14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, December 8, 1960 5' " NJ? . ’8 WANTED _.______.-.___ __g_________i _.___.__________. m CLASSIFIED ADVEBT‘S‘NG RATES ‘C°"“"“‘TS"__ (Cmmined) N“ (connnued‘ 1 BEDROOM apartment. TU. 4-'USED deep well pump, Myezrg LIADY for hfusleévozlévg 1112318- " â€"v r ,7 1),“ p10 5 maps}: lumen“; 54 . of r ed. AL. 7-2421. clw n 1733 a wee . . . 1: CASH RATES. ï¬rst insertion 56 per word. min. charge BOX 5 BICi CLE. 26 3800- Tu "mom, Dznm‘, R, E Dunn. TU. 4-2798. B2 tfc22 pr or MISCELLANEOUS; MlSCELLANEOUSi TO RENT l | HELP WANTED FOR SALE 4-7915. 01W23 CLERK for cake shop and small WASHING MACHINE. snack bar. 5-day week. PRospect type, any make, good condition. SERVICE LARGE brick wringer farm house at , Edgeley. Apply AV. 5-2435. c1w23 Second and subsequent insertions if wording BOB’S SOD unchanged. 50 per word. min. charge . .. t(calf, t mu d S dd. , 1 TU 4 5 92 *1 23 33451 clwza ' tion, 314. Tu 4â€"3226. c1w23 4-1812. ‘7 _ , o_o mg on 0 mg. Free V ,C‘aSI. . - 5.. . w .1 . [r a Box NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of -- 50° _ ,,_-_, ., _. ., timates. TU, 4.2671 4 310 MONTHLi. Caraqe, 94 , COMING EVENTS NOTICE. 56 per word; min. chu‘e_ _ 75g CHESTERFIELD and chair good FRANK'S WELL DRILLING ’88 ‘ gsfc “Tight St†Richmond, Hm (.1w23 _ CHILD'S pedal car and record BIOTHERS HELPER, room and o M'MomAMS condition TU 4-3451 c1\\'23 Pumps installed “1d “"‘W‘l'DRESSMAKING and alterations.‘ ' â€" -.- ' - -â€".iplayer, in good condition. TU. 4- board, $60.00 monthly. AV. 5- CARD 01’ THANKS' m E - _'_'._;--_ir-- Frank Gerritz. R R. 2 Aurora. I Mrs. Kovacs, 79 Ruggles Ave, FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone!3256. clw23 3432. c1w28 DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS: M‘MGESD Emma OIL space heater - excellent con- PA, 7-5272. 3650; tlwgg AVenue 5-1109. tfc28 , A u e, martian . ..... . ................... too dition. AV. 5-2460. c2w23 ‘ I» “flaw ho ~~~-*~~â€"â€"-:i ~ â€"â€"‘â€" EXPERIENCED .°’ "’9" °" 1’ " " _____-__ -_.___#-- 'CPHOLSTERING and repairing‘ALL KINDS FURNITURE "NHOUSE TO RENT. $35 monthly. PIANO WANTED Hairdresser required (or local Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 11 am. on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1 LARGE living room chair. Apt. 3. 7616 Yonge St. AV. 5-4497. GIRL‘S White figure Skates, size _ MAPLE bunk bedsfs’lono. AV. 5- [TV 4-291?- PLATFORM ROCKER, in bowl Apply r. Graham, Lake Road, condition. AV. 5-2610. c1w23 ' Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5691. “C27 COFFIELD washing machine. in DANCE BAND __ avaliame for excellent condition. For quick club dances. wedding receptions. . FOR SALE (Continued) I ‘ARTIFICIAL fireplace. TU. 4-1 5593. shin pads. Age 14 average TU, grading. Patio and stone walks “C23 laid. TU. 4-1533. tic48 4-2528. DUNCAN 1 Phyfe drop leaf table. PAINTING, Paperhanging- Fir/e: tfc15 I 150 65c Two 600 x 16 tires, good moot-lush! pick-up and “Um?- TU- c1w23 v _ 1 -- ~0n‘ estimates. Colour samples. ‘17 R'C‘A‘ View Te eVells,l.,.23.Rollinson, TE. 3-6671. . _ 4h. 44m. clwzs:imiï¬aaomage‘fsm _ a r - Renovations. ,SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hourlAcoustic Ceilings installed, etc. pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wooo carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave, Richmond Hill. tic3l merly Locall, cement. work side- walks, patios, free estimates, 24- hour service. I‘U. 4-5827. tfcl'? LATHING & PLASTERING Recreation Rooms. 260 S. Taylor Mills Drive. HO. 6â€"53-13. Ask for Ken. clw‘ZSl 3 ROOM apartment, sclfâ€"contain-i ed. Business couple preferred. apartment. for giving day care two children. PA. 7-6394. clw23 iN Country - HOuse - 5 room basement - garage - large lot. AV. 5-2460. 1321223 ; REPAIR GARAGE, .Any size or make, pay cash, phone :Toronto. LE. 4-9419, collect. t1c3 USED FURNITURE 4-2613, AV. 5-5101. tic? VOTE TO ELECT W. H. (Dick) HUTCHINSON for RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD shop, full time. TU. 4-7228. c1w28 YOUNG MAN 20-22, bookkeeping machine experience helpful but not essential, write box 103. The WANTED â€" pianos and used . V - '2 ,. .AV. .- . V . . , sale $35. A . 5 4371. cl“ 3 etc. C'ill Ron '5 4201 “610 J A A . 5 1890. 011223 furniture. Cask. pflces paid. C.†Liberal. Clwza HOCKEY equipment, Dams and PLOWING, discing and ï¬nal Plumbing and brain repairs (for- REDUCED RENT for basement Frank's Movers and 5‘07339- 10- TELEPHONEsaIes help wanted for afternoons or evenings. Guar- anteed salary. plus commission. Box 94 The Liberal. c1w28 RELIABLE woman to do house- work and look after three child- ren while mother works. High ' ' wa es, evenings and week-end 2- Like new' TU' 4‘1512'ICIWZ3 HARDWOOD for ï¬rep|£}"‘$’f2~i16â€"18. Perfect condition. also 48“lser"lce- C- Bums- PR- 3‘5085- {All work guaranteed. AV 543688. ‘alld two 2135 pump: for lease. cw23 off-gm“; in. TU. $5102. czwza "‘ â€"' per single cord. TU.‘4-2549 'Cliarlcontinental bed- TU- “994. u“ “C10 AV' 5'5205‘ “022 I WOOD SHAVINGS for bedding. TU. 4-7166. clw23 ' clw23 A *3w21‘ JACK a. LEE TV lie Mashinter. Electronics? We fix it. SHEET METAL WORK ï¬lliNlSHED lipstairs bedil‘rorOln.i DEAD FARM STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or WOMAN to look after three children while mother works. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~-â€"-â€"â€"â€"*â€"‘ “ Two tricvcles 14†red and white, Adult home. central. Parking. TU. . Live in $10 weekly weekend, E wheat Straw 50 cents a DRY HARDWOOD from dry stor- ,, ~ . ' _ _ TU. 4-3311 “(:4 Eavesu-ou )1, new and r i do _ _-.- ,. ‘dlsabled horses and cattle. t - l Eie'ArIl-VU. 4,2364. age, cut 16" length. two grades. 20 “lemme blue- Excenent C0" _ Heating gm, flashings. 955313?†41541. â€"__& phone collect Richmond HHL free. PA. 7-4340 after 7 pm. c3w22 ___._.__*_ .____... dition. TU. 4-3746. ‘ clw23 Delivered in single cord lots. TU. RALPH ELMS DECORATING HOUSE, one bedroom, suit cou- TU. 4-2538. Central Dead Stock c4w21 â€"-â€"â€"â€"- “' L_L......__._ _-- - -- estimates Work guaranteed TU. .__.____. CLOTHES DRYEE' Beatty' used’ 4'4519' “022 HEAVY-duty stove, good coudi- Painting, paper-hanging, interior 4-1006. tfc37:ple. Garage, Thornhill area. 186 [ftd‘ Please Phone Drompm’. any SALES LADY wanted for Child- $99-00- F“ Appliances“ TUI‘ 2' COLEMAN on Burner Floor tion. Apply Oak Ridges Motor and exterior. Free estimates. I Clarke 'Avenue. AX. 3-7856. time' ’ fC33 renns Wear Shop. Must have “11. furnace, good condition, $100. and Electric, BOHd Ave- CIW23 Work guaranteed TU' 4'7902’“ 2 CUSTOM CARPENTRY 01W22 mg experience. Part time Steady AUTOMOTIVE parts and access“ After 6 pm†TU' 4'3690' 108 {EVENING'dAreVSSe: c Kitchens remodelled bedroom FURNISHED or part1 ' work. Apply Children" Fasmon . . , . i y furnished $219333?†cars' Paris Elmw°°d Ave- “W22 i once. Cost $65 each. will sell for , CARPENTRY WORK, additions, Eng lotiï¬hroombi vanitihgs. stereo. apartment in Richmond Hill, near fnhg°Pbe§§2m“Lipgï¬Ã©gmï¬oï¬ggg’ ' ' ‘ - . 15. TU. 4-5718. c1w23frenovations, garages, window 1‘ . 0 n3 ca lletsi 1‘86 estlm- MacKillo School for December ' . ’ REMINGTON Rand Portable $ screens and storms. tile floors. No ateS- Ml 1)- Hal‘l‘lson. TU- 4-2838. p Richmond Hm‘ clwza GAS BURNERi suitable forâ€"c7); furnace. Good condition. AV. 5- Typcwriter has two-tone ribbon . POTATOâ€"ES, Ontario No. 1. Also and key Starter' lake on pay' turnips by bushel. Charlie Mash- 3653. t‘fc5l job too small. ’1‘. Price, AV. 5-‘ tfcl'5 and January. TU. 4-2623. c1w23 HOUSE â€" 2 bedroom \lngalow, WANTED ACCOUNTANT wanted for the 2072 c1w23 ments of $7.50 per month for - _ CALI US f l~ - Township of Markham. ' . __._____. . ter TU. 4-2549, corner of Bath 4 or your sand, grave , 0,1 heat gal-age 535. month. Don HOUSEWORK m d b m d _ 6 months. Write Box 101 The m ’ t . - ï¬ll t 1 b . . ’ “’3 9 Y e 33’ Written applications will be ae- t, v t and Gamble Road. 3w21 CORN CUSTOM COMBINE . 0» sol and lack 10am. Mill Rd., outh of No. 7 RU. 2- -- BLACK Persian Paw fur coa LiberaL cszz urs , Reasonable ratei Graham Han Prompt delivery. Reasonable 68065. 5 “C23 or week. PR. 3 3359. c1w23 cepted by the undersigned 1mm size 14. good condition, $25.00 or tied} GIRL'S white ngui-e skates, two ‘Al machine. Sews on buttons, makes motor. One 30 gal. pressure tank, EDYTHE’S Dressmaking Shoppe, rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple M. __ 1951 CHRYSLER, good condition. BACHELOR apartment, self-con- care to one or two children over December 15th, 1960. I *1 2 . â€" ' _ _, _ raid, 2376 Bayview Ave. Willow. - - he“ often TU' EXCELLEtNEl (3037121110); [him pairs, 6 and 6%. Two pairs tube dale. BA_ 1-6767_ “C12 ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 TWO 4-room winterized cottages. ï¬ï¬gï¬blgxï¬iglï¬gcg 333†H‘ C' T‘ Crisp' 21" GE. TV Console, recondit- Isn‘t? bpmiiay :3 Semgg {nag "‘19,; skates, size 7. Child’s tricycle- “a $38 and $50 monthly. Running " ' c4w23‘ Clerk-Treasurerv ioned. $99.50. Fox Appliances- aï¬acshmï¬lt‘s‘a Csn‘gr. (“Eff V310 ‘ TU. 4-5700. c1w23 EXCAVATING a: GRADING “000.5 water inside. Schools. Av. 5- Township 0f Markhm~__ TU. 4-1610. c1w23l do ‘ ° 5. c‘ p *â€â€œT W- â€" 7“"â€" FmԠend “me†mm "mm"- RUG a: UPHOLST R! 5162- “W3 MAN 15 I' hir ith 1960 lyé t n _ __ . . e la. 1958 â€" 10 bOOkS- TU. 4- LARGE hot air furnace With 011 Haul-Ly or contract. Av, 5-5332. E 0 e w 0 L A D I E s . 12 CAL AQUARIUM, complete 5525. c1w22 burner and controls, s40. Also ‘ “can CLEANERS NEW 3-bedrom house, Rich- Pick-“P truck- PR- 3-5376» 03“ Still time to get in on news with gravel and lamp» $5- TU- I‘Mâ€"EVER}; and wouensak ,3 e ,e_ quantity of duct work- TU- 4- â€"â€"~-â€"â€"â€"â€" We Cltanv shampoo and moth mond Hill. 30 Starlight Crescent, Ridges- 033?} BIG CHRISTMAS SELLING 4-3448. c1w23 . p 3916. clw23 SAME DAY TV proof In your homo Modern Pleasantville.-Available January - SEASON. SHOW and 521.1. _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-,â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" c°rder§ are to? quality at mOder' ANTENNA SERVICE method, reasonable prices. 1 TU 4_2878 c1 23 WOMAN “mum like any type °f Beautiful Gift sets, Write .. 21» CON-soLE TV set, walnut. ate price. We have them._ Terms 30 BUSHELS‘ of Mangels, 50c TU. 4.47“ Tu 4-5322 TU‘ 4_2932 ' - - W evening work fronéspm. onwards MRS. Fu-WALKER. Fox Appliances, $79. TU. 4-1610. arranged. lork Office Equipment. bushel. Electric stove, 35 feet of gel; “C42 31,22 ROOM apartment, stove and and 311 day Satul‘ 6137- TU- 4.5233- Box 130 . . c1w§ Ilioanonge Street North.Rlchn41og<2i heavy duty cable. $35.00. TEmple BUILDING alterations and re mg included. Central Yonge st" c1w23 0011mm,“ Wide 1 . c \K ___ _ .___.___.L_CI‘WZ3 pairs Commercial or residential. available January 1‘ can RU' 3- operator, ex‘ 01' phone . size 12, like new. owner moving FOR SALE VANITy, night table and stool, custom woodworking shop _ ell TREE SERVICE 6229- 04W†perienced, requires full or part- ' 62W†to Florida, AV. 5-1354. ch23 gagsgeffgasmdï¬lgegfitégeyggr $20. Combination desk asnlds back- ectrlc welding. Credit terms to Priming R l Trimming / t1thtygfkangoicyéoï¬nv'grgorz. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""ï¬_‘â€"â€â€˜ 0 l , ‘ 1' case $10. Servis was or ; l - suit your budget. Beckwith Ren- emova $75 MONTHLY 5 a S 6 Pa - - ' gm PIN-BALL MACï¬iNE'sggitabihe us For free dehvery phone-f“,- ton Pattern Carpet 10’ x 8'6" $30; ovating Co. AL. 7-2545. tfc13 TU. 4-4031 Frame house. 2 bedrooms. Shade 7915- 01w†for rï¬og;om' e ‘ 0132:; 5'2842- dc“ and oddments. TU. 4-3792. *2w22 TREE ARE Free EStlmatES and fruit trees, nice location, 5 ï¬RSING WANTED baby slt_ and Tâ€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"U' -- “ â€",-â€"- RUBBER STAMPS - stamp Pads BRING YOUR own wool and pat- Free EsstimatesoUR Fï¬ggliggiie “c†minutes to bus stop‘ AV“ 5'3832‘ ting, or will take care of your WEA’REVER salad maker. With - marking devices of all kinds. terns for bulky knit sweaters - RICHMOND TREE SERVICE 02""23 home by day or week. Have own FURNISHED ROOM, board op- five cones, half price. TU. 4-1133; Fast service_ YJrk Ofï¬ce Equip_ children,s to 12 years $7, adults and M 2 FURNISHED BEDROOMS in transportation, references. Phone “anal. TU_ 4-1763. c1â€"2-3 ‘ ° grit. hsfllilgnï¬ 5mg; Ngrthg 510. No side seams. TU. 4-2500. FORESTRY COMPANY USED CARQ .quiet adult home. parking space, Markham 1361. has FURNISHED room with 0,. with. FRIGERATOR. good condi- c m0“ 1 ' - ' 1- '31 c2w23 TU. 4-1221 ï¬â€œ $8.00 each weekly. Call before 7 RELIABLE person Wm give day out board. near Yonge bug, park- °“' “w “‘1'†mm" “197' AUTOMATIC Zig'zag “Wing DEEP WELL water pump and “C21 FOR SALE Pm- TU- 4-3301- *2w22 cm to child any .ge or we..ka ing. AV. 5-1321. - *lwzs ROOM 8: BOARD available for - buttonholes without attachments, - h d r ssure 1 - i a _ - - A - - three years. TU 4-7063. ifc2 am...afï¬liatifhiisaisis. 335seggggggggaopgggggg; attacksâ€"Evian?“ P .issiiooismmoseswith. _,_c_1v:2§ iii-“ii. hillâ€: m... ,5 Pam Til-“1,15,, TU- “’3â€- “W†of ss.2o per month for 7 months. 1931 CALENDAR PADS, appoinl- $352302?†Sm†2‘ “"3235 ig§%.tMON‘;§IC§v Ii" 0‘98“, good “W23 “Ousekeeper'mmpam†t° emfâ€. Room AND BOARD available SINGER sewmg mehine, tread- Write BOX 99‘ The Liberal- men books, diaries, now in stock. ‘ Ion“ ' ' 881‘ 01W23 FACTORY, approx. 3000 sq. ft. of ‘ 13’ lady or gent or both’ oak Rld' for gentleman. Richvale. AV. 5- le type, good condition, $15. TU. 4-2677. clw23 LIONEL "0" gauge electric train â€" 3 sets plus accessories â€" or sell separately. TU. 4-1138. c1w23 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 02W†York Office Equipment, 16 Yonge PENS & PENCILS make hard- 5m“ NM“ R‘chmmd Hllcléwza toabeat Christmas presents. We ______________.__ carry Esterbrook, Parker. Scripto THREE painted 4-drawer chests, WRECKING ’50 Austin. All parts available. TU. 4-3122. c1w23 ’52 PONTIAC, good condition, $85. TU. 4-4142. c1w23 and Shaeï¬el‘ in Pocket 01‘ deSk $6 each; one unpainted 5-drawer sets in a range of prices from $1 chest $7; walnut bookcase $12; MASONRY CONTRACTOR 1951 MONARCH, radio and heat- space, available immediately. 86x Spruce Arc... Richvaie. AV. 5-1 4373 after 4.30 pm. tfczo APXRTKIENTS - C RUNGALOWâ€"S 3 bedroom - attached garage. From $95.00 up. ges or Thorilhill preferred. Mrs. Jinks. Pilone Prospect 3-5365. c1w23 YOUNG MEN. 16â€"19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salvation Ar~ 2230. c1w21 ROOM and board, for working man, 18 Yonge St. South. Rich- mond Hill, phone TU. +1856. clwza 19:15 G-Eéeftusllbuttgï¬ Â£31188 gill in 1650. Ygrk Oï¬icethUigmenti gateleg table 512. Sturdy tricycle Stoneworkl, Fireplace, etc. er, $85 or best offer. TU. 4-2677.l MRS SUTHERLAVD “’31- AV- 5'5125‘ “052 ROOM and board ï¬fï¬lable, in ‘11 e0!) 0119 c en 5“ e? 6 01189 treet NOI't . Ric m0“ $10. Convertible sleigh $3. AV. Ostergaar , 148 Yonge St. ., “W23 ‘ ' .4 v . ‘ comfortable home garage. drapes; rugs. TU. 4-4062. c1w23 Hill. c4w22 5-3057, c1w23 Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4.368283. WRECKING ’52 Pom“! ~aâ€"â€"'£3V;?111g;LFAN “mg-U? iï¬ï¬ggéMfogggéggmï¬;wggaid; Businessman, woman or teachlelr ~ ______________ l ' 1 C so all,.‘ ' ' , . . P ' . l'V ‘ TABLE and 4 chairs. 3 piece SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER! COAL STOVE, almost new, mica c or will sell for s45. TU. 4-1514. “C23 mama“ ma“ “"1 Chauffeur“ 11' SgeieiÂ¥d5.i§i?“ Home lthwza chesterï¬eld and one chair. Air For your Rec. Room. front and chrome trim. Heats FURS c1w23 3 0R 4 ROOM self_contained cence' After 5-30 P-m- TU- 4' ' ' ' conditioner. TU. 4-4514. *1w23 3/18 Random scored A grade three rooms, $30. Antique oval Repaired, Cleaned, Restyled. apartment in private home. Pm §§45- 0111/23 ROOM for two, quiet respectable FUR. coat, Mouton, like new. Has to be seen to be appreciated, $65. AV. 5-5209 after 4.30 pm. c1w23 bins. dog houses, chicken houses: and packing cases etc. AV. ‘5- 4417. tfc13 â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"~ .. mom. . t . . ‘ RICHMOND HILL RENTALS GOOD used furniture for sale. Richmond m" m- "17‘5‘1-ighta“~ayf0rC]]I-istmas deliver); kind 0; furniture. Experienced VOLKSWAGEN BUS i 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from Boys, to yrs. can Franks Movers am Star. tfc49 czwgg on Scandinavian furniture Free- ; 595 a month age, 28*Industrlal Rd- TU. 4- FOR YOUR STUDENT, Give Wu - estimates. Reasonable prices. Call! 1 Can 5V 54951 2613' - a“ the gift that keeps on sai‘inal NOT ONLY do yo“ get top val‘1‘“‘5‘1‘1‘9' TU' 44813" “cm 1954 Late Modal I Charles Marple Real Estate K t. ., ,-_ _ HOOVER Vacuum Cleaner. 3 months old. Take on payments of $8.20 per month for 7 months. Write Box 100, The Liberal. c2w22 TOP QUALITY typewriter rib- bons. adding machine ribbons, adding machine and cash register tapes, all makes. City prices or less. York Office Equipment, 16 Yon e Street North, Richmond -l ‘ mug “023 METRO WRECKINGszLUhinEk , _, av 5-1532 (fedslsmtabie for stalf transportation_ Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill 1 MISCELLANEOLb - - ; - -â€"-- -â€"- LAMBRETTA 150cc. Scooter. SPECIALS SPECIALSism_.-.______-V . -.I 55““ “LTERAHUNS 3‘ ch l bu WANTED Best offer. Eumig movie camera, All New Materials lWELLS duo on do ned. Odd 3 ‘NSTALLATION3 " or 5 0° ‘ l- . 6 “ d d i v - - - A v new. Accoustlcon hearing aid, PICKUP PRICES ONLY E jobs. TL‘. +7904. cluzol PM“ (.ONTRACTLVG 1 T0 RENT humidiï¬er, mantel radio, electric Gyproc Lath $1.25 per bdle.. r -â€" ' AI. 5-1153 heater. lawn mower. All in good Gyproc Sheets 4x8 SL'O ‘ A - i “C31 3135 be 5'39“ 3' ‘ ' ' i‘ ' ; condnmn' TL" 4-5104“ Clwï¬lpopm Ended“ “4 Sl'éo‘cnlldJnï¬ziaï¬l‘if0†5;; R' 1' RfiChéicsLL‘r w PAYNE for septic ‘h‘o‘gilkggoigaoroifril\T<Iafiï¬le“:?:: i . ‘ v - - . â€" ‘. 3-: -3. (1‘2 - ‘7- ‘. ‘ , . . . -- L- ‘A ‘5 - -' ~- .. ‘3 MAILS will soon be clogged Getiiigggggg} H {"011 r“: N 1 a -â€" tank sysrems and repairs, sewer‘CONNOR McQLARRIE MOTORS binge man. AL. .-0004. c1523; ’ those Christmas cards 'awayf g y CILEMOUVG‘ “ ‘ 'OILADIES' dress alterations ex~ installations, basement water- 1:195,- Ogtéflmgn on; now we have a ï¬ne selection 0000 Néw 5‘“) < ,pertly made. Audrey Arseneault. prooï¬ng. all types or concrete You“ 5,†Oak Ridges ,M'L: h†Mug“ m rem or for: There-S stiu time to get person; Scrmng’and ‘Sash up TU 4-5885. desiwork around 5'0llr1homc'.tgencralj “ Dramaouf‘hggl waffle Lain - . . , ,' ,, -_ , , g, l. i are “ t. a: 73120.? . '35.. ,_ L. â€" s - l . r A ' alized cards if you act fast. lorklOPI-JN DAILY [NTIL azoo p.111. SAND 35D GRA\1L crushed . eadlgggns job ,0: 53m: 9305mm 34,181 i .-c.ili. - . .--.3_, ask \ onge Rlchmond Office Equipment, 16 Yonge St.‘ North, Richmond Hill. c2w22 Insured cold fur storage. KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Richmond Heights Centre AV, 5-4172 mahogany plywood. convex mirror, gilt metal trim, 7 Sheet 4' x 7' $3.92 $12. PR. 3-5335. *1w23 Sheet 4' x 8' $4.48 _ BUTLER dc BAIRD LUMBER ONE SMALL Z-cushlon Chester- that anyone can afford to give Ail Richvale. Av. 5_159L 6C6 ‘ Smith-Corona portable thls Christmas. See York Office Equip- 16 Yonge Street North, students 1 t'rIIOLsTERY IRecovering and repairing of any ' n n. SIMS 88 Baker Are. ues when you buy a Smith-Cor-i “Merry Christmas" for years to for a! MOVING & STORAGE lconic _ that helps to better‘ imarks and increased efficiency -â€"-‘ ia Smith-Corona portable type-1 :writer. Rated the world‘s best, a‘ Smith-Corona‘s price is moder- ate. And it's so easy to arrange for immediate delivery under a, low-cost budget plan. See York Office Equipment, 16 Yonge St.- North. Richmond Hill. c4w22, ona portable typewriter Housekeeping‘s seal of quality â€". mg I and Sloragel Experience‘i you help provide employment forlsfervme anytm‘e- Pickup and de' Canadian workers. Smith-Coronaihvery' G9“ ""95 TU 4‘2513- portables are made ill Canada.€Av- 5410*- “cm SPECIAL sets recovered â€"â€" l A, Nylon freize $99. ‘35“30‘5 years guarantee. Terms if de- lsired. A. Smith. Upholstery. phone ll‘lC‘lll. 16 Yonge Street North,;Chestemcld Richmond llill. Budget terms or» i 3 pie“. 569 00 ailable. AV. 5-3942 stone. loam and d1]. E. Charity.E :5 to: iv 5.1 : r 3" “czzlmc‘bmwd mu TU 4470; lfree e- lma -_. . . 1o3. Lie .1 1.: u - i Christmas gift â€"â€" they carry Good Frank S MOVIES & Carnage. DECR- l l l i l i l I i l ’56 BUICK, Century, 2-door hard- top, automatic, radio, power steer- ing, clean car, $950 or best oï¬er. Must be sold. TU. 4-3886. c1w22 vate entrance and bath. Water softener. Suit business couple or adults. 2 miles north of Richmond MPLOYMENT wanted evenings and or Saturdays. Experienced in all types of maintenance work, $150 cash for both. AV. 5-5294. €2w22 9-10 Passengers Excellent condition Good clean interior, Motor reconditioned, good tires cl 3'23 ,‘To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. : 4-1331, Richmond Hill. tfc32 tfc18 STORES FOR RENT Ultra modern stores. just com- pleted at 7584 Yonge bakery, hairdresser, hardware, etc. Front and rear parking. Rea- isonable rental. Mr. McLean, AV.‘ -T'nornhill. Suit restaurant, drugs, : 5-1176. David McLean Lid, Real-f ~ ' ‘ tors. c1w23; ionlir. Willis. Members oi Torâ€", ~onlo Real Estate Board. c4w211 , . . Hill. TU. 4-2536. c1w23 have chauffeur‘s licence Phone CHR‘STMAS GIFTS LTD" field and chair, In. leatherette. tfcll .58 EDSEL Ranger full 8 i_ _ , . Rhinestone jewallery. ear-ringS, 191 YONGE STâ€" N- ,Pse‘i“ ‘“ g?“ §°“d‘.ttl°“' Wonly mam“, new, Pharmacy pea. Immaculate°c6nditi§m(11:30: APARTMENT FOR RENT, 2 TU‘ “ 7927' “w†1 ‘3 m necklaces, brooches and bracelets. Av' 5‘35“ TU' 44125;;‘122'33‘5522'335 Y‘Lrlggl‘euléetreefrIS' _ A NEW SERVICE_ ced to sell. Take over payments_ rooms“ kitchen and bathroom, CARPENTER, English, recreation o ‘ g a hand made. AL. 7-8935. c2w43 02ҠTu +2922" c1w23 Elastic stockings, Body Supports Private. AL. 7-1155. c1w23 :13ï¬ï¬‚;n§:§%a{::luaie§g‘:gg$19: £3,123, ligéntjlgbgi gicagignggug“; g g 5&0 a EgFflgEï¬Réï¬ï¬E from] $5335. gggfmgegfff ignthgeï¬stmgwf END or YEAR SALE $31,133}: 1950 PREFECT 4-door. Ideal sec- Richmond Hill. Call HU. 5-5035.lamall. Les. AV. 5-2546. ‘ a) g ,9, 33% '9 a er a u - t ‘ . ‘ . .. ' i. ' ‘ l i 9 pm Av, 5-1109 or AK 3-2941_ p lletf. Ifley cases. Desk blotter sets. glumlnum 39350;...u. 9014 Yonge St" A“ 547% 10 311191;! ï¬gsyofncï¬zrigmglsl'rpasli M ~tfc 23 _rivw‘r_cl.v32‘ ‘ r. a z 5. a g n a: (,9 e e one list ï¬nders. Paint-b - ummum 1 . - c r ' . PLEASAVTVILLE 3- d ' ' ' . = a c . “C51 numger set Army 5 fly Aluminum Railings ..5.85 per ft. after p-m' “'7' 4'3509' CIWZS ' t I be room FR-ENCFI LAPY’ graduan Par-ls- a r N H5." :1 c‘ _ n H s. s upp es. . , 500, d. THE FURNITURE SHOPPE __ split level home With attached UniverSIty Wlll give tuition in .4 et- a o. B BICYCLE. glrIS. Junior. 20 Writing cases. Purses. Personal Aluminum AWngssa-Qo /° ‘5' We 3 emu" in recovering and 1959 lo TON Dodge pickup truck. garage. HUdson 8-6642 evenings. French to individuals and groups. a a w 3‘ :2 9i “ Whee‘» ,EOOd, condition» Skillet ï¬ling cases- POCKEt Staplers Alummum Sun“ 5 ' per Sq' p Long curbside box, with solid c2w22 Conversation translation. AV. 5â€" N n. S figure. girls. Size 6, like new. TU. TheSe and dozens more await RON WOODS» TU~ 4'15“ rem°deumg The-“ewe†sums- racks. $1_25o,00_ Av. 5-1153. - 4542 ’ c3w23 lib 5’ 9 5‘3 ’3' u a. 4-2895. 122 Elmwood Ave. *2w22 you at York Omce Equipment, 16 C4‘Vz3 “‘0†AV- 5'5201» ‘4 Levendale 2w22 3 ROOM apartment. unfurnished. m' â€"â€"â€"-_ g 3" '4 a a" g Q Yonge Street North’ Richmond m Rd" mmmond Hm‘ Vac†Self contained. Heat, light water LOCAL MAN, wide experience a 3 as E: .‘ DRAPES H1“- 04‘V22 Captain high Chair. training chain, WELL DRILLING MUST SELL gggghe‘i 57" “nthâ€- TUt-fcgz‘ "tlmscat‘le: mi’fse'ggm 303050;: 3 g- 5,573 3 Various lengths and widths, un- CHRISTMAST Ihanging oil lamp with crystals. King City Drilling 00- Ltd» 1955 Plymouth two-door v-g en- _'____.._.__â€"L_ h ‘0 mfg-use S p S "" -' 5' lined. Gold colouredwith-satm- PARENTS hm“: SPECâ€? rare pole canister, steeple clock, repairing, pumps installed and Nb gine Momma; good condition NICELY furnished room with “If rand 1 1 area‘ BS." 83 I g Q suipea’ effed' TU' 4-1788" d '_' ring your Chud- small antique €Xten5i0n dining paire‘l' Formerly George Adams' $900,. Will accept older car as radio, in quiet home. Parking 2 bera' 3w†0 c1“'23 giggdi", Lisltsflrdgeegb‘ï¬gmggf table, other articles. Phone Til}; BOX 192 King City- "1' 3-6333“ part payment. Call TU. 4-7253. available. TU. 4-5718. c1w23 ‘â€".â€"‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ' ‘ . 7. 5-6710. c1W-' c1w23 NICE furnished room on Yonge OIL BURNER. Esso converSIon to 5-09 pm. Cut your own tree -- . 5 2974 or T“ ,, . . . forced air_ fan, all controls, Gil- lgeautlfulpruned Scotch Pine and'CHRISTEIAS SPECIAL _ typfn CONCRETE . MASONRY S 1955 DODGE ROYAL autOInatiCI‘Strcet. TU. +2255. c1w23 I son hot. air furnace, No reason-! PFuFe- 000 ~' 31:00 â€" 513°0- writer or student's desk. steel, CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR good mechanica] order, needleIVE room apartment, Iii-piece able Offer rafused- TU- 4‘2583- ’Spec’me" “395 “nous†pnce‘i two drawers shelf. Regular price BUHUME- alteration! and "Pairsn bodv work 61 000 miles 5350 ()0 bath. Refrigerator and stove. Fur- . c1w23 for Chm‘d‘es- ClUbS' en'- BE‘RTslg 95 Torohto department store 9mm?t “twee or best olier Private 4-1059 nished or unfurnished on Don ~ mm:~f-â€"~5 SNELL, Keele' Street. 3132 mileS'p,.jée '51495, our price- 31425. WALKER 81 glam!!!“ ‘ ' ' iiczéilills Road. Gormley 5426. 3 burner good condition “Shot; north at the Vluage 0f ng‘ ,York Office Equipment. 16 Yonge MWJAX-AEf-jfl_ ‘ ‘ » ' c1w23 ,. ‘ ' C2W23‘Street North, Richmond Hill. ., T NS 1963 ’lWO-DOOR PlymouthAm- , able- TU~ 4‘1180 after 6 DJ“. -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~‘-â€"â€"- 3 .23 DRESS ALIERA ‘0 erlcan model excellent conduion RENT TV ’ “W22 TYPEWRITERS ____ _° “ First class work. Carolyn Bargent‘ funv equippéd‘ PUSh button m: HERRIDGE electric, TV. Appu} . FIREWOOD SAIDDIEG TAG}:st ;'18 A PORTABLE typewriter anl901189 Yongc 5" at R'Chvale' 3V,†dio'and all accesories. For fur- ances. sales, repairs, parts, 53 All kinds of hardwood. 12.. at 16.. 'iï¬hoi'i'zve‘é“ bent" ’ lexpensive gift for that sludeni wgwgr ALâ€, . Lil thei- particulars, call TU. 4-7526. Yonge St- N- Richmond Hill- TU- W00] Suburban lengths. split. Free delivery. AL All popular makes for I ~ i I member 0f your-family? 3° ° be- PAINTER 8‘ DECORATOR Clwzs ‘ 4.3211. mm 7-8831. “013 ci d' d ab '1 we. n-lt‘ause “'5 a gift that keeps 0†For good prices see our show- , . . i Coats _ P u 11 mg new an r- ulistandarri.1 “in .9“ after yeah Budgei, . _ - , . _ I‘WO 1952 PONTIACS, one in, ’ ' CLEAN wooden boxes garba e Dona-me and electric mOdels' ‘ tgermsg age 50‘ moderate in amount rimm' ‘palli’ape‘sgo‘fgdpfb’ etc'St g00d runmng condition With Fa'in‘oon SANDERS’ POLISHERS' 9 ' g nSpeual rental rates avallahln to‘ } my “be†“3° " die. the other needs a little work! ELECTRIC TOOLS Men S to 46 Men’s Parkas home, TV, lunches packed. Suit two business people, father and son, or mother and daughter. Maple. AL. 7-2545. c1w23 $15.95 $14.95