TRANSPORTATION wanted from Parkway East, Don Mills to Rich- mond Hill, mornings arriving a- bout 9 am.-Ask for Mr. Latin. HI. 7-4262 or AV. 5-3352. clw23 TRANSPORTATION POODLES, small blacks, regis- tered. Terms can be arranged for puppies, to be held for Christmas. $125. to $150. Phone Gormley 5339. tfcl'l PUREBRED “Lassie-type" Collie puppies. Ideal Christmas gift. Need good home. Phone after 6 or week-ends at Don Mills and No. 7 Highway, Unionvllle 302. c1w22 RIDE WANTED from Richmond Hill to Subway, leaving 3 p.m., returning 12 p.111. TU. 44096. CAR POOL available. Leaving Richmond Hill 7.30 am. for Tor- onto, returning after 5 pm. TU. 4-7526. clw23 for Christmas if desired. _ Pihâ€"one evenings. Unionvllle 295J3. c1w23 DALMATIAN PUP, 2 months old. female. Reasonable to right home. TU. 4-2386. c1w23 SIAMESE kittens championship stock. Reserve for Xmas, phone TU. 4-5622. After 7 pm. MADAM MARTIN Cards and teacup readings. Do not fall to see this lady. She will solve all your problems. With this ad readings will be half price. 152 Main St., Apt. 3, New- market. Phone TW. 5-5562. GERMAN SHEPHERD, puppies DO YOU HAVE 8 Drinking Problem? A.A. may help you. Contact Box 84 The Liberal. PETS FOR SALE W. A. STEPHENSON 8: SONS Ltd. AV. 5-5332 BUDGIES All colours, talking strain CLEAR WING AVIARIES TU. 4-5976 Excavating & Grading '60 Ford Taunus '60 Olds. 4 door, automatic, Power steering and brakes, radio, two-tone ’60 Olds. 4 door, hardtop, automatic, Power - steering and brakes, radio ’60 Olds. 2 door, hardtop, automatic, Power steering and brakes, radio '59 Olds, 4 Door Fiesta Wagon '59 Vauxhall Station Wagon '59 Chevrolet 2 Door Belair, radio ’59 Chrysler Windsor, automatic, Power steering 8: brakes, radio, white walls '58 Chevrolet 2 door wagon, automatic, radio two-tone '58 Olds. 2 door, hardtop, power steering and brakes, radio, automatic '58 Ford 2 door, Custom, two-tone '58 Chevrolet Sedan, Delray '57 Chev. Belair, 2 Door Hardtop '57 Ford 2 door, custom, radio, two-tone ’57 Nash Metro 2 door, hardtop, radio, two-tone REASONS WHY YOU... SHOULD BUY A CAR LOCALLY 355 YONGE ST. N. AV. 5-4991 â€" TU. 4-1194 Just North of Richmond Heights Centre PERSONAL '60 Chev. Parkwood, 4 door wagon '60 Chev. Belair, Tudor, Hardtop '60 Chev. Belair, Tudor, Hardtop '60 Chev. Belair, Fordor '60 Chev. Belair, Fordor Front End Loaders For Rent CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE, F.85, CORVAIR, ENVOY, O.K. USED CARS You get more for your money in a good Used Car bought from an authorized dealer. You buy Un-Used transportation in a Used Car just as surely as you buy it in a new car. But you pay for less for it per mile. With normal care you will get thousands of miles of transportation â€" and still be able to trade-in your car without the depreciation you would have if you had bought. itlnew. “Incidentally ask the person who has purchased a car from us‘ 2 Door MOTORS LTD. c1w23 *tfc19 c3w23 tfc20 EXECUTIVE CARS & NEW ’60'S 01' $15,700: New solid brick 3 bed- room héme 23 ft. living room with stone fireplace, 12 ft. kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 90 ft. lot, close to Yonge. Low down payment. TU. 4-3916. c1w23 PONIES, quiet hacks, for sale. AV. 5-4603. c1w23 LARGE BRICK BUNGALOW Close to Richmond Hill, lot 200 ft. frontage, full tiled bath. Up- stairs laundry, stone ï¬replace. Garage. $19,500. Stan Leno, TU. 4-2708. *2w23 EARL V. STEWART Real Estate 8; General Insurance 21 Yonge St. N., Aurora Phone PA. 7-5076 FOR. SALE CABIN CRUISER HULL - Partly finished. mahogany. Dem. 19'x 7'5"x4'. $295. or best offer. Cast $450. for materials. A real buy, see anytime, 97 Pemberton Rd., Yongehurst. * 1 w23 T0 RENT HOUSE, 6 rooms. bathroom, fur- nace etc. In excellent condition. Vicinity Victoria Square. Gorm- ley 5634. clw23 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE USED FOR SALE BROWN mohair winter coat, size 16-18. Good condition. Cost $70 wlll sell $15. AV. 5-1025. c1w23 COUNTRY SETTING Looking for an older style home? With over one scenic acre of land in King plus paved road lo- cation? Well, call us today â€" 3 BEDROOM bungalow, 11,4; acre. garage - workshop. $14,200 with low down payment. AV. 5-3832. c2w23 3 CHOICE LOTS. 50' x 14? fdéntiél. west of Yonge St. Mr. Fraser, HI. 4-8441. J. F. per. Real Estate Ltd. MOST HOMES ARE LISTED WITH DAVID McLEAN KLTRS. tcfs TOO LATE FOR REGULAR COLUMNS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AL. 7-1103 ’60 Chev '60 Chev ’60 Olds. '§0 Olds. ’57 Dodge 4 door Wagon, radio '57 Dodge 4 door ’57 Chevrolet 2 x ‘57 Olds. 4 door '57 Pontiac 4 do ’57 ’57 '57 ’56 '56 ’56 ’56 '56 '56 ’56 '55 '55 '55 '55 '54 '54 ’53 '51 Chevrolet 2 door, two-tone Olds. 4 door 88, automatic, radio Pontiac 4 door Laurentian, automatic, radio, two-tone Buick 2 Door Hardtop Pontiac 2 door Chevrolet 4 door Belair, two-tone Meteor 2 door, two-tone, radio Plymouth Tudor. two-tone Mere. 2 Door Hardtop Chevrolet V8 Station Wagon, automatic, radio, two-tone, 9 passenger Studebaker Sedan President, two-tone Chevrolet 4 door Deluxe Ford Convertible Fairlane, radio Olds. 4 door, automatic, radio, power steering and brakes Chev. 4 Door Dodge 4 door Chev. 2 Door Mercury 4 door, automatic, radio '55 '55 ’55 '55 c1w23 Biscayne Tudor Belair Tudor, Hardtop Dynamic 88 Fordor Dynamic 88 Fordor Coo- tfcll Res- Call .nmmmnmmmmu“\\mmmnmumummtumummmnmm WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14 -â€" Auction sale by instructions of The Public Trustee, of house- hold furniture, electric refriger- ator, tools, dishes, glassware, etc., being the property of John Mc- Donald, on the East side of Cen- tre St, in the Village of Green- bank, on No. 12 Highway. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash on day of sale. No reserve whatever. James Smith - Clerk. Ken and Clark Prentice - Auctioneers. SAT., DEC. 10, 1960 â€"â€" Extensive auction sale of complete line of building supplies for construc- tions of any type, building lum- ber, ï¬nishing materials, doors, sash, frames, trlm, nails, do-itâ€" yourself kits, rooï¬ng materials, shingles, aluminum, etc., hard- ware, fencing, piles, cedar posts, boats and boat kits. caterpillar, Waukeshaw diesel and gasoline power plants in complete units,, etc., at Vandorf C.N.R. Station, Whitchurch Township, property of M. G. Slater Ltd. Sale at 12 noon. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auction- eers. c2w22 FEREPLACE lOGS PRESCOTT â€" Samuel G. of To- ronto passed away peacefully in his sleep Tuesday, December 6. 1960. Beloved husband of Dora Gertrude, loving father of (Dorita) Mrs. Melvin Carter of Richmond Hill. Elizabeth of Ottawa, and William (Bill) of Toronto. Loving grandfather of Jim. Life member of Silver Masonic Lodge No. 486, Cobalt. Resting at the Trull Funeral Home. 2704 Yonge St... Toron- to, Masonic Service, Thursday night at 8 pm. Funeral ser- vice, 10 am. Friday. unmumuuunmlmuu\“mumuumnnmmumuummmummx AS USUAL, we have choice young dressed geese for sale for Christ- mas and New Year. Clip this ad and order now. Mrs. Freeman Barker, phone TU. 4-3004. tfc22 SALE REGISTERS Birch and Hardwood. Drive in and pick up or phone for half cord minimum delivery. 7690 YONGE ST. AV. 5-3691 POULTRY FOR SALE ZBeatbs CARS c1w23 c1w23 Also on the same programme we have the privilege of having the pupils from the morning kin-i dergarten presenting “The Christ- mas Story" under the direction of Mrs. Crawford and Miss HamilJ ton and the Primery Choir under the direction of Miss Irving will ,sing. i i I I Ralph Bruce said: “While on council everything I did was in my capacity as a lawyer and bread-winner." Loud laughter greeted this statement. Continu~ ing he said that his .legal work on behalf of one developer in- volving the buying and selling of a 64-acre parcel of land near Maple at a $33,000 proï¬t was an upright transaction, well known to his colleagues and that his per- sonal integrity had never been called into account. “I never tried to hide anything because- there was nothing to hide," he said. He vigorously disclaimed having acted for other companies men- tioned in the article. “Relative to one of those ï¬rms," he went on, “I have been acting as its lawyer for years. As a township official I have never allowed my clients' interests to clash with the good of Vaughan." When ask- ed whether, as a lawyer who would know if he had a good case of libel against Berton â€" he would sue, he said: “At the mom- ent I wish to refrain from making any decision on that subject." He said the newspaper article ob- viously was designed to break up the possibility of a big front vote on Saturday. Anstey, ï¬ghting for control, said: “Pierre Berton, our detrac- tor, has written vividly about a parent’s horror when the lives of his children were threatened. How would he- feel if his child- ren were subjected to ridicule and pain because of unproven ac- cusations against him?" He said he had made a statement to all the major newspapers ‘refu‘ting In his column Berton had link- ed the names of Anstey, Bruce and Ronald M. Fenn, with several development companies, intim- ating that the two councillors had actively sought to further the interests of some of the com- paniesjn Vaughan township. the chai'ges leveiléd against him REEVE Anstey, W. E., Manager Rutherford, A. H., Insurance In tense, emotion-packed voices, Bruce M. Ralph, seek- ing re-election to Vaughan township council and Eric W. Anstey, running for reeve, told 600 persons in Maple Community Centre on Monday night that charges by col- umnist Pierre Berton questioning their integrity as public servants were false. They spoke to a mixed reception of handclapping and cheers, boos, catcalls and interruptions amid the flashing of bulbs and while television camera- men and furiously scribbling reporters from the province’s major newspapers recorded the event. The 375 chairs in the big hall were ï¬lled, and people were jammed six-deep in the back and two-deep along the side walls, while more ratepayers leaned perilously out of the balcony. Agent Ryder, Vic, Insurance Agent DEPUTY-REEVE Brysnn, J., Farmer Fenu, R. M., Investments COUNCIL Keï¬cr, G. W., Retired McConkey, Mrs. R. M., Housewife Neufeld, J., Restaurateur Ralph, 1%.. Lawyer Robson, J. IL. Retired Savage. M. Farmer Windatt, F. M., Banker TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA OF VAUGHAN ‘ PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE CANDIDATES Chandler, G. A., Sales Manager Constable H. A., Secondary Eiéctions' December 10 In Vaughan Township 1961 Candidates Slate Anstey, Ralph And Fenn Deny P. Berton Charges CrosbyHome&Sch. “A Christmas Family Night†Is planned by the executive for Wednesday, December 14 at 8:15 p.m in the schqol auditorium. There will be a showing of three films. “A Christmas Rhap- sody." “Christmas Through The Ages,†and “The Night Before Christmas." These films should be very interesting to one and all There will be a silver collection taken to help defray cost of films so come one axid all and enjoy this evening for the whole family. School Teacher Jollifle, R. 8., Sales Manager Kaiser, S. D., Master Painter O'Reilly, C. J. N., Insurance Agent Robertson, Mrs. Dorothy, Housewife Rohertson, Mona, Editor Salmon, Patrick ' By three votes, one of Nob- leton‘s sitting trustees was unseated in Monday’s elec- tion. Harold Long, a steel worker, was returned with 173 votes, and Mel Sampson, transport driver, with 14_7. Newcomer Cyril Flinders, aircraft technician. received 108 votes and will replace John Bragg, druggist, drawâ€" ing 105 votesI on next year's Police Village Board. Charles Conyers. construc- tion inspector, was also de- feated with 70. Schomberg was the only King Police Village avoiding an election by acclaiming Clarence Wood and newcom- ers Dr. Jack Webster and A1- bert Cabell. Elect Nobleton 1961 Trustees to the audience. he said at no time had he been associated with any of the companies mentioned save one, Ranspen Developments, of which he was an officer, but whose business ventures ‘were re- lated to Newfoundland and not Vaughan Township. "I regret that my opponents should stoop to character assassination,†he said. “How long, with such tactics . ." Here laughter from one quarter of the hall drowned him out and he cried: “Hear me out before you judge me," adding: “Why must some people destroy others to get elected to office? Let me tell you, Berton nor anyone else is going to destroy my family." In reply to a-question he said he would be happy to open his rec- ords to anyone. While it had been expected that most of the questions from the crowd would be directed at Anstey, Bruce Ralph and Penn, council candidates and other con- testants were asked several too. Vic Ryder, running for reeve, when asked why it was that coun- cil members had not suspected that something might be remiss in the last two years, replied it was one thing to suspect and something else to act on suspic- ions without proof, but said that his suspicions had cause-d him to drag his feet about the signing of one subdivision agree- meéit which had yet to be final- ize . In the statement, which he read Ronald Fenn said that his pet‘- sonal interests in no way would conflict with his duties and re- sponsibilities as a township ser- vant. He denied hacing attended a meeting ostensibly to line up support, as stated in Berton’s column, and said that the col- umnist had assured him he would make a retraction in his column before election day. THOMAS â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Henry Keith Thomas, who pass- ed away December 8, 1955. Looking back with memories Upon the path you trod, We bless the years we had with Y0“, And leave the rest to God BROWN â€"- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather. David Brown, who passed away December 11, 1958. The one we will never forget, His absence to us is a sorrow, His loss we will always regret. â€" Sadly missed by wife Irene and family. *1w23 In memoriams â€" Lovingly rememberéd by Adam, Alice, Alan and Kathy. DUNCAN â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and fathm: Ed- mund Duncan, who passed away December 6, 1948. Wimin our store of memories He h-Qc‘s a place apart For no one else can ever be More (-hnrished in our hearts. CIRCUS â€"â€" In memory of E. Circus, January 8, 1928, and Annie Circus, December 10, 1959. Dear Father and Mother, Gone to rest away from sorrmv. -â€" Ber remembered by hi: wifo. Jean and family. c1w'.-3 care and pain. May you rest dear Father and mother till we meet again. _ Lovineg remembered by daughters Ivy. Marjorie and Kathleen and grandchildren George, David and Stanley. PHILLIPS â€" In Memory of Wm. Ernest Phillips, who departed this life December 7, 1952. On the road of yesterday, We stop in memory’s lane. And ï¬nd you’re- not forgotten, We remember just the same. â€" Wife and Family ARBON â€" In loving memory of Wed. 8 pm. __ Prayer and Bible Harry Arbon who passed away Study December 6, 1954. Thurs, 1 pm. â€"â€" Women’s Mis- We often sit and think of him sionary Fellowship When we are all alone, Thurs, 7.45 pm. â€" Evening Mis- For memory is the only thing sion Circle 2nd and 4th That grief can call its own. Thursday of each month â€" Lovingly remembered by Friday 7 pm. â€" Lamplighters wife and family. c1w23 Friday. 8 pm. â€" Choir Practice An extra demand for ad- vertising space this week has resulted in many interesting news items and features beâ€" ing omitted. We apologize to the contributors and will en- deavour to include as many as possible in our next issue. This 30 page edition of The Liberal will have a new re- cord all time high circulation record of 7,300 in the Rich- mond Hill trading area. Crowded Out c1w23 *1w23 *1w23 5 am. â€" Holy Cbmmunion 9.30 am. â€" Junior Church School (2-11 years) 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11 am. â€" Litany and Sermon (Sr. Church School - 12 yrs. and SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1960 over' and Infant Care) 7 pm. â€" Evensong and Holy Baptism Wednesday 9.30 am. _. Morning Prayer and Intercessions 10 am. â€" Holy Communion COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL Crosby and Bayview Avenues Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 Church TU 4-0040 Organist: Mrs. E. V. Collier A.T.C.0. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1960 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School & SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1960 9.30 3.111. â€"â€" Senior and Junior School and Young Peoples Classes ages 9-15 years 11 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School for ages 8 years and under. Holy Communion, Second Sunday of each month at 11 am. COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School & Bible Class 11 am. â€"- Holy Communion 7 pm. -â€" Evening Prayer Wednesday 10 am. -â€" Holy Communion and Intercessions Sunday, December 11, 7 pm. The presentation of the Christmas Story by members of the Sunda" School HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke & Jane Streets Rector: Rev. Wilham E, Askew, B.A., L.’l‘h., B.D. Assistant Curate: Rev. D. L. Varey, BA. Wednesday 10.15 am. â€" Holy Communion SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1960 ADVENT III 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Preacher: The Rector 7 pm. -â€"- Evening Prayer Preacher: Rev. D. L. Varey Morning Prayer .. Sunday School and Yonge at Jefferson. Oak Ridge: Rector: Rev. D. C. H. Michell. Class . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 9.45 am. Holy Communion . 2nd and 4th Sunday Sunday School bus from Elgin Mills 9.50 am.) 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. -â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church o! Camdl Rectorg' Rev. Ramsay Amitage. S’l‘. MARK'S ANGLICAN Yonge at Elm Grove. Oak Ridges Morning Prayer 945 am. Holy Communion .. 15! Sunday Sunday School . . . . . . 9‘45 am. BAPTIST THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ontario & Quebec) Stop 17. Yonge Street Rev. Minton Johnston, D.D.. Minister Mrs. Cameron Andrew, Organist 10 3.111. â€" Senior and Intermed- iate thool 11 am. â€" Junior School and Nursery RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) For Information Call TU. 4-5179 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1960 945 am. -â€" Bi'oze School - Classes for all 11 13.111. â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. - Evening Gospel Service Speaker - Mr. R. H. Duckworth Wednesday at 8 p.m. Mid week “Hour of Power" . A Friendly Welcome Is Extended To ALL At The Young Church with the Old Message of month at 11 1] am. - Sunday School Holy Baptism by appointment MORNING WORSHIP 11 am. 7 pm. â€" Seniot & Junior High Fellowships We cordially invite you to worship with us All Saints’ Church - King City 10 am. - Morning Prayer 11.10 am â€" Sunday School LANGSTAFF , , BAPTIST CHURCH Church St.. Langstafl Pastor - Edwin H. Mitchell 9.50 3.111. â€" Bible School 11 am. â€" MORNING WORSHIP 6 pm. â€" Youth Meeting 7 pm. â€" EVANGELISTIC HOUR Wed. 8 p.111. _ Prayer and Bible EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive - Richvale Rev. Fred C. Jackson TU. 4-2418 Mrs. .135. E. Howard. Organist Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil Assistant Curate: Rev. J. R. F. Moore ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH ANGLICAN PARISH OF KING (Anglican) HOURS OF SERVICE “Ye Are the Temple of God, the Spirit 01 God Dwelleth in You†L.L.B. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, December 8, 1960 1§ 'B'i'bxe ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ontario & Quebec) Pleasantvllle Public School 4-00 Mill Street, Richmond Hill SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1960 11 am. â€" Morning Worship and ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Norman E. Wagner. Pastor SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1960 Sunday Svchool Minister: DI._Lezl§nd Gregory, 1] am. â€" The Service 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class THE UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSION Walter Scott School.-»\Markham Road Pastor - Richard Tubbe 945 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Servtce ST. ANDREW'S l’RESBY’I‘ERIAN CHURCH. MAPLE, ONT. and ST. PAUL’S CHURCH. 7th CON. VAUGHAN TWP. Rev. B. F. Andrew, Minister SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1960 10 am. â€" St. Andrew's Church and Sunday School 7 pm. _ White Gift Service 10.30 am. â€" St. Paul's Sunday School 11.15 am. â€" St. qul's Church COME TO CHURCH RXCHMOND HILL PRESBYTERiAN CHURCH Rev. J. N, Hepburn, Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1960 9.45 am. â€": Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship SACRAMENNT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER 11 am. â€" Nursery Department Friday, December 9, 8 pm. .._. Pre-Communion Service and Reception of new members THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev Prof. D. V. Wade, Ph. 1)., Interim-Moderator SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1960 11 am. â€" Prof. D. Wade, Knox College ‘ Sermon “Responsible Christians" 11 am. â€" Church School RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson, 8A., 8.0 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1960 9.45 am. â€" Primary. Junior. Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€" Nursery. Kindergarten Sunday School 11 am. â€" Mowing Service The Sacrament of Baptism‘ 7 pm. â€"â€" C.G.I.T. Vesper and Candle-Lighting Service THE UNITED CHURCH MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE OF CANADA Rev. Harold W. Davies, 8A.. Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1960 MAPLE 10.15 am. â€" Church School for all ages 11.30 am. â€"â€" Murnlng Worship Sermon: "The Hope of the World†7.30 pm. â€" The Annual C.G.I.T. EDGELEY 1.30 p.m_ â€" Church School 2.30 pm. â€" Church Service HOPE 10:30 am. â€"â€" Church School and CARRVILLE UNtTED CHURCH Rev. Hugh Roncrt MacDonald. 10 am. â€" Worth Service and Sunday School PRESBYTERIAN THE NEW FASHION STYLES 1961 FROM EUROPE Now at the “La Noblesse Ligne†HANS and EDITH Internationally Experienced Hair Stylists RICHMOND HILL 76 YONGE ST. S. CANDLELIGHT SERVICE FOR SALE: The world-famous Beauty Preparations from Europe If you have any trouble with your Hair, Scalp or Skin please call lUTHERAN Please call for your Christmas Appointment Now and Nursery School Morning Worship FREE: Micrgscoping Hair Analyzing and UNITED reaufy Scalp and Skin Tests Vonfinenfa TU. 4-7228 SANS SOUCIS and SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1960 11 am. -â€" Dedication Service for New Building The Rev. Roy E. Webster will preach 7 pm. â€" Festival of Christmas Music The Rev. Donald C. Amos will preacn Sessions of the Church School will meet as usual THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hugh Robert MacDonald, Rev. flown-d JV Veals. BA. 8. Paed. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1960 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Intermediate and Senior Sundhy School 11 am. â€" Sunday School and Nurserv 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Service 730 pm. â€"â€"- Evening Service For further mformatlon cull AV. 5-2131 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Lorner of Elmwood and Rugglel Rev. R. T. Holton. Minister Phone TU. 4-7097 .Church of the Light and Lite Hour. CHML. 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1960 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship The Minister in charge ’7 pm. - Gospel Hour Rev. J. W. Johnston in charge Wed. 8 pm. - Pr_ayer and Bible Study Fri., Dec. 16 - 8 pm. Annual Christmas Service GORMLE! UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. 2. flanking, Min†10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7.30 pm. -â€" Evening Service RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH (Pastor Lawton Lowe) Meeting every Saturday in the Masonic Hall Crosby Avenue. Richmond Hill Worship Service 9.20 am. Sabbath School . . . . . . 10.30 mm. Everybody welcome CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Affiliated with the Pentecoihl Assemblies of Canad- Pastor: P. A. Sorensen 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€" Evapgeli§tlg Service CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Hons. Each Lord’s Day Evening at 7 mm. Gospel Message II Timothy 4-2 - Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season, reprove. rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doc- trine. Watch Channel 7 at 8:30 am. Listen to CKEY 9:15 am. Dial 580 on Sundays BBETHREN IN CHRIS? CHURCH Wm. VanderBent. Pastor Tel.: Richmond Hill. TU (-31†Heise Hill (Gormley) . 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a,m. - Worship Service 7.30 pm. - Evening Service Wed., 7 45 pm. « Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd com. 3 mile: . r...“ Sieciai Notice We are now meeting at the Llou Community Hall, 106 Centre St. East north of Concord) [0 mm. â€" Sunday School 11.15 am. â€"- Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€" Sunday School Oak Bldges. Aubrey Ave. . Roy Nizh. Pastor .. ... 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening service 10.30 am. â€" Sunday School Tues" 8 pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting TcL: Gomley 5544 Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson. 8A.. B.D., Minister “Vienna Charme†52/4â€, Other Denominations RICHMOND HILL ST. MATTHEW'S UNITED CHURCH