Phone TW.5-63Il - Newmarket HALL'S SERVICE STATION LTD. TU. 4. 4361 Exclusive dealership for Ponting's Music Centre IN AURORA, RICHMOND HILL, BRADFORD. NEW- MARKET AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. ALSO AGENTS FOR MASON & RISCII PIANOS, GIBSON & KAY GUITARS, CONN & OLDS BRASS, TOP NAMES IN ACCORDIONS, VIOLINS, ETC., ALSO METRONOMES SHORTHORNS ANGUS HEREFORDS YORK COUNTY RED 8: WHITE SHOW HORSESHOE PITCHING CENTRAL ONTARIO CHAMPIONSHIP TROTTING RACES RUNNING RACE PONY RACE PAUL RIDDELL AND ALL AMERICAN DARE DEVILS SATURDAY EVENING 7-9 P.M. IN FRONT OF GRANDSTAND MONSTER DANCE IN EXHIBITS BUILDING AT NIGHT HARRY M- WARRINEB. 1855 _ 1960 MARKHAM FAIR JACK FRASER CALF SCRAMBLE SEPT. 29 - LINDSAY BOYS BAND HEAVY HORSES JERSEY SHOW YORK COUNTY BLACK & WHITE SHOW TROTTING RACES ZONE 4 REGIONAL SHEEP SHOW HORSESHOE PITCHING LOCAL PLAYER! BERKS, YORKS SHOW DOMESTIC FUEL OILS AND BURNER SERVICE ROPE CLIMBING CONTEST PONY RIDING DEMONSTRATION AND COMPETITION SPECIAL COMPETITION FOR GIRLS AND BOYS 12-15 YEARS VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT BY VINCE MOUNTFORD & SONS MASTER OF CEREMONIES Don Mills Road at Newmarket Cut-off lat Vice President LOWREY ORGANS Trade-Ins Accepted â€" Easy Terms PIANO TUNING & REPAIRS Visit Our New Showroom Open every day and evenings MONSTER SCHOOL PARADE FROM MORGAN PARK 1:00 P.M. MARKHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS’ BAND FAIR OFFICIALLY OPENED BY HON. EARL ROWE, M PONY PARTY CHAS. BOYNTON Livestock Director FRIDAY EVENING ANNOUNCES The Show Window of York County LANDRACE AUCTION SALE HORSESHOE PITCHING - OPEN DOUBLES THURSDAY SATURDAY PONIES FRIDAY V R. H. BRILLINGER 4-H CALF CLUBS POULTRY SHOW MARKHAM HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BAND President LOCAL PLAYERS TOURNAMENT ARABIANS REGIONAL TAMWORTH SHOW LANDRACE SWINE SHOW CENTRAL ONTARIO GUERNSEY SHOW FRED SPRING Secretary-Treasurer Creativeness and curiOSity combined to lead Clare Thomp- son into this fascinating trade, “And, my 55-year-old ticker 'sn’t all it should be,†he said. “Not strong enough to allow me to continue as a full-time steam fitter." LthuA . But his creative bent, which at one time found an outlet in the building of aluminum truck bod- ies, is probably the real reason for his advent into the pottery profession. He finds it highly satisfying to produce pots of dif- ferent shapes, sizes and color to meet with the most discriminat- ing taste among housewives who prefer flower pots that will blend A new type flower pot, prob- ably the only one of its kind in Canada. is another manufactur- ing ‘tirst’ for this district. The pot comes in 19 different models so far. in green, white and red pastel, and in a variety of sizes. The difference between this pot and the standard one is that its porus body when placed in a sau- cer with water, absorbs and re- tains the moisture for a least 24 hours and allows a good supply of oxygen to also nourish the roots. African Violets, for example, are said to do extremely well in this new Danish pot which, while it looks like a sand composition is not. As a matter of fact, it is a secret process which makes the pot practically timeless as to use- fulness. The flower pot business, owned by Clare Thompson, actually op- ened a month ago at No. 103 West on No. 7 Highway, at which time Mr. Thompson bought it from Kier Thomson, a Dane, who in turn had employed the pottery trade as a houby since 1956. The new ownerintendsto copu- alize on the pottery’s many uses. In short, as Clare said, he is “ow- ner, nnanufacturer, adverï¬sing manager, artist-employee and salesman combined.†In a good day he can turn out 100 of the medium size pots. “They don‘t cost too much to make,†he said, “and retail at a modest figure, so everyone stands to gainf’ At the moment several district hard- ware stores are pushing the pro- duct. MILKING CONTEST Another feature of the new type flower pot is that it is treated to a special, non-acid col- oring material. “The coloring can’t hurt the plant,†Clare ex- plained. The outside of each pot is a mould job while the inside represents skilled hand-finish work. Clare said that me new product is the one answer to of- ten time soggy earth in flower pots. “The absorbing process ob- viates this danger, which can in time rot a root,†he said. ibam‘dï¬ g/ower/Oofd Wacle flew MAURICE HAMILL 2nd Vice President LIGHT HORSES PONY RACE The ï¬rst meeting for the new season of the Doncaster Commun- ity Ladies’ Club was held at the home of Mrs. Adkin, of John St. on‘Tuesday. September 13. WILLOWDALE â€"- Today is Tax Day for Branson Hospital and a generous response from the pub- lic is expected. The Holy Trinity Guild meeting for the ladies of the D'bncaster area is for this month to be held at the home of Mrs. Hudema, of Clarke Ave., on Thursday, Sep- tember 22. The time is 8 pm. and everyone is welcome. On June 3 of this year the Reddy family, of Glen Cameron Avenue, with the exception of father, journeyed to England from whence they came for the summer. Mrs. ï¬ensrhan and daughter, returned home from Branson Hospital on Wednesday Septem- ber 14. They almost did not make it back. Boat strike? No, a bolt of lightning struck the airliner in which they travelled from New York to Toronto. They were away some 6% weeks. Mrs. H. Mizen, of Sprueewood Ave., is enjoying a friend, Mrs. Rose Adams, of Toronto, for a week from Friday September 16. Birthday wishes go out to Susan Andronek, of 74 Morgan Avenue, who celebrated her ï¬rst birthday, on Wednesday. September 4. were Mrs. Foxis sistéiliï¬iiéï¬_éï¬a a friend, Kathleen Fox and Gilda Baxter. The Foxes also entertained Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schnare from Brgpdon, Manitoba, their cousin. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fox flew to the funeral of the brother of Mrs. Fox and his wife. who the com- munity is saddened to learn, were drowned in the Maritimes where they lived. , After the ship was under way an appeal for galley work was sent out among the passengers as the boat was travelling with about one-third the normal crew, from the regular 400 there were about 150. Twins Peter and Michael Reddy picked up experience in assorted galley work. Twins Barbara and Brian Dale, of 25 Proctor Avenue are this year both attending the Great Lakes College in Beamsville. Last year only Barbara enrolled there. During the summer the Pom- pilis of Morgan Avenue enjoyed a visit to Holland, Germany, Aus- tria and Italy and arrived back huge on August 22. Birthday greetings go out to Douglas Kindness, of Henderson Ave, who celebrated his 11th birthday Wednesday. Sept. 14. Spending a week’ with the Fox Family, of Glen Cameron Ave.. Like many others, their stay was lengthened by the now fam- ous crewmans’ strike. After enjoying their visit to the old country they were to leave on lche Carinthia in time for the boys to catch the ï¬rst of school 1960 oh . . . they left on the Carinthi . . . two weeks late. Mr. Red y picked up the family at Montreal and they arrived home on Friday, September 16 Two Doncaster residents change addresses as the new home built on Sprucewood Drive of Tom Smith, of Clarke Avenue is com- pleted and the Jack MacKenzie family, of Clarke Avenue, moved across the road to the vacated Smith house. ‘ A presentation for Carole Law, of Toronto. was given by‘ Mrs. Evans, of Clarke Ave., on Satur- day September 17. with the decor. Adult non-fiction went up to 19,022 from 11,284; adult fic- tion to 35,215 from 24,587. and total adult circulation to 54,237 from 35,871. Boys and girls cir- culation total was 42,946. A perusal of the circulation figures as released by the library shows that adults do more read- ing in August than other months. This is also true of boys and girls but to a lesser' degree. Socials Clare was born at Port Hope and came to this district in 1931. For the next 10 years. while keeping his home on Yonge Street, he periodically moved, family. baggage and all, to places like Kingston, Parry Sound and Sarnia where his services as a steam fitter were greatly in de- mand. His last big job was in Elliott Lake where. during 1957 and part of 1958 he was gen- eral superintendent of plumbing for Spade Contractors at Stan- leigh, the great uranium pro- ducer. He says it isn't true that an old dog can’t learn new tricks. “It's just a matter of keeping interested." he said, “and you’re bound to find all manner of trades through which you can channel this urge to create which _sets' man off from other spec- ies.’ For the same two periods total registrations are 1832 compared to 1,216, Adult registrations have increased to 984 from 601 and boys and girls registrations to 848 from 615. The Richmond Hili Public Li- brary reported this week that the circulation for the January-Au- gust period this year more than doubled over the same period in 1959. This year’s grand total comes to 122,223 as against 55,- 649 last year. ’ Total books in the library now is 15,600. This represents 2,700 added during the°1960 January‘ August period. Indications are that he will make another real contribution to the business world in his lat- est venture. LocalPublicLibrary Circulation Raises DONCASTER Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 A Willowdale youth, Norman Sutcliflfe, 22, who pleaded guilty in Newmarket Court on Monday on a charge of theft, was remand- ed by Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake to October 3 for sentence. “By that time I’ll have a chance to study your background and my sentence will be based on what I ï¬nd,†the magistrate said. 7 Vaughan Police testiï¬ed they arrested Sutcliï¬e on September after he had raided a used car lot on Highway '7 and helped him- self to a car radio and aerial. Both articles were recovered at the man’s home. Accused admitted the articles were not essential to his well being, that he was not in want as his wife was employed while he recovered from an acci- dent to his foot. “I just made a mistake,†Sutcliffe Said. A Toronto man who was picked up by Vaughan Township some weeks ago and charged with com- mitting an immoral act. was re- The 63rd Anniversary Services at Tempéranceville Church were very well attended. In the morn- ing Rev. Jetht’s sermon was an inspiration to all. The Temper- anceville Choir assisted by Mrs. Connar, Mrs. Davis and David McC.lure added greatly to the servxce. Rally Sunday will be held by Tem‘peranceville Sunday School on September 25th at 11 am. All the children in the community are invited to attend and bring their parents. Mrs. Wilbert Jen- nings will be in charge. Church will be he'ld at 9.45 a.m., Rev. Ivan Kennedy conduc- ting the service. Visitors whom we were espec- ially happy to have return to Tem- peranceville Church on anniver- sary Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Rumble. Mr. Bob Wallace, Mrs. Burton Palmer, Mr. David Mc- Clure, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jen- nings, Miss Mable Jennings and Mrs. Brown of Florida who is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. Tur- ner. Besides these it was indeed Sister Deborah, in charge of Our Lady Help of Christians Separate School, and Mother St. Dominic of Our Lady of Fatima Separate School, both say that students at their schools seemed more than ready to start the new term. Sister Deborah, whose school has 476 pupils this term, about the same as last year, said: “Our pupils seemed actual- ly anxious to move into the new season. It’s very gratifying. Of course, some of them may just be very tactful.†Said Mother St. Dominic whose school has 251 students, “So many of our stu- dents seemed genuinely glad to be back in class. I suspect many pupils get a bit bored after sev- eral weeks of holidaying.†Change in Staff In the evening it was indeed a pleasure to see so many Visitors and former residents of Temper- anceville join in this Anniversary Service. Rev. J. S. Bole delivered a splendid address and the mus- ic rendered by the Schomberg Choir with Mrs. Russel choir lea- der and organist. was most en- joyable. At Out Lady Help of Chris. t-ians School on Bayview, several a pleasure to have so many fam- iliar faces seen from the sur- rounding district, The W. A. and W. M. S. meet- ing of September 15 was held in the Church Sunday School rooms with Mrs. W. Turner, Mrs. 1. Kennedy and Mrs. F. Boys as hostesses. Richmond Hill Separate Schools Report Lively Interest Fall Term CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS. R. R. 3. KING â€"â€" Phone PB. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS NORTHTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? WILLOWDALE WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME? ’agidrate :5 It was reported by the W.M.S. that 67 lbs. of clothing etc had been sent in for the bale and $8.00 in money and shipping charges. $35.95 has been sent in to Presbytery by the treasurer. Magistrate Hollinrake said: “A ï¬ne for a ï¬rst offense gross in- dency charge rarely has the de- sired ei'fect. Removing the accused to prison does not accomplish anything either. The best protec- tion the public has lies in treat- ment of the accused.†Pending psychiatric‘ treatment between now and October 17, the magis- trate said bail would be con- tinued. Evidence showed that the young man told police when he was ap- prehended that he wanted to plead guilty to ‘clear his con- science’ and ask for treatment. Other evidence showed that he came from an excellent, well-to- do family, held down a respons- ible situation and had come out of the army a second lieutenant. Mrs. Beynon then read an ar- ticle on Worship which emphas- ized the fact that worship is the heart of the church and where Chris‘ is there is the church. The roll call “A trip I enjoy- ed this summer" enabled mem- begs_ to §hare their experiences: The financial report given by Secretary Treasurer Mrs. Cun- ningham showed a balance of $446.50 in general fund and $109.58 in kitchen fund It was decided the church floors will be varnished in the near future. The semi-annual meeting will be held at Maple on October 27th and four of Temperanceville lad- ies have volunteered to be on hand at 9.30 am. to assist with th- registration, namely Mrs. Ray Jennings, Mrs. L. Cunningham. Mrs. W. Jennings, Mrs. F. Hare. The lst Lions supper held at Temperanceville this season will be September 20th. Price per plate $1.50. Mrs. Wilbert Jenn- ings and Mrs. Ray Jennings will be convenors. manded to October 17 by Magis- trate O. S. Hollinrake at the New- market Court on Monday, and an order made that the man be given psychiatric treatment. October 19th is the date of Temperanceville Annual Turkey Supper. Tickets soon available. Mrs. Jack Macklin, Mrs. W. Jen- nings are convenors. The Com- mittee, Mrs. C. Beynon, Mrs. R. Jennings, Mrs. F. Boys and Mrs F. Hare, presidentr The situation at Our Lady of Fatima School on Yonge Street N.. is pretty well unchanged from last year, said Mother St. Dom- inic. The staff of seven remain unchanged. However, one addi- tion to the teaching staff is forth- coming. This teacher will act as secretary and part time instruc- tor. The W. M. S. president. Mrs. Ray Jennings has been most for- tunate in securing the services of Mrs. A. F. Lovies of Islington as our guest speaker for the Octo- ber 13th meeting at 8 pm. She will show films and give a talk on Northern Rhodesia, Africa. staff changes have been affected. New personnel this season in- cludes Mrs. Y. Kelly, Kindergar- ten; Miss Eileen Fallows, grades two and 3; Miss Raymonde Aub- rey, grade 3; Miss Teresa 0’- Rourke, grades 4 and. ‘5; Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, grade 5, Miss Eileen Slawinski, grade 4 and Mrs. Ruth Hunkler, secretary and: part time grade 8 teacher assist- ing Sister Deborah. The entire staff, counting Mrs. Hunkler, comes to 13. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 22, 1960 rourf inmlmmuuummumumu\§\mumuuuumltmmmmmuuuuummmuu\\mmnunmmmumnummumnmlulmuuumm\umlumlmm TENN“1\\ll\\\ll\l\\ll\\ll“l\l\l\\l\\““lll‘llllllllllllllllllllllillmlllllllllllll“\lllullll“llllllllllllllllll\lll\lll\lllllllmum|lll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllmllï¬ Then come to National Trust at Northtown Shopping Centre. Our Real Estate Department has a wide selec- tion of homes in WiHowdale, Richmond Hill, the Bay- view district and North York. National Trust ofl'era you “Photo Co-op Service†â€" and 60 years’ experience in real estate. You’ll ï¬nd that National Trust Realtors will give you fast, dependable service in getting the right buyer for your home â€" at the right price. We invite you to come in or phone BA. 5-6429. A resident is a person who lives within the boundaries of area described below :â€" AREA â€"- All of Vaughan Township, including Vill- ages of Woodbridge, Richmond Hill and Markham Township between the 4th Concession and Yonge St. There are no refunds unless course is cancelled in October for lack of numbers. To The New ALLENCOURT LANES Thomhin High School, Thgrhï¬ill, Ontario, Av‘. 5-4181 TORONTO PHYSICAL EDUCATION (for Adults) â€" Gymnas- tics, Volleyball, Folk Dancing, Rhythmics, etc. TIME Each Monday and Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., commencing Monday, October 3rd WHEN IT COMES TO HARDWARE! Come To RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE OIL PAINTING â€" Special Fee â€"- No refund METAL SHOP -â€" Welding and Machine Shop WOODWORKING BEGINNING AND ADVANCED DRESSMAKING MILLINERY TYPING BOOKKEEPING SHORTHAN D ENGLISH & CITIZENSHIP for NEW CANADIANS ACADEMIC SUBJECTS -â€" If enough applications for any one subject â€" Grade XII and XIII. Per- sons interested should register. The York Central District High School Board will offer at Thomhill High School, the following Night Courses:â€" Advanced Registration - Wednesday, September 28th, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m- Minimum Registration Required to Establish a Class is 15 FREE DELIVERY DAILY 11 A.M. - 4 RM. 24 YONGE STREET SOUTH TU. 4-2101 GOODS SATISFACTORY on MONEY REFUNDED NIGHT CLASSES A. AXON ELECTRIC CO. 78 SHANNON ST. New Canadian English ............ $5.00 I.‘U......l.............. Non Resident .................... $10.00 THORNHILL HIGH SCHOOL 1960 - 61 REGISTRATION FEE Member of flu Toronto Real Estate Board PLACE from [E 3 - 2537