26. 27. 28. 30. 31. 20. 22. 24. 25. 29. 33. All Electors Are Asked to Exercise Their Franchise I7. 21. 32. 15. 16. 19. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1. Thornhill North 30 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 8, 1960 Saturday, December 10th, 1960 FROM 10AM. To 7P.M. POLLS WILL OPEN IN VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP ELECTION DAY Purpleville Patterson Maple West Elder Mills Edgeley Nashville Kleinburg Pine Grove East Arnold Avenue Maple South-WestGeo. Bailey School Teston Jefferson Vellore Thorndale Concord East Yongehurst East Elgin Mills Maple East Thornhill South Uplands Garden Avenue Scott West Yongehurst West Ross Doén School, Scott East Pine Grove West Westwood Lane S. Chas. Howitt School Richv‘ale Carrville Concord West Murray’s Corner Woodbridge'High'SchJal Crestwood Road Boyle CONNIE MATHEWS |x| Purpleville School Kleinburg School Roy Cooper’s House Jefferson School Thornhill School Langstaff School Richard Ablett’s House Pine Grove School Mrs. Omar Devin’s House Richvale Public School Township Hall Powell Road School John Barton’s House Reformed Church of 57 CentrFStreet, Toronto(Parish Hall) Thornhill Langstaff School Maple Masonic Hall Concord School Mrs. Wm. Adam’s (Sr.) House Emerald Isle Motel Reformed Church of 57 Centre Street, Toronto (Parish Hall) Thornhill Don Head Farm Offices Edgeley Hall Chas. Howitt School Pine Grove School Wm. Espie’s (former Elgin Mills P.O.) Maple Masonic Hall Concord School Chas. Howitt School Elder Mills School Instrumental in forming Richmond Hill High School Association Vice-piesident of Richmond Hill High School Home & School Association ublic School Board Trustee Dec. 10th Charter member McConaghy Home & School Association President of McConaghy Home & School Association for two years. Member York Central Home & School Council Connie Matthews Returning Officer ELECT For Constancy In School Affairs 'C aLJOIla The meeting closed with re- freshments served by Grades 4 and 5 mothers. Euchre The annual White Gift service will be held on Sunday, Decem- ber 11 at 1130 am. with the church and Sunday School com- bined. Therefore there will be no Sunday School. The boys and girls and teachers are asked to meet in the Sunday School room at 11 am. Gifts of tinned goods will be especially welcome. Please write on outside of parcel what it contains. The White Gifts will be distributed among the needy The Christmas meeting of the Sr. Women’s Institute will be held on Tuesday evening, Decem- ber 13 at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Marcus Jarvis. There will be a guest speaker from the Unionville Nursuries. Roll Call is to be answered by a gift for the Children’s Aid. Christmas Carols will be led by Mrs. A. Orr and Mrs. J. Rumney. Hos- tesses: Mrs. A. Orr, Mrs. C. Walk- er and Mrs. M. Jarvis. A hearty invitation is extended to all the ladies in the community to at- tend. W.M.S. The Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. will be held on Wednes- in York Presbytery in the Oak Ridges area under the direction of the Rev. G. Winch. Gifts of money will be sent to Dr. C. Tor- rence for Home Mission Work in Toronto. Let us be generous with our gifts for those who are less for- tunate than we are. Sr. Women’s Institute Lawson Mumberson gave a very inspiring message on safety, P.C. Dukes also gave a talk on safety, and remarked that he hoped next year he would have the opportunity of returning to the school and adding another safety plaque. Lawson Mumberson, president of the Victoria and District Lions Club, who sponsored this award, presented the plaque to Judy Hart and Douglas Hill, who, on behalf of the pupils accepted it in a few well-chosen words. "dialâ€"‘1‘ Emï¬ringham, on behalf of the school board, also added words of congratulatiqns. r r There will be another euchre party in the Victoria Square Com- munity Hall on Friday evening. Everyone welcome. This will be the last Euchre until after Christ- mas. White Gift Sunday Our heartiest congratulations are extended to the pupils and teachers of 8.5. No. 7 Markham for going for one year, accident free. Therefore on Friday even- ing of last week, a special meet- ing was held at the school when parents, Lawson Mumberson, Herman Mortson, Jack Stewart and George Brands of the local Lions’ Club, P.C. Donald Dukes and RC. Douglas Tribbling of the Markham Township Police Force and Stan Richardson, Maurice Farqu’harson and Earl Empring- ham, members of the school board were present for the pres- entation of the bronze plaque. On Tuesday evening of last week the Victoria Square and District Lions Club held a very Successful Bingo. The Lions would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make it such a success. Safety Presentation 25 friends and relatives from Gormley, Umbridge, Toronto, Vineland. and Stevensville gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichols of Vineland on Sun- day in honour of the 25th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lilley. The hostess serv- ed a hot buffet dinner. The guests of honour were presented with a pop-up sunbeam toaster. Both Harold and Marian (Nichols) Lilley were raised at Gormley. Their many friends here offer their congratulations to them. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McMuIlen and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill were at the anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John Brillinger of Bethesda and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heise spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott. In last week‘s issue. we told of the death of Mr. Wm. Vander- bent. Since then the following has been [brought to our atâ€" tention. He lived a quiet life but Heise Hill Church bears a mem- ory of him never to fade away. He donated the artistic motto at the front of the church with the inscription “Holiness becom- eth the house of the Lord for- ever.†Baby‘ Larry' Wideman came home last week after spending 61/; weeks in Sick Children’s Hospital, Toronto. The pupils of Lloyd school en- joyed a holiday while the tea- chers attended the the Teacher's Conventipn at Thornhill. Friends are pleased to learn that Mrs. Ida Cook was well enough to return on Saturday evening to the home of her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Deb Baker. Her friends wish her a complete recovery. Misses’ s. Smith and K. Legier were student teachers last week in the Senior Room of Lloyd school. Mrs. Frank Bennett spent sev- eral days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker at Gowans- town. Congratulations to Miss Mary Jane Leary and Mr. Bob Baycroft who also won scholarships at Aurora High School. We‘re very sorry we omitted these names, but did not know of them when we reported Barbara Kirsteins name. ' George Cober visited Aaron Sheffer at Stayner one day last week. Mr. Levi Elliott of Toronto VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone Gormley 5201 GORMLEY NEWS The service opened with the processional hymn, Jov to the World. The story of the Child Jesus was told with Mrs. Wilbur Brumwell as narrator, and the Jr. Choir singing the choruses. This was followed with the con- gregation singing The First Nowell. Barbara Empringham played a piano instrumental. A boy’s chorus sang, Good Chris- tian Men Rejoice. The offering was taken for the Jr.‘Choir fund, and was dedicated by Dr. Bin‘ nington. Garry King played an accordian solo. Infant Holy was sung by three little girls, Sharon Boynton, Judy Mortson and Mar- garet Sandle. This was followed with the congregation singing Hark the Herald Angels Sing. The highlight came with the Angel Pantomime and Tableau taken by the older girls of the Jr. choir, Judy Hart, Marion Koning, Bon- nie Ross, Heather Williams, Gail Dennie, Barbara Harrison, Shar- ;on MacDonald, Shirley Boynton, las angels and Marcell Story as iMary. The members of the Sr. lChoir assisted with the singing. The ushers were Wayne and Bruce MortsonLJohn Gee and Allan Nichols. Dr. Binnington closed the evening with the bene- .diction. The children and leaders are to be congratulated, and those who failed to attend missed a real treat. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday greetings to Barbara Empringham for December 10 when she will be 11 years old. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard who on December 10 will be celebrating their 33rd wedding anniversary. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Louis Nichols who is ill in St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto. Her address is Room 406C. Mr. Sam Doner has had a se- vere attack of bronchitis after his Operation in St. Michael‘s Hospi- tal. Although Mr. Doner has been home two weeks. he is still con- fined/to bed. His many friends , wish him a speedy recovery. The annual C.G.I.T. Candle- light service with the Explorers assisting will be held in the Vic- toria Square United Church on Sunday evening December 18, at 7.30 pm. Please keep this date in mind. Jr. Choir Christmas Service Jr. Choir Christmas Service The church was beautifully decorated for the impressive Christmas service presented by the Jr. Choir in the church on Sunday evening, with Mrs. Jim Barker as organist and Mrs. Allan Orr as leader. Mr. A. M. Tomlinson was in charge of the church service on Sunday morning. On Sunday, December 11 at 11.30 am. Dr. Binnington will be in charge of the service. Everyone welcome. The W.A. held a very successful bazaar in the Sunday School room Saturday. It was opened at 2.30 pm. by Mrs. John McCague, convenor of the December group. There was home baking, sewing, knitting, plants, white elephants, and afternoon tea was served. The members of the group in charge of the bazaar would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make it a success. Church News ' The December meeting of the WA. will be held on Wednesday evening, December 14. at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. John McCague. All the ladies in the community are invited to attend. W.A. Baaar Our “Trailer Village" of the Dept. of Highways is a hive of activity. Extra trailers 'have ‘been added to accommodate their of- fices. surveyors seem to be busy on all local roads. day afternoon, December 14 at 2.15 pm. at the mange. All the ladies in the community are in- vited to attend. Rev. D. L. Deeks of Toronto spoke at the Sunday morning ser- vice at the United Missionary Church. The musical numbers presented by his wife and son were very much appreciated. Mr. Duane Benjamin of Youth for Christ spoke at the evening ser- vice. Mr. and Mrs. J. Campey at- tended the confirmation service of their niece, Miss Gillian Par- rott, at the Anglican Church at Woodbridge on Sunday night. Monday was a busy day in our area with municipal voting. Each office was contested in Markham and.Whitchurch township. A miscellaneous shower was held on Monday night for Miss Eileen Wilson and Mr. Charles Hardy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Summerfeldt. Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Bolender and family of Kitchener spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Banks. Friends were pleased to renew acquaintances with them at the Sunday morning service. Miss Ruth Cullen of Emmanuel Bible College spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cullen. and other friends from Wind- sor visited Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott recently. Master Ronald Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gilbert, had the misfortune to break his arm last week when he fell off the swing at Lloyd School. 7 ME. and Mrs. Murray Winger welcomed a baby girl last Satur- day. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Cober who on December 5 had their 54th wedding anniver- sary. 7 Mr. Fred Doust attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. J. W. Leece, at Richmond Hill on Mon- day‘ Mrs. Lewis Lehman came home from the Western- Hospital on Sunday after spending over two weeks there. Vote MacDIARMID, Johnlxl , I have fought for ï¬ve years against big spending ' -â€"'it is NOT too late. Thank you for your help and' interest in our town. We must close the Municipal Purse and leave purchas- ing power in the hands of the people. Industrial ex~ pansion will only come to a town with a stable tax rate. For cars & information election day phone TU. 4-3905 For Cars or Information phone TUrner 4 - 1213 ELECTION DAY SATURDAY DEC. 10TH. To the Electors of Richmond Hill OF RICHMOND HILL FOIL...c RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD RE-ELECT CECIL R. Your Child’s Education Is Our Future Let’s Develop Them Together w. H. (DICK) HUTCHINSON AN ELECTION MESSAGE TO THE VOTERS WILLIAMS _. “MacDiarmid pledges to vote AGAINST any expenditure not absolutely necessary†PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD For Efficient Economical Adminisiration For Councillor - Saturday, December 10 Polls open 9 am. to 6 pm. For COUNCILLOR FOR I961 WHITE ELECT n u'