H. D. Melsness, D.C X-RAY cor Windham Gate 5. Bayview (I block south Bayvlew Plan) Phone TIL 4-1075 B! Appoinunem f - PHONE I‘E. 3-5295 Deciantis - Rice GENERAL CONTR.‘ CTORS Building Repairs & Alteration Dtaln .t Concre‘e Work John R. Kane. DA , Xâ€"Ray l3 WEDGEWQOD DR. WILLOWDALE. ONT. BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3451 AV 5-3154 ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS PLASTEIHNG CONTRACTOR KING Dr. W. R. Redford Building Trades 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 20, 1960 Arthur J. Everett and Associates cunrsnen Accounum Bank of Now: Smtia Building Aurora Telephone Aurora PA 19451 Dr. J. M. Dryer 545.3% YONGE S'I‘REE'I BA. 5-470] Arthur G. Broad, CB ARTERED ACCOUNTANT Birch A mbulance Service ' LEONARD RV ROSENBERG 3 COM. G. Chassie BUILDER CONTRACTOR Homes or General Repairs TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill 8! Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-4251 By Appointment Chiropractic Unite [08. 17 York St. Toronto FLA. PUBLIC \C( ‘OUN'I‘A N1 OXYGEN EQUIPPED 3‘! HOUR SERVH‘E Wm. Clubine 15 Yonge St North Richmond am 1‘0 4-4601 DENNST Open Evening: Gas Extraction- 73 YONGE ST S. RICHMOND HILL TUrnex 4â€"1462 Accountants Ambulance Architects L. E. Clark Philip Swan TU. 4-1483 AV. 5-1066 CALI ANYTI MB DENTAL TU. #4961 BM. 3-1329 Dentist PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECIORY Body & Fender Repairl Complete Refinis'dn; If you haven't mean! of our re putatiou. enquire from your friends All work guaranteed. 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Vonge SL mchvale For Appointment. 9):. AV. 64831 COMPLETE GARDEN. LAWNS. Elgin Mills Loam & Sod Co. Ltd. Ol‘l Burner 3; Furnace Sales & Service WHEN YOU NEED [Tl WE WAIT ON YOU Washers Dryers - Ranges Commercial 8: Domestic Refrig- eratlon Agents for Leading Manufactur- ers Phone AV 5 - 4301 Central York Appliance Service 88 Spruce Avenue Richvale TU. 4-3183 COMPLETE Washing Machine Service TURNER 81 CRAIG Richmond Hill TU. 4-4059 HELEN SIMPSON LYNE'n Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Member - Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association ‘Blch vale Auto Rudy Electric Rriden & Thompson Gardens, lawns, Seeds, Paving & FLOWER BED, LOAMS. TOP SOIL, SOD & MANURE Office I‘U. 6-357) Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A VONGE 5' SOUTH I‘Uv-ue: 4-1511 Richmond ï¬ll] Dr. P. R. Macfarlane DENTIST Dr. John Simpson DENTIST 66] YONGE STREET AV.5-4442 Thornhill.0nt. Commercial - Domestic Industrial Dr. .I. Perdicaris MEDICAL-DENTAL Wiring - Maintenance Appliance ‘ SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 Leno‘s Machine Slum 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 STEAMFITTING WELDING CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONI’ Engineering 8. Electrical 2518 YON GE ST. AV. 5 - 1514 (at St. Clements) GARAGES Gas Extractions 50 Yonge St. North TU. 4-1177 Richmond Hill SERVICE Flowers DENTAL (Continued) TU. 4-3417 TU (-1932 Bu AV 5-3630 Res. TU 4-8935 GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY 113 King St. - Kin; Cit Richmond Hill 80 Yang: St. 3. Richmond Hm Receiving Hours: 8 am. - 6 pm or otherwise by appointment Ernie Brock 8. Son TROYER NATURAL SCIENCF SERVICE Yonge Street, Oak Ridge: PR. 3-5071 lndl'muai Attention flab Styling Permanent Waving John S. Walkington Humane Services I‘U. 4-!701 PAINLESSLY DESTROYE’D by approved S.P.C.A. Method GENERAI INSURANCE For All Your Insurance Needs Coach lines ltd. Coaches for all Occasions H errington Insurance Agency 3m. hm Mum! Automobile lnsunm S, sun Farm iila Insurance Co. am Farm Fin and Casualty On. . Hair Styling 8: Beauty Salons Formerly 8100: on 701130 Sta. General Business FOR INSURANCE CALL SAND and 6 mm Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Septic Tanks. Water & Sewer Services. Landscaping. Custom Digging and Trenchlng MAPLE. PHONE AL. 7-1251 Roy A. Phillins Sellwood Salon TU. 4-2321 COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. ALpine 7-2621 Res. ALpine 7-1224 Suite 2, Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N.. NORMAN BRIAN"? Bead Oï¬ice. Toronto Langdonk FOR INFORMATION E. CHARITY 255 Ashlar Rd. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-2291 â€" NO CHARGE - Insurance A. Burnett « General Insurance LTD Kirby Brock Maple, Ont.. STATE FARM INSURANCE Diamond Contractors TE. 3-5283 Telephone TE. 3-5351 CATS TUmer 4-!551 Richmond Hill BARRISTER. SOLICITOB AND NOTABI PUBLIC Th. Bank of Nova Seoul Building AURORA. ONTARIO Telephones Office: PA. 7-9488-9 8a.: PA. 1-50“ Barristers. Solicitors etc. 57 3100: St. W., Toronto om. WA. 4-3755 Thistletown Office «- CHerry 7â€"1.4 At Maple. at the office of Ernie Brock & Son Ltd., every Monday and Thursday night, 7 pm. to 9.30 p.111. James H. Timmins Floyd E. Corner. Q.C. Stuart Parker, Q.C. John J. Lawlor. BA. Blaney, Pasternak, Luck, Smela, Eagleson & Watson Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Punue 17 Queen Street E. - Suite 544 Toronto 1, Ontario EMpire 6-2362 Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hizl, Ontario TU. 4-7191 RICHMOND HILL 7 Bulletin St. AVenue 5-1477 1111110: {-1543 TU. 6-1219 TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 Stiver, Vale, ’enniatt, Errinaton MBBISTERS. SOLICITOM NOTABIES K. M. R. saver. QC. Insurance â€" Mortgages Fire Auto, Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg†Aurora. Ontario Savage Imurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE l'lre. Automobile. Plate Glass. Automobile ï¬nancing. eta. Ofllee 15 Yonge St. I. Residence 13 Leisure Lune Richmonl’ Ell] 24 Adelaide St. W. Toronto EM. 3-0311 GENERAL INSURANCE Plaxton & Deane Joseph Vale. Q.C. J. M. Pepplan. BA. William Errington. 3. Con. INSURANCE SERVICES Box 324. 75 Harding Blvd. Richmond Hill AVenuo 5-420! 195A MAIN ST. W. 5-4571. Newmrket, Ont. AV. 5-3046 - AV. 5-5085 Neill 8. Neill Barrister. Solicitor. etc. RICHMOND HILL Corner Agency Limited THORNHILL Richmond Hill Ofllco 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thornhill Oflioe AV. 5-1197 25 Grandview Ave. Thomhill AVenuo 5-1379 REAL ESTATE AVenue 5-3165 Complete Insurance Servieo Rou V. Bick Barrister-At-Law Solicitor 8118 YONGE S‘l‘. THORNHILL TBORNHILL Insurance legal ‘. WALKER AL. 7-2621 (Continued) Richmond mu TU. 4-1271 Dr. D. A. McBurney BY APPOINTMENT 31 Ionze St. N.. Richmond am Northern Building Odiee: TUrner 4-3121 I! no answer call PRospem 3-5327 Dr. Cameron Cowan Dr. J as. G. M cK innon Richmond Hill Oflice TU. 4-7015 Res. TU. 4-7473 (By Appointment) Medical Centre. Bayview Plaza Richmond Hill. Ont. Office a; Residence TU. 4-4040 Dr. Jas. R. Lanastaï¬ Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith 3rd Division Court YORK COUNTY A. Soderberg, Clerk 15 Yonge Street No; Richmond Hill TUrner 4-7561 Barrister. Solicitor, Notary King City, Phone TE. 3-5451 22 Keele St. S. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Suite 2. Lowrie Building 15 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill Every Thursday Afternoon - TUmer 4-1551 Toronto Office - 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 Dr. C. W. Birkett Dr. G. W. Perkin MAPLE SHOPPING CENTRE AL. 7-1311 T. C. Newman, Q.C. Barrister. Solicitor & Notary Public 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Ell]. Ontario Dr. D. B. Maunsell J. Rabinnwitch, BARRIS'I‘ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. 8. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Mahmoud Theatre 310‘ Ben. TU. 4 211'! Donald M. Findlay Gariepy and Mann Dr. J. P. Wilson Norman A. Todd, BAEEISTER & soucnon 4 Church St. 8. Richmond Hill By Appointment Office I‘U. 4-1422 Reï¬nance - TU. 4-1814 Frank L. Walsh Dr. Lmn Bloom by appointment Suite 1 81 YONGE ST. NORTH Banister & Solicitor Notary Public Evenings by appointment .. TIL 4-3445 1'! Elizabeth St. North Toronto: EMpire 6~2507 350 Bay Street Bruce M. Ralph Oflice TUrner 4-1780 Residence TUrner 4-1868 By Appointment Barristers and Solicitors 6197 YONG-E STREET, WILLOWDALE, Ontario BA. 5-8806 BICHMOND HILL Wine: #1154 By Appointment 4 Church St. S. RICHMOND HILL Kenneth A. Gariepy MEDICAL Anstey Block Yonge Street. Thornhill. Ontario AV. 5-5458 AV. 5-5454 By appointment 50 Yonge St. (I. BA. 5-1557 W‘ E. Neil Mann TU. 4-4618 (Continued) legal 1‘0 (-142! Ontario Land Surveyor: 130 Wfllowdale Ave.. Willowdale. Richmond Hill TV 50 Yonge Street South AV. 5-3756 Complete TV - Radio Sales and Service All Technicians R.E.T.M.A. Trained Richvale Electronics STOP ‘22, YONGE STREET TU. 4-1552 AV. 5-2669 PETER E. SMITH Antenna installation Repairs to: NOW AT 3242 YONGE STREET In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 mm. to 6 pm. including an. EU. 8-8949 Evenings by appointment Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Eyes Examined Ont. BA. 5-3031 Res. George T. Yates, 0.]..8. 53 Redford Park Avenue Eyes Examined - Glmu ï¬tted Prescriptions Filled a. Repair- 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 A. W. Kirchen, 12.0. CHILDREN PORTRAITS WEDDINGS ETC. Specializing in Fast Service and Reasonable Rates 76 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Mundinger School of Music Branch MRS. H. NICHOLLS 192 WELDRICK ROAD STOP 23B, YONGE ST. Dr. Victor Zuck Dr. D. F. McGregor F. L. Lowrie, [3.0. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2941 M arnnerite Boyle Taclan TV and Electronics W. C. Knox, R.O. Exclusive Dealer For 9.30 - 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday & Saturday Afternoons by appointment Open Friday Night. Radio 8: TV QUALITY - SERVICE - INTEGRITY Fairlane Studios Yates & Yates (1 Block we“ Piano Accordion llocutlon. Public peaking Platform Deportmens Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL†15 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill ' OPTOMETRIST J. C. KNOX. Optician Sales and Service ELECTROHOME SPARTON Optometry Surveyors RADIO -â€" Ell-Fl TU. 4-7186 TU. 4-4641 RICHMOND E TU. 4-100. 3! Appointment :6: Markham u. TU. 4-7781 MEDICAL PHOTOS Glasses Fitted Musicai (Continued) Thor-null Optical Repairs If no answer at TU. 4-3614 during daytime. call TU. 4-1105 REPAIRS REPAIRS Guesswork Is Eliminated NEW SCIENTIFIC METHOD “CHECKED†Electroncially WITH THE STROBOSCOPE - AL PYLE - 240 KING ST_ KING ! DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-540! VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 147 Yonge St. N. onice â€" TU. 4-1432 Richmond Hill Dr. W. Allan Ripley Phone TU. 4-7851 OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS & AIRLINES BOOKINGS FOR SEA-AIR TOURS AND CRUISES 63 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ont. Mrs. Milton Wells introduced Mrs. Loweys of Islington who visited her daughter and son-in- law in Northern Rhodesia. While Dr. Margaret Arkinstal spoke 'of attending the meeting of the General Council â€" of the new organization being formed and of the study book on it. She feels there are great things in store for the church as a whole. She is proud of the church and of the women in it and brought greet- ings from North Presbyterial to Temperanceville any} their guests. The Temperanceville W.M.S. ladies were happy to haveso ma- ny neighbouring organizations attend the special Thankofl‘ering meeting held in Temperanceville Church on October 13. Mrs. H. Routledge gave a de- tailed paper with a wealth of information on the area school system which started several years ago and came to a head in May 1960. Eventually there will be area schools established in King Township. A questionaire was sent out to the boards of school trustees. Out of 29 sent out, 15 gave replies. After digest- ing all reports they were pres- ented to council. Area schools are deï¬nitely coming but must be brought in as painlessly as poss- ible. The biggest concern on re- ports was ï¬nancial. Only 8 per cent of children in Ontario are in rural schools. More equality and eï¬iciency will be the chief‘ beneï¬ts of area schools. ‘ GLOBE- TRAVELSERVICE Home and School is held every 2nd Monday of each month. The graduating class will be present- ed with pins at the November meeting. Area Schools Mrs. Ray Jennings gave an in- teresting article on Citizenship and Education. Cancer. The short course for the W.I. will be held November 16. King will he invited to join Temperanceville. On November 22 from 10 am. to 4 pm. Aurora will be hostess for the “Eat to Live Workshop" project to sur- rounding W.I. members. PIANO TUNING The Temperancevflle W.I. meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. Clayton Beynon on October 12. Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, president. opened the meeting by reading a lovely poem, “Tre First Thanks- giving of Allâ€. All ladies are invited to at- tend the meeting on November 3 at 8.30 pm. m Aurora District High School by the Cancer Soc- igty on Facts and Research about ng Meeting KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL Travel Service 5 BEAVERTON RD. TU. 4-3614 FREE ESTIMATES CORRESPONDENT: MRS Veterinary KING CITY MRS. MILTON WELLS! Phone m. 3-5239 _ Council will study a request for a larger grant by the Rich- vale Volunteer Fire Fighters. The Richvale Department now receives $2,000.00 per year. as against $4,000.00 by the Maple Fire Department, despite the fact that the Richvale Brigade is the larger of the two. It was pointed out at the council meeting that the lower rate had applied to Richvale because the force there had been considered semi-trained. but that in the past two years it had graduated to the fully-train- ed category. Maple Fire Chief Jim Davidson will be asked for his opinion, but indications were that a readjustment was not im- probable. Dog Control Council felt that the matter of entering into a new five-year agreement with Dog Control Of- ficer Ronald Herd should be held over pending a study of different factors involved. The present a- greement runs out in May. 1961. Mr. Herd indicated that a new agreement in advince of May would facilitate taking on help to better look after the dog problems of the Township. Mr. Herd is control officer fo_r_Vaugh: Council will submit a letter to the Department incorporating reasons why, in council's opinion. Vaughan should receive a subsidy toward the purchase of a snow blower. Ordinarily the depart- ment’s subsidies do not cover such equipment. Vaughan Township Council will recommend to the Depart- ment of Highways that the speed limit on No. 7 Highway in Can- cord be reduced from 50 to 40 miles per hour. This action was taken at council’s October 11th meeting following a letter from residents in Concord which said that the present speed limits of 50 miles er hour along a'section of the thoroughfare represented a definite hazard to school child- ren and pedestrians. Fire Fighters gm gnd Marâ€"1:33:31 Townships 5nd Richmond Hill. Snow Blower Gouncil was approached by an industrial firm to explore for water on Lot 2, Concession 5, the entire cost to be borne by the industry. Council felt that the zoning of that area should be checked with Metro Planning Board to inquire whether the land could be changed from its present agricultural use to in- dustrial use and given approval by Metro. Council agreed to aid Standard Prestressed, an industry located above Maple, in the extension of the water system from Maple to their plant. The firm manufac~ tures concrete beams and form arches. Water Exploration North York Township submit- ted a plan to Vaughan covering an area slated for a subdivision for comments by Vaughan. Since there are two very critical drain- age areas going out of Vaughan into third area, council felt that the comments of the township’s engineers should be sent on to the Department of Planning in Toronto. Industrial Aid The Department of Transport requested Vaughan to submit its plans for improvement to the approaches to the CPR crossing at Steeles Avenue in the 7th Concession. Cost of the flasher being erected there is to cost the township about $6,700.00, half of which will be returned by the Department of Highways. Subdivision Vaughan Township is still he. gotiating with the Department of Highways with regard to the re- location of the watermain in the Yonge Street and Langstaff area made necessary by the repart- ment's decision to locate an in- terchange in the area. At the Oc- tober 11 council meeting, acting Reeve Vic Ryder said that it ap- peared that satisfactory terms would be worked out between the township and the department. CPR Crossing Mr. and Mrs. NéiEo‘xlâ€"-Ifï¬si11p- son and Billy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston of Oro on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Paxton and Ann and Jimmy were Thanks- giving dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Forester. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levison and family, Mrs Sarah Payne and Mr. Ed Cottel were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Wells on Sunday. Misses Donna Jennings and Patsy Macklin attended church on Thanksgiving Sunday and the children in Sunday school were delighted to have them as tea- chers. Nancy Hunt was the guest of Judith Plaxton while Mr. and Mrs. Wells took a trip to the Manitoulin via Parry Sound, Sudbury, Espanola, Little Cur- rent, South Bay Mouth on the Norisle 3-hour boat ride to Tob- ermory through Owen Sound and home. _-_..--uuc 1-1.1 uup‘ py Gang have commenced their studies of the project “The Club Girl Stands on Guard". The club has been most fortunate in hav- ing as leaders Mrs. K. Prentice and Mrs. B. Sherratt. Girls tak- ing part in the project are Karen Piirto, Betty Semple, Judith Paxton, Melody Kilcup, Diana Jennings, Judy Clap and Elaine Parton. Personals a guest of Rev‘ and Mrs. Cattos, who are missionaries, Mrs. Loveys took pictures and shared them and her experiences with the meeting. Mrstvan Kennedy the sincere thanks of dies for Mrs. Lovey’s talk. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 The 'aughan Lanna" Temperanceville 4-1:! Hap- ..." 1.....- are thanks of allï¬the la- Mrs. Lovey’s interesting Kepnedy expressed }.R.8.3.KING Wield