12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. October 20, 1960 Mane, Concord & Edgeleyjistriot I u a i 4 "The Liberal" [5 always willing to publish Interesting items regarding people and events contributed by Its readers In Maple. Concord 8: Edgeley districts Our rep. “Maple‘ .___.__.__.___“.___~.. [Vaâ€"tea 7’ll.’l( .7 Pooh-m 18) Mrs. R. Stuart) There is :I malady that is grow? Born In King, Once Maple Trustee Eldon Wade Dies Suddenly At 68 Friends and neighbors were Old friends of ing into epidemic pi‘oportions‘ '- - Eldon wade . ,. J . ‘ g . ' saddened by the sudden pas- Jonied in with the v0 6 ‘ * I ‘ . Shore. . In J : h with the annual InCiease in the,-~ â€" - “ “11°C! Opes resentative In Mape Is ilrs Len AL» 0 7 150 and in Edgeley and S erwood. Ladies Auxiliary: for the first time Needless :0 say'popumnm' It strikes hardest in,sing of Eldon helford Wade of as they vOiccd their admiration Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934. Prepare New Submission We are about to start the fall he made an excellent impression the subdivisions and some fain- ‘Maple on October 10, 1960, in‘ his 69th year. and respect for him recalling season of lst Maple Boy Scout ,on all. lilies are more afflicted by the‘ . ,. u ,. me many times he “'llh his cal:- ll.a<lies Auxiliary Meetings. How- The Quintons tried out the (11516350 than others, It affectsl 1MP- Jlade, hwllh h“ “lfe- Nadipeme}. set‘ would will) “1“. about a big turnout for our firstnew St. Lawrence Seaway Pro-LCIHMV'J“ llclwccn two years oftp anne to 3"“ Thanksglung a “e‘ghbor- He SUPGI‘VISCd the l on Wednesday, October 26th,lvincial Park and found it most; age and adolescence. The dura- dinner with their son, Andrew building operations of the com- , , a - v . , . ~ . .. ,. - his family in Brampton and munit hall v) t] o] 1 . :8:1 .nl. at Ma le Communlt'lad' uate and cros ed oxer r lion of atlaik on week an , Is and ,. y. 9 L11 lousl 18 “as i N E N C E S IHaiaL P P 3 ,neiflly opened blntemationlfli in bemoen 8 (“lock inhthe.ligcl“:toplp§gegg Iltlrilxl‘lng, where a? a tintite, pot well physically. ’5- v I ‘ The ro ram will be just a brid e, from Prescott to O dens-Inim‘nln†and dllSk in the I‘e-‘ ' S s. .. 5 C'en'. ‘ any I? e ‘ome 1“ Maple that 1 AND DEER LICEI‘SES . ' . little dillerint s0 collect a nelgh-‘burgg N. Y. E ‘Sx'llOOI-FTEC (‘lllld alld after 4po'.‘, B07“ m I‘lnvg To‘i'llSlllPi JUIY‘was wired and had plumbing '7 ' bar and come along. 5 They travelled through three “lock in school children. on 1892' Mr' “tide Shortly there (1096 by M?“ wade and he “'35 S I It was a case of - ‘leave the‘northern U. S. States, visitedeeek'ends “19 allJCk lasts fl‘onli““?r. moved With ms .parents"a°uve 1.“ 1‘15.°h°5e“ work right ' dishes in the sink’o- on the Sat-lMonti-eal. Sherbrooke and Que- dawn 1mm dm‘k- It appears in Plump and Hannah (“esuakel “p 101115 unt‘mely death- l l .v MAPLE AL. 7-2305 R. Greenstein and ceed with the Maple Glen S. Freedman. Toronto developers, .started from scratch again on October 11 in their efforts to secure needed permits from Vaughan Township to pro- Subdivision. The projected urday of Thanksgiving week-end, .when my brother-ln-law John Brubacher of Stouffville called to invite me to go along on a trip to Tillsonburg. What a glor- ios day it turned out to be! The bec City and on to Ottawa, Car- ‘leton Place and several more. I, All in all it was a huge suc- .cess. United Appeal Assists Local Trio both the acute and the chronic form, and affects many children in a great degree. It is called “Pestitis.†The main symptom of “Pesti- tis†is the child’s inordinate de- Wade to a farm on the outskirts of Maple, where Mrs. Elmo Kef- fer now lives. Some years later he left the farm when his interests turned to electric wiring and plumbing. Left to mourn his passing is their son. Andrew Lawrence grandchildren Michael and Philâ€" lip Wade; his three sisters Mrs. W. J. Broombridge tidal, Mrs. W. C. Monkinan, IElta) and Mrs. development would have from between 250 to 300 residen- countryside was so colourful, The "Foster Sisters" who have sire to Play anywhere else ex- Mgé‘Lï¬ilevEl‘iggrgva2‘2;qu"tugsIT. E. Forbear ‘Dellal. all of To- tial buildings on the 86-acre former Jarrett Farm to the peaceful and bright that all §upplled many a delightful. mus- “99‘ 1“ “‘5 0" he“ 0W" “ice him“ have lived in Maple since then 1‘0"â€- \" west of Maple and would be a. septi-' tank development world tensions, were forgotten ical interlude, with their Singing yald- The malady Causes child- ' The funeral was held from . . , s . vsv- vr...‘ I u w ' Electric-TV. if APPLIANCE REPAIRS‘ 1 fr RADIO, TV & AERIALS site will be set aside or a proper alternative worked out. sales, repairs, TV for rent 1% ELECTRIC WIRING if you want it wired up or connected - call us ï¬ OIL BURNER SERVICE parts on hand The October 11 meeting with Vaughan Township Planning Board followed township council’s directive some time ago that the developers bring in a new submission of a plan for the subdivision. Prior to this directive, Metro Plan- for the moment. Indeed in the spirit of the holiday, we in Can- Iada, and in our own little vil- lage of Maple, have much to be truly thankful for. trio, in the local churches of Maple and Hope, won fourth place in the United Appeal that sponsored talent and appeared on '1‘.V. from Massey Hall recent- ren to want to band together on bicycles and tricycles, or even on foot. and like a pack of dogs, proceed to trespass far and wide over any and all persons’ proper- With his love for, and interest in music, Mr. Wade sang in the choir of the Old Methodist Church of Maple where he was a rlember. He also sang at local and dis- the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home Richmond Hill, with the Rev. B. F. Andrews of Maple officiating. Interment followed in King City Cemetery. , ly. Home Town for them is \lash. ty which happens to take their mos Board turned thumbs down on the proposal for a 5°35? Elaine Donaldson of vine. L footy -. in the neighbourhmd- liifloiiéo 323512322 iiiiaooii‘éiii wii‘f paslioifariarivl‘ii‘e' {3511123 120,000-gallon per day disposal plant. This had been a North Bay, has been in town vis- “Flore Travelling pryi’en‘fsmuggt aï¬semitg casting: be; much enjoyment from this Noble, John Neufeld, Michael matter of considerable contention. can be approached by Greenstein and Freedman, the prin- cipals must iron out all difficulties with the planning board. A ï¬rm understanding must be arrived at relative to the size of the lots, easements, street-Corner requirements, land-dedication to the township and innumerable other points bearing on a subdivision agreement. Further, the developers must satisfy the school board that a school Vaughan now has an agree- ment with Metro that Maple, considered a semi-rural area, shall not grow more than at the rate of 50 lots per year and that to build in excess of the normal evlopers want to get going be- fore this completion provided that a satisfactory agreement can be reached with Vaughan and Metro. If, in the considered opinion of Now, before council: iting with her brother John La- Riviere and Jean, while her hus- band Jim Donaldson is recup-, erating in Sunnybrook Hospital. Seems to me Chuckie Fraser had his 7th birthday recently. The last we’d heard was when Mom, Betty Fraser, was trying to make up her mind just what to do about a party!! The Weirs, Tim and his mom Muriel, double date their birth- days on October 8th - it hap- pens like that each year! On October 16, John Spencer celebrated his 18th birthday. The Rose and Cook families shared their Thanksgiving tur- The Kerrigan’s, Ken, Marg, and Bill and Nancy set off Sat- urday, October 8 in an easterly direction along the St. Law- rence Seaway to St. Agathe, Que- bee in the Laurentians. There they visited Marg’s sister Dor- een and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, (just prior to their posting to Ottawa), and thoroughly enjoyed the Lauren- tian Fall Spectacular of Colour. Bill and Nancy were greatly in- terested in the fish hatchery stocked with speckled trout and the small type 200 with deer, pheasants, peacocks etc. On the return trip Tuesday tion with “Pestitis†in children, or how it upsets and complicates other peoples‘ lives in ways that their parents do not seem, or want, to be aware of. To ask these little Dennis the Menaces to play in their own yards is like talking to the Inoon â€"- they have not yet learned about such a thing as obedience. The cure is simple, but if left unchecked, serious complications are apt to develop â€" such as the children growing into adult- hood without having learned re- spect for other peoples‘ feelings. or their property. And still worse, group with Dr. Fred Routledge, Billy Oliver, Wm. Cook and Eldon Wade who formed the quartet members. In 1951-53 Mr. Wade acted as a Trustee of Maple Village and, as chairman, worked most enerâ€" getically in seeing the fulfill- ment of a dream become an ac- tuality, when the Maple Com- munity Hall was built. ’ ONE STOP DECORATING . a, REPAIRS & SERVICE $353935: iiiisggiiiobeii lgioog Vaughan Township Council on key with Barbara C°°k as they “l†t°f‘}k£‘°M°§tiwa mutfsstfip' 2%? Igniiéiléifoiofl:$333335 p11: SERVICE I washers d' ers stoves septic tank The Normaple sub- early Start on Maple Glen 51â€" helped celebrate her birthday 0" £135 131;»; Geoa gcS Erik; for,2 manent dislike for children This l' 'o'rimkis mom" with M the village is 2i"??? cwiilldbenerï¬t the» “3‘â€? T“ii§a§oo‘iiiiԤe§oéioo i... how-om... ' ' ' state of affairs. indeed, ooouso * GLIDDEN’S PAINT . i . 0 so ecommen o . i , i * _ 1' pr REFRIGERATION _ Egénï¬hgï¬g’elï¬egï¬ï¬t Metro who then might be induc- Canadians celebrate their Thanks- M%§;°i‘,}“‘“°“. by Nfe'lfdhmgfli filgï¬greg‘ejlfl‘; b5) rï¬igy afï¬gï¬gmci‘; CANADIAN WALL b RFPAIRS' ed to waive the resent a ree- giving when Rae's brother and e passmg 0 r- * 01" PAPERS J 70 and 80 homes to be built. This 1’ g . man prest on October 7 1960 their parents would only bring subdivision received permission mem between It and vaughan‘ hi5_ “Vlffe Mr' énfi Mri; Aldo: Chm-ch Street just hasn't geomed themselves to utilize big doses of * DRAPERIES 53 ST. N. But Whatever the oumome’ con" Ray 0 East a a 5’ ermon ' the Golden Rule and teach their * BROADLOOM i--1 .-..c. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS 50 homes per year because the deVelopers put in a water system in Maple. Normally, Greenstein and Freedman cannot begin to build until 80 per cent of the Normaple Subdivision has been completed. The Maple Glen de- siderable negotiations must transpire between the Maple Glen principals, the planning board. council and then Metro. Maple Winner Ask for your copy of our folder “How to live on your income Woo 7m: 3m So many happy family plans can come Finance Plan. neighbourhood and enjoy it!" within reach under the B of M Family If you have a steady income. and can aflord regular monthly payments, this low-cost, life-insured plan may answer all the credit needs of your entire family. Talk over your needs with your friendly B of M branch soon. with a low-cost BcIM lileinswod loom spent several days with them over the holiday. Bill and Pat Davis caught up on their holidays by visiting that. exciting town of New York and then on to see their long time friends Cord and Freda Johnston in West Deerfield, Mass. Add an- Portable ’1‘. V. Went Along? Anyone would know this wasn’t x a first honeymoon Bill and Mur- f iel Weir were setting off on, for . several reasons. them an revoir as they set off ’ sary. lsettled in the back seat anticl- land Marjorie Wells. ‘Train -â€" Bus Ride Over the holiday week-end the three Weir boys set off to join their parents in Muskoka. It was Michael’s and Eric’s very Ifirst train ride. They had just 'started taking in all the exciting facets of trains when, because of ., a derailment up ahead, they were ‘ all taken off the train and herd- ed onto a rattling, crammed bus ' to complete their journey in to , Heck, that was Bracebridge. tough luck. lSt. Stephen's W. A.: ‘ The regular monthly meeting lof St. Stephen’s W. A. was held on Wednesday, October 12, the home of Barry Hayes, Nonekiln Farm and presided over by the president, Mrs. George Robson. Following a devotional period, the first chapter of the chosen study book, “A Way In Africa," I )laplewood Farm, on November, 9th. More Holidaying ed their compact. furnace heated trailer and hitched it to their on a safari with their destination, covering many detours and side ,bec. Their cently of Manchester. England.- and their two sons, Donald and four month old Ian. Tim Michael and Eric waved ' headed for Beaumaris for their ‘ annual week’s holiday in Musko- . ka. during which time they will ' celebrate their wedding anniver- ;. King, the family's great dane. at Dean and Hilda Quinton stock-I car and were all set to start off- ‘ trips, being Drummondville, Que-‘ copassengers were; Hilda’s mother, Mrs. Gaskell, re-- the same. Although in his 82nd year he could usually be found sitting out on his verandah or with his chair right up curb side, so as not to miss a thing, when neighbours passed, on one errand or another. Mr. Prest always ex- changed a greeting with folk of pating the leashvfree days ahead. ' Following close behind to make " ‘the first weekend even more en- 1 ‘joyable, Were their friends Lorne der the hide. sion. WAR offspring of the beneficial ef- fects in it’s use. I I MARKHAM â€" The sewage dis-I posal plant is now ready for the connection of laterals and prop- erty owners are being urged to .‘~(" SHUR- By eliminating warbles at grub stage i you spare the animals several months of irritation caused by grubs working un- The results -â€" increased growth rates . . . improved feed conver- Miller and Irving Groombrldge. In and around Maple, Eldon Wade will long be remembered, and greatly missed by the friends he had acquired through his in- terest in them and the commun- ity and because, as one man stated, he was a tremendous neighbor. The sincere sympathy of all is extended to the be- reaved family. Adcoclts Variety Store of MAPLE GAIN win how you can through effective warble control. AL. 7-2305 a -' 11 d wa ure to et a ‘ gill!“llllllIlllIlllIllIIllllllllIlIllllllllllllmilllllillll’dllllllllllIlllllllllilllIllllllllllllllllllllllIIlllllllllll\IIIIlllIlllIllIllIlllillllIIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllll Cross-Country Meet to on session not as containing“? fairs; I * ho was treated to a surprise .5 E ‘ ACID FREE In a mm W . . sooner TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA . . track meet between .Rlch- birthday party Whlle there' Indeed he belonged with that hockuPs' a a o 9 ~ I‘ RICH BLACK mond mm and w°°dbmdge ' we" Remembered" street and Church Street seems - PEAT our Maple runners proved to P When 1J1me 0ft IElbe at hushed as his friends and ac- gLAEEMONC'Ii â€" gonald g .. be erennial winners. rincess “gate 051†I 33“ ' 11 tth M e o aremon ' 'was‘g ‘ l‘ TOP SOIL " AND .MANURE Cgming in, in first place Hallowell, mentioned they had gï¬zglteaï¬ifnshiï¬gr Ytgrfife e declared winner of the Ontario; !. Natural Organic and Conditioning Productl :15 Ron Brice‘ 2nd place ssummered' at Southampton, we The sincere sympathy from an plowing champiolnship matches at g g :. Delivered in small or large quantities. went to his brother Lawrie were at once reminded of former of us is extended to Mrs. prest the Internationa Plowing Match :5: Tenders win he received by the undersigned 1' Brice, and in 3rd was Bob residents of Maple Who had mOV- h i da hter Beatrice, on October 11. Runners up were; . . . W0 have spec:::ern::§:’ 1:33:12: Zitgznsloam' idea! {or Manning â€" all Richmond ed there a while back. Sure egl- was. tAié-hie v‘dgatson) and her Grant‘Wells Calf Stouféville and g Architects untll 3 p.111. MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, ' ‘ . ' ‘ '11 H‘ h .School students ough, when we enquired if y Joe Tran of aremon. 5‘ ' ' ' OUR RATES “"5 REASONABLE - QUALITY GUARANTEED glam Mitgple. Congratulations, chance she knew Jim and Muriel amny' ‘ g 19§0, for alterations and .addltlon to George WE ALSO HAVE CULTURED NURSERY son Maple is proud of its repres- Mefkle, she sang dlier {notiï¬er’s .- - - ' E Bailey Annex, Maple, Ontario. g - ‘ t ti I 5 t1 rouohout the dif- co ace was nex Dot 0 em. a . a . . ‘ p '_ Cut fresh daily Pick It up at 0111‘ ï¬eld at 100 I 1‘0“. Egrgnt‘ephasies 3f school life. Man; remembgt the nieekles as 5 Plans and Spec1ï¬catlons are available from the g ELGIN MILLS LOAM AND SOD CO. LTD. sommwm iiiasna‘iof‘iiié'y'iJé‘réaiiolllién \‘ I, g Architects, Hanks, Irwin & Pearson, 2848 Bloor g % AV. 5-1514 um“: TU. 4-1105: of us just wondered how Mapleys 5 Street, West, Toronto, on deposit of $25.00 g " _..,. ____.____L,_,_ _, __ a Eiï¬gééll’s‘fgyha‘gcï¬elg’e‘g g which will be returnable on receipt of a bone. 5 . 0 over some school rough spots, ,IN MAPLE g ï¬de tender and return of plans and speciï¬cations. 5 ' would or could, get along. We :5; L ' . g - - - . . â€" owest or an tender not necessarily accepted. tilledelisiteahndscwlildglelthsistesigiiiiigAzii Contact Your Local Home Delivery Carrier y g ‘ their former neighbors send a- : long a friendly hello to Jim rind " HANKS, IRWIN it iEteAIESSON, i Muriel. Grant, Susan and Jo n- _ re 1 c ' nie and assure them they are PHONE AL. 7-1513 2 remembel‘Ed With mUCh Pleasure- V ,. _ ‘ï¬llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllillllllllIlllllllIiIllllllIllllllllllllllllllllillllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllï¬ LERID LET'S YOU INCREASE BEEF PROFITS 3 wivs / . ' t ' t tingly reviewedi £55331? RérllngggsbAffgaget' d 1. REDUCES LABOUR . . . 3. ELIMINATES CARCASS DAMAGE . . . _ _. _ . I Refreshl'flel] s, 0 am y an , , , _ to s r ‘ - d (1 th d -i SHUR-GAIN Warblerld, because its Warbles leave a path of destruction I o I éiotalirioiii‘forile baiaaisigi- . formulated in the feed, completely el- meat; and mag. SHUR-GAIN Warblerid Tied 0?“ in.†.‘heh‘ 50d“ â€" 5° iminates the need for individual treat- eliminates this . . . so you’ll have easrer get“ 15 the" Interest and many merit . . . simply treat through feeding. sales for your cattle. ‘ " the†must ting will be held' . ' n r “lee V “9â€â€ ’°‘â€Â°'"°â€Â°â€˜Â°â€˜Â°â€˜â€'°d‘ " d °“’ ~ 35331113an of Mrs. John Glenn 2. INCREASES FEED EFFICIENCY . . . Drop in, we’ll talk about your herd and increase beef proï¬ts MAPLE FEED Mll.l. "Ask The Man Who Feeds Shut-Gain" MAPLE CHI. AL. 7’ a 124‘! This was to be Mrs. Gaskell’s 1introduczion to Canada as it iwas her first travelling trip in lour country and she enjoyed her- :self to the hilt and was much im- - Ipressed. , Back of all their motives was [the wish to show off their young .son and introduce him to his 1 grandmother. Mrs. Quinton Dean‘s IliOillel“ and ills aunt and , juncle. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gauthier l IDean's sister) at Drummondville, WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERI WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 'MY HANH" f0 1 l/i'i'lN Unï¬t": errrrg