Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Dec 1960, p. 14

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14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, December 8, 1960 5' " NJ? . ’8 WANTED _.______.-.___ __g_________i _.___.__________. m CLASSIFIED ADVEBT‘S‘NG RATES ‘C°"“"“‘TS"__ (Cmmined) N“ (connnued‘ 1 BEDROOM apartment. TU. 4-'USED deep well pump, Myezrg LIADY for hfusleévozlévg 1112318- " â€"v r ,7 1),“ p10 5 maps}: lumen“; 54 . of r ed. AL. 7-2421. clw n 1733 a wee . . . 1: CASH RATES. first insertion 56 per word. min. charge BOX 5 BICi CLE. 26 3800- Tu "mom, Dznm‘, R, E Dunn. TU. 4-2798. B2 tfc22 pr or MISCELLANEOUS; MlSCELLANEOUSi TO RENT l | HELP WANTED FOR SALE 4-7915. 01W23 CLERK for cake shop and small WASHING MACHINE. snack bar. 5-day week. PRospect type, any make, good condition. SERVICE LARGE brick wringer farm house at , Edgeley. Apply AV. 5-2435. c1w23 Second and subsequent insertions if wording BOB’S SOD unchanged. 50 per word. min. charge . .. t(calf, t mu d S dd. , 1 TU 4 5 92 *1 23 33451 clwza ' tion, 314. Tu 4â€"3226. c1w23 4-1812. ‘7 _ , o_o mg on 0 mg. Free V ,C‘aSI. . - 5.. . w .1 . [r a Box NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of -- 50° _ ,,_-_, ., _. ., timates. TU, 4.2671 4 310 MONTHLi. Caraqe, 94 , COMING EVENTS NOTICE. 56 per word; min. chu‘e_ _ 75g CHESTERFIELD and chair good FRANK'S WELL DRILLING ’88 ‘ gsfc “Tight St” Richmond, Hm (.1w23 _ CHILD'S pedal car and record BIOTHERS HELPER, room and o M'MomAMS condition TU 4-3451 c1\\'23 Pumps installed “1d “"‘W‘l'DRESSMAKING and alterations.‘ ' â€" -.- ' - -â€".iplayer, in good condition. TU. 4- board, $60.00 monthly. AV. 5- CARD 01’ THANKS' m E - _'_'._;--_ir-- Frank Gerritz. R R. 2 Aurora. I Mrs. Kovacs, 79 Ruggles Ave, FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone!3256. clw23 3432. c1w28 DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS: M‘MGESD Emma OIL space heater - excellent con- PA, 7-5272. 3650; tlwgg AVenue 5-1109. tfc28 , A u e, martian . ..... . ................... too dition. AV. 5-2460. c2w23 ‘ I» “flaw ho ~~~-*~~â€"â€"-:i ~ â€"â€"‘â€" EXPERIENCED .°’ "’9" °" 1’ " " _____-__ -_.___#-- 'CPHOLSTERING and repairing‘ALL KINDS FURNITURE "NHOUSE TO RENT. $35 monthly. PIANO WANTED Hairdresser required (or local Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 11 am. on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1 LARGE living room chair. Apt. 3. 7616 Yonge St. AV. 5-4497. GIRL‘S White figure Skates, size _ MAPLE bunk bedsfs’lono. AV. 5- [TV 4-291?- PLATFORM ROCKER, in bowl Apply r. Graham, Lake Road, condition. AV. 5-2610. c1w23 ' Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5691. “C27 COFFIELD washing machine. in DANCE BAND __ avaliame for excellent condition. For quick club dances. wedding receptions. . FOR SALE (Continued) I ‘ARTIFICIAL fireplace. TU. 4-1 5593. shin pads. Age 14 average TU, grading. Patio and stone walks “C23 laid. TU. 4-1533. tic48 4-2528. DUNCAN 1 Phyfe drop leaf table. PAINTING, Paperhanging- Fir/e: tfc15 I 150 65c Two 600 x 16 tires, good moot-lush! pick-up and “Um?- TU- c1w23 v _ 1 -- ~0n‘ estimates. Colour samples. ‘17 R'C‘A‘ View Te eVells,l.,.23.Rollinson, TE. 3-6671. . _ 4h. 44m. clwzs:imifiaaomage‘fsm _ a r - Renovations. ,SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hourlAcoustic Ceilings installed, etc. pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wooo carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave, Richmond Hill. tic3l merly Locall, cement. work side- walks, patios, free estimates, 24- hour service. I‘U. 4-5827. tfcl'? LATHING & PLASTERING Recreation Rooms. 260 S. Taylor Mills Drive. HO. 6â€"53-13. Ask for Ken. clw‘ZSl 3 ROOM apartment, sclfâ€"contain-i ed. Business couple preferred. apartment. for giving day care two children. PA. 7-6394. clw23 iN Country - HOuse - 5 room basement - garage - large lot. AV. 5-2460. 1321223 ; REPAIR GARAGE, .Any size or make, pay cash, phone :Toronto. LE. 4-9419, collect. t1c3 USED FURNITURE 4-2613, AV. 5-5101. tic? VOTE TO ELECT W. H. (Dick) HUTCHINSON for RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD shop, full time. TU. 4-7228. c1w28 YOUNG MAN 20-22, bookkeeping machine experience helpful but not essential, write box 103. The WANTED â€" pianos and used . V - '2 ,. .AV. .- . V . . , sale $35. A . 5 4371. cl“ 3 etc. C'ill Ron '5 4201 “610 J A A . 5 1890. 011223 furniture. Cask. pflces paid. C.” Liberal. Clwza HOCKEY equipment, Dams and PLOWING, discing and final Plumbing and brain repairs (for- REDUCED RENT for basement Frank's Movers and 5‘07339- 10- TELEPHONEsaIes help wanted for afternoons or evenings. Guar- anteed salary. plus commission. Box 94 The Liberal. c1w28 RELIABLE woman to do house- work and look after three child- ren while mother works. High ' ' wa es, evenings and week-end 2- Like new' TU' 4‘1512'ICIWZ3 HARDWOOD for firep|£}"‘$’f2~i16â€"18. Perfect condition. also 48“lser"lce- C- Bums- PR- 3‘5085- {All work guaranteed. AV 543688. ‘alld two 2135 pump: for lease. cw23 off-gm“; in. TU. $5102. czwza "‘ â€"' per single cord. TU.‘4-2549 'Cliarlcontinental bed- TU- “994. u“ “C10 AV' 5'5205‘ “022 I WOOD SHAVINGS for bedding. TU. 4-7166. clw23 ' clw23 A *3w21‘ JACK a. LEE TV lie Mashinter. Electronics? We fix it. SHEET METAL WORK filliNlSHED lipstairs bedil‘rorOln.i DEAD FARM STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or WOMAN to look after three children while mother works. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~-â€"-â€"â€"â€"*â€"‘ “ Two tricvcles 14” red and white, Adult home. central. Parking. TU. . Live in $10 weekly weekend, E wheat Straw 50 cents a DRY HARDWOOD from dry stor- ,, ~ . ' _ _ TU. 4-3311 “(:4 Eavesu-ou )1, new and r i do _ _-.- ,. ‘dlsabled horses and cattle. t - l Eie'ArIl-VU. 4,2364. age, cut 16" length. two grades. 20 “lemme blue- Excenent C0" _ Heating gm, flashings. 955313?” 41541. â€"__& phone collect Richmond HHL free. PA. 7-4340 after 7 pm. c3w22 ___._.__*_ .____... dition. TU. 4-3746. ‘ clw23 Delivered in single cord lots. TU. RALPH ELMS DECORATING HOUSE, one bedroom, suit cou- TU. 4-2538. Central Dead Stock c4w21 â€"-â€"â€"â€"- “' L_L......__._ _-- - -- estimates Work guaranteed TU. .__.____. CLOTHES DRYEE' Beatty' used’ 4'4519' “022 HEAVY-duty stove, good coudi- Painting, paper-hanging, interior 4-1006. tfc37:ple. Garage, Thornhill area. 186 [ftd‘ Please Phone Drompm’. any SALES LADY wanted for Child- $99-00- F“ Appliances“ TUI‘ 2' COLEMAN on Burner Floor tion. Apply Oak Ridges Motor and exterior. Free estimates. I Clarke 'Avenue. AX. 3-7856. time' ’ fC33 renns Wear Shop. Must have “11. furnace, good condition, $100. and Electric, BOHd Ave- CIW23 Work guaranteed TU' 4'7902’“ 2 CUSTOM CARPENTRY 01W22 mg experience. Part time Steady AUTOMOTIVE parts and access“ After 6 pm” TU' 4'3690' 108 {EVENING'dAreVSSe: c Kitchens remodelled bedroom FURNISHED or part1 ' work. Apply Children" Fasmon . . , . i y furnished $219333?” cars' Paris Elmw°°d Ave- “W22 i once. Cost $65 each. will sell for , CARPENTRY WORK, additions, Eng lotifihroombi vanitihgs. stereo. apartment in Richmond Hill, near fnhg°Pbe§§2m“Lipgfiégmfiofiggg’ ' ' ‘ - . 15. TU. 4-5718. c1w23frenovations, garages, window 1‘ . 0 n3 ca lletsi 1‘86 estlm- MacKillo School for December ' . ’ REMINGTON Rand Portable $ screens and storms. tile floors. No ateS- Ml 1)- Hal‘l‘lson. TU- 4-2838. p Richmond Hm‘ clwza GAS BURNERi suitable forâ€"c7); furnace. Good condition. AV. 5- Typcwriter has two-tone ribbon . POTATOâ€"ES, Ontario No. 1. Also and key Starter' lake on pay' turnips by bushel. Charlie Mash- 3653. t‘fc5l job too small. ’1‘. Price, AV. 5-‘ tfcl'5 and January. TU. 4-2623. c1w23 HOUSE â€" 2 bedroom \lngalow, WANTED ACCOUNTANT wanted for the 2072 c1w23 ments of $7.50 per month for - _ CALI US f l~ - Township of Markham. ' . __._____. . ter TU. 4-2549, corner of Bath 4 or your sand, grave , 0,1 heat gal-age 535. month. Don HOUSEWORK m d b m d _ 6 months. Write Box 101 The m ’ t . - fill t 1 b . . ’ “’3 9 Y e 33’ Written applications will be ae- t, v t and Gamble Road. 3w21 CORN CUSTOM COMBINE . 0» sol and lack 10am. Mill Rd., outh of No. 7 RU. 2- -- BLACK Persian Paw fur coa LiberaL cszz urs , Reasonable ratei Graham Han Prompt delivery. Reasonable 68065. 5 “C23 or week. PR. 3 3359. c1w23 cepted by the undersigned 1mm size 14. good condition, $25.00 or tied} GIRL'S white ngui-e skates, two ‘Al machine. Sews on buttons, makes motor. One 30 gal. pressure tank, EDYTHE’S Dressmaking Shoppe, rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple M. __ 1951 CHRYSLER, good condition. BACHELOR apartment, self-con- care to one or two children over December 15th, 1960. I *1 2 . â€" ' _ _, _ raid, 2376 Bayview Ave. Willow. - - he“ often TU' EXCELLEtNEl (3037121110); [him pairs, 6 and 6%. Two pairs tube dale. BA_ 1-6767_ “C12 ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 TWO 4-room winterized cottages. fifigfiblgxfiiglfigcg 333” H‘ C' T‘ Crisp' 21" GE. TV Console, recondit- Isn‘t? bpmiiay :3 Semgg {nag "‘19,; skates, size 7. Child’s tricycle- “a $38 and $50 monthly. Running " ' c4w23‘ Clerk-Treasurerv ioned. $99.50. Fox Appliances- afiacshmfilt‘s‘a Csn‘gr. (“Eff V310 ‘ TU. 4-5700. c1w23 EXCAVATING a: GRADING “000.5 water inside. Schools. Av. 5- Township 0f Markhm~__ TU. 4-1610. c1w23l do ‘ ° 5. c‘ p *”“T W- â€" 7“"â€" Fm‘” end “me” mm "mm"- RUG a: UPHOLST R! 5162- “W3 MAN 15 I' hir ith 1960 lyé t n _ __ . . e la. 1958 â€" 10 bOOkS- TU. 4- LARGE hot air furnace With 011 Haul-Ly or contract. Av, 5-5332. E 0 e w 0 L A D I E s . 12 CAL AQUARIUM, complete 5525. c1w22 burner and controls, s40. Also ‘ “can CLEANERS NEW 3-bedrom house, Rich- Pick-“P truck- PR- 3-5376» 03“ Still time to get in on news with gravel and lamp» $5- TU- I‘Mâ€"EVER}; and wouensak ,3 e ,e_ quantity of duct work- TU- 4- â€"â€"~-â€"â€"â€"â€" We Cltanv shampoo and moth mond Hill. 30 Starlight Crescent, Ridges- 033?} BIG CHRISTMAS SELLING 4-3448. c1w23 . p 3916. clw23 SAME DAY TV proof In your homo Modern Pleasantville.-Available January - SEASON. SHOW and 521.1. _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-,â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" c°rder§ are to? quality at mOder' ANTENNA SERVICE method, reasonable prices. 1 TU 4_2878 c1 23 WOMAN “mum like any type °f Beautiful Gift sets, Write .. 21» CON-soLE TV set, walnut. ate price. We have them._ Terms 30 BUSHELS‘ of Mangels, 50c TU. 4.47“ Tu 4-5322 TU‘ 4_2932 ' - - W evening work fronéspm. onwards MRS. Fu-WALKER. Fox Appliances, $79. TU. 4-1610. arranged. lork Office Equipment. bushel. Electric stove, 35 feet of gel; “C42 31,22 ROOM apartment, stove and and 311 day Satul‘ 6137- TU- 4.5233- Box 130 . . c1w§ Ilioanonge Street North.Rlchn41og<2i heavy duty cable. $35.00. TEmple BUILDING alterations and re mg included. Central Yonge st" c1w23 0011mm,“ Wide 1 . c \K ___ _ .___.___.L_CI‘WZ3 pairs Commercial or residential. available January 1‘ can RU' 3- operator, ex‘ 01' phone . size 12, like new. owner moving FOR SALE VANITy, night table and stool, custom woodworking shop _ ell TREE SERVICE 6229- 04W” perienced, requires full or part- ' 62W” to Florida, AV. 5-1354. ch23 gagsgeffgasmdfilgegfitégeyggr $20. Combination desk asnlds back- ectrlc welding. Credit terms to Priming R l Trimming / t1thtygfkangoicyéofinv'grgorz. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""fi_‘â€"”‘ 0 l , ‘ 1' case $10. Servis was or ; l - suit your budget. Beckwith Ren- emova $75 MONTHLY 5 a S 6 Pa - - ' gm PIN-BALL MACfiiNE'sggitabihe us For free dehvery phone-f“,- ton Pattern Carpet 10’ x 8'6" $30; ovating Co. AL. 7-2545. tfc13 TU. 4-4031 Frame house. 2 bedrooms. Shade 7915- 01w” for rfiog;om' e ‘ 0132:; 5'2842- dc“ and oddments. TU. 4-3792. *2w22 TREE ARE Free EStlmatES and fruit trees, nice location, 5 fiRSING WANTED baby slt_ and Tâ€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"U' -- “ â€",-â€"- RUBBER STAMPS - stamp Pads BRING YOUR own wool and pat- Free EsstimatesoUR Ffiggliggiie “c” minutes to bus stop‘ AV“ 5'3832‘ ting, or will take care of your WEA’REVER salad maker. With - marking devices of all kinds. terns for bulky knit sweaters - RICHMOND TREE SERVICE 02""23 home by day or week. Have own FURNISHED ROOM, board op- five cones, half price. TU. 4-1133; Fast service_ YJrk Office Equip_ children,s to 12 years $7, adults and M 2 FURNISHED BEDROOMS in transportation, references. Phone “anal. TU_ 4-1763. c1â€"2-3 ‘ ° grit. hsfllilgnfi 5mg; Ngrthg 510. No side seams. TU. 4-2500. FORESTRY COMPANY USED CARQ .quiet adult home. parking space, Markham 1361. has FURNISHED room with 0,. with. FRIGERATOR. good condi- c m0“ 1 ' - ' 1- '31 c2w23 TU. 4-1221 fi“ $8.00 each weekly. Call before 7 RELIABLE person Wm give day out board. near Yonge bug, park- °“' “w “‘1'” mm" “197' AUTOMATIC Zig'zag “Wing DEEP WELL water pump and “C21 FOR SALE Pm- TU- 4-3301- *2w22 cm to child any .ge or we..ka ing. AV. 5-1321. - *lwzs ROOM 8: BOARD available for - buttonholes without attachments, - h d r ssure 1 - i a _ - - A - - three years. TU 4-7063. ifc2 am...affiliatifhiisaisis. 335seggggggggaopgggggg; attacksâ€"Evian?“ P .issiiooismmoseswith. _,_c_1v:2§ iii-“ii. hill”: m... ,5 Pam Til-“1,15,, TU- “’3”- “W” of ss.2o per month for 7 months. 1931 CALENDAR PADS, appoinl- $352302?” Sm” 2‘ “"3235 ig§%.tMON‘;§IC§v Ii" 0‘98“, good “W23 “Ousekeeper'mmpam” t° emf”. Room AND BOARD available SINGER sewmg mehine, tread- Write BOX 99‘ The Liberal- men books, diaries, now in stock. ‘ Ion“ ' ' 881‘ 01W23 FACTORY, approx. 3000 sq. ft. of ‘ 13’ lady or gent or both’ oak Rld' for gentleman. Richvale. AV. 5- le type, good condition, $15. TU. 4-2677. clw23 LIONEL "0" gauge electric train â€" 3 sets plus accessories â€" or sell separately. TU. 4-1138. c1w23 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 02W” York Office Equipment, 16 Yonge PENS & PENCILS make hard- 5m“ NM“ R‘chmmd Hllcléwza toabeat Christmas presents. We ______________.__ carry Esterbrook, Parker. Scripto THREE painted 4-drawer chests, WRECKING ’50 Austin. All parts available. TU. 4-3122. c1w23 ’52 PONTIAC, good condition, $85. TU. 4-4142. c1w23 and Shaefiel‘ in Pocket 01‘ deSk $6 each; one unpainted 5-drawer sets in a range of prices from $1 chest $7; walnut bookcase $12; MASONRY CONTRACTOR 1951 MONARCH, radio and heat- space, available immediately. 86x Spruce Arc... Richvaie. AV. 5-1 4373 after 4.30 pm. tfczo APXRTKIENTS - C RUNGALOWâ€"S 3 bedroom - attached garage. From $95.00 up. ges or Thorilhill preferred. Mrs. Jinks. Pilone Prospect 3-5365. c1w23 YOUNG MEN. 16â€"19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salvation Ar~ 2230. c1w21 ROOM and board, for working man, 18 Yonge St. South. Rich- mond Hill, phone TU. +1856. clwza 19:15 G-Eéeftusllbuttgfi £31188 gill in 1650. Ygrk OfiicethUigmenti gateleg table 512. Sturdy tricycle Stoneworkl, Fireplace, etc. er, $85 or best offer. TU. 4-2677.l MRS SUTHERLAVD “’31- AV- 5'5125‘ “052 ROOM and board fiffilable, in ‘11 e0!) 0119 c en 5“ e? 6 01189 treet NOI't . Ric m0“ $10. Convertible sleigh $3. AV. Ostergaar , 148 Yonge St. ., “W23 ‘ ' .4 v . ‘ comfortable home garage. drapes; rugs. TU. 4-4062. c1w23 Hill. c4w22 5-3057, c1w23 Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4.368283. WRECKING ’52 Pom“! ~aâ€"â€"'£3V;?111g;LFAN “mg-U? ififiggéMfogggéggmfi;wggaid; Businessman, woman or teachlelr ~ ______________ l ' 1 C so all,.‘ ' ' , . . P ' . l'V ‘ TABLE and 4 chairs. 3 piece SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER! COAL STOVE, almost new, mica c or will sell for s45. TU. 4-1514. “C23 mama“ ma“ “"1 Chauffeur“ 11' SgeieiÂ¥d5.i§i?“ Home lthwza chesterfield and one chair. Air For your Rec. Room. front and chrome trim. Heats FURS c1w23 3 0R 4 ROOM self_contained cence' After 5-30 P-m- TU- 4' ' ' ' conditioner. TU. 4-4514. *1w23 3/18 Random scored A grade three rooms, $30. Antique oval Repaired, Cleaned, Restyled. apartment in private home. Pm §§45- 0111/23 ROOM for two, quiet respectable FUR. coat, Mouton, like new. Has to be seen to be appreciated, $65. AV. 5-5209 after 4.30 pm. c1w23 bins. dog houses, chicken houses: and packing cases etc. AV. ‘5- 4417. tfc13 â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"~ .. mom. . t . . ‘ RICHMOND HILL RENTALS GOOD used furniture for sale. Richmond m" m- "17‘5‘1-ighta“~ayf0rC]]I-istmas deliver); kind 0; furniture. Experienced VOLKSWAGEN BUS i 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from Boys, to yrs. can Franks Movers am Star. tfc49 czwgg on Scandinavian furniture Free- ; 595 a month age, 28*Industrlal Rd- TU. 4- FOR YOUR STUDENT, Give Wu - estimates. Reasonable prices. Call! 1 Can 5V 54951 2613' - a“ the gift that keeps on sai‘inal NOT ONLY do yo“ get top val‘1‘“‘5‘1‘1‘9' TU' 44813" “cm 1954 Late Modal I Charles Marple Real Estate K t. ., ,-_ _ HOOVER Vacuum Cleaner. 3 months old. Take on payments of $8.20 per month for 7 months. Write Box 100, The Liberal. c2w22 TOP QUALITY typewriter rib- bons. adding machine ribbons, adding machine and cash register tapes, all makes. City prices or less. York Office Equipment, 16 Yon e Street North, Richmond -l ‘ mug “023 METRO WRECKINGszLUhinEk , _, av 5-1532 (fedslsmtabie for stalf transportation_ Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill 1 MISCELLANEOLb - - ; - -â€"-- -â€"- LAMBRETTA 150cc. Scooter. SPECIALS SPECIALSism_.-.______-V . -.I 55““ “LTERAHUNS 3‘ ch l bu WANTED Best offer. Eumig movie camera, All New Materials lWELLS duo on do ned. Odd 3 ‘NSTALLATION3 " or 5 0° ‘ l- . 6 “ d d i v - - - A v new. Accoustlcon hearing aid, PICKUP PRICES ONLY E jobs. TL‘. +7904. cluzol PM“ (.ONTRACTLVG 1 T0 RENT humidifier, mantel radio, electric Gyproc Lath $1.25 per bdle.. r -â€" ' AI. 5-1153 heater. lawn mower. All in good Gyproc Sheets 4x8 SL'O ‘ A - i “C31 3135 be 5'39“ 3' ‘ ' ' i‘ ' ; condnmn' TL" 4-5104“ Clwfilpopm Ended“ “4 Sl'éo‘cnlldJnfiziafil‘if0” 5;; R' 1' RfiChéicsLL‘r w PAYNE for septic ‘h‘o‘gilkggoigaoroifril\T<Iafifile“:?:: i . ‘ v - - . â€" ‘. 3-: -3. (1‘2 - ‘7- ‘. ‘ , . . . -- L- ‘A ‘5 - -' ~- .. ‘3 MAILS will soon be clogged Getiiigggggg} H {"011 r“: N 1 a -â€" tank sysrems and repairs, sewer‘CONNOR McQLARRIE MOTORS binge man. AL. .-0004. c1523; ’ those Christmas cards 'awayf g y CILEMOUVG‘ “ ‘ 'OILADIES' dress alterations ex~ installations, basement water- 1:195,- Ogtéflmgn on; now we have a fine selection 0000 Néw 5‘“) < ,pertly made. Audrey Arseneault. proofing. all types or concrete You“ 5,” Oak Ridges ,M'L: h” Mug“ m rem or for: There-S stiu time to get person; Scrmng’and ‘Sash up TU 4-5885. desiwork around 5'0llr1homc'.tgencralj “ Dramaouf‘hggl waffle Lain - . . , ,' ,, -_ , , g, l. i are “ t. a: 73120.? . '35.. ,_ L. â€" s - l . r A ' alized cards if you act fast. lorklOPI-JN DAILY [NTIL azoo p.111. SAND 35D GRA\1L crushed . eadlgggns job ,0: 53m: 9305mm 34,181 i .-c.ili. - . .--.3_, ask \ onge Rlchmond Office Equipment, 16 Yonge St.‘ North, Richmond Hill. c2w22 Insured cold fur storage. KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Richmond Heights Centre AV, 5-4172 mahogany plywood. convex mirror, gilt metal trim, 7 Sheet 4' x 7' $3.92 $12. PR. 3-5335. *1w23 Sheet 4' x 8' $4.48 _ BUTLER dc BAIRD LUMBER ONE SMALL Z-cushlon Chester- that anyone can afford to give Ail Richvale. Av. 5_159L 6C6 ‘ Smith-Corona portable thls Christmas. See York Office Equip- 16 Yonge Street North, students 1 t'rIIOLsTERY IRecovering and repairing of any ' n n. SIMS 88 Baker Are. ues when you buy a Smith-Cor-i “Merry Christmas" for years to for a! MOVING & STORAGE lconic _ that helps to better‘ imarks and increased efficiency -â€"-‘ ia Smith-Corona portable type-1 :writer. Rated the world‘s best, a‘ Smith-Corona‘s price is moder- ate. And it's so easy to arrange for immediate delivery under a, low-cost budget plan. See York Office Equipment, 16 Yonge St.- North. Richmond Hill. c4w22, ona portable typewriter Housekeeping‘s seal of quality â€". mg I and Sloragel Experience‘i you help provide employment forlsfervme anytm‘e- Pickup and de' Canadian workers. Smith-Coronaihvery' G9“ ""95 TU 4‘2513- portables are made ill Canada.€Av- 5410*- “cm SPECIAL sets recovered â€"â€" l A, Nylon freize $99. ‘35“30‘5 years guarantee. Terms if de- lsired. A. Smith. Upholstery. phone ll‘lC‘lll. 16 Yonge Street North,;Chestemcld Richmond llill. Budget terms or» i 3 pie“. 569 00 ailable. AV. 5-3942 stone. loam and d1]. E. Charity.E :5 to: iv 5.1 : r 3" “czzlmc‘bmwd mu TU 4470; lfree e- lma -_. . . 1o3. Lie .1 1.: u - i Christmas gift â€"â€" they carry Good Frank S MOVIES & Carnage. DECR- l l l i l i l I i l ’56 BUICK, Century, 2-door hard- top, automatic, radio, power steer- ing, clean car, $950 or best ofier. Must be sold. TU. 4-3886. c1w22 vate entrance and bath. Water softener. Suit business couple or adults. 2 miles north of Richmond MPLOYMENT wanted evenings and or Saturdays. Experienced in all types of maintenance work, $150 cash for both. AV. 5-5294. €2w22 9-10 Passengers Excellent condition Good clean interior, Motor reconditioned, good tires cl 3'23 ,‘To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. : 4-1331, Richmond Hill. tfc32 tfc18 STORES FOR RENT Ultra modern stores. just com- pleted at 7584 Yonge bakery, hairdresser, hardware, etc. Front and rear parking. Rea- isonable rental. Mr. McLean, AV.‘ -T'nornhill. Suit restaurant, drugs, : 5-1176. David McLean Lid, Real-f ~ ' ‘ tors. c1w23; ionlir. Willis. Members oi Torâ€", ~onlo Real Estate Board. c4w211 , . . Hill. TU. 4-2536. c1w23 have chauffeur‘s licence Phone CHR‘STMAS GIFTS LTD" field and chair, In. leatherette. tfcll .58 EDSEL Ranger full 8 i_ _ , . Rhinestone jewallery. ear-ringS, 191 YONGE STâ€" N- ,Pse‘i“ ‘“ g?“ §°“d‘.ttl°“' Wonly mam“, new, Pharmacy pea. Immaculate°c6nditi§m(11:30: APARTMENT FOR RENT, 2 TU‘ “ 7927' “w” 1 ‘3 m necklaces, brooches and bracelets. Av' 5‘35“ TU' 44125;;‘122'33‘5522'335 Y‘Lrlggl‘euléetreefrIS' _ A NEW SERVICE_ ced to sell. Take over payments_ rooms“ kitchen and bathroom, CARPENTER, English, recreation o ‘ g a hand made. AL. 7-8935. c2w43 02“” Tu +2922" c1w23 Elastic stockings, Body Supports Private. AL. 7-1155. c1w23 :13fifl;n§:§%a{::luaie§g‘:gg$19: £3,123, ligéntjlgbgi gicagignggug“; g g 5&0 a EgFflgEfiRéfifiE from] $5335. gggfmgegfff ignthgefistmgwf END or YEAR SALE $31,133}: 1950 PREFECT 4-door. Ideal sec- Richmond Hill. Call HU. 5-5035.lamall. Les. AV. 5-2546. ‘ a) g ,9, 33% '9 a er a u - t ‘ . ‘ . .. ' i. ' ‘ l i 9 pm Av, 5-1109 or AK 3-2941_ p lletf. Ifley cases. Desk blotter sets. glumlnum 39350;...u. 9014 Yonge St" A“ 547% 10 311191;! figsyofncfizrigmglsl'rpasli M ~tfc 23 _rivw‘r_cl.v32‘ ‘ r. a z 5. a g n a: (,9 e e one list finders. Paint-b - ummum 1 . - c r ' . PLEASAVTVILLE 3- d ' ' ' . = a c . “C51 numger set Army 5 fly Aluminum Railings ..5.85 per ft. after p-m' “'7' 4'3509' CIWZS ' t I be room FR-ENCFI LAPY’ graduan Par-ls- a r N H5." :1 c‘ _ n H s. s upp es. . , 500, d. THE FURNITURE SHOPPE __ split level home With attached UniverSIty Wlll give tuition in .4 et- a o. B BICYCLE. glrIS. Junior. 20 Writing cases. Purses. Personal Aluminum AWngssa-Qo /° ‘5' We 3 emu" in recovering and 1959 lo TON Dodge pickup truck. garage. HUdson 8-6642 evenings. French to individuals and groups. a a w 3‘ :2 9i “ Whee‘» ,EOOd, condition» Skillet filing cases- POCKEt Staplers Alummum Sun“ 5 ' per Sq' p Long curbside box, with solid c2w22 Conversation translation. AV. 5â€" N n. S figure. girls. Size 6, like new. TU. TheSe and dozens more await RON WOODS» TU~ 4'15“ rem°deumg The-“ewe” sums- racks. $1_25o,00_ Av. 5-1153. - 4542 ’ c3w23 lib 5’ 9 5‘3 ’3' u a. 4-2895. 122 Elmwood Ave. *2w22 you at York Omce Equipment, 16 C4‘Vz3 “‘0” AV- 5'5201» ‘4 Levendale 2w22 3 ROOM apartment. unfurnished. m' â€"â€"â€"-_ g 3" '4 a a" g Q Yonge Street North’ Richmond m Rd" mmmond Hm‘ Vac” Self contained. Heat, light water LOCAL MAN, wide experience a 3 as E: .‘ DRAPES H1“- 04‘V22 Captain high Chair. training chain, WELL DRILLING MUST SELL gggghe‘i 57" “nth”- TUt-fcgz‘ "tlmscat‘le: mi’fse'ggm 303050;: 3 g- 5,573 3 Various lengths and widths, un- CHRISTMAST Ihanging oil lamp with crystals. King City Drilling 00- Ltd» 1955 Plymouth two-door v-g en- _'____.._.__â€"L_ h ‘0 mfg-use S p S "" -' 5' lined. Gold colouredwith-satm- PARENTS hm“: SPEC”? rare pole canister, steeple clock, repairing, pumps installed and Nb gine Momma; good condition NICELY furnished room with “If rand 1 1 area‘ BS." 83 I g Q suipea’ effed' TU' 4-1788" d '_' ring your Chud- small antique €Xten5i0n dining paire‘l' Formerly George Adams' $900,. Will accept older car as radio, in quiet home. Parking 2 bera' 3w” 0 c1“'23 giggdi", Lisltsflrdgeegb‘figmggf table, other articles. Phone Til}; BOX 192 King City- "1' 3-6333“ part payment. Call TU. 4-7253. available. TU. 4-5718. c1w23 ‘â€".â€"‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ' ‘ . 7. 5-6710. c1W-' c1w23 NICE furnished room on Yonge OIL BURNER. Esso converSIon to 5-09 pm. Cut your own tree -- . 5 2974 or T“ ,, . . . forced air_ fan, all controls, Gil- lgeautlfulpruned Scotch Pine and'CHRISTEIAS SPECIAL _ typfn CONCRETE . MASONRY S 1955 DODGE ROYAL autOInatiCI‘Strcet. TU. +2255. c1w23 I son hot. air furnace, No reason-! PFuFe- 000 ~' 31:00 â€" 513°0- writer or student's desk. steel, CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR good mechanica] order, needleIVE room apartment, Iii-piece able Offer rafused- TU- 4‘2583- ’Spec’me" “395 “nous” pnce‘i two drawers shelf. Regular price BUHUME- alteration! and "Pairsn bodv work 61 000 miles 5350 ()0 bath. Refrigerator and stove. Fur- . c1w23 for Chm‘d‘es- ClUbS' en'- BE‘RTslg 95 Torohto department store 9mm?t “twee or best olier Private 4-1059 nished or unfurnished on Don ~ mm:~f-â€"~5 SNELL, Keele' Street. 3132 mileS'p,.jée '51495, our price- 31425. WALKER 81 glam!!!“ ‘ ' ' iiczéilills Road. Gormley 5426. 3 burner good condition “Shot; north at the Vluage 0f ng‘ ,York Office Equipment. 16 Yonge MWJAX-AEf-jfl_ ‘ ‘ » ' c1w23 ,. ‘ ' C2W23‘Street North, Richmond Hill. ., T NS 1963 ’lWO-DOOR PlymouthAm- , able- TU~ 4‘1180 after 6 DJ“. -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~‘-â€"â€"- 3 .23 DRESS ALIERA ‘0 erlcan model excellent conduion RENT TV ’ “W22 TYPEWRITERS ____ _° “ First class work. Carolyn Bargent‘ funv equippéd‘ PUSh button m: HERRIDGE electric, TV. Appu} . FIREWOOD SAIDDIEG TAG}:st ;'18 A PORTABLE typewriter anl901189 Yongc 5" at R'Chvale' 3V,” dio'and all accesories. For fur- ances. sales, repairs, parts, 53 All kinds of hardwood. 12.. at 16.. 'ifihoi'i'zve‘é“ bent" ’ lexpensive gift for that sludeni wgwgr AL”, . Lil thei- particulars, call TU. 4-7526. Yonge St- N- Richmond Hill- TU- W00] Suburban lengths. split. Free delivery. AL All popular makes for I ~ i I member 0f your-family? 3° ° be- PAINTER 8‘ DECORATOR Clwzs ‘ 4.3211. mm 7-8831. “013 ci d' d ab '1 we. n-lt‘ause “'5 a gift that keeps 0” For good prices see our show- , . . i Coats _ P u 11 mg new an r- ulistandarri.1 “in .9“ after yeah Budgei, . _ - , . _ I‘WO 1952 PONTIACS, one in, ’ ' CLEAN wooden boxes garba e Dona-me and electric mOdels' ‘ tgermsg age 50‘ moderate in amount rimm' ‘palli’ape‘sgo‘fgdpfb’ etc'St g00d runmng condition With Fa'in‘oon SANDERS’ POLISHERS' 9 ' g nSpeual rental rates avallahln to‘ } my “be” “3° " die. the other needs a little work! ELECTRIC TOOLS Men S to 46 Men’s Parkas home, TV, lunches packed. Suit two business people, father and son, or mother and daughter. Maple. AL. 7-2545. c1w23 $15.95 $14.95

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