The girls were similarly treat- ed on the weekend of June 24 but their agenda did not include canoe outings. They were moved through two lakes by fast motor- boat. Each child with a life jack- et. on both weekends. The girls also had a go at portaglng and camped on Clear L_ake. _ l‘be June 19 affair saw 19 boys any at Oak Lodge, Haliburton yea and following breakfast were taken on a 40-mile lake tour during which they made canoe trips. The group was split in two for this part of the agenda, with ene half the boys going on the canoe tour Friday and the second group on Saturday. The hosts said that the weath- er"was perfect for both events. Mr. and Mrs. Nighswander pro. vided a roast beef dinner for 29 people on Saturday during which eight gallons of mm: were con- sumed by the healthy youngsters. On Sunday the eating feature was a baked ham dinner with the trimmings. r Irinclpal Grant Nighswander of Beverley Acres Public Schools, and Mrs. Nighswander were hosts to two groups of youngsters to an outdoors adventure June 17 an! June 24. The students paid their own costs except the food which was provided by the school board while the Beverley Acres Home and School Association paid for the gas. Both groups of students made the trip by car. Beverley Acres Students Enjoy Outdoor Trips SWIMMING POOL KOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON INCLUDING SUNDAYS SWIMMING POOL SAT. ONLY JULY 2 LAST ANGRY MAN THURSu FRL JUNE 30, JULY 1 KATHYO' Paul Mun] David Wayne COMANCHE STATIONS (Color) Randolph Scott Cartoon MOM. TUES.. WED. JULY 4. 5. 8 MINTREE COUNTY (Color) Elizabeth Taylor Montgomery cm: Miracle In The Caribbean (Color) run spot. for all (Color) Dan Duryel - Patty McCormack WILD HERITAGE (Color) Maureen O‘Sulllvm Cartoon THEATRE " THE ‘ 9K“. “Q APPLII . SH PHILCO S â€"â€"â€"' â€" WW ' “nu-m w 4 7932_ AV 5 2880 ROBERTS (UP TO DATE) RADIO â€"- RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE (soumonomws) 'opeu Evenmes m 9pm. J. Neal store at 61 Yonge South on April 8, Where a number of vehicle permits were stolen. A third charge, that of stealing a car in Vancouver ,was withdrawn. Richmond Hill Police effected the recovery of the stolen car. Breaks-In Louis Fez-tack, 34, of 50 Upper Canada Drive. Willowdale who was apprehended by local police on May 15 while attempting to break into the Woolworth Build- ing on Yonge Street for which he received a two-year jail sen- tence, had six months tacked on in Magistrate’s Court, Toronto last Monday on a follow-up charge. The six-month consecu- tive sentence was meteh out for breaking and entering at the Wm. Local police are investigating two other breaks-in which occur- red June 18 and June 20. In the latter case entry was made to a local residence by forcing a milk box door. In the former instance a thief or thieves lifted a quan- tity of sparkplugs and windshield wipers from the Richmond Hill Auto Supply Store on Industrial Road. Chief R. P. Robbins cau- tions home owners to make cer- tain that milk doors are securely fastened from the inside when they leave their homes for an overnight or weekend stay or for a lengthy holiday. Six months Extra Seventeen-year-old John Shu- lin of Richmond Bill will Spend the next year and 30 days in re- form school. In Monday's Crim- inal Court in Newmarket he re- One of the many outstanding features of the sparkling new John C. Love Lumber Co. Ltd., at 7079 Yonge Street just north of Steele's Avenue which offic- ially opened last Week, is its ar- chitectural design, Departing sharply from traditional plans for such types of lumber supply store. its 80 foot wide glassed front beneath a columnâ€" supported full-length canopy is one of the most modern structures of its kind in the province. It is a wor- thy addition to the area's boom- ing and modem development. Open Modern Showroom '8. Facilities Love Lumber Indoors one section of the display area has been partition- ed oï¬ to show the effect possible by using different wall ï¬nishes and tiles. The offices are on a mezzanine overlooking the main portion of the building.A huge warehouse is directly accessible from across the outstanding showroom. Huge overhead doors allow trucks to enter the build- ing for loading and unloading. Sen-Service Magistrate Metes Out Justice To Offenders Modern exhibits of packaged merchandise, paint and building material abound and a cheerful courteous staff is always ready to be of assistance. but Mr. Love stresses that self-service is being emphasized. something rather new in this business. The self- service feature speeds up buying and the excellent displays them- selves make it easy for the aver- age buyer to make his selection with accuracy and to his satis- faction. The new store. which replaces the former 10-year-old business which was destroyed by ï¬re only last January. will serve Willow- dale. Thornhlll, Richmond Hill . - "ZEADE-.N WESTINGHC ALLOWANCE PUSH BUTTON ‘ AUTOMATIC ceived one year on a breaches of probation charge. six months concurrent on a second similar charge, and 30 days for driving while under suspension. A care- less driving charge brought a 30- day concurrent sentence. Shu- lin was arrested June 13 by Police Chief R. P. Robbins after a car chase from Richmond Hill to Don Mills. ‘ Accident Scoreboard On the traffic accident front since January 1, 1960, there have been 85 mishaps handled by Rich- mond Hill Police Officers. Twen- ty three persons were injured and there has been one fa‘tality. The police department reminds the public that with 'the long weekend holiday commencing today that drivers in general will have to be on their guard every minute. Police Seminar Chief R. P. Robbins returned Friday from Hamilton where he attended the ï¬ve-day chief con- stables’ and deputy constables' seminar at McMaster University. The June 20-24 police course, with 96 law officers in attend- ance was given over to a variety of lectures in police methods and administration. Lectures covered police record work. criminal in- vestigations, laboratory work, police dog training ,human rela- tions, problems relating to alco- holism, breaking and entering and police and mass media com~ munications. The annual refresh- er is sponsored by the Attorney Generai's Department. and Metropolitan Toronto. The showroom itself gives one an idea of the stock available which includes ï¬ne varieties of hard- wood plywood and special woods, cherry, mahogany, walnut and oak as well as other lumber. Ev- ery piece of ï¬ne building mater- ial is guaranteed. The 10,000 square feet of cov- ered floor space and adequate open stockpile storage are other features. as is the spacious car lot in front where there is room on black asphalt for 50 vehicles. Community Service 7 Mr. Love. noted for his com- munity service, is particularly interested this year in a softball team which he is sponsoring. He is a charter member of the Willowdale Rotary Club and president of the Willowdale Busi- nessmen’s Association. He is as well a 32nd degree Mason and Shriner and is a member of the Ancient and Accepted order of the Scottish Rite. His recreation- al activities includes golï¬ng and sailing and he is a member of the Toronto Yacht Club. Mr. Love and his family (he is the father of two children) live at Finch Avenue West. Assistant manager at the new store is Pete Devrles who has been associated with the ï¬rm for four years. The Holland-born Peter is experienced in every line of material the company of- fers. SOMETHING TO SELL “THE LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 12 Cum“. 2Door Reg. Price $549.95 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE NO MONEY DOWN EASY 'I'ERMS NOW ONLY $399.95 When the W. A. of Headiord, met for their closing meeting of the season, the president, Mrs. Calder, was not sufficientw re- covered from her disability to be present, but her place was ad- mirably taken by Mrs. Harry Burton. Tentative plans for the July Bake Sale were made and thanks extended to Mrs. George Barker for the splendid work done by Charlie on the chairs. and a donation of $15 was made to the Vacation School. The pro- gram was built around a Refugee theme. with the very interesting film strip "The Year that Flow- ered," dealing wih Chinese re- fugees, forming the keynote, A reading on “This Refugee Year" by Mrs. Melvin Wellman was much appreciated as were two duets by Mrs. Heber McCague and Mrs. George Joyce. In place of the usual scripture comments, Mrs. W. M. Wellman read a meditation by the late Mrs. Mco Killop. written just prior to her death in the early Spring. An Austerity lunch of dry bread. cheese and tea brought an interesting meeting to a close. Personals We are happy to have with us on Sunday. Mr. Mllnes, substi- tuting for Mr. Garry McEachren, our student minister, for the next week or two. while Mr. Mcâ€" Eachren is honeymooning in the Maritimes. Also in Church nn Sunday were Mrs. Ida Ashman and Mrs. Pelletier. and who re- turned with Mrs. W. H. Wellman to her home for dinner. $150.00 Mrs. Acreman poured tea at a pretty Trousseau Tea, given by her mother. for Betty Gay, last Saturday afternoon. An unfortunate circumstance filled the Sunday School room with smoke. and forced most wMr. and Mrs. Abram Lehman of Carlisle Pa., visited Mr. and Mrs. French on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wehr of Greenville, Ohio spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. George French and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey. Socials A miscellaneous shower was held on Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hoo- ver in honour of Miss Irene Kozâ€" lakowski and Mr. Mark Knapp. _ WMrs. J. B. L. Stiver’ spent Wed- nesday with fgigpds §1t_.‘_1_o})letcm2 Mrs Elmer Hill and children of Providence Bay, Manitoulin lsâ€" land, Mrs. Chas. Hoover of Dick- son Hill, and Miss Marian Side: of Buffalo had supper on Thurs- day with Miss Rptll Hoover. number of ladies had a sur- prisé birthday party for Mrs. Reg McMullen on Friday nigh}. _ wMESâ€"sf,Maui‘ién Sidér of Buffalo spent last week visiting friends here. "ï¬gv. and Mrs. Era Lucas and Norma of Wallaceburg, and Mrs. Dave Honsaker and Murray of Columbus, Ohio, had dinner on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nigh and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. French. A large number of friends and relatives held a miscellaneous shower on Thursday night at the Youth Centre for Miss Luella Winger and Mr._Joh1_1 Gilrpore. Miss Lynne Hoadley had the misfortune to have her leg brok- en on Wednesday while playing at school. She had a cast put on B. B. 2 Gormley â€" Phone TUrner 4-2236 BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. ACREMAN HEADFORD NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 of the classes to be held outside. With such a lovely day, this provâ€" ed to be very pleasant. We are happy to note Mrs Ca1- der is recovering nicely able to stay up a little longer now than formerly. Visitors with the Acremans on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Char- lie Porter of Iondale Heights and their cousin, Mrs. Ethel Bursar}. Sorry to have missed Larry Burton's birthday last week when 3e celebrated his seventh birth- 35’. ' Anniversary congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wellman for June 28, when they will mark their eighth year; also to Dr. and Mrs. Binnington for their twen- ty sixth. on the same day. Mr. and Mrs. George Joyce will cele- brate their thirty fourth anniver- sary on June 26th. The annual picnic of 5.5. No. 3 Headford will be held June 29. Murray Acreman had signal suceess with old “35" at Lans- downe Track, Ottawa. on Wed. nesday, last week. Mrs. Freeman Barker, Mrs. W. H. Wellman. Mrs. Joe Fisher, and the Hal Acremans, were guests on Monday of the Stouffville Horticultural Society on their annual bus trip. This year it was to Niagara Falls. Stops were made at the gorgeous Hamilton Rock Gardens; ‘the Gage Park £01 a look at the roses; and at the Niagara Horticultural Society's beautiful Rose and Peony Garâ€" dens. The very specal thanks of all the Headford folk who Went. goes to the society at Stouff- ville. Lorraine Acreman, with several friends, attended a birthday lunâ€" cheon for Mrs. Joe Fleming. at the Summit Restaurant on Monâ€" day, returning for bowling later. an L; able to be home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck and family moved to their new home at Brampton. Mrs. Rose Britnell and Mrs. R. G. Britnell are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Inglisat Milton. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker of Gowanstown spent last week with their son-inâ€"law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wideman. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reesor and three children of Joliet, Que- bec, spent the weekend with his father, Mr. Carl Reesor. We wish a speedy recovery for Mr. Fred Kjrstein who is in York County Hospital, Newmarket; f0]- 1owing a heart attack. Mtg. H. W. Mullett of Guelph was a guest of Mrs. D. Fennell and Mrs. Allan Pope last week._ The Henderson 'Sisters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Climenhage of Stevensville. Mrs. Walter Newns, for many years a Gormley resident, was given a surprise birthday party in honour of her. 80th birthday, on June 18 at the home‘ of her son, Mr. Fred Rogerson at Cooks- town. Among the 42 guests were all her children, 5 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren, her only sister Mrs. Ida Cook of Gormley and MI' and Mrs. Deb Baker and Donna of Gormley. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Pope and Allan of Sudbury are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mr; A1- lan Pope. Frieflds and neighbours wish a speedy recovery for Mrs. Wm. Reg. Price $359.95 Discount $95.00 Now Only $264.95 NO MONEY DOWN LIMITED QUANTITY WESTINGHOUSE 12 Cu. Ft. Helse who has been confined to bed at her home suffering £rom neuritis. Mrs. Morley Hibbard (formerly Beulah Baker of Gormley) now of Edmonton, Alberta, her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hibbard and daugh- ter of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mrs. Hibbard's brother and sister-inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. Deb Baker. Miss Luella Winger was guest of honour at a cup and saucer shower on Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss Marilyn Dowâ€" ney of Maple. These friends were school friends of Luella. Music The following pupils of Miss Arvilla Forrester successfully passed their Toronto Conservaâ€" tory of Music Exams ‘- Grade Four Piano â€" Sheila Ash, Faye Johnson, Shirley Smith. Grade Five - Douglas Johnson. Grade Three - Jean Baker. Out congratulations to eacn of them. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilson and family moved on Friday from Mr. R. H. McMullen‘s house in New Gormley to Mllliken. Reesor Reunion Quite a number from our com- munity attended the Reesor fam- ily re-union on Saturday after- noon at Markham. Drs. John and Jean Erh just recently arrived home from Ni- geria, will be the guest speakers at the special Missionary Sunday School at 10 am. Sunday. July 3 at the United Missionary Church. ' The men held a bee on Mon- day night to erect t‘ne Lent at Pike‘s Peak for the tent meetings which commence on Sunday. Recent vi itors of Mr. and Mrs. George Fr nch were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steckley of Scar- boro, Mr and Mrs Samuel Winger of Vaughan, Mr. .and Mrs. G. Hersher of Maple, Rev. Bruce Hisey, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nigh, Mrs. Levi Steckley and Miss Reatha Steckley. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wideman of, Rich- mond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Heise, Rev. J. R. Steckley, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Conner and Doris. Miss Mildred Brillinger was bridesmaid at the wedding of her friend. Miss Gladys Hey. at Syra- cuse, New York on Saturday. Mrs. Roy Brillinger accompanied Mildred and spent the weekend in New York. The annual school picnic of S. S. No. 7, Markhkam was held on Tuesday at the Maples near Uxbridge. The Joseph Children accom- panied by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Joseph, Went to Buffalo on Sunday. The children sang on Uncle Jerry’s T.V. Club pro- gramme at 10.30 am. All the winners of the Star Carriers Con- test held in Toronto in April competed in this programme. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett left on Sunday for a trip to M1: and Mrs. left on Sunday Ottawa. Mrs. H. Joseph’s music recital was held on Tuesday night, June 28. at Vandorï¬ Hall It was well attended and all the pupils did very well in presenting an ex- cellent musich programme. Miss Sharon Bennett and Mas- ter Teddy Bennett are spending this week with their brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Winger in Vaughan. STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK : Electrician Phone TUmer 4-2881 SOMETHING WAI'TED LIBERAL CLASSIFIED TU. 4â€"1105 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 80, 1960 7 SIMILAR T0 ILLUSTRATION BRAND NEW MODEL - NO PICTURE AVAILABLE Colored Paï¬o Slabs Telephone TU. 4-5368 STEPS 9x18â€"55c 12x24â€" 95c 18 x 18 â€" 95c 24 x 24 â€" $1.70 RED -â€" YELLOW -â€" WHITE â€" SLATE PRE-CAST CONCRETE SIDEWALK SLABS Plant Located on Observatory Lane Just East of Stop 23A Yonge Street NOTE - Office and Factory will be closed on Friday and Saturday -â€" for Dominion Day Holiday Motor Tune-up â€" Starters, Generators. Carburetors, Voltage Regulators - Auto-Lite Service Dealer INDUSTRIAL CAST STONE THORNHILL - - AV. 5-3111 Open 8 to 5 Monday to Friday a 8 to 12 Saturday AUTO ELECTRIC It Costs Less Than You Think To Build A Recreation Room Need more space in your home for living or sleeping? At small cost, you can ï¬nish of a rumpus room or extra bedroom in your attic or basement. Let us quote â€" DO IT NOW! BUDGET PLAN â€" N0 DOWN PAYMENT yoUr employer or write Skeet E THE LUMBER co. LTD. 71 Centre St. East, TU. 4-1361 SHEPPARD 8: GILL 24†x 30†x 2" â€"- $1.50 ALSO VERANDAH TOPS CURBS ETC. NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES 36 Mouths To Pay Shingles & Rooï¬ng Materials, etc. 22 INDUSTRIAL ROAD RICHMOND HILL TORONTO 7, ONTAHO APPLIANCE STORES NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT UNTIL AUGUST