Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Sep 1960, p. 11

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ED. HARRIS “:3 typewriters ~ Add!” Much!”- SALIS - SERVICE - RENTALS your oflloo alumna Iveclalm' 88 Bike:- Av... Richmond mu Day or Evening] TU. 4-1745 Ben portable models n 'nght‘u Phlflnlcy’ The Amazing ALSO COMPANY OWNED DEMONSTRATORS WITH NEW CAR WARRANTY BRUCE MACDOUGALL MTRS. LTD. HALLIDAY FUELS LIMITED . EM-pird 6 - 2791 YOU SAVEAf$ $ $ $ $ 5 BRUCE MACDOUGALL MTRS. LTD. PONTIAC ' BUICK I VAUXHALL G.M.C. TRUCKS L H. SIMS Stop 24, Yonge St., ‘Richmond Hill TU. 4-2864 OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 PM. A‘ PACKAGE EXAMPLE! BRAND NEW PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 2-DOOR SEDAN, EQUIPPED WITH LICENSE, TANK OF GAS, HEATER AND DEFROSTER, DIRECTION SIGNALS, SPARE TIRE, WASHERS, TWO-TONE PAINT, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, PLUS ALL STANDARD FACTORY EQUIPMENT. LIST PRICEâ€" $3253.00 SALE PRICEâ€" $2650.00 par monlh will install a brand new a small down payment and as "file as YOU SAVE â€" 560% fully guarameed Oil Furnace in your homc. Take a look of our Package Plon, it's by‘for the simplest, most convenient way to handle 9°"? home healing- There's nothing for you to look after . . . we take over the responsibility of ensuring that your furnace is always in tip-top working order . . . we keep your fuel tanks filled to meet your every need. let us make :1 FREE Heating Survey of your home. It will not obligate you in any WGY- w°'" '9" YOU Wh‘" Your: home needs; you decide what you wont. YEAR END G.M.A.C. FINANCING SALE Your local Agent 14$ GARDEN TIHORNHILL All popular make: on hand Special Studenw Bates CLIP‘ AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Nddreu. . Ye I am interesnd in your 5-Year PACKAGE HEA‘HNG Pl whflwu! obligation on my pen, please give mu a «unplug Ff I Home Heating Survey. elephone. All Your Heating Needs in one convenient, package Brand New, modern Oil Heat- ing lumace ...lnstalled (our plete. L Aufnman'r, metered delivery of your complete fuel oil re- quirernenfs. Day or night, 24-hour mainten- ance service . . . includes parts and annual (leanoufs. life lnsuranu proforma for your family, at no (as! to you. low, equal, monthly paymelm . . . easy-on-tlle-budget. . . up to 5 years to pay. ‘ AV. 5 - 3359 VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCB Mis E. Woodbyrne Richmond 1]!!! Munich“! Daren“ PHONE TU. 4-4101 AV. 5-1128 'n‘ustees discussed a letter from township council. which had received a letter from Val- entine Enterprises requesting an inspection of Valentine Acres Secretary Mr. G. T. Thompson noted that likely within a month all King City traffic signs would be changed to the regulation black and white. Mr. Bolton read a letter from Mr. John C. Dew and Mr. William T. Heaslip point- ing out there was no direct ac- cess to Doris M. Patton School from Kingsview Subdivision. "In order to avoid using the busy sideroad, school children from this area have for the past four or five years been crossing our properties on the way to and from school. “If this access were provided there would then be easy travel across open field which would be satisfactory until Martin St. links up with the proposed subdivision to the north." Mr. Dew and Mr. Heaslip ask- ed trustees’ comments so they could advise school authorities. Mr. Thompson was asked to include a notice with water blll~ mg. informing parents of the alternative short cut to school. Cost of the footbridge was esti- mated around $70.00. “The number of children in- volved is steadily increasing and the amount of damage and in- convenience is keeping up with the increase of traffic." the letter continued. "We feel we can no longer "We feel we can no longer offer this privilege. but rather than close the door completely. we would suggest that the trus- tees consider providing access from across the bottom of Mar- tin St. over the small stream that the children will have to cross. Trustees agreed a footbridge would be placed across the Hum- ber stream if the owner of the subdivision property were agree- able. Trustee Warren McKendry moved that two “school area" signs be placed north and south of Kingslynn Ave. on Patton St., although the cautlon signs were not legally recognized. Alter Traffic Signs She questioned if all catch basins in the village should be checked. Chairman Mr. Ronald Bolton considered this “should be automatic maintenance proce- dure". Purchase of a scoop for the purpose was arranged. Two loads of gravel were applied to William St. and more will be placed at the corner of William and Dew, Mrs. Scott said. Roads Commissioner Mrs. Mary Scott reported cleaning of the catch basin at Klngslynn and Pat~ ton revealed “everything but money"â€"â€"dolls, plastic dishes and broken bottles. collection he is to provide an extra pick-up after Christmas and next Spring. , . While favoring the local bidder, trustees spoke highly of the excellent service given for 15 months by Mr. Hil- liard and said they would strongly recommend him to any, other municipality. Md Report uriot tn "alarming nf Hm anh- Mr. Allan Hilliard of Kettleby had tendered $4,968.00, and Mr. J. E. Gibbons of Newmarket, $4,860.00. From a surplus on the current service, trustees figured the net monthly charge of 90 cents a household could be continued. Beginning October 1, Mr. Brown will be making the Friday pick-up for 450 village calls. _ Besides the weekly nnllnni-inâ€" L- :... 1.- __,AA - I Award $4,950.00 Garbage Contract From three tenders for a year’s garbage collection, starting October 1, King City Village Trustees chose the middle bid of $4,950.00 by a village man, Mr. Geopge Brown, at the August 22 meeting in the Fire Hall. King Trustees Fifty-six male teachers and princi- pals came from all parts of Ontario to receive lectures by outstanding educa- tors and to discuss such subjects as “Improving the Work Habits of Pupils”, “What Every Principal Should Know About Reading", “New Courses of Study and New Textbooks”, “Providing for Individual Differences”, “Measurement and Evaluation”, “Reporting to Parent", “School Law”, “Relationship Between The Ontario Public School Men Tea- chers’ Federation conducted its eighth consecutive Summer School in “School Supervision and Administration” at St. Andrew’s College, Aurora. during Au- gust 15-26, 1960. Attend Summer School Flies Flies. besides being an annoy- ance. will contaminate food and drink and may cause illess. All windows and doors should be screened and food and garbage kept covered. Arrange to have your garbage “picked up" regul- aljllh Use clean metal containers With tight fitting lids. Flies which do get in a house can be eliminated by swatting or by special sprays. However. nei- ther should be resorted to in the vicinity of exposed food. And, ex- cept during actual use, food shog1d_ be kept _tightly_ 003'?!qu “We regret the necessity bf this prohibition, but we cannot expect our ratepayers to clean up the litter occasioned by your operation any liongier." Trustees decided to lift the present water restriction, pro- hibiting daytime outdoor water- ing, on September 1. Water Commissioner Bolton reported the water supply “continuing good”. Low pressure was experi- enced in some households, but no one was without water when an electrical adjustment was re~ quired at the pump, he said. In preparation for the eventual widening of north Patton St. from 46 feet to the regulation 66 feet, Mr. Thompson was asked to con~ tact property owners regarding their donation of ten-foot front- age. to facilitate ditch work. A letter from Toronto and York Roads Commission signified about 125 feet of sidewalk on the south side of Springhill Road would be replaced at corrected level if trustees supplied a letter absolv- ing the Commission of any claims. Ne'xt trustees meeting in the Fire Hall is scheduled for Sep- tember 12. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK The letter pointed out. “In spite of~ repeated warnings, the amount of litter thrown on the street and in the ditch at the south-west corner of King St., King City, is becoming worse instead of better. Mr. Thompson was risked to have owners of fronting property s_i_gn a form eliminating claims. It' was pointed out the work would be done at no cost to the Village. The Chairman read a copy of the letter trustees sent August 11 to a daily paper’s distribution agent in Richmond Hill advising that “efl'ective immediately. de- livery or distribution is forbid- den on any of the streets or pub. lic areas of this village. prior to releasing of the sub- divider’s bond. Protest Litter CARL E. inLL', min. M.O.H School and Public”. Many of the “students” had already taken University Courses in the earlier part of the vacation period, but were unanimous in their opinion that the OFSMTF Summer School Programme has equipped them to serve their re- spective communities and the children of their schools to a greater degree than ever before. Among those who attended Were: Left to right: J. A. Breen (8.8. No. 16, East Gwillimbury, Newmarket); M. R. J. McRoberts (Powell Road P.S., Vau- ghan Two); C. D. McElhinney (Public School, Thornhill); R. J. Brooks (Re- gency Acres P.S., Aurora); J. Boysen (Public School, Milliken). SCARBOROUGH â€" 150 children staged a giant circus parade and carnival on August 22 to climax the Scarborough Recreation and Parks Department Summer Play- ground program. Walters and Levesque told the court they had nothing to say, and could give no reasonable ex- planation for their behaviour. Police said that the two youths, Gary Walters and N. Levesque both about 19, in company with two other youths, had lifted $37.50 from the clothes of four bathers who had left their car parked near the swimming pool at Maryland Gardens just south of No. 7 Highway on Highway 400. Police further testified that Levesque offered to return $15 of the stolen money to the own- ers when they were approached by the robbed. on conditions they would not inform the law. Two of four Downsview youths charged by Vaughan Township Police with rlning the clothes in a parked car for what money they Interment was at Pine Hills Cemetery, with the service con- ducted by Rev. Ray McCleary. formerly of Woodgreen United Church in Toronto, and assisted by Rev. Wm. Askew of Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Thornhill. One of the pall- bearers, Mr. George Surgoner, was associated with Mr. Fraser for over 30 years and was the first man on his payroll. He used to fun messages around the store as a schoolboy and mind the store while Mr. Fraser went home to. dinner. Other pall. bearers were Vern Bean. Peter Faulkner. Lloyd Davidson and Jim Walker, managers of various of the Jack Fraser stores, and Harold Clapp, farm manager at Fraserdale Farms. Surviving are Mrs. Fraser, the former Alice Whitney of U):- bridge, Ontario, 3 son Jack. of King, Ontario, and a daughter, Joan, Mrs. Charles G.-Sissons of Toronto. To them we extend our deep and sincere sympathy. Their grief is shared by a wide and varied circle of people in each of whom the name of Jack Fraser will always arouse warm and friendly feelings. might contain on August 27 pleaded guilty and will be sen- tenced on September 6 in New- market Criminal Court. Downsview Boys Plead Guilty Mr. Fraser was a generous supporter of various charities and organizations and gave con- siderable support to Fisherville United Church. Although not a consistent churchgoer himself, he gave generously to the Pres- byterian, Anglican and United Churches in Thornhill. He was a past president of the Canadian Guernsey Cattle Club, a Shriner, on the Board of Governors of the East General Hospital and a director of the C.N.E. (Continued from page I) clusively to raising Guernseys. Harold Clapp enjoyed the friendliest associations with him all during this time. “He was friendly, but a pusher,” stated Mr; Clapp. “As long as you swung your own weight you stayed. but if you didn’t you’d get out.” In spite of the pres- sure of his chain of 25 retail stores, Mr. Fraser was always in the barn once or twice a day. If he couldn’t sleep at night he came down to the barn and would pitch a little hay for the cattle. He had his favorites in the board and each morning .be- fore going to work he would come_.into the barn to feed a handful of grain to his pets. Jack Fraser â€" THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday. September 1, 1960 the description and the boundaries of the proposed new wards and a plan showing the proposed new di- vision of such wards are available for inspection dur- ing regular business hours at the Office of the Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill. DATED at Richmond Hill this 22nd day of Au- gust, 1960. COMPRISING ALL THAT PART OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL LYING WEST OF THE CENTRE LINE OF YONGE STREET. COMPRISING ALL THAT PART OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL LYING EAST OF THE CENTRE LINE OF YONGE STREET AND SOUTH OF THE CENTRE LINE OF CROSBY AV- TO THE CENTRE LINE OF MARKHAM R . COMPRISING ALL THAT PART OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL LYING EAST OF THE CENTRE LINE OF YONGE STREET AND SOUTH OF THE CENTRE LINE OF MARKHAM ROAD. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person de- siring to object to such application should file such objection in writing with the Ontario Municipal Board, 145 Queen Street West, in the City of Toronto, on or before the 8th day of September, 1960. TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made to the Ontario Munici- pal Board for an order re-dividing the Town of Richmond Hill into four wards {:0 be numbered and described as fol- ows: COMPRISING ALL THAT PART OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL LYING EAST OF THE CENTRE LINE OF YONGE STREET AND NORTH OF THE CENTRE LINE OF CROSBY AVE. WARD NO. 3: WARD NO. 4: WARD. NO. 2: WARD NO. 1: NATURE OF APPLICATION WHEN IT COMES TO HARDWARE! Come To RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Notice of Hearingâ€"Our File CA/60/7 Notice is hereby given of a hearing to be held by the Township of Markham Committee of Adjustment at the Municipal Offices, Buttonville, Gormley R.R. No. 2, Ontario, on Tuesday, the 13th day of Sep. tember, 1960, at 8 o’clock pm. The application to be heard has been submitted by Thomas Statom, owner of Lot 15 and the Westerly 10’ 2” of Lot 16 on the North side of Elgin Street, Registered Plan No. 8. The owner wishes to obtain permission to divide the Said parcel into 2 lots with frontages of 90’ and 93.54’ respectively by a depth of 490’ notwithstanding that the frontages are less than the 100’ as required by By-law No. 1442. Signed written submissions on this application will be received by me, at this office, prior to the hearing. FREE DELIVERY DAILY ll A.M. - 4 RM. 24 YONGE STREET SOUTH TU. 4.2101 6.0003 sulsnc'rou on MONEY REFUNDS!) RICHMOND HILL ANSWERING SERVICE 15 Yonge Street North AV. 5-2798 TU. 4-3800 CONTRACT NOW FOR SERVICE AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 12th 24 HOUR SERVICE â€" SPECIAL WEEK END RATES ALL TRAINED PERSONNEL AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of Re: Township of Markham Committee of Adjustment Call now for further information CHARLES HOOVER, Secretary, Committee of Adjustment. Russell Lynett, Clerk.

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