Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Oct 1960, p. 19

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THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 20, 1960 19 Chairman Rumble Opposed I High School Trustees Will Seek Approval To Make Thornhill ‘Composite' School By Jane Manning York Central District High School is asking the Deâ€"; partment of Education to approve plans for the addition of shops and classrooms to the Thornhill High School to make it into a “composite” high school. That is to say a high school offering a complete secondary course in tech- nical, vocational, commercial, and academic sub- jects. Included in the tentative plans are electrical and’ automotive mechanic shops and a full course in draughting. Commercial subjects are already being taught at the school, but the course would be expanded. , The district high school board is slated to startlimited; vocational courses in the four high schools under their jurisdiction this coming September 1961. From these courses, taught in grades nine and ten. vocational and technical pupils will be funnelled into Thornhill High School to complete their secondary course if present plans receive provincial approval. Otherwise students who take the limi- ted vocational and technical courses will be obliged to fin- ish their course in one of the technical and vocational high schools in Metro Toronto, with the local board paying the tuition fees which are between $900 to $1,000 per year. At present there are sixteen students from York Central Dilsltrilct taking vocational or technical courses in other Sc 00 5. Chairman Rumble Opposes Committee Chairman and Vice- The motion to approve the idea Chairman of the board. Eric of a composite school in prlnci- Axelson, seconded by Trustee pic was ma"? by Management Mrs. Kathleen James, Chairman . Q' ~- . . ‘ llllllllllllllilllilllltllllllullllllllllill‘lll‘lml‘lllillllllllllllllllll‘lllllllllllll l {hf “ggérgugllflfihifizonggofdgsgg w- into this lightly us the cost will ~~' be excessive. that is my firm conviction." Birch and Hardwood. When the rest of the board Drive in and pick up present voted In favor of the motion to approve in principle or phone for half cord minimum delivery. the establishment of a composite school, Chairman Rumble asked the secretary, Mrs. J. R. Mc- Alister, to record his “no” vote. 7690 YONGE ST. Av. 5'3691 seek Department of Education approval for the new composite mnmmmmuumumummummnunmuuumummimmuunu a d d!“ on to Thomhm High S ch 001- 5’ Also included in the latter mo- and the Village 01 Woodbridge, which com ose the district be Later Trustee Robert Ross sec- tion is a directive asking that the HAULED ANYWHERE, onded by Trustee J. Wilson, made ‘the motion empowering Business Administrator J. Ashworth, to four councils of the municipalities, of Vaughan and Markham Town- ships the Town .of Richmond Hill, ANYTIME informed 0 what is going on so â€"-â€" that they will be conversant from F k the early stages with the expan- r sion anticipated by the high .an school board. Chairman of the EVISO“ Planning Committee. Trustee Lou Wainwright, said he would be ELGIN Mn‘l‘s glad to meet with the councils TU. 4-2728 concerning the proposed . addi- tion. 'During‘ the discussion before the motion was passed it was‘ .plans for additions to Thornhill,‘ - school. the costs of education with the Frost Government paying only 10%. Facts About Costs "‘he report of Trustee Wain- wright's planning committee con- tained the following items. Architects' have sketched two each of which bring its capacity up to 1200 pupils. The academic addition consists of 15,132 square feet while the composite addition contains 18,741 sq. ft. Thisaddi- tional space is required because of the size of the two extra shops. The academic addition is com- posed of six classrooms, four commercial rooms. one shop. and certain minor changes for stor» age, etc. The architects estimate the costs of the academic addi- tion would be $220,000.00. Estimated cost of the composite wing is $280,000.00. It would be composed of four classrooms, four commercial rooms, one Sci- ence Lab, and three shops with certain minor changes as well. Special Federal grants would in- crease the actual approval for the composite addition by $30,- 000.00 to $40,000.00 which will mean increased grants of ap- proximately $25,000.00. Equipping Technical Rooms The electrical room equipment will cost approximately $15,- 000.00, the auto mechanics $12,000.00, and the drafting room, . $2500.00. The overall increase for a, composite addition would be apq proximately $75,000.00. The com-1 plete cost being about $356,000.00 I for the composite extension and $281,000.00 for a purely academic wing. The net cost to the ratepayers would be $106,000.00 for the composite plan and $84,000.00 for the academic plan, as approx- imately 70% of the costs are eligible for grant. The cost of educating 3 VO- cational pupil in the City of ‘To- ronto is $200.00 per year more than for an academic pupil. This increased cost is reduced by a special grant of $20.00 per pupil on all vocational as well as com- mercial students. Fees in North York for non-resident vocational pupils are between $900.00 and $1,000.00 per year. The hope was expressed by some of the trustees that if the composite school became a real- ity some of the county pupils de- siring the upper school vocational training could be accommodated; in the York Central composite Voting in favor of the com-, mentioned the provincial educa- CANADIAN posite school were Trustees Mrs . lANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B. LEPKEY Phone AV. 5-3489 Birthday greetings to Car‘rcn Maiers, No. 7 Highway who cele- brated her fourth birthday on October 5th also to her brother Carl who celebrated his sixth port _on the secretary-treasurers' meeting which she attended. Mrs. Fern Russell also gave her re- ;port on the district directors imeeting. A report was also givo' m gait/(411g Woled Richmond Ten Pin Mixed League 1 Marple Real Estate continue tow Show the way to the rest of the‘ league as they are in first placei with fourteen points. Their lead lis being hotly contested by Pirris ‘Fruit Market with 12 points and Bunston Carpentry &. Builders .with 10 points. ' HALL’S SERVICE STATION no. i Richmond Hill Hardware 15‘ birthday on October 11th. Young Women’s Institute The Young Womens Institute. held its October 12 meeting at the home of Mrs. Shirley More- en on a very successful bake sale held on October 3rd. ,A special thanks was given to Mr. C. Thompson, who toured the ladies through his shoi and lpressing ahead and have carded 9 points to date followed closely by Rose Garden Supplies withl ,7 points. Turner Taxi have found‘ TU. 4 - 436i house. Members answered the Roll Call by repeating a traf- fic law. Mrs. Fern Russell is to attend the annual convention to be held at the Royal York Hotel, on November 2-3â€"4. Mrs. Peggy Morris gave a re- sh :wed them how he makes his ‘lovely pottery. Mrs. Joan Suter and Mrs. Shir- ley Morehouse served refresh- ‘mcnis. The ladies sang happy birthday to Mrs. Joyce Curtis, as a candle lit cake was brought in. CARRVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone AL. 7-8920 Sunday, October 16 was theliarbour; and Mrs. Ken Stevens first service at 10 am. at Carr-iand Gail and Jimmie Ste- ville United Church and we were veus of Scarbora, visited on Friâ€" very pleased to see some 70 day at the Bert Middleton home. people out for Church and Sun- day School, to all new visitors from Mrs. J. H. Hewston of we say welcome and hope they Carrville Rd. West who said her will be able to continue to comelEaster Lillles were blooming a- on Sunday morning and worshipgain - such a pretty sight, there with us. are three full blooms and seven Rev. H. R. MacDonald was in bud ready to break. Due ts in charge of the service and this wonderful fall weather, it is preached one of his very fine no doubt the reason for so many sermons, this was also our reports of flowers blooming a- Thanksgiving Service and the gain so late. church was decorated very nicely . Turkey Supper with fruits, vegetables and col-,l See coming events for partic- oured leaves, inlars of the Annual turkey sup- The Carrville Choir sang. .per, put on by the Carrville Uni- They welcome Julie Melnic,lted Church Woman’s Association. Lynda Gray; Nancy Middleton,’Community Association Ray Hill and Norman Stevenson The executive of the Langstaff to the choir. Community Association are pleas~ We are very sorry to report ed to be able to announce that that Mrs. Leonard Kirk’s father more work has been done on the Mr. Reginald Bowes, Minden. ,skating rink. It has been levelled passed away Sunday morning‘off again and made much larger, following a year of illness, atlthus ensuring a much better this time we’d like to express}skating surface than last year. very sincere sympathy to Mrs! The community is also remind- Kirk and her family, her Mother l ed about the Hal'owe’en dance on and sister. Friday. October 28. at the Rich- Birthdays vale Community Hall. Support A very happy birthday to‘ihis association by using the Sharon Melnic who will be i rink and attending the dance. 2 years old on October 24: and I They are for your entertainment Lyrda Gray who will be llgand benefit years old on October 28. l The Mark-Vaun Women’s In- Mrs. Jennie Bone of Maple,,stitute holds its first euchre of visited at the home of Mr. and , the season on Friday, October 21, M’s. Ernie Bone. on Sunday and at the home of Mrs Morrison, attended the Thanksgiving Ser-‘Sprucewood Ave, Doncaster. at vice at Carrville United Church. 8 pm. Everyone is cordially in- Mrs. Jas. A. Sykes of Victoria vited. Your correspondent had a call. CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit 'ACT FOR THE WEEK: Thousands of Canadians alive today have been cured 0! cancer. Thousands more could be alive if they had sought medical advice at the first sign of danger. RICE’S FLOWERS 2 STORES ‘ TO SERVE YOU RICHMOND HILL “Flowers For All Occasions” Phones TU. 44812 TU. 4-7811 AT ALL HOURS We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts @ DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK For A Healthy Outlook (1) Come to friendly terms with life. (2) Adjust yourself cheers fully to things you cannot change. (3) Resist the temptation to worry. fret, fume or “fly OR the handle” when things go wrong. CARL E. HILL. M.D., M.O.H. m lEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill intends to apply to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, at its next regular Session, for a private Act to ratify and confirm the agreement entered into between the Corporation of the Township 0! Markham. the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan, the Corporation of the Town of Rich-, mond Hill and Toronto Transit Commission, dated the Second day of January, 1960, providing for public transportation in the said municipalities. DATED this 12th day of Octo- her. 1960. .I. D. 'LUCAS, QC. 3 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant. â€"‘being readied for the long winterl TU. 4-1105 9 tion officials were very much in lJames, Mrs. Barbara Langstaff,: favour of composite schools ianobert Endean, E. Axelson, R ‘ contrast to offering academiczRoss. L. Wainwright, J. Wilson, courses only. Chairman RumbletMorley Kinnee, Ralph Wood, Al pointed out it was the municipâ€"‘Snider allties who had to pay 90% of Chairman Rumble voted no. -â€"- HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. 11. Telephone: Powell Road Home and School I received a very nice call from Mrs. Bradbeer this past week, and she has very kindly ofiered to keep me informed about the newly re-organized Powell Road Home and School. They have been inactive for a year. The new president is Mr. Miller of Crest- ,’wood Ave. The meetings are held ion the fourth Monday of the month. which is the same as Hen- derson Ave. so I personally will be unable to attend. However I funderstand we have no pupils at- ltending Powell Road any more since the school board dissolved. At the present .ime they are busy planning their annual graduation banquet to be held in Trinity Anglican Church hall in Thorn- hill on October 8th. Apparently 90“? of the present graduates are from the Highland Park S-ub- division. and these will be our last grads from Powell Rd. Markham Fair Winners Henderson Ave. School pupils won a nice array of prizes at the recent Markham Fair, I under- stand every entry with the ex- ception of grade 8 writing took a prize. The following are a list of entries and prizes. Writingâ€"Grade 1: Debbie Sut- ton. 5th. Grade 4: Douglas Men- zies 2nd. Grade 4: Elizabeth Bick 5th. Grade 7: Heather Menzies, 3rd. Grade 7: Garry George, 5th. Grade 6: Suzanne Eggman, 2nd. Art (an original posterLâ€"Tom Kiddy, 5th. Three Drawings (one each of pencil, ink and charcoal)â€"Grade 5 and 6: Laurel Kennedy, 2nd. A Collection )f Native Woodsâ€" Grade 7 and 3: Bobby Jackson. [8rd and Joe Heine, 5th, and Jim Wren. 6th. , Map of Ontarioâ€"Grade 7 and 8: Igor Uschzk. 5th, and Bill Har- ,ris 6th There was a nominal sum lof money for prizes and I am‘ Isure this will be treasured earn-. Hugs to all these youngsters who. 'are a source of pride to their fel- low pupils and teachers. Neighbourhood Notes imany of our neighbours enjoying one last trip to the lake. The Rosses of Woodward spent Sun- day and part of Monday at Lake Simcoe at Marg’s mother’s cot- tage, it was a lovely day and the lake was beautiful, she said. How- ever those of us who remained at home were not alone. the whole subdivision was a hive of activity with windows being washed. ,storms going up, and gardens This past holiday week-end saw. and M. Clingersmith, Harris, 39 Woodward Avenue, AV. 5-1889 ahead. Bill and I had a very tiring, trip to Montreal on Friday, we‘ took a sightseeing tour of the city, the view from atop Mount Royal was spectacular! There was only a slight haze to cloud some- what the panoramic view of the mighty St. LaW"ence wending its. way to the ocean, the Laurentlani Mountains in all their autumnl splendour to the north, the Adir-_ ondacks to the south. and immedifi ately below the great bustling: city. It was a Sight we will long! remember. Their churches are’ magnificent. we saw them all from the great Notre Dame to :the tiny sailors church and the, Chinese Roman Catholic Church and the still incomplete Saint' Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal.» There is great excitement in: the Ritchie household this week .for they are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Mr. Ritchie Sr. from Ireland. Mrs. Francies is due back from the east coast wnere she has been visiting her parents in 'n-uro: Nova Scotia. she boarded a plane‘ at Malton at 10.30 A.M. and was home for lunch with her parental that is modern day travel forl you- We hope she found her: Father much improved after his‘ recent illness. Thanksgiving services were postponed a week to allow for all the vacationers to enjoy the spe- cial decorations and service at Thornhill United, we did enjoy our visitor Mr. Derwyn Dockeu, candidate for the ministry. who lhas been our student missionary, lat East McAuley, Saskatchewan throughout the summer months. He gave the congregation is brief 1rundown on his work and pleas~ ure of the past summer. The sevening services are again in full‘ ,swing at the United Church, and ‘these informal geLtogethers are, especially for the young people, with their special FILC and Y.P.U. meetings immediately following. Just a little reminder. Hender- ‘son Ave. Home and School on 1 Monday Oct. 24. also Powell Road. ,See you all at the Fun Fair on Saturday. rou QUICK a ssrrsrvnvo , RESULTS my fwrun LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS av. 5-3316. 3 and 4 bedrooms; or den. Some walkout basements and two car garages. Ranging $19,000 to $22,500. superb Colonial Designs 3 bedrooms and in price from fully iurnished Colonial culture masterfully blended with modern utility is reflected in each Grandview You will instantly recognize a superior craftsmanship that has almost disappeared. Imaginative touches give each home a distinctive individuali- ty -â€" provides a tasteful background for gracmus llVll’lg. practical side, schools and churches are conveniently close, the finest shop- ping areas are so handy. Public Transportation, plus Trailway Coach Lines Estates Home. are fast and frequent. a winning formula at. last and now have six points to their credit. Two new teams entered the league, the Orphans and the ,Cubs and they ioinily hold the :cellar spot with three points each. Gary Champ rolled the high game this week in all depart- ments as he rolled a 544 triple and a 184 single. Ted Wilson of Pirris Fruit Market was second high with a 503. ' In the ladies division, Sandy Richards of Richmond Hill Hard- ;ware carded a 446 triple and a 163 single to be high in both departments on the nights play. , . Vie Lawrie of Bunston Carpentry, 2‘ & Builders holds the high aver» age with a 142 while Gary Champ‘ - leads the men with a 173 aver-1 :age Ted Wilson is in second spotl as he holds a 163 average. I A B C MAJORS I Hall’s Fuel Oil 33' ABC No. l 28 Turnbull Groceries 27 Jackson Bros. 26 ASK ABOUT OUR . fjlzuroc/ay a/ernoon CARRIER TU. 4-Il05 SERVICE Collection of Ashes MacDougall Pontiac 23 i . . ABC No. 3 21‘ Householders of Richmond H111 are Davis &.Day 152le site?" 17 , asked to take notice that the regular ABC No. 2 15} . . . :Paolohe & Sons 14‘ ' Collection of Ashes W111 commence Fri- 'Allencourt Lanes 111 r ‘ . 13235.13? 3 » day, October 21st and contlnue Dvnes .{fw‘vfllfrs 3 ~ Wilson- i1 e ‘ ‘ K' of Th W' k . ; as. “e .5. EVERY FRIDAY Kings Court 7 . _ l 33 ‘ Iii. $33.??? 786 throughout the season. B. Murray 764 A. Sk .tt b 760‘ . ‘ ° ' E Fig”; erg 736. Co operatIon of householders In usmg “. . . . . . Rights?“ 262. proper containers Is solicited. 'â€"â€"_-' l WOODBRIDGE â€" The local pol- . ,. ice department said that radar isl sharply decreasing speeding in ' the town. Up until last week some 70 cars have been tagged. SOMETHING WANTED? "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 K. W. TOMLIN Mayor RUSSELL LYNETT Clerk ESTATES at its elegant best , ‘Ae aurentzan model homes on display MUNICIPAL SERVICES. All in- stalled and paid for by SCHICKE- DANZ Bros. Limited, including paved roads, concrete curbs, water mains. storm and sanitary sewers as well as hydro and telephone facilities which are in the rear of the lots. And, on the TIMELESS DESIGNS TRANSLATED INTO EXECUTIVE HOMES OF THE HIGHEST CALIBRE! CHICKEDAHZ BROS. LID. Builders of homes. Telephone AV. 5 - 4901-8 .AVVIIW Ail. you I u. not just houses

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