boom and resultant increase in land values shot the total assessment to $20.365.00. It is understood that the Mood- ie estate sold the property for $30,000 and that the resale brought $50,000. Vandals Destroy 1500 Windows In Richmond Hill Wandering Calf Returned To Barn A month-old calf found staked out on Road 16, be. tween Concessions 6' and 7. last Monday morning. caused some little concern when it was reported to Markham Township Police by a passing motorist; for it was thought to have been tied there and abandoned. However, after a check-out by the boys in blue it was found that the calf had been tied ‘outslde the barn of a local farmer; had broken loose â€" and some thoughtful motorist had tied it to the fence by its halter to keep it out of mischief. erything possible under the cir- cumstances and we realize that they just don't have the man- power or cruisers to keep an around-theâ€"clock lookout of the area." Both men point out that the consistent pattern of des- truction by one or more person: could very well harbour in it ex- plosive. even more serious pos« sibilities. From a psychological point of view, it is pointed out that vandalism invariably reflects insecurity, a desire to attract at- tention to misdeeds which pro- vide compensation for lack of un- derstandlng, timldlty or vanity. eontinue‘ Sparked by letters of strong protest from two large industries .ere was discussion at Monday night’s town Council meeting a- bout rising costs and soaring tax rates. There was general agree- ment that real estate‘ is beating too great a tax load, and sugges- tions for relief included the pro- posal of 3 poil tag. In making a motion that the Finance Committee explore the possibility of a poll tax Council- lor Broadhurst mentioned an an- nual levy of $10. but suggested it might be increased to a more realistic figure of $20. or $25. He said it would give workers not otherwise assessed an opportun- ity to contribute to municipal services. It wouid heln too He said to uncover the “hidden pop- ulation." Deputy-reeve Tinker seconded the motion so it could be dis- cussed but said he did not favor it. He said if the franchise were extended to all persons over the age of 21 there might be justifica- tion for such a levy. Town Council Meeting “We all talk about the our- den on real estate so let's do something about it" said Coun- cillor Tom Broadhurst. He said in New Brunswick there is a poll tax on all males under the age of 60 not otherwise taxed. He suggest- ed council explore the advisa- bility of such a tax. “Why limit it to males" asked Councillor Bradstock. The motion to investigate the advisability of the poll tax failed to carry, but not before it inspir- ed a lot of discussion on the sub- ject of taxation and rising taxes. lect the tax. Crosby Heights Ratepayers Protest‘ Levy For Quarter Million Dollar Drain Plan Reeve Haggart ; No taxation without representation. Councillor Whillans said while he didn’t favor a poll tax he fav- ored exploring the possibility of securing new sources of revenue "There are other means of ob- taining revenue" he said. Reeve Haggai-t - “There are?" Coundl For many years Richmond Hill had an annual poll tax of $5.00 but it was abolished in the early 1930's. Arguments at that time were that it was difficult to col- Rejects Poll Tax Meanwhile. the destructive acts Plans Drive Trustees of York Central Hospital Association met Tuesday evening and discuss- ed plans for a membership eompaign. There is to day an elarming shortage of Hospi- tal Beds in York County and it is proposed to enlist a large Hospital Association membership to do something about supplying the need. Medical practitioners in the district report a longr wait- ing list of people needing hospital care. Hospital Assoc. HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 SINGLE COPY 10¢ ‘I haven't found anyone in fa- vour of it,’ slid Trustee Mrs. Sully. She pointed (mt the bonrd Trustee Mrs. Worrell express- ed the opinion a ward system might become a political system, “We want school trustees elected from the whole town,†Trustee Rabinowitch added “Three or four members of the board might live in one section of town but this shouldn’t rule them out." . “There might be more interest if there was a ward system," in- terjected Trustee Williams. “With a ward system each school would know they will be represented." ,“The difficulty of the ward system is that ability and inter- est might not be distributed ev- enly,†said Chairman L. D. Clem- ent. A previous motion of Trustee Sanderson and Williams to the effect that decision be deferred, as the board had not had time to discuss the matter fully was de- feated. Their motion also propos- ed sending a copy of the superin- tendent’s report which outlines the amended Public Schools Act regarding election of trustees under a ward system for the members of town council to read. Trustees Sully, Worrell and Rab- inowitc-h voted ‘no’. Chairman L. D. Clement commented, “It's sen- sible to use this opportunity to know what our people want." K. G. Smith who was spokes- man for the delegation said he was not pressing for an immed~ iate decision but urged council members to review the whole situation and give the peo- ple of the area a fair deal. He made it clear that the Associa- tion has obtained legal advice and plans a ï¬ght to the ï¬nish battle against the local improve. ment plan. A delegation representing Crosby Heights Ratepayers Association attended Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night and protested the proposed direct levy of a. portion of the cost of the quarter million dollar Beverley Acres drainage project. The delegation also asked for a detailed statement of the special accounts contributed to by sub- dividers and claimed such money should be spent in the areas directly concerned. Reeve W. J. Haggai-t, who presided in the absence of Mayor K. W. Tomlin, assured the delegation the brief sub- mitted will have the careful attention ‘of council members and that a further discussion of the subject matter will be on the agenda of a future meeting. Reeve Haggart explained that council’s decision to levy a part of the cost of the drainage proâ€" ject on the area was exactly the same treatment given people in all sections of the town. He said council policy is that all storm drainage be installed as local im- provement. A A majority of the Richmond Hill Public School Board has refused to approve the question, “Are You In Favour of 2. Ward System of Electing Public School Trus- tees ?†being included on the ballot for the proposed Ward system vote sponsored by town council. The vote will be held in September. Trustee Mrs. Virginia Sully, seconded by Trustee Mrs. Irene Worrell, made the motion of refusal, Trustee Joseph Rabinowitch voting with them. Trustee Harold Sanderson and Trustee Cecil Williams voted against the motion. Mr. Smith expressed concern over the absence of Mayor Tom- lin. He said the last time the del- egation came to discuss the mat- ter the Mayor was absent. Reeve Haggart said “the Mayor is en- joying a well-earned holiday" and added it had been arranged a long time ago. The Beverley Acres drainage project which has been held up for many months is planned to correct flooding conditions in the north east section of the munici- pality. Originally outlined more than two years ago there have been many discussions regard- ing the plan of payment. It has been suggested the entire cost of the project should be a direct levy on the area served. Some have contended it should be a levy over the whole town. Last year council adopted a storm sew- er policy which levies about half 'the cost on the area served and half on the whole town It was stated at that time this policy Was Councii's. Mistake Whale Town Should Pay Public School Bd. AgainstWard Vote Sully, Rabinowitch, Worrell ECANADIAN TIRE STORE 25 Yonge N., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1196 AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN 670/ 15 750/ 14 NYLON It was pointed out during the meeting that according to the amended Public Schools Act. 78 (b) where such a resolution for a change ls not approved by the council before the lst day of July, the board may require the council to submit the resolution to the electors at the next mun- icipal election. 78(3). At the elec- tion following the passing of the resolution by the board and council or following a favourable vote of the electors on the ques- tion, a new board shall be elect- ed to take office on the lst day of January of the following year, SUPER-LASTIC Trustee Mrs. Sully added. “It may look undemocratic but it is up to the board to decide. The people know the board does the best it can even if it looks un- democratic." The vote was then taken and passed that the board did not desire the question of the ward system for the election of public school trustees to be placed on a referendum if the town council decided to hold such a vote in regard to electing council members. Trustee Rabinowitch did not feel the "town was large enough to consider a ward system.†May Look Undemocratic was now trying to have a “flex- ible standardization in all the schools. would apply to the Beverley Ac- res drain plan. Monday night Mr. Smith speakâ€" ing for Crosby Heights Ratepay- ers Association contended it is most unfair to make a special levy on people in that area. It was a mistake of council," said Mr. Smith “and people of all the town should pay for it". Mr. Smith took strong excep- tion to the manner in which the special subdividers’ account had been handled. He said his assoc- iation had no objection to the $112,000. originally spent on the town hall, nor to the expenditure on the Library, but there is strong exception to some $23,000. now for alterations and the sug- gestion oi air conditioning. _ Mr. Smith contended that the quarter million dollar Beverley Acres drainage project is necess- ary due to the mistakes of prev- ious councils and While anyone is apt to make a mistake, all people of the town should share in the cost. He contended it is most unfair that a portion should be a direct levy on the area. "Let’s face it." he said, “it was an oversight on the part of coun- cil as the drainage should have been taken care of by the sub‘ divider". Mr. Smith asked for an early publication of an itemized state- ment of the number 1, 2 and 3 accounts. He said people wanted all details about where the mon- ey came from and where it was spent -r-____ Councillor Tom Broadhurst supported the demand regarding the subdividers' accounts. “There was a half million dollars collect~ ed and very little went back dir- (Continued on page 15) 11.95 wlth Class "A‘ fradeln the 78 for the