“ THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 8. 1960 21 #31 / 3A a". . L“ l. / What else but Kayser ‘ Kayser Lingerie? WHERE ELSE BUT Wme’c/a alien“ “ForAVomen Who Deserve The Best" SOUTH BLOCK Richmond Heights Plaza Black % LAMB Muskrat Back JACKETS (DYED) -â€" TORONTO â€" RL'. 1-9176 lllmllltttnmmunmmmmmmmmmmt ' -0 â€". tmx-lv -l-u-n-v-n-u-n-o-o-u-u-n-n-u-n-o-Ia-i. Willi "lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Vm-Cl-C-D-‘D-fl.0.<_-fl-1p.lI“)-U-lt-« 1760 AVENUE ROAD Local Hospital's Board's Progress Report -â€" Continued from page It crnizc-d and cupandco. A District General Hospital. starting with 180 to 200 active treatment beds land allowing for much greater expansion. was needed in the southern part of the county in the general area of Richmond ,Hill. We collected and digested a great deal of information on ‘this question. Another large question, was this to be paid for? how Again . we surveyed all possible suggos-. tions and sought professional guidance both from fund raising torganizations. auditors. hospitals ‘and other organizations with ex- perience in these matters. To help the situation materially in lYork County, some nine million dollars would be needed in order to provide the facilities which I just mentioned. Approximately Dominion and Provincial grants. million be raised‘.’ presented to the council the association which operates the it included reports from the On- tario Hospital Services Commis- mission. from hospital consult- ants and chartered accountants. estimates as to future require- ments and studied the question in considerable detail. Partially. possibly largely as a result of this report, York Counâ€" ty Council created a new body in the county called the York Coun- ty Hospital Commission to assist Pro-Christmas . 1 wet SALE CHILDREN'S Fashion Shop Levendale Rd. at Yonge RICHMOND HEIGHTS . SHOPPING CENTRE ‘1 Opp. Loblaws RICHMOND HILL **** l The winner of the ' $20.00 Merchandise Certiï¬cate in our recent contest is Mrs. Len Miles of Richvale l t 3‘3... x,»- 1* (Dyed) and Grey COATS BLACK PRICED FROM Richmond Hill AV. 3-4172 It included maps and graphs andi l l l three million would come from' a but how would the remaining sixl These and other matters at the . request of County Council were‘m'ganlza . . in a l out any work which might be ex- joint report of our association and ‘ Newmarket Hospital. The report. was some 50 pages in length and Chant The Ordinary Of The Mass lan antiphonal manner with the ‘bers of the Catholic Youth Club l WITH SAPPHIRE MINK COLLARS $349.00 and $369.00 A WIDE SELECTION OF FULL LENGTH COATS from i269. SPECIAL MINK TRIMMED (ovum and GREY LAMB JACKETS $249.00 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE and advise not only the County Council but all municipal and government bodies and the genâ€" eral public about hospital mat~ ters. By the creation of this com- mission. our elected representa- tives showed their appreciation of the problem and realized that we should develop a co-ordinated system of hospital facilities and services which would achieve the greatest good for the greatest number in the most economical fashion. We feel that our share in bringing this body into exis- tence is a great contribution to the welfare of our county. It has certainly involved a lot of work. In addition to the above mat- ters which have kept us very busy indeed over a period of ï¬ve or six months involving meetings of one sort or another almost every day during that period. the as- sociation has also consulted with large number of architects. viewed possible sites. considered questions of housing for staff and organized itself into an effective tion capable of carrying pet-ted 01 it. As you can see. this early per- iod of the association's existence has been largely devoted to inâ€" vestigation. organization. estab- lishing a sound basis for its ex- istence and sound relationships with all other bodies and agencies with which it must live. work and co-opcrate. In addition, it has received and considered a number of propos- als which it has been grateful for and which it has not rejected. Re- ports have been made to the au~ thorities most concerned and the decisions and advice of these au- thorities will be duly received and considered before any pro- posals from private sources could ‘bc more actively pursued. The .Association has felt that this icourse of action was indicated al- .inOst unanimously by the results lof all its investigations and that lthis course of action held by far ithe best chance of achieving the ‘maximum results. ‘ Your interest and support in lthis work is sincerely requested and appreciated." St. Mary Inmaculate Youth» Members Last Sunday. the Youth Or- ganizations of St. Mary Immac- ulate Church shared in the sing- ing of the High Mass at 9 o'clock. The Boy Scouts and Cubs. the Girl Guides and Brownies. (most of whom belong to Our Lady 0ft Fatima School Choir. directed and trained by Mother St. Dom- inic) joined with the members of the Catholic Youth Club. int chanting the Ordinary of the1 Mass. Under the direction of Mr.‘ Bernard Boon, with Miss Theresa Hughes at the organ. the children and young people alternated in regular choir of St. Mary‘s. With well over a hundred voices. thci ceremony was inspiring and sure- , 1y one to “be remembered. Almost the whole congregation received Holy Communion at the Mass. Following the Mas-s. the mem~ enjoyed a Communion Breakfast at the Richmond Grill. The; breakfast was brought to a fitting , completion with a talk by ~Mr. John Lawlor, B. A.. a barrister and solicitor of Richmond Hill. The speaker gave informative in- struction on the relation of pol- itics to young people. He pointed . 0th that though not many of. the C.Y.C. Members could as yet cast a vote. still they must be prepared and informed. so that: in the future they could vote in: an enlighted manner. Mr. Law- lor reminded the listeners that, all those elected - on the munic-S The guests included Wynne ipal, provincial and federal Ievâ€"IBlake, sgt.-atâ€"arms and Edithl els of government. and even Hales. 2nd vice-president. of those at the United Nations -iWoodbridige Legion Auxiliary. all these elected men. speak for the ordinary men and women who supported their election. working and voting for them. \lllllll lllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltltllllll Iii-l-l-r.“-4I-l|-l|.1-_I-ll--I-""VI-I-U-'l-l|.0-ll.ll-l_U-‘m- it» Stitch Christmas Shoppers Special ,FOR THE MEN SHOPPERS A Complete Line of Fur Stoles Let Us Assist You In Muskrat (dyed) $99.00 Squirrel (dyed) $159.00 Kolinsky (dyed) $179.00 WILD MIN K, natural, full skins $299.00 PASTEL MINK, natural, full skins $349.00 FULLY LET-OUT WILD MINK, Autumn Haze, Leutetia, pastels & sapphires, priced from $495. '.r ( ‘ble Clark attended. bringing with by Yor Selection w The young people were advised: to be interested in those runningl for office. and if they so desired! to join a political party. “Peoplcl who do not take an interest in, the way in which politics are conv .t ducted." the speaker said. “surely i suffer the consequences.†Grace; was then said. and this successful l morning brought. to an end. ‘ 1961 Officers Chosen By Br. 375 Auxiliary Twenty eight members turned out for the November 29 meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary. Canadian I Legion Branch 375 Richmond Hill in the Legion Hall. Carrville Road which elected 1961 officers, to be headed by President Audrey Appcrley. Zone Commander Ma- ’her several guests who were warmly welcomed. Officers’elected- to serve with Mrs. Apperley are Edith Litchell, lst vice-president; Inez Green- ï¬eld. vice-president; Dot Baker, treasurer, Gayle Arnesen, recor- ding secretary, Kay Wood, cor- responding secretary, Jose God- dard. sgt.-atâ€"arms. Past president is Gloria Sanford. . A lovely luncheon was enjoyed by members and guests and the draw prize went to Comrade J. tKanis. lll n- â€" lllltllllllllllll l-‘0.“-0-0-0-lI-th-ll-lv-u-h-O-fl.{r.t"n V5" EASY CREDIT -_-v-l--4-.v.u-n-u-n-n.»..--n- ~.---r---«-r-mm--<-"---m--u--¢ nllllllllllll’llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllullIll‘lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'lllllllllllllllllllll‘ll‘llllllltlllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllltllllIlllll)lllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllhllllllf \ï¬ â€˜2' i 2 E 3 g 5 5 g g g 2 g - 5 a2: 5 g g lVaughan Ratepayers Win Cross Appeal Against Tp. ; Seven ratepayers from the jRoosevclt-Pearson area at Lang- stat’f once again won a rebate on t their ja cross-appeal against lTownship's appeal launched ‘defeat the decision made by York: lCounty Judge E. L. Weaver last ,January that the seven ratepayâ€". 'tcrs be awarded 15 to 20 per cent :m their assessment appeal heard 1at that time. This is the third leonsecutivc year this same group ‘of ratepayers: Margaret Morris,‘ ‘Gordon Taylor, Kathleen Holo- man, Stanley Lunau. Eden Hum- phrey. Robert E. Bowley and Re- ba Edmonds, have fought this .same battle. {lower our assessmentâ€. Mr. Bow- ‘ley told “The Liberal" in an in- ,terview this week. “As a matter lof fact our legal charges are not ieven covered by the amount of‘ trebate we have received to date. I But :ï¬ghting the assessment levied by ‘Va'ughan Township until some- ,thing is done about ;ln our area, the drainage prob- lems we have and the conditions of our roads." Vaughan 1 to. assessment. after entering “ ï¬CCl We are not, ï¬ghting simply to. an appeal to the existing coun- cil lo rc-assess the area in a more equitable manner. based on the successful appeals made by the ratepayers during the past three‘ years. _ "It has cost Vaughan Township Council a lot of mon- would save money by doing the work which is necessary,“ Mr. Bowley concluded. i To back them in their appeal, the ratepayers have received the following communication from ,the Municipal Board which this week announced a 10 per tassessment reduction board. “The Board is not satis- that sufficient weight was given to the factor of municipal services by the assessor in the light of the evidence of conditions that existed in the year 1959 given by the witnesses called by we are going to continue1 the shacks . the respondents whose evidence tthe Board accepts.“ .STOUFFVILLE â€" Peter Glbbins. 13. son of Mr. and bins of Lemonville has been a- warded first prize in the recently, lcompleted home plowing compe- . tion. The next step to be taken is. l BLACK & GOLD ' BROCADE $6.95 VELVET â€" RED $5.95 â€" BLACK â€" TURQUOISE LEATHER â€"- BLACK â€" BEIGE â€" PALE BLUE $5.95 cy to ï¬ght our appeals â€"â€" they; cent ‘ across the‘ Mrs. R. Gib-. “WW K Galbraith Jewellers ;2 (’2 40 Levendale Rd. TU. 4-5621 5 South Block Richmond Heights Centre 3rc[./4nniuerdary Safe 20% O FF ON ALL MERCHANDISE DURING MONTH OF DECEMBER ’5 k/ t? (2 \m A What A Wonderful Opportunity To Save On Your Christmas Gifting See our selection of beautiful Nationally advertised merchandise such as Omega. zenith, Lorie Watches, Blue Bird Diamond Rings and the Famous Bond-Boyd Sterling Silver Jewellery line. c“‘ You simply can’t. go wrong when I you say Merry Christmas with a gift of glamorous Oomphies! So many entrancing new styles . . . such a delicious range of dreamy colors! They’re beautiful . . . they’re supremely comfortable . . . and they’re made to last! TWINKLE CREPE â€"- BLACK â€"- ROYAL BLUE $4.95 Richmond Heights Centre South Block TU. 4-5341