W F0 v R â€"_â€"â€"â€"r CHILD PIANO RENTAL PLAN Heintzman 8: Co. (Willow- dale) will rent you a brand :70 The final game of the baseball season was played on Tuesday evening of last week. with the Buttonville team being the visit- ors and won by one run. Follow- ing the game the players of the Victoria Square. Buttonvilie, Gormley. and the Headford teams gathered at the Rumble home in Headford where re- freshments were served. thanks to the members of the Lions Club for providing them. The August meeting of the W.A. was held in the Sunday School room on Wednesday eve- ning of last week with a large attendance. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Lawson Mumber- son and her group. Mrs. Roy Glover read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Percy Bennett gave the Lesson Thoughts. Mrs. Allan Orr was the soloist, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Jim Barker. Mrs. Fraser Gee introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Elizabeth Brinkmann. of West Germany, who gave a very interesting talk on “Adult Education" there. She also showed pictures on Ger- many. The president. Mrs. Mar- cus Jarvis took charge of the new spinet piano for a nominal fee (cartage slight- ly extra). Then. at the end of 6 months. all money paid in will be credited to you, should you decide to pur~ chase. PARADE F new 8: used PIANOS 8- ORGANS HEINTZNIANI 4- AUTUMN O T business portion. Dainty re- â€" freshments were served at the (Northtown d056- ' Bridal Shower ShOPng centre) On Friday evening of last WILLOWDALE week, neighbors and friends BA. 5405!} gathered in the Victoria Square Community Hall for a miscel- ART TIME . WELF RE OFFICER Town of Richmond Hill Applications will be‘received by the under- signed up until September 12. 1960. at 12 o’clock noon for the position of a part time WELFARE OFFICER for the Town of Richmond Hill. Further information may be obtained from the Clerk’s Office. ‘ RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk, 56 Yonge St. N. Town Of Richmond Hill. N "O T C E 'I'IIORIIl-IILL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FIRST DAY PROGRAMME SEPTEMBER 6TH 9 A.M.-12 NOON, GRADES 9 AND 10 ONLY School buses will travel 1959/60 routes at usual times in the morning,‘ arriving at the school about 8:45 a.m. ' - 1 PM. -8 RM: GRADE 11. 12 AND 13 STUDENTS School buses will travel 1959/60 routes to have the students arrive at Thornhill High School at approxi- mately 12:45 pm. GRADE 9 AND’ 10 STUDENTS May procure light lunch in the cafeteria from 12 to 12:45, and will then return home on the buses bring- ing the senior students. Buses will be on hand at 8:00 pm. to return the senior students. Re Book Sale ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, SEPTEM- BER 1ST AND 2ND: Students may purchase textbooks in the foyer of the Thornhill High School from 1:00 p.m.-4:30 pm. on these two days. RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL & BAYVIEW HIGH SCHOOL mview High School will not be completed for school opening, September 6. Both schools will Operate on a. shift system in the Richmond Hill High School until the new school is completed. RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL Will Operate from 7:55 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and BAYVIEW HIGH SCHOOL From 1:50 pm. to 5:30 p.111. Transportation will be the same as last yearâ€"until ‘ the Bayvxew High'School opens. OPENING DAY INSTRUCTIONS BAYVIEW HIGH SCHOOL Buses will arrive at 1:45 pm. for a General . Assembly of all grades at 2:00 pm. on Tuesday. September 6th. School dismissed. 3:45 pm. RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL General Assembly 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, Septem- ber 6. School buses will travel their regular routes in order to arrive at school approximater 9:45 a.m. School dismissed, 12:30 pm. ' STUDENTS WHO HAVE MOVED INTO DISTRICT SINCE JUNE AND HAVE NOT REGISTERED ARE REQUESTED TO DO SO Before Friday, September 2nd BETWEEN 9 AM. 4 PM. YORK CENTRAL DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W SANDLE 8. R. 2 Gormley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 laneous shower for Miss Barbara Wilson and Mr. Frank Nichols who are being married early in September. Miss Lillian Nichols assisted the bride and groom-toâ€" be with the opening of their gifts. They received many beau- tiful and useful gifts and thankâ€" ed everyone for them. Refresh- ments were served at the close and everyone left wishing the happy young couple many long years of happiness together. On Sunday, September 4, the activities of the church will be gin for the fall season. Sunday School will be held at 10 a.m. followed by public worship at 11.30 a.m. Mr. Garry McEachern will be in charge of the service. Everyone welcome. Girl Guides The Gormley Girl Guides have experienced their first summer at Guide Camp. Two camps were held from August 2-August 9. Judy Varden, Mary Miller. Susan Nigh, Linda McCleverty. Mari- lyn Stacey, Cheryl Cochrane. and Janet Varley, camped with Mrs. Gordon Hardie and Mrs. P. Rumuey. The camp was held on the property Of Mr. K. Offen- beck. R.R. No. 3, Newmarket. Groups from Richmond Hill, West District were present also, with all groups joining together for swimming. under the quali- fied instruction of Mrs. Gould- ing of King City. Campfires, hikes, outdoor cooking, church service were part of the pro- gramme. Mrs. N. Johnston and Mrs. Hill of Unionvilie, held a day camp from August 15-August 20. The camp was held on the Love‘s Mushroom Farm. Gormley. The girls arrived each morning at 8 a.m. and left at 8.30 pm. Two or three girls spent the night with Mrs. Johnston to prepare breakfast for the next morning. Girls attending were: Jeanette Lang, Glenda Moses, Dinah Wil- cox, Lynn Sherwood, Donna and Dale Reid, Sandra-Jean Chadâ€" wick, and Dawn Tatton. Girls from Unionville Company were: Judy McInerney, Diane Boad- way, Evelyn Hill, with Anna Medes and Susan Greenhough acting as junior leaders. This proved to be a very successful camp. On Monday of last week, Mrs. R. Perkins, Mrs. Jim Barker and Ross. Mrs. Allan Orr. Anita and Patricia. Mrs. Norman Tyndall. Mardi and Lorrie, Mrs. Wm. Sandie, Margaret and Betty spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and Muriel at the cottage at Duclos Point, Lake Simcoe. the occasion being in honor of Muriel. who was celebrating her eighth birthday. Birthday greetings to: Patricia Orr who will be four years old on September 3; to Linda Em- pringham who will be two years on September 4; to Lorrie Mack~ ness who will be eight years old on September 5. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forster who. on September 6, will be celebrating their eighth wedding anniver- sary. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mumber- son of Barrie are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Law- son Mumberson. Miss Grace Boynton spent Monday of last week with friends at Muskoka. Miss Jean Rumney spent last week with her uncle and aunt at Bethany. Mrs. R. Perkins spent a few days recently with friends at Bobcaygeon. Rev. and Mrs. Tom Cunning- ham and family of New Bruns- wick, Mr. Frank Barker of Maniila, had dinner on Tuesday evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Ross. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Davey. Toronto. announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Patricia, to Mr. Dennis Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brock Cook, Richmond Hill. The marriage will take place September 17th at St. John’s Church. Toronto. clw9 l O O 0 Rev. Principal and Mrs. J. Stanley Glen of Thornhill Wish to announce the engagement of their daughter. Muriel Gwynn- eth, to Mr. William James Scott of Seaforth. Ontario. The wed- ding will take place in Thornhill Presbyterian Church on Satupï¬ day. September 17th at 3 pm. c1w9 o e o 0 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Davey, Toronto, announce the engage- ment of their daughter Patricia to Mr. Dennis Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brock Cook. Richmond Hill. The marriage will take place September 17th at St. John's Church, Toronto. clw9 t t t 0 Mrs. Barton Edwards wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter. Sandra Ilene to Mr. Robert Thomas Nelson Caesar, the wedding to take place Sept- ember 17. 1960 at 2 pm. Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Thorn- hill. elm} In memoriams LENO â€" Donald Stanley. Sept- ember 2nd. 1957. His courage and determination won for him the admiration of all who knew him. â€"‘ Grandparents. and Aunt Doris. *ln's a e t t LUND :â€" In loving memory of d I. dear tether, who passed away V Angus: (list. 1954. Along the road to yesterday That leads us straight to you Are memories of the happy days Together. we once knve And always every day W seem to have a may Of wandering back to meet you On the road to yesterday. .- Always remembered by :‘on Roy and family. i, “(iridium jn flugmt†lgcAua/e God/def C/lape/ "Christmas in August" was the successful theme for the Rich- vale Gospel Chapel last Sunday when 120 children contributed gifts destined for the African children of the Dr. Ross Wood- ward Mission. The unique occa- sion was directed by Mr. Ed. Bunn of Aurora, one of the Sun~ day School teachers and saw a mass of school supplies plastic toys and other lightweight gifts contributed by the children. in- cluding sufficient money to take care of postal costs to Africa. Lightweight gifts were encour- aged becausc a greater variety of school supplies and gifts could thus be realized. Special guests included Dr. and Mrs. Bob Stevens who recently returned from troubled Congo. ELGIN MILLS and JEFFERSON NEWS_ Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. John‘s Anglican Church TU. 4-2798 TU. 4-1534 Footloose Notes Mrs. Clarence Jones visited the Stratford Festival and attended a performance of King John one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Topper visited with their daughter in Gait for a few days. Mrs. Wedgwood, a former resi- dent of Elgin Mills, visited with friends here and in King last week. Mrs. Walden and her three children, all of Smyrna Beach, Florida, have been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones. Birthday Report Soon a new month begins and already the Birthday Report Book is showing evidence of some celebrations for very nice peoâ€" p e. Very special greetings to Rob- bie Whalen and Stanley Ensor when they celebrate The Big Day on September 4th. School Notes Attention all Mothers. School starts on September 6th. 1n pre- vious years this has meant only a part day attendance but this year is one of progress. School all day for students of Jefferson Public School! RICHVALE Correspondents: Mrs. E. E. Spears 25 Roosevelt Dr. AV. 5-3118 Mrs. A. Blackburn 108 Yonxehurst TU. (-2611 Our deepest sympathy is ex- tended to Mrs. Sid. White of 80 Edgar Ave., who received the sad newsof the death of her brother- in-law of Reading, England, hus- band of Mrs. Sid. White's young- est sister, Mrs. Sam Allwood. Mr. and Mrs. Flavelle and son Allan. who recently left Richvale to take up residence in Mount Dennis, spent last Sunday visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Iligunds and family of Yongchurst Mrs. Wm. Adams Sr. and son Arthur of Yongehurst Rd. will leave shortly by air, for a six week visit to England, where they will visit relatives and friends whom they haven’t seen for more than thirty years. Mrs. E. Ainley of Yongehurst Rd. is recuperating slowly after her recent fall, but will be con- fined to bed for at least another six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watt and Mr. Bob Rainey of Oakville, vis- ited with the Blackburns last week. Mrs. C. P. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Camp, of Toronto, visited Mrs. M. Holmes of Yonge- hurst lid, on Wednesdav. Aug- ust 24th, on the occasion of her birthday. Mrs. A. Ryder formerly of Richmond Hill. who took up resi- dence in Niagara-on-the-lake. is still confined to the hospital, with a badly injured leg, suf- fered in a fall down-stairs. Mrs. D. Fettes of Lucas St. en- tertained. Mrs. M. Holmes. Mrs. D. Turner. and Mrs. M. Black- burn at a birthdav luncheon on Tuesday. August 23rd. in honor of Mrs. Holmes’ birthday. Obituary rymâ€"‘w-v- “ CYRIL HARCOURT WEST In ill health since October 1959. Cyril Harcourt West. of 130 Garden Avenue. Langstaff, died in the Toronto Western Hospital, Saturday, August 20. 1960. He was admitted to hospital with a heart condition on Wed- nesday of last week. Born in Lancaster England. the son of the late George Strong West. Mr. West was in his 55th year. A resident of Langstaff for 20 years. he and his wife. the form- er Rose Hill. had formerly resid- ‘ed in Toronto. where he was em- gployed by the Robert Simpson ‘Company for twenty years. He was a member of Holy Trinity Church. Thornhill. Surviving are his wife. R039. hi‘ mother. Mrs. G. S. West and one son. Ronald. Funeral services from the Wright 8; Taylor Fun- were held IDeadIine They acted out a market-scene dialogue. Mrs. Stevens, dressed in authentic African clothes, with a basket on her head and a baby on her back. talked about her life and family and offered for sale typical African manufactur- ed articles such as ebony carv- ings, wooden combs and bark cloth. The dialogue proved to be an excellent means of familiarizâ€" ing the audience with some of the African culture and economy. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baker entertained with a guitar-accorâ€" dion duet and Mr. Baker ren- dered several solos as well. Re- cording the affair was Mrs. Peter Smith. The “Christmas in Au- gust Party" took place at the Richvale Gospel Hall. Sept. 8th â€" Wards Next Thursday. September 8th is the last day for filing objec- tions to the Ward boundaries proposed for the Town of Rich. mond Hill. Council has made an applica- tion to the Ontario Municipal Board for an order re-dividing the Town into four Wards as out- lined and described in an ad- vertisement in this issue. Ward 1 is described as all that part of the Town lying east of Yonge St. and North of Crosby Ave. Ward 11, that ‘part lying east of Yonge and south of Cros- by to Markham Rd. Ward III that part of town east of Yonge St. and south of Markham Road. Ward IV, all that part of the town west of Yonge Street. Anyone who objects to this div- ision should write to the Ontario Municpal Board. 145 Queen Street West. Toronto on or be- fore September 8th. Charles Hooper To Study Russian ' Farm Methods Charles Hooper of Buttonvilie, well-known Markham Township farmer and a former councillor, reeve and warden of the county, left Malton Airport Monday evening bound for Russia and a first hand inspection of the Soviet agricultural picture. By the time he gets back home on September 16 (in time for his daughter Mary’s wedding the day after) he expects to have satisfied his curiosity about Rus~ sia’s farm methods which, he said, was aroused two years ago during a trip to England where he came in contact with farmers from the Soviet Union. M111 Hooper is part of a 10- member group, farmers all. The tour was organized by CKNO- TV, Wingham. and he and his nine companions are representa- tive of most of the province. Mr. Hooper said before leaving Can- ada that his companions will fly from Russia to England and then return to Canada. In England they will also concern them- selves with farm problems and techniques. Paid Top Price For Pony The highest price ever paid for a pony at auction in Can- ada. $4,500., was the selling price of Capt. Black's Sym- phony at the dispersal sale of Cousin’s Shetland ponies at Aurora last week. The purchaser was Clar- ence Graham of Woodbridge who is the owner of a string of prize winning ponies. Clar- ence is well known in this district having attended Richmond Hill High School when his parents farmed on concession two, Vaughan. His wife is the former Laurina Rutherford Of Vellore. The Graham ponies may be seen at the “Ex†this week and are rated among the top prize winners. Eittbs HOUNSELL â€" To Mr. and Mrs] Bert Hounsell. 1960. Special thanks to Doctor Con-an. ciw9 MARKHAM â€" Ralph &: Estelleé (nee Sirman), are happy to an- nounce the birth of their daughter â€" Sandra Ann â€"â€" at Branson Hospital. August 29th.: : 1960. c1w9 {L 1‘8. MOORE â€"- Art and Reta ‘neeI Kefferl are happy to announce' the birth of a daughter on Au-‘ gust 18th. ‘060 at York County. Hospital. A sister for David and Allan. cle: CARD OF THANKS I The family of the late Melvin L. Dalley extend thanks and aprI . . . .preciation for the acts of kind- Iersi Home. Richmond Hill on;ness_ 31655336; 05 Ennuamv and II'Ye‘IW‘day afternoon “111‘ the beautiful flOral offerinzs receiv- {or James O'Veil Officianiig. In- ed from neigao-m.._ A ~5 “it Iterznent was in the RI ond;rem;i-,-es durif‘; the F. .e Hm cememi“ and the 93-7 r' reswmem. SDGCG: ".11 O Rey I et~ were; James Black. Stanley patterson. 130’.“er C)...“ a.m., Hughes, William Barnard, Roylvcginnon and 330 .0 ,1, and; Russeu' maimew Terry anddlts. Ken Sparkes. their neflm? Charles Tomsette. ‘ ’ i STOL'FFYILLE : I ii Puth Utilities Building Which is to cost 325.000 and for which clw9debentures have been raised. lbcurs. Ontario Hydro. :is urged that a start on the new". I , v..- Lillian Dalley L. i .v q("\IETI'IING \‘ “ "D "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS I PHONE TU. 4-1105 a son Albert I .- Charles. 7 lbs., at York Coun-| . ty Hospital. on August 20th,1 inn THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, September 1, 1960 15 The New Spacious PHONE AL. 7 - 1164 Will Open In The New â€" MAPLE PLAZA â€" On Thursday, Sept. 8th This ultra modern air conditioned drug store was planned to better serve the expanding Maple area. Ample parking is provided for your one-stop shopping trip. PRESCRIPTIONS 8. DRUG ITEMS DELIVERED John Perry, th. B. Gord Davie, BSC. th. B. PLAZA. GRAND OPENING-WED, SEPT. 28 AMGUARD HOME APPLIANCES of RILHMUND HILL Directly Opposite Mainprize Drugstore and Radio Station CJRH Lou/5.9mm: EVE?! ULTRA 2]" VISION * Setoand-Forget Tone Control. * Set-and-Forget Volume Control. * Front Mounted Speaker * General Electric Writ- ten Warranty. Sale Priced . . . at Vanguard SAVE $70.00 Reg. $269.00 Easy budget terms on all appli- ances. No payments for 45 days at no extra finance charges. Van- guard‘s comparison shoppers have certiï¬ed that the prices adver- tised are AS LOW OR LOWER than TORONTO PRICES. Powerful Drain Pump! Exclusive Spiralator Washing Action. proved best by com- parative test. Largest tub of .11" washer. Fast ac'ion drain pump. 5-year guaranwn on S mechanism. Washes Clem.- er' Washes Fasterf Washes Saleri With timer. 8134. Without timer only $127. ~.~ p'r ! 0+ 2mm.