Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jul 1960, p. 6

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A reception for 100 guests was held in the North York Com- munity Hall before the bride and groom left on their honeymoon. They are now residing in Willow- dale. Miss Linda Bresenham was maid of honour and the sisters of the bride, Misses Ida and Col~ leen Hawes were bridesmaids, while Keith McKlbbon Jr., was ring bearer. The bride's attend- ants were gowned in mauve cock- tail length dresses with nose- gays of yellow daisies, pink car- nations and yellow rosebuds and blue 'mums. During the service Mrs. R. J. Osborne sang “The Lord’s Pray- Alton McKibbon was best man for his brother and the groom's cousins. Harry and Keith Spar- Ung were ushers. Given in marriage by her fa- ther. the bride wore a gown of white Chantilly lace on tulle over white satin, a crown of cul- tured pearls with waist length net veil and carried red roses. Audrey Howes, daughter of Mr. 1nd Mrs. W. B. Hawes. Thornhll, was married to Harold McKibbon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc- Klbbon, of Eganville. Ontario, in an afternoon wedding at. the Thornhlll United Church on June 25. 1960. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.D.H Some discussion arose over the fact that the fence at the rear of Dr. Morse's property on Centre Street has been removed, per- mitting an exit from the property onto the road at the top of the park. Trustee Timmins pointed out that Dr. Morse's predecess- ors in title had used this means of exit from the property before he had purchased it. Chairman Sumner pointed out. however, that the road had only been in- stalled for three years and that it was a private road, the prop- erty of the village. “It was never intended for the benefit of the property owners on Centre St.,' stated Mr. Sumner. “If Dr. Morse i allowed to use it, all the other property owners backing on the road will have to be given the same privilege. This was refused in the past". Trustee Timmins stated that the two doctors using VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne Richmond Hill Municipal With $2,350.00 expended on Vaughan Township roads in the village, and $1,216.57 on the Markham side, the roads budget for the Police Village of Thornhill has been slightly more than half spent. As this expenditure includ- ed the cost of the new snow plow purchased early in the year, and the expenses for the latter half of the year are normally less than in the first months of the year. Trustees A. Sumner and J. Timmins. greeted this report with some satisfaction at the monthly meeting on Thursday, July 21. Trustee McTaggart-Cowan was not present at the meeting. Another method is to bring the water to the boiling point. Home chlorination kits can be purchased for 75 cents each from the Divis- ion of Environmental Sanita- tion, Ontario Department of Health, 67 College Street, Toronto. Thornhill Trustees Satisfied Road Expenditures To Date Concerned With Acts Vandalism In Park prohibited on the property and that it should not be used for parking cars. The trustees de- cided to table these suggestions, pending the production of a plot plan for the property from Murray Motors. Eliza Street A letter from Markham Town- Water Streams may appear pure and lake water clean. yet untreatedwater can cause illness. To be safe, water should be treated and this can be done in your own home, cottage or camp. Six Months Report J. N. M ulholland, Thornhill and District News 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 28, 1960 80 Richmond St. West. Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones : DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Thornhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 PHONE TU. 4-4101 V. O. N. McKlBBON - HAWES legal Q.C. WHORE AV. 8-383! Board General Profiéiency Prize. Grades XI and X11; Sue Ann Melvin 83.7%. Board General Proficiency Prize for Middle School (XI and XII), Ronald Stagg 85.4%. Commercial Board of Student Senators‘ Prize for proficiency in Grade XII. Sqe Ayn Melvin 82.8%. Bank of Nova Scotia Prize for general proficiency in Middle School, Patsy McDonald 81.6% by_reversion from Ron Stagg. Gordon Lake Memorial Prize for Languages. Lois Davidson 83%. by reversion from Ron. Stagg. General Board of Student Senators’ Prize for proficiency in Grade XII, Patsy McDonald 81.3% by reversion from Ron Stagg; Hon. Mention, Robert Blackburn, 81.1 per cent. Lions Club Scholarship for Mlddle School Matriculation, Grades XI and XII, Ronald Stagg 87.5%. . . General Board of Student Senators’ Prize for profiiciency in Grade XI, Maureen Wright 85.2%. Commercial Louise Martin, 84.2%. Grade XII Grade XI Board Prize for Lower School general proficiency (IX and X), Jean Maw 75.6%. General Board of Student Senators’ Prize for general proficiency in Grade X. Mary Ann Baker 87.4%; Hon. Mention, Jacqueline How- ard, 87.2%. Board Prize for Lower School general proficiency {Grades IX and X). Jacqueline Howard 87.35 per cent; Hon. Mention, Mary Ann Baker 87.15%. ‘ Commercial Board of Student Senators prize for proficiency in Grade X Jean Maw 80%. Buttonville Women’s Instiute Prize fox-\General proficiency, Terry Lazar 84.9%; Hon. Menâ€" tion. William Roy 84.1%. Grade K Principal A. S. Elson of Thorn- hill High School has announced the 1960 Prize Winners: Grade IX Mr. Sumner read a letter which had been received by the trustees from a nearby resident, asking that the trustees ensure that the extension would not be used as a used car lot, that gas- oline pumps and floodlights be Trustee Sumner reported on a meeting of the Vaughan Town- ship Planning Board on June 27, at which Murray Motors, Yonge St.. had requested permission to extend their operations to the Masonic Hall property. No ob- jections were raised to the re- quest at the meeting. but no plot plan had been produced and it was decided to withhold permis- sion until a plan was presented to the board. to any potential purchasers of the property, which is now up for sale. It was also suggested that the unsightly mess from the septic tank, which has occasioned much unfavourable comment, be cleaned up immediately. Murray Motors A letter was read to the meet- ing which had been sent to the Masonic Hall, reminding them that the permission to install a septic tank tile bed in the Thorn- hlll Park had been given only to them and the privilege would not be extended to any purchas- ers of the property. It was sug- gested that this be pointed out Masons _ It was decided to inform Dr. Morse that unless he replaced the fence himself. the trustees would erect a fence without a gate. the property were mainly con- cerned with a means of emer- gency exit for their cars when, as sometimes happens. someone blocks the driveway and they are unable to answer a call. Mr. Sumner produced a copy of a letter which had been written to Dr. Morse some time previously, asking him to replace his fence, but giving him permission to in- stall a gate which could be used in an emergency. jéornéif/ 56/100/ 1960 lom'ze Wuneré‘ "l’he Liberal" is always pleased to publish News of intend contributed In its readers in the Thornhill urea . _ . . . Our tepruentative in Thornhill in Mrs. Marmot llch who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2881. WILLOWDALE : Dr. George Miller if this locality left last week to represent the Canadian Red 3055 at the International Congress on Blood Transfusion which is being held in Tokyo early in September. Senior Typewriting Prize, First Prize, Betty White by reversion from Sue Ann Melvin; second prize, Diane Wallace. L. H. Sims Typewriting Award: Maureen Paske. Junior Typewriting Prize: First prize, Linda Downey by rever- sion from Jean May; second prize Peggy Street. Special Commercial Prizes Grade XII: Lynn Arnott. Rob- ert Blackburn, Lois Davidson, June Gardhouse, Lynn Hall, Nan- cy Hallawell, Bill Johnstone, An- na Lund, Aimo Manninen. Pat- ricia McDonald, Gillian McTag- gart-Cowan, Sue-Ann Melvin, Ronald Stagg. Jane Twiss, Vickie Watt, Dona Whitmore. Grade X: Janet Alcock, Mary- Ann Baker, David Bare, Marilyn Clark, Lee Davidson, Ian Fisher, Jacqueline Howard, Jill Iddon. Jean Maw, Sandra May, James McTaggarbCowan, Joseph Pethes, Steven Sim, Audrey Simcoe. Rudy Steige, Sandra Taylor, Di- ane Wallace, Linda Watt, Alita Wise. .. Grade XI: Alan Aho, Linda Baker. Doris Barker, Marilyn Chamberlain, Ingrid Heinonen, Robert Howes, Hartley Janssen, Linda Kojola, Jerry Lazar, Lou- ise Martin, Jane McGowan, Irene Moore. Patricia Moore, Maureen Wright. Students on Societas Honoris List who obtained lst Class Honours. 75% and over. Grade‘IX: Susan Alcock, Bruce Atkinson, Freda Banas, John Crawford, Barbara Curtin, John Denby, Diane Derry, Sandra Ev- ans. Patricia Gazey, Judith Hall- awell, Anja Heinonen, Margaret Hills, James Kellam. Terry La- zar. Catherine Lennie, Edward McGhee, Joanne McHoull, Jean- ette Obney, Frances Paul, Jay Perry, Michael Reddy, William Roy, Sharon Rumble. Leif Schon- berg, Lesley Shaw, Judith Stew- art. Barbara St. John, Norman Taylor. Paul Urben, Berlt Vaage, Catherine Wright. Considerable discussion then took place about acts of vandal- ism which have become so fre- quent in the park as to necessi- tate the hiring of a policeman and a subsequent cost to the tax-‘ payers of the area. On several occasions groups of young boys, ranging in age from 12 to 16 years have broken down trees, uprooted flowers and broken lights in the tennis courts. Others have been throwing stones into the pool and breaking windows in the pool buildings, while smash- ed pop bottles are a constant and increasing hazard throughout the park. Several adults, including Chairman Sumner, have receiv- ed extremely rude responses from individual boys when they remonstrated with them over this. Before taking any stronger action against these boys, it was decided that a letter be drafted to be sent to the parents of some of the boys known to have com- mitted such offences, insisting that these boys be kept out of the park. Several small accounts were passed for payment and the meeting adjourned at 10:15 pm. A letter was read from Mr. Robinson of Thornridge Drive requesting that the trustees have an-engineer check the level of the lots behind 74 Thornridge Drive as it appears that work onthese lots has interfered with the water course which runs be- hind the lots. The trustees ex- pressed their sympathy with Mr. Robinson in his difficult situation. It' was felt that if a natural water course was being obstructed by other residents, Mr. Robinson‘ might have grounds for civil ac- tion. Mr. Sumner offered to speak to the township officials and see if they have any permanent drainage project in mind for the area, before any action was tak- en on the matter. Vandalism The chairman noted that the estimates for the road paving had been received and forwarded to both townships. These have been included in the township estimâ€" ates and sent on to the Depart- ment Qf Highways. Thornridge Drainage A letter from Markham Town- ship on the subject of the con- struction of Eliza Street was read to the meeting. It stated that the Markham Township Council had decided that if the owners petitioned to have the street constructed, it would be done on a local improvement basis. Markham Township Council has not only decided to cut down on the number of hunting licen- ces issued this year, but it will also seek to cut down the hunt- ing area in the township by de- claring one and a quarter miles from Bayview to Highway No. 48, in the south end of the town- Ship 3 “No Hunting” area. “This will conform with Vaughan Town- ship’s ruling.” the reeve remark- But despite council's personal feelings the by-law was passed for forwarding to the depart- ment, and council will abide by the department’s decision, Since the paving program was propos- ed by the Thornhill Village trus- tees two years ago. Hunting Licences Cut Reeve William Clark: “I am opposed to that type of specifica- tion". Councillor Lawson Mumberson: the Department of Highways does not see fit to subsidize this â€" that’s the end of it." Markham Township Council at its regular weekly meeting gave third reading to a by-law, sub- ject to approval for subsidy by the Department of Highways, for a $64,934. paving bill in Thorn- hill. with Councillor John Mac- Neil standing firmly against it. Councillor MacNeil maintained this work is premature and should not be done until sanitary and storm sewers have been installed. Councillor S. Watson remark- ed, “The department won’t give approval unless they approve of it.” Mrs. Arthur Elsey of 114 Ar- nold Avenue has just returned from what was figuratively, if not literally a “flying trip” out to Brandon, Manitoba and back. In ten days she motored 3,500 miles, sharing the driving with her sister, Mrs. McArthur of Cooksville. The only time they “cheated” on the driving was when they took the ferry from Muskegon, Michigan. across to Milwaukee. This is reputed to cut 250 miles off the road mile- age, but more important, it gave the drivers a much needed rest. Mrs. Elsey and her sister visited their mother who. while not crit- ically ill, has been in hospital in Brandon for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smillie of 65 Thornridge Drive returned re- cently from a camping trip in Algonquin Park with their two sons. Well, Mother, it’s wonder- ful having those fine strapping sons, isn’t it? Now if they could only be educated to enjoy some more restful type of holiday . . . But then, as Mrs. Smillie so philosophically remarks, “It makes you enjoy your home when you get back ' â€" and I can vouch for that too! This 'year the water in the pool comes from the Vaughan Township water supply, instead ‘of the well, and Mr. Toogood. the pool manager, states that they find it much more satisfac- tory. It has solved their pump trouble, for instance. which has plagued them for the past two years, and as the municipal water has the iron removed from it, they find it easier on their filters, and they are not using as much cleaning material. It' takes 200,- 000 gallons of water to fill the pool, and although the same wat- er is re-filtered and used, water must be added to keep it up to the top level. So far this year the metre shows a consumption of 600,000 gallons, but no one knows whether this is any dif- ferent than other years, as the old system had no metre on it and they were able to make only rough estimates of the water consumption. With all that water flowing through Thornhill, you‘d wonder why anyone needed to go away up north to go swim- ming. And one advantage to swimming in a pool â€" there are no motor boats buzzing about, ready to snap your head off when you come up from a dive! Social Notes Markham Puts Thornhill Paving In D.O.H. Hands Some swimming tests will be held on the 26th and 29th of July, for children leaving town, but the regular‘ testing will be done atrthe end of August. The season tickets, if you‘re interested are at the following rates: $20.00 for a family pass. $10.00 for a single adult. $7.50 for a high school student. $5.00 for the first child in any family and $2.50 for the second and third, There are reduced rates for the month of August â€" $15.00 for a family ticket, $7.50 for one adult, $5.00 for high school stud- ents and $3.00 ,for a child. The pool regularly carries a staff of 25 people, some admin- istrators, two‘ cashiers, six Sen- ior instructors, four Junior guards, two maintenance men and approximately ten youngsters at the counter, on' various shifts. The new assistant manager is well known to some of the high school pupils. He is Mr. McVicar of the Thornhill High School Physical Education Department. In spite of the unseasonably cool weather we have been hav- ing this month, the Thornhill Swimming Pool is in full swing, with a total of 700 children tak- ing lessons regularly. Some 750 children in the area are holders of season passes to the pool, while 122 High School students and a further 20 adults have season passes. Swimming Pool News Thornhill Notes Council then set the date of Wednesday. August 17. at 9.30 am. for a joint meeting at the municipal building with the High. land Park ratepayers, council and township engineers. regard- ing sanitary and storm sewers. Councillor MacNeil said he had been informed a letter had been sent to Highland Park ratepayers and he would like to see a copy of this letter. The deputy-reeve informed him the letter, re sani- tary sewers, had not been Issued by the municipal clerk’s oflice, “That letter went out from the ratepayers’ association". And Councillor Mumberson added it was not official. Reeve Clark: “Yes. that’s right. It was the most trouble-free year we‘ve had.” Councillor Watson: “Then why are we cutting down this year?” Highland Park The deputy-reeve remarked that if licencng was cut too low, “You have to do more policing". Council MacNeil: “We had very little trouble last year." Clerk Harry Crisp suggested ordering just so many licences, instead of passing a by-law. “When we run out of licences to issue that’s it.” Deputy-reeve Wilfred Dean asked for a cut in the number of non-resident licences issued and asked that the number issued ‘be changed to 700, instead of 1,200. Reéve Clark said, “That's still a raise from two years ago but a 500 cut from last year.” 1 spike white delphinium: Mrs. R. Burroughs, The Healeys. 1 spike blue delphinium: The Heal- eys, Mrs. F. Small, Mrs. M. Har- per. 1 spike mauve delphinium: Mrs. R. Burroughs, The Man- NEWMARKET : Council has giv- en initial approval for tenders to be called on the installation of services for two subdivision sites on the south-east corner of town. Newmarket hopes to make its municipal-owned industrial sites more attractive to potential buyers. While the show was being jud- ged by Mr. Douglas Boyd from Richmond Hill, Mr. A. Sumner showed the society a most inter- esting and educational film ab- out the Trans-Canada Highway. This film was produced by the National Film Board and done with much imagination. The aud- ience was completely absorbed in the film which was enjoyed equally well by the children present. Mrs. J. Bridges thanked Mr. Sumner for showing the film and reminded those present of the next show to be held on Satur. day. August 20, at 7.30 12.111. in the Thornhill United Church. V The prize winners for the July Show were: In the arrangement class, Mrs. J. Bridges received much praise for her pink crescent shaped rose arrangement, and the Man- ning’s colourful basket of flowers was also awarded a first. There were many very beauti- ful entries in the Delphinium Show held by the Thornhill Hor- ticultural Society on Tuesday, July 12, at Thornhill United Church. The newer varieties and colours predominated in the Delphinium classes. As it‘ has been a good year for roses in Thornhill, there were many roses to be seen, from the small var- iety climbers to the profusion of bloom on Florabundas and the large tea roses, including the magnificent Peace variety. There were more sweet peas entered than ever before and an interest- ing number of assorted peren- nials and biennials. Horticultural Summer Delphinium Display The form of a poem consists of words being formed into a pattern. It has a complete thought even though the experience it presents may be incomplete. The shapliâ€" ness and order of a poem tell us in a secret way that despite sufiering, peace exists . . . despite ugliness, beauty . . . despite chaos, order exists . . . despite evil, good; and that they inhabit a world beyond time and change. The character in the poem may suffer but the poem always has a happy ending. This is bound to be good for you. Good collections of poems are easy to obtain nowa- days. Most big pocket stands will have poetry anthol- ogies, and Oscar William’s ‘JA Little Treasury of Great Poetry” . . . “The Golden Treasury" and others. If you fancy the modern poets you can get them at the library or bookstore. And what about the peOple who write the poems? Philip James Bailey explains it this way, “Poets are all who love and feel great truths and tell them.” There are a lot of things you can do if you want to enjoy poetry more. The first thing to do is to read some noems: find some you like; say them to yo'urself until they are a part of your thought. It isn’t necessary to understand them right away. Memorize a few until the music of their meaning is a part of your experience. Real poems are like real people, they improve when you get to know them better. l by Elizabeth Kelson What good are poems? Well . . . there is one certain thing. They will not make much money for you, neither will they build houses or win any wars. They will, how- ever, tell you about men and women from the time they are born until the time they die. They will sing about the glories of God and the beauty of Nature. They will rouse. sensitize and energize your sense of beauty in all things. Shelley said: “Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds.” Are poems true? They are as true as men and women and the world are. No more than that. onugAb anal 34mg" While the July show had over 100 entries, the August 20th an- nual show is the big one of the year. It normally has over 300 en- tries and with the lush growth everywhere in evidence through- out the village, it promises to be more spectacular than ever. Visitors are cordially invited to attend. The time, 730 p.m., the place, Thornhill United Church, Dudley and Elgln Streets. 6 pods peas: Mrs. K. Falla, F. Teasdale, The Whatleys. Plate of assorted vegetables: Mr. A. Turnpenny, The Mannings, The Whatleys.‘ Pint box of small fruit: Mrs. J. B. Johnston. The Mannings, The Whatleys. Modernistic arrangement: B. Jenkins, Mrs. J. Bridges, The Healeys. Outdoor luncheon ar- rangement: Mrs. C. Bishop, Mrs. M. E. Harris, The, Mannings. Buf- fet arrangement, B. Jenkins, Mrs. J. Bridges, The Healeys. Vertical arrangement: Mrs. J. Bridges. Basket of flowers: The Mannings. P. Bone. Class 3 Vegetables Floral crescent arrangement: Mrs. J. Bridges, The Healeys, B. Jenkins. Floral arrangement, twin containers: The Healeys. Ar- rangement of lilies: Mrs. A. Do- lan, P. Bone, The Healeys. 1 spike hollyhock: 3. Mrs. J. B. Johnston. 1-3 spikes day-lily: A. Sumner, J. Hallawell, The Whatleys. 1 spike lilium: P. Bone, Mr. Turnpenny, A. Sum- ner. 3 shastas, >single: Mrs. K. Falla, Mrs. B. Tremaine, The Mannings. 3 shastas, double: Mrs. M. Harper. Mrs. B. Tre- maine. 12 stems sweet peas: The Mannings, The Healeys, Mrs. K. Falla. 6 stem dianthus: The Heal- eys. 1 hybrid tea rose: Mrs. K. Falla, Mrs. M. E. Harris, Mr. B. Jenkins. 1'hybrid tea rose, full bloom: J. Hallawell, Mrs. M. E. Harris, B. Jenkins. 1 spray flora- bunda: J. Hallawell, Mrs. M. E. Harris, The Mannings. 3 sprays florabundas: J. Hallawell, P. Bone, B. Jenkins. 1 spray climb- ing roses: J. Hallawell, The Whatleys, Mrs. M. E. Harris. 3 stages hybrid tea roses: Mrs. J. Briggs, Mrs. M. Brown, B. Jen- kins. 1~3 stem A.O.V. perennial:i Mrs. M. Harper, The Mannings,‘ A. Sumner. 1-3 stems biennialz‘ The Healeys, J. Hallawell, Bx. Jenkins. Class 2, Decorative nings, Mrs. P. Small. 1 spike purple delphlnlum: Mrs. M. E. Harris, The Mannings, Mr. 1“. Small. 3 spikes white delphini- ums: Mr. P. Bone. 3 spikes blue delphiniums: Mr. P. Bone, Mr. F. Small. 3 spikes delphinlum, mixed colours: Mr. F. Small, Mr. P. Bone, The Mannings. 6 spikes mixed delphlnlums; Mr. F. Small, What you want . . Just sitting there Wishing may bring A Zapotec 6/: y Figure; Mex/ca. C/rca 250 AD. Royal Ontario Museum, forearm eoried Colored Patio Slabs STEPS 9x18â€"55c 12x24â€" 95c 18 x 18 â€" 95c 24 x 24 â€"â€" $1.70 RED â€"- YELLOW â€"- WHITE â€" SLATE PRE-CAST CONCRETE SIDEWALK SLABS INDUSTRIAL CAST STONE THORNHILL - - AV. 5-3111 Plant Located on Observatory Lane Just East of Stop 23A Yonge Street NOTE: Office and factory will be closed Monday, August 1st - Civic Holiday TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM CIVIC HOLIDAY PROCLAMA'I'ION PILOT TRAINING The application to be heard has been submitted by Jack Van To], Mary Van To! and Martin Van To], owners of the W211’ of Lot 15 and the E75’ of Lot 16, Register- ed Plan 2113. The owners wish to obtain permission to construct a single family dwelling house on the west 75’ of the lands with a depth of 220’ notwithstanding that the frontage is less than 100’ as required by By-law No. 1442. Signed written submissions on this ap- lication will be received by me, at this oflice prior to the hearing. Notice is hereby given of a hearing to he held by the Township of Markham Commit- tee of Adjustment at the Municipal Offices, Buttonville, Gormley R. R. 2. Ontario, on Tuesday the 9th day of August, 1960, at 8 o’clock pm. H. C. T. CRISP ‘------_-Mm““---.ox By resolution of Council, Monday, August lst, 1960, is proclaimed Civic Holiday. Citizens are requested to govern themselves accordingly. Junior and Intermediates Private Pilot’s Course - - As Low As $235.00 FOR INTERVIEW DRIVE OUT TO THE MARKHAM-TORONTO AIRPORT LTD., No. 7 Highway. East of Locust Hill ‘RE: Township of Markham Committee of Adjustment Clerk 24” x 30” x 2" â€" $1.50 ALSO VERANDAH TOPS CURBS ETC. NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE Nature of Application GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Notice of Hearing Our File CA/60/6 savmg regularly at IMPERIAL Ea;me CHAS. HOOVER. Secretary, Committee of Adjustment, Gormley R. R. 2 but you can be sure it’s yours by W. L. CLARK Reeve

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