RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE SHIELDS An early September wedding will be solemnized at Richmond Hill United Church next Saturday. September the third at 2 p.m., when Linda Jayne Lecuyer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lecuyer of Richmond Hill will be married to Mr. Kurt Mollel' Nielsen. son of Mr. and Mrs. Kristain Nielsen of Olstykke, Denmark. Misses Walker..\Bridgeford St. 5.. have returned from Montreal where they attended thc marriage of their niece, Margaret Louise Van Duyer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Van Duyer to Mr. Frederick Douglas Cooper of Montreal. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. 'H. Cooper of Penticton. BC. The officiating minister was the Rev. Ernest E Long. DB. of Tn- ronto. Secretary of the General Council of the United Church of Canada. Two Richmond Hill rinks com- peted in the Black Memorial Mixed Doubles Tournament at Peterboro Lawn Bowling Club last week. Ninety-eight rinks competed and the local entry of Mrs. Helen Pipher and James Grainger won fourth prize. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sevenoaks with their children Kerry, Guy and Timothy returned on Sunday from a delightful cottage holiday at Combprmere, near Bancroft. Endorsed by university medical authorities, needy two million Guide-Steps are sold each year in the United States and Europe. Now, for the first time, they are available in Canada. the correct shoe ~ for growing children Product of 32 years of scientific research, Pkwetson Guide-Steps are the correct shoes for manual, healthy children. GUIDEâ€"STEP Built into every pair of Gan'deStep shoes are be precise curves needed to maintain correct foot balance and weight distributionâ€"standing, walking or running. This is especially important in the years when the young foot is developing, forming and Wins- Ask for the answer of medical research 00 he South Block .70 [Dye Warwick! g Y'OUR RE C0" of “The Story of Guide-Stag» ‘out husband local Guido-Sup beater is Editor Margot Crack Guidestep Dress Oxfords, with leather SuperSoles for extra wear. Styled to ensure snug ankle fit. Size 8% to 3. Reeve and Mrs. W. J. Haggai-t and their children Arlene. Paul and Janice just returned from a very relaxing and enjoyable weeks motoring holiday. Driving through the Michigan Peninsula over the new Mackinac Straits Bridge to Sault Ste. Marie. they continued through Northern Onâ€" tario and Manitoulin Island. While on the Island Reeve Hag- gant made a record catch of six small mouth bass in less than half an hour! Taking the ferry to Tobermory. they then made a leisurely trip home via Owen Sound ‘to Richmond HilL For School Days. these Guide- Step Two-smaps with leather SuperSoles are tops in style and cdmfort. Sizes 81/: to 3. The mid-week celebrations of Holy Communion will commence again on Wednesday, September, 7th. at 10.00 at St. Mary’s Angli- can Church. ' Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Baldock were Mr. Baldock's parents. Bri- gadier and Mrs. E. D. Baldock and his sister Ann from Ottawa. Photo by Lagerquist TU. 4-5341 (Open Wednesdays) cilurday owH'I $7.95 $7.95 77., Preparations for the Curtain Club's theatrical garden party are now in full swing. and every member of this energetic group is playing a big part towards puttingr on what will be the club’s biggest production so far. Whether by, building stalls and side-shows. selling tickets. ar- ranging the entertainments or even cutting the grassâ€"everyone is in the act. thusia A feature of the school this year was a car pool to transport children from the Allencourt Plaza to the church, enabling children from the south end of town to attend. The study course this year was centred on the church. The hand-work features included the building of, a card- board church. a highly signifi- cant effort in this year when the St. Mattew’s congregation is building the first unit of their permanent church home. The children brought an offering each week for the funds of U.N.I.- C.E.F.. the Refugee relief fund of the United Nations. Eleven dollars was contributed in all. Preparations Club's theatric are now in full member of mi: even cutting the grassâ€"everyone is in the act. The support which the club is receiving irom well known per- sonalities in the world of art and entertainment is most encour- aing, and indicative, it is felt. of the future success of the Rich- mond Hill theatre and art centre. Putting in an appear- ance during the course of the afternoon and evening of Sep- tember 17 will be such notables as Joan Fairfax. glamorous TV personality who will be opening the garden party, Barry Morse, stage and TV actor. Max Fergu- son of “Rawhide†fame, and Toby Robins the lovely actress and panelist. Nor is this big undertaking the only project on the club‘s agenda. True to the old show-business cliche “the show must go on" plans are al- ready under way for the fall play. Emlyn William’s “Tres- pass.†A strong cast. headed by Rex Sevenoaks will include names as yet new to local audi- ences as well as some familiar ones. Rehearsals for the play gation was a vacation school held in the summer of 1956 in Walter @cott School, and the tradition was continued this year One hundred and twenty children took par-t. The primary department met in the church's own build- ing. with 'Mrs. Ella Knight as suberintendent, with several as- sistants. Misses Kay Sargent and Barbara MacDonald of the Unit- ed Church’s caravan force of summer workers led the work in the junior department assisted by local ladies. This section of the school met in the basement of the St. Gabriel‘s building. Paul returns to Asbury Thea]- ogical Seminary. Wilmore, Ken- tucky in September for the final year of his Bachelor of Divinity course. Since the first of June he has supplied the pulpit at the Belhaven Free Methodist Church twice each Sunday. He is prepar- ing for Foreign Missionary Ser- Vice. Closing exercisés for the Church Vacation School at St. Matthew’s were held last Friday morning bringing to a close the two weeks of regular sessions. The first activity of this congre- Mr. Paul G. Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston. reâ€" cently moved to Boisdale Ave., from Maple. was ordained in the Christian Ministry of the Free Methodist Church on August 7th, at the East Ontario Conference held on Pine Orchard Camp Grounds near Newmarket. Bish- op Leslie R. Marston, presiding officer of the Conference, offici- at'ed at the ordination service. “Fishing exceptionally good"â€" is the report of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Thompson of Elgin Mills Road, following the return from their two week’s annual vacation at their summer cottage, which is located at Franceville, Georg- ian Bay. Twenty large bass â€" plus a number of good sized fish of other species â€" which, togeth- er with excellent boating and sailv ing weather. all made for a pleas- ant, relaxing holiday. ‘ On Tuesday, September 6th. at 8.15 p.m.. the Women’s Federa- tion of St. Matthew’s United Church will hold their first open- ing business meeting of the fall season. After the meeting, Mrs. Gwen Patton will give a talk on her caravanning at Monteith Pris- on Farm. Refreshments will then be sewed. A young wife was learning to drive and had snarled up the traffic trying to make a left hand turn at an intersection. Ex- citedly she turned to her husband and asked what to do. "I don’t know†he replied calmly. “but I’m sure if you crawl into the back seat you can figure it out." Mr. and Mrs. John Maunder and their daughter Renie who have been holidaying for the past two weeks with Mrs. Maunder‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lagerquist. Yonge St. left on Monday for their home at Cam- eron Falls. Miss Elizabeth Wright spent several days with Mrs. D. L. Wright, enroute from Britain to her home in Parry Sound. 'oductior st fall. If the )us plat 111 will ably directed the, dub )n of “Blithe Spirit Curtain Club's ambi- s are successful. next play will be presented wv theatreâ€"the home have 'built school this to transport Allencourt h. ena‘fling unde Appleby the To .hear the cries of tame wolves on an island being an- swered by the calls of wild wolves on the mainland was an exciting experience for young Reggie Bell and his father. Cyril Bell who visited Algonquin Park last week on the invitation of Douglas and Dorothy Pimlott of Richmond Hill. Douglas Pimlott, who has just returned from Poland where he lectured on moose, is conduct- ing research on wolves and has in captivity 4 wolf cubs about five months old which his children. Peter, Mark and Janice, fed and carer‘. for during the wolves’ in- fancy. The cubs are now on an island north of the old village of Mowat on Canoe Lake. Res:- months old which his children; Peter, Mark. and Janice, fed and carer‘. for during the wolves’ in- fancy. The cubs are now on an island north of the old village of Mowat on Canoe Lake. Reg- gie and his father accompanied Doug on his trips to the island and were photographed with the wolves. This experience of being in immediate contact with them and having them jump up like playful dogs to lick one’s face in- dicated how with love, care and understanding wild animals are tamed. mainland. Doug Pimlott, who can set off the howling by stimulated calls has been recording on tape the howls of both wild and tam- ed wolves in their various moods. It is the first time that this has been done in any country and Mr. Pimlott expects that this part of his studies of wolf behav- iom‘ will be of considerable as- After leaving the Pimlotts, who will be returning to Richmond Hill in time for school opening, Reggie and his father visited the lake country north of North Bay and returned by Parry Sound. CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill & Dim“ Uni! For Information call Richmond Hill TU. 4-1328 TU 4-2382 TU 4-482] l'hornhm AV. 5-1603 AV 5-1743 AV 5-4825 sistance in his overall research work. On his first night there Reg- gie listened to the wolves on the island how] and receive answers from the wild packs on the A farewell party was held on a recent Saturday evening for Rev. and Mrs. Earl S. Bull and fam- ily who go to Picton, Ont., after eight years with the Free Meth- odist Church at Ruggles and Elm- wood where Rev. Bull purchased the lot. organized the Sunday School and built the church. A generous gift of money was pre- sented to them from members and friends of the local church. The party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bull on Oxford St. Mrs. R. J. Sinclair accompanied by her son Anthony left on Fri- day aboard the Saxonia for Eng- land where she will be staying with her mother Mrs. C. Joel at High Wycombe. Buckingham- shire. During her holiday Mrs. Sinclair, a former member of the staff of. the Toronto â€" Dominion Bank in the Hill, will be paying a social call on their London Branch. Someone had a birthday? 0r entertained out of town friends? 01‘ maybe went dashing off on a holiday to faraway places? These are the things that make for “Life in the Hill" . . . and your editor would appreciate hearing about such social ‘doings’. Call us at TU. 4-1105 â€" drop us a note by post â€" or call in personally. any time during the week, we’ll be glad to hear from you. Richmond Hill Women’s Insti- tute members are asked to keep September 8th in mind as this is our lst Fall meeting‘and a specâ€" ial programme \has been arrang- ed. The Institute is privileged to haveias their guest speaker Mr. Sowerbutts of Clarkson, an im- porter of “Britby Pottery,†This will be on display and will be for sale if anyone wishes to purchase it. Members are asked to bring a friend and make this a good turn out for what promises to be a most interesting evening. “So come one come all.†Mr. J. W. Lay. 292 Demaine Crescent. Richmond Hill. was successful in passing the Inter- mediate Examinations of the Chartered Institute of Secretar- ies. The examinations are held twice yearly at various centres throughout the Commonwealth, the yearly number of examinees being approximately 4,000 Richmond Hill's deputy-reeve Stanley F. Tinker accompanied by Mrs. Tinker was one of York County‘s official representatives at the C. N. E. opening ceremon- ies last week. The official open- ing was performed with impres- sive ceremony by His Honour Lieutenant Governor Keiller MacKay. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bayley with their friend Mrs. Don Hall from Childwall. England spent an en- joyable weekend at Whitefish Lodge. Algonquin Park, travelling back on the scenic 35 highway. “To who do you attribute your long life?" asked “The Liberal†reporter of a centenarian. “I don't rightly know yet.†answered the old timer." I’m still dickering with two breakfast food compan- ies to find out.†tion is that t longer get si‘ worth of candy One of the benefits of infla- that the youngsters no get sick on a nickel’s Maple ALpine 7-2650 Unionva I†AV 5-24†3m Stephenson, genial proprie- tor of the Richmond Gift Shop is at present confined to his bed suffering from a virus infection. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery and hope to see him around again very soon. Mrs. Sylvia Garson, well known dance teacher here in the Hill and in Toronto (for the past fif- teen years) has recently returned from New York City where for the past few weeks. she attended special teachem’ classes at The American School of Ballet, Er- nest Carlos Ballet Arts and June Taylor School. Mrs. Garson, well- versed in all forms of Dance, such as Ballet, Tap. Acrobatic. Span- ish and modern Jazz brings her many years of experience to our town of Richmond Hill for the fourth season. She is looking for- ward to seeing her former stu- dents and meeting new ones after a happy summer holiday. Catherine Yates, Ticket Conven- or. announced that the tickets for their forthcoming fashion show to be held on Tuesday. Sep- tember 20th at the High School Auditorium are now in the hands of the captains and are ready for distribution. The admission charge is $1.00 and this also en- titles the purchaser to a chance on the draw for the door prize. which is a full skin Persian lamb jacket. Fashions for the show are being supplied by Nordica and Harry’s children’s wear and the models, under the direction of Normal Leeus. will be reporting for their fitting in about a week. At the bi-monthly meeting of the Fashion Show Committee of Ellen Cgtholic Women’s League, ALLENCOURT ELGIN MILLS All Regular IGA Features As They Appear In The Toronto Daily Newspapers Are Available At Prices Effective September I, 2, 3 Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce will 9b§erve the following schedule on The \vickel will be open from 8.00 am. to 10.00 am. only. No delivery service. but the lock-box lobby will be open from 8.00 am. Congratulations to Mrs. L. Hodgins. Montiel Road on being one of the Handicraft, Competi- tion winners at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition. Prize-winning articles will be on display in the Exhibit Hall of the Queen Eliz- abeth Building during the entire exhibition. Sunny skies and lots of food matched the ardour of the Jay- cees who struggled to Heart Lake Conservation Area on Saturday, for their first annual get-togeth- er picnic. A grand time was had by all. President Ralph Markham an- nounced the appointment of Jack Mason to the post of first Vice- President to fill the vacancy caused by a recent resignation, and of Leon Lambert as Secre- tary as the present secretary was forced to resign by reason of poor health. ‘ Labor Day holiday lember 5th: to 8.00 The following directors have been appointed for the coming year:â€" Membership - Ted Duffy; Community Betterment - Bernard Crane; Programme - Peter Pfen- ing: Awards â€" Les Buckler: Gov- ernment and Civic Affairs - John Moore; Ways and Means - Har- old Barnett. The first dinner meeting of the season is to he held on Tuesday. September 6th at the Yangtze Pagoda at 7 pm. ’HE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday. September 1, 1960 Monday, Sep IGA MARKET ‘ ELGIN MILLS, ONT. Bayview 8. Markham Rds. Richmond Hill Ont. I l G A FOODLINER EHERBERT R. BUTT E INsï¬ï¬KiiICE 77/1?“ let/A -Car50n, (Preparatory for Royal Conservatory Examinations) Will Resume Teaching at Her Studio Registration :â€"Week of September 12th, from 4:00-8:00 pm. 428 S. Femleig‘h Circle Richmond Hill Teacher of Piano, Voice and Theory Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill SERVICE Telephone Markham-Bayview Area Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 112 Yonge St. Toronto We. reserve the right to limit quantities.