14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday December 22, 1960 x ‘ ,, , ' ~ . s5 ~’\-\ «-\*A\\\\\\\\-\ 4 ~-\--'-'-\-.«.s~ -‘ ~ . .- s _ .‘v.§.'.'»“‘:?§wkuf.y‘\wwwvmw‘5x New†> ' \_ «l- x. we; . r - ,W‘ «A... , , - . i 1 K ,3 :14} fl 5WWMKKIWEEHKKKKKWKKHKHKKKKKKKKVEKEKKKIEï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬'ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬lï¬lï¬213993EEK“KKKKKKKKBIBS!!!“Kfllflï¬lï¬ï¬‚lflflflflï¬ï¬iflflï¬lflï¬ï¬KKKNKKE‘KKK’KWKKEMKEE‘IilKKKKKKKKlï¬lï¬lllflKKK‘Elm‘glg‘mlllï¬ï¬‚lflï¬mlï¬mmammklg’ezieï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬xmlï¬=5 , . m s I: {g wag/(9m MA. . . .. . _ The festive lights of Christ- As the star shone in the mas shine brightly every- Seaml Gnoan ow... -u.-- .a . East, may all your days ‘ E Kï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬‚fliflflflfllfllflï¬ï¬‚xlfl where . . . and the happy glow with the wonderfully Have a mOst happy and spirit ol‘ the season fills the joyous spirit that marks the E g ET? air. Our wish for you and Christmas season . . . now Cheerful Chï¬StmaS- W your family is a holiday just an always. _ "h genuine “PPI’e‘iUllW j as bright and gay . . . filled J. and ol our pleasunl nlalions, n 7 with love and laughter and . Jaunty as a snowman’s hat Tinsmith. Car Radios extend m n“ W, Mum "a i the blessing of good health. I . . our happy holiday wish RICHMOND HILL TU. 4_2931 Stop 24 Yonge S“ TU' 4'16†seam".s Greeting w. "M v is that you have a truly “Whigâ€? amaanamamamam K you all the holiday lays with 2.::xwznnmzzvsimwzumememmm: : IEKIKIKE!!!Klfllmilflflflm‘lï¬ï¬‚mï¬l‘lmllmE newmmzmzmzmzzzuzzKatezezeezeeazammzrenw waywawwmwwwwwaw gmasmawzazzewzzemzzz macaw:gmmmawzmezwzzmzzzzzzarzezmamz 80 YONGE ST. N. Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public AV. 54904 _ 15 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1780 KW‘EWWWWKKK‘EWKKWï¬ Yonge & Elgin, Thornhill AVenue 5-1533 (3‘ § _ -L I S ' ' wonderful time during this y g b d ’ m E White Rose ervuce Station as... g "n a m E g EVERETT BAKER, PROP. ‘ g N “1° “"0"†“may .. n. . _ . . . 1‘, ring out our bright and n e , , l 121 y . . @- Gr asmg Washlng Smon ng ' 5: g happy Christmas greeting to i :2 g Yonge Street N0 . TU- it all our wonderful friends and y I. n‘. . . -- i! . , ‘a a g E" J E w E l l E R s y patrons. May this season of g , ".‘ Rmhmond H1" 5 RICHMOND HEIGHTS 5" h f' d - u E “a†“ “Mm†°‘ 54 YONGE 81" S' a E 4; » ‘gummwmuuummnumnxunumxuuxemunumummznwmeg if; c e" m you enjoying a holiday cheer at this RICHMOND HILL ' f- 0 § CENTRE :5 the health and happiness in g wonderful Christmas season' TU. 4-1251 h r. . "4 J, _ '9 I W . ' y . ‘ I V . fl E At this grand and glorious g'g‘zig‘g’g'm‘g"‘°€gâ€g"g‘mff'gzg‘gg 2:11;:2: brainy: 3:83;†E May you and your loved ones .raremelee:newsman!“Izhemmummmsmemzzaasunmmmxneg “ ' h lid ti , ’d llk t - 1 e . . '~'-’ : ort'erBZUr :fod v:fishes 1:" : g g g best in life. i emoy a bngm and happy . aYuletide. .. most happy and joyful > 35 § § All the best for the holidays. i; Christmas . 5 ï¬g 5â€- g and the coming year, is our :- 1 -- s w - . g E I R e n p g g wish (or our dear friends w vouua s a. A. senvuce STATION . u a 5 ° .HSH and CHIPSg - g :- Yonge & Benson Richmond Hill 5 if Owned and Operated by ROY SWANSON A! 19 YONGE ST. N. V :- it a . . , .- RICHMOND HILL g ~§ : §KIHKKKKKKKWRKKKKfllkmlï¬wï¬ï¬zï¬lflï¬lï¬Ã©kmï¬kkg . . 'gf; Rlchmond Hill TU. 4-1013 * TU. 4-3450 5 YONGE STREET, RICHVALE AV. 5-3692 Hoping that this holiday g we hope your “name ‘5 as immunasmmwmnnmmmnmxmmanmammammamanmxmivsagzummmvzmemmvzzflxxwgexistent:sennmmmnmzmwemzsenmtats"szmamman§ I. _ my happy and jolly as old St. E y . i†S :easzn finds you andh your § Nick himself. Heartfelt Wish- we’re singing m“ a very g é Our wish for you this Noel W i: N ove ones wel and aptly, g es for a Merry Christmas g Merry Christmas greeting ; with every good wish for if, is that it be your happiest . n. N now and for all the years to 5 and many mom 5 m wish a worm of happiness _ "L ’ a Christmas Cheer § ever . . . filled with real I ‘ km come. Have a wonderful time. A and health m on and mu. I f I by & abundant 8004! health- ] fl " n “a ‘ i JACK'S i ’ y i ’ ~ '- i 5'3 YONGEHURST GROCETERIA .. 1m“ "m ‘ " g ‘5 ° g D. E. COSTOFF s. R. THOMAS gtHONI - DIP DONUTS . . a U D I O : GE; Stop 24 Yonge Street TU 4-1471 She“ 8mm 5mm“ 3 MR' AND MRS- E' MCVEY y E! 39 2LLORNE AVE. TU. 4-1342 RICHMOND HILL Ԡmgemmnmaemeeu ' May- this season of cheer, :- friendship and good will bloom for yOu always. A bright and happy holiday “mumxxunanmwuumxmmwemzmmwxm :54 Kmï¬ï¬iflï¬lï¬tï¬'m MK! leï¬ï¬‚KKWKWI-EWV; k Our wish for everyone, . . is for a fun-filled, jolly holi- day season that will be long emssiszw’sasmzanmemlee ' WKKK’EZE’EKK May every day be decorated with the warm blessings of remembered. a glorious Yuletide, this sea- season, from all of us to all son and all time to come. of you. RESCENT HEATING lTD. YONGE ST., OAK RIDGES . PR. 3-5491 & PR. 3-5322 “KWKKWK A very Merry Christmas. COOK'S BP AUTO SERVICE OMPLETE SERVICE TO ALL MAKES 0F CARS Elgin Mills . TU. 4-3151 w Representing J. A. Willoughby & Sons - Richmond Hill AV. 5-3891 WWWW id As the sweet melodies of Christmas gladden the air, I: > :5 x ..< h :l: > W F m m! i 25% ‘ WKWMHM The spirited season of May the spirit of this joyous. we extend to you our warm- sleigh bells and snowmen we join Sam“ m spreading holiday cheer from home to Miz home and wish all our neigh- merry season ring in your est season's. greetings and “I; I heart all the year ‘round! Iv i . . . . may its good cheer sincere wishes for your good abide with you and yours at As the glad sound ol’ Christ- EJ 9?i§'h3.i health and high happiness. ngmuaswemmmzwmmammanz «wemmzmmwzmamwuzmzmmmmemwem rs 5! e. A A § 4‘... A g at all times. mas approaches, we would 9 51 bars and patrons a most hap- " .._ g 5' . it a d rtul Yul tid H ' ye g 5! like to extend warm good 5 y p)? an won 8 e e '2 S W. L. GLASS, Proprietor § c H v wishes for a most Joyful % d g season. f Q“ Q . gt holiday. an 3' p . w _ a: “ Bimini H111 g PHARMACY , COSMETICS g LANGDON S Coach Lines Co. Ltdg .. mm mm W nmwxmmmw 'J e~ ~ -. P! A y A MILLS and SON '4' s) .. g - s! V. 5-3772 5: c 59 KING CITY TE. 3-5351 :9 .. ,5 The joyous melodies of 5' it 8121 YONGE, STREET 1! ï¬ 9s 24 s PLUMBING AND HEATING a; THORNHILL a gs Christmas carols, the hap~ ï¬'iï¬gï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬léï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬'ï¬ï¬‚xï¬g u AV 5_2311 flmmnxsmnnwmmmumnmmzmwxzmrmmï¬ â€œmess of giving and mew. g; g... ‘ 3’; 17A Yonge St. N. - AV. 5-3697 s - Ag: Hem hoping that Sam : mg, the minke“ “cub g ‘“ j} gxemmnwmxsmxmmmuwnmmmmgunmnnnmesmmmnmmeg brings you "he very things E ment . . . may all this x f :59 ' //3.\\ g g 5 you ham . . . and that E brighten your Yuletide! g “a \ ‘g g g I ‘ ‘1 your holiday is chock-in! o! s. g 3" A!- !! s ' 4 gaiety and laughter. ._.J ; g LOUGHLIN LUMBER 8. SUPPLY co. GREETINGS E W o, y s Q 9020 Yonge St., Rlchvale AV. 5-1109 5 -~~-- - » i. ...... .1... ..... .r... m g g LESUE MOTOR pRODUCTS “(Lg E ‘ $3:new:xmexnuznznaxexgenxxemoammmaazmzzemmg We're. singing out our g you at this most happy i g KING CITY (Chevrolet, Oldsmobile) TE. 3301 r‘ g, “new†gree‘mgs 31‘“ 0‘" g; 0" seasons: we “5" a“ g gLament-st:mam:xxluflflulflmmwmxxmmamï¬ï¬zvzwmzummng q a-; g hopes that you find the holi- ï¬ of you a_ wonderful holi- g g ’ Coming your way with a f g day season overflowing with :5 day and the best of g friendly greeting m wish O n c e a g a n w e § the harmony of health and it: everything. g a a {- .C'ï¬IE (UL/cf g you and your family the best I ', _ ' h t g 50"“ “been ï¬ ' . “ g of the season. All good «p come to t e "105 g g :5: To All My Friends and 3 Wishes for a, bright and : joyous season of g GAl-BRAITH gs; . g Policyholders :4! k ‘ cheery holiday 1» the I ear 0 't is" R h d t V y T \T i“ -- , J 'M:' be RICJEWELLERS e '6 mo" 93 f w T CHARLES GORD'S BARBER SHOP I ‘ i i M '24 or you an your E; ggnggIGHTs g. RICHMOND HILL 5 o . ’ VGE ST OAK RIDGES PR 35069 5 ».-. family a time rich E 5 24 TU' 4'4853 it 10‘ " ' ' †with friendship and g“metatarsizï¬rgtangentsbemtesemsggmmmmuwaflmxï¬métext:ï¬lmmazï¬xï¬uxaxï¬mxmgmmlzxmeIzzeebgmzvamsme I:5easements:azusnnnuaxmnmnnme:mnznuzemmms§ -* 'f a . l '-‘ g Sincere good wishes for a M g g g :3 Have a mQSt happy ""1 521%? at hristmas peace. love and _ m g i 5 °“°"‘“’ “’“WS' . Ls... good ch... if: THEO. VAN WIERINGEN E 3' a MINERVA’S BEAUTY PARLOUR 5 g. . g, F L o R I s T s g % :5 BEN THOMPSON g; 258 Richmond St, Richmond Hill TU. 4-2132: 5 00% 5 89 Yonge St. 5†Richmond Hm TU. +2113 gvex-engages:eagesascan»:arseseexzzzxegmmnmxmneeg In the happy Spirit of the g gfl * fl gamazement»:wezzzxeeammmmxzwwzzaezweazgamrzeegg o'- ii' ' - 5 season, we greet you, and g I q 3:" a a g ' n ' ' * g May the wondrous spirit %M Z/m A; Wish you and yours a rich g _ - g .‘were headhmng our steep I“: 7 ‘ ' 3-; of Christmas light up the 3*“ 5% measure of the Christmas :3 HI santa: we’re hopmg you a", mgs for a_ happy hoflday . g hearts and homes of all our .7“ ‘ :3? Joy that gladdens this time if}, an: yourhhelpilr: and :11 our 56:50“ :0 W‘s: alllt:u:n:n:n:: . " . y d f v, d - h b.d- '1 ,r C 5' pa rons ave e mos won- a: an pa rons ea 0 l/ y ‘ § l::: “2(a): d::)estah;pl:: 6 :5: above an Others" derl'ul, the merriest, the cheer at Christmas time. W a: ‘ - .... . - A FRANK'S GARAGE .3 r h ' h. 'l - y I y 3: GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS Q g; I A». . 53 f5; ELECTRIC ‘5. ACETYLENE g E; S ‘1 f "'- ‘ l fl ‘ r WELDING 2: r; “H 3‘ E R. D. LITTLE & SON LTD. gRIChiV‘iOND HILL DAIRY BARSé Stop on Yonge St DELIVERY SERVICE z. THE REXALL 5mm. _ 5 .. z o 1’? "‘ Yonge St. North â€" 5 - g 96 Yonge St. .\'.. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1622 é TU. 4-1242 :5; TU. 4-1812 ii YONGE ST- Sn RICHMOND HILL TU- 4'1531 ‘ " s s .' K t-