SEPTEMBER 7 â€"- Wednesday, Bingo, Newmarket Legion Hall, 8 pm. sharp. Jackpot $75. tfc45 SEPTEMBER 6 â€"- Richmond Hill Horticultural Society. Due to storm â€" garden visits origin- ally arranged for last Monday -â€"~ postponed to Tuesday, September 6. c1w9 SEPTEMBER 6 â€" Tuesday. Don’t forget the first Jaycee’s meeting at the Yangtze Pagoda, 7 pm. BINGO every Wednesday even~ ing at 7.45 pm. at the Canadian Legion Branch 375. Carrville Rd. West, Richvale._ _ A tfc49 IVERY sum“ mam â€"' 9.00 p.m. . 12.00. Dancing to Max Cameron’s Orchestra. at Canad- hn Legion Hall. Can-ville Road. Richvale. Sponsored by Rich- mond Hm Branch 375, Canadian Legion. 15¢ per person. «we Reeve Haggart who presided at the meeting in the absence of Mayor Tomlin who still is on holi- days suggested the whole mattep Councillor Broadhurst observ- ed that council might be penny wise and pound foolish to delay the project to have it qualify for works program special grant. In answer to Councillor Brad- stock the engineer stated the pro- ject will take from three to four months to complete. l Engineer Redfern replied that in a general way the answer is yes. “I don’t think you get as good a product in winter con- struction." he said. “there is more trouble with back-fill and you get more complaints from the rate- payers." J Cotincillor Broadhurst asked if‘ there are any engineering objec- tions to doing the work in winter. Council debated the advisabil- ity of postponing the project un- til winter when it would be el- igible for the 75 per cent grant on expenditure for labor. ‘ A letter from the Ontario Mun- icipal Board read earlier at the meeting pointed out that while tentative approval has been giv- en by the Board no tenders can be let until the Board gives final approval of the amount to be spent. Lowest tender submitted was by Renzetti Construction Co. for $230,231.10 and the highest was by Sam Consentino for $330,528.- 56 Engineer Redfern in response to council questioning stated that in addition to the contract price the total expense will include $15,513.50 for land costs, about $16,000. engineering fees plus an unstated amount of legal expense. This he said would bring the to- tal cost of the project to about $15,000. in excess of the $248,000. expenditure estimated in the ap- plication made to the Ontario Municipal Board. He stated that the Board generally raised no objections if the actual prieee was within ten per cent of the stim- ated figure. Engineer Donald Redfern who attended Monday night’s council meeting estimated the saving to the town by taking advantage of the winter works grant would anlount to about $22,000. Council members Monday night considered the possibility of de- laying a large portion of the work until the winter months so as to qualify for the special govern- ment grant. 0n approved works carried on after December lst the federal and provincial govern- ments give municipalities a spec- ial grant of 75 per cent of the labor costs. Even the lowest tender will bring the total cost of the project some $15,000 above the estimated ï¬gure of $248,000 for which the town has received tentative ap- proval from the Ontario Municipal Board. Five tenders were received and the two lowest were referred to the Works Committee for review and recomâ€" mendation. The Works Committee will meet Thursday afternoon and a special council meeting will be held Friday to award the tender. Richmond Hill Town Council held one of the briefest sessions of the year Monday night when the main item of business was opening tenders for the contentious Bevegley Acres Drainage project. Beverley Acres Drain Cost $15,000.0verEstimateMay Hold For WinterWork Grant Saving $22,000 It Work Delayed To Winter Montlr ker said the completed road re- presented the end result of the hard work of a lot of people. starting back in the days of Reeve W. J. Taylor. Councillor Whillans said while he would go along with the suggestion he couldn't get too excited over it. On motion the Mayor and Reeve were named a committee to ar- range an official opening and re- ception. I! 1 I. t Deputy-reeve Tinker reported progress on the arrangement for Richmond and Vaughan to 'I'o Award Contract Friday VOLUME LXXXII, NUMBER 9 Authorized Ford, Falcon, Monarch Dealer Coming Events Willowdale - BA. 5-1151 PARTS and SERVICE 8a.m. till 10 pm. -F|NCH MOTORS LTD.â€" c1~w9 subsequently married on the Farm and have been faithful friends and employees of both Mr. and Mrs. Fraser ever since. Mr. Fraser‘s interest extended also to the children. and both Billy and David Agnew are heartbroken at his going, as are all the other children on the farm. Whenever there was any “He’ll always live in our memory,†said Mrs. David Agnew who knew Mr. Fraser for 30 years. Mrs. Agnew knew Mr. Fraser first as the friendly pro- prietor of the original Jack Fraser Store at the corner of Pape and Danforth avenues in Toronto. -“He was a big man who stood at the door and be- fore you were inside, he knew your name. He knew every- body’s name whether it was chick or child, and he never forgot it. And there was many a one came into that store with- out a dollar in his pocket and came out with a coat on his back," went on Mrs. Agnew, her soft Scotch burr, further accent- ed with grief. Ever mindful of his Irish farm beginnings, Mr. Fraser took young David Agnew under his wing when he came out from Ireland as a young man of 20. It was while visiting friends on the Fraserdale Farm that Mrs. Agnew met her future husband. Knowing her as an old customer, Mr. Fraser took an active interest in their friend- ship, often joshing the couple with a “Now Davie, I’ll not be content ’till you put a ring on her finger.†The Agnews were subsequently married on the F'Late Jack Fraser Was xKind & Friendly To All an employer but a friend in all that word implies. His sudden collapse at the opening of the C.N.E. Wednesday, August 24th was a cause of shock and grief to all who knew him. By MARGARET I. McLEAN To some of the people around the C.N.E. he may just have been a big man with a cigar, but to the people who worked for him at Fraserdale Farms in Can- cord, Jack Fraser was not only On motion of Deputy-reeve Tinker and Councillor Mrs. Mar- garet Southwell the town will stage an official opening when Markham Road construction is completed. Reeve Haggart said the road is a first in many whys. It is the first concrete base road construction in the municipality and the first main east-west ar- tery. Councillor Mrs. Southwell suggested the possibility of a street dance. Deputy-reeve Tin- Council will write Canadian Na- tional Express and ask that Bay- view Gardens be included in Richmond Hill free delivery area Reeve Haggart who is chair- man of the Works Committee an- nounced, that the tenders will be considered by a Works Commit~ tee meeting Thursday afternoon, and that a special meeting of council will be held Friday after- noon to receive the report. of express service. The Committee will review the tenders, and investigate the standing and record of the ten- dering firms, also study the re- lative advantages and disadvan- tages of delaying the work until winter, and report to council. should have the careful consider- ation of a committee. On motion of Councillors Broadhurst and Whillans council referred the tenders to the Works Committee for a report. Earl Nears of Northview Lodge is North York County Master and Lodge members from all parts of the district will attend the service which will be presid- ed over by Rev. C. G. Higginson, Minister of Richmond Hill United Church. Children from the L.T.B. and 0. Home will take part in the par- ade and during the service their banner and flag will be dedicat- ed. North York County Orange Lodge annual church parade Will be held in Richmond Hill Sunday, September 11th to the United Church. Members will meet at the north end of town and form a parade to the cenotaph where a wreath will be laid in memory of those who paid the supreme sac~ riï¬ce for their country. The par- ade will form up at 2 pm. and the service at the church will follow the wreath laying at the cenotaph. - Orange Service Sunday, Sept. ll Mr. Fraser’s farm manager, Harold Clapp was with him for 15 years, coming to Fraserdale Farms within a year of when the farm was purchased. The farm had originally been stock- ed with a registered Jersey herd but in May, 1946, all the Jerseys were sold and Mr. Fraser from then on devgted Â¥himse1f ex- Celebration going on up at the big house, Mr. Fraser saw that the children had a share and held an annual Christmas party for all the farm children. For the past four summers he had sent the two Agnew boys, Tommy Clapp and Charles Saun- ders away to the Y.M.C.A. Camp at Haliburton, which they much enjoyed. On suggestion of Reeve Hag- gal‘t a letter of appreciation will be sent Mr. Pallister and the Shell Oil for their fine co-oper- ation during paving operations on Markham Road. Reeve Haggart commented on recent: compleints-of heavy trucks using Centre Street East. He said the only solution is to get busy at once and acquire the land necessary for a continuation of Industrial Road South from C n- tre Street to Markham Road. :1 motion of Councillor Mrs. South- well and Deputy-reeve Tinker the Mayor and clerk were authorized to take the necessary steps to procure the right-ofâ€"way. Coun- cillor Bradstock suggested there should be a valuation of the land, Reeve Haggai-t said this would be one of the steps taken. On motion of Councillor Tom Broadhurst council authorized the publication of details of tne Number 2 account. The motion specified that the published state- ment include the auditor’s break- down of money spent for benefit of the Beverley Acres drainage area. Councillor Broadhurst said that while this report had been given to Councillors before the recent Municipal Board hearing he thought the ratepayers_ should have the information. County Health Unit, but the County body would take no re- sponsibility for the service. Coun- cillor Broadhurst suggested that since public money would be sub- sidizing the service council should have some supervision. Reeve Haggart said council would pass on the agreement. It is hoped to have the subsidy start Septemâ€" ber lst. Councillor Whillans ask- ed if other operators of ambul- ances might object, Reeve Hag- gart said it wouldn’t do them any good to object. progress on the arrangement for Richmond Hill and Vaughan to jointly subsidize an ambulance service. Each municipality will contribute $100. monthly. Fin- ancing will be through the York presented the end result of the hard work of a lot of people. starting back in the days of Reeve W. .J. Taylor. Councillor Whillans said while he would go along with the suggestion he couldn’t get too excited over it. On motion the Mayor and Reeve were named a committee to ar- range an official opening and re- ception. (Continued in} Page 11) “h Essentials Unity: in Non-Essentials Liberty} in all things Charity†RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1960 suggested that the matter be considered by the 1961 council and a vote, if arranged, could be held in the middle of the year. “If one individual is promoting the vote, he should have started in January,†commented Coun- cillor J. MacNeil, “I feel it would constitute too much work for our clerk at this late date," said Reeve W. L. Clark. The reeve Clerk Harry Crisp informed council that it would take con- siderable time to arrange such a vote. Councillor L. Mumberson suggested it would cost the town- ship a considerable sum of mon- ey. The clerk reported the recent liquor vote in Vaughan cost the public $5,000.00. Markham has been “dry†since 1906, and there are no records available to indi- cate that any vote has been tak- en since that time. Anyone is el- igible to vote on the issue, who cast a ballot in the last provin- cial election. A four month period is in- sufficient time to arrange a 1i- quor vote in Markham Township, according to a unanimous de- cision of council. The decision was reached at a special meeting of council held Thursday morn- ing of last Week. Mr. Hugh Bren- nan, chairman of the planning board recently requested council give consideration to a vote of the electorate on the question at the forthcoming December vo- ting. Vo’iie To Cost $5,000.00 Not Sufficient Time Markham Liquor Vote Mr. Haisell proposes using two large steel arch culverts of the type used under rural roads. Over the structure would be seven feet of earth. The shelter, large enough to accommodate an average family several weeks, is being planned to connect underground with his new home, which is also in the blueprint stage. Mr. Haisell is an active instructor in Metro’s Civil £4,A , A u . . n- Defence Organization. To date there has been nothing in the building by-law to cover such shelters. Mr.’ McCallum said his department would be checking to see if it would be necessary to add qualiï¬cations to the by-law. Mr. Haisell, an employee of Dominion Bridge Company was prompted to have a fall-out shelter after his own home in London received a. direct bomb hit during the war. He plans to start the underground emergency quar- ters next year on his Cavell Ave. acreage near King Town- ship’s fourth concession line, about three miles north of King City. A Toronto man, Mr. Roland C. Haisel], was the ï¬rst to apply to King Township Building Department and to receive a permit for a bomb shelter, to be built on his King property. Township Building Inspector Donald McCallum issued a permit, without charge, on condition that the shelter be used only in a nuclear attack and not occupied as a regular dwelling. One of the prime reasons for the shift system is the fact the Department of Education will not pay a grant unless the students are enrolled and attending school. In- stead of waiting and hoping the academic wing will be completed as expected by the contractor sometime in September, the board agreed classes should start for the Bayview students on the opening day of the term. When the academic wing will actually be ready for use is not known at present. At the award- ing of the contract it was said the school would probably be rea- dy by the 15th of August but the wet spring made it impossible to get machinery onto the site to start the work. The contractor, up to and including the last meeting of the board, assured the board Applies For Permit King Bomb Shelter Decision to inaugurate the “shift system†came Thursday evâ€" ening at a special meeting called by Chairman of the York Central District High School Board, Stew- art Rumble. Probable time for class opening at Richmond Hill will be eight o’clockin the morning with dismissal at 12:30 pm. Classes for Bayview High School will start at ï¬fteen minutes to one and close at ï¬ve-thirty in the afternoon. Ru_mbl_e Calls Meeting .the academic wing at least would Bus schedules for the ï¬rst day of school will be as already announced. At assembly necessary instructions for Wednesday, September 7th, will be given out. That is the time to be at the various bus stops, and the hours at when classes will convene and disperse each day While the shiftsystem is in operation. I (By Jane Manning) There will be a “shift†system for Richmond Hill High School and Bayview High School students as the fall session begins next Tuesday, September 6th. Assembly will be at ten o’clock in the morning as previously an- nounced and all pupils of both schools are expected to g‘ather in the Richmond Hill High School at that time. Bayview High Sch. NotReadyTuesday month period is in- time to arrange a 1i- in Markham Township, to a unanimous de- qouncil. The decision “Beer parlours are the very worst thing as far as I’m con- cerned and I don’t care who knows how I feel about them" said Reeve Clark. “I don’t agree with drinking in dark corners and locker rooms such as is the common practice at the present time. noted Councillor Mumber- SOB. “After 53 years, I feel the people of the township should have an opportunity to say what they want,†stated Councillor Mumberson. “Things have chang- ed a great deal in the past cen- tury.†he added. He felt there was no chance of beverage rooms ever being approved in Markham. an open mind either way.†N9 Beverage Rooms “The act is there, but until the people have an opportunity to exm'ess their opinion on the mat- ter. there is little that can be done,†said Reeve Clark. “1 have The clerk pointed out this meth- od had been adopted by the Township of Vaughan. Ligyor At Golf Clubs “I feel that it is probably the best.†agreed Reeve Clark. Mr. Clark said it was a known fact that “drink†was being served at some of the golf clubs in the township. Councillor’ Stan Wat- son suggested that if a vote was taken and the township remain- ed “dry,†the local police would have more authority to close dowu such places. Three hundred of the young people will cross the town to Markham Road and Bayvlew Ave., this fall to inaugurate class- es in Richmond Hill’s second high school, but York Central District’s fourth secondary school. No plans were made with Principal Wright Morrow of Rich- mond Hill to go on a shift system until the meeting on Thursday night when it was definitely learned the classrooms would not be ready for occupancy on next Tuesday. However, Principal Morrow experienced a shift sys- tem with Thornhill High School students around five ‘years ago before their school was built, so major difficulties are not antici- pated in cutting the school day in half for over one thousand students. the academic wing at least would be completed in time for the September opening and conse- quently Principal Howard Eu- bank of Bayview had his staff and schedule in readiness. No Previous Plans Mr. Gibson said that the School Board will continue to gradually eliminate school section numbers and boundaries which, under the new school area setup, do not A new departure this year will be an itinerant remedial teacher who will visit the smaller schools that do not have auxiliary tea- chers, to assist pupils who for one reason or another fall behind in their school work. A music sup- ervisor will round out the staff. Vaughan Township Public School Inspector J. Gibson reports that the 25 Public Schools in the area will enroll about 3,000 pupils this year, approximately the same num- ber enrolled last year. There will be 105 teachers doing regular class work, two special teachers and eight principal supply teachers. Transportation will be available for stuâ€" dents attending the Jefferson and Purpleville schools. Vaughan Twp. Public School E nrOlment To Be Ova} 3,000 And 105 Teachers On Staff Police say the time of the ace!- rent was about 10.10 pm. A passing motorist attended to the boy as best he could, called police and an ambulance and the victim was rushed to Branson Hospital. Despite an emergency operation the boy succumbed about 7 am. The Tilley boy was not injured. Both lads were on their way home to Toronto when the accident occurred. The traffic victim was an only child, William Simpson of 13 Berkshire Drive, Toronto. His mother, Mrs. Wm. Simpson, said that .unknown to her or her hus- band their son, in company with a playmate, Vernon Tilley, also of Berkshire drive, had bicycled to Lake Wilcox to visit an aunt, Mrs. Raymond Hunter. _ Provincial Police of the Bond Lake Detachment are continuing their search'for the hit and run driver whose vehicle, a truck, hit and killed an 11-year-old To- ronto boy just north‘of the Elgin Mills sidegoad last Friday. 0.P.P. Search For Hit - Run Driver Inquest Oct. 4th Death 21/2 Year Old Boy wager they are really happy to be able to go back to school again. Mothers, those patient, long-suffer- ing souls, who have spent the summer months trying to think up new ways to keep their offspring and their com- panions amused, interested and out of troubleâ€"can, on Tuesdayâ€"at last re- lax and become “people†again, instead Familiar Bell Rings Next TuesdayMorningThousands Children Get BackTo Work School Days Again - Many of themâ€"who have holidayed away from home and their own familiar hauntsâ€"Will have met with new ex periences and acquired extensive learn- ing, not found in books, from summer associations and travel. But despite the pleasure they have enjoyed in visiting far away places and despite the fact that on the 29th of June they chanted, “No more class- rooms, no more booksâ€â€"we’ll safely Next Tuesday morning, September 6th, Will officially end summer ‘mad- ness’â€"for it’s then we witness the re. turn to regular routine and “text-book learning†for hundreds and hundreds of children who have, since the end of June, been on a long summer vacation from school. Vaughan Township Police said today there will be an inquest into the death of twoâ€"and-one half year old Thomas Ellsworth on Octo- ber 4. The boy was instantly killed when he was run over by a gar at the Maple Airport at about 6.45 pm. on August 25. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. C‘ E. Ellsworth of Glenmore Road, Toronto. Ac- cording to police, it appear~ ed that the child wandered away from his parents and stepped into the path of a car that was being backed up. Name of the driver of the car was not released. HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 SINGLE COPY 10$ Back To School This year too, Vaughan Town- ship will install kindergarten fac- ilities throughout the area. "Our problem is to equalize kindergar- ten opportunities on a par with those of the former school area,†Mr. Gibson explained. The Klein- burg and Maple kindergartens will be open to any youngster in the township. exist. “We prefer calling each school by its name rather than a number,†he said. A breakdown of the six local schools shows the 1959-60 enrol- ment picture, with " e principals’ names bracketed, as follows: Bev- erley Acres, 628, (Mr. Grant Nighswander), MacKillop Memor- Pleasantville Public School on Mill Street, will officially open on September 6. The eightyclass- room structure will have 250 stu- dents and the principal ls Mr. Duard Rose. This school was or- ganized a year ago and was hous- ed in portables the first term. Breakdown Last year there were 100 tea- chers employed by the public schools. Six of these did admin- istrative and supervisory work only. Five more teachers have been added for the upcoming term. Biggest item enrolment-wise will be the six Richmond Hill public schools. When they closed in June there were 2,965 stud- ents. This total will be up to ap- proximately 3,115 this year. Five years ago, incidentally, the total enrolment was 916. Public Schools For parents as well'as the horde of younger citizens, Labour Day (September 5) will also be “Scrambleâ€"Day†as last-minute details governing ‘the ï¬rst day, in school’ will be ï¬nalized. Tuesday, September 6, will be “Sâ€"Day†for some 6,000 public, separate and high school children in Richmond Hill and Thornhill and so far as the six Richmond Hill elemen- tary schools go, September 6 will be a full school day. This is the word from Public School Superintendent Gordon McIntyre. Enrolment Is Up For All Schools High And PUblic And it’s just at this time of/ the year, too, that parents realize to the fullest what ‘miracles’ teachers are. For much though mothers and fathers may love and cherish their children, as parents they will often confessâ€"in the waning months of the summerâ€"they have be- gun to develop inferiority complexesâ€" they are glad to know someone. some teacher, somewhere, has the “know- how" and the trained understanding, to take over the formal education of their offspringâ€"in an authoritative yet in- telligent manner. Yes, the doors of our schools will swing wide open on Tuesday, and with them begins a new cycle of learning and happiness and contentment for all. We hope everyone, students, teach- ers and parents, will enjoy the school term ahead. of being game wardens, referees, police- women, overtired and overloaded chief cooks and bottle washers, for young- sters who develop voracious appetites during summer months, or are alter- nately bored or exuberant for 14 to 16 hours of long summer days. I 750/ 14 _ wiIlI Class "A" with Clan "Al"‘9ra?e§n maâ€. Tubeless $2 «In %9_95670/IS -only at CANADIAN TIRE Mr. Gibson said that the new board was most fortunate in that the majority of teachers of the former area stayed on under ;he new board. “We are quite happy about this,†he said. Up until one year ago last June, the schools from Thornhill to the Richmond Hill boundary were in the T.S.A. No. 1 Mark- ham-Vaughan School Area. These schools were divided by by-law. The six schools formerly in the Markham-Vaughan area now un- der the Vaughan Township School Board. Starting at the north are, Ross Doan, Richvale, Charles Hewitt, Langstaff, Thornhill and Powell Road. Nine- teen hitherto individual school boards have been grouped under the Vaughan Township board. Four of the six classrooms have or are being renovated at the school and work on a fifth is proceeding. Purpose of these re- novations is to bring the origin- al school up to standards com- (Continued on Page 17) In April of this year, the local public school trustees budgeted for $794,101.79 which, it was stated then, would mean a gen- eral tax increase of one and one- half mills. The provincial grant to the Richmond Hill Public Schools was slashed $26,000, from $279,218.01. This had the effect of reducing the proposed reno- vations at McConaghy School from $20,000 to $10.00 and the contingency-fund some 310,000 to $3,745.00, whfle another $6,000 was pared from maintenance costs. ial, 494, (Mr. Robert Newman). Crosby Heights. 484. (Mr. Eldon Gooding), McConaghy, 428, (Mr. Grant McDiarmid), Walter Scott. 681, (Mr. Nathan Davidsgn), and Pleasantville, 250, (Mr. Duard Rose). Budget (Continued On Back Page)