Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Sep 1960, p. 18

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ALUMBNUM storm windows. clean without dlssembling, wood storms completely installed. re- ferences given. D. Macpherson. Maple. AV. 5-5246. c1w12 VALANCE boxes. automatic Ben- dix, Easy Spin-dry, Console Vic- trola, mantel radios. kitchen cup- board doors. bicycles. end table, legs for continental bed, misses’ winter coats, slze 16, also boys'. propane, 1 year old. Like new, $65. Lloyd baby stroller $7. AV. 5-5043. clw12 FOR BETTER lawns and flower- gardens, use Natural Organic Peat Loam. Call Oak Ridges Peat Ltd. PR .8-5413. “€42 DRAPES, floral pattern, 6 pan- els, also matching single pair. double bed spring and new mat- tress, vanity. heavy duty stove 23", refrigerator and other household furnishings. Good con- dition. reasonable. TU. 4-3568. c1w12 FUR COAT, full length black Persian Paw, size 16. Twenty-five dollars. Richmond Hill. AV. 5- 4437. *1w12 7% H.P. EVINRUDE outboard GE WASHING machine, with pump. Excellent condition. $65. or nearest offer. TU. 4-5439. PREFAB GARAGES from $335. Call Loughlln Lumber and Sup- ply. AV. 5-1109 0r AX. 3-2941. 3A1be LOAM, 5 yards $15.00; peat loam, 5 yards $18.00; cow manure, 5 yards. $20.00. BA. 5~ 2781. tic-14 Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill New and Used Building Materials Insulating Board 4x8x55" $2.15 Hardboard 4 x 8 . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 Fir Ply 4x8x§fi Sanded . . . . $4.50 Gyproc; Insulation; Trim PLUMBING SPECIALS NEW Bathtubs . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . $35.00 3 pc. Bathroom Set . . . . . . $99.00 3" and 4" Soil Pipe and Fittings Copper Pipe and Fittings er, new condition; also stlng cut-off saw. AV. 5-1234. tfcll RUG 7’ x 12’, new brown tweed. Trilan with pad. Bird cage and stand and metronome. TU. 4-3229. MOFFFAT gas stove GOOD ‘used furniture (or sale. Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age, 28 Industriu Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfca BA. 5-1469 LUMBER SPECIALS NEW 2x4's 8 to 16’s . . . . . . . . ‘ . 6%c "PEWRITERS 2x4’s 6’s 35c; 2x4’s 7's 40c ADDING MACHINES Pine Shelving 1 x 12 12c and up Saleeâ€" Servlce - Rental- lx3 6 and 7' lgths. Zléc per ft. Authorized Dealer White Outside Paint $4.00 gal. All popular makes for sale In- Shingles, Rolled Roofing eluding new and rebuilt standard, CLEARING 5000 New Storms, portable and electric models. Screens and Sash 50c and up Special rentll rates available to FREE DELIVERY AV. 5-3942 students. motor, $125. Winchester 30/30. new, $55. Call after 5.30 p.m.’ TU. 4-3471. tfcz RICH BLACK FEAT LOAM A natural organic conditioning product. Special load delivered $5.00 and up. AV. 5-1514. tfc5 FREE DELIVERY AV. 5-3942 OPEN DAILY UNTIL 600 RM ‘/2 mile east of Yonge St. 0!! Markham Bond HEAVY DUTY stove, refriger- METRO WRECKING 8; LUMBER, Itor and washing machine. TU. 4-6239. c1w12 BABY PICTURES are priceless when taken by The Lagerquist Studio, TU. 4-2791. tfc12 load. Peat loam $7 I lohdeA. 5-2712. “(342 torcycle, good condition, phone alter 6 pm. AL. 7â€"8902. “c5 REFRIGERATOR, good condi- tion, nefi unit, TUrner 4-7197. KENMORE. white enamel wood and coal stove. Excellent condi- tion. TU. 4-4583. c2wll WELL” ROTTED manure, 7 $7 a 1 REMINGTON RAND typewrit- 1953 HARLEY DAVIDSON m0- CHILD'S figure skates, white narrow, size'lo. Also tap shoes, file 10. TU. 4-3229. clw12 bunk beds. springs and mattresQ «5. AV. 5-3904. clwlz PERSIAN Lamb coat, full Length, size 14. requires minor repairs. $50. TU. 4-4081. c1w12 FURNACE. Oakwood, forced air in very good conditldn. Gormley 5282. c1w12 TWIN BEDS and head board, new. TU. 4-4085. clw12 4 burner Frigidaire 5801. ' STOVE and fridge 1 HP. Motor, $45.00. TU. 4-2305. c1w12 18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 22, 1960 CASH RATE; first insertion 5o per word. min. charge Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanzed, 5c per word, mln. chuge .. ‘ FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . COMING EVENTS NOTICE: 50 per word: min. charge CARD OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS Classified advertisements should be in an early in the week as possible but not later than 11 mm. on Wednesdaysv Send ed- by mall and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you wlll receive involce. ARTICLES FOR SALE per insertion STOVE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 30". TU. 4- clwll natural or reasonable: c1w12 c1w12 t!c51 tfc51 um [Richmond mu quantities'for lawns, gardens and flowerbeds. TU. 4-2236 - AV. 5- 2236. “C45 SINGER sewing machine, port- able electric. Good condition, $25.00. Air conditioner, $25.00. TU. 4-1048. c1w12 . FOR SALE FRESH EGGS delivered to your door every Saturday at store pri- ces. For free delivery phone AV. 5-2842. afcfil BOY SCOUT uniform, size 16. Girl Guide Uniform, size 12, ex- cellent condition. AV. 5-4063. FINDLAY stove, propadb gas. practically new. Also washing machine. Good condition. AV. 5- 2215. c1w12 BURGESS band saw, 12 inch throat, cut up to 3 inches thick. Built-in motor, complete for $35.00. PA. 7-9188. c1w12 $4" MAHOGANY plywood cut- offs. Useful for wall plaques, Christmas toys, etc. Phone TU. 4-7831, clwlz FIREWOOD All kinds of hardwood. 12" x 16 lengths. split. Free delivery, YOUNG man’s grey-blue 2 pc. suit; medium size. Good condi~ tion. Reasonable. TU. 4-2300. HON‘EY, number one white. Wholesale and retail. All size containers. 30 lbs. $6.00 plus 500 for pail. phone. Gormley 5293. ffc9 35 ALUMINUM sheet. 3 ft. x 19 ft. for barn roof covering at $2.00 per sheet. Good condition write to M. F. Szeler, Lake Wilcox, P. 0‘ *1w12 CAR RADIOS Assorted used car radios - most makes, $9.95 up. Richvale Elect- ronics. 9106 Yonge Street, Rich- vale. AV. 5â€"2669. TU. 4-1552. chest, HolWood bed, 2 high chairs, hot water tank with new eiement and thermostat. Any offér. TU. 4-2492. clw12 OAK Dining Suite, $35. Triligbt lamps $2 each. Fridge $20. Gas stove $7. Child's desk and chair $2.50. Dog house, $3.50. 2 Book Cases, $15 and $20 each' TU‘ 4- 3910’ clw12 CHESTERFIELD, 2 piece foam, beige, with coffee and end tab- les. Good‘ condition. $125.00. TU. 4-1025. c1w12 DRAPERYVSALE Many beautiful designs, 6 panels lined, 95 inches long, $47.49. Wyn-Dot Ladies’ Shop. Bayview Plaza, TU. 4-2214. clwlz REMINGTON noiseless 'typewritâ€" er, 18" elite late model, good condition. Also table, grey arbor- ite and chrome. extension. Phone PA. 7-5892 evenings. c1w12 WEDDING PHOTOS For VALUE and QUALITY LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill TU. 4-2791 tfcl'? BABY’S CRIB GOOD USED Gurney furnaceI all duct work and blower with new motor included. Phone AV. 5-3747. c1w12 MANURE. delivered it] smal; 4 BURNER electric stove, good condition, $40. Playpen and fire- place accessories. TU. 4-5842. EATON cream separator, small size â€" good condition â€" AV. 5- 2927. *1wl2 age, $13.00, good condition. AV. 5-1451. *1w12 1957 ELGITN, 12 h.p. outboard, separate gas tank. $140.00 or of- fer. TU. 4-1841. c1w12 SPACE HEATER furnace. good condition, pipes and registers, $25. TU. 4-0003. *1w12 PALE BLUE, convertible carri- COMPLETE McDougalfieep well pump. $80. AV. 5-1706. c1w12 NORGE automatic washer. used only one month. Sacrifice estate sale. $160.00. TU. 4-1476. *lwll CAR RADIO. Custom ’57 Plym- outh, $15.00. TU. 4-4227. clwll m TRACTOR for sale. TU. 4-3018. FOR SALE I... n. SIMS 8 Baker Ave (Continued) with matching vafllhla to and FORESTRY COMPANY Free Advice Free Estimates 9. TU. 4-1221 Richmond Hill 1'0. (-1745 TREES ABE OUR BUSINESS 31:49 " ‘ tfc41 *1w12 c1w12 1.00 c1w12 650 500 750 tfch 750 tic? tch IPLUMBING 8: drain repairs, ce- ment work,. sidewalks, patios. free estimates, 24-hour service. TU. 4-5827. SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered - 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV 5â€"1682 tfc43 ROTOTILLING LANDSCAPING, lawns prepared for seed or sod. Call TU. 4-3120 or TU. 4-3255. tfc8 UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813. tfc9 GENERAL .SERYICE, repailjs and cleaning to all types of al- uminum storms, screen windows and doors, by factory trained ex- pert, N. R. Cross. TU. 4-5450. Call collect evenings. tfclO For good prices see our show- room. Wallpapers, drapes, etc. â€"- Harry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St.. Richvale. AV. 5-1591. MOVING a: STORAG! Frank’s Moving 5: Cartage, pack- ing and storage. Experienced service anytime. Pickup and de- livery. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. ucm We specialize in recovering and remodelling chesterfield suites. Phone AV. 5-5201. 44 Levendale Rd., Richmond Hill. tfcsz PIANO TUNING & REPAIRING DRESS ALTERATIONS First class work. Carolyn Bargent 9018 Yonge St. at Richvale. AV 5-1591. tfc6 tfclz THE FURNITURE SHOPPE â€"â€" 3. Batman Formerly of Gerard Heintzman. Work guaranteed, Free estimates. Phone Liberal Office. 'I‘U. 4-1105; evenings RUssell 2-6516. Toronto. CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations and repairs, prompt service‘ WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 FURS Repaired, Cleaned, nescyled. Insured cold fur storage. KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Stop 21A Yonge St AV 5}}172 cll MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING alterations and re. pairs. Commercial or residential. Custom woodworking shop - el- ectric welding. Beckwith Ren- ovating 00.. AL. 7-2545. tfc'l Dressmaking & Alterations to suit customer. Mrs. Boultwood, 1-1 Beaverton Rd. N.. Richmond MINOR HOME REPAIRS Alterations and carpentry work by reliable tradesmen. Howard Croutch, AV” 5-1971. tfc18 TREES REMOVING, TRIMMING. ETC. BOB’S SOD Rototilling and Sodding. . Free estimates. TU. 4-2677. tfc45 LATHING & PLASTERING Renovations. Recreation Rooms. Acoustic Ceilings install-ed, etc. All work guaranteed. AV. 5-3688. tfclO SANDY LOAM $10. per load; also Peat Loam. J. Hampton. R, R. 1 Richmond Hill, TU, 4-2420 tfc52 Hill try the friendly Lagerquist Stud- io, with the know how TU, 4- 2791. ‘ tfcll RUBBER STAMPS, all ME; an size. Quick service. The L1 era] Ofllce, Richmond Hm. d1 EXCAVATING a; GRADING Front and loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 15-53336 c RICHMOND TREE SERVICE I Apply 1" Graham. Lake ' Rond‘, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5891. do?! SAND AND GRAVEL. crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity. Richmond Hm. TU. 4.1701. CORN CUSTOM?6MI§INE HANDY WINDOW 1 Service. reasonable Art Hand. TU. 4-4605 EXPERT DRESSMAKING. alter- ations. TU. 4-3798. c1w12 DPflOliSTERING and repairing SEWER ALTERATIONS & INSTALLATIONS PAYNE CONTRACTING AV. 5-1153 PAINTER & DECORATOR qurm Bepair Ouxf VSpecialty excavating. SEPTIC TANKS Installed and repaired. Harry Smith. AV. 5-1578 PARIS TREE SERVICE. BA. 2-1051 PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY LAGERQUIST STUDIO TU. 4-2791 TRENCHING LOCAL CLEANING rates. Call c4w12 tfc31 tic“ tic43 2w12 11c4 HOOD’S RUG 8; UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS I We clean, shampoo and moth- -proof in your home. Modern method, reasonable prices. TU. 4-5322 TU. 4-2932 RICH BLACK PEAT LOAM \A natural, organic, and con- ditionng product) WELL ROTTED MANURE TOPSOIL ORDINARY SANDY LOAM SPECIAL MIX SANDY LOAM Available straight or shreddedâ€" and delivered in special loads. ranging from one to ten cubic yards. AV. 5-1514. tch CALL E. W. PAYNE for septic tank systems and repairs, sewer installations. basemen' water- proofing, all types of concrete work around your home, general home improvement, alterations and additions. No job too small. free estimates. AV. 5-1153. tfc35 RICHMOND SOD Landscape Contractors Limited Loam. Sod, Evergreens. Shade Trees, Rose Bushes, Rototilling, Lawn Rolling. Observatory Lane. Phone AV. 5-1938. tfc48 WELL DRILLING King City Drilling Co. Ltd.. repairing, pumps installed and re- paired. Formerly George Adams. Box 192 King City. TE. 3.6::{2146 c SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating. roof flashings, etc. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-1006. tics? Pruning Painting, paper-hanging, interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-79021A SANITARY CONTRACTOR Complete septic tank and weep- ing bed installation. Satisfaction guaranteed, reasonable rates. Call Murray Baker, Newmarket TW. 5-4151. tfc4o RICHMOND BILL TV SERVICE TV 8; RADIO Service. antenna in- stallations. Car radios. Same day service. 50 Yonge St. S. AV. 5- 3756. tfc44 GARDEN GATE NURSERY Landscape and Maintenance. Sod- ding and Rototilling. TU. 4-1322. c Richvale Rexall Pharmacy â€"A NEW SERVICEâ€" Elastlc Stockings. Body Supports Trusses, Hernia Belts Fittings on Premises 9014 Yonge St.. AV. 5-3772 CALL US for your sand, gravel. fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B.- DeFen-arl, Maple ALpine 7-8876. tch CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone ‘Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tfcl5 Stonework, Fireplace, etc“ V. Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4%688. ' c23 Al cultivated field sod. Also Kentucky Blue, .28c yard, 100 yards or over. Free estimates. TU. 4-2538. , tics ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholsterlng, dabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. YanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. .fc31 ANYTHING in painting paper- hanging. Free estimates A. Rol- linson, R R. 1 King. Phone TE. 3-6671. tfc19 ROTOVATING, Aerating, Lawn Maintenance. Phone TU. 4-1170. Tom Mashinter. tf042 ROTOVATING Rotovatlng and garden mainten- ance, cal] Joe Hampt'm TU. 4c 2420. tfcil FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed Ind serviced. Frank Genitz. n. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. flew nEsxnnNTl’AL wmnowfi CLEANING COMPANY Residential only. Call for service TU. 4-7408. *9w16 renovations. garages, window screens and storms, tile floors. No job too small. T. Price, AV. 5- 3653. tfc51 Custom welding. 24 hour service. TU. 4-2633. PR. 3-5493. tfcwD LOAM LOAM, sod, sand and gravel. call Jae Hampton, TU. 4-2420. ucél grading. Patio andâ€" stone walks laid. TU. 4-1538. new DANCE BAND â€" available for club dances, wedding receptions, etc. Call Ron. AV. 5-4201. tfclO CARPENTRY WORK. additions1 GARDEN MAINTENANCE EXPERIENCED gardener in lawn cutting, tree removing, hedge trimming, etc.; free estimate. AL. 7-8831. c3w9 PLQWING, disclng and final RALPH ELMS DECORATING RICHMOND DELIVIII SERVICE Light pick-up and delivery. TU 4-18l2. dc! MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY CONTRACTOR BAYVIEW SODDING PROFESSIONAL TREE SERVICE Removal TU. 4-4031 Free Estimates (Continued) TU. 4-2932 tfc42 Trimming Kc»?! tfclo 1 owner 59 Ford deluxe 2 door, automatic low mileage. Appiy Emerald Isle Motel. AV. 5-4655. c1w12 1950 PREFECT, black with red leather, white walls, new second gear. Excellent condition for this model. Good town runabout. $90. or best offer. PA. 74737 c1w12 CONTEST WINNERS â€" 1960 Re- nault Dauphine. New, only 25 miles â€" $1500.00 cash â€" Call evenings â€" 91 Hunt Ave., Rich- mond Hill. c1w12 evenings â€"' 91 Hunt Ave., Rich- mond Hill. c1w12 1958 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, one owner, clean condition) Used as second car $1,000. Also 1959 Volkswagen if preferred. TU. 4- 5887. c1w12 1950 PREFECT, black with red leather, white walls, new second -_A_ fin--ll-_£ nnâ€"A:‘:A- IA.- eh:â€" FOR RENT on SALE Home with large landscaped lot, 2 bedrooms. recreation room, gar- age and workshop. Dream place to build up own business 10 min. Yonge St. Stop 19, 5 min. By car from Willowdale. First class op- portunity for speculator. 30 Sus- sex Ave., Langstaff. Appointment on week-ends. AV. 5-2165 or BA. 5-7291. *4w9 1960 METEOR “500', automatic, custom radio, many other extras. Will accept trade. Prwate. AV. 5-3193. clw12 51 FORD custom, radio, wheel discs, metallic blue. Student re- turning to school. $120.00. TU. 4-1341. c1w12 1952 DODGE 6, 4-door, new bat- tery, 5 good tires. best cash offer. Apply 417 Elmwood Ave., TU. 4‘ 7450 after 5:30 pm. c1w12 1952 PLYMOUTH, mechanically good, good buy, $125.00. Phone TU. 4-3964 after 6 pm. 1954 COMMANDER sports coupe, overdrive, custom radio, electric wipers Best offer. TU. 4-4104. 1953 FORD Consul, good condi- tion mechanically and body wise. Must be seen to be appreciated. TU. 4-0003. *1w12 55 DODGE station wagon, 6 cyl- inder, standard transmission. Runs good, sacrifice, $675. AV. 5~2740. c1w12 white walls. Good condition. AV; 5-4312. c1w12 and running order. $1560. TU. 4- 2911. tfc3 One owner. Good conditidn. AV. 5‘1234. tfcll TRANSPORTATION available from Yonge St.. Richmond Hill to Toronto University, arriving before 9 am. Phone evenings TU. 4-1466. tfch ’55 DODGE COACH. nice shape. $500.00. $100 down. TU. $3285:i 1: c5 Beverley Acres to Eglinton Ave. and Weston Rd. in Mount Dennis. Working hours 8 am. to 5 p.111. TU. 4-7736 after 6 pm. clwlz '56 FORD dump truck, good tires TRANSPORTATION wanted from 1955 OHEV. half ton pick-up TRANSPORTATION leaving Richmond Hill 6 a.r'n. to Yonge and Bloor, returning 4.15 pm. TU. 4-4096. ‘ c2w11 RIDE WANTED, leave Oak Rid- ges 6.30 am. to west end. Return 4.30 pm. PR. 3-5417. c1w12 IRANSEQRTATIQN gvailable, 1953 DODGE convertible, radio, EDYTHE'S Dressmaklng Shoppe, ladies' custom' dressmaking and alterations. Mrs. Warwick, 24 Hillsview Dr., Stop 24 Yonge St, TU. 4-3206. tfc26 FOR THE HES/1‘ PRICE on alumâ€" inum doors, windows, awnings and railings, call Ron Woods, TU. 4-1514. Satisfaction guaranteed. c3w11 J. Hampton, R. R. 1 Richmond ml]. TU. 4-2420. tfc52 CULTIVATED FIELD SOD 100 yards up - 18c per yard, de- livered. AV. 5-1514. tch Post Hole digging, cau' Joe Hampton. TU, 4-2420. tfc41 LADIES' dress alterations ex- ertly made. Audrey Arseneault, U. 4-5885. tch SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. MRS. D. Warren, A.L.C.M.. tea- cher of Piano and Theory, 93 Pemberton Road, Richvale c4w10 PAINTING a. PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. GRASS & WEED CUTTING MISCELLANEOUS TO RENT (Continued) CAR INSURANCE C. J. NEIL O’REILLY TU. 4-7002 EM. 4-8611 One owner car. Best offer. Ask for Jack, AV. 5-1105 SANDY LOAM SPECIAL $8 PER LOAD DELIVERED AV. 5-1514 ’57 SUNBEAM RAPIER POST HOLE DIGGING JACK & LEE TV Electronics? We fix it. TU. 4~3811 t USED CARS FOR SALE 1957 DKW HARDTOP Sacrifice at $650. Call Gerry at AV. 5-1105 MUST SACRIFICE SAME DAY TV ANTENNA SERVICE TU. 4-4749 c1w12 c1w12 clw12 c1w12 tfc12 tfc47 tfcll ttcla tfc4 STORES FOR RENT Richmond Hill Lock-up $100. Richmond Hill Lock-up $125. Thornhill Beauty Parlor $175. Thornhill Ladies Wear $175. Thornhill Restaurant $250. Mr. McLean. AV. 5-1176 David] McLean Ltd., Realtors e1w9 THORNHILL, Accommodation for Nurse, School Teacher or Business Person - to share home with single girl - garage - good address. Apply Box No. 60 The Liberal. c1w12 $100. Monthly, 3 bedroom bunga- law, close to schools and shop‘- ping. Mr. Crowther, AV. 5-1164. David McLean Ltd. Realtors. APARTMENT, 2 rooms and kit chenette, 34B Yonge'St. 8., Rich- mond Hill, Apartment No. 4. Phone up to 12 o'clock and after 4 p.m., HU. 5-5035. Key at apart- ment No. 3. ctflO WILLOWDALE 3 room, bath flat in friendly home, heavy wiring, sink and cupboards. Will give day care to one child close to Yonge bus and shopping. BA. 1-7077. c1w12 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Call AV. 5-1951 or TU. 4-3647. Charles Marple Real Estate 4 ROOMED basement apartment, partially heated, 1 block to Yonge, Business couple preferr- ed. Reasonable. AV. 5-5152. THREE ROOM flat, unfurnished, private 3 pce. bathroom. 85 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill. TU. 4- 1512. c1w12 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Call AV. 5-1951 or TU 4-3647. FLOOR SANDERS. POLISHERS. ELECTRIC TOOLS To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331. Richmond Hill. tfc32 TWO ROOM cottage on owner's property in Langstaff. Chemical toilet. Reasonable. AV. 5-3681. c1w12 3 ROOMS, partly furnished fridge and stove, separate entrance, gar- age, couple. Reasonable. AV. 5- 4232. clw12 6 ROOM BUNGALOW for sale or rent. Near schools and shopping centre. Available immediately. TU. 4-3572. c1w11 ATTRACTIVE 8_ room house, bathroom upstairs, toilet down- stairs. Oll heated. Gormley 5320. c1w12 3 ROOM apartment in Maple. Young couple with baby prefer- red, call AL. 7-8788 after five. *2w12 FURNISHED ROOM, parking space, gentleman preferred $8.00 per week. Call before 7 pm. TU. 4-3801. *1w12 ELECTRICALLY equipped bach- elor apartment. centrally located in Richmond H111. $70 per month. Phone TU. 4-1880. tch HOUSE, 1 bedroom, suit couple. Conveniences. Thornhill area, be- tween Yonge and Bayview. AX. 3-7856. c1w12 LUXURY unfurnished, 2 bed- room apartment with balcony.‘ TU. 4-7660. c1w12 KING CITY, 4 roamed bungalow. all modern conveniences. $90 monthly. TE. 3-6357. c1w12 FURNISHED bedroom. Gentle- man preferred. Garage accumu- dation. TU. 4-2432. clwlz 2 OR 3 large room flat, private bathroom, heated. Gormley 5320. clwlz FURNISHED basement apart- ment. Suit 2 teachers or business adults. Phone TU. 4-5309. 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, quieé couple. abstainers. AV. 5-4590. 6 ROOMED bungalow, landéégi): ed, garage, adults. $115. TU. 4â€" 2136. clw12 separate entrance on Yonger 81: TU. 4-1583. c1w9 w, FURNISHED room. Suit 1 or 2 gentlemen. Close to Yonge. TU. 4-7020. clwlZ separate entrance on Yonge St: TU. 4-1651. c1w12 3 BEDROOMS, finished recrea- tlon room Fireplace, garage. Choice area. Available after Oc- tober 15th. TU. 4-3597. *1w12 Choice area. Available after Oc- tober 15th. TU. 4-3597. fi'1w12 FURNISHED room. all conven- iences. Private home. TU. 4-2985. ‘ tfcw7 MOVIE PROJECTOR Rental. Richmond Hill TV 8: Camera. AV. 5-3756. tfc16 FURNISHED, heated room, light housekeeping. TU. 4-2196. tfclz SELF CONTAINED room only. TU. 4-1629. ROOMS and kitchen. TUE-735597 clw12 RICHMOND HILL RENTALS APARTMENT 3 rooms APARTMENT, 4 rooms and bait-H RICHMOND HILL RENTALS Charles Marple Real Estate gmd bath, ROOM AND BOARD available for one to three girls, 206 South Tay- owner's 101‘ Mills Drive. *1w11 g???“ ROOM 8;. BOARD'available for c1w'12 two working men. 16 Yonge St. ,7 South. TU. 4-1856. clwlz c1w12 c1w12 tchO c1w12 Boys tfcl 1 tfc53 tch OLD RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help “pep-up" thousands of men, women past 40. Only 690. At all druggists. c1w12 ROOM & BOARD for one gentle- man. Private entrance. Parking. TU. 4-7295. tfc10 ROOM to rent. woman preferred. near bus, breakfast if desired or light housekeeping. TU. 4-7943. c1w12 One of two people. TU. 4-7136. ' c3w12 ROOM, with or without board Highest prices paid for dead or disabled horses and cattle. Phone collect Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2538. Central Dead Stock Ltd. Please phone promptly, any time. fc33 ROOM & BOARD available. Keele Street, Maple. Parking. AL. 7-1413. c1w12 ROOM AND BOARD for gentle- man Home privileges. Convenient parking. TU. 4-4915. tfc10 ROOM & BOARD available for respectable working man. 1 block to Yonge. AV. 5-5152. c1w12 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€".â€"‘â€" enstéaiin taking Sales Training figOMntiAND BgéRfasivauame Course to qualify for executive ge emen' ‘ ' 8' 1 type sales position with a lead- ' czw 1 ing Canadian company. No cost ROOM 3; BOARD available. or obligation involved. Phone GL. Keele Street, Ma le. P rkin . L. 1'3561 cone“ write 30" 5‘ H-141Q p a E1£m The Liberal fortgiterwew. PIANO WANTED Any size or make, pay cash. phone Toronto. LE. 4-9419. collect. m3 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cask prices paid. Call Frank’s Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613, AV. 5-5101. “(:7 CONTINENTAL bed, or small bed, suitable for child. Must be in good. condition. TU. 4-4698. 3 ROOM unfurnished barsiénrlgnit apartment and 3 piece bath. Quiet couple. Abstainers. TU. 4- FLOOR furnace in good condi- tion. Reasonable. PR. 3-5062. ROOM and BOARD 4 ROOM house, Rugglesi Ave. Phone TU. 4-2885. clwlO FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-1109. tfc28 YONGE ST. OFFICE 845. Richmond Hill. Bright from, pri- vate office with washroom. David McLean, Ltd. Realtors. AV. 5- 1164. clw9 FURNISHED‘ apartment, one room, stove sink, refrigerator, laundry facilities, private en- trance parking, $50.00 per month. Phone AV. 5-1009. evenings. APARTMENT, 2 rooms and kit- chenette, 34B Yonge St. 8., Rich- mond H111, Apartment No. 4 $75 Monthly. Phone up to 12 o’clock and after 4 p.m., HU. 5-5035. Key at apartment No. 8. tfclo FURI FURNISHED 7097 SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS 12 Yonge St. S. SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS CLOTHING, FUTWEAR DEAD FARM STOCK PERSONAL TO RENT WANTED Ladies’ Plaid Flan- nel Slims, in authentic tartans, assorted plaids to choose from sizes 12 to 18 Special (Continued) Ladies’. Shaggy Pullovers, Shrink Resistant, green, charcoal, blue, lilac, straw- 98 berry, coral, etc, . sizes 14 to 20 __ c1w12 clw12 c1w12 c1w12 tfc12 clw9 fiEBRED female German Shepherd. 3 years old, Spald, good natured with chilglrefl. $5.00. PA. 7-9188 DOGS available for good homes. Impounding Kennels, Dufierin Street, Maple. Telephone AL. 7 1511. See display ad. tth gUDGIES, All colours strain. TU. 4-5976. nu... v" _. you learn" plaKâ€"Wrrite at once for full information to Sales Man- ager, Box 817, London Canada. c4w12 We have a much need service'for farmers as well as town and city dwellers. We require a represen- tative in your area. A car is es- sential and the man selected will have the opportunity to estab- lish himself in a business that pays well and has repeat business coming in regularly. This is a full time position but we will start a man on a part time “earn as , 14.. WANTED: Man 25 to 43 {mgr- The Prudential Insurance Com- pany of America has an opening for a clerk-typist, shorthand ne- cessary, age 17-25, graduate High School student. Permanent em- ployment, 5 day week, excellent employee benefits. Apply at 18 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill 9; telefihone Av; 5-4861. WANTED, experienced hairdres- ser, full time or part time. Pen- ny Dot Salon. Thornhlll. AV. 5- 4451. clw12 CAPABLE woman for housework in Richmond Hill. Other help kept. Apply Box 62 The Liberal. c1w12 LADIES WANTED, make up to $28.00 a week doing simple home sewing in your spare time. Write Box 491, Adelaide Post Office. Toronto, Ont. cSwlz HELP WANTED Refined woman as housekeeper. for two adults, one who will live in preferred. Modern home and conveniences. References. Drivâ€" er's license 'useful. TU. 4-1267. Richmond H111. *1w12 WAITRESS wanted. Apply 3% Pop's Restaurant, 194 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill. tfo43 WANTED Tuesday and Thursday mornings. woman to clean house, and some washing and ironing. 136 Harding Blvd. TU. 4-1609. MILK DRIVER - Salesman. re- siding Thornhill-Willowdale area. Cousins Dairy Co. Ltd. Phone PA. 7-4205 for appointment. c1w12 EXPERIENCED saleslady to work part time In fur store In Rich- mond Heights Plaza. Experience in selling furs not necessary. Ap- ply in person at main office. 1760 Avenue Road. RU. 1-9176. c1w12 NURSES Practical. for nursing home. Val» ious shifts. PRospect 3-5141. AGNEW-SURPASS Shoe Stores at Richmond Heights 'Centre have an opening for an ambitious young man. should be able to learn our business so as to be- come a manager of one 0! our HOUSEKEEPER. uve-iri prefer- red. AV. 5.2233. c1w12 135 stores. TRUCK DRIVER, préferfih m'an 35:40 years, _gerrpanent position. AV. 5-1138; Mr. Bisliofi. r c1w12' PETS FOR SALE pair HELP WANTED REPPRESENTATI VE REQUIRED Richmond Hill talking c16w10 c1w12 c1w12 c1w12 c1w12 clwlz “CS3 tfcll

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