Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Dec 1960, p. 7

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At Richmond Hill Presbyter- lan Church ten new members were added to the roll and took their first Communion as mem- bers of the local church. These were: on Profession of Faith, Mr. G. Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor, Mrs. F. Moorley, and Douglas Min-lees. Also by certi- ficate from other churches: Mr. and Mrs. C. Harper, Thornhill Presbyterian Church, and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. London and their son Robert. from St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kingston, Ontario. “Candlelight Service", a musl- cal treat not to be missed, will be presented by the C.G.l.'l‘. Group of St. Matthew’s Sunday evening in the new St. Mat- thew's United Church on Crosby Avenue. This event will be under the direction of Mrs. A. Joyce, and the organist will be Mrs. B. Renshaw. “A Curling Night" was enjoyed by members of St. Mary‘s Angli- can Church on Monday night. This event was organized by Herb Montgomery, and for the two rinks the skips were Gordon McLaren and Gordon Lewis, Don- ald Ross and Munroe Ashkanase. Drains Cleaned & Repairéd C. STUNDEN Richmond HIIL TU. 4-1245 Former Deputy-teen D. Plex- ton 8; Councillors Mrs. Margaret Soqthwell. Howard Whillans and Mr . Whiflans attended the dedi- caton services at St. Matthew's United Church last Sunday morn- ing. Sanitary Contractor Reeveveleot Floyd Perkins and Mrs. Perkins were guests at the lovely choral service held Sunday evening at St. Matthew’s United Church. We'll improve your posture and take hard-to-lose inches from your thighs, waist, hips and tummy without the use of drugs, TU. 4-7131 TU. 4-1463 Egurama ‘5)htt/io Richmond Theatre Building zigurama Studio Septic Tanks Pumped __I “SEE YOU NEXT YEAR" maxmmgmmmmflxmxtmmmmgmanaging James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill. Ont. TU. 4-1529 SLEEPING EAU'I'Y STAT! PARM INSURANCE THE LIONS’ HALL DECEMBER 28th, 29th, 30th BRING THE FAMILY TO THE CURTAIN CLUB’S CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME Editor Margot Crack Tickets available from members g thDuring the evening of danginbg. ' _ 9 spot prize was capture y or by calling TU' 43595 g Miss Anne Rutherford and her » - » - dancing partner, Mr. R. Barfoot. at 8 pm. AT The Beverley Acres Scout Aux- iliary will be presenting that de- lightful heart warming movie, “The Littlest Angel” at St. Mat- thew‘s United Church on Crosby Avenue on Friday and Saturday. December 16 and 17, at 7.30 pm. Admission for children is 15 cents, adults 30 cents, and reser- vations may be made by calling TU. 44205. A refreshment booth will be open and all proceeds are to help the cubs and scouts. “Here is your opportunity to do a good turn.” Someone had a birthday? Or entertained out of town friends? Or maybe went dashing off on a holiday to faraway places? These are the things that make for “Life in the Hill” and your edi- tor would appreciate hearing ab- out such social "doings". Call us at TU. 4-1105, drop us a note by post â€" or call in personally any- time during the week, we’ll be glad to hear from you. Mona Robertson attended the Christmas Party of the Canad- ian Women’s Press Club, To- ronto Branch at the club rooms, gVindsor Hotel, Toronto, Tues- ay. The Tely’s own, Lillian Foster, was Shnta Claus, dispensing gifts which added to the merri- ment of the occasion. On Sunday evening at 7 o‘- clock the young people of the Richmond Hill ,United Church, assisted by the Junior and Church Choirs, will present the Christmas Story in tableau. carol and the spoken word. Following this service the Men's Club in- vites everyone to a carol sing in the main hall. Refreshments will be served. Members wore “original” head- dresses representing a famous character - Mrs. Robertson ef- fecting Mary Chase’s fabulous phantorfi “Harvey” - and the masterpieces were judged by Mona Clark, editor of Gossip Magazine, The December meeting of the Richmond Hill Women’s Institute was held Thursday afternoon in the Library Auditorium with 46 members and visitors present. There was a gay atmosphere of “Xmas in the Air,” it was a most enjoyable meeting. There was a nice selection of Xmas gifts brought by the members for the residents of York Manor. If you want something delight- fully different and at the same time satisfying and enjoyable we suggest a visit to the York Pion- eer Restaurant at the Union Sta- tion in Toronto. Sunday dinners feature old Canadian recipes ser- ved in. an atmosphere of yester- year. We think you'll like it â€" The guest speaker Mrs. M. Miller gave an interesting dem- onstration of cake decorating and cookie icing showing great skill and ingenuity. V The Santa Claus cake was a‘ masterpiece of perfection. Mrs.l Ley was lucky enough to take' it home along with a beautiful bouquet of mums generously donated by Mt. M. Miller of Maple Florists. Several ladies also took home some of the cakes and cookies demonstrated. Mrs. Morrow entertained the ladies with several pianoforte renditions and led the carol sing- ing sessions. Mrs. J. Giles gave a popular reading entitled the “Country Store." Sympathx of the community is expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Jackson. formerly of 110 Rug- gles Avenue and now residing at 130 Arrowhead Crescent, Pointe Claire. Quebec, on the loss of their daughter Debbie who died on Tuesday. December 6, in her seventh year. Mrs. J. Bayley brought the Christmas message. Mrs. G. Clubine expressed the wish of all the members when moving a vote of thanks to the guests Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Morrow. Christmas cookies and Christmas cake was served by the refreshment committee in the social half hour which closed the meeting. Plan§ were discussed for the January meeting which takes the form of a pot lyck [uncheo‘nn Members will please bring their favourite casserole (hot or cold) pie or cake etc. and re- member the date January 12th, 1961. and note the time, 1 o'clock not the usual 2 pm. Do not forgef your own plate, cun etc. The President and executive wish all the members a happy Yuletide holidav. The Canadian Girls in Training of Richmond Hill United Church held their Christmas Vesper Ser- vice and Candlelighting Cere- mony last Sunday under the di- rection of Mrs. D. Paton and Mrs. J. Whittingham. Judy Maddess led the congregation in Worship, with Scripture Readings by Car- ol Neill and Sheila Orr. The story was delivered by Miss Barbara Rain. The effective Candlelight- ing and Dedication was led by Judy Madess, Joan McFee, Lois Olsen, and Crystal Bowyer. Re- ceiving the Offering were Sher- ri Symington, Sandra Young, Arleen Bone, and Diane Sar- geant. The C.G.I.T. appreciated the further assistance of the Rev. C. G. Higginson, members of the Church Choir, and ush- ‘ering by young men of the Bible -Class â€" Bob Paton, David Os- mond, John Morrow, and Peter Miller. The C.G.I.T. will hold its Pot- Luck Supper, Gift Exchange, and ‘Carolling on Thursday, Decem- er 22nd. to celebrate the end of exams. This Meeting will be held ! "Very enjoyable indeed" was the unanimous opinion of iall those who attended the first staging of the annual “Christmas Party” of the S. S. Kresge Social Club, on Wednesday evening Ilast. This colourful event was ;held at the Richmond Heights Plaza Restaurant, which was de- corated appropriately for the ‘festive occasion. St. Mary’s Anglican Church introduces the Christmas Season by two identical Candlelight Car- ol Services of one hour’s dura- tion. The first is on Sunday ev- ening, December 18th at 7 pm. at which various Officers of the Church will read the Lessons. Again on Wednesday evening, December zlst, at 8 pm. var- ious Youth Groups will be rep- resented in the reading of the Lessons. Special Christmas mus- ic has been qrepared by the Jun- ior and Senior Choirs and the old familiar carols will be sung. It is hoped that the children of the Parish will be brought to enjoy these Carol Services ei- ther on Sunday or Wednesday evenings. Sure signs that the Christmas season is upon us could be seen on Sunday afternoon on Mill Street. On one side the' now frozen pond with skaters and hockey players enjoying themâ€" selves, while immediately op- posite sounds of much activity and merriment could be heard coming from the Curtain Club’s new premises where a full re- hearsal of the pantomime “Sleep- ing Beauty” was in progress. A good suggestion from the Cut- tain Club is that you entertain an easy way this‘Christmas by organising a pantomime party or use pantomime tickets to help solve your Christmas gift prob- lems. Where else could you get a childrens’ gift for 35 cents to give so much pleasure? Tickets may be obtained from members or by calling _TU. 4-3595. The Beverley Acres Y.W.C.A. “Y” Nelghour’s Group held its final meeting before the New Year on Monday evening at the Beverley Acres ,School. The ev- ening began with the regular ex- ercises in the gym and rousing game of volley ball. By popular demand, Mrs. Purvls returned to show the girls how to make a variety of festive Christmas centrepieces. The girls were in- deed grateful to Mrs. Purvis for providing such an enjoyable ev- ening. Coffee waS'served and it was announced that the next meeting would be held on Mon- day, January 9th. Mrs. Dorothy Bishop has been re-elected to a further term as a member of North York Board of Education. She is the sister of Tom Brenan, Allencourt, well- known local businessman. in the Primary Room Church at 6 pm. After the Chrlstmas dinner. which included turkey and all the trimmings. Santa Claus ap-‘ peared - resplendent ‘in his red} suit and white flowing whiskers-1 and. with his usual geniallty,j proceeded to distribute presents. also envelopes containing the annual Bonus for the staff. Re- moval of Santa's white whiskers revealed the form of Mr. Tom Mills. manager of S. S. Kresge Richmond Hill branch. Members and guests present Included Mrs. N. Winterbottom and her daughter, Mrs. B. WalL lace; Mr. and Mrs. Greisser; Miss Betty Bond; Mrs. E. Poole and Mr. Eddie Banks; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carnell; Mr. .and Mrs. R. Barfoot: Mr. and Mrs., James Williams; Miss Crystal Bowyer and Mr. Bob Willis; Mrs. A. Newburg; Mr. and Mrs. P. Bone; Miss Anne Rutherford and Mr. Chris Cumisky; Mrs. J. Nicker- son and Mr. D. Denning; Miss Marilyn Hull and Mr. J. McAr- thur; Mrs. D. Mugford; Mr. and Mrs. D. Washington; Mrs. Pearl Drummond; Mr. and Mrs. G. Greaves: Mr. and Mrs. W. Has- kell; Mrs. Frances O'Hara; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Baisley: Mr. and Mrs. J. Meyer; Mr. D. Suther- land: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mills; Miss Sue West-Gaul; Miss Shar- on McLean; Mr. and Mrs. R. Boyle: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis; Mr. Mike Ryan: Mr. and Mrs. R. Robson; Mrs. R. Dapelio; Mrs. El- len Davis. of the Guests attending the dedica- tion services at St. Matthew’s Un- ited Church last Sunday included: Mr. and Mrs. Gbrdon Parr and family of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Patton and family of Whit- by; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Walker of Burlington: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery of Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Drain and familv of Peterborough; Mr. & Mrs. Merle Lindsay and son Jim of Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin of Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. George Dew, Mr. and Mrs. John Dew of Peterborough; Misses Margaret Patterson and Betty Rutherford of Oshawa; Messrs. W. B. Brandon, Edwin Brandon. Lorne Watson and George Gam- ble of Fens-Ion Falls; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sutter of Clinton; Miss Shirley Sutter of Preston; Mr. Bob Pollock offreston; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Sutter of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of Sutton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cole from Sut- ton; and Mr. Percy Knight. More- ton’s Harbour, Newfoundland. Funeral services will be held on Friday afternoon, and inter- ment will be 111 Laurel Hill Cem- etery, Bolton. » At a meeting of the West Dis- trict Guides and Brownies held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Armstrong, Commissioner Yerex reported the formation of the 14th Brownie Pack at Pleas- antville School. Mrs. Yerex to- gether with Mrs. Armstrong vis- ited the newly formed pack un- der the leadership of Brown Owl, Mrs. H. W. Belt and Tawny Owl, Mrs. Williams and presented a “toadstool” to them with best wishes from the Local Associa- tion. Initial plans have been made for the running of a treas- ure mart to be held during Jan- uary, featuring furniture, house- hold articles and treasures of every kind, for their first fund raising venture. The next meet- ing of the Local Association will be a luncheon meeting at the Curling Club during the third week in January. Sympathy is extended to Dr. J. P. Wilson in the loss of his brother Thomas Edward Wilson, who passed away Tuesday at the Toronto? General Hospital. A resident of Bolton, Mr. Wil- son was predeceased by his wife, Emma, several months ago. Five sons and two daughters survive, The late Mr. Wilson was a good friend to the children of the Orange Home, Jefferson, where he will be sadly missed; he was also a member of the Masonic Order. There is a treat in store this evening for everyone interested in Christmas music. St. Matthew’s United Church Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Norma Jackson, will stage a festival of Christmas singing, and music in the audi- torium of the Yonge Street Un- ited Church. The programme will begin at 8.15 pm. and, held in the new wing of the church will accommodate upward of 300 vis- itors. An invitation is extended to everyone throughout the town. The 22-member choir, well known throughout the district for its excellence will feature solos, quartets, a women’s chorus and trio singing. Most of the prog- ramme will be unaccompanied singing. The Women’s Missionary Soc- iety of the Presbyterian Church held their Christmas meeting in the Church Hall on Wednesday, December 7. Mrs. tioyington who was in charge of the program gave a talk on the “Origin and Significance of Christmas Sym- bols” and Mrs. Kelly had an in- teresting paper called “The Pro- file of Mary." Refreshments were served by Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Burnie. Salesmen Extraordinaire! Dur- ing the recent Richmond Hill School Chocolate Bar Sale. high sellers were Judy Shropshire, who sold a grand total of 340 bars winning the first prize of a radio, large teddy hear, an LP. and a chocolate bar. and Robin Derrick with over 200 bars to his credit, placing second, receiving a tee- ord player. All the proceeds, of the sale Went towards sports and other student activities. Congrat- ulations! In Baptismal Services held in the Chapel and in the sanctuary of the Richmond Hill United Church the following children were received: Sydney Irene. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Stunden; James Norman and John David, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Burnett; Brian Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Calverley; Jefirey_Er- nest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Allen; Nancy Alice, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Browne; Donna Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courts, Deâ€" borah Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Donnelly; Peter Andrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Flett; Mark William, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hodg- son: Gerald Emerson. son of Mr. 8: Mrs. Hugh Kerr; Diane Lynn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. G. Kozak; Joan Carol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray C. Mar- shall; Lori Dawn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David McDowell; Brett Douglas, 5011 of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. McMaster; Marâ€" ianne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Viggo Malta Nielsen: Julie Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G., Dean Myers, David Sean 1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Rodger; O. Standfield; Ann Elizabeth,‘ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John '1‘. Stephens. Messrs. Paul Robert and Bill of Richmond Hill, Lloyd of Grav- enhurst and Harold of Willow- dale. with their wives and child- ren gathered together at the Wil- l‘nwda‘e home of their hrother Donald to celebrate the 45th wed- ding anniversary of their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Street of Newtonbrook. During the ev- ening the feted couple were pre- sented with a gold and sapphire necklace and star sapphire cuff- links and tie bar. Also in attend- ance were Mrs. Street’s sister and herhusband, Mr. and Mrs. John Valliere of Willowdale, Mr. Street’s brother and sister, Miss Edna Street and Mr. George S‘treetof Toronto and Mr. Street’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Nelson Street of Richmond Hill. The square red brick building in the picturesque setting on the mill pond in Richmond Hill, has assumed anew importance this week to the many members of the Curtain Club, for it is the club’s first ‘home. Over the weekend, scenery. costumes, props and a piano. have been‘ moved in and whether it is dub- bed the “Waterworks” or “The Pump Room” it only lacks swans in the pond to be Richmond Hill’s “Little Stratford.” It is from just such workshops in communities all over Canada, that the Stratford people depend on for their apprentices, their walk-on parts and the hundreds gf jobs needing theatrical know- ow. Practically speaking, having a permanent workshop and club house combined, means much to Curtain Clubbers in being able to paint scenery in comfort, high ceilings and room to m0ve around. Now the cos- tumes and props can be kept near at hand. Thornhaven School for Retard- ed Children canvassers are ur- gently requested to send in their returns as soon as possible in or- der to wind up the campaign. If you are unable to contact your area captain, please send returns to Box 333. Richmond Hill. The business of getting a three act pantqmime into shape for Christmas week is now in full Wife reading her husband‘s fortune on a scale card: “ ‘You are a leader. with a magnetic per- sonality. witty and attractive to the opposite sex’. It has your weight wrong too.” Mrs. Reba Hamilton, Yonge Street, Aurora has won the love- 1y new quilt in the luckey draw sponsored by the local L.O.B.A. ..Congratulatlons to Russ Wes- ton, Cascade Circle on his in- stallation as master of the Gren- ville Masonic Lodge, Toronto. Mr. Weston has been active in Masonic circles since 1947. PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 15, 16, 17 A A We reserve the right . to limit quantum: “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS THE CHILDREN’S CHOICE,,EASY-TO-PEE,L, CALIFORNIA, DELICIOUS SEEDLESS NAVEL ALL REGULAR IGA FEATURES AS THEY APPEAR IN THE TORONTO PAPERS ARE AVAILABLE AT Extra Large Size 88's ELGIN MILLS IGA MARKET ' ALLENCOURT IGA FOODLI’NERW‘. SUNKIST. ORANGES tchmon JJz/fé ofitt/e Strut/4M Old Black Magic weaves her spell around the wicked witch (Margot Crack) and the Cat’s Whiskers (Mary Monks) twitch to Hernando’s Hideway. The Good King, Dennis Thatcher is surrounded by a bevy of Good Fairies, in the persons of: Mur- iel Gillard, Jacque Smybh, Eliza- beth Jackson, Jan Myers, Alan Smyth, Dorothy Painter and Fla- via Redelmeier while Nurse Me- trecal (Rex Sevenoaks) cavorts to “A Polka Dot Bikini." There is a gypsy scene with whirling dances and Mutch and Little hunting big game in the forest helping Prince Charming (Beth Jones). Tickets - children 35 cents, ad- ults $1 available from any club members or by phoning Louise Queen, TU. 4-3595. swing. “Sleeping Beauty" a fav- orite Christmas pantomime story has been written by Gerald Crack. It is as full as a fruit cake of delicious bits of humour, clever adults with nutty words, pretty children with sugar plum costumes â€" all decorated with music. It will be presented on December 28, 29 and 30. Richmond Hill «stores are well stocked with a plentiful supply of all good things for Christmas. More and more people are saying. “I never go to the City to shop now as there are so many fine stores right at home”. Santa Claus is shown here pointing out a piece of Christmas candy.‘ Local stores have a fine supply. Canadian candy m‘ahuâ€" facturers who made 208,677,141 pounds of candy last year are predicting a new high record in sales‘ this year. ELICIOUS APPLES EVERY BITE A DELIGHT! EXTRA FANCY GRADE B.C. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 15, 1960 7, “WWW ' “=sma1 198 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill Father was only kidding. of course! But I’m not kidding when I say that we do the most thor- ough job of dry cleaning you’ll find anywhere. From spotting to finishing room your garments re- ceive every special care. Why not let us come and get your“ gar- ment for dry éleaning soon? N 15355me =SI'IIRT SERM requires a young man ford utility role in the station. Some. technical knowledge in Electronics necessary. Must also have chaufieur'h driving licence. , o ' PHARMACY _ . Richmond Hill TU. 4-1201 Sales, Service & Batteries Cancer is a disorderly growth of cells of the patientst own tissues This growth deem not respond to the laws that; control activities of normal. cells. It never ceases durin the life of the individual, an the tissue so formed new: functions as does the normal tissue in the same individual. ONTARIO iew 8. Markham Rds. ELGIN MILLS Richmond Hill CALL MR. COXFORD AV. 5-4915 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit nor won 1-11: mm Hearing Aid CLARKE’S What Is Cancer? PHIL. BART]! C J R H RADIO TUrner 4.4411."

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