Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Sep 1960, p. 16

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James Robson Vaughan Twp. x- Reeve Has Lived on Same Farm For Seventy Two Years . . ‘ together. can zet, quite a lot done." Mr. Robson. who was born a I few miles west, of his farm, mo\'-‘ ( l to his present home with his‘ parents when he was six. Seventy 0 two years might seem like a long. long time but apparently you‘re never aware of time when, work- r _ ing at something you enjoy, and r living for the future, the seasons [low smoothly one into the other. . Politics Mr. Robson. known throughout the township. said he in turn knows pretty well everyone a- Innnn thn l‘nrln folk and nxrpr‘v “Look after the land, it will look after you” 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ont, Thursday, September 1, 1960 Regular Hours When I said that he looked like a well kept man in hiswearly six; tics he laughed. “Son,” he said, "I'm going on '79 and before you ask how Ldo it, I’ll tell you. I’ve been lucky and have looked after myself. I've never had an acci- dent or needed a doctor. Every- one should respect regular hours." He said he was now a non-smoker. had always treated alcohol with extreme respect. drank tea and coffee in modest quantities. ate whatever was placed before him and tried nev- er to worry too much. ' Trying not to worry too much hasn‘t always been exactly easy. Mr. Robson’s wife, the former Annie Wilson. born near Elgin Mills, passed away in the 19205. There were six children. three boys and three girls. “I was fath- er and mother to them," said Mr. Robson. "and do you know, I raised those kids and kept 350 acres of land going with hardly a fuss. We understood one an- other. By Alex Sjoberg On a sunny August afternoon after a. 10-mile drive from Richmond Hill to and through Maple. north on the seventh concession road and thence east over a swooping lane, we reached the final rise and saw James H. (Jimmy) Robson who has lived on the same Vaughan Township farm for 72 years. Mr. Robson was thoughtfully contemplating his car which he drives with practiced skill and care. The first question that came to mind was that hoary old chestnut. “To what do you credit your long life and good health?" We refrained. After all, we had not yet been formally in- troduced. But within minutes of stopping the car we felt as though we had known one another for decades. Mr. Robson is that kind of fellow: genial, outgoing, definite in his views without giving offense, and with a fine sense of humour. ‘ “Whatever was to be done in the house. or in the fields was looked to promptly. We sort of di- vided responsibility, each taking a just share, each doing his or her work according to ability. We co-operated then and we do to this day." The three boys, Frank, Albert and Charles each operate 100 acres of the original 400-acre farm. Frank's land lies to the north of the birthplace, Albert’s to the west and lCharles‘ to the south. Among them they have six children, which might be called a coincidence. ‘ Of the three daughters Marian (Mrs. Reginald McDonald) lives in Calgary: Helen (Mrs. R. McDoug- aD farms in Sask. and Jean, now Mrs. Roy Bone, lives on the 6th concession. Among them the girls have presented their father with eight grandchildren. Mr. Robson figures that the family name is going to be around quite a while yet. . Most of the 400 acres are given over to hay and wheat and most of the hay ends up as fodder for the boys‘ milk cattle and young stock. “This was a fine year for hay," Mr. Robson offered. “We came out of it with 24.000 fifty- pound bales, a record for us. and about 2.000 bales more than In 1958. another good year."~ As to wheat, he figured the land would yield about 30 bushels per acre. “Some years we get 40 bushels." 24.000 Bales Farming keeps the Robson men pretty busy. Beside the immed- iate 400 acres. they operate 600 acres elsewhere in the township. Mr. Robson would not use his and his boys‘ farm endeavour as a yardstick of potential farm suc- cess in the township. “We’re in a different position than most." he bointed out. “If the need arose. we could Iield seven tractors in five minutes among us. and four experienced farmhands, working “Fashions For You” TO ENTER:- VISIT ANY STORE BELOW 8. RECEIVE FREE COUPON. SIGN YOUR NAME & DEPOSIT SLIP. -â€" NO OBLIGATION. TU. 4-1812 lace; RICHVALE, ONT. STOP 22A AV. 5-3821 Gliddens Paint Giftware Boots & Shoes 189E Centre TU. 4-1313 Phone ALpine 7-1121 Maple HARDWARE - PAINTS IMPERIAL GASOLINE a: OIL LA W R I E HARDWARE. 0 Benjamin Moore m. FLOWER SHOP Delivery Toronto & District R O S E GARDEN SUPPLIES GIFT SHOP - Second Floor [Jaf - LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR C O L L I N S HARDWARE TU. 4-296] RICHMOND HILL for all occasions Blue Coal & Fuel Oil Richmond Hill RAMER THE [IBERAL POLAROID "HOME OF THE WEEK" AV. 54211 at the AND ALL HOURS 8. SON 'owerd Mr. Robson, who was born a few miles west of his farm, mov- ri to his present home with his parents when he was six. Seventy two years might seem like a long, long time but apparently you're never. aware of time when. work- ing at something you enjoy, and living for the future, the seasons flow smoothly one into the other. Politics Mr. Robson. known throughout the township, said he in turn knows pretty well everyone a- mong the farm folk and every twist and turn of every east-west, north-south township road. Greg- arious and socially conscious. it was natural for him to turn to politics and as he put it “sit around township council tables for 25 years.” Of this quarter- century period he sat two years as second deputy, two more as first deputy and in 1929 and 1930 as reeve. Of his political days he recalls that in 1936 the township was $80,000 behind in tax payments. With evident satisfaction he said: “By 1940 We had this matter cleaned up and we’ve been in pretty good shape ever since." Vaughan, he will have you know is a sound and solid township. Because roads come in for a lot of discussion nowadays, we asked him his views on the paving of north-south concession roads. "Might be alright," he said, “but as I’ve said before, a paving pro- gram should go hand in hand 10% DOWN On R. D. 7571 Yonge St., Thornhill Lawn mowers - tractors - power saws and small engmes. K ET OLA POWER EQUIPMEN] Start Giving 'Your Chfld Vitamins NOW. ASK THE PHARMACIST AT W I G H T' S PHARMACY Shell Service Station KEN RUSTON RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SALES & SERVICE AV. 5-1538 NEW 8: USED CARS "LITTLE &SONI.TD. RICHMOND HILL 28 YONGE ST S. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1521 2 Miles North of Richmond Hill AV. 5-4588 HIGHWAY 11 TU. 4=7821 CLEANERS TU. 4-1911 JEWELLIIS with an overall ditching program to make it worthwhile, otherwise there's bound to be expensive repercussions in the years to come." He said that actually the roads of his day in the township were almost as good as they are now. “The difference now is in the number of vehicles on them and the weight of those modern ve-' hicles. This means a greater yearly outlay to keep the roads in shape." Growing Children His toughest years? “Oh. I wouldn‘t. say I’ve had too tough years." he replied. “After my wife died. what with six kids to look aft-er and farming 350 acres, I guess you could say I was too busy to get into mischief.“ He cogitated briefly. lhen went on: “I'll tell you something. I had a smart. able, willing parcel of children. It's quite an experience watching them "grow. change, de- velop and become distinct per- sonalities. I guess you could say the reward of watching those kids take hold and grow eased those years considerably.” 1.000 Bushels Economically, the twenties were like the fifties, ,he said. Yes, you too might win a Polaroid Land Camera. Simply visit any one of the stores listed here for your free coupons. There’s nothing to buy no jingles to write l simply sign your name and deposit the 511p. A local draw will be held monthly so you stand a good chance of winning. V Fast Car Wash Expert M t 1' AV. 5.5321 Cleaninogo New Sprayaway Method Yonge at Bunker, Thornhil] The Only BP SERVICE in Thornhill III“. TV 6: CAMERA T H 0 R N HILL PAINT SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR If you are the householder of this home, call at “The Liberal" office and you will receive FREE 8 $5.00 purchase order good at one of the places of business shown here. SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS 50 YONG: 57. 5. AV. 5-3756 McATEER'S 7707 YONGE ST. THORNHILL, ONT. DO YOU LIVE IN THIS HOUSE? JAMES ROBSON LADIES’. MEN’S AND CHILDREN’S READY TO WEAR Yard Goods, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers 12 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND EII AV. 5-1833 Your Polaroid Headquarters SALES & SERVICE Cameras - TV - and Hi-Fi BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE Win a Polaroid Land Camera SERVICE ‘There was a boom on. Money ran like water. They were good years. Then the depression lit us like the kick from a short tempered horse. I remember in '31 and '32 I had a lot of wheat, but that it took 13000 bushels at 40 cents a bushel to pay my taxes. Used to feel I was working for nothing. But we got over that too." “You look after the land and it will look after you," he said. It’s quite a privilege to look into eyes which have studied the fruits of the land for 79 seasons. “1 don’t doubt you." we rejoined. What about politics? Would he enjoy another crack at it? He rubbed his jaw. “My boys are‘ against it,” he said, with an un- dercurrent of complaint in his voice. “But yes, I'd like to sit at Council table again. Of course, I’d like to feel I would get a good vote. A man wants to feel that the people believe in him whenshe is in politics on their behalf." He admitted he had been pressed to stand for council again. "Tell you what.{’ he said, “you get Bob Scott of Richmond Hill to run and I’ll consider throwing my hat in the ring too. I sat with Bob on council for eight years and con- sider him one of the best town- ship administrators going, and you might say vI’ve known quite a few." Mr. Robson lives by himself now but is never short of com- pany. There are his families to visit and entertain and ‘old tim- ers to gal} with.‘ He is partial to William Johnson of Maple. “Bill is well into his eighties now,” he said. “but still keeps busy. We never let our political differences spoil our friendship." Mr. Robson is a strong Con- servative but that doesn’t pre- vent him from disagreeing with men in the party. He is of the opiniou that Diefenbaker perhaps promised more than he could deliver. “Should be more like Leslie Frost." he said. “There‘s a man Who does what he feels can be done and doesn’t go over the deepi end."r We. proceeded to leave and our host prepared to resume check- ing his car. He intends to be around for a while, quite a while yet, when his male grandchildren A L & T O M' S BA SERVICE STATION “The best in home-made bread and pastries” Tune-ups For All Makes of Cars Yonge & Clarke Sts., 7 Stop 14A Thornhill. Ontario Phone AV. 5-2961 FOR DELIVERY TU. 4-5581 55 Yonge St. S will continue what his parents before him started and what he and his sons are carrying on. Gingham - Cotton Broadcloth - Chambray - Polished - Indian Head - Everglaze - Mercerized - Arnel - Pique - Chino - Denim - Seersucker - Border Print - Tap- estry Print - Tweed - Bedford Cord - Petit Point - Terry Cloth - Bleached Sheeting - Pillow Tub- ing - Unbleached Cotton - Cotton Lace - Cotton Fringe - Edging - Insertion -' Sateen ~ Chair Can- vas - All Cottons‘ at No. I Hwy W. & Yang's Thornhiu Call AV. 5-3251 AV 5-1535 MURRAY MOTORS Garden Centre EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN P R I D H A M' S PAINT & WALLPAPER TU. 4-2819 '2] Yonge N. WALTER RICHVAI. HARDWARE Paints ~ Enamels - Varnishes NEW, VOLKSWAGENS ONLY $1595 Try One Today FABRIC FAIR KEEP COOL IN COTTON Town & Country Foot.I Plan Well . . . food cost average family of per week . . . . . ss Yonge St. - Thornhil] Freezer cost per as low as STOP 22 YONGE‘ ST. PHONE AV. 5-3611 80A YONGE ST. S. THORNHILL I.G.A. FOODLINER Food and Freezer per week .. $14-15 7 Benjamin Moore LOWEST PRICES FREE PREMIUMS M66?” Still puzzled? We’l! be glad to explain . . at no obligation to you. Just call collect. 210 Markham Rd Richmond Hill 915 440 1415 ESTAB. 1950 AV. 5-5401 AV 5-5402 WA. 1-1445 T0 9 P.M. Benjamin Huh? food cost for Stains paints paints $9.75 week $4.40 24 W __“.‘-.‘.‘nAmmu‘mmmmmmmmunA‘A‘Akmv‘mmmmm‘m‘ «mam! SHELTON MANSELL MOTORS Phone I‘U. 4-1311 Sterling Reid TU. 4-5011 Complete Collision a; Refinishing ’ Service AUTO BODY SHOP Bicycles: C.C.M. & Raleigh Repairs to All Makes Complete Line of Snorfing Goods Phone 'l‘Urner 4-1213 25 Yonge St. S Richmond Hill, Ont. “THE llBERAL" TUrner 44105 Finest Quality at Prices that Save You Money 4/; we 8" $0”! HALl'S SERVICE STATION LTD. TU. 4 . 4361 [Min Doors 7 Moulding - Plywood Paint - Wallbodrds YORK OFFICE Butler 8. Baird lumber Ltd. EQUIPMENT 16 YONGE STREET N. TELEPHONE TU. 4-4231 Weeds - White Grubs - Insects - Brush Control - PHONE TU. 4-122] RICHMOND TREE SERVICE & FORESTRY C0. Free Advice Corner of Yonge St and Elgin Mills Rd THE HOME OF MODERN BUSINESS MACHINES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE STATIONERY IN RICHMgND HILL I “Everything For the Home Builder” For everything in AV./5-3506 191 Yonge St. North All SPRAYING 75 YONGE ST s. TU. 4-7331 TU. 4-5631 Cities Service Quality Products DOMESTIC FUEL OILS AND BURNER SERVICE Richmond Hill Work Guaranteed TU. AV. Telephone CONSULT lvice Free Estimates Trees Are Our Business 4‘1125 Established I878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill IN CLOTH ES CLEANED WIMBRIDGE CLEANERS Look Better! REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 0F CARS TU. 4-3331 rlill City Motors Industrial Road Richmond HI“ w. 4 - 32!! 3i? APPLIANCE REPAIRS it? RADIO, TV & AERIAIS sales. repairs, TV (or rent it? ELECTRIC WIRING it you want it wired up or connected â€"- call us 112 Oil Burner Service parts on hand 777777 REPAIRS 53 YONGE ST. N. washers. dn’ HERRIDGE Electric-TV. $17.00 MONTH Models on Displav at 9020 Yonge St.. Richvalo AVenue 5-1109 [O U G H l I N LUMBER & SUPPLY Protect your car with a Free All Day Motorized Delivery Authorized Dealer \ RENAULT RICHVALE REXALL’ REFRIGERATION REPAIRS 8: SERVICE 12x20 $335.00 â€" LIMITED .â€" TU. 4-2162 9014 Yonge St! PHARMACY AV. 5-3772 OF All. KINDS yers. stoves Ill makes Feel Better! from AV. 5-3338

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