Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Oct 1960, p. 9

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A speeding cnarge against Mr. Alister Laird of Scarboro laid by P. C. Harry Heatherington of the Stouifvile Police Department was witlldravn when the officer could not be )resent. The defend- ant entered 1. plea of not guilty. A similar ciarge against Harry Burnett of S-touffville was ad- journed unti October 28. Mag- istrate Kelley stated that P. C. Heatheringttn was in attendance at the senio court at Newmark- at which acounted for his ab- sence. A total of $136.00 was paid out in fines by Speeders in the 'Iownsflp of Markham in connec- tion will twelve separate charges aired before Magistrate N. P. Kelley at Buttonville Traffic Court on Friday morning. The fines rmng from a minimum of $9.00 to a maximum of $19.00, exclusive of costs. $136.00 Speeding Fines - Buttonville “I will register the mini- mum fine," concluded the Magstrate. He also said he wou'd recommend that the driver’s license should not be :uspended. Th: Magistrate’s name? N. P. Kelley. The officer’s name? P.C. Evan Kelley. The acting Crown Attorney’s name? Sgt. Wm. Steam. Irish eyes were smlllngas the defendant left the court room. “Forty-one. sir.” replied the defendant, John Lee. Actitg Crown Attorney stated that the driver' View could have been blocked. The Magistrate paused and winced. Court attendants smiled. An ominous silence fell over the room. A Markham Township po- lice ofiicer stated that it was possiblt for an emergency brake ’ailure to occur. “This is a very seriousâ€"of- !ense," stated the Magistrate wbrrto registering a fine. “Where were you born? inqdred the Magistrate. “teland, sir," replied the acctsed. A Toronto man was convic- ted of failing to stop at an intersection when he ap- peared in Buttonville Traffic Couth on Friday morning. _ ‘Whnt is your iagef” ‘he naked. The annual graduation banquet for the pupils of Concord Public School who have now gone on to high school was held in Maple United Church on Monday, October 3, 1960, with the following graduates present: Irish Luck Holds Good Front row, left to right: Donna Thomson, Carol Keffer, Elizabeth [EARN THE FACTS 0F PROFITABIE WUUDIOT HARVESTING h PICK up you. aoomrs AT ‘ The Hal Acremans, who are still at Keswick, took off on Thursday last for a visit to Peter- boro' and the Kawartha Lake. he- ing guests of their niece and ne- Dhew, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rowan. While there. they drove through the breathlessly beautiful Au- tumn scenery to Algonquin Park; There was a good turnout of members for last Wednesday’s W. M. S. meeting at the home of Mrs. Story in Victoria Square Mrs. Mumberson, lately returned from The General Councxl of the United Church in Edmonton, was guest speaker. There was a great diversity of subjects discussed at the General Council. not the least being the amalgamation of xW.M.S. and W. A. The Brodies were guests on Thanksgiving Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meek of Erin and this week visited Margaret's friend in Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wallace have returned from a brief. Thanks‘ giving-time holiday. Headford W. A. met last Tues- day evening for its October meeting at the home of Mrs. Stewart Rumble. Roll Call was answered by quoting verses with the word “Reap,” but various reasons kept several of the oth- erwise faithful members away. Speaker of the evening was Mrs. Binnington whose subject was ,‘The Good in you, is the God in you." Mrs. Binnington told biographical stories of three peo- ple“ whose God-like lives had wielded powerful influence on many other lives. Everyone was delighted with John Rumble‘s playing of “The Robin's Return.” Next month's meeting is to be looked after by Mrs. Brodie. when Margaret will show slides of her recent tour of Great Bri- tain and Continental Europe. It is tentatively planned to make a Family Night of the or‘casion, and invite the men of the oom- munity to join with us. The date has not been finally set; roll call word will be “Shine.” While her mother, Mrs. Nor- man Bell 15 in the General Hos- pital for surgery, Sharon Bell ls staying with the Clarks. We wish for Mrs. Bell a speedy return to good health. 7 Thanksgiving guests of the Wes Clarks were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. GeOre Boynton of VWoodbx-igde, on COI’fl RELIABLE MOWER SERVICE RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Phone : TU. 4-2818 Learn more abou! the profits in farm woodlof operation. MillionS'of dollars are made each year by Canadian farmer: who know how fa convert their waodlafs into extra off-season profits. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B. ACREMAN R. B. 2 Gormley â€" Phone “Inc: (-2238 '6! pué/ic $9 S‘AOO/ HEADFORD NEWS FREE information available upon request mm m comm and ham how in den. thou booklet: giv- Ih- duailn on harvesting woodlots and, in addition, we will provide a list of namu of local buyers. §§§. The Cummér Lees were at Grand Valley for a brief visit onfiuqday. . Sunday' guests of Mrs. W. H. Wellman were Allan an'l Marian Wellman and their family of Rav- enshoe. Visiting with the Acremans at the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Mr and Mrs. Russell Gray, Mr. and Mrs. P. Brown and Danny, Murray and Lorraine. At the recent Volleyball match between Thornlea and Hender- son, Thornlea won over their opponents with a score of 42-24. Margaret McDonald, Chris Terry and Sharon Johnstone were on the winning team. In footbill. Thomhill D.H.S. played St. Andrew’s College of Aurora, winning over them nice- 1y. David Rumfiw. thn Rumble, and Albert Leek were the Head- ford boys on the team. Alfred Johnston was on the Thornlea tea when it downed the Woodland team. We had not heard of many Headford folk attending the Plowing Match, but were delight- ed to hear the name of Billy Wellman, son of Leonard and Mabel Well'man, prominently mgntioned among the winners. Sorry to hear 'Brenda Wellman has been “under the weather," hope she is now fully recovered. At last week’s meeting of Thornlea Home and School As- sociation, the name of Mr. Ben Terry was added to the executive. Mrs. Van Loon held “Open House" at the school this past week, and several of the parents took advantage of the opportun- ity to see what goes on in the school _on_a normal dgy. Véry many thanks to Jim Cur? tis for taking over for Mrs. Acre- mog on Sunday last. and the while your correspondent was haunted by those old fam- iliar lines â€" “Along the line of smoky hills, the crimson forest stands.” Never has the Autumn colocxi'ing been more beautiful or vm . The Murray Acremans, on Sat- urday last, attended the Stock Car races at Bridgeport; leaving later, with Mr. and Mrs. William Benfiled for a trip across the line to Landusky, Ohio. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 Back row: David Day, John Ketner, David Agnew, Bill Byam, Ken Davis. Jan McGinnis, and Mr. Roy McWhirter, Principal. Baker, Anna Snaton, Cathy Armstrong, Dianne Broome, Audrey Tugtir}, Tiny Davies, Betty Jean Salmon. In regard to Ira-Service training programmes for the teachers it was decided to recognize the Kindergarten III-Service Pro- gramme for 1960-61 for one half credit. but no credits be allow- ed for previous In-Service pro- grammes and or courses. The In-Serve Training Course in Soc- ial Studies for Grades 4-5-6 be recognized for one full credit for category rating. Two credits by In-Service training programmes will be the maximum allowance for advancement from one sal- ary category to the next. In fu- ture where credits are desired the course must be submitted to the Superintendent for approv- al in advance and evidence of satisfactory completion must he produced prior to credit being . Reports of the various commit- tees were heard. Management Committee Chairman Mrs. Ruth Hogg reported on recommenda- tions of the committee which were accepted as follows. That the township council be advised that their request of September 19th for the board to continue the crossing guard service at Pine Grove be declined. The board had previously been ad- vised by the Department of Edu- cation that it was not the duty of the board to provide crossing guards but a matter for town- ,ship officialsf Principal P. Kurita and Prin- cipal R. Kennedy will be dele- gates to the conference of the Ontario Association for Curric- ulum Development November 10. 11 and 12. The cost of registra- tion and incidental expenses to be submitted to the board for payment. The ruling contained in the Public School Act (entrance to first grade if a child is six before December 3lst of the year en- tering) is to be applied to the request of Mr. E. Pembleton to have his son enrolled in Grade 1 at Patterson School. The school broadcasts at Stouffville will be discontinued for this year in accordance with the recommendation of the Music Supervisor, Mr. Hugh Martin. A maximui’n of $1,000.00 will will be changed. ‘ u be provided by the board to as- Mr, Fred constame sist in the fiayment of tuition awarded the contract! fees for any pupil who is re- ing the water supply commended for admission to burg school. Mr. P‘ special auxiliary classes not received the contract provided in Vaughan Township mg Langstaff School. School Area. Tire: hnvn hnnn n... The October public meeting of the Vaughan Township School Area Board took place Thurs- day evening in the Maple Town- ship Municipal Chambers. Vice- chairman Mrs. Mona Robertson presided in the absence of Chair- man H. A. Constable who was at- tending a secondary school con- vention. The subdivision just underway at Kleinburg and build- ing in the former rural school sections makes an expansion program for the area almost certain in the not too distant future. The board has advised the Department of Educa- tion that it accepts in principle the four building sites for public schools in the proposed Spring Valley Subdivision between Yonge and Bathurst Streets as regards size and location but is concerned about the proximity of one of the sites to the proposed Canadian National Railway By-pass and is requesting consideration of a more suitable site in the same general ‘area‘but‘more removed from the tracks. ngular Meeting w---_, The present board, which was constituted last Janu- ary, has not received a. plan of subdiwsion as yet of the proposed subdivision at Carrville Road and Bathurst Street for consideration of a site in this locality. With only two schools, Thornhill Public School (354 pupils) and Charles Howitt School (367 pupils) exceeding it in student population, George Bailey Public School (334 pupils) at Maple is the hardest pressed school for space in the Vaughan Township School Area at present. Plans and specifications by architects for renovating the old Maple Public School and creating an annex to the new school have been approved, and tenders are‘ expected to be opened in the next few weeks. ' In Mapleâ€" Need Extra Public School Accomodation 'ua fed Superintendent J. A. Gibson gave the overall enrolment of the schools at 3,023 pupils. The five klndergartens have a total enrolment of 277 pupils. Grade one has the highest enrolment, 426 pupils. The smallest enrol- ments are in the seventh and eighth grades, 293 and 305 pupils respectively. Chairman Trustee Sam Kaiser of the Finance Committee re- commended that the salary schedule for custodians, part- time, be amended to include one- room schools with a basement play area in the same category as a two-room school. This was carried. He also asked that con- sideration be given to the pur- chase of an additional typewrit- er for the area office. Prgperty Committee Tires have been purchased for the school bus from the Palmer Tire Limited. Enrolment Trustee Milton Savage, chair- man of the Property Committee. reported he was most pleased with the extensive renovations to the Purpleville School. The ceiling and the walls were re- paired and the interior painted by Mr. Troyer at a cost of $785.00. The roof at Purpleville School will also be replaced on thernorth side. The water pump installations at Coleraine and Twin Elms School will be changed. Mr. Fred Constable has been awarded the contract for increas- ing the water supply at Klein- burg S_chqol. Mr. Peter Craib given. Finance Committee Reeve John Perry has been invited to represent Vaughan Township at the National Planning Conference relative to civil defense matters to be held at the Sheraton Con- naught Hotel in Hamilton, Ontario, October 23-26 in- clusive. The Community Planning Association is urg- ing that as many mayors and reeves as possible attend ev- erywhere in Canada. Meals and accommodations will be provided while the Federal Government will arrange transportation. The confer- ence will be given over to ci- vil defense matters generally but with emphasis on emer- gency measures and organiz- ational problems and policies in a time of calm . Reeve John Perry Invited To Civil Defense Meeting â€"- Photo by Barbour for fenc- A 16~year-old inmate of the House of Concord charged with auto theft on October 18, who asked Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake for a chance to return to the Sal- vation Army home for boys had his request denied in Monday's Newmarket Court. “You’ve had your chance," he was told. “Last September you were faced with six charges of theft, given two years probation and sent to the House of Concord. I’m going to remand you to October 24 for sentence. I want to study your case." Accused, Thomas Wright. on October 18 drove a stolen car several miles, wiped off his fin- gerprints and went home to bed. The car was found on the Lang- staff sideroad and Dufferin St. Police said it had not been dam- aged. Two other Inmates of the home, William McTaggart and Harold duthro, both 17. pleaded guilty to having liquor while under age. Richmond Hill pollce picked them up on October 15 The beer was being consumed near the post office. Said the magistrate. "I’m placing you both on probation pending a review of your reports. I want to know whether it is time for drastic action." Magistrate Kelley informed the solicitor that the officer was in a senior court to present evidence in another case. “We will ao- journ the hearing until Novem- ber 18th at which time, the :ase will proceed or be dismissed." he concluded. "With or without a reporter we could not proceed since the pdlce officer is not present," sta- ted solicitor Mingay. Magistrate Kelfeir noted that h: did not favour the dismlsal of a qggelgss» driving charge, "If it is of such real import- ance, the officer should be pres- ent,” said Mr. Mlngay. He pointed out that the damage incurred in the aceldent ya; slight. l.-arkham Village Solicitor Paul Mingay voiced concern over a second adjournment of a care- less driving case scheduled to be heard in Buttonville Traffic Court on Friday morning. His client faces a careless driving charge. Magistrate N. P. Kelley stated that it should be imposflble to proceed since no court report- er was in attendance. Careless Driving Charge Set Back Pre-Sentence Study Of Trio .4. AT YOUR BANK, AUTHORIZED INVESTMENT DEALER, STOCK BROKER, TRUST OR LOAN COMPANY. OR THROUGH YOUR COMPANY'S PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN”. 1 UY THE NEW To make the next years the best years of your life . . . means planning and saving . . . now. Whatever your hopes and denim may be-n new homeâ€"college education for your childrenâ€"new leisure to enjoy, Canada Savings Bonds can help you realize them. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are caahable at any time' at full face THE'LTBERIAE, Rimâ€"Rana m. finhfln. mam.“ mum- 20, mo THEY ARE AVAILABLE in units ranging from $50 to $5,000. The limit of the new series is $10,000 per person. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are simple to buy-for cash .8 systematically out of wrrent income. ‘0 make the 60’s the best years of your life. . . Jalue, plus interést. They are really like dollars with interest coupons attached. THEY PAY INTEREST ANNUALLYâ€"with an average yield of 4.71 per cent per year for ten years. Established um Phone TU. 4-1311 126 Yonge St. N” Richmond Hill 3 76 YONGE ST. s. Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service SEPTC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5-1313 ME CONTINENTAL BEAUTY. SALON FRANK PASSER HANS and EDITH INTERNATIONALLY EXPERIENCED m HAIR STYLISTS Rosel Heim, Baden-Baden, Gggmany FOR APPOINTMENT CALL TUrner 4-7228 SANS SOUCIS Free: Microscopmg Hair Analyzing and scalp and skin tests NOW SOLD HERE - the World Famous Beauty Preparations from ‘ Europe NOW I RICHMOND HILL ME. 5-1000

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