Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Nov 1960, p. 20

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Hoot: on In. oil when car In I o. Flt: any car with straight di [tick opening; 5/! " clam. TU. 4-1196 25 Yonge SI. N. Richmond Hill AV. 5.4501 A: Save! Save! Save On . . . 20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 10, 1960 TROUBLE STARTING â€" NO PICK-UP? GET A WINTER TUNE-UP SPECIAL! Price Includes: LABOUR and 53:35 + POints, Condenser ancl Rotor 6 CYL + C.T.C. "Turbo-Fire" Spark Plugs $11.95 + Check Fuel Pump â€" Adjust Carburetor 8CYL + Check Electrical System $13.95 ENGINE HEATER for all your CAR REPAIRS & PURCHASES open a Canadian Tire “CAN CHARGE" no down pay- men'tâ€" nothing to pay? for days. BRAKE ADJUSTMENT UNTIL THE BATTERY IS IN- STALLED IN YOUR CAR . . . No stale stock, no "shelf-loss” of battery life and power . . . Bum for action starts, plus plenty of power for accessories and long lifeâ€"at lower cost per month of guaranteed service. NOTEâ€"Add 50: to baflory price for lnmllaflon. . . . all the power is "locked-in”â€" I. BRAKE 322?. ,l’a'é‘é‘firm 2. BALANCE WHEELS 3. ALIGNMENT $332303: FRONT END ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Stops common ignl- tion troubles. Seals out moisture, 6-01. bomb. ' Adjust b ru k e 3, including 17% emergency brake ° Pack front wheel hearing: I l 9 ' Add approved heavy-duty brake fluid (superior to new COMPLETE car quality) to master cylinder. ANY CAR ““\“\‘“‘““““‘\“‘\“““‘\“‘u“"‘}\l v“-““““ Check brake drums and lining Clean, pack front wheel bearings DIJN’T RUN INTI] TROUBLE! Original equip. qual- ity. Prevents over- heating. Maintains top generator per- foi’mahce. Chnv. 55-51 Ford 55-” Dodge, Plym. 55-” (Mon) 1.0.10 '0 10.60 N- 11.10 *0 11.45 “1- 9.80 *0 13.15 “- Chevrolet, 1955-57 .10 Pair . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 Dodge, Ford, Manor and Ply- mouth (most to ’56) ‘ Includes everything the! ll needed for bolh wheels. Ford and Meteor, 5.60 1947-54. Set Chevrolet, 1942-54. 4.25 Se! . . . . , , . . . . Dodge and Plymouth, :30 Pair 1946-56. Set LEAF SPRINGS KING BOLT SETS COIL SPRINGS SPECIAL .50 N 13.96 FRONT END PARTS Twin jet. spray forces water to windshield â€"- auto- matically -“-“‘s“‘\“““““‘ $.50 WASHER COMPLETE ANY CAR 1955-58 .35' .90 Upper 9 to "’1; Lower 11.60 to 13.20 :5... Reduces from when! sway, improve: steering. Chev. Pontiac, 1955- 8.70 59, Upper . ‘ , Ford and Meteor, Chevrolet, 1949-57 3.80 (most). Pair . . . . Dodge and Plymouth, 4.85 1946-56. Pair Ford and Meteor, 3.80 1942-58 (most). Pair if flafiened ob? Sauso â€"raar end dragging . . . check regularly! J) W Dodgo, Plym. 55-59 (Mon) ‘.' 4.59 TIE ROD ENDS BALL JOINTS You Get All 3 For low" 6.20 to 8.50 Performance, vac- uum tested to new- car standards. Guar- %?;:d:.. 4.70 info} those who Wish to send Mr. S. Doner a card while in hospital, here is his address -â€"- Guests of Mrs. J. B. L. Sti_ver on Thursday were her daughter Mrs. Henry Gibson and her daughters, Linda and Margaret of Willowdale, on Sunday her son, Mr. Lloyd Stiver and Jane of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stiver, also of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mauer and sons Paul and Mark, and Misses Anna and Ruth Mauer of Kitchener. Mrs. Harold Reesor and son Mark of Joliet, Quebec, spent a couple of days at the home of her father-in-law, Mr. Carl Reesor. The 44th Annual Bible Confer- ence of the Brethren in Christ Church was held on Nov. 5 and 6th at Heise Hill Church. Special speakers were Rev. Luke L. Keef- er of Millersburg, Pa., Rev. Jacob H. Bowers of Collegeville, Pa., and Rev. Roy Nigh of Unlonville. Rev. L. Keefer is continuing in two weeks of Evangelistic meetâ€" ings with services each evening at 7:45 p.m., except Saturday. A hearty welcome is extended to all to attend. Socials Miss Reat‘ha Brillinger of To- ronto spent a weekâ€"end recently with Miss Ruth Hoover. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George French were Mr. Paul Sider of Wainfleet, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Steckley, Mr. and Mrs. Lén- don Steckley, Mr. Em Harvey of Newmarket, and Mr. Frank Har- vey. "Mr. Ross Kefier has spent two weeks serving on jury in To- ronto. and Mrs. Jess Dewsbury of Richmond Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott, Bible Conference The woman who wrote these lines has an excellent sense of her selfâ€"consciousness. She is largely curing hex-self of this trait because she takes a genuine interest in others. She watches others, learns about their likes and dislikes, their dreams and afflictions. It is pretty difficult to think about yourself and oth- ers at the same time. So if YOU are self-conscious, take an inter- es‘ in others. It works! Humour Note how she makes the initial stroke of the capital H in the word ‘How.’ This means she has a good sense of humour. She appreciates the funny or amusing side of life. At the same time, notice how the final peak of each ‘n’ in the words ‘and,’ ‘con- fide.’ ‘think,’ ‘friends’ is higher than the preceeding one. This tm of ‘n’ (or 'm') means self- consciousness. . Actually. . . you know, self-consciousness is a fear of making mistakes. When the trait is pronounced, along with other negative characteristics, it wiI be a hindrance, because one cannot do his best when he is wondering what the next person thinks about his appearance or work or general attitude, or wor- rying about being criticized. Self-consciousness is a form of nervousness in which the indiv- idual is more consciqus of him- self than his surroundings. Bas- ically, self-consciousness is de- termined by a lack of understand- ing of others. Humour itself is samething we can study for an entire lifetime. We know as little about the whys of humour as we do about the spark of life itself, or man’s creativeness. Of course we know a great deal about humour’s out- ward forms. We know that it helps us relieve tensions in laughter (why do you suppose a top comedian is paid such staggering sum-s?) We have been asked to point out HUMOUR and to expand on SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS, so in this article we are going to deal with those traits. Study this writing, that of a very nice person indeed who has a well developed social consciousness and reveals generosity in her services on behalf of others. - Character In Writing (6) Self-Consciousness Humour In Your Pen WE kfiow that humour can CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED GORMLEY NEWS Telephone Gormley 5201' By Alex Sjoberg (CGA . IGAS) tonsils'and adenoid: removed. Mr. Clarence Heise of Welland spent the week-end with rela- tives here. The First Directors’ Meeting of the Mark-ham Federation of Agriculture, following the annual supper, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Britnell. The following officers were elect- ed for 1960-61: President, Mr. Dalton Rumney; lst Vice-Pres, Mr. Fraser Gee; 2nd Vice-Pres. Mr. Norman Tyndall; Sec., Mr. Elson Myles; Treas., ‘Mr. Don Hunter. The following committees were appointed, Com to Review the Constitutionâ€"Chairman Mr. R. G. Britneu, Mr. Frank Brumwell, Mr. Fred Wicks and Mr. Don Hunter. Baby Larry Wideman, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wide- man, has spent over tour weeks in Sick Children’s Hospital. On Tuesday at my wggk he hadihla Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nigh had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Empringham. MT. and Mrs. Nigh are leaving this week to spend the winter in Florida. It was decided to hold another Directors’ meeting early in De- cember to receive the reports of the various committees. followed by a general meeting of all mem- bers in January." Mr. and Mrs. Jeny Frey (nee Doris Cober) now of Toronto were guests of honour at a presenta- tion on Thursday night at the home at Mr. and Mn. Peter Stickley. They were presented with a mantel clock and a coffee server. KERRY: You'll spend on others first and yourself last because you’re a philosopher. unafraid, interested in ideas rather than material possessions. CUTENESS: Your friend is easily hurt but also broadmlnded. He will give you a hearing. Apolo- gize for your sharp tongue. You will too, because there’s good stuff in you. HB: Self-confidence comes with knowledge, understanding of self, enabling one to study mistakes objectively. Chicken pox are present again in our community. The latest vic- tims are Carl and Lowell‘Hunk- ing and John Ash. Miss Hazel Johnson flew to Miss Hazel Johnson flew Florida to visit friends there Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eade who will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary this Saturday, Nov. 12. create, reform and progress; that it can hold hard pressed armies and nations together; that it can break down barriers and build intimate contact. We know that dictators rarely have a sense of humour, indicating a degree of immaturity. We know that cruel humour can reflect sadism. It is said too that there is nothing quite as elusive as the essence of comedy. Producing laughter is an indefinite science which can never be wholly accurate since people's reactions to what they ‘feel to be funny differs so widely. But we think it is correct to say that so long as a person has a sense of humour he is not without hope, no matter what his predic- ament is or fault may be, because a sense of humour makes him ap- proachable. G. A. ANSWER BOX ABE: The more you tell a grapho analyst (or a doctor or lawyer) about yourself, the more he can help you. He isn’t a magician. Mr. and Mrs. John Farquhar- son left on Friday to spend a week visiting in Indianapolis, and then are going on to spend the winter at their home in Florida. Com. on Projectsâ€"Mr. Ross MacKay, Mr. Lloyd Beatty, Mrs. R. G. Britnell. A typed, confidential, 350-word character analysis can be had for the nominal sum of 52. Sub- mit a one-page letter, in ink if possible, to The G. A. Depart- ment, “The Liberal,’ Richmond Hill, Ontario. Allow one week for the analysis. Room 319, 3rd Floor, St. Mich- ael’s Hospital, Toronto. Miss Erma Nigh spent a week with her brother-in-law and sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Brown and baby of Welland. Mr. a'nd Mrs. Levi Steckley and Mary moved into their new home last week. (Copyright) NOW . . . longer mileage “built-in” (TYREX Viscose Cord) . . . keeps quiet, too â€" whine- free . . . and only HIWAY-BYWAY gives you the premium safety of NATURAL RUBBER NOW . . . no matter when or where you drive . . . in snow, mud, on ice or bare highway, you can depend on the HIWAY-BYWAY to get you going, keep you going, and get you back safely . . . the power grip Natural Tree Rubber Tread gives greater go, more positive flop. LOWEST PRICES ON BRAND NEW SNOW TIRES SNOW TRAVEL 670/15 or 600/16 CflllllDlfllI TIRE C AS soc IA TE ST OR»! . Price after $1. to $3. allowance for the “left-over" mileage on your old tire. SAVINGS standard “new-czir” qualitit tire! . : .'Thanks to Canadian Tire’s WHOLESALE DISCOUNT e 31} lgsgl than ygu'd gxpeqt to pay__forAI SUPER-LASTIC 10:95 Similar savings on other slut 12.95

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