4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont., Thursday, September 1, 1960 (The [liberal An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 Subscription Rate $3.50 per year: to United States $4.50; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, Editor and Publisher W. S. COOKâ€"Managing Editor MONA ROBERTSON. Associate Editor “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa†V Financing A Hospital The introduction of Hospital Insur- ance and many other factors have com- bined to greatly increase the demand for Hospital care. In the not-so-many years ago comparatively few people used the Hospitals and only went there in cases of very serious illness or for operations. Now this is all changed and Hospital care is in demand on many occasions by every family. Most babies are born in Hospitals to-day, which wasn’t the general practice a few years a o. g his change has resulted in crowded conditions in existing Hospitals and an urgent demand for new buildings. In‘ the past most Hospitals Were built by Hospital Associations after a drive for public 'subscriptions and probably some help from government and municipal grants. Under existing conditions and the increased demand for Hospital accom- modation. there is need for a new look at. the whole matter of Hospital build- ing. Hospitalization is: now a number one necessity in our daily living, and the day of building costly Hospitals by public charity is past. We agree that there is a great need for more leadership in this ï¬eld by our Provincial Government and we 'are hope- ful that such leadership with a prac- tical, policy more in keeping with presâ€" ,ent day demands and conditions may be forthcoming. However much we may press for a new and more generous policy in this regard by the Federal and Provincial governments, those of us who need Hospitalization to-day must face conditions as they are not as we would like them to be. - Here in Ontario the Federal and Provincial Governments provide grants amounting to about one-third of the cost of a Hospital. It has been the general practice to obtain the remaining twoâ€"thirds from local Municipal grants. from the Coun- ty, from bequests, and from charitable donations as the result of a campaign drive to raise funds by cash and pledges. A campaign for funds is uncertain, time-consuming. exnensive. and can cause embarrassment to collector and prospect. Donations are unevenly dis- tributed and the amount in dollars usu- ally comes seventy-ï¬ve per cent from business and industry, and twenty-ï¬ve per cent from individuals who chance to subscribe. In actual practice many in whole-hearted public spiritedness and generosity give more than they can afford, many others give less than they can afford and some give nothing. A Hospital is not a luxuryâ€"it is a necessity. It is an institution which will afford service to everyone and it is a fair assumption that at some time or other every family will have occasion to use its healing administration and share in its comforting care. We think the capital required to build, equip and furnish a Hospital to adequately serve the community is the business of everyone. The nearest ap- proach to a fair way of assessing the expenditure and certainly the only method open to municipalities is to levy the cost on property the same as we do for other necessities. The amount of money needed to give York County citi- zens the Hospital accommodation they require can be met by the County by borrowing money by debenture and paid by a special hospital tax added to the tax bill in all'municipalities. Hospitals are the obligation and concern of all the people of the area. Payment for Hospital construction by debenture over a period of twenty years would provide an equitable method of distributing the costs. Meeting the entire cost of building and equipping of hospitals by Federal Provincial grants and by County de- bentures will not preclude charitable donations and bequests by those wish- ing to subscribe to the added comfort and well-being of patients within the Hospital. ’ The plan of paying for needed Hos- pitalization in York County by County debentures has been recommended to County Council by the Joint Committee representing the two existing Hospital Boards. We think the plan is fair, and the only practical method of solving our critical Hospital bed-shortage in the foreseeable future. The amount of money involved is considerable and County Council members are wise in giving the whole problem careful thought and consideration. We hope in due time they will agree the debenture plan is the fair and practical way to provide the Hospital beds needed for the care of our people. If they know of a better way to raise the money, we’d be glad to hear the suggestion. Pay For Public Planning In the growth and development of this district Planning Boards have play- ed an important role and citizens who have served as members of the Boards have rendered outstanding public ser- v1ce. ~ _ Membership on a Planning Board in a municipality such as Richmond Hill, Markham. Vaughan, King or Whit- church is a demanding assignment and calls for the expenditure of a great deal of time and energy. There will be gen- eral regret, therefore. at the announce- ment in last week‘s issue that the Pro- vincial legislation makes no provision for remuneration for the members. We know that no member of a Planning Board ever accepts the ap- pointment in anticipation of the mone- tary return. This doesn’t alter the fact that members devote much time in public service and deserve some re- muneration. Richmond Hill Planning Board. for example, has been in existence since 1912 and since that time has held more than three hundred and ï¬fty meetings. Chairman Scrimver. past chairman Nor- man A. Todd and secretary J. )I Brown have been members since the formation of the Board. In addition to attending -meetings, members of necessity must spend a great deal of time in carrying out the duties of their office. Planning Boards are a necessary part of municipal administration. Their BE FALL .of the provincial work in communities such as exist In this area of rapid growth and develop- ment is of the utmost importance and their decisions have far-reaching effect on the life of the municipality. Plan- ning Board membership .is a respon- sible and demanding public office, and we just can’t agree with the thinking government which says “planning boards are principally agencies which act in an advisory capa- city to municipal councils and it is felt it is not appropriate to authorize an annual salary or other forms of com- pensation.†This is the law at the present time but it should be changed. We hope the government at the next session of the Legislature may take steps to correct what we think is an injustice ‘to an important branch of the public service. When they are at it we hope they mivht see ï¬t to bring in legislation to allow remuneration for school trustees. Members of Town Council are al- lowed a remuneration and the fact members get some ï¬nancial return for the time spent in servincT the com- mimitv has no harmful effect on the oualitv of candidates offering them- selves in municipal elections. Public service is demanding in many ways, and the least we can do for those who ot‘r‘er to serve is to see that they have some ï¬nancial compensation for time scent on public business. We think tbe great maiority of taxpayers share this view. STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS Kept in Stock WARN ED . t , . Portable Crane RICHVALE on Yonge St. servlce AV. 5-4921 STEEL NOW IS THE TIME WILLOWDALE. on Yon e r r i To ORDER YOUR st BA 1.9316 g FABRICATIhG STORM SASH. " ‘ T0 Custom ORDER NOW AND AVOID Speciï¬cations THE LAST MINUTE RUSH. WE’LL MEASURE UP AND GIVE FREE ESTIMATE. Drive Inâ€"Free Parking 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 PINDER BROS. LTD. “Dear Mr. Editor†WANTS MORE MAIL BOXES Dear Mr. Editor. I wonder if our Postal authori- ties would give some considera- tion to letting us here in Rich- mond Hill have more drop-letter boxes. With the postage we pay we shouldn't have to walk so far to mail our letters. Some sec- tions of the town have been over- looked. Reader. SOME THOUGHTS FOR PEDESTRIANS Dear Mr. Editor. Through your much appreciatâ€" ed and valued newspaper I would like to ask the Town authorities or the Dept. of Highways or who- ever is responsible for the traf- fic light at Yonge and Mark- ham Road about the light tim- ing. It’s no exaggeration to say that you have to be a jack-rabbit to make it across Yonge Street from east to west on the green light now. This is most unfair and dangerous to elderly people who just can't run a hundred yard dash without ill-effects. Crossing Yonge Street any- where between lights is a haz- ardous and time-consuming ex- perience. When one makes a spec- ial effort and goes to the trafâ€" fic light there should be a rea- sonable time to get safely across the street. The racing motorists who tear up and down Yonge Street may be important people. but some thought should be given to our own tax-paying pedestrians. Often-Nearlyhit ON THE BEACH Dear Mr. Editor: If you want to see a cross-sec- tion of Canadian life, just visit a bathing beach on a week-end. I did last Sunday. The atmos- phere is nothing if not informal. There are the dedicated sur. wor~ shippers who come equipped with air mattresses, lotions, gog- gles. nose protectors and time themselves in different positions Then there are the casual ones who just fall asleep in the sun. There are the reserved type who would hesitate to cry help with- out a formal introduction, and the talkative ones who want to tell you their life stories. The mothers with squalling young- sters and that ready-to.jump in look, and of course the parading - aSings/(ing perdona// â€" THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING (By Jane Fort Manning) To the First Grader‘s friends, ‘Dick and Jane’. ‘Tom and Betty’, and ‘Alice and Jerry’, have been added two born and bred in Canada counterparts, Susan and Sandy. The Department of Edu- cation recommended some time ago that primers not only be published in this country but written here as well. This is bearing fruit as the Winston Publishing Co. reader is off the presses in time to be used this September. Other publishers are expected to have their authorized primers out shortly. The department is listing the Winston reader only on its “ap- proved list†this year, which means that only these primers are eligible for provincial grant. Some boards in Ontario who have to make large purchases of ï¬rst and second grade texts are ï¬nding this a hardship if their staff has not been “sold†on the superior value of the new ap~ proved set of readers, and would like to stick with some of the older texts. These older texts, incidentally. .were written by educators in the United States but were published in Canada. The superintendents in our own area are not too concerned as they are well-stocked with rea- sonably new readers which were formerly on the “approved listâ€. They feel a greater choice should be available before making any radical change. Richmond Hill . Superintendent Gordon McIn- tyre of the Richmond Hill Public School System says that his teachers have practically enough textbooks and materials which have been bought in the last few years for the expanding local school system. “We are Quite contented with the readers we are using (the primary series published by the Ginn Co.). We not only have texts, but manuals and guidance material as well. To purchase new material for the 1,200 chil- dren in the ï¬rst and second grades would cost around $2,- 500.00 for the texts, etc., and around $1,000.0 for additional equipment to go with them," said Superintendent McIntyre. Superintendent McIntyre point- ed out that even if additional readers were necessary this year, replacements could be made with- out worrying too much about the provincial grant as the grant does not by any means take care of all the textbooks needed by the pupils, anyway, and the board usually has to supplement the textbook grant. Speaking personally, Mr. Mc- lntyre said while the original Winston reader was considered an “easy†one, the new one was on the difficult side. Its value would probably be for the more advanced pupil who would bene- ï¬t from the larger vocabulary introduced in the series. As 54 per cent of his teaching staff has had less than two years’ Leaching experience, Superintenâ€" dent Mclntyre believed it was better to stay with the material with which the teacher had be- come familiar in Teachers' Col- lege and from previous experi- ence. “In a few years we‘ll be in a position to do more experimentâ€" ing." said Mr. McIntyre. “At present a more successful job can be done with the readers on hand." Vaughan Township With the big job of welding a 3.000 pupil new area into a co- hesive system. Superintendent J. A. Gibson of the Vaughan Town- ship School Area is not anxious to do any en masse experiment- ing either. Vaughan Township teachers will be for the most part using texts and materials with which they are familiar. Though Mr. Gibson noted that some of the teachers listed the new Canadian reader on their requisitions for the fall. Superintendent Gibson said he won't “make a deï¬nite decision†. on which textbooks he re- commends "until we see what else is coming out." He added. “We won't be discarding anv of our usual primary books.†Vaughan schools will have an itinerant remedial teacher this year. Mr. Gibson is quite pleas- ed with the prospects of having a specialist who will be able to go into all the classrooms. espe- cially the rural schools. to 355m the teacher in aiding the boys and girls below grade ï¬ve who have fallen behind in any of their studies. As so many articles for par- dation stones of all future school work. And a thorough ground- ing in reading, writing, and arith- metic in the primary grades is essential. Mr. Gibson said par- ticular attentiou will be paid to the ï¬fth grader, to see if per haps some additional fourth grade work is necessary before going on up the ladder. Markham T.S.A. No. l Supervising Principal E. J. Sand said some of his teachers will be using the new approved readers but the majority of his primary staff will stick with series which they have been using. I also asked Mr. Sand if he was going to try out any of the new math material. But Mr. Sand said he was conservative and he’d wait until some of the inno- vations had published their ï¬nd- ings after experimenting with any new course. He mentioned the enormous amount of work necessary on the part of the teaching staff before establishing new methods of instruction. “We’ll wait and see if it is some- thing that is going to be proven to be really better than what we are doing at present," he added. New Method for Teaching Math The Superintendent of Curri- cula, S. A. Watson, of the On- tario Department of EducatiOn, told the legislature’s committee on education in February that the teaching of mathematics and science in grades ’7, 8, 9 and 10 was being reviewed. He men- tioned that specialists in the two subjects had quite a few ideas and some of the present curri- culum might. be eliminated and new approaches adopted. Now in August a new experi- mental course for grade nine has been unveiled by the presi- dent of the Ontario Teachers’ Federation. The latter sponsored a commission designing the new course. Called mathematics for the atomic age, the course is said to be able to better prepare the student for what he will en- counter in the university. The experiment proposes the average pupil in the Ontario classroom will take at least one year of the new mathematics; the future uni- versity science, or math student, three years. The course is intended to de- velop creative imagination in math; the structure of the num- ber system, spatial relationships, and logical thinking will be stressed. It’s said one thing won't change: drill in elementary school addition, subtraction, multiplica- tion and division. Forty Ontario grade nine class- rooms will be in the initial ex- periment. They start the course next year. US. Math Experiment In Montreal, five elementary schools are going to try the Rus- sell method of teaching mathe- matics, which is in use in 1,500 US. school districts. Mr. George Russell believes basic math should be taught starting in grade one. In the primary grades addition and multiplication are worked out in pictures with a brief verbal explanation. The children “see†what is happen- ing to the numbers. _ The use of letters to symbolize unknowns are taught in the third 'and fourth grades, as are the recognition of geometric figures and linear measuring, while the concept of radius and the use of graphs are introduced in the ï¬fth grade. Mr. Russell believes the great- est stumbling block in math has been in solving verbal problems. He says children don‘t know how to process numbers themselves. He thinks they should learn early to translate verbal problems into equations. ' “This doesn’t mean that pupils don’t have to learn how to add or subtract, it merely emphasxzes that the human ability to think mathematically is more important than the ability to compute. Someone has to know how to analyze problems before the ma- chines can be put to work to solve them." he avers. An example of the old versus the new text: method is: Conâ€" ventional method. “You have forty-two apples; 1 give you some more and now you Litve ninety- two. How many did 1 give You? the answer is found by sub‘ract- mg for13-mo from ninety-two. New method. A student outs :he problem in the form of an equaiionâ€"42 plus x equals 92. This may seem involved for such cuts and teachers have pointedia simple computation. but can out lately. the ï¬rst years of be of much more use to a child _ elementary school are the foun- later. beauties. You can travel fir with- out getting a better cross-section of humanity than on our beaches. IWhen you're tired of looking in- to space next time, take a look lat the people. Observer BOMBSHELL FOR THE FUTURE Dear Mr. Editor: In your last iSSue someone at council was reported as saying the secret clause was a bomb- shell at the Beverley Acres hear- ing. 1 don't care whether you call 'it an ace in the hole or a straight flush, the real bombshell will be next year's tax-bill. Taxpayer. BEVERLEY ACRES DRAINAGE Dear Mr. Editor: I was very interested to read in last week's issuethat a clause in the original Beverley Acr‘s agreement provided that any ad- ditional work would be charged as a local improvement against the area. ' If this is the original agree- ment. why not click to it? What justification is there for a 1960 council to levy half the cost on the rest of the town? I assure you more than Coun- cillor Broadhurst should be dis- appointed with the hearing, but for a different reason. The coun- cil of four or five years ago was far-seeing in making the agree- ment that the drainage costs should be paid by the area ben- efiting. The 1960 council should have stuck with it. ‘ Civls Facts d ’ Faith A Weekly Comment On Christian Life and Action â€" By Calvin 11. Chambers â€" HOLY ORDER You have probably heard some- one describing the ministry as “Holy Order.†The suggestion is that the ministry is the only oc- cupation‘ that really deals with sacred things. All other kinds of work are purely secular. But. can this kind of division between the professional ministry and the labour of laymen be jus- tified? It is right for a Christ- ian layman to think of himself as “doing the Lord’s work" only when he is teaching a Sunday School class or serving on some board or committee of the Church? Is a housewife engaged in Christian service only when she makes sandwiches for the down town rescue mission, or col- lects clothes for the Salvation Army pick up truck? Haven’t we a false division between the sec- ular and the sacred, especially when we consider the words of the Apostle Paul. “Whatsoever ye do, in word or deed, do every- thing in the name of the Lord Jesus.†According to New Testament Christianity, every man who con- fesses Christ as Lord, is expected to reveal the extent of that Lord- ship in his everyday life. All of life becomes sacred when there is a concerted desire to glorify God in whatever we do. The min- istry is not the only place where man lives under “holy order.†Every Christian is under orders by His Divine Master to live and work and play to His glory. I Work is devout and service is di- vine Who stoops to scrub a floor May worship more Than he who kneels before a holy shrine. The problem of the average man is how to make his work appear “holy.†How can truck driving, plumbing, book-keeping be thought of as divine work, As long as we think of the word “holy†as being sanctimonious or holier than thou, we will have difficulty in thinking about work as holy. In the Bible when God is described as holy, it is meant to set forth the fact that God is different. He is different from all the other gods which men have created. He is different from man. He is unique. No one can copy Him, or duplicate what He has done. He is different. Now when God’s Spirit comes into our lives, He begins to make us different. The worldly man often thinks of the Christian man as queer, odd. fanatically, one who has gone off the deep end. Sometime Christians are guilty of being "different" from their fellow man in negative ways. But when a man is seeking to glorify God. he is going to be different in many ways. He will be different in the way he works. He will give an honest days labour. He won‘t be trying to see how little he can do with- out being caught by the fore- man. He will be different in the way he earns his pay. He will not think of his money as being only his. but he will regard himself as a steward. entrusted to spend his money in ways which will best benefit him. his family and the world. He will see his work. in terms of the end product, and will give thanks that God is us- ing what he makes to enrich the lives of others. All of the things we enjoy today are made by men of various skills. If a man sees his work as a contribution toward the well being and hap- piness of other men’s lives. he will begin to work in a new and different way. This is what it means to be in "holy order." We are under order to the Illaster ‘l'orkman of All. Jesus iChI‘ist. “hose presence and po‘.*'- ‘er‘ in our lives. 1: able ‘o mike us Iand the way we ork different. “LIBERU†«"1 ~==~»I!-"«EDS BRING RESULTS A TE. 4-1105 Phone TUrner 4-1212 FREE PARKING REAR 0F THEATRE Continuous Daily from 7 pm. (6 p.111. on Saturdays) Saturday. Children’s Matinee 2 pm. THURS.,\>FRI., SAT., SEPT. 1-2-3 A DYNAATIO Technlcolor' , A MORIIINGSIDE PRODUCTION A COLUMBIA PICTURE I with CATHERINE McLEOD - ANDREW DUGGAN ' WILLIAM LESLIE Please Note: Thursday, Friday Last Complete Show 8:30 pm. COLUMBIA PICTURES nmenh I NW PIODUCI’IOI . \Ilclllll mun! , ' TIIEVIIII Hownnn ’ ANII Ens Adult Entertainment MON., TUES., WED., SEPT. 5-6-7 1?... kid was aflrebel; ' but they couldn't hang his soul! mm-m’ï¬mmnm umrmnnm “‘- nun-nun:qu Amman-scam“ III MORRUW-IACK JONES "IX-k. BRIAN DUNIEVI audio GEORGE JESSEI. with THE EARL GRANT TRIU ' THE IIITWITS manna-mm IUHIIIIY OTIS -THE TRENIEIIS i. Richmond NOTE PLEASE During July and August Matinees every Wed., Sat. and Holidays at 2 pm. ...... KATHRYN GRANT um an ...u....mumo pf N ONI INT WN'I SAFI TONIGHT! TECHNICOLOR’ Saturday Matinee, September 3, 2 pm. “The 7th Voyage of Sinbad†Plus Comedies MIDNITE SHOW,,SUNDAY, SEPT. 4 12:05 A.M.‘ Only HERE IS A PICTURE ABOUT DOPE TRAFFIC! ' Vision Alloy‘ brings Ibo «nook. problem out In. The cpsnl" ‘ Mull- me IOO‘ Ouch-ow. noun Spodd Dun-Ila Cal-Illa ___._...i “tricked my life to come and got you and for only one “He’s a murderaa is that what you're in love with?†III 3* We The Princess digs the new sounds-and the boy who belts out with a beat! ' Please Note: Matinee, Monday, 2 pm. Last Complete Show Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8:30 pm. .