Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Dec 1960, p. 9

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TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL If more candidates are nominated for the office hereinbefore men- tioned than are required to fill the same, the election will be held on: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15TH, 1960 between the 'hours of 10 o’clock am. and 8 o’clock pm. in a polling place designated. Every nomination shall be in writing, on forms provided, and shall be signed by the Proposer and Seconder, both of whom shall be Municipal Electors and present at the meeting. When a proposed candidate is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfactory to the Returning Ofiicer that he consents to be so nominated. Candidates must obtain from the Treasurer a certificate showing that at the time of opening of the Nomination Meeting there are no taxes of a preceding year overdue and unpaid in reSpect of the land on which they propose to qualify. and no business tax overdue and unpaid for the current year. DATED November 30th, 1960. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 56 YONGE STREET NORTH. RICHMOND HILL between the hours of 7 and 8 o’clock in the evening for the purpose of nominating ONE (1) member for the Board of Trustees. School Area No. 1. Markham Township. All persons who file a declaration at the time of voting to the effect that they Will be absent from the Municipality, or confined in a Hos- pital on Election Day. Saturday. December 10th, and Who are entitled to vote at Municipal Elec- tions. may record their vote at the Advance Poll A meeting of the Municipal Electors of School Area No. l of Township of Markham will be held in the Markham Township Council Chambers. Buttonville 0N Thursday. December 8th, 1960 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 PROCLAMATION FOR THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS THIS YEAR PROVISION HAS BEEN MADE FOR THE HOLDING OF AN FROM THE HOUR OF 2 RM. T0 10 RM. NOMINATIONS and ELECTIONS ADVANCE POLL TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM GOD SAVE THE QUEEN on H. C. T. Crisp, Russell Lynett. Returning Officer, Township of Markham. RETURNING OFFICER the Contesting the reeveship Mr. Douglas Hutchins, who spent three years as councillor and the the past year as deputy-reeve, outlined six factors facing the modernization of township ad- ministration - better mainten- ance and road construction; bet- ter fire protection and policing: closer co-operation with police villages to help solve their growth problems; educational facilities; creating a more efficient adminis- tration; and supporting better planning of commercial. indust- rial, residential and agricultural assessment in the townshig. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs, George French were Rev. Wm. Vanderbent of Richmond Hill, Rev. L. Keefer of Millersburg, Penna., Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Eby of Markham, Ruth VWlttier of Abaline, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Loy Carr, Mr. Isaac Carr of Re- gina, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson of Toronto, Mr. Fred Traver of Wellandport, and Mr. Peter Steckley. flfififififlfiiflfll The annual Sunday School pro- gramme at the United Mission- ary Church will be held on Fri- day night, December 16. Baby Debby Grove, daufihter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grove, has been ill with chicken-pa; Correspondent: Mrs. Chas. Milsted. Phone Gomley 5201 Belated congratulations to and Mrs. Albert Hawkins who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Nov. 25. They were pleasantly surprised by rel- atives in Markham on Thursday evening, and also on Friday ev- ening at the home of their son John. Mr. Hutchins stated that if elected he would not accept the salary at present paid the reeve of King Township and set the figure\“around $4,000.” "I have a young family and responsibili- ties at home. A truck driver in King earns within $100. or $200 of that amount." ‘ Rev. C. E. Hunking is conduct- ing two weeks meetings at Port Huron, Michigan. In his absence on Sunday, Mr. Ed Herbert of Stoufiville spoke at the Sunday morning service. Mr. Duane Ben- jamin. Director of Toronto and S‘touffville Youth for Christ preached at the Sunday evening service. A miscellaneous shOWer was held on Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hoover in honour of Miss Nancy Ander- son and Mr. Paul Hoover, who will be married on December 16 at Calgary, Alberta. Rev. and Mrs. Dan Thomhill and girls of South Bend, Indiana, spent a few days' holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Harman. operator. Trustees, Area 1 (three to be chosen) Mrs. Loyis Tienkem-p Trevor Height Jack Guthrie Albert Fan-en. » After 11 years on council, five as reeve, past Warden William Hodgson sought re-election on the basis of his record. “I won’t promise you better service, be- cause I’ve given the best I have,” he told 200 ratepayers. He reminded, the municgpal building was established; ine bridges were built in the last five years, and 11 miles of paved roads constructed. :“I will give you the soundest municipal government I can ren- der and will always be conscious of the tax dollar," Reeve Hodg- son pledged. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber and Timmy moved into the Milsted apartment on Saturday. A VMr. and Mrs. Ron Richardson and girls spent the week-end with friends in Kitchener. housewife Township Clerk Harold Rose.‘ Returning Officer, received the following nominations for De- cember 5 elections: Reeve - William Hodgson. fab, mer. i Douglas Hutchins, far- mer. Deputy Reeve â€" Ray Jennings, (withdrew) Wilfred Aitchison, farmer. Norman MacMurchy, far- met. Councillors (three to be elected) Gordon Cook, farmer. Stanley Kunlski, farmer. Jack Rouble, businessman. Mrs. Ursula McLennan. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moody vis- ited on Saturday with her son and family at Trenton. A cable has been received from Miss Miriam Heise telling of her safe arrival in Southern Rhode- sia, Africa, after a pleasant ocean voyage. During King Township nomina- tions night in packed Kettleby Hall. every council seat was saroneg - and politely - contest- e . Mr. Ken Duncan sufiered a painful accident last week when he accidentally slipped and a spike on a side delivery rake went through his foot. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Carl Forrester also had an accident when he hurt his thumb when he hit it while loading ce- ment blocks. Twenty-five Sunday School and church workers of the United Missionary Church made 200 calls on Sunday afternoon in a visitation survey in Beverley Acres. Tfie Evening wms. meeting was held on Monday night at the home of Miss Genevieve Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. C. Milsted and Charleen had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Snuth of Queensville. Promise Lively Contest King Township Elections LIBERAL f." .ASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 BfJ. Langdon, bus line GORMLEY amamagmfifimgmfiamamfiamamamamfiamfiam‘m‘m‘mfififimuw 8.11 . i mJIulldWmaw. m? F mm. 1m mm am“, e. m m .. . . a n 239m» IM|b‘. eyme e S amw Wuhm dhdmm Ammg nth fiflfiiflfiflfiii Mr. Wilfred Altchlson, defeated as deputy-reeve a year ago after seven years on Council. re-enterâ€" ed the field, opposing Mr. Nor- ma}: MacMurchy, former member. Five announced they would run for the office of three coun- cillors. One-year members Mr. B. J. Langdon and Mr. Gordon Cook are contesting with Mr. Jack Rouble, Mrs. Ursula Mc- Lennan 3nd Mr. Stgnley Kunisky. The only woman ever to run for King Township Council, Mrs. McLennan stated, “Because I have enjoyed living in King, I have been active in organizations. I cannot claim experience on council but I realize one must keep in continuous contact with its citizens. I have the time and energy and I feel I can make a gontributionito this township." Mr. Aitchison said the new roads shed on the eighth con- cession, a county road, was ne- cessary and overdue. He paid tribute to the retiring Building Inspector. Charles Ross and Roads Superintendent Chalmer Black, saying they had gone "to thg_senate of qunship affairs." Three-year Councillor Norm-an Taylor retired owing to the pres- sure of his electrical business. Mr. Hutchins said there was no intention to take the administra- tive part of fire protection away from police villages. He suggest- ed township faced beginning a snia_ll efficient police force. Mr. MacMurchy ’firarfifiéd““to try to do everything in the in- teggsts of ratepayers." Mr. Cook urged purchase of a third maintainer of the roads department. "We needed it more than we needed a township build- ing this year." he declared. Mr. Rouble said, "I think we need some one from the north part on council." He has been in business 10 years in Holland Marsh .and said he knew many pepple around Kettleby. Mr. Kuniski represented the “extreme west” section and said he and his brother operate a 2008acre farm, with a Holstein her . a m AV. 5 - 2880 . . OPEN 1%. TU. 4 . 7932 South Block - Richmond Heights Centre 9m ' 9pm. PRE - Many items one of a kind - many manufacturers’ samples - some washers and dryers slightly marked - all at UP-TO-DATE prices - all guaranteed! 3 DAYS â€" Ist, 2nd, 3rd 3-Speed FOOD MIXERS AUTO. WASHERS New guarantees - from 198.00 No Money Down SEE THEM AT AN UP-TO-DATE PRICE Marconi HI-FI - AM - FM . Stereo with 4-Speed Player. Reg. Price $289.00 Now Only Our Location is between “Wu-wick House” A Fashion Centre Deep Fryers - Kettles - Electric Can Openers - Cotfee Makers - Irons - Auto. Fry Pans - Shavers YOU NAME IT! WE CAN GET IT! At 1 ""at'“ UP-To-DATE PRICES i‘UP-To-DATE APPLIANCES “Oceancraft” A Unique Gift Centre NOW ONLY 10-?! A Few Scratched 199.00 SALE! 13.95 Is hereby given that the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill intends to apply to the Legislative As- sembly of the Province of Ontario, at its next regular Session, for a private Act to ratify and confirm the Agreement entered into be- tween the Corporation of the Township of Markham, the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan, the Corpora- tion of the Town of Rich- mond Hill and Toronto Tran- sit Commission, dated the Second day of January, 1960, providing for the op- eration of a motor bus ser- vice in the said municipali- ties, to provide that any sur- plus or deficit in the opera- tion of such motor bus ser- vice shall be divided among or paid by the municipalities in fixed proportions and to enable the municipalities to credit to or assess against rateable property in the said Municipalities or defined ar- eas therein such surplus or deficit. DATED this 26th day of October, 1960. Radios JOHN'S T.V. 1960 RCA Victor 21” TV CONSOLES, light finish, 3 Only UP-TO-DATE PRICE Is it possible to buy a Philco Predicta TV for 169.00? Yes - But Only At UP-TO-DATE APPLIANCES But Only During his Sale Brand Spanking New 30” RANGES - Every- thing automatic . West- inghouse, Mofiat J. D. LUCAS, Q.C. 6 Adelaide St. E. Toronto 1, Ontario Solicitor for the Applicant NOTICE Transistor RADIOS complete with case, earphone, etc. UP-TO-DATE 9 1 PRICE " PAYMENTS IN FEBRUARY! PAY NOTHING DOWN! START AV. 5-4138 199.00 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 1, 1960 9 ( Car Radios Hl-Fl 9.95 RICHMOND HILL SENIOR CITIZENS BAZAAR ‘ SATURDAY, DEC. 3, 1960, 2 fmmmlmmmmummIn\uunmnmnmun“ummmummmmuumnunnunmumn\m1mmuuumnmmmuunmuummmmugg Municipal Hall g 58 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL 3 g 5 Bake Sale and Pantry Shelf â€" Handicrafts and Novelties â€"- Plants and Driftwood â€"- Collectors’ Stamps and instruction to beginners mnmmmmn“\mnmnu\1mmmmnui\nmmmuuumnuum\\i\munmmmum“ixummu1i1unu\\munumummum“\muummmmfi mmmumumumumu Inglis, Philco, Westing- house, Bendix DRYERS from Hoover VACS! The De- Luxe Model NOW ONLY UUS’I’URIME A-vovv . , This one you ve seen SORE BACK? Try a advertised for $135.00 Radiant HEATING PAD‘: 5 Only Inglis WASHERS om 5.951 97.77 21” POLISHERS - 2-brush DeLuxe 1 TO A CUSTOMER 29.99l For that Lucky Boy! wtube Bedroom RADIOS Reg. Price 24.95 UP-TO-DATE 1 7777 No Money Down - W111 Deliver Xmas Eve! RECORD PLAYERS 7 Only Attache Case Style . 64.95 Reg Now 47.0 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE RATEPAYERS 0F U.S.S. NO. 1 KING & WHITCHURCH (Oak Ridges Public School) WILL BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 7th, I960 \ AT 3 O’CLOCK PM. at the school, FOR THE TRANSACTION OF THE BUSINESS PRESCRIBED BY THE PUBLIC SCHOOL ACT, INCLUDING THE ELECTION OF A TRUSTEE. All ratepayers of the section are urged to attend. Dated at Oak Ridges, November 25th, 1960 4 Speed Automatic MAPLE UNITED CEMETERY BURIAL PLOTS ’ Philco Remote Con- trol TV - 2 only UP-TO-DATE ogr] nn NOW ONLY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE A few choice four grave plots on the high part are now for sale, created by straight- ening the fence line. For particulars write Maple United Cemetery, Box 211, Maple, or phone TUrner 4-7623. 119.00 PRICE PRICE MRS. ROSS FARQUHARSON, Sec.-Treas. U.S.S. No. 1 King & Whitchurch NOTICE 287.00 47.00 17.77 at UP-TO-DATE APPLIANCES Yes! At an UP-TO-DATE PRICE Over 200 Beautiful Household Appliances on Display at UP-TO-DATE APPLIANCES Automatic TOASTERS CLOCK-RADIOS . A New 9 Cu. Ft. 1960 REFRIGERATOR 2 Only CLAIRTONE STEREO HI-FI - An UP-TO-DATE PRICE Perfect for Lay-away 0”“ 11.77 For the Lady who has Everything! Automatic DISHWASHERS 0"“ 287.00 Brand New For Only 177.00 E

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