Radiantly happy, the former Bar- bara Ann Bone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bone, Richmond Hill, is seen above with her husband, Thomas MacKenzie Bartlett, son of Mr. and G. PLAVNIEKS LOCAL BUILDER E855 â€" 1960 MARKHAM~ FAIR' SEPT. 29 - WE SPECIALIZE IN ADDITIONS â€" N.H.A. N .H-A. Mortgages Available In 14 Days FOR Excellent Workmanship Prompt Eï¬icient Service CALL TROTTING RACES JACK FRASER CALF SCRAMBLE YORK COUNTY BLACK & WHITE SHOW ZONE 4 REGIONAL SHEEP SHOW HORSESHOE PITCHING LOCAL PLAYER! SHORTHORNS ANGUS HEREFORDS ‘ YORK COUNTY RED & WHITE SHOW HORSESHOE PITCHING CENTRAL ONTARIO CHAMPIONSHIP TROTTING RACES RUNNING RACE PONY RACE PAUL RIDDELL AND ALL AMERICAN DARE DEVILS SATURDAY EVENING 7-9 P.M. IN FRONT OF GRANDSTAND MONSTER DANCE IN EXHIBITS BUILDING AT NIGHT FAIR OFFICIALLY OPENED BY HON. EARL ROWE, MP. ‘ ‘ AT 1 RM. BERKS, YORKS SHOW REGIONAL TAMWORTH S POULTRY SHOW LINDSAY BOYS BAND MARKHAM HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BAND HEAVY HORSES PONIES ARABIANS LIGHT HORSES HARRY M. WARRINER lst Vice President Builder & General Contractor 107 Westwood Lane ROPE CLIMBING CONTEST PONY RIDING DEMONSTRATION AND COMPETITION SPECIAL COMPETITION FOR GIRLS AND BOYS 12-15 YEARS VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT BY VINCE MOUNTFORD & SONS, MASTER OF CEREMONIES AV. 5-5016 CHAS. BOYNTON Livestock Director MONSTER SCHOOL PARADE FROM MORGAN PARK 1:00 P.M. MARKHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS’ BAND PONY PARTY FRIDAY EVENING The Show Window of York County .v.v.u.v.v.v.v,v v,w.w.v v w x. x. wwwwwwwww‘b 01/9; SATURDAY N.H.A. HOMES FRIDAY 4-H CALF CLUBS R. H. BRILLINGER m ï¬eldle President LOCAL PLAYERS TOURNAMENT Aer 7/1/46]; Mrs. E. Bartlett, Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett were married in‘Rich- mond Hill United Church, September 17, 1960. REGIONAL TAMWORTH SHOW CENTRAL ONTARIO GUERNSEY SHOW C O A L AV. 5-3941 AV. 5-1081 FRED SPRING Secretary-Treasurer MILKING CONTEST -â€" Photo by Lagerquist JONES mg MAURICE BAMILL 2nd Vice President PONY RACE CALL FOR The Lion members and their wives held a barbecue at the home of Lion Harvey Collard on Saturday evening. Games were played. square dances and a barbecue were very much enjoy~ ed by all present. Girl Guides The Girl Guides held their second ,meeting on Thursday ev- ening of last week. Patrol Lead- ers and Seconders held their first Court of Honour accepting an invitation received from the lst. Unionville Co. to visit their company. Linda McCleverty was voted in as Patrol Leader of Can- ary Patrol with Susan Nigh as her second. The September meeting of the W. A. was held in the Sunday School room on Wednesday ev- ening of last week. Mrs. Frank Brumwell was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. A. Frisby gave the scripture lesson. Mrs. Cecil Ni- chols gave the Lesson Thoughts. The guest speaker Mrs. Fred Jackson of Richmond Hill, was introduced by Mrs. Fraser Gee. She gave a very interesting talk on, “World Refugee Year." Mrs. Binnlngton thanked the speaker. The business portion was taken by the president, Mrs. M. Jarvis. Refreshments were served at the close. Couples Club The Couples Club began its fall activities by having a Corn and Weiner Roast on Thursday evening of last week at Tyndall's Flats.’ Everyone reports having a wonderful time. Lions Jr. Choir Party On Friday. September 16, the members of the Jr. Chou- and sev- eral of their mothers gathered at the home of the leader, Mrs. Allan Orr. Mr. Allan Orr took them on a hay-ride back over the farm, which everyone enjoyed immensâ€" ley. Following the ride a corn and welner-roast was held on me Orr’s “Cook-out." Toasted marshâ€" mallows were also enjoyed. The members wish to thank their leaders Mrs. A. Orr and Mrs. J. Barker for giving them this evening's entertainment. Two leaders Mrs. B. Timbers and Mrs. B. Forfar from Ballan- trae were present to observe our meeting before they begin a new company. A On Friday evening of last week neighbours and friends ga- thered in the Victoria Square Community Hall to hold a mis- cellaneous shower for Miss Rou- erta Kellaway and Mr. Douglas McWhirter who are being mar- rled‘ in October. They received many beautiful and useful gifts and thanked everyone for them. Mrs. Barry McWhirter assisted the bride and groom-to-be with the opening of their gifts. Re- freshments Were served at the close and everyone left wishing the happy young couple many long years of happiness togeth- er. . Cancer Society 6‘ There will be a work meeting 3f the Ladies’ service grdup of the Cancer Soceity in the Via- toria Square Sunday School room on Thursday. September 29 at 2.30 pm. Anyone interested is invited. Dressings are urgently needed. Church News The girls started craft work in readiness for the Local As- sociation’s Bazaar to be held on November 5. Bridal Shower There was no Church service at Victoria Square on Sunday morning because of the Anniver~ sary services being at Headford. CV-IMC VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE I. B. 2 Gonnley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 6| Yonge St. South A number from here attended the services. On Sunday, October 2 at 11:30 am. Mr. Allen Tomlinson 3A., a student in 1st year Theology, Emmanuel College will be in charge of the service. Everyone welcome. On Sunday evening October 2 at 8.01 pm. the Young People of the Victoria Square charge will meet in the Victoria Square Church. Please note the time. Neighbourhood Notes Congratulations Ntï¬o Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brumwell (Nancy Trgpkg) on the birth of a son. Congratulations to our newly- weds Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frisâ€" by (Lois Taun) who were mar- ried at the bride’s home on Sat- urday afternoon; to Mr. and Mrs. David Hammersely (Mary Siber- ry) who were married in the Dan- forth United Church on Saturday afternoon. Miss Emma Warden of ‘10- ronto had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nichols who on Sept- ember 19 celebrated their fifty- fif'h wec‘ding anniversary; to Mr. and Mrs. John McCague who on September 25 celebrated their twelfth wedding anniversary; '.0 Mr. and Mrs. C‘arence Steckley who on October 1 will celebrate their eleventh wedding anniver- saxy; to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rum- ney who on October 4 will cele- brate their eighth wedding anni- versary. Miss Betty Jane Barnhart of Timmins, Ontario, was her only attendant. She wore a fitu=d tor- so dress with a narrow rolled collar, short sleeves and a short- length bouffant skirt of deep rose peau de sole. Her head. piece too was of white feathers and she carried a bouquet of deep pink carnations and roses. Birthday Greetings to Gerald Hoadley for September 27; to Mrs. Gordon Davie for Septem- ber 28; to Mrs. F. McRoberts for September 28; to Lewis Heise for September 29; to Stanley Boyn- ton for October 2; to Owen Heise who will be two years old on October 4. Sympathy Is extended to Mr. Bert Moorby and Mrs. Ross Bak- er on the passing of their grand- mother, Mrs. Sproule. The bride was lovely in a pea- cock blue organza dress over matching taffeta. The fitted cum-e erbund bodice featured a wide bertha collar covering the tiny sleeves. The full bouffant skirt was in the new shorter length and her shoes matched her dress. Her head-piece was of white fea- thers. She carried a nosegay of baby mums and bridal roses. Mrs. S. Trenka of Los Angeles, California is staying with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brumwell and new grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Percy? Bréinnieiff had Sunday evening dinner with Mr and Mrs. Harold Steffler of Brown’s Corners. NICHOLS â€" WILSON On Friday, September 16th, in the Magistrate's Court, Willow- dale, Ontario, at 9:30 am. Bar- bara Joan Wilson, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil. son of Sabinsville_ Penncvlvnnia Misses Anne Buchanan, Marg- aret Smith, Messrs. Art Story, Allan Binnington, Tom Stephen- son and Donald Nichols attend- ed the all week-end camp of the York Presbytery Young People held at Camp Ahshunyoong. Lake Simcoe. The guest speaker was, Mr. Garry McEachern They re- port having a wonderful time. ,,.__.‘v_ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil. son of Sabinsville, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. became the bride of Franklin Louis Alexander Nich- ols, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols of Victoria Square, Ontario. Mrs: Wilbur Brumwell and baby son Mark Step'nn arrwcd home from the Braï¬son Hospital on_ §aturday. - Mr. Philip Hill, of Gormley was best man. A family recep- Webbing see Vaï¬an; at. . For. WILLIAM NEAL h Richmond Hill tlon followed at the Yangtze Pa- godta. Richmond Hill. The groom’s mother received her guests in a printed blue sheer dress with matching velour hat. Her corsage was red roses. The bridal party left immed- iately after for Sabinsvllle. Penn.. where a small family reception was held at the bride's parental home. Mrs. Wilson received in an informal blue dress and wore a corsage of red roses. On Friday, September 16, ab- out 130 members and friends of Langstaff Baptist Church gatherâ€" ed at the church ‘to welcome Pas- tor Edwin E. Mitchell and his family into their midst. After singing “To God Be The Gloryâ€. Mr. H. Carter led the members to the Throne of Grace. The chairman. Mr. E. Mc- Lean, then gave a few words of welcome to the guests, express- ing regret that Rev L. Roblin and Rev. M. Hall. could not be present because of illness. Words of welcome to Mr. Mit- chell by Dr. M. H. Blandln, founder of the work followed. His theme was “The word of the Lord is perfect†and stressed the importance of having a right un- derstanding of scripture. The first Fall meeting of the Langstaff Community Associa- tion will be held in Charles How- itt School on Wednesday. Octo- ber 5 at 8 pm. On their return the happy cou- ple took up residence at their apartment on Fulton Ave., To- ronto. The October meeting of the Mark-Vaun Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Thompson. Morgan Ave., Thurs- day, October 6. The roll call is to “Bring a Perennial Slip". Mem- bers are asked to bring their ,‘Penny Round-up Bags". Agriculture and Canadian In- dustries is the theme for the evening's program with Mrs. Page as convenor. Reception For New Postor Rev. R. Irvin, formerly of the Richmond Hill Baptist Church, and now on the faculty of Lon- don Bible Institute, brought greetings from the friends of Richmond Hill and the Dean 6f L.B.I.; also his own personal thoughts taken from Heb. 13:7: “Remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the word of God.†> Music for the evening was pro- vided by the Langstaï¬â€˜ Ladies’ Trio, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson on the piano, organ and vibra-harp, and Mr. Bill Hirans, baritone. Following refreshments, Mrs. E. Mitchell favoured with a beau- tiful solo entitled “The Sinner and the Song". Dr. Bob Foster, recently re- turned from Africa, also attend- ed and brought news of his, work in the field and also of his broth- er Herb Foster, at one time a summer pastor at Langstafl. It was with regret that we learned of the illness of Herb in Africa. Pastor and Mrs. Mitchell res- ponded with words of apprecia- tion, expressing their desire to always be “In the way of the Lordâ€. Rev. E. Lawson Sr. added his personal greetings with an exhor- t‘ation from II Timothy 2:15, “Study to show thyself approved unto God", | A special welcome from the presidents of each organization was given, at which time Mrs. Mitchell was presented with a bouquet of pink carggtlopsi VICTORIAN .ommn or NURSES RICH MON D HILL BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne Richmond Hill Municipal Hall PHONE TU. 4-4101 lANGSTAFF V. 0. N. Correspondent: Mrs. B. Lepkey Phone AVenue 5-3489 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 29. 1960 18. It's pretty diflicult to improve a car that's already outclassed everything else in sight. But Valiant has done it in ’61. Valiant, King of the Compacts. stands on its own four wheels and dares to be compared. So why not hurry on down to your Valiant dealer and try one for size. You’ll be amazed at its roominess, performance and economy . . . at a new low price. tool the compact that couldn’t be topped in ’60 . . . tops itselfin ’61 .. .andatanewlowprice We still have a few vacancies in our BALLET, TAP, BATON, MODERN, JAZZ and BALLROOM Classes. Don‘t miss this opportunity to bring out personality, poise. grace and talent in your child or teenager. KEEP FIT STAY YOUNG LOSE WEIGHT GAIN WEIGHT REJUVENATE DENNIS MOORE 8 Yonge St. S. Just ï¬ll in this coupon and mail with your deposit now. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, 5385 Yongo St.. Willowdalo Enclosed is a deposit of . Please 0 1 SI ' Account. and send me a pass-book and cheque-boo with holder. Mr. Name Mn Address City‘ar Town SCHOOL OF DANCING 20 KING ST. EAST And you can watch it grow on the pages of this pass bookâ€"n the rate of 3%%’ interest on your Savings Account at National Tran. ON YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT at tho Subway You may attain any of these by attending the exercise classes conduc- ted by Dennis Moore per- sonally at the TUrner 4-7381 Two-door hardtop . . . brand new for ’61 'On (In minimum half-My Manon. SAVE BY MAIL I Richmond Hill IortMown Shepplng Centre 5385 YONGE ST. TU. 4-2875 0-1â€