66] YO AV. 5-4442 H. D. Melsness, D.C. X-RAY cor Windham: Gate 5 Bayvlew (1 block south Bay-view Plan) Phone TU. 4-1075 3! Appointment Deciantis - Rice GENERAL CONTRI CTORS Building Repairs & Alteration Dnln a; Concrete Work John R. K a Leonard R. Arthur J. Everett and 'Associates AV 5-3154 ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS Dr. W. R. Redford PLASTERING CONTRACTOR KING Building Trades Dr. J 0h 8. COM. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TELEPHONE AURORA PArkvlew 7-9451 Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST 5453M YONGE STREET BA. 5-470] X -Ray 13 WEDGEWOOD DR. WILLOWDALE, ONT. BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3451 CHMTERED ACCOUNTANT Arthur G. Broad, Birch Ambulance â€" PHONE TE. 3-5295 Suite 106. 17 York St Toronto or General Repairs TU. 4-2933 Richmond H ill 81 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-4251 By Appointment ILA. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Chiropractic OXYGEN EQUIPPED 24 HOUR SERVICE Wm. Clubine 15 Yonge St. Nan): RICHM TUrn Accountants Ambulance L. E. Clark Philip Swan Architects G. Chassie BUILDER CONTRACTOR TU. 4-1483 AV. 5-1066 CALL ANYTIME Open Evenings Dental Richmond Hm TU. 4-4601 DI Service EM 3-1329 m. 4-496] Homes Extraction: Dentist Rosenberg homhill, Ont STREET 90h PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Body & render loch Complete WW I: you haven't bend at c- to putation. enquire In. 9!. friends All work gum-um 144 Spruce An. Stop 22A Vongc St. flaw. For appointment. DI. AV. m1 TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 Elgin Mills Loam & Sod Co. Ltd. COMPLETE GARDEN. LAWNS. Phone AV. 5 v 4301 Central York Appliance Service 86 Spruce Avenue Rh COMPLETE Washing Machine Service TURNER & CRAIG Richmond Hill TU. 4-4059 WHEN YOU NEED l'l'l WE WAIT ON YOU Washers ~ Dryer: - Rang†Commercial 8: Domestic Remi- erauon Agents for Leading Max-luncht- on Burner 5 Furnace lul- O Service TU. 4-3183 TU. 4-3417 HELEN SIMPSON LYN!" Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Member - Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association 2518 YONGE 81'. (at St. Clements) Office I‘U. 6-8571 Gardens, lawns, Seeds, Paving Electric Briden & Thompson & FLOWER BED, LOAMS. TOP SOIL, SOD & MANUBI {irhvale Auto Body DBN‘I’IS‘I 55A YONG: 3' 30"“ I‘Uruer #1511 Richmond m Dr. P. R. Macfarlane DENTIST Gas Extraction. 50 101150 St. North TU. 4-1177 Richmond Hill Commercial - [)0an Industrial Dr. J. Perdicarh MEDICAL-DENTAL Dr. W. J. Mason SPECIAL HACIINIII GENERAL mun Wiring - M'nintennneo Appllmeo TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 Leno’s Machine Shop 13 CENTRE 81'. IA†RICHMOND m AV. 5-1974 CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES rnom Engineering 8. Electrical PRINTING ALL KINDS AV. 5 - l514 GARAGES mmrrmm WILDING Flowers SERVICE Dental (Continued) I'D. 4-1.†Rich'dl 84 Am. 8%. W. for.“ Ill. 8481] hill-m “mo-ms mm manusc- l'. Al I.- “ I... .Yn‘l mum m In In... -.’.I. uMuJynppolnhc-t nom NATURAL SCIENCP SERVICE loan Street. Ont PI. 3-5071 Why Use Hard Water ? Dome-tie & Commercial Want Sons-or Co. "on. I. to. [her-mo ROW! mu ERMA†'I'IJ. 6-107. 13 Benson 3. Richmond am. On. II. 0-!" CARPENTR! CONTRACTORS REPAIRS a ALTERATIONS Ikhen Cupboards A Specialty AV. 5-3889 Humane Services Coach lines ltd. MAKES OI CAI. Speculuu h Volt-um- . All European Cll'l I Mlle- ‘lonh of Mahmoud lllll on loan smut (can dale) Telephone TU. 4-2572 Jeï¬erson Auto Body PAINLESSL! DESTROYED h approved S.P.C.A. Method â€" .3 â€" General Business Hair Styling 8- Beauty Salons Services, Landscaping. Club. Dining and ‘lhmchlng MAPLE. PHONE AL. 1-115! Septic Tank. Water & Sm SAID and BRAVE. Ootchu for d] Omaha- rm. Ila. . You. It Ind-Ind Acts-no- Jake Smith & Sons BOD! . "ND" IIPAIIS O BEFINISHING f0 ALI. Roy .4. Phillips Sellwood Salon TU. 4-2321 langdon's Bookkeeping Service '03“? I. FERGUSON FOR INFORMATION Talon-o Tl. 8-5428 Crushed Stone Loan and Fill E. CHARITY Roy V. Rick Insurance 1'5th AV... 8-1310 Diamond Contractors 108 Shun Anal. Willowhle. on BA. 1-6232 GARAGES Continued) ' CATS John J. Lawlor, BA. 17 Queen Street E. - Suite 544 Toronto 1, Ontario EMpire 6-2362 Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill, Ontario TU. 4~7191 Stuart Parker, Q.C. IICHMOND HILL 1 Duflefln St AV“ 6-1477 ‘I'Urner 1-1548 John S. Walkington W. #1219 Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto, Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg., Aurora. Ontario Ernie Brock 8. Son A. Burnett General Insurance Suite 2, Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N.. Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1551 GENERAL INSURANCE fill ‘ AUTO - LIABILITY 1: King St. . m; cm REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL INSURANCE 8118 YONGE ST. THORNHILL Plaxton & Deane TELEPHONE PA. 7-5052 Savage 'nsnmnce Services GENERAL INSURANCE "re. Automobile. Plate Glam. Automobile Financing. etc. Ofliee 15 Yongo St. I. Iuideuce 73 Leisure LIIIO Richmonf Bill _ fl hm Mutual Automobile lnsunnï¬â€˜ï¬ Stale Farm Life Insurance Co. _.b Faun Fire and CaSuaIIy 00.3 Insurance Agency FOR INSURANCEIALL. INSURANCE SERVICES Box 324. 75 Harding Blvd. Richmond Hill AVenuo 5-4201 Neill 8. Neill AV. 5-3046 - AV. 5-5085 COMPLETE INSURANCE ' SERVICE Bus. ALpine 7-2621 Res. ALpine 7-1224 Barrister. Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL NORMAN BRIAN’I‘ 255 Ashlar Rd. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-2291 Corner Agency Limited Bead Oï¬ice. Toronto THOBNHILL Richmond Hill Ofliu 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thornhill Office AV. 5-1197 LTD Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. Banister-AbLaw Solicitor Herrington Insurance STATE FARM INSURANCE Legal St. - TE. 3-5283 . WALKER (Continued) Richmond mu TU. 4-1271 Dr. Cameron Cowan Dr. Jas. G. M cKinnon Richmond Hill. Ont Ofllee & Residence W. H“. (By Appointment) Medical Centre. DIM" Pl- 3rd Division Court YORK COUNTY A. Soda-berg, Clerk 15 Yonge Street 31.. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-7561 Phones: Ofï¬ce TU. 4-5921. Sea. :1). 4-723! Suite 2. Lowrie Building 15 Yonge St. N., Richmond mu Every Thursday Afternoon - TUmer 4-1551 Toronto Oï¬ice - 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 T. C. Newman, Q.C. BARRISTER. & SOLICITOR BARRISTER, SOLICITOI. NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yong. St. 8. Richmond Bil nun-m. senemc a lot-v I. Rabinowitch, BA. BARBISTER, SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC Thu Bank of Nova Scotla Building AURORA. ONTARIO - Telephones Ofl‘lce: PA. 1-5051 In: PA. 7-5“. Barristers. Solicitors ch. 57 Bloor St. W.. Toronto Ont WA. {-9755 Thistletown Offlco o CHerry 7-1051 At Maple. at the ofï¬ce of Ernie Brock 8: Son Ltd.. every Monday and Thursday night, 7 p.111. to 9.80 9.11:. Stiver’, Vale, Penniatt, Errington MIST!“ MICRO“ James H. Timmina Bantu". Solicitor. Not-l1 M THORNHILL AVelme 5-3165 Floyd E. Corner. Q.C. Blaney, Pasternak, Luck, Smela, Eagleson & Watson Norman A. Todd. 423 MARKHAM ROAD (Allencout Shopping Calm} Gariepy and Mann Bruce M. Ralph BARBISTEI I SOLICITOI Dr. A. J. Bernarde Frank L. Walsh Barrister & Solis“. Notary Public henlnn by whom Dr. Lonn Bloom TU. 4-2084 Richmond that. I“ I“. I'll. C II“ 15 YONG! S'l'. NOITI Richmond lllll. Ohm Ollie. I'm-nu 6-11. Residence 'I'Umet C-lm I: Ambit-ell TU. 4-3445 1'! Elizabeth St. North Toronto: EMplro $2507 850 In 81nd Barristers and Solicitor! 6197 YONGE STREET, WILLOWDALE, Ontario BA. 5880!; Kenneth A. Gariepy BA. 5-1557 W‘ E. Neil Mann TU. 4-4618 sou-um K. II. I. flavor. Q-G. Joseph Vulo. 0.0. J. M. Perm-u. It. Will]:â€" MM I. 195A MAIN If. 'l'W. 5-4571. Newman... 03!. By Appointment 4 Church St. 8. RICHMOND HILL Austey Block Yonge Street, Thornhill. Ontario AV. 5â€"5458 AV. 5-5454 MEDICAL B! APDOHIII'MII (Contained) AL. 7-2621 Legal EU. 1-141. Ontario Land Surveyors 1†Wfllowdale Ave._ Willowdalo. F. L. Lowrie, 13.0. In. tumbled Optical Repair: NOW AT 3212 YONGE STREET 1. North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre I I... to 6 ma. Including Int. III. M“! m h 1min“ A. W. Kirchert. R.0. In- hunlned Ghueu l'ltted minion- Fined 8 Benin 8! YONG! 81‘. NORTH Phone TUmer 4-3962 9.30 â€" 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday & Saturday Anemoons by appointment Ont. BA. 5-3031 In. Gear" '1'. Yates, 0.L.8. 53 Bedford Park Avenue m Hill. III. $2861 Dr. Victor Zack Dr. D. F. McGregor I! momn I! [an It 1... Richmond In] Northern landing 0M 'I'Umr 6-3131 I! I. “I. all Plane. 8-8321 Dr. D. A. McBurney Ollie. ‘I'IJ. 4-70“ Res. ‘I‘U. 1-7473 Dr. Jas. R. Lanastaff Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen 2]. Smith Marauerite Boyle Dr. D. B. Maunsell W. C. Knox, R0. MOI. Public Spanking Hutton: Deporunm For the most complete Photographic Sales & Service M. In. Service on Films. Developing & Printing YOUR LOCAL BELL a. HOWELL "ARMS! DIAL†Dr. J. P. Wilson Dr. C. W. Birkett Dr. G. W. Perkin :5 [mo Street North. Richmond mu .7 Appointment one. I'll. 4-1438 W - I'll. 6-1314 Yates & Yates 'IOIIWOOD W onomm ’. C. KNOX. Optician Photographic Supplies Richmond Hill by appointment Suite 1 8! YONG! 81'. N03“ Richmond Ell] TV & Camera so YONGE ST. 8. AV. 5-3756 Optometry Ore-MM!!!“ MAPLE Summer Address â€" 8 Welton St. Surveyors I! Appointment “8 lum- It. "CHMOND HILL 70. 4-10.. I! um... I. You" at l. "CHMOND BILL TU. 4-4641 MEDICAL (Continued) «mus. Glues HM Musical AL. 7-1465 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday 6-11“ Z40 KING ST 111. I4!†Richmond am VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone #147 Yonge St N 63 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ont. 10 Lorne Ave. TU. 4-2220 OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS 8: AIRLINES BOOKINGS FOR SEA-AIR TOURS AND CRUISES Dr. W. Allan Ripley Refrigerators - Electric Range! â€"- Laundry Equmment Richvale Electronics STOP 22. YONGE STREET TU. 4-1552 AV. 5-2669 PETER B. SMITH Antenna installation TV & Camera 50 YONGE ST. 8. AV. 5-3756 Your Local Franchise Dealer For GLOBE TRAVELSERVICE , The committee report recom- mended the key now in possess- ion of Bill Clark Jr., who has had stand-by rights with the ï¬re department for some years, be withdrawn, and that the town- ship police department, only. be authorized to open the pump house “after hours†for such em- ergencies as. “water required for ï¬re, livestoesk needs or sickness’.’ Followmg the presentation of a report by Councillor Stanley Watson. Chairman of the Mark- ham Township Fire Committee, in which the committee recom- mended, “No key be given to op- erators and the one now in use be withdrawn", it was noted a Mr. B. Larkin had requested the key to the township pump house “for after hour use". Repair: to: Reeve William Clark said. “This might mean delay in ï¬ght- ing ï¬res.†He cited two different Vaughan Township ofl’icials feel they are justiï¬ed in the be. lief that once the tight money situation has eased and develop- ers can avail themselves of build- ing funds again. the township stands to serve and gain by vir- tue of its subdivision position. During 1959 registered subdi- vision plans involved 524 lots. and 181 building permits were issued. Seven of these lots were for industrial purposes. Of the total, 441 lots arose through reg- istered plans and 76 by individual severance. six of these have been released for registration, which means‘the developers have met all township requirements and are free to pro- ceed as they see ï¬t. Of these six. the McAfee Sub- division in Pine Grove has 10 lots slated for residential struc- tures. This subdivision is on During 1959. eight subdivision agreements had been executed or were _be_{ng prpcessgd. At present. Markham Calls Tenders Water Supply For Fires Dr. Cicely Wilson Vaughan's Subdivision Situation ls Excellent For Future Development KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL Phone- TU. 4-7851 Travel Service Small Animal Practice By Appointment Radio 8. TV DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE $5401 Richmond Hill Veterinary ELECTROHOME RCA VICTOR & DUMONT FULL SERVICE 0N PREMISES RADIO â€" HI-Fl Television KING CITY To Custom Speciï¬cations PINDER BROS. VLTD. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 7;;Tahlke the man with best e- quipment,†Councillor Watson remarked. Councillor Lawson Mumberson said, “This is the fairest way.†The report with amendment re tenders was accepted. Reeve Clark remarked, “It should be a dependable person who is given the contractâ€. and added he would go along with calling for tenders. Deputy-reeve Wilfred Dean said, “$200. as a stand-by is quite reasonable, but the present set- up is causing talk of discrimin- ation, because Mr. Clark's son supplies this service.†Councillor John MacNeil: “A: Chairman of the Water Commit- tee, I haven’t had one complaint." Earlier he had stated. “Whoever gets the contract for a stand-by truck for the ï¬re department should be allowed to use the pump house _after hours.â€_ Reeve Clark: “I wonder if any- one would think lt proï¬table? They have to be on 24 hour call, seven days a week. If they go out for an hour or so, or away for the week-end, they have to make arrangements for someone else to take calls.†A stand-by man has to supply a truck; keep it ï¬lled with water for immediate emergency use and be on 24 hour call, for which he receives stand-by pay of $200. a year, and $10 per ï¬re Acall. cases where the stand-by water truck had been the means of sav- ing at least two homes In the township. “I heartin agree, wat- er should be purchased only with- in certain hours. But access to the pump house (with key) should certainly be given to the man supplying water for fire protec- tion", the reeve stated. Councillor Watson said, “When this report is accepted I am go- ing to move we ask for tenders for water service." Where there are no services available the rural type subdiv- ision lot of 100 by 150 feet usual- 1y prevails. Where lots are sup- plied by the municipality with water, the minimum area is gen- erally 60 by 125 feet but this so-called minimum size is by no means an iron clad rule. Smaller lots are possible, depending on circumstances and whether the council considers the circum- stances justiï¬ed Lot 9, Concession 1. The Bell Subdivision at Kleinberg and the Kleinberg Golf Course account for four and 11 units respective- ly while the Pinebury Co~op. pro- ject at Pine Grove Accounts for 17 units. Normaple Subdivision, on Lot 20, Concession 4, Maple. has 26 lots and as many building units scheduled. The Saddler Subdivision at Richvale will have seven units. There are a total of 75 lots and as many building units projected. STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS STEEL FABRICATING Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service ‘, July 28, 1960