The clerk-treasurer of any town§hip may well be called the ‘money man.’ Beyond that he ls the key personality with his fin- ger on the pulse of every damn-:- ment. In a world of speclallsts he is the speclallst'a spe‘clallst; he must know more and more about more and more. He la the ln:,er- preter of laws as they affect the municipallty. He ls soothsayer, canciliator and negotiator. Though counclls change he goes on. He handles hundreds of thous- ands of dollars each year. He handles all the money needed by the police and fire departments, the roads and water departments, school board, the planning and building office and the adminis- tration department. Whatever council earmarks for disposal, be it a $10 petty fund account or a The Key Personality In Municipal Doings Clerk - Treasurer DEC. 10 VBTIHG DAY - From 9 «.m. to 6 p.m. WARD No. I Cemprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying west of the centre line of Yonge Street. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 1 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying west of the centre line of Yonge Street and south of the centre line of Richmond Street and all of Pleasantville Gar- dens on Plan 4635 - - LILLIAN McCONAGHY PUB- LIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 2 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying west of the centre line of Yonge Street and north of the centre line of Richmond Street, south of the centre line of Benson and Rumble Avenues -- MUNICIPAL HALL. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 3 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying west of the centre line of Yonge Street and north of the centre line of Benson and Rumble Avenues - 0. M. MacKIL- LOP PUBLIC SCHOOL. Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the centre line of Yonge Street, and north of the centre line of Centre Street East POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 6 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying eaét of the centre line of Yonge Street, north of the centre line of Centre Street east and west of the C.N.R. right-of- way--MUNICIPAL HALL. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 7 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the C.N.R. right-of-way, to Blue Grass Boulevard in- cluding both sides and north of the centre line of Cros- by Avenue - - BEVERLEY ACRES SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION N O. 8 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying west of the centre line of Neal Drive to Taylor Mills Drive in- cuding both sides and north of the centre line of Cros- by Avenue. - BEVERLEY ACRES PUBLIC SCHOOL. For, the election of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and four Councillors; eight Public School Trustees, and five questions. TOWN 0F RIBHMBNI] HILL $100,000 debenture issue, must go through his hands. Money needed for salaries, insurance, charities, welfare, councillor ex- penses ...... all must go through the clerk-treasurer. In short. no matter of a financial nature large or small, whether it is a hospital account or subdivision local im- provement project can be final- ized without his study and re- commendations. WARD No. 2 He is responsible for the bud- get and the control of budgetary appropriations. He supervises the preparation of agendas for town- ship council meetings and co- ordinates the township's accoun- ting activities. He is responsible for the preparation of by-laws, tenders and negotiates for the sale of debentures. He is respon- sible for the taxpayers’ business to council and for executing and following up all decisions of council to make certain said p01- icles are carried out. While he can delegate author- ity for the purpose of the effec- tive carrying out of his duties. he is personally responsible for the under-olficers’ effective per- formance. His qualifications are many. He must be an expert on such On- tarlo Statutes regulating the administration of municipal at- fairs. He must have the ability to prepare concise and accurate reports, together with the esti- mates, and possess a thorough knowledge of municipal account- ing procedure. He must have the ability to plan programmes and delegate authority, to maintain tion or reports as he deems ne- ceasary. Clerk-Treasurer Jim McDonald of Vaughan Township is a good case in point. He shuns publicity. “Write about the township," he says. His hobby may be said to be Vaughan Twp., history. Col- leagues insist that his brain has stored an extraordinary Wealth of facts pertaining to the township since its incorporation 110 years ago and that when he gets wound up he will speak ,for hours in his rapid-fire manner recounting fin~ anciai, administrative and policy matters of past council years and that he rarely if ever misquotes a date 0r figure. But he runs true to most POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 9 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying north of the centre line of Crosby Avenue and east of the centre (golï¬eal Drive - - BEVERLEY ACRES PUBLIC POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 10 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the C.N.R. right-of-way, south of the centre line of Crosby Avenue and north of the centre line of Centre Street east - - WALTER SCOTT PUBLIC SCHOOL. Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying' east of the centre line of Yonge Street, and south of the centre line of Centre Street East POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 15 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the centre line of Yonge Street to the C.N.R. right- of-way, on the north by the centre line of Centre Street east, and on the south by the centre line of Markham Road - - LILLIAN McCONAGHY PUBLIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 16 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying east of the centre line of Yonge Street to the C.N.R. right- of-way and south of the centre line of Markham Road - - LILLIAN McCONAGHY PUBLIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 17 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying north of the centre line of Markham Road, east of the C.N.R. right-of-way and south of the centre line of Centre Street east - - WALTER SCOTT PUBLIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 18 - Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hill lying south of the centre line of Markham Road, east of the C.N.R. right-ofâ€"way and north of the centre line of Palmer Avenue - - WALTER SCOTT PUBLIC SCHOOL. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 19- Comprising all that part of the Town of Richmond Hilllying south of the centre line of Palmer Avenue east of the C.N.R. right-ofâ€"way .- - WALTER SCOTT PUBLIC SCHOOL WARD No. 3 [gum/f oil Chief Stong reported a total of 53 ï¬re calls in Town this year. There were 24 to private dwel- lings, 2 to stores, 1 service sta- tion, 2 private garages, 1 barn, 3 workshops, 2 apartment houses, 4 cars, 11 grass fires, 8 due to strget wirjng, From the' Township of Mark- ham which has an agreement wlth Richmond Hill for fire protection in a speciï¬ed area there were a total of 31 calls. Fire Chief Alfred Stong pre- sented his annual report to Rich- mond Hill Town Council last week and was highly commend- ed by Mayor Tomlin who said “the town is very proud to have one of the best. fire brigades in Ontario." Inspections by the Chief num- Voting Places â€" ’ynell, Returning Officer. alleys-and theâ€"attes. There were 237 complaints re garbage inves- tigated, and 29 calls for bonfires which got out of control or Were a nuisance. During the year there were 2 calls for the use of the resuscita- tot, and 3 calls to rescue children in distress. The local volunteer brigade number 20 and the members had twelve nights of training and 21 nights spent cleaning equipment. Public service activities included a canvass of the town with the aid of Boy Scouts for Muscular Distrophy association, and $419.50 was realized. PRINTING ALL KINDS TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 8, 1960 25 JAMES H. ROBSON COUNCILLOR For The Coming Term AN EXPERIENCED CX/aerienced oLeaderM eddenh'a/ /or Continue PROGRESS with INTELLIGENT P LAN N I NG For Cars, Baby Sitters or Information Election Day Phone AV. 5-1812 VOTE 'I'O Ill-ELECT BILL ANSTEY Present Chairman of the Public School Board of T.S.A. of Vaughan HERB A. CONSTABLE PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE Election Day Saturday,- Dec. 10th Electors of Vaughan Township Vaughan Township Electors VOTE T0 ELECT MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATOR VoIe ’laerafions