Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Sep 1960, p. 8

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Speaking with Mrs. Ken Sea- ger, North Rd.. Lake Wilcox, who has been given the part of a ra- ther buxom German matron (with slight traces of an English accent in her speech to have to master a German dialect would prove very difficult for anyone but Mrs. Seager who is extremely talented). I was able to learn that several Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox residents are members of the‘ society. among them‘ Karen Davidson and Mrs. Davidson, Owen Barr, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Seager and their daughter Jade. Because of his obviously inherited love for the theatre their son Jeremy has been granted an hon- ourary membership and has prov- OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Let us quote you a price before you buy. Our Service Shop is fully equipped to overhaul any machine, Gas or Diesel. For proof of economy and power, ask for a demonstra- tion on your own farm with- out obligation. SWIMMING POOL SWIMMING POOL NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON INCLUDING SUNDAYS The members of the Aurora Drama Workshop are about to en- ter their final week of rehearsals! before they open with their fan“ presentation. The opening cur-’ tai/n will rise at 8.00 pm Friday, September 30, in the auditorium of the Aurora High School and will be repeated the following evening for their presentation of “Autumn Crocus". MASSEY - FERGUSON Anion-a Drama Workshop New & Used» Machinery WILLIAMS Service & Supply Bolton â€" Phone 150 3 Miles South of Bolton on No. 50 Highway Agricultural & Industry . THURS" FRI. SEPT. 22, 23 SHAKE HANDS WITH THE DEVIL SAT.. MON. SEPT.24,26 THE PERFECT FURLOUGH TUES., WED. SEPT. 27. 28 KINGS GO FORTE Frank Sinatra Natalie Wood FORBIDDEN ISLAND (Color) Jon Hall Cartoon fun spot. £01; Lorna Houston TE. 3-5457 KING CITY VALENTINE ACRES SUBDIVISION , Gary Armstrong TE. 3-6625 E KING CITY HERITAGE PARK, KINGSVIEW SUB. Bruce Rumble TE. 3-5556 KING CITY CLEARVIEW GARDENS : For Fast'Reliable Home Delivery Of THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 22, 1960 CONTACT YOUR LOCAL HOME DELIVERY CARRIER THEATRE MACHINERY (Color) Tony Curtis Janet Leigh WILD AND THE INNOCENT (Color) Audie Murphy James Cagney Dana Wynter GUNFIGHT AT DODGE CITY (Color) Joel McCrea “'I'IIE lIBERAI." King City, Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox “The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of inter- est regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new‘: correspondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston, telephone TEmple 3-5457: and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Mrs. Eleanor Charuk. Bayview Ave. North, phone PB. 3-5954 Cartoon Cartoon OaA Kit/fed, Julie Wfl‘ox Soda/J IN KING CITY The First Lake Wilcox Brownie lPack unanimously decided at their meeting, to hold if at all ‘possible. one social gathering a month. They decided that for the month of September they will hold a weiner roast in the back- yard of their Brown Owl, Mrs. Susan Charuk’s home, on Sep- tember 24 (Saturday) from 6:30 to 8. The time limit is set at 8 pm. so those who have some distance to travel may reach home before it is too dark. Wear- ing old jeans instead of their perky uniforms they will gather around the fire, eat hot dogs, toast marshmallows and sing camp songs. For the benefit of those mo- thers who do not know where we live, proceed north on Bayview Ave., two block north of the North Road. We live two houses north of that. There is a radio. television repair sign on the front lawn and our name is on the mail box. You can’t miss it. At shortly before 6:30 that evening it will be the house with all, the commo- tion in the backyard. If you think your daughter will have difficul- ty in finding us do not hesitate to call'either myself at PR. 3-5954 or Tawny Owl, Mrs. Ken Ash at PR. 3-5146. About People Miss Jade S-eager, North Road, Lake Wilcox, her classmates at Aurora High School, Karen Dav- idson, and a few who were class- mates last year, but now are members of the working world boarded a bus last Thursday after school armed with box lunches. They were taking no chances this year after last year‘s experience with flat tires to visit the Strat- ford Shakespearian Festival and view their production of Romeo and Juliet. The first meeting for the sea- son of the First Oak Ridges Cubs, Scouts, Brownies and Guides Mo- thers Auxiliary was held last Monday evening and while they are pleased to see so many of ‘the mothers returning to their :fold ‘after the holiday months. there is plenty of room for new members. Speaking personally, for just a moment, at our pack, the First Lake Wilcox Brownies. we enrolled 12 “Tweenies” just before closing last year so that if a 100% effort was made the help of an additional dozen pair of hands would be greatly apprec- iated. The auxiliary is in a sense the ‘backbone’ of these youth or- ganizations as they have several projects a year to raise money to help them, and at the close of each season prepare a lovely ban- quet for each group. So that in belonging to the Cub, Scout. Brownie & Guide Mothers Aux- iliary these ‘ and the countless other little services that go un- mentioned every year, you are actually doing for the benefit of your own children,. Please get in touch with Mrs. Seager at PR. 3-5279. End of speech, and I thank you! 7 Mr. and Mrs. George Cragg. owners of Cragg’s Store, North Road, Lake Wilcox, about whom the phrase that is a password in this neck of the woods, “Junior run down to Cragg's please.” and their son Garnet have returned from a three week motor trip through the “States” and “out west". Peggy told us that she en- countered the same storm that caused so much damage here. They experienced a severe elec- trical storm during the night (Pop didn't hear a thing, and the next morning as they left their small cabin discovered they must live right after all for a large tree a few feet away had been felled by the lightning. Had the tree fallen in the opposite direction it would have demol- ished their cabin, and those in- side would have been lucky to escape with their lives. Also spied back in town after summer holidays were Mes. E. Foerter of Maple Grove. Oak Rid- ges, and Mrs. Gord Rowe of Elm Grove, Oak Ridges. Mrs. Rowe and children have been at their summer cottage since school closed where Mr. Rowe joined them when he could get away on weekends from his business: ed himself a real trouper off the stage handling the scenery as well as on. Mrs. Seager also re- ported that the “workshop” now very proudly boasts of its own newly acquired clubroom, on Temperance Street Aurora. While as yet too small to convert to their own theatre it contains a small stage and all rehearsals are currently held there. Cubs, Scouts. Brownies & Guides Mfiffierbertson of Oak Ridges gedf “In public recognition of this worthy record, the committee has enroll-ed these awards as a per- manent record in its album of great dogs of the past and pres- ent.” One is for ‘Quarrie Brae’s Lindy-Lou of Glen-El-Tee” who was the dam of Champion ‘IGlen- El-Tee’s Little Black Joe", Cham- pion “Glen-El-Tee’s Little Gem" and Champion “Glen-Elâ€"Tee’s Little Mandy”. The other award is for “Glen-El-Tee’s Little Val- entino” who is the sire of three Champions of Record. “Glen-El- Tee’s Peggy Sue”, “Glen-El-Tee’s Golden Joy” and “Glen-El-Tee’s Little Mandy'. Congratulations, Syd and Gladys, we are pleased and thrilled along with you on your winning these coveted Aw- ards of Distinction." People’s Church News WILLOWDALE â€" This year’si“grass cuttings and junk of all municipal elections on Decem-Hiinds." her 5 in North York will see' Mr. Thompson reported $6,052 some 130,000 citizens eligible to gross spent on roads, without vote. There will be 450 polling subsidy. Park Road would have' booths set up in the county. more gravel and the whole roadl Last Friday evening the young people of People’s Church, Wild- wood Ave., enjoyed the showing of the religious movie, Tammy (not to be confused with the H01- lywood movie starring Debbie Reynolds). , Mrs. Syd Taylor, Bond Lake, reports that Glen-El-Tee Kennels, owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Taylor has received two of the highest awards that “‘Dog World Magazine" of Chicago, Ill. can bestow. These distinctions are the dream of every dog breed- er and they are thrilled to have received two, reading as follows: Friends and neighbours of Mrs. George (Lill) Marrs, Elm Grove, Oak Ridges, will be sorry to hear that her father, Mr. John Esford of Toronto has been hos- pitalized at Sunnybrook Hospital. An unfortunate accident, Sunday September 11, rendered him un- conscious till Wednesday, Sep- tember 14. Although he managed to take some nourishment late Wednesday afternoon, at the time of this writing details of his ac- cident were unavailable. Win Two Awards Tonight, September 22, the La- dies’ Group of the church will meet at the church for the mon- thly work meeting at 8 pm. Staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Veer Hoog while at- tending the Toronto Biblle Col- lege are a total of three students in the congregation. One of the students is extremely experienced in work in youth groups and a very able pianist. On Monday. September 12, Pas- tor Relf attended the Homecom- ing Celebrations for graduates of Toronto Bible College. Many mis- sionaries who were forced to leave the Belgian Congo and Africa were present. Hospital We are all very glad to hear that Mr. James Butler, Newman Ave., Lake Wilcox, is making good progress now at the York County Hospital. We noticed his son-in-law, Mr. Robert Wilson. keeping things in shape in “Gramps” pet project, his gar- den, and while it is nice to see him attacking the weeds and hun- ting the cucumbers sometimes with little Thelma helping (7) him (when he isn’t carting in toma- tos for Barb to make chili sauce) we hope that “Gramps” will soon beistrong enough to take over. A house guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Reif is Mrs. Catherine Hawley from England. She plans to stay for six weeks and will be shown Canadian sights within driving range of home base. The congregation and pastor offer their most sincere sympa- thy to the family of Mrs. Payne, Aurora who died at the Willow Rest Home last week. Pastor and Reif. chaplain of the rest home conducted the funeral services at Thompson Funeral Home and in- terment was in King City Cem- etery. . Billy, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell, Aubrey Ave., Oak Ridges, and Carol Nigh, dau- ghter of Reverend and Mrs. Nigh. pastor of Brethren in Christ Church. Aubrey Ave, Oak Rid- ges. are attending high school this year at Niagara Christian College. This school is affiliated with the Brethren in Christ Churches of Canada. Friends and neighbours‘ are sorry to learn Mrs. Jack Robinson, Bayview Ave. North, Lake Wil- cox entered York County Hospi- tal. Newmarket, last Thursday, September 15th. to undergo ma- jor surgery the following morn- ing. She expects to be hospitalized for at least ten days to two weeks following the operation. A wiener roast, which featured games, fun and refreshments, was held at the home of Mrs. Ethel' Gallant, Maple Grove Avenue, Oak Ridges. Many of the child- ren of the district attended and' a very enjoyable time was had by all. Young guests entertained were: Carol, Linda and Kenneth Stocks â€" Bonnie and Brian Craig. Kathleen and John Cock- erill, Michael and Terry Potts. Heather and Aleitha Cartner,. Beth Longhurst, Linda Towers, Larry Bullock and Gail Moore!» Suzanne Gallant of Richmond Hill (granddaughter of the hos- tess) was also one of the guests.. Brian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacDonald, Maple Grove, Oak Ridges has left to take a job in the mining field of Snow Lake in Northern Manitoba. recently spent three weeks in Rome, Italy, where she joined her husband to watch the Olym- pic Games. pastor sympa- Payne, Willow The proposed water line is to run 800 to 1,000 feet along the North Road east from Yonge Street, where the line stops. Mr. Gibbs, who said that he had in- quired of the council where the line will run into the North Lake area proper but without being given a specific answer stated that the water discovered behind Conner and McQuarrie’s Garage was not pure. “This water will obviously require preconsumption treatment.” he said, adding that the necessary filtration plant would .boost the original estimate of $416,800.00. Mr. Gibbs reiter- ated his belief that this impond- erable plus the water cost, house charges, the annual rate, assess- ment increase and plumbing costs involved did not make the project feasible. He also maintained that The contentious water issue for Lake Wilcox came up for another spirited discussion on September 13 at a well attended meeting of the Lake Wilcox Ratepayers’ As- sociation. at which President Joseph Gibbs reviewed the back- ground. ,The entire matter will be formally settled this Saturday (September 24) when property owners of north and south side Lake Wilcox will vote yes or no on the proposed scheme. North side residents will vote at the Lake Wilcox Public School and south side residents will cast their ballots at St. Pauls Unit-ed Church. Village Trustees Plan Additon To Fire Hall Trustees did not deal with how the addition would be used. They authorized the secretary to look into operation of the winter works program. King City Village Trustees discussed putting an adâ€" dition on the fire hall and village office building, when they met there September 13. Chairman Ronald Bolton said, “Next year if all goes well we hope to put an addition on the south side.” Secretary Mr. G. T. Thompson asked, “What are your thoughts about putting on the extension as a winter works project?” During discussion, Fire Chief David Glass was asked in which direction his department favored building up, to the side, or back of the present building. Mr. Glass thought the fire department would “go along with the idea of building south”. Mr. Thompson reported, “We have $1,500.00 in the budget for this’. He estimated roughly a bare building, without finishing, would cost $3,500.00. Mrs. Scott said, The Fire Chief asked for im- provement of the Fire Hall lot and suggested a flowerbed of pe- tunias at the north front next year. Mrs. Scott agreed, "This is our only villaQ office and' it would be nice if we couId have the approach looking better than it is." ‘Trustees approved the secretary having the lot graded, a dying maple at the front cut down, and extending the culvert in con- junction with Toronto and York Roads Commission. Trustees discussed levelling of property at Elizabeth Grove and Keele after Mrs. Scott protested “the short view” drivers had of Keele St. traffic. More Water Used “The easing of restrictions is very evident," reported Water Commissioner, M. Bolton. Daily consumption of 75 to 80 thous- and gallons jumped to over 100 thousand gallons when water use was unlimited after September 1. ..................... 5, vauA\l numb qu,uUu-uv. “LLB. uuuuu menu, “I think it is a good idea. There would be a good two months of work.” The secretary pointed out, while there might not be local labor available, labor costs to the vi]- lage would be cut through government subsidy. / Mr. Bolton said the _well level has gone from 19 feet, down to 22. ‘:but we have no real worries yet.’ Roads Commissioner Mrs. Mary Scott considered roads are “in good shape." She recom- mended screens being attached to gratings at catch basins to el- iminate drainage plugging by “grass, cuttings and junk of all Lake Wiicox Water Vote This Séturday Until this term eight grades were taught by the principal, Miss Helen Thomp- son. This year she has 26 students in the four junior grades. About 20 senior stu- dents are being transported to the two schools at nearby King City. Mr. Harry McBride is Chairman of SS. 22 Board, serving with Mr. Stan Roots and Mr. James Ball. School Secretary Mr. Ger- ald Walker told “The Liber- al" early negotiations are un- der way now by the board, eit':er to build an addition to the present one - room school or to build a new two- room school. Increasing number of pup- ils in Eversley district, third concession of King Township, means the Board of School Section 22 has to build more accommodation within a year. Forced to Build E versley School wofiufild he pe-shaped, he said A second question elicited the information from Mrs. Elsie Gibbs that only property owners could vote on any issue involving money. Mr. Gibbs also pointed out, in reply to another question, that a two-third majority vote of those casting ballots would be necessary before the water line could be realized and then only if further approved by the Muni- cipal Board. Cost of the survey and test drilling, he said, would be borne by Whitchurch Town- ship as a whole while the cost of the water would be split by that township and King Township. The proposed plan would service 2,500 residents in King Township and 475 homes in Whitchurch. At the close of the meeting, President Gibbs urged all those present to familiarize their neigh- bours with the issues involved and most important to be certain they' expressed their opinion when they voted on September 24. Mr. Bolton reminded the sec- retary to allow in next year's budget for re-lamping street lights and hiring a ladder truck. He advised the lights' should be serviced eyeiy two years. About $20.00 and stock were reported stolen from the park barn. A water pipe at the park was damaged and when repair costs are known. parents of three juveniles will be billed. trustees indicated. Mr. Bolton noted trustees had their first letter from Aurora and District High School Board, which suggested the village pay $330.00 as the difference between 660 feet of six-inch pipe. rather than four-inch pipe, connecting water supply between King side- road and north of Bennett Drive. The pipe would be placed along the west boundary of the high school property. Pressure For Fires The chairman, an engineer, was doubtful the larger pipe was ne- cessary, but the three trustees favored meeting the request. The Fire Chief urged having the six- inch pipe, which he said would help in fire-fighting and provide greater water pressure for re- sidents on King Sideroad near the school. A letter was read from the Un- ited Church building committee, asking advice about installing a culvert at the Elizabeth Grove property. Trustees agreed with Mr. Bolton’s motion that they concur with the township en- gineer’s recommendation. the North Lake area residents would not be serviced until some time in the future. During the question and answer period one resident suggested that as in most cases the people did not own their own properties that the mortgage holders should be asked to cast their votes in the matter. In reply to one ques- tion, Mr. Gibb said that the cost of sewers, along with the water, was such that sewers best be left in the background. v A report of the library board meeting August 31 and financial statement were received. It was pointed out the same situation existed at the 'Y'. The stop is on the south part. The north part is a throughway and the centre is a throughway com- ing from the east going west onto the south part. It was pointed out that if either situation did occur an accident would result yet legal- 1y both parties have the right-of- way. , President J. Gibbs said that at the same time a letter would be sent to the township complaining about teen-age and unlicensed speedsters driving on Bayview. The meeting was informed that Recreational Director Seager was looking into the matter of mak- ing Willow Beach a proper park for the enjoyment of local citi- zens. The subject is to be raised again at a later meeting. Mr. Frank Killick pointed out that Bayview Avenue going south now has been the stop instead of the point taking west bound traf- fic on the North Road. Bayview marks the end of that artery. He cited the example of someone making a left turn onto the North Road from Bayview going north and another on the North Road making a left hand turn to go north on Bayview. both having the right-of-way. Needless to say, an impact would result at the centre of the intersection. The Lake Wilcox Ratepayers' Association, at its regular month- ly meeting on September 12, de- cided to send out a letter to the township office regarding stop signs at the intersection of the North Road and Bayview Avenue and therY on the South Road. Ratepayers Assoc. Seek Stop Signs Leave Village Mr. and Mrs. Ross Douglas, with their children, Allan and Valerie, have moved from their new home that replaced the house burned on Dew St. last Christmas. They are living on an ER. 3 Woodbridge farm, where Mr. Douglas is employed. Family Reunion Several awards were reported earned by Seeonee Pack. Team player’s badges were given to Chris Wilson and Jim Doner; toymaker’s badge to Marc Brown, Richard Dawson and Chris Wil- son; collector’s badge, Len Lou- The school has its own three buses to transport pupils daily from King City, Nobleton, Schom- berg, in addition to the local at- tendance from Sacred Heart set- tlement. In the senior building, Sister Mary Louise instructs‘ grades 7 and 8 and Sister Mary Agnes Clare. grades 9 and 10. ' Children Hurt Two four-year-olds received gashes requiring treatment by a doctor, when road stones were thrown by pre-schoolers in the last few days. " At the east end of the village a girl received a few stitches after being hit on the forehead. At the village’s west end a boy received medical treatment in a similar accident, but his deep cut did no need stitching. S. . Service Visitors are welcome to the An- niversary Service being held by King City United Sunday School next Sunday afternoon at 230. Rev. Charles Fox, Secretary of the United Church Christian Ed- ucation Committee, will be guest speaker: Next Sunday morning the Rob- ertson Lodge AF and AM will hold their annual church parade to King City United Church reg- ular service. King City W. M. S. Five junior grades are in one building and grades 7 to 10 are accommodated in a separate building of two classrooms. The exteriors are newly painted in white, trimmed with buff window shades. Both schools have new doors. Floors in some of the classrooms are freshly sanded. Mrs. E. Wallas introduced the new Study Book, “Into All the World Together,” when King City United Church W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Donald Had- wen. Mrs. Irving L. Scott pres- ided and arrangements were made to have Rev. McCleary ad- dress a W.M.S. evening service. Schomberg Wedding The ceremony and reception will be at the bride's Schomberg home. Quick Recovery Mr. William Barker was ‘ enough to walk downtown 3 u after he collapsed and was 1'! ed to Thornhill. He under“ surgery at Shouldice Surgery remained a patient four days Scouting News The First King Scout Troop Group Committee opened fall activities at All Saints’ Church, reviewing progress of the Scouts and Cubs. ' Sisters of Sacred Heart Con- vent form part of the teaching staff. Sister Mary Thecla 1's 'tea- chin‘g grade 1; Miss Tillie Shee- ban of Colgan, has grade 2; Miss Mary Millen of Toronto, grades 3 and 4; Miss Rose Anne Keogh of Colgan, grades 4 and 5; and Mrs. Margaret Casey of RR. 3, King, has gragies _5 god 6. Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Gordon, aceompanied by their children, Debbie and Murray, will tie at- tending the wedding of 'their niece. Miss Anne Stephenson of Schomberg, to Mr. Robert Car- lisle of Sutton this Saturday. King Township’s only Separate School, Sacred Heart on the Fifth Concession, has the highest en- rolment, 272, to date, according to the Principal, Sister Mary Agnes Clare. The school closed in June with 237 enrolled, showing a jump of 35 or the equivalent of one classroom. The Fire Brigade and Women’s Association are involved in plans for "open house” at the Fire Hall on Sunday afternoon, October 2. To mark Fire Prevention Week, the firemen will welcome the public to inspect the new pum- per and equipment. The auxiliary will serve refreshments. Fire Chief David Glass announ- ces village firemen are helping for the first time and Will nave the muscular dystrophy campaign for the first time and will have tins for contributions placed downtown, in business establish- ments, and at the “open house.” Interesting Visitor He gave fire safety talks to the classes and reported after- ward children were impressed when they heard, “three deep breaths of smoke and you‘re dead." Fire Hall Open House Mrs. Gates used to be an active W.M.S. worker in the village, or- ganizing the earlier Mission Band, known as “The Easter Lily Band.” She went to‘ India and taught the children of missionaries at Darjeeling. Looking remarkably well, Mr. Luke Auckland of Aurora called to see his former King St. neigh- bors. He and his late wife used to live across from the Bank. High Enrolment “ Doris M. Patton- and Eva M. Dennis Schools were cleared in 40 and 48 seconds during fire drill last week, supervised by Fire Chief David Glass. During her holiday at her for- mer home, Mrs. Gates called on Mrs. Jim Holloway, who lived in Alvinston before her marriage. The interesting visitor also saw relatives at Cookstown, Barrie and Aurora. Former Resident Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shipley and their children, Debbie and Bruce, motored to Guelph for the reunion of the Peters fam- ily. The gathering was attended by about fifty. Fire Drill A former resident, Mrs. Violet Gates of Alvinston, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Wellesley of South Keele St. Mrs. Gates was a guest at King City United Church W. M. S. meeting at the home of Mrs. Don Had- wen, Springhill Road. Bruce Shipley 0. Debbie and :0 Guelph for 19 Peters fam- King City Notes e11 The Oak Ridges Public School Board. at a meeting September 12 with a good turnout of north and south end parents, restored the school bus service effective the following day. Restoration of the service followed presentation by the parents who cited different reasons for their request. The ser- vice will continue until December 9 at which time a vote will be conducted on the matter. ghran; swimming badge, Jim Do- ner and gardener's badge, Chris Wilson, Billy Walker, GordOn Henshaw and Neil Hamilton. Several Scouts successfully pas- sed the St. John Ambulance Bri- gade junior examination â€" Allan Reynolds, John Bamford, George Loney, Ron Macnaughton, Ri- chard Macnaughton, Bernie Wyer, James Barraclough, George Blac- kett, Ronald McDonald, Gordon Reynolds and Rodney Bryant. Cub leader Mrs. Rene Bamford, John Forster and Peter Macnauâ€" ghton passed the senior first aid examination. Father's of Cubs and Scouts are urged by the Group Committee to “sit in" when meetings are held the first Thursday each held the first Thursday each month at All Saints’ Church, un: der the chairmanship of Mr. Hen- ry Funke. Parents are invited to encourage the boys and offer suggestions that whuld help 10- cal Scouting. Arrivals The' parents pointed out that the staggered hours resulting from renovations to the school necessitated children walking to and from classes anywhere from 7.15 am. to six pm. The parents Congratulations to Mr. and NOTICE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH Take notice that the above is a true copy of By-Iaw Numbers 1671 and 1673 passed by the Coun- cil of the Township of Whitchurch on the 25th day of August, 1960, and all persons are required to take notice that if the assent of the electors is obtained to it, it will be taken into consideration by the Coun- cil after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication. This notice was first published on the 8th day of September, 1960, and the last publication will be on the 22nd day of September, 1960. IN THE MATTER OF SUBMITTING A QUESTION TO THE ELECTORS IN TWO DEFINED AREAS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH N OTICE' OF WATER AREA VOTE Take notice that the Council of the Township of Whitchurch has appointed Saturday, the 24th day of September, 1960, from the hour of Ten o’clock A.M. till Eight o’clock PM. and no longer in each of the following areas to obtain a vote on the question re- ferred to the Electors under By-Law Numbers 1671 and 1673. By-Law No. 1671 - Area No. 1 - Wilcox Lake 'School No. 13 By-Law No. 1673 - Area No. 2 - St. Paul’s United Church Basement Final summing up of vote by the Clerk September 24th at 8 o’clock P.M. By-Law Number 1671 A by-law for submitting a; question to the electors in a defined area of the Township of Whitchurch. ' BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH: 1. There shall be submitted to a vote of the electors of the area hereinafter defined the following question: Are you in favour of the Township of Whitchurch entering into agreement with the Ontario‘ Water Re- sources Commission to construct a water works sys- tem to jointly serve the Oak Ridges water area in the Township of King and lots 64 to 68 inclusive in the first Concession of the Township of Whitchurch. 2. For the purpose of this By-law electors shall mean the persons entitled to vote on a money by-law in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act. 3. The area defined for the purposes of this By-law is that part of the Township of Whitchurch comprised of the east halves of lots 66-67 and 68 inclusive in the first concession and lots 118 to 126 inclusive ac- cording to registered plan 240 and lots 66 to 72 in- clusive according to registered plan 362. ‘ uluuA v v mvv Passedvg‘g-‘cifie-Tdfil‘fiship of Whitchurch this 25th day of August 1960. ' GEORGE E. RICHARDSON JOHN W. CBAYVFORD By-Law Number 1673 The same as by-laW Number 1671 with the following exception: 3. The’area defined for the purposes of this by-law is that part of the Township of Whitchurch com- prised of lots 64 to 68 inclusive, save and excepting the East halves of lots 66 - 67 and 68 inclusive in the first concession and lots 118 to 126 inclusive accord. ing to registered plan 240 and lots 66 to 72 inclusive according to registered plan 362. Passed at the Township of Whitchurch this 25th day of August 1960. TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH OEOiiGE 17:. RICHARDSON JOHN w. CRAWFORD Reeve Clerk Restore Bus Service Oak Ridges School IN THE LAKE WILCOX AREA PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL HOME DELIVERY CARRIER LAKE WILCOX NORTH Sandra Charuk PR. 3-5954 LAKE WILCOX SOUTH Frances Buker. PR. 3-5676 FOR FAST RELIABLE IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 273 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT “TI-IE LIBERAL" {eeve and said traffic hazards would stead- ily increase as winter approaches and sets in and, for some of the children the peak of rush hour cars at noon on Yonge Street was another danger. Mrs. Donald Coughlm of RE. 1, who have a new son; to Mr. and Mrs David Priestly, a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Keates of King City, a son. The newcomers arrived -at York Coun- ty Hospital. Marshmallow Roast District Commissioner Mrs Alex Knight, Brown Owl Mrs. Jack Cargill and assistant lead- er Mrs. Kenneth Lawson were welcomed by the hostess, who is Prewdent of the Girl Guides' Lo- cal A‘sociation. Originally the board felt that the cost of extra bus service needed to keep on top the stag- gered hour schedules would be too much for the ratepaygg's. The bus service now will make six runs each day. The ratepay- ers will be asked on December 9 to accept the additional ex- pense and have them added to their taxes. ’ Brownies who were In Mrs Donald Dixon's afternoon Pack last year honored their former leader who has moved to Aurora, by holding a marshmallow roast at the home of Mrs. George Mea- doys, Heritage Park. About 30 attended Lenders led the girls in games and camp-fire songs. Mrs. Dixon awarded a needlework badge to Diane Par- sons and cyclist‘s badges to Wen- dy Bennett. Joan Pawljw and Su- san Cal-gill. HOME DELIVERY 0E JOHN W. CRAWFORD Clerk Clerk

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