y .‘ . mmmmmmamammzmmammmmmmmmmmmmamamnmmmxmxmng WKWMMKMKKKKKKMNKHIWWE WNRMWMBEI mxmammammmhwnmmmï¬i Isafllfllllllflï¬ï¬‚flflflflflgKKKKKKKKKIBKKKKKHWKKW Wmmxmmumuxumumlmg i i Stop 22 Yonge St. Wimmmwmwmmumm nglmmmamzemmzmmggxumm MEN’S & BOYS’ WEAR § . fl Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill TU. 4-4291 § AKER'S SALES & SERVICE warm wishes all of you! of us to from all lots of eazion '5 which gives us the opportunity to wish our friends, old and new WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR . J. CRAIGIE Warren S. Ramer A MERRY CHRISTMAS AV. 5-1189 and :reetingé Richvale lawmanxzhmm: “Local branches look after their own depots and campaigns for Christmas giving", Mrs. Townshend-Carter told us.†and the whole-hearted spirit of ‘giv- ing’ which emanates from the general public in this cause is amazing." She spoke warme of the Senior Citizen Group of Rich- mond Hill which helps gather gifts and wrap them, as one of its community projects. County NeedsMental Health Clinic To Provide Preventive Treatment profeSSional. business or vocat- ional groups, but also affects the mentally distressed mother (who now, under the present system. must leave her home and husband and children to obtain hospital treatment); and the school child or student (who must now leave |his family environment for in- stitutional therapy). With the establishment of a Preventive Clinic, cases of men- ‘ nnnlr] kn Before And AlterHelp Guidance, Counselling Would Aid Hundreds +0] Illhnca "nu-u um†to be held in various comn ties of York County will t in the new year, to reach 1 and more people and acqr them with the mental health gram and its hopeful solutio so that its place as Problem 1 may be relegated lower or scale of Canada‘s health 1 lems. Mrs'. Townshend-Carter l nur wav of thinking. admi: Provincial & County Aid Required; By Mona Robertson Last week we visited Mrs. P. A. Townshend-Carter in her Thornhill home on Brooke Street, to discuss the work of the York County Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association, and to hear from the president of the local association something about its long-range plans for the future. Mrs. Townshend-Carter joined the York County Board in October 1958 and looked after the White Cross Volun- teer activities until her appointment as president in April of this year. But as the work of the Mental Health Association continued, it brought forth another remark- able fact. Extreme cases of men- tal illness could be prevented â€" She is also on the Board of Directors for the Province of Ontario, and was among those supervising the Christ- mas gift wrapping program which took place at the Ontario Division headquarters in Toronto. She told us three shifts of ‘wrappers’ worked around-the-clock .for all of three weeks, tying and Christmas-sealing gifts collected by White Cross groups, to ensure every one of the 20,000 known cases in Ontario receive a Christmas gift â€" and the message that “someone caresâ€. ‘ “But there is so much more that could be done, through the agency of a Mental Health Clin- ic.†she added. “Guidance, coun- selling and preventive treatment is so necessary to combat the in- cidence of mental illness." Then. too, follow-up care. which is very necessary to the patient could be given, and also, parents of dis- turbed teenagers could visit the clinic to obtain help in combat- ing the rising toll of ‘mental ill- ness' prevalent among today’s young people. One In Ten Mentally Ill The revelation two years ago, that one individual in every ten suffers at sometime or another from some type of emotional in- stability or mental illness, came not only as a shocking surprise to the public â€"â€" but also, one might say. as a relief to those suffering from mental distress; for at last this distressful probâ€" lem was coming “into the open" â€" it’s centuries-old stigma was being properly assessed and done away with __ and something tangible and constructive could now be done to alleviate it. As a result the Mental Health Association was formed, and the society of White Cross Volun- teers was established. The White Cross Volunteers group provides a liaison between the “people of the shadows" and the public at large, for these dedicated volun- teers (men and women) bridge the lonely chasm which separ- ates the mentally ill from their fellow men and helps them to make- a come-back into the real- ity of life, through friendship, love and hope. n This has Been‘a wonderful be ginning. Traffic accidents over the holiday weekends could push Canada’s fatality and injury totals to the highest point in history, according to ï¬gures released by All Canada Insrance Federation. Fig- ures compiled by the Federation, which represents 200 Canadian insurance companies, show that 1960 V2513 2,701 2,921 DEATHS DEATHS DEATHS 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959 2,701 2,921 1,960 ' _-_.-- I‘l-AIPIJB “Ir-Tu: I DEATH: “EAT"€ I if diagnosis of the cause and treatment for signs of mental ill- ness were started early. This is called, Preventive Treat. ment. . This knowledge sparked a crus- ade in this area and the local as- sociation, headed by its president, Mrs. Townshend~Carter, laid plans to institute 3 Mental Health Clinic right here in York County. Following several meetings with Dr. M. Diamond. Minister of Health for Ontario. plans were set in motion to obtain Federal, Provincial and County aid to ï¬n- ance this project, by way_0f grants from the three govermng bodies. Recently the Federal Govern- ment granted $18,000 of the $28.- 000 needed to establish such a clinic in the county. But, much to the consternation of the Local Association and County Council, the Provincial Government de- clined to support the cause by issuing a grant in its namei Yorvk CBunty Council, which heartily approved the founding of a county clinic was astounde}? at the lack of Provincial aid forthcoming and declared it would not approve its own grant 0f $5,000 “unless the Province matches us, dollar for dollar.†7. . 7.:Thisri plans for t_he York County Mental Health Chn- ic to a standstill. Dgspite the fact that such pre- ventlve treatment would cut down hospital cases remarkably, and, in the long-run lighten.the burden of the taxpayer who sup- DQrts mental hospitals, the clinic W111 not be established at this time. No. 1 Problem V Mental Health is now listed as Canada‘s No. 1 Problem. And the Mental Health Assoc- iation has been tremendously en- couraged by the great strides it has already made in ï¬ghting this problem. But it must not end here. with reâ€"establishment. its prime concern â€"- it must go even further and provide pre- ventive treatment, before expen- sive treatment becomes a nec- essity. The York County Mental Health Clinic was planned to combat that old affliction “Absenteeismâ€. Ab- senteeism which not only em- braces working man-power in 1,960 I 2,084 3,184 DEATHS DEATHS DEATHS professional, business or vocat- ional groups, but also affects the mentally distressed mother (who now, under the present system. must leave her home and husband and children to obtain hospital treatment); and the school child orstudent- (who must now leave his family environment for in- stitutional therapy). With the establishment of a Preventive Clinic, cases of men- tal illness could very well be ‘nipped in the bud'; for under the' exigency of a clinic staï¬'. cases needing early assistance could be referred to the clinic staff by ministers, school inspec- tors, teachers, welf‘re agencies (such as the Children’s Aid), or by‘parents or family members, and treatment without hospital- ization would keep the patient from going over the borderline into the shadow-world of the critically mentally ill. Despite the fact the opening date for a County Mental Health Clinic has been held up, Mrs. Townshend-Carter feels that dif- ï¬culties concerning the provin- cial and county grants will short- ly be ironed out. “Then we can go ahead with projects such as a combination workshop and training centre for mentally and physically ill", she said. “Our branch here is looking ahead. Open meetings WWW Markham Road, Richmond Hill Tel.: AV. 5-5401, AV. 5-5402, AV. 5-5403 g injury totals will approach the 100,000 mark for the ï¬rst time . . . equivalent to the combined popu- lations of Amherst, Nova Scotia, Granby, Quebec, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Brandon, Manitoba, and Nanaimo, BC. TOWN & COUNTRY MARKETERS FROM FRED WISE & THE WHOLE STAFF 0F 3,260 3,118 3,202 3,200 (£57.) DEATHS DEATHS DEATHS DEATHS The season’s the reason we’re jumping for joy, with sincere thanks and best wishes for a happy holiday to all our loyal patrons! to be held in various communi- ties of York County will begin in the new year, to reach more and more people and acquaint them with the mental health/ pro- gram and its hopeful solution â€" so that its place as Problem No. 1 may be relegated lower on the. scale of Canada’s health prob- lems. Mrs'. Townshend-Carter is to our way of thinking, admirably ï¬tted for the position she holds in the association. Primarily a wife and mother, she has two acâ€" tive sons, Ian 6 and Neil 8. Be- fore her marriage she worked professionally in psychiatry as an occupational therapist at the Vet- erans Hospital, Ste. Anne de Bellevue and Ontario Hospital, Toronto. “This sparked my know- ledge of what ‘outside visitors’ meant to patients", she told us. Her husband is with the Depart- ment. of New Construction for the University of Toronto where he is responsible for the signing of laboratories for th multi- million dollar expansion program now taking place. It is to be hoped that the ground-work laid by Mrs. Town- shend-Carter and the other mem- bers of this board will meet with approval and a “helping hand" from both the province and the county very shortly. 1960 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday December 22, 1960 15 WW!WWIWWW Town Inn Restaurant Kiï¬â€˜ K1 u 35 ï¬aï¬liflmmmmflhhmmmIhi3wHila’ilï¬iflï¬l‘fliiï¬iï¬i‘ï¬aIii 1!!!!KMKKRKKKKKKKKKN“IKKNÂ¥KÂ¥KIKKKKIKKIIIIIÂ¥EE‘5 Lg]. 5:4 i 11 Yonge St. S. Walter Wynn Electronic Service and Engineering SERVING VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP FROM 1934 I alter Wynn AV. 5-4637 Charlton Hardware eazson :5 BING LEW, PROP. Ireefinci Richmond Hill “Hanan, F391}