Newmarlcet Office S 50 ONLY ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION I0 jAe iéera o BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Shingles & Rooï¬ng The Newmarket branch of the Unemployment Insurance Com- Materials, etc. mission, in figures released this week, said that while there is a It Costs Less big increase in the number of un- employed registered over the same August 27 period last year, Than Y0u Think T0 A wgrsesittlijigxtlic}? islooks somewhat Recreation Room As of this week there were 661 male and 409 females regis- tered for work. In the same per- iod last year there were 430 males and 262 females. The New- market office serves the north- ern part of the county. Officials point out that a per- centage of the 478 unemployable increase have work but are reg- istered for the purpOSe of getting Need more space in your home for living or sleeping? At small cost, you can ï¬nish 00' a rumpus room or extra bedroom in your attic or basement. Let us quote â€" DO IT NOW! BUDGET PLAN -â€" N0 DOWN PAYMENT 86 Mouths To Pay SHEPPARD 8. GILL LUMBER CO. LTD. 71 Centre St. East, TU. 4-1361 Open 8 to 5 Monday to Friday - 8 to 12 Saturday Markham Township Council de- ferred making a decision regard- ing the issuing of a licence for Go~Karting in the township for two weeks, when council met last Monday evening in its regular weekly session. It was a short agenda but most interesting in one respect -â€" the Department had earlier notified the clerk by letter that the Town- ships supplemntary road by-law had met with almost 100 per cent approval. The application presented by the Township had been in the amount of 399.020. the Department approved $91,200. This supplementary is to cover road construction other than regular work. and includes an application for Thornhill paving Richmond Hill High School OPENING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th General Assembly at 10 a.m. School buses will travel their regular routes in order to arrive at school approximately 9:45 a.m. School dismissed 12:30 noon. r STUDENTS-WHO HAVE MOVED INTO THE DISTRICT SINCE JUNE AND HAVE NOT REGISTERED ARE REQUESTED TO DO so Before Friday, September 2nd BETWEEN 9 AM. â€" 4 PM. Rush at Ridgeway. I _ Recent .visitors of Mr. and ' Mrs. George French were MISSes June Barnesdale and Marian Dion of Oak Ridges, Rev. Wm. Vanderbent of Richmond Hill, and Rev. Albert Engle of Gran- tham, Penna. Mr. Bert Moorby is holidaying in Bermuda. Miss Norma Nigh of Spring- vale, spent a week with her cousin, Miss Helen Nigh. Miss Vera Hilts, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Donor and Evelyn of Stouffville, spent several days in Ottawa and Northern Ontario. Master .Grant ngh spent last week ‘with his sisters, Mrs. Lowell Brown and Mrs. Lloyd Rush. . Mrs. Levi Steckley and Miss Reatha Stackley are spending a week at Elim Lodge near Peter- borough. 'eIe'sa-"HOT WATER SERVICE" that puts a STOP to . HOT WATER SHORTAGES! Plenty of hot water in the home makes life easier. For washing dishes - - Monday morning’s laundry ,- - hot baths and showers for the whole fam- ily - - all your cleaning chores. There’s hardly a household job that doesn’t require lots of hot water. Wherever hot water is needed in ME.?“‘§:§§;3“%".:, “(#3513313 y0ur home--y0u can have It the SAFE “be†“’1†We†mam“ °“ saturday afternoon at Donlands Brethren in Christ Church, To- ronto. Doris is the youngest daughter of the late .Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cober. and Doris w’as raised in our community. Mrs. Geo. Leary spent the Week and with Mrs. Helen De Witt near Peterborough. Miss Vera Hilts was a guest at the wedding - - CLEAN - r MODERN way with elec- tricity and at really “LOW RENTAL RATESâ€. ï¬g Electric Water Heaters Insure Satisfaction! 12: Hot Water When You Need It Automatically! ' El ctric Water H at rs 7} Electric Water Heaters 7:: 3:; mac, and ï¬g... Are EEIclent! , tlve! OUR LOW COST RENTAL PLAN Only $1.15 per month (Plus the cost of power) Element Size Monthly Power Rate 600 Watt $2.48 800 Watt $3.03. 1000 Watt $3.59 That’s all you pay for the popular 40 Imperial gallons Water Heater with power packed elements top and bottom. The one low rate gives you a com- plete HOT WATER SERVICE, in- eluding: * Free Installation * FreeService - - Maintenance - - in- cluding all parts and complete re- of _ Miss Isobel land spent several days with her friend, Miss Joan Cober. Master Christopher Johnston is in Sick Children’s Hospital, To- ronto undergoing quite a num- ber of tests. Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Hunking and family are holidaying at South River. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davie (Marjorie Barber) had to return by plane last week to attend the funeral of Mr. Davie’s father, who died very suddenly. Gordon and Mary were on an extended honeymoon in Europe and had intended to stay until October. The sympathy of the community is extended to them. Nine men from our community attended a bee last Tuesday to help Mr. Floyd Winger of Queensville, build his new barn. Their help was greatly appre- ciated. Quite a number from our com- munity attended the Brethren in Christ Camp Meeting at Fort Erie last week. We wish a speedy recovery for Mrs. Thayer Hepburn who un- derwent surgery in Newmarket Hospital last week. Mrs. J. Bond, Mrs. I. Hughes. Sn, and Mrs. Robt Beatty spent ‘ Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. placement If necessary' Clarence Summerfelt of Union- gunumnmumiuuuuuutumunnumunuiiuuiImiiti1nunmummmtutmmmmmmummmu Vine Bishop and Mrs. Arthur Clim- enhage and their niece Donna of Grantham, Penna. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brilâ€" linger. )lr. Climenhage was superintendent of 'missions in Bulawaya, Southern Rhodesia, while Miss Velma Brillinger was there. He now is president of Messiah College at Grantham. Miss Miriam Heise has return- ed after taking a special course at Winona Lake. Indiana. Master Owen liacKinnon re- turned after spending the sum- mer with his grandfather at Utterson. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Holmes and Raymond left on Thurscai nigh: IIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIINIII Our Free Service plan also applies to all our flat rate customers milIIIImIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMRMIMRIRMMWWWW LET us DISCUSS OUR HOT WATER SERVICE WITH YOU RICHMOND Hlll. . . for a visit with relatixc< in HYDRO- ELECTRIC Commlsnon England a . Mr. and Mrs CIILIS. Milsted and Charleen had dinner on Sun~ 56 N 4 day with Mr and Mrs. Byron - o n " Risebrough oi Sannfnz-cl Mr. . . Milsted took the services on Rev. and Mrs. Roy Nigh spent Sunday morning at a few days last week with th ir United Church. SOHS'in'laW and daughters! r- In last week’s items it should and MTF- Lowe“ Brown at WEI' have read that the Milsteds land and Mr- and Mrs- Lloyd spent the week-end with Mr. and Dennie at Baker Hill Church on Saturday afternoon. Miss Charlyn Atyeo of Vine- Unemployment Figures other types of employment. Tney also say there is a certain amount of farm work available but that among those registered only a few can qualify as expert mech- anics and cattlemen. It is also explained that many registered unemployed persons come from the new subdivisions in Aurora and East Gwillimbury Heights on the border of New- market. Normally, they Would register elsewhere. The Newmar- get branch f the U.I.C. serves the Townships of Whitchurch, King, East. West and North Gwil- limbury and Uxbridge, but ex- cluding the Towns of Uxbridge and Stouffville. DepartmentOIHighways O.K.'s$9l,2000 Rd.Costs in the amount of $64,930. The Department also recom- mended surface treating ,only for all roads other than John Street which is to have aSphalt. this would reduce the road budget 555.400. Reason given for the re- duction is that roads other than John have not been adequately ditched, etc. New Appointee Council appointed Mr. E. J. Peters, a Unionville resident and member or the skating Club, to succeed the late Bruce Wilkes former representative on Crosby Memorial Community .Centre Board. Mr. Peters was appointed to serve until the end of the year. representatives are ap- pointed annually. . GORMLEY ' NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone Gormley 5201 Sandford Mrs. Ken Jones and family at their cottage at Long’s Lake, Muskoka. â€"__â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- Fine whisky is a luxury and should be treated as such. And, knowing when to say “no†plays a, \who have accomplished Broken School Windows Familiar Bellâ€" Large Increase In The (osfly For Taxpayers THE LIBERAL Drastic action may be necessary to stop the breakage of windows at the Beverley Acres Public School. Richmond Hill Public School Board points out that much of the glass used in the building is expensive tinted glass which makes the use of additional drapes unnecessary. Replacing this glass is more costly. The board. has covered with wire mesh most of the glass which would be in line with stray baseballs. The windows broken are done so with rocks or slings. The board has authorized a fifty dollar reward to anyone reporting damage to the school property which leads to the conviction of the guilty person or persons. If you see anyone damaging school property, do not hesi- tate to phone the police, or the office of the superintendent. The board likes to make the playgrounds available to the children during the summer months but feels the tax- payer must also be protected. If the school grounds are going to be kept open, when school is out, a concerted effort on the part of parents, children, and the general public must be made to see that the school property is not abused. TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS. B. R. 3. KING Tcmperanceville Mr. Wallace speaking from pulpit on Sunday. Rev. Kennedy will prcach next Sunday. Please attend church if you are home from vacation. There will be Jr. Congregation next Sunday. Congratulations to the follow- ing pupils from Temperanceville SWII‘II- ming awards this summer at Au- rora swimming pool. Joan Hare, Bronze Medallion, Award of Merl: and Award of Distinction; Judith Paxton receiving Sr. Badge and Bronze Medallion; Elaine Paxton, Sr. Badge; Frank Anderson. Jr. Badge and Wayne Paxton, Jr. Badge. The parents of all these child- ren attended the closing exercises held at the pool Friday evening which was attended by a large crowd. Many thanks to Mr. Ken- dcll and the instructress who taught the many, many children, the pleasure of swimming and the art of saving their own lives and that of others. We are sorry to hear Mr. Don Chalk has been in bed since Friday with what appears to be the flu. 1 David Levison, Shanty Bay, has returned home Sunday after spending the week as a guest of Wayne Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Robbins‘ sis- -â€"-- Phone PR. 3-5239 apprecrates 1 tcr. Mrs. M. Laurence of England the arrived in Canada on August 16th. Her two boys Chris and Da- vid have been vacationing at the Iiobbins home all summer They have enjoyed a trip to Niagara and Algonquin Park. On Satur- day. Mrs. Laurence and he: sonsl travelled to Sudbury to speid a week with another brother and his family. She will be travelling home by plane on September 7th, the boys will follow on Septem- ber 10th. Sherry Iskiew. Toronto has been a guest of Ann Paxton and also her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. John Anderson this past week. Miss Mae Harmon. Toronto, re- cently spent 4 days with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Arwood Har- mon recently during her two Week vacation. She Will be re- turning soon to spend another few days with her parents. Wendy Wilson has spent the summer working in Bracebridgc at a summer resort. Mr. and Mrs. Don Chalk are exhibiting four Welsh ponies at the exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred James had the pleasure of.having as guests on Sunday. Mrs. James parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hepburn of Inniskillen and her two brothers Harold and Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Aglncourt . Richmond Hill, Ont., Thursday, September 1, 1960 17 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 0-1105 w Sanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Pumped .‘i. Drains Cleaned & Repaired (Continued from page 1) parable to the modern Schools. High Schools The total enrollment for the {our High Schools in the York L‘entral High School District was 1,700 last term. It is expected that this year's enrolment will total about 2,100. Last year the Richmond Hill High School closed the season with 710 students and 33 tea- chers. One extra part time tea- cher has been taken on for the 1960-61 term. Principal is Mr. Wright Morrow. Thornhill High School. under Principal A. S. Elson, will have about 50 more than the 710 stu-x dents last term, or about 760.‘ There will be 34 teachers. The new Bayview High School under Mr. Howard E. Eubank, with 15 teachers, will have 300 students. Woodbridge Woodbridge High School shows an 80-studcnt increase this year. up to 360 from 280 last term. Three teachers have been added| to the 14-member staff. The pres- ent 17-member staff includes Principal Lloyd Morrison. Mr. Morrison said that the playground and parking facilities‘ 0. STITNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 have been greatly improved. He said: “We're very pleased that during the summer the board had the play area cleared. levelled,l exuded and seeded. This will‘ stimulate and facilitate field sports. And. during the summer, the parking area has been in- creased to the point we now can park double the number of cars." l A new. circular driveway has been added. ‘ This year 100 Thornhill stu- dents are being transferred to Richmond Hill High School, which in turn will release an equal number to Bayview High I School. At Bayview, between 130- 140 of the students will be Grade 9 pupils, the first to complete a full five years at the new school. Guidance services here as at the other schools will attempt to asâ€" sess abilities and interests of students. Separate Schools The Richmond Hill Separate School situation has remained fairly stable. Our Lady Help of Christians school. under Sister‘ Deborah, will have 496 studentsi 50 more than last year. and 12 teachers. Our Lady of Fatima! with Mother St. Dominic in charge. and a staff of seven will,’ like last year tutor 253 students. . NUMBER . ,rr's TWICE ' ‘A's FAST! SOMETHING TO SELL USE "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS FOR QUICK RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 M. We Who make Whisky say: DRINKING AND DRIVING DO NOT MIX great part in the art of sensible living. Neither whisky nor any other alcoholic beverage has any place at the wheel of an auto- mobile. Drinking and driving do not mix. THE HOUSE OF thinking pc this Labour Don't drink MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORRO‘-‘~'...P.’3ACTICL? This conviction must be shared by every rson who drives a car, particularly Day week-end when many holiday- ing families will be travelling on Ontario highways. f you expect to be at the wheel of a car this week-cud, we say to you: Think before you drink. before you drive. SEAGRAM amprn ATION TODAY