Many happy returns of the day to Ricky Snell on October lst, and to Marlaine Hannah on the 2nd. lst Jefferson Cubs, Brownies, Scouts and Guides Mothers, where were you on the 3rd Tuesday in September when the Mothers' Au ‘liary held their first meeting of he season with the worst attendance on ‘e- cord. The next meeting will be on Tuesday. October 18th when the election of officers for the coming year will take place. Please keep this date in mind. The Guides met at the school on Tuesday, September 20th. for their first meeting since May with 10 girls attending. They en- joyed an evening playing games. St. John's Church News The Afternoon Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary met at the parish hall on Wednesday. Sept- mber let with three members of the Evening Branchtï¬oining them to discuss the for coming. hot turkey dinner to be held on Wed- nesday, November 2nd. A com- mittee with three members from each branch was formed to make all the arrangements for provid- ing the food for this event. Mem- bers were reminded to bring their Thankoffering boxes to the October meeting. Neivhbourhood Notes Happy Birthdays Due to the astuteness of Mark- ham Township Police. three *juv- eniles were apprehended follow- ing acts of vandalism in Thorn- hill Cemetery Deputy-reeve Wil- fred Dean announced Monday. The deputy-reeve of Markham Township is a member of the Thornhill Cemetery Board, head- ed by Charles Eoynton. chair- man. which recently raised $6.000 to restore and renovate the Thornhill Cemetery. Last week. 13 stones were tipped over. four of which were damaged beyond repair and Deputy-chief H. N. Cox deputized two Markham Township police officers to go from house to house. in the vicin- ity of the desecrated cemetery, The Bayview section from No. 7 Highway to Markham Road will have a paved width of 24 feet. with 12 feet of gravel shoulders on'each side. and full- length ditches which will greatly ease drainage problems in this area. The right-of-way is being widened to a IOU-foot minimum and a new bridge is being con- structed just north of No. 7. Mr. Rettle said much of the bad swampy areas have been exca- vated and back-filled with more suitable material. The paved sur- face will be comprised of four Inches of hot-mix, hot-laid as- Mrs. W. Sieber and her infant daudhter. Anne El‘zabeth, return- ed 'homp last week. Kitty Pick returned last week to Victoria College to resume her stur‘ies. Mrs. D. Gould‘ng and Mrs. Ron Browne attended a dessert lun- cheon last week at York'M‘Ils 1n honnur of Miss Bettv Murphv. The nrive winners at the Mon- dav Nitors Were Mrs. D. Leno. Mrs. F. Powo" Mrs. Ross Kerwin and Mrs. R. Browne. Nehhbour‘mod \Io'es Mr. and Mrs. R Carson of TM- onto visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Cereon on Sunday. Mrs. G. Kerswill snent the weekend with her daughter and Wilson-Niblett Motors are pleased to announce the appoint- ment of Mr. Vern Graydon as Senvice Manager. Mr. Graydon, a graduate of the General Motors Technical Institute has had many years experience in the servicing and maintenance of General Mo- tors vehicles. Markham Twp. Police Apprehend 3 Juvenies Who Wrecked Cemetery Chief Engineer A. J. Rettie of the Toronto and York Roads Commission told “The Liberal†this week that the $395,000.00 two and one-half mile Bayview Avenue pro- ject from No. 7 Highway to Markham Road, which started August 1, will be completed, with pavement, by November 15. Further, the $200,000.00 Markham Road project from Bayview Avenue to the Don Mills Road, started about ï¬ve weeks ago, should be, wound up by November 1. Mean- while, the $262,000.00 Markham Road project from Yonge Street to Bayview Avenue is expected to be in full oper- ation by October 30. Of this $262,000.00, the Toronto and York Roads Commission is paying $142,000~00 and Richmond Hill $120,000.00. $857,000.00 Road Projectsâ€" Richmond Hill - Toronto‘ ï¬rteries Nearly Ready To Ease Traffic Flow 1‘ ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS \\ ‘ M \ VERN GRAYDON Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1534 Proceeds of this marathon is to be used for Christmas baskets _which the clubs present to the el- derhr residents of the communâ€" ity. Everyone is welcome to enter the marathon. which the club has been operating for the past few years. For informationk you can call AV. 5-5205. Woodland School News The girls' volleyball teams are scheduled to get underway on Tuesday. October 4. A boys’ touch-rugby league is being considered for the Thorn- hill-Henderson Ave, and Wood- land public schools. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waters en- tertained at a corn and wiener roast for the stafl’ of the Cus- .. ‘4‘, bucola amu. Dennis Geinble sustained a broken leg last week playing games at school. His leg will be in a cast for about eight weeks To_u_gh luqk, Dennis. family, Mr. and Mrs. in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs C. Gould and Peter visited Mr‘ and Mrs. H. B. Scott in Penetanguishene on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Petersen spent a few days last week in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hall and Mr. and Mrs_ Jack Hall and family spent the -weekend at Crystal Lake. Mr. J. H. Passmore recentb’ re- turned from a very interesting trip to Rome where he attended the Olympic games. After the games were over he spent a week in Frascati at the World Congress for Physical Education. Mabel Louise. David and John The Hal Robertsons visited the Holland Marrs on Sunday, when saw their three-week-pld cousin, Tnï¬nnL In.†Socials Birthday greetings go out to Johnny Dale, of Proctor Ave., who celebrated his fourth birth- day on Saturday, September 24. Birthday wishes are in order for Millicent Clow of 57 Clarke Ave., who celebrated her ninth birthday on Sunday. Sentemhm- Deputy-reeve Dean praised the Markham Township Police high- ly for their quick apprehension of the cemetery vandals. _.._-- uvunuc. udVlu a] The Hal Robertsons vi Holland Marrs on Sund: saw their three-week-oh Joseph Walter Marr, for time. During the past six months considerable damage has been done by undetermined vandals who broke into the Thornhill Presbyterian Church. the Thorn- hlll Farmers’ Market, and the Thornhill Park. as well as shoot- ing out street light bulbs. Mrs. Kerr and Clarke Ave. have fr0_m the hospital Doncaster bidg farewell to Mrs. Bass and daughter. Sharon, who moved away on September Relative to Markham Road from Bayview Avenue to the Don Mills Road. a 100-foot right- of-way minimum is also being affected and a new bridge is being constructed just east of Leslie Street. The ditching. grading and gravelling will facil- itate paving at some future time. Mr. Bettie ~aid that the- total outlay. just :‘nder $900,000.00 will represent a wom‘erful in- vestment. “We’re almost into the new age of faster and safer area tra! (1c lanes," he said. and talk to every boy in the 10- cality. The three juveniles were apprehended through this inves- tigation, and the cemetery com- mittee is meeting this week to determine what form retribution will take. The Doncaster Community La- dies’ Club are now taking names for a euchre marathon which will get underway on the week of Oc- tober 17. The annual public day generally held in has been postponed spring. The ï¬rst home and school as- sociation meeting of the new sea- son. will be on Wednesday, Octo- ber 5. at Woodland. The meetings will fall on the ï¬rst Wednesday of each month. phaltflc jconcrete DONCASTER Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. . Phone AV. 5-5205 a at Malton on Friday Bill Matthews. collec- toms at Brampton and hews were guests also. Gamble sustained a rg last week playing “‘1.--‘ rv- - ha_ve7 rettthed home Sunday, Séï¬teEb-é; daughter of 61 school ï¬eld the autumn, 1. Rumble until the the ï¬rsf M_ANY MORE DAZZ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 29, 1960 7