Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jul 1960, p. 9

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Near you and your neighbours, too, is the door to a branch of the ‘Royal’. Behind that door lies the experience. knowledge and strength of the whole institution. Keyed to the needs of your community, it offers the many varied and useful services of “the bank with a thousand front doors”. We have just opened our one thousandth branch. It's in Regina, Saskatchewan and is located on Albert Street. And, like Royal Bank branches everywhere â€"â€" in cities, towns and villages from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island and in many lands beyond Canada’s borders -â€" it will serve the needs of its own communitv. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN CIVIC HOLIDAY PROCLAMA‘I’ION It is hereby proclaimed by the Township of Vaughan that Monday, August lst, 1960, will be observed as 3 Civic Holiday. Citizens are requested to gdvern themselves accordingly. J AS. MCDONALD Richmond Hill Branch: W. V. Sleeman, Manager Clerk GOD SAVE THE QUEEN JOHN PERRY Reeve SUTTON : The Teeth and jaw bones of a 10 to 30 thousand year old mammoth have been discov- ered in a gravel pit near here. Auto Service Complete Servico To All Makes of Carl ELGIN MILLS Good brakes are a “must” for safe stops. Have the peace of mind of being 100% brakewise. Come in for a brake check. If needed we’ll refine and adjust them. COOK'S BP Can You Count On Safe Stops? THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW BUSINESS IN RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT lOCAL PLUMBING AND DRAINS 129 MAY AVE. TU. 4-3163 Town & Country Food Plan Well . . . food, cost‘fog Akz'eFage' 'family of 5 per week $9.75 Freezer cost per week as low as $4.40 Food and Freezer per week . . $14-15 Still puzzled? We’ll be glad to explain . . . at no obligation to you. Just‘ call collect. From 3 Tap Washer to an Apartment We will meet or beat any price All Work Guaranteed DON’T BE SORRY â€"- BE SURE â€" CALL US 210 Markham Rd. Richmond Hill ESTAB. 1950 TU. 4-3151 915 440 I415 A'I' Bruce Macdougall Mtrs. 1959 FORD CUST. 2-DOOR - Lic. No. 244963 1958 PONTIAC 4-DOOR DEL. STATION WAGON Lic. No. 5996K - Just the Thing for Week End Camping Trips or Coming «Holidays Sporty Red & White Two Tone With Radio, Immaculate Inside and Out Metallic Blue Finish With White Top. Automatic Transmission - Power Steerin-g - Washers A Clean One Owner Car PRICE ONLY 1955 BUTC'K” 2-DR. HARBT’OP . Lic. No. 211272 1946 GMC 3-TON TOW TRUCK 'AV. 5-4351 _ - GM.A.C. FINANCE e TU. 4-2864 Bruce MacdougaI\Mt__r___s. AV. 5-5401 AV. 5-5402 WA. 1-1445 T0 9 P.M. Huh? Stop 24 Yonge St. Just South-of Richmond Hill (Opp. DUNLAP OBSERVATORY) PONTIAC - BUICK - VAUXHALL - G.M.C. (FORMERLY RICH-HILL MOTORS) SAVE $$$ Smart Maroon & White Two Tone Washers & Whitewalls Truly A Clean Car With Low Mileage Complete with Holmes Wrecker Ideal for Service Station On Tuesday morning of last week, members and friends of the Senior Women’s Institute and their children boarded one of Mr. Gordon Mortson’s buses. for a trip to the Boyd Conserva- tion Park at Woodbridge to have the annual Institute picnic. Mr. Allan Orr was the driver. It was a beautful warm day. with clear skies and a strong breeze. Some of the children and one lady enjoyed a swim and a paddle before and after dinner. Races were held with all the children receiving a package of candy and a surprise bag as a prize. Everyone signed 3 "Get- Well" card for Mrs. S. Boynton, who‘ was in hospital and was greatly missed. Everyone reports having a wonderful time. On Friday evening, 20 Vacation Bible School leaders and helpers met at the home of Mrs. George Boyce,‘Bayview Ave. After dls~ cussing all phases of the vaca- tion school held at Headford, ev- eryone agreed that it was very successful and helpful to all who attended. $50.00 will be sent to the Church’s Vacation School project, “Pictures of Jesus” for boys and girls of_other;lands. The complete slate of 1960 of- ficers and helpers will continue for next year. The group present enjoyed seeing the pictures taken this year and also ones taken last year with _a_ movie camera. The W.A. will hold a bake sale on the-church lawn on Friday, July 29, from 2 to 5 pm. The March. May and June groups will be in charge. Any donations of baking, fruits and vegetables will be greatly appreciated. Church News Mr. Garry McEachern, the student minister was in charge of the church service on Sunday morning. Rev. Dr. A. F. Binning- ton will be in church next Sun- day. Everyone welcome. Neigbourhood Notes Mrs. D. Rumney spent a few days recently with her sister. Mrs. Start at Brantford. While there they attended the Strétford Shakespearean Festival and saw ‘A Midsummer Night‘s Dream," and enjoyed it very much. The many friends of Mrs. Stan- ley Boynton will be pleased to hear that she was able to return home from the hospital on Fri- day of last week, following her recent operation. ' VBirthdIay greetings to Mrs. R Perkins for August 1. 'Mrs. L. Muanerson was in charge of the Sunday School on Sunday due to the absence of the superintendent who was on va- cation. Mr. and Mrs. P. Rumney and family spent a few days last week at the cottage at Port Sryd- ney. - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Picker- ing and Mervyn, Miss Minnie Pickering, Miss Delores DeLa- Barre and Mr. Neil Pickering and Mrs. R. Perkins had Sunday ev- ening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker. and Ross. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS (1960) LTD. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLB R. R. z Gormley â€" Telephone Gormloy 5421 PRi'CE ONLY PRICE ONLY PRICE ONLY Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning and Laurie. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leebeck of Stayner called on Mr. and Mrs. Lo_u_i‘s Nichols one day last week. Miss Ruth Bryson 6f Laskay is visiting with her cousins Ronald, Anita and Patricia _Orr Masters Ronald Orr and Lloyd VanderKooy returned home on Sunday after spending the past week at Camp Ahshunyoong. at Lake Slmcoe. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mumberson attended the Paisley-White wed- ding held in St. Philip's Angli- can Church, Unlonville on Satâ€" urday afternoon. The reception was held at the Summit View Restaurant. There will be a baseball game at Victoria Square L'ommunity Centre Park on Thursday even- ing, July 28. It.wiil be Buttonville vs Victoria' Square. On Tuesday August 2. there will be another baseball game. It will be Victoria Square versus Gormley. Please note all Gormley games will be played at Victotia Square: _ Mr. Clarence Huggins of Taun- ton spent a few days last week with his grandmother and uncle, Mrs. A. Frisby and Richard. Correspondent: Mrs. H. Acrennn R. R. 2 Gormley Phone TUrner 4-2236 David Terry returned on Sun- day from camp at Ahshunyoong, and reports having a “whale of a time.” Sue Terry and Christine are at present visiting their grandmother at her cottage at Duclos Point, Lake Simcoe, after which Susan will leave for camp on August 3, when she will be a Counsellor. 7 The Hal Acremans are leaving on August 2 for Vancouver and Victoria B. C. for a month’s holi- day. A splendid meeting of execu- tives and staff of the Vacation School was held last Friday ev- ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Joyce. All reports given were satisfactory, and President, Secretary, and Trea- surer were re-elected for another year. Dr. Binnington was asked to pass on thanks to the session of Headford Church for its use; and to the executive and trustees of 8.8. No. 3 for making the school available. Moving pictures taken of the ’59 Vacation School were shown and very greatly en- joyed. Mrs. Joyce served delic- ious cool refreshments to the twenty people in attendance. 1 v" V...“ The HEiVAéremans, Murray and Lorraine were in Keswick on Saturday. Nay“- _ Next Sunday will be Mission- ary Sunday in the Sabbath School. There will be a film and a special collection. Sunday School has been withdrawn for the month of August; but there will still be Church Service at ten o’clock each Sunday, con- ducted by Mr. Garry McEa'chern. Margaret Brodie writes that she is having a very good time; at present she is in the north of Scotland and has been helping with the hay. She expects to spend the month of August in continental Europe. hullullluuvu- .....- -r .. Many happy returns to Cora Brodie for July 29, and to Mrs. Jim Curtis for igggufist 4z v “igfinigiMiddI'eton, former member of Headford congrega- tion‘, was a weekend guest of Mrs. Brodie, Cora and Don. HEADFORD $1995.00 $1895.00 $995.00 $695.00 TO BE HELD 10 AM. WEDNESDAY; AUGUST 10th," 1960 COUNCIL CHAMBERS TOWN HALL, Richmond Hill TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Richmond Hill has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board for an Order approving the capital expenditure of the sum of $248,000.00 being the estimated cost of the construction of storm sewers, in the Town of Richmond Hill, and part in the Township of Markham on an easement from Taylor Mills Drive North to Browndale Crescent, on an easement from Browndale Creseent to Browndale Cres- cent, on an easement from Browndale Crescent to Taylor Mills Drive South, on Taylor Mills Drive South, Neal Drive, Crosby Avenue, on an easement from Balkan Drive to Bayview Avenue and on Bayview Avenue, together with stream improvement of the water course from Bayview Avenue to a point ‘420 feet more or less east of Bayview Avenue, to be raised by the issue and sale of debentures repayable over a period of 20 years. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Richmond Hill has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board for an Order approving a by- law imposing sewer rates to be imposed for the payment of a portion of the said sum as follows: The sum of $16,706.85 to be imposed by a sewer rate of $5.00 per foot frontage plus interest thereon at the rate of interest borne by the debentures annually for a period of 20 years upon all frontage set forth in Schedule “A” (subject to certain exemptions set forth in the By-law on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill). The sum of $106,601.84 to be imposed by a sewer rate of $2.00 per foot frontage plus interest thereon at the rate of interest borne by the debentures annually for a period of 20 years upon all fontage set forth in Schedule “B” (subject to certain exemptions set forth in the By-law on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill). The sum of $114,691.31, being the balance of the said estimated cost of $248,000.00, together with interest provided by the debentures to be levied upon all rateable property in th Town of Richmond Hill over a per- iod of twenty years. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed Wednesday, the 10th day of August, 1960, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon (local time) at the Council Chambers. Richmond Hill, for the Hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing the said application. DATED at Richmond Hill this 22nd day of July, 1960. RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk Street Crosby Avenue Production of Neal Drive Taylor Mills Drive S. Street Cartier Cresc. (South) Cartier Cres. (North) Rockport Cresc. I Tormore Drive Niblock Street Talmage Ave. Balkan Road Osiris Circle Osiris Drive Alverna Rd. Felix Rd. Becker Rd. Bonita. Cres. Alverna Road Taylor Mills Dr. W. Taylor Mills Dr. S. Neal Drive Kerswell Drive Kinsman Rd. Perkins Rd. Crosby Ave. Browndale Cresc W. Browndale Ctes. E. Barber Road McConvey Drive Keats Road Lynett Cresc. North Lynett Cresc. South Windhurst Gate Bayview Ave. Beechy Drive Blue Grass Blvd. Alsace Rd. Ashlar Rd. Demaine Cresc. Axminster Dr. Anzac Rd. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 28, 1960 9 M U N | C | PAL BOARD HEARING From Bayview Crosby Avenue Neal Drive From Tormore Drive Bayview West Limit Lot 162 S. Limit Lot 128 Cartier Cresc. N. Cartier Cresc. N. Osiris Drive Osiris Drive Crosby Avenue Osiris Drive Crosby Avenue 100’ West of Felix Rd. Becker Rd. Becker Rd. Taylor Mills Dr. S. Newkirk Rd. 100’ South of Taylor Mills Drive South Taylor Mills Dr. W. Kerswell Dr. Taylor Mills Dr. W. 1300’ W. of Bayview Kinsman Road Kinsman Road Browndale Cresc. Neal Drive Browndale Cresc. McConvey Drive McConvey Drive Lynett Cresc. S. Limit Lot 128 Richmond Acres W. Limit Lot 1 N. Limit Lot 12 Demaine Cresc. Demaine Cresc. Beechy Drive S. Limit Lot 52 Axminster Drive SCHEDULE “A” SCHEDULE “B” 1800’ west of Bayview Taylor Mills Dr. S. Easement 100’ west of Neal Dr. To Lindley St. Lindley St. Millerdale Ave. Cartier Cresc. N. Balkan Road Osiris Drive Crosby Ave. 200' South Balkan Road Crosby Avenue Becker Rd. 100’ East of Bonita Cres. 200' South Lynett Cresc. S. East Limit Lot 8-!) Bayview Ave. 100’ South of Taylor Mills Drive North Neal Drive Browndale Cresc. Browndale Cresc. 550’ W. of Osiris Dr. Keats Road Keats Road McConvey Drive Lynett Cresc. Taylor Mills Dr. Windhurst Gate Windhurst Gate Bayview Ave. N. Limit Block B. Beverley Acres Blue Grass Blvd. Taylor Mills Dr. 8. Blue Grass Blvd. Blue Grass Blvd. Blue Grass Blvd. Blue Grass Blvd. Taylor Mills Dr. S.

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