Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Nov 1960, p. 9

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6| Yonge St. 5. Richmond Hill, Ont. . TUrner 4-7381 CARL E. HJLL. M.D.. M.O.H DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK ’l‘.B. Patch Tests For Students Students in Grades IX, X1 and XIII, in North York schools will shortly be offer- ed the opportunity of a skin test for tuberculosis. The test being used is knoun as a Vollmer Patch Test and is similar in appearance to an adhesive band-aid. It is very important to find the people in this age group who, though not having tu- berculosis, have been in con- tact with this disease and have become sensitive to the bacteria which cause tuber- culosis. Positive reactors will be X-rayed. CORPORATION OF CANADA. LIMITED CHRYSLER * TURN SIGNALS * “INDSHIELD WASHERS fir HEATER * FACTORY UNDERCOATING at FOAM RUBBER SEATS ANNOUNCES * COME IN FORA ‘A’ TEST DRIVE SOON! NOW HAS WILLIAM NEAL DOUG. SHEARDOWN 44 Hendon Ave.. WILLOWDALE. Ont. BA. 5-3105 Mrs. Ruth Hipkiss; Treasurer. Mrs. Dorita Carter; Conductress, Mrs. Eleanor Gates; Associate Conductress. Mrs‘ Barbara Tay- lor; Chaplain. Mrs., Elizabeth The Installation f 1960-1961 Officers, of Richmond Hill Chap- ter No. 302, Order ofAEhe Eqstern n.- “v. .0,â€" Star. took ,pl'aicrer at November 1 meeting, held in the Masonic Building, Richmond Hill. .- 1 lnstal Officers For Locall Order Of Eastern Star bunny-“.5, .............. The new Officers were as fol- lows: "u Worthy Matron. Mrs. Hilda Ludlow; Worthy Patron, Mr. Her- bert Ludlow: Associate Matron, Mrs. Phylis Richmond: Secretary, Mrs. Ruth Hipkiss; Treasurer. Mrs. Dorita Carter; Conductress, Curtis:M;f§fiéi, Mrs. Helen Walk- ‘Mirrlees; . Warder. Star-points â€" Ada. Mrs. Jean Ruth, Mrs. Eunice Hicks; Esther, Mrs. Nan Simmons; Martha, Mrs. Marjorie Beresford; Electa, Mrs. Grace Jennings; Mrs. Bertha Walker; Sentinel, Mrs. May Hunt. The Installing Matron was Mrs. Margaret Jefkins, P.M. The Inâ€" stalling Patron was Mr. Arthur Jefkins, P. P. The Installing Mar- shal was Mrs. Mary Smith P.D.- D.G.M. . The Installing Conductl‘ess and Associate Conductress. Mrs. Cora Magee, P.M. The Installing Sec- retary and Treasurer, Mrs, Alma Hill, P.M. The Installing Chap- lain, Marshal and Organist, ’VIrs. Florence Kinzie P. M. The In- stalling Floral Marshal Mrs. Ada Klaassen, P.M. er; Organist. Mrs. Ruth rBoor_e Soloist. Mr. Robert Cooper,| Past Grand Patron; Pianist, Mrs. May Terry; Warder, Mrs. Edna Hawkins; Sentinel. Mrs. Daisy Page ton. Many guests were present to congratulate the new officers. in- cluding out of town visitors from Preston, Galt, Hespler, Orange- ville. Newmarket. Kitchener. Osh- awa. Barrie. Bowmanville, Cooks- town, Markham and Toronto. Kt‘kfiéfibs’e of the meeting de- lightful refreshments were served buffet style. XMAS PHOTOGRAPHS Meet 93 Yonge St S. TU. 4-2791 LAGERQUIST STUDIO SAVE MONEY ON OUR PACKAGE DEALS Where Quality and Value Efiapiéin. Mrs. Ada Hamil- Lions Ladies Night The ladies were guests at the Victoria Square and District Lions Club meeting held on_Tues- day evening, November lst. The opening ceremonies were given by Lions President Lau‘son Mumberson, after which a short business meeting was Jield. Each Lion introduced his lady or paid a fine. Lion Frank Williams \vel- corned the ladies. Lion George Brands gave a very interesting talk illustrated with coloured slides of life on the D.E.W. line within the Arctic Circle. 500 mles from the North Pole. Lion For- rest Dullege thanked Mr. Harvey for his talk. Lion Art Wilson showed pictures of the Lions first Fun Fair held at Lion Gordon Mortson‘s. the Charter Night and the lst Charter Anniversary which proved very interesting. Dainty refreshments were serv- ed at the close. It was announced that. the Lions are planning a Bingo Night in the Victoria Square Commun- ity Hall for Tuesday evening, November 29th. under the chair- manship of Lion Everett Vanderâ€" kooy. Glee Club Mrs. N. Johnston, Mrs. P. Rum-" ney and Mrs. G. Hardie attended a Training conference for Guides and Brownie leaders on Wednes- day evening at the Richmond Hill ‘ United Church. Seventy - five[ Guiders were present. * {Mission Band ‘ The regular meeting of thei {Mission Band will be held onfi ‘Saturday. November 12 at 2 pm. All the children in the commun- ity are invited to attend. Euchre ‘ Another Euchre Party will be? held on Friday evening. Novem-! ber 11 at 8.15 pm. Everyone welâ€"; come. Home and School 1 < On Wednesday evening of last week. the Scarboro A.0.T.S. Glee Club presented an evening of musical entertainment in the Church. This was sponsored by the Victoria Square Committee of Stewards. A very fine program was pre- sented, and those who failed to attend missed a real treat. Bazaar The local association of Guides and Brownies held a very suc- cessful Bazaar on Saturday after- noon. with representatives from five communities present.‘ There was Home Baking. Sew- ing, Knitting. Plants. Christmas Decorations, Candy, Tea, and last but by no means least a Fish- Pond for the children. The members would like to thank all those who contributed and who helped in any way to make it such a success. The next meeting of the Local Association of Guides and Brown- ies will be held at the Melville United Church on Thursday even- ing, November 10 at 7:30 pm. sharp. Guide Training iWednesday‘Doggy" Day For Court Magistrate Last Wednesday’s post-Hallo- we’en court in Maple yielded an exceedingly heavy docket, with 104 cases listed. However, of |these 56 were dog cases. with the majority of fines paid out of court. Twenty three persons were charged with speeding. Other offenses which, including those already mentioned brought in a- bout $800.00 in fines, were, im- proper turn, 1. failing to stop. ‘5. failing to signal. 1. game law jinfractions. 3. parking, 1, left of ‘centre line, 1. careless driving. 1. making unnecessary noise, 1 ‘and driving an unsafe vehicle, 1. iDogs The meeting of the Gormley Home and School Aswciation will be held on Monday evening. Noâ€" vember 14 at 8 pm. in the Sr. room of $5. No. 7 school. A film will be shown of the Thornhaven School. W.M.S. and W.A A hearty invitation is extended to all the parents to please make an effort to attend this meeting. The W.M.S. and WA. will hold a joint meeting at the home of Mrs. S. DeFoe on Wednesday, November 16. It will be a Pot Luck Luncheon at 12:30 pm. A shower will be held for the Vic- tor Home for Girls. They are urâ€" l04 Case Docket Man's best friend was in the spotlight.‘ Six persons. charged either with failuxe to buy a cur- rent dog license or having a dog at large. won the court's clem- ency. Mr. George O‘Neill of Rich- mond Hill had a no-dog-licence charge dismissedgvhen he proved he had gotten rid of his dog just before the May 1 tag-buying deadline. Blames Egg Man Mrs. Ray Cartier of Richmond Hill. up on a dog-at-large charge blamed her egg man and the al- lure of a neighbour‘s lady mem- ber of the canine breed for her dog‘s fall from grace. "We always keep him chained." she said. "but on September 28 I was working in the basement and the egg man came in to deposit an order and forgot to close the door behind." Further evidence indi- cated that the dog instantly took advantage of the open door pol- icy and took off for an impromp- tu date with his girl friend. Mag- istrate P. Kelley agreed that cir- cumstances over which mere hu- mans do not have control would happen, and suspended the fine. Blames Store Mrs. H. Crooks. also of The Hill. blamed the stores in the Bayview Plaza where she shops for her dog’s break for the open road. “The store doesn't allow dogs to come in." she explained. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W SANDLE R. R. 2 Gonnley â€" Telephone Gornfley 542! Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Canning of Regina. Saskatchewan spent a few days last week with Mr. and I Mrs. Treanor Canning and family. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nigh, Mr. and Mrs. Treanor Canning had dinner on Thursday evening of last week with M12 and Mrs. Lloyd Canning and Laurie. E Bvirthday Greetings to Bruce Mortson for November 9; to Allan Snider for November 9; to Mrs. [Lloyd Canning for November 12; ‘to Brian and Shirley Empring- wham who on November 15 will [be four years old. gently in need of canned fruits, juices, jams and jellies. Mrs. J. Barker and Mrs. A. Orr will pro- vide the music. All the ladies in the community are invited to at- tend. Church News Mr. A. M. ’l‘omlinson was in charge of the church service on Sunday morning. On Sunday, November 13, at 1130 am. Dr. A. F. Binnington will be in charge of the service. On Sunday. November 13. from 2 to 9 pm. there will be a con- ference for those interested in On Sunday, November 13. from 2 to 9 pm. there will be a con- fei‘ence for those interested in Boy's work. Tyre and Sigma C. to be held in the Lansing United church. Neighbourhood Notes Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Madill, (Mrs. P. Wil- lows) who were married on Sat- urday by Dr. A. F. Binnington. Mr. and Mrs. Heber McCague, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton had Saturday evening dinner with Mrs. Margaret McCague and Mrs. L. Cummings at York Mills, the occasion being in honour of Mrs. Margaret McCague who was cele- brating her eighty-seventh birth- day. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard {and June attended the Dalley- Johnston wedding held in the Brantford United Church on Sat- ‘m‘day afternoon. The reception ‘:was held in the Grand Bell Hotel, 1' Brantford. I On Sunday evening. November 6, the Jr. Choir of the Victoria Square Uni-ted Church supplied [the special music at the Wesley |United Church, V-andorf Anniver- lsary service. llnfant Baptism l The Sacrament of Infant Bap- (tlsm will be held in the Victoria lSquare United Church on Sunâ€" lday, November 27th, at 11:30 am. llnterested parents please con- tact the minister. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett who on No- vember 9 will be celebrating their twenty-eighth wedding annivers- ary; to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boyn- ton who on November 11 will be celebrating their sixteenth wed- ding anniversary. SevderQI‘vbf Bur hunter-friends have gone northward this week. We wish them goodrlutrzku A number from here attended the Warden’s Banquet held in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, on Friday evening. Master Jeffrey Collard of Tem- peranceville spent a few days last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard. Mr. Lawson Mumberson was the guest speaker at the Peaches Young People’s Union on Sunday evening. He spoke on the Gen- eral Council of the United Church. "Miésr‘ Cathy Glenn and Mr. George Collard spent the week- end in Kingston: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Donald called on Mr. William Boynton who underwent an op- eration in the Toronto General Hospital. Jr. Choir “and I left my dog at the door fo'r just a minute or so while I re- turned for an item I had forgot- ten to purchase the first time in. When I got back outside he was gone.” This explanation satisfied the court. Blames Fate Mrs. G. Chapman of Browndale‘ Crescent, Richmond Hill, con-1 vinced the magistrate that she had a case. She said she left the dog at home While she took her child to hospital. The dog must have escaped in her absence, she contended. She admitted that she had been warned previously a- bout her dog being at large but added it wasn’t always the easiest thing in the world to keep one eye on the pooch and the other on her six children. Magistrate Kelley suspended the fine just as Chief R. P. Robbins. acting for the crown, got nimbly to his feet. "Yes?" inquired the cadi kindly. “Too late. Your Worship!” exclaimed the chief and sat down. It was apparent that he had not agreed that the circumstances in this case were of a mitigating nature. No Warning Another Richmond Hill citi- zen. William Bell. who had failed to register his animal before the May lst deadline. said: "Your Worship. I'm not against buying a tag. In fact, I have one now. I expected that, like last year, the police department would give me some advance warning in the matteri” “Well. did or did you not buy the license in time?" asked the magistrate. “No. Sir.” replied Bell. whereupon the magistrate said: "It’s up to a dog owner to check the law. How- ever. I’l.l suspend the fine.” Deceased A. W. Campbell, Richmond Hill, had a similar charge dis- missed when he pointed out that his dog had been destroyed last December. The crown said when the charge was laid. police had reason to believe the dog was still alive and with Campbell. Mastercraft Youths’ Glove â€" Tan and yellow. 3 extra rolls on back, 2 fibre pro- tected thumb r0115. Molded fibre :Uff. Solid leather palm. 12". For 10-15 5 I years. Pair ................ Mastercraft Adults’ Hockey Glove â€" Beige and tan. 4 rolls on back. Molded. hinged fibre thumb with extra roll u: joint. cIIVIoIded fibre cuff. All cowhi e. Worth $10. 14“. Pair ........ . Aâ€"Mastercraft Adults’ Hoc~ key Glove »â€" Sohd cowhide inrvstandard cream and tan. 3 rolls on back, extra roll at hinged fibre thumb. 13” overall. Pair ........ W @2119 PRO-STYLE!) EQUIPMENT . . . FOR LEAGUE AGTIOH THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 10, 1960 (film TIRE 1 25 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL Boys’ Hockey Pants â€" Simi- la-r to above. 26-36” waist 3.75 Pro Shh: and Knee Padâ€"An plastic. Thick felt coverage at thigh, calf. Leather cover- ed roll below the knee. 19" overall. Pair Câ€"Pro-Stylc Hockey Pants - Red or blue with white stripe sturdy cotton drill; Quilted hip, thigh padding. Fibre thigh protectors. Laced gait. 32-44” waist. 5'5“ Bâ€"“Super” Shin and Knee Pad â€" All plastic. Thick felt coverage to thigh, calf. 2 extra leather covered rolls below knee cap. 22%". Pair .................... ‘air TUmer 44196 ASSOCH “SAMSON” DELUXE HOCKEY OUTFIT Leather cdvored m o] d e d fibre cap. Pair .......................... Eâ€"Helmetâ€"Leather covered thick felt ................................ 2'45 Fâ€"Mlstercrntt Youth!- Shoulder. Collarbone Pad â€"- Lined with thick felt. Laced front, back. 12-16 years .................. PwStyle Shoulder Pad â€" Flexible. Quilted under fibre at shoulder. arm. Usually 6.95 , V ............ Gâ€"Hockey Sticks â€" M a d a from selected clear-grained hardwood. Available in 31”- 53” lengths. all _lies. Priced Dâ€"“Pro-Style” Elbow Padâ€"- Speed, balance, protection. comfort . . . just the outfit for today’s and tomorrow’s s t a r s ! Muscle - straining stops, sudden manoeuvers performed so easily on t h e s e professional - style skates, . . . dependably, too! Host of exceptional features, including: Mac- Kay welt leather soles: Chrome plated tube skates, copper riveted to heels: Steel shank, Spring heel. A joy to skate on, whether for league action or pleas- ure, season after season. AV. 5-450] . . . designed for the player on the way up! .3910 1.95

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