22 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 20, 1960 TUNE-UP KIT New-Car qual- ity. All needed parts included to restore pow- er and pep â€"- Condenser. ro- tor. points. Lets your car engine breathe. Stops wast- ing gas. Replace ele- ment, gain extra am as ...... 2.20 Mote-Master Visual Pak rive into Canadian Tire for our FREE MUFFLER SAFE- Y CHECK . . . if you de- idc replacement is required, killed mechanic: will insrall Mom-Manor DRY-TYPE '0!" MOTO-MASTER MUF- 1!!! in minutes. AIR FILTER "Charge-If" NO INTEREST ON 30-DAY ACCOUNTS ' JUST SAY . . . FOR ONLY Save up to MSGâ€"BRAND NEW EXPERT SAFETY ADJUSTMENT YOUR CAR GETS THIS FULL TREATMENTâ€" omirgency Imko. Pack front wheel bearings. Adjust braku, including VOLTAGE REGULATQR Protects battery a n d generator ‘ ‘ N e w - c a r ’ ’ : quality. E a s y to install 4 . 8 9 tudebakcr Chump. 1941-54 6-:yl. (mall) Studebaker Chump. 1955-60 6-cyI. (not!) m4, m1." (I-zyu ford, I’ll-56 (men) Ind, 1949-54 (Incl!) MNUI, 1931-54, Ml. (mos!) Pontiac. "35-", 6-:yl. (most) lodge and Plymouth 1949-59, 6-cyL (mom “an, 1941-†(moan Glut, 1954-59, 6-zyl. (mos!) luck.“ for nil pipe instill-tin (and, where needed) Clgmpl, each 25¢ 0 Add approved heavy-duty brake fluid (superior to new-car quality) to mas cylinder. 6.90 5.25 6.60 7.65 5.20 6.40 7.75 9.10 10.15 9.85 9.20 9.40 7.70 11.85 13.60 11.65 13.20 14.70 12.60 13.95 11.80 13.20 13.30 1030. Severe Blow other vehicles. but police said the automobile was six feet on the travel portion and they had to drive it OR the shoulder of the road Aside from that, here are a few rules. Basic to the person who writes with a far-forward slant is impulsiveness, a desire to re- ‘spond to people and things quick- ly, and the inevitable habit of going from a mood of great joy and lightheartedness to mel- oncholia. This writer swings back and forth between the emotional extremes rapidly. The person who writes straight up and down, (vertically) will have greater poise. The head will rule more often than the heart as is the case with the far-forward slant- ed writing. The backhand writer will, ordinarily, be poised plus, given to stubborness. The person who slants the writing a‘little to the right of centre will be a cross between the head and the heart, with a tendancy to let the head be in charge. These are valuable tips. Make use of them and you'll] add to the pleasure of living. of excellent character. He had never before been in an accident. His house and car were both paid for. “No mortgages." Mr. Kono- pud said in the witness stand, adding: “And plenty of insur- ance on everythmg.†But the mag- istrate pointed out that an im- paired driving case does not turn on the character of the accused. “I’m satisï¬ed as to his guilt,†he said. ' G.A. Answer Box SCHIZ: Thanks for your inter- esting letter. Although the slant of your writing changes (which reveals some temporary differ- ences in the emotional reaction and him ped tell rCVohnselv for Mr. Kbnopud told the magistrate that accused had been in Canada 12 years and was Markham Township Police tes- tiï¬ed that when approached in his car at Bayview and No. 7 High- way, accused did not respond to questioning and had to be helped out of his vehicle. Said police: “He thought he was on No. 5 Highway, could not read the time properly, told us that he worked at ‘love’ for a living, was in a sort of ‘jokey’ mood, and said it was the 17th and not the 18th of September. He was fashionably attired in Sunday clothes, had no ï¬shing gear with him but said he was on his way to ï¬sh ‘some- where in Canada’." At this point in the testimony one observant reporter murmured wistfully: “I wish he would enlarge on his ‘love’ vocation." Accused said that he had enanged his work hours after two years on night shift, could not adapt himself and gad not slept much for a few ays. Monday was a bad day for im- paired drivers in Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake’s Newmarket court. By 12 noon, Ernest Matteer, Bell Ewart; Bob Bennett, Stouffville; Wasyl Konopud and Robert Tup- pling, both of Toronto. had been ï¬ned $200 and costs each and their driver’s license and owner's permit suspended. Given Time Bob Bennett, who pleaded guilty to the charge, was given time to pay his ï¬ne. Police said that he was picked up at 3.10 am. September 17 in Aurora after the officer observed that he was manouvering his car in a rather erratic manner. His speech was slurred. his eyes glassy, his walk unsteady police said. The magis- trate nodded briskly and made the conviction. . Unavailing Defense Study this writing. Look at the far-forward slant of the up- strokes. This is the writing of a kind. affectionate. emotional wo- man who could not relate prop '- ly to life and required treatment in a mental institution. Now. manyvpeople who write almost identical to this are absolutely normal. happy, constructive. That’s because to the trained eye of the grapho analyst their writ- ing appears similar only on the surface. There actually will be many differences. For example, there will not be same type of cramped m's and n’s you find here and which means fear. The t-bars will be better placed and strong. In this writing the t-bars reveal utter lack of enthusiasm and a general lack of will power. Remember too, circumstances must always be considered. Monday Morning Court Tough On The Guilty Last week we touched on em- otional depth. This week we will say a little about your emotion- al response the way you re- act to things words, events, happenings. It will pay you big dividends to realize that there Character In Handwriting Your Strokes Reveal Emotional Response! He ‘ien: 11. On his Jis car, 5 BY ALEX SJOBERG (CGA--IGAS) id ,n hi he had taken some 331‘ to Barrie to a 5 had a few drinks {he ï¬sh had made way home he stop- :retched, and then he car. He claimed a parked his car from time to time) the basic character remains the same be- cause the letter-strokes remain the same whether you write slowly or hurriedly. All your writing shows a moderately em- otional person, v somewhat se1f~ conscious, who can pinch the pennies and waste the dollars. She has dignity and is independ- ent minded and likes to get straight to the heart of a matter whenever it is possible. Bond Lake OPP officers testi- ï¬ed they had picked up Matteer in Richmond Hill south of Mark- ham Road on Yonge Street after the car he was driving had forced one car off the load and after it had experimented with the dif- ferent travel lanes with ï¬ne dis- regard for the rest of the car- driving population. There was a partly ï¬lled bottle of wine in the vehicle. 011 top of everything else. his vehicle had nudged the police cruiser, causing 512 damage. Mr. Matteer said “I would like to point out that my brakes fai‘ed." He was not currently licensed and the car was not his own. There was no serious accident. “by the grace of God,†the Magistrate said. that response. For the purpose of this article, remember there are four ways in which most people respond. We’ll come back to this. Sorry, this is all the time and space we can manage this week. Keep your letters coming. Send your name, address, phone num- ber and a nom-de-plume or pen name. Remember that every let- ter is treated with complete con- fidence. Write to G. A. Depart- ment. “The Liberal,†Rich-mend Hill, Ont. sion.) The reaction of Ernest Matteer when he was found guilty was the query: “Beg pardon?" “I’m convicting,†Magistrate Hollin- rake said patiently. “You’re ï¬ned $200 and costs, with the alterna- tive of going to jail for 10 days.†He agreed to accused’s request that he be given some time to pay the ï¬ne. (This article not to be repro- duced without special permis- Tupplin-gr told the court that prior to his arrest he had com- pleted a 2,000-mile haul, had visited a neighbour, partaken of one drink, had a snack, and then took off for Barrie where he in- tended to meet a fellow transport driver and go ï¬shing. He said when he reached the point of ar- rest he realized how tired he was and decided to grab a brief nap. He claimed he had driven half- way into the intersection merely for a better look at the sign posts because he was temporarily lost. Beg Pardon? Joyce:- Let’s face it. You’ll al- ways have to do a lot of thinking to keep on an even keel. You’re deeply emotional, impulsive, and you concentrate on the em- otions and impulsiveness as well as other things. But you’re a good thinker when you want to f0 be tions. Robert Tuppling, a transport driver for almost 12 years and a safe-driving award winner for ï¬ve of those years, was shown no mercy when he was convicted. “I’m sorry that he will be de- prived of his livelihood and have to establish himself in some other line of employment,†the magis- trate told Tuppling’s lawyer, “but I can’t make a distinction.†Markham Village police said that Tuppling was arrested at 3 a.m. on September 1, after he had gone halfway through an in- tersection at Highway 48 on No.‘ 7 Highway, then started a wheel-1 spinning reversal, swung around, went through a red light.and spun onto a service station lot. He smelled strongly of alcohol, was unsteady on his feet, thick 0f speech, produced identiï¬caâ€" tion papers from his wallet only after extreme difficulty, he had some passengers when he had none and “kept talking about a few ‘individual things’.†The crown gave the officer an inquir- ing glance but the officer retained a discreet silence. the crown said gently. stated . “Proceed,†Bee-Bee:- You’re not only deeply emotional but too impulsive. You leap before you look. which prob- ably accounts for the car acci- dent you had. Slow down. Use your analytical powers more. Then you won’t have to regret negative actions as deeply as you do. Ima C: Will you please write us again? We unavoidably misplaced your letter and our analysis To make amends we will send you a typed report to your home ad- dress. are more than a dozen types of responses, and that in turn the emotional depth or lack of it, the thought process, and many more traits have a} bearing on Keep analyzihg your ac- The reserve (working) fund, set at $10,000 this year, just half of the 1959 budget figure. has already been spent, as has the contingency fund of $10,000, ($5,000 less than in the 1959 Dud- get.) The newly formed Ceme- tery Board has used $1,065.94 of its $2,000 allotment. “I’ll accept your story," the magistrate said. adding jokingly to the testifying oï¬icer while he pointed at the bottle: “Don’t leave the evidence here; its too tempting.†As Mr. Lewis left the court the magistrate said. “If the owner of the bottle wants it, he can apply to the police." Police said they picked up ac-; cused in Richmond Hill in the early morning hours of October? 2 with a full bottle of wine in; the panel truck he was driving. Mr. Lewis said he had been to his daughter’s anniversary party, using a company truck to drive in. “The truck is used by dif- ferent employees,†he said, “and I have to assume that some one had purchased the wine and for- got to take it out of the truck. It wasn’t mine.†. Expenditures for the Fire De-‘ partment are down nearly $200 from last year, this department being well under its 1960 bud- get figure. with expenditures 0 September 30th totalling $4,084,- Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake told Mr. H. Lewis of Richmond Hill in Monday’s Newmarket Court: “Don’t plead guilty until you are satisï¬ed that you are guilty of the charge against you,†when Lewxs appeared before him booked for having been in pos- session of liquor in a place other than his own residence. Mr. Lewis changed his plea to one of. not guilty and and the case dis- missed. Chan’ge Of Plea Wins The Case For Local Man Expenditures to date appeared to be in a healthy condition, but in some departments it was ap- parent there is no room for any extras, other than those already budgetted. Councillor Watson noted relief ccots for the year are up $6,000 over last year. The total amount- spent to September 1959 was‘ $9,711.36 (including charge 1‘ backs); the expenditure to Sept- ember 30, 1960 was $11,364.41, with the total budget for thisi year standing at $16,000. ‘ Councillor Stanley Watson ask- ed that tax revenue returns be shown on the next financial statement. when Clerk-treasurer Harry Crisp presented the "Sept- ember financial report to Mark- ham Township Council on Mon- day. All members with the ex-‘ i Ception of Councillor John Mac- Neil were present. Markham Twp. Council Approves Sept. Figures Please Accept. . . . Our Sincere Thanks YONGE ST. N. at ELGIN MILLS CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE, CORVAIR, ENVOY CHEVROLET TRUCK Just North of Richmond Heights Centre It was a pteasure to meet you and we trust we may have the privilege of ser- ving you, in the near future. We wish to thank the many people who visited us during our Gala Open House. MOTORS LTD. 62 from its $10000 budget. A ï¬g- ure of $830, for local improve- ment (municipality), remains un- touched so far this year; while administrative costs budgeted at $80.150. show an expenditure *0 d :e of $49,969.88, roughly $9.000 more than for the same period last year. ' Markham Township Planning Board has, so far this year. spent only a few hundred dol- lars more than in 1959‘ and is well under its 1960 budget fi- gure of $10.000 with expenditures to date at $6,927.85. §~0-l)-U-n.( -u-« -0- -m-mxmmmmm“- -u-o- Veranda Steps 8. T0ps Installed I TU. 4-1313 Fuel Oil - Stove Oil - Burner Service run. on. g I _*_ I. n. ngmï¬ga song For all your Colored Patio Slabs >-_n-<m_n.o-0.¢_Wm .0 9x18â€"55c 12'x 24â€"..95c 18 x 18 â€" 95c 24 x 24 â€" $1.70 RED â€" YELLOW â€" WHITE â€" SLATE INDUSTRIAL CAS'I' STONE PRE-CAST CONCRETE SIDEWALK SLABS S A V E PATIO suns 7:00 am. â€" 5:00 pm. SATURDAY till 3:00 pm. Plant Located on Observatory Lane Just East of Stop 23A Yonge Street DISCONTINUED SIZE 16 x 16 . . . . . . 60c each CASH'AND CARRY THORNHILL â€" AV. 5-3111 MONDAY TO FRIDAY NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE 24†AV. 5-4991 â€" TU. 4-1194 x 30†x 2†â€" $1.50 Richmond Hill a: District Uni. For information on]! Richmond Hill TU. 4-1328 TU. 4-2382 TU 4-4821 I‘hornhill AV. 5-1603 AV. 5-1743 AV 5-4825 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY LAGERQUIST STUDIO XMAS PHOTOGRAPHS SAVE MONEY ON OUR PACKAGE DEALS Where Quality and Value Meet 93 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-2791 Maple ALpine 7-2650 Unlonv Illa 339 AV. 5-2406