w. 441% .ï¬g Vemga gig ï¬â€™cï¬â€˜mond AV. 5-4501 :24 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 1, 1960 .‘ \‘ \\« ‘AQ AUTOMATIC You’ll need sure-gripping traction tread to get you through deep snow, slush and mud . . . you need Super-lastic WINTER EXPRESS on your rear wheels. loaded with pullâ€" away power . . . the deeper shoulder buttresses dig in to take a bigger bite â€" get you away fast and easy. The Natural Rubber Blend Treads give sure GO and safe STOP on greasy roads or slick pavement. WHOLESALE DISCOUNT SAVINGS â€" at Canadian Tire put Winter driv- ing safety on your car. WINTER EXPRESS “HWAY- 600/16 650/16 670/15 7l0/15 750/14 760/15 800-82071â€"5 800/14 850/14 550-590/15 Sin Loaded with PULL-AWAY POWERâ€"Quiet on the GO! 'From $1 to $3 will be paid for 0h. "left-Over“ Mileage on your old fire. TUBElESS Only $2 oxlrn. WHITEWAllS â€" 33 extra (Hiwuy-Byway). Nole: Add 50¢ for installation SUPER-lASTIC Discounl Price Before Irude-ln WINTER EXPRESS 18.95 17.95 20.95 19.95 21.95 14.95 17.95 Combination cleaner and conditioner. Re~ moves rust. scale, sludge . . . cleans en- tire cooling system. MOT! ‘Price after allowance for "LeH-Over†Mileage 11.95 to 17.95 '0 14.95 to 16.95 to 18.95 18.95 to 20.95 RQAD HAZARD INï¬Eflflï¬Nï¬E . . . PLUS 5-YEAH GUARANTEE 13.95 16.95 Original equip- ment quality. For ‘top engine tempera- ture control, efficient Eiié?’£§§§?r?ii1-49 Mfr's. Res. lis' Price Ride safely, securely, silently on HlWAY-BYWAY . . . voted top choice for bad-weather driving 12 months of the year. Now . . . no matter when or where you drive, you can depend on the HIWAY-BYWAY to get you going, keep you going, and get you back safely . . . the power- grip Natural Tree Rubber Tread give: ;greater 60, more positive STOP. Only HlWAY-BYWAY gives you the pre- mium safety of NATURAL RUBBER at less than premium price: . . . less than you‘d expect to pay for standard "new-car†quality tires. 28.75 36.70 29.15 733.20 29.15 36.20 38.90 33.20 36.20 25.00 38.90 Engineered for Canadian roads, temperatures and driving conditions with NATURAL RUBBER TREADâ€" "HIWAY-BYWAY" Discoum Price Before trade-In 18.95 20.95 19.95 21.95 19.95 .2655 28.95 22.95 25.95 16.95 VVorks 5 vvays to pre- vent and cure Inost cmnmon causes of cooling system fail- ure. Works with any anti~ freeze ................ I ‘Price After Allowance For "Left-Over" Mileage 13.95_toE15.35 Tough plastic coating seals out weather. cor- rosion, moisture. Pro- tects grille, bumper, Ghr‘ Pl DRY CHARGE with trade-in Factory-fresh we, type, fits most popular cars. 6- volt. 6-VOLT DRY CHARGE â€" Fits most popular cars. 12o-amp. capacity. Reg. list $15.51. Brand New “KEYSTONE†WET TYPEâ€"with old battery .. -§ERVICE Freshest power money can buy â€" new car equipment quality Power-sealed 6-voli or lZ-volt types. ‘POWER-SEALED' DRY CHARGE...the BIG lnsianf Energy WET-TYPE â€" 6-volf. With trade-in .V 13.95 FROM NOW ON IT'S GOING TO GET COLDER! Will your presenl ballery s’lancl up to the hard-starting, sub-zero winter weather 1hal's ahead? For surging power â€" and savings â€" install {he mos! powerful banery ever bull? . . . MGR-POWER "HI-CAPACITY ARMOR-GLASS.“ It's Dry Charge! "’5 POWER SEALED lo deliver new«born, instant-action power â€"- with guaranteed output for years ’0 come. Performance so om- sfanding, you’ll probably never need to buy another battery for lhe car you are now driving. NEW SUPER-DUTY 12-Volf Dry Reg. List $28.10 with trade-in. 10.9% VOLT DRY CH/QGEâ€"fits as! pnpular (£111.48- mlh Insurance-Guarantee. 9. list $28.10. 4. 95 ‘wsm. I2-VOLT DRY CHARGE â€" For most pepulur late mo- del curs. 48-Mon1h lnsw- unce-Guuran'ee. Reg. L251 $26.59. 6-9?“ “Power-Sealed†Dry charge DRY CHARGE -â€" IB-Monihs' Insurance-Guarantee WET TYPE â€" 12-Mon9hs' Insurance Guurunlee THE BUDGET-PRICED BATTERY BUdQM terms 1.39 .45 30-Month Insurance-Guarantee 7.45 with irade~in 9.95 trade-in Made-in \MOR-POWER E. Hl-GAPAGITYI available a, most Tire Sfores €§€ “€AN CHARGE" NO DOWN PAYMENT NOTHING TO PAY FOR.30 DAYS FOR YOUR PRE- CHRISTMAS SHOPPING CONVENIENCE OPEN A 12 -volf Wet type. Fits many popular late modeis. DRY CHARGE with trade-in WET TYPE â€"- with old battery WET TYPE_12-vo|t. Wifh trade-in 15.95 Charge. Canadian 13.95 | 11.45 12.95 with "admin frade‘in With irade-in a $25. Lions Club consolation prize recently, has turned the money over to the Thornhaven School for Retarded Childg‘en. A typed, conï¬dential 350-word character analysis can be had for the nominal sum of $2. Submit a one-page letter. in inkif possible, to the GA. Department. “The Liberal,†Richmond Hill, Ontario. Allow one week for the analysis. (Copyright) WILLOWDALE â€"- Henry Mc- Laughlin. a local boy, who Won T.T. You must distinguish be- tween ability and capacity. Abil- ity is a developed power. Capacity is a potential or inherent power. Ability means the power to per- form. It represents faculties. Now, aptitude is the ability to use a faculty, such as the hands, for example. While- you may have the ability to read rapidly, you can have the capacity to learn. There is a marked difference be- tween ability and talent. It is said we all have ability in one or more direction but few of us are endowed with a talent. A person has talent when he has a surplus development in a speciï¬c ï¬eld of endeavour. . . . cautiously asking about our fee. He was far from stupid but ,felt he was ‘missing the boat.’ His ‘writing revealed strong cautious- ness which, acting on his practi- calness, made him far too practi- cal. A long talk elicited the in- formation that for the ï¬rst 25 years of his life he had been overshadowed by a domineering, rather reckless parent. He was enabled to see clearly what it was that had happened to him. He analyzed the situation. A year later his handwriting had under- gone a startling change. He was much less cautious, less self- conscious. His self - reliance strokes in the signature were a joy to behold. He was moving ahead business-wise at a brisk pace. When he interviewed us‘ the second time he did not bother to ask about the fee. G.A. Question Box We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts We know a man who uses many caution strokes. Consistently. He is emotional, easily hurt, and used to talk too much too soon. To avoid being hurt he developed caution. Life is less painful for him. A businessman who had inâ€" herited a thriving concern- from his father once interviewed us “Flowers For All Occasions†Phones TU. 4-1812 TU. 4-7811 AT ALL HOURS for a cooling off period. to re- member that he often thinks too rapidly and deceives himself. He has developed caution, but again his writing would have to be evaluated to ï¬nd it. Caution combined with lack of generosity can be a distinct lia- bility, because such a trait-com- bination will prevent the writer taking advantage of opportunities. In the writing of the highly emo- tional, devil-may-care person, caution as seen in this specimen can be the needed stabilizer with- out which the writer could lay himself open to risks with probâ€" able painful consequences. There is no ing of this coo is cautious. H to control his for a cooling Whether caution is 3 depends on evaluation we're at it, let’s ha example of evaluation. writing may show philosophy, some Ci and practicalness. W will be no caution str< writing, when we eva above mentioned trai assume that he will ] nevertheless. in this week's handwritlng specimens, look at the words ‘he ran, ran,’ and then note the long dash following the ï¬nal ‘ranflIf you use such straight dashes at the end of a line to ï¬ll out the margin of a page, you know that caution is an element in your nature. By Alex Sjoberg (CGA-IGAS) 1 According to the dictionary, caution implies the promptings of fear for oneself or others and the exercise of forthought so that risks may be avoided or mini- mized. It embodies normal sus- piciousness. Don’t confuse cau- tion with circumspection, which suggests less fear and stresses judgement. There is a difference between being cautious and wary. because wariness emphasizes sus- picion and cunning. And remem- ber that you can be cautious without being chary, which im- plies excessive caution which has about it a neurotic overture. Character In Handwriting (9) Caution ls Recognized Eta/M; , 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU RICHMOND HILL RICE’S FLOWERS is good or bad in. And whife have another ion. A person's )w judgment, conservatism While there strokes in the evaluate these traits we can 111 be cautious in the w and yet et he learn allow writ BRAKE ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL $1.19 on CHEV 1949-53 Adjust brakes. including emergency brake Pack front wheel bearings Add approved heavy-duty brake fluid (superior to new car quality) to master cyl- inder. QUALITY PRICE CANADIAN TIRE has the... {Srudebuker Chump. 1947-54 6-cyl. (most) [Studebqlgq C_ha_mp. ’- Check below for other... Ford. 1957-5! (l-zyl.) BIG SAVINGS 0 Tip Toe Control 0 A faster stop . Safer â€" eliminate: high-speed brake fade. Duplicates function and performance of original equipment that normally adds $42 to $85 to the price of your new car, as an optional extra. Meets SAE Specification: 0 Easy to install. ford, 1955-56 (mos!) ’ord, 1949-54 (most) Dodge and Plymoth 1949-59, 6-cyl. (most) Pontiac, 1951-54, 6-:yl. (most) Pontiac, 1955-59, G-cyL (most) Chem, 1949-53 (most) Chem, 1954-59, 6-cyl. (mos!) powen 27.95 EASY BRAKES INSTALLEDâ€"29.95 IssE-a'o'h-cil. (m'o'n) NOW . . . you can enjoy this EXTRA Convenienceâ€"and ADDED SAFETY MAKE AND YEAR Complete Any Car Clamps extra where needed Sch; ' PI-{GO “Do-lt- Yourself" 4.70 6.60 7.65 4.70 6.40 6.90 Muffler Installed Solo Pric- MUFFLER { INSTALLS A NEW 6.95 8.85 9.90 FORD 1949-54 6.95 8.65 9.15 95' Mufflo' lnflallol wifh Tail Pip. 12.95 13.20 10.85 12.95 14.25 13.25 11.05 12.95 11.10 13.00