Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jul 1960, p. 11

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TORONTO- DOMINION Let me showyou how easy financial housekeepmg ‘ can be 4 with T-D people make the deference at Our convenient, Twin Account plan is just one of the many useful and efficient services the eople at “The Bank” ave to offer. Just one visit to your nearest branch will convince you that . . . all you have to do is deposit the necessary funds, to meet your day- to-day expenses, in your Personal Chequing Ac- count and pay all your bills by cheque. This way your cancelled cheques and a statement of your account are forwarded to you every sixty days. “Under the Twin Account Plan, you simply open a Personal Chequing Ac- count in addition to your ngings Account. Then This plan not only gives you an accurate record of your spending, but the cancelled cheques serve as receipts and reminders of expenditures that are deductible for tax pur- oses. The Personal hequing Account’s other advantages include lower charges per cheque issued and speedier counter service. But the big advantage is the combination of the two accounts. Your Per- sonal Chequing Account for the payment of bills only and your Savings Account for regular, sys- tematic interest-bearing savings. - Richmond Hill Branch Twm Accounts ‘. DYSON â€" Manager Rev. Norman Pick. B.A. of St. Andrew’s United Church, Mark- ham, represented York Presby- tery at the ceremony. and Rev. Dr. A. F. Binnington preacned a fitting sermon on the text “He that putteth his hand to the plough and looketh back is un- worthy of me.” The fine Scot- tish accent of Rev. Morrison Sel- ler of Owen Sound, a visitor in the community. who read the scripture brought 'to mind the sons of Scotland who founded the original Presbyterian con- gregation here. The black-gown- ed choir, the ministers in their gowns and rabats, the rich red embossed carpeting and the soft tones of the electric organ must have been a far cry from for- mer days. Likewise the swish of traffic beyond the open windows which invaded the Sabbath calm. Among ‘the choir members present on this memorable oc- casion were, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ste- TO ENTER:- VISIT ANY STORE BELOW 8. RECEIVE FREE COUPON. SIGN YOUR NAME & DEPOSIT SLIP. - No OBLIGATION. At that time it was surrounded by fertile farmlahds crossed by rutted roads little better than trails. Today, with two main highways at its doors and new homes rising all around, expan- sion is necessary and the r-ongre- gation met to pledge themselves for the undertaking. RICHVALE, ONT. STOP 22A AV 5-3821 Gliddens Paint Giftware Boots & Shoes HARDWARE - PAINTS IMPERIAL GASOLINE & 01L The present dignified small red brick church. in its setting of evergreens and tall elms with the quiet graves beside was built just before the turn of the cen- tury to replace an earlier wooden structure. D let-co a 3mm TO. (-1812 ALL HOURS Delivery Toronto 8 Dtsuict Phone ALpine 7-1121 Maple 189E Centre TU. 4-1313 K ET OLA POWER EQUIPMEN1 There was a service of quiet reverence at Brown's Corners Church on Sunday morning of this week, when members and adherents of the 117 year old congregation gathered to dedi- cate themselves to the building of an extension to the present church, and a sod-turning cere- many.- l. D. lAWRIE HARDWARE 3 . . Moorem. Turn Sod Brown's Corners United Church Extension 7571 Yonge St., Thornhil‘] GIFT SHOP - Second Floor wn mowers - tractors. - power saws and small engines. JULY CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES Dresses, Blouses. Lingerie, etc. All Greatly Reduced SALES & SERVIC '4 Av. 5.1533 C O I. ll N S HARDWARE LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR TU. 4-296] RICHMOND HILL Blue Coal & Fuel Oil for all occasions RAMER Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL POLAROID “HOME OF THE WEEK" 'ah‘i 8. SON The first sod was turned by Mr. Hank Coleman. chairman of Sector, at the north arm of the cross. Mrs. A. W. Miller, Har- mony Club president turned the second sod: Mrs. Wm. Rodick. pres. of W.M.S., the third, and For the sod-turning ceremony the congregation moved outside to the land at the back of the building which has been desig- nated for the new extension. Three symbols were presented â€" (l) a large white cross chalked on the green grass denoting the hallowing of the ground ‘Where- on our children and we who watk with them will witness worthily the faith within.” (2) a plough and spade (the former used 60 years ago by Mr. Wm. Brown father of Mr. John Brown, the present secretary of the church and the man who stood at the plough) marked the congrega- tion's determination “by God’s grace to accept without stint nr flinching the challenge of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ: He that putteth his hand to the plough and looketh back is un- worthy of me." (3) A hymn was sung â€"â€" O God Our Help in Ages Past â€"- to remind that “ev- en as our forefathers walked in the light, so we walk confidently into the future knowing “save the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build it." Turn Sods phenson, Mrs. W. Rodlck, Mrs, A. W. Miller. Mrs. Ola) to“ Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steffler, Mrs. H. R. Paterson, Misses Sam dra Burr, Joy Fuller, Janet Cralg and Messrs. Jack Cough and Charles Turner. Mrs. Donald Reesor, a great granddaughter ot the man who gave the land for the first church played the Organ. Unfortunately, Mrs. S. J. English, choir director was unable to be present. Shell Service Station 10% DOWN 0n R. D. Your Headquarters For Vacation Needs First-Aid Supplies Summer Vitamins FLOWER SHOP KEN RUSTON GARDEN SUPPLIES RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE IMMEDIATE DELIVER! "llTTlE &SONLTD. RICHMOND HILL 28 YONGE ST S. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1521 NEW & USED CARS W l G H T' S PHARMACY HIGHWAY 11 AV. 5-4588 Miles North of Richmond Hill AV. 5-4211 TU. 4-7821 CLEANERS TU. 4-1911 ROSE JEWELlIRS AND AT Among the famiLv names (old and new in the community) rep- resented at the ceremony were those of Brown, Hood, ’Bun‘, Reid. Stephenson, Paterson, Hord. Brumwell, Champion. Tur- ner. Maw. Coleman. Alex. Sher- man, Christiansen. Baldwin, Gough, McTavish. Walton, Craig, Craigie, Palmer, Carruthers‘. Put- nam, Leper. Rodick. Steffler. Ba- ker. Leaf. Stewart. Miller Fuller. Clarke. to name several. and many friends were also present. the fourth was turned by Mr. Tom Stephenson representing the Y.P.U. Ropes to pull the plough were held by Mr. Norman Reid. chief clerk of session and Mr. Charles Turner, Sunday School superintendent. At the close of the ceremony all members of the congregation. manned the ropes, with elders and board of steward members and building commit- tee members leading the way. Following remarks by Rev. Norman Pick and prayers the Doxology was sung and Dr. Bin- nington pronounced the bene- diction. Seven tenders have been re- ceived and work on the new project will commence shortly. Large Picnic Area Tables - Shade Beautiful Woods -â€" Yes. you too might win a Polaroid Land Camera. Simply visit any one of the stores listed here for your free «roupons There < nothing to buy no jingles to write simply sign your name and deposit the slip. A local draw will be held monthly so you stand a good chance of winning. v a Fast Cur Wash _ _ Expert Motor A V. 3-0321 Cleaning New Spnyaway Method Yonge at Bunker, Thornhlll The Only BP SERVICE in Thornhill 6 miles east of Newmarket on Davis Drive T H O R N H l l I. PAINT SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS RICHMOND “Ill. 1‘ V & CAMERA If you are the householder of this home, call at "The Liberal" nmce and you will receive FREE 455.00 purchase order good 8! one of the places of business shown here. McATEER'S 7707 YONGE ST. THORNHILL. ONT. Mount Albert 54W3 50 YONG! ST. 5. AV. 5-3756 DO YOU llVE IN THIS HOUSE? Yard Goods, Boots. Shoesa Rubbers 12 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1833 A. REINKE LADIES’. MEN’S AND ('HlLDREN’S READY TO WEAR Your Polaroid Headquarters SALES & SERVICE Cameras - TV - and Hi-Fi BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE Win a Polaroid Land Camera Panoramic View SER \r ICE The 50-acre Humber Trails Conservation area, two miles east of Nobleton, was officially opened July 20 by William Hodgson. Reeve of King Township, which deeded the land for one dollar to the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, for the purpose of devel- oping these flood plain lands for recreation purposes. Seen at unveiling of plaque are (left) George Lisk, Warden of Simcoe County. Reeve Hodgson, Major A. A. MacKenzie, M.C.,ul\l.P.P., Dr. G. Lord, Authority Chairman, T.A.C. Tyrrell. Deputy Minister of Planning and Development, and W. L. Clark. Warden of York County. The acquisition and development of flood plain lands plays an important part in the overall flood control program of the Authority. BA SERVICE STATION “The best in home-made bread and pastries” 55 Yonge St. S. Yonge & Clarke Sts., ‘ Stop 14A A Thornhill'. Ontario Phone AV. 5-296] Tune-ups For All Makes of Cars AL 8. TOM'S Coming RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE FOR DELIVERY TU. 4-5581 To For informatiom call TU. 4-3800 Richmond Hill SEPTEMBER 12th Gingham - Cotton Broadcloth - Chambray - Polished - Indian Head - Everglaze - Mereerlzed - Arnel - Pique - Chino - Denim - Seersucker - Border Print - Tap- estry Print - Tweed - Bedford Cord - Petlt Point - Terry Cloth - Bleached Sheeting - Pillow Tub- ing - Unbleached Cotton - Cotton Lace - Cotton Fringe - Edging - Insertion - Sateen - Chair Can- vas - All Cottons at NEW VOLKSWAGENS ONLY $1595 Try One Today No. I Hwy W. & Yum Thornhlll Call AV. 5-3251 AV 5-1535 MURRAY MOTORS TU. 4-2819 21 Yonge N. P R I D H A M' S PAINT 8. WALLPAPER Garden Centre EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN RICHVALE HARDWARE WALTER Paints ‘ Enamels - Varnish» FABRIC FAIR KEEP COOL IN COTTON STOP 22 YONGE ST. PHONE AV. 5-3611 Yonge St. - Thomhill THORNHILL I.G.A. FOODLIN ER LOWEST PRICES FREE PREMIUMS 80A YONGE ST. S. uqulunul Moore THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 28, 1960 CONSULT “THE LIBERAL" TUrner 4-1105 Finest Quality at Prices that Save You Money Complete Collislon a; Refinishing Service Bicycles: C.C.l\‘l. & Raleigh ‘ Repairs to All Makes Complete Line of Sporting Goods Phone TUrner 4-1213 25 Yonge St. S Richmond Hill, Ont. Sterling Reid TU. 4-5011 SHELTON MANSELL MOTORS I! E I D' S AUTO BODY SHOP E} .52.»; 520,0 Phone I‘U. 4-1311 LPaniiflq EQUIPMENT 16 YONGE STREET N. TELEPHONE TU. 44231 YORK OFFICE THE HOME OF MODERN BUSINESS MACHINES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE STATIONERY IN RICHNigND HILL Doors Moulding - Plywood Paint - Wallboards Telephone TU. 4-1125 AV. 5-3506 For everything in Butler & Baird Corner of Yonge St and Elgin Mills Rd. Richmond Hill "Everything For the Home Builder" ,4/2. (#64 191 Yonge St. North All Work Guaranteed 75 YONGE ST s. TU. 4-7331 TU. 4-5631 Cities Service Quality Products Lumber Ltd. Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill iru. 4.32114 '5 53 YONGE ST. N. sales, repairs, TV for rent washers. dryers. stoves TU. 4-3331 In nukes 72y REFRIGERATION i7 APPLIANCE REPAIRS if RADIO, TV 81 AERIALS i} ELECTRIC WIRING 733 REPAIRS & SERVICE SPECIAL THIS WEEK â€" I953 Chevrolet Bel Air Hill City Motors 51} Oil Burner Service Electric-TV. Look Better! IN CLOTHES CLEANED WIMBRIDGE CLEANERS 12x20 $335.00 $17.00 MONTH Models on Display at 9020 Yonge St., Richvale AVenue 5-1109 [0 U G H ll N LUMBER a. SUPPLY I! you want it wired up or connected - cull Ill Protect your car with a Free All Day Motorized Delivery RICHVALE R EX A ll. PHARMACY â€" LIMITED - TU. 4-2162 Industrial Road Richmond Bil] 9014 Yonge St. GARAGE AV. 5-3772 Feel Better! from AV. 5-3338 REPAIRS

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