Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Sep 1960, p. 9

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Home and School meetings present an excellent opportunity for parents to become more fam- iliar with and understand more fully, many phases of teaching and learning in our schools to- day. Try to remember this date and make a point of attending on Monday evening and every other monthly meeting in the coming The 2nd Thornhill Cub & Scout Mothers Ladies Auxiliary held 3 Corn and Wiener Roast on the grounds at Henderson Avenue School on Friday evening, Sep- tember 9th. A larger number of children and parents attended than had been expected and a few trips had to be made to the local store for extra wieners It was a highly successful even- ing and proceeds from the sale will go into the general funds to be used for Scout and Cub activ lties during the coming season. The lst Thornhill Girl Guide Company have commenced their Tuesday evening meetings at Henderson Avenue School and are busy making plans for the coming season. Henderson Avenue School has been hit by the “Population Ex- plosion" this term with an over- flow of four classrooms which are being held in portable rooms. An even greater enrolment is ex- pected when the houses in the new subdivision nearby are oc- cupied. ‘ The Henderson Avenue Home and' School Association have planned their first monthly meet-' ing of the season in the school auditorium on Monday evening,[ September 26th, at 8 pm. The parents will be given an oppor- tunity to meet the teachers on this occasion. A member of the school board will be present to explain new developments in our school system. v The Cubs held their first meet- ing for the year on Thursday ev- ening. September 15th and the Scouts held theirs on Wednes- day. September let. Vice-chairman. Trustee E. Ax- elson expressed the opinion an entirely new school rather than making the addition to Thornhill composite," might be the best solution if the board decided to offer a complete tecnnical course. A central full-course technical or composite school was envisioned with the four other high schools “feeding it," after grades 9 and 10 were completed at the “innit- Cubs. Scouts and Guides A “limited vocational” course would require an extra shop. costing approximately $25,000.00 plus equipment. at each school. Principal Wight Morrow pointed out that the Richmond Hill High School had only seven acres of land. and that “the new east wing put the school out of balance now." He did not see how the structure could be allowed to encroach on the grounds to any further extent as the school yard was “much too small" for the size of the student body already. Suggests New School Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Specifications PINDER BROS. LTD. 2 Otonohee BA. 1-3344 At the October meeting of the board, Tuesday, Octo- ber 11th, in the Richmond Hill High School Library, the board will decide whether to add a complete four year vocation-technical course to its curriulum which would probably result in creating a composite school of Thornhill High School, or to have “limited vocational” courses in grades nine and ten of all the schools with the option of completing the course at board cost in a Metro Toronto vocational or technical school, and adding a purely academ- ic wing at the Thornhill School. Trustee Robert Endean, seconded by Trustee J. Wilson, made the motion for an October decision culminating a lengthy discussion. High schools in the district are running at full cap- acity this fall, and it appears plans for an addition to the Thornhill High School, or another high school, will have to be drawn up this winter in the hope more classrooms will be available at least by September 1962. Decide Next Meeting “We’re faced with a wonderful expansion,” Chairman Stewart Rumble succinctly declared as this year’s enroll- ment figures and expectations of the future were revealed at Monday night’s meeting of the York Central District High School Board. ' STEEL LINTELS | BEAMS .idn Either Vocation -Te i mited Vac repare FiguresOn ost October Meet t ! dents could be taught in a shop room due to the heavy equipment. ment. “Perhaps we could cut the fail- ure rate with this course." said Trustee Mrs. Langstaff. The vocation course takes good technical students,"- @- tiee instead. \muld hn't‘ .m t-n- rollment of about 40, Apparently i had been misiniormen ne-;tt;.~e about 15 of these students were anxious to take ii'renrn Illltt \' .- very much surprised to he put into the Business Practice Class." Mr. Eubank permitted thirtmn ot‘ pointed out Trustee Mrs. Kath-[these students to take Front-l: out leen James. Inspector and nnnnrhnnnf AF Wflllnniinn Jo'mson 1 in doing so created nf.. an imbnlnnr'e in him t..n,.l...‘,.. .i.. râ€" «(k "-14, .ittti tench back for the subjects [11:Ii they have to make up. A special Opportunity Typing ('liiss tor beginning typing has been set up at Bayview for aca- {It‘mH' students who find a use for typing. there is an attend- {into 01' 25 pupils. four mornings a \\'(‘(‘k. Certain classes have to make iii-teal Course ational Courses High Schs. :37 and 33 pupils. tThornhill H. S. Thornhill High School has 771 pupils in all. In grade 9 in the regular course are 246 pupils. ZS in commercial; in grade 10, 171 in regular, 35 commercial; in grade 11, 113 and 27 pupils; and grade 12, 53 and 35 pupils. l Woodbridge H. S. Hope Boyview School Ready NoVember HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. D. R. DARLEY 84 Highland Park Blvd. -â€" AV. 5-2719 year. W. A. Highland Park members of the Thornhill Ladies Bowling Club joined the group on Monday, September 19th in their first bowl of the season at the Rich- mond Bowling Alleys, Richmond Hill We are sorry to hear that Ken- ny Ross of Woodward Avenue, our former Liberal newspaper carrier, had to undergo surgery on his nose but are pleased that he is recovering nicely. Our condolences go out to Mrs. Mary Dobson of’ Highland Park Blvd. on the recent death of her father and also her grandmother who lived in England. Also to Mrs. Flo Goodyear of Woodward Avenue on the recent death of her mother and to Mrs. Doreen Barton of Meadowview Avenue who also lost a grandmother this summer. Congratulations are in order for the Connor family of 51 Highland Park Blvd. and the Radford family of 83 Highland Park Blvd. A new baby boy was added to each of these families in the past month. Happy Birthday to Jim Darley who is 11 years old to-day and ‘also to Jane Goodyear who cele- grates her fourth birthday to- ay. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson of 43 Woodward'Avenue enjoyed a few quiet days of vacation at Lake Muskoka the week of Sept- ember 5th, while grandma looked after the children. Anniversary congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. D. Pinel of 44 Steeles Ave. East who celebrated their 20th Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday.r-September 14th. The Thornhill United Church Womens Auxiliarv, Group 1, held their first meeting of the season at the home‘ of the President, Mrs. Jean Simpson, 53 Highland Park Blvd. on Tuesday evening, September 13th. A coffee Party and Home Baking Sale was plan- ned for Wednesday morning from 10 am. to noon, September let, at Thornhill United Church. Pro- ceeds to go into Group Funds for church work during the coming year; Neighbourhood Notes A lovely trousseau tea was held at home for Patricia Harris on Sunday. September 11th. 39 WoodwardAvenue. A display of beautiful gifts of every descrip- tion was viewed by her many friends and neighbours. Our very best wishes for a long and happy married life go out to Pat who was married on Saturday, Sept~ ember 17th at 4:30 pm. in the Thornhih United Church. Pat is well known and very well liked in the neighbourhood. She was a paper carrier when she was younger and has since been very active in C.G.l.T. and Sunday School work. She will be missed very much by her friends but our loss will be someone else's gain. The wedding was one of the most beautiful events of the year and Pat looked gorgeous in her beautiful gown accompanied by her very pretty bridesmaids and tiny flower girl and ring bearer. Chairman Rumble was concern- ed over the cost of such a school and asked Trustee Lou Wain- wright, Chairman of the Planx ning Committee, to' prepare some cost figures for the next meeting. Chairman Rumble added, “We al- so need somemeasonably reliable figures as to how many students to expect.” It was stated that technical or vocational class- rooms cost around $10,000.00 more per classroom than academ- ic. While the necessary 1600 feet of required space in these larger rooms would accommodate 40 ac- ademic pupils, only 20 to 25 stuâ€" Trustee Mrs. Birbara Lanrg'staff asked, ‘Are we planning to buy another school site?” Chairman Stewart Rumble an- swered there was “not a motion" to that effect on the books. How- ever, the board in the past has put an option on a potential lo- cation in the Bathurst St. area. Cost ed_vocational" high schools rents of the year gorgeous in her accompanied by bridesmaids and and ringibearer. Constable D. A. Dudden and Ken Paton of the Richmond Hill Police Force are each undergoing a seven week police course. Con- stable Dudden is attending the RCMP school in Ottawa for study relevant to identification tech- niques, including fingerprinting and photography. Constable Paton is taking his basic training course at the police school in Toronto. A 13-year-old Richmond Hill boy suffered a broken arm when he was knocked down by a car at a point opposite 165 Centre Street east at 9.26 pm. last Sat- urday. Brian Mason, the son of Mr. and Mrs. B Mason, 109 North Taylor Mills Drive, was taken to York County Hospital by Rich- mond Hill Police where he was treated. Police are still looking for the driver of the vehicle. Po- lice say the boy was walking on the south side of Centre street proceeding east, on the travel por- tion of the road when struck from behind. It is pointed out that it is possible that the driver was not aware of having struck the boy. Meanwhile, the victim is making "a good recovery. The in- vestigation continues. R. Hill Police On Special Courses 0n the Richmond Hill Police Association front, three staffers represented the organization at last week's Police Association Convention in Toronto. They are Sgt. Gordon Deyman, secretary, Constable Ted McBrien‘. presi- dent, and Sgt. Wes Berseth, treasurer. Accident Count Principal H. L. Eubank’s reâ€"[ port contained a similar com- ment. “Originally I foresaw, on , the basis of information provid- ed from the public school. that the Grade 9 classes not taking French but with Business Prac- Chief: R. P. Robbins reports that since January lst there have been 130 accidents in Richmond Hill, 34 injuries and one fatal- ity. Phony Reader A phony meter reader was reported operating in The Hill a week ago yesterday but appears to have been frightened away from his unusual means of earn- ing a livelihood. Police say he collected $2.75 from one home owner. Police point out that hy- dro meter readers carry identifi- cation cards and that any reader unable to produce such identifi- cation should be reported immed- iately. The investigation contin- Trustee Mrs. Langstnff men- tioned that it had been remark- ed at a conference on such schools that the fall-out in grades 11 and 12 was larger than in purely academic schools, 35% to 52%, due principallv to the fact some students feel they are ready for industry by the end of two years technical training. Vocational Courses on Books Trustee Mrs. James recalled the board had passed a motion sometime ago to establisa a lim- ited vocational course in the high échools by September. 1961. One of the first duties of the board, when it is decided delin- itely what type of school and course will be offered, will be to set up an Advisory Vocational Committee to study and guide the establishment of technical education in the high schools. When such a‘committee is set up the board is _then eligible to receive a Federal grant of $10, 000.00 per classroom for these special courses. Want Academic Courses STOUFFVILLEâ€"Arthur Latcham will construct a $165,000 curling arena on the former Donald Brown farm, near Bethesda and is presently constructing an 18 and a nine-hole golf club on the 5th concession of Whitchurch. An interesting comment was made by Principal Morrow to the effect that first year stu- dents, whom it had been presum- ed, would not take French at his school had wanted it. Mr. Mor- row sensed there was a greater desire by students for academic subjects at Richmond Hill High School than ever before. In commenting on composite, or technical, schools it was said that the desired enrollment was now 1,500 to 2,000 students whereas 1,000 students were con- sidered enough to form such a school several years ago. Lad Suffers Broken Arm The vocation â€" technical course takes good students." pointed out Trustee Mrs. Kath- leen James. Inspector Jo'1nson and Department of Education of- ficials have said at several meet- ings on the subject in the past few years that it is a mistake to think a poor or “lazy” student will do any better in a technical course than he would in a purely academic course. Aside from that five academic subjects are still required in the vocational set- up. “quhaps we could cut the fail- ure rate with this course,” said Trustee Mrs. Langstaff. The vocation â€"- technical GET RESULTS LIBERAL CLASSIFIED PHONE TU. 4-1105 Principal Eubank told the board 311 the options that stu- dents had asked for last term were provided for and in addi- ion Grades 11 and 12 parallels were set up for repeating stu- ents; in such subjects as History, Mathematics, French and Science. so that they could take the Iull programme in their present grade There is already a need for more academic classrooms. Forty pupils per classroom is too high, especialy in Grade 9. There are forty pupils in three grade nines in Bayview; 27 in one grade nine. (they do not take French). Three grade 10’s total 85 pupils in Bay- view; 24, 32, 29 to a class. In grade 11 there are 50 pupils; 18 and 32 pupils respectively. Grade 12 has 25 pupils. Total en- rollment 300. In the upswing in interest in education, the question could well be asked of York Central District high school parents and potential pupils, how many of you are interested in securing a four year technical or vocational course? Is the planned “limited vocational” course sufficient plus the option of completing such a course in Metro technical schools? ‘ into the Business Practice class." Mr. Eubank permitted thirteen of these students to take French but in doing so created an imbalance in his freshman classes and now has forty pupils in each of three grade nine classes. and twenty- seven in one grade nine not tak- ing French. ' FREE Home OPEN these students w ake French and w {1 because ents were and were to be put ice class." .hirteen of ‘rench but imbalance 1ppraisal of Your Trade-4 schools No Date For Bayview Yet When Bayview High School will be ready for occupancy is not known. The acoustic ceiling and the vinyl flooring will go into the classrooms probably this coming week but Principal Eu- bank hopes the cafeteria will be ready before the actual moving date. It is expected it will be at least on into November hefol'e the school is ready for the stu- dents. Richmond Hill H. S. ‘ Richmond Hill High School has 710 pupils on the roll. There are eight grade nine classes whose enrollments are as fol- lows: 2]. 25, 37. 41, 40, 39, 36 and 33 pupils. Grade 10 has class en- rollments from 15 to 31 pupils in six classes. In Grade 11 there are four classes of 35. 32, 28 and 34 pupils. Grade 12 has four classes of 15. 31. 37 and 16 pu- pils. Grade 13 has two classes of for typing, there is an attend- ancc of 25 pupils, four mornings a week. Certain classes have to make special arrangements to accom- modate the members, or to insure certain subjects are not missed for some of the pupils who have attended school other than Rich- mond Hill High School. For ex- ample .Erade 11 and 12 geography iq taught together, students tak- ing the grade 12 programme. To accommodate the numbers, Grade 10 students are on a semi-individ- ual timetable arrangement, which is not always usual in high NO CASH DOWN With Your Trade There are approximately fifty1 more pupils than estimated in; May, said Business Administratorw B. J. Ashworth, 2,104 expected} 2,156 enrolled. “We’ll be jammed‘ to the doors by next September,” he added. “We’ll need tne next addition ready by 1962. compos- ite or not." Mr. Ashworth sum- med up the board's problem as comparing “the cost of high school education.” How will the cost 'of technical education com- pare with the cost of academic; the cost of academic plus limited vooationl compared with the cost of academic plus a four year tech- nical and vocational course in one school, and a two year limited vo- cational in the others? What’s the estimated cost for tuition fees of district pupils who take the lim- ited vocational course and then go on to Metro technical or vo- cational schools to complete their course? . - Planning Chairman Trustee Wainwright and his committee hope to have the answers ready for the next board meeting when the next construction work ne- cessary for the district is slated to be decided. Woodbridge High School has 362 pupils. There are five grade nines, of 145 pupils; three grade 105 of 82 pupils; two grade 115 of 72 pupils; one grade 12 of 40 pupils; and 23 pupils in one grade 13. Thornhill High School has 777 pupils in all. In grade 9 in the regular course are 246 pupils, 29 in commercial; in grade 10, 171 in regular, 35 commercial; in grade 11, 113 and 27 pupils; and grade 12, 53 and 35 pupils. Woodbridge H. S. Nanguard Home Appliances â€"â€" ARE NOW LOCATED IN THE .â€" EASY WASHER THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September New 1960 Automatic Electric Wm. Neal & Sons 61 Yonge St. South NOTE OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER 1958 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON 1957 BUICK SEDAN 1956 PLYMOUTH & DODGE SEDANS 1955 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON 1955 PLYMOUTH HARDTOP 1955 CHEVROLET and many others Come In An See These Cars NO REASONABLE DEAL REFUSED BARGAINS ! DON ANDREWS PLUMBING AND HEATING 22 Industrial Road Richmond Hill TU. 4-5368 PLUS A BRAND NEW MODEL â€" BARGAINS! A Large Number To Choose From New Dodges We Have A Big Selection Of Good Used Cars USED CARS TU. 4-7381 STUART PAXTON WIRING um; won: Electrician Hmmtm BARGAINS! SATURDAY Until 6 P.M. Richmond Hill L‘ 22, 1960 9,

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