mmmnulmHammmmmwumxummmxwxg ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION To .740 oï¬Ã©era/ -' ONLY i Make your reservations now i $15.00 per couple PA. 7-6771 Proposed route of ‘a new four-lane controlled-access highway to connect with the Don Valley Parkway at the northern limits of Metro and running north to the vicinity of Newmarkel. is shown al30ve. This will be the ï¬rst stage of the freeway which the Department of Highways prOposes to build eventually to the area east of Lake Sim- coe. Details of the proposed route, timing of property purchase and highway construction (still several years away) and other details GRAYSTQNES a AURORA All present are invited to the manager's private party after midnight mm mm mm ‘ Maia}? k 5 ii New Year's Eve WE DANCE & 5 Buffet Dinner 3313?)? Blink“)! Don Gilkes Orchestra 9 pm. till G. R. The president. Mrs. E. Empring- ham took charge of the business. Dainty refreshments were served at the close. W.M.S The W.M.S. met at the Manse on Wednesday afternoon of last week and participated in a Christ- mas program arranged by the Committee: Mrs. H. Collard, Mrs. Birmington, Mrs. R. Perkins and Mrs. W. Orr who was unable to be present. Special music was given by Mrs. J. Bark- er and Mrs. Wilbur Brumwell. singing two lovely duets. Mrs. Binnington expressed. “In Mem- oriam." our thoughts of thankful- ness for the service given to the W.M.S. and the church by the late Mrs. Wm. Haig, in past years. Mrs. H. Acreman reviewed‘the current Study Book. All officers are remaining in office for an- other year. As this year 1960 draws to a close, may we review the past months, and ask ourselves have we given of our best in time, servâ€" ice, and gifts, for the furtherance of God’s work? The December meeting 9f the Women's Institute was held on Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Marcus Jawis wit-h a large attendance. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. John McCague. The Roll Call was answered by A gift for the Chil- dren's Aid. Christmas Carols were sung led by Mrs. Allan Orr. The guest speaker was Mr. Orma of the Unionville Nurseries. who gave a very interesting talk on “House Plants." which was very much enjoyed by all. 7765165 were signed for Mrs. McEachren, Mrs. E. Avison and Mrs. R. Boynton. There will be no Guide meeting with on December 22, but the Guides Roy 1 will meet on Thursday evening. Mr, December 29. ‘Evely Lions Christmas Party {on Fr On Saturday afternoon. the Jones Victoria Square and District Lions For Club held a Christmas Party in Merry Christmas. I the Victoria Square Community May the Joy of the angels «Hall for the children of the com- In the message they brought. munity and surrounding district. And the Peace of the Wise Men There were nearly one hundred When they (found whom they in attendance. Some of the par-1 sought. 3 ents accompanied the small chil- = And the Love of the shepherds dren, 1 whm he: saw where Chnst A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE IS THE SIN- CERE WISH OF YOUR COR- RESPONDENT. Sr. Women's Institute Mr. Tom Phillips of File Hills. Indian Reserve, Lorlie, Saskatche- wan writes to thank all for the personal gifts and the gifts for the Indian children sent recently. Dainty refreshments were serv- ed ‘at the close by the group. W.A. The Christmas meeting of the W.A. was held on Wednesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. John McCague with six- teen ladies in attendance. Mrs. McCague was in charge of the program. The Lesson Thoughts were given by Mrs. Wm. Sandle. Mrs. Allan Orr led in prayer. The Christmas meditation was taken by Mrs. McCague. Mrs. M. Jarvis took charge of the business. All officers are remaining in office for another year. The executive would like to thank all who have helped in any way with the meet- ings during the past year. Re- freshments were served at the close by the group. Brownies The Brownies then ï¬roceeded to Melville church where they received Mrs. Selming and her Brownie Pack from Beverley Acres. After greeting them they played games. had lunch and sang carols. Mrs. Lang helped by two Guides. Judy Varden and Janette Lang. decorated the tables and made the lunch a very pleasant meal. Before leaving the Beverley Acres Brownies extended an in- vitation to visit them in the New Year which was accepted. The party ended with the Brownie prayer and Taps. There will be no Brownie meet- ing until Friday evening, Decem- ber 30, at 7 pm. Guides Brown Owl Mrs. Hardie and Tawny Owl Mrs. Varden, and the Brownies of the lst Gormley Pack visited the Gormley Nursing Home on Saturday morning, De- cember 17. The Brownies sang carols and then gave th‘e 30 ladies residing there a plant. and individual bas- kets (made by the Brownies) con- taining fruit and candy. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W SANDLE a. 8,. 2 Gormley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 were discussed at a public meeting last night; (Tuesday) in the Butâ€" tonville Community Hall. Solid lines in the interchanges indicate “legs†it is proposed to build in the ï¬rst stage of the construction. Those indicated by dotted lines are “legs†which the planners estimate may not be needed when the highway is ï¬rst constructed but which can be added when traffic indicates their need. The parents would like to thank the Lions Club for their ï¬ne hos- pitality in having this party for the children and for the treat they gave them. Mr. A. M. Tomlinson was in charge of the church service on Sunday morning. On Sunday, De- cember 25 at 11:30 am. Dr. A, F. Binnington will be in charge of the service. It will 'be a family service with the Sunday School and church combined. Therefore there will be no Sunday School. Sunday School Concert The Skating-Rink al. the park is ready for the children to skate on. Some were seen using it, on the weekend. It is hoped that the lights will be hooked up .very shortly ready for skating at night. Church News Once again it's Christmas -,â€"- Best season of the year! It‘s time for singing carols. For friendliness and cheer: It’s also time for greetings ~â€" 50 this is sent your way To wish youall the flexing That come with Christmas Day! At the close. much lo the de- light of all the children Santa arrived and gave each child a box of popcorn. a chocolate bar and an apple. The Lions wives served fres‘hie to the children hnd coffee to the adults. The annual Sunday School Christmas programme was pre- sented on Friday night at the United Missionary Church. Every item was well done and much en» joyed by all. Mrs. Lowell Brown and Melodie of Welland spent several days with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Roy Nigh. The afternoon was spent with the showing of ï¬lms, with “Gulli- ver’s Travels" being the main one. Miss Sheilah Wilcox arrived from Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Saturday night 10 spend the Christmas holidays with her parâ€" ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wilcox. Mr. and‘Mrs. Isaac Baker and Mr. Evan Gayham oi Maple had supper on Monday with Mr. Beu- lah Jones. Mr. ind Mrs. Earl Dollar and Evelyn of Stoufl'ville had dinner on Friday night with Mrs. Beulah For all of you we wish a Merry Christmas. May the Joy of the angels 7 Christmas activities. etc.. seem to be keeping all very busy 1hese days. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cullen had supper on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer. Later in the evening Mrs. Cullen was pleasantly surprised \Ihen the ladies of her Sunday Sc 001 class presented her with a cup and saucer shower in honour of her birthday. Have patience with your mail couriers â€" our local post office is handling its heaviest Christmas mail yet. \Mr. Alex Wilson had to return to the hospital on Friday night. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED rs. Lowell Brmm Welland spent th Rev. and Mrs. n Thursday with Mr. Iin Farmer. Later in Mrs. Cullen was lrprised when the Sunday Sc 001 class 31‘ with a cup andl :r in honour of heri' rs. Lowell Brown and Welland spent the, n: .h Rev. and Mrs. Roy< Nigh returned with‘ ent several days \'is-v,,_., hem and'her otheyg ls. Llosd Rush atigA item with Mr. andig French were Revng ‘benl. Mr. Henry‘g ;aac Carr of Regina.| 0y Carr. Mr. Frank; Mr. and Mrs. Levil r.-. 'r'. mw‘ m ‘ ‘ u ï¬‚â€˜ï¬ ï¬rs. Isaac Baker and‘â€: :}'ham of Maple had onday with Mr. Ben-IN... ‘ 'ï¬. 1 Brown and Melodie ; spent several days'â€... ‘ents. Rev. and Mrs. E. lrs. Earl Doner andlpa: ouï¬ville had dinner‘ ght with Mrs. Beulah i 04'- you ue wish a newly; mas . 1‘. 1‘0: of the angels sage Lhey brought. 3 [re of the Wise Men rhiound whom they l. ,-r 11.. “L.__LA.A‘ GQRMLEY NEWS av. and Mr: returned several day and‘ her Lloyd Ru: Telephone Gormley 5201 Mrs. Crowa of Toronto spent K the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. g Clarence Summerfelt. 75 Mrs. Ida Cook has returned to E her daughter Mrs. May Spence of Stoufl'ville. "A 9. § Mr. and Mrs. Wes Madill. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Ross‘ Miss Mabel Sanderson had Sun- day evening dinner with Mrs. F. Walker and Freddie. Friends are pleased to hear that Mr. Jacob Williams is im- proving. His address is Ward H. .Toronto General Hospital. Birthdï¬y Greetings to: Mrs. Donald Matthews for December 22; to 'Mrs. Norman Tyndall for December 22: to Evelyn Beatty for December 23; to Mrs. Harvey Collard for December 25: to Lor- rie Canning who on December 25 will be two years old: to Mr. Wm. Orr for December 26. Miss Shirley Bitnel‘ of Ridge- way recently returned from six years service in India, and Mrs. Warren Winger and family of Ridgeway spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise. Mrs. B. Moir of Bayview Village returned to attend the W.M.S. on Wednesday afternoon and the WA. on Wednesday evening. mts. friends and children are vide to attend. Neighbourhood Nofex lay. Be the blessings that give you A glad Christmas Day! The United Missionary Sunday School members continued their visitation survey in the Beverley Acres subdivision on Sunday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Millen of Downsview spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett. A special offering was taken on Sunday morning in the United Missionary Church for tlie new Sunday School just opened in North Bay. 32"s{$i{£€v‘iif§. Fire Is A Real Hazard At Xmas Time, New Year By observing a few simple rules of ï¬re safety. a merry. ï¬re-safe Christmas will he assured. Many Ontario communities sun'er their biggest ï¬re loss during the win- ter season. and Christmas repre- sents particular hazards from flame. Local Fire Chief Alf Stong rc- minds everyone that a fresh Christmas tree should be selected and kept in a cool place until ready to be used. Cut oil†the trunk at an angle abouk an inch and a half from the bottom and place it in water. The water con- tainer should be kept full at all times. Light strings should be thoroughly checked for breaks. frays or shorts. The CSA mark of certiï¬cation on string will guar- antee against ï¬re and shock haz- ard. The tree should be located away from all sources of heat such as rads. ï¬replaces and TV sets. Make certain that in the event the tree should fall it will not obstruct. an exit. Never. go to bed or leave the house with the tree lights burning. Remember that last year in Ontario nearly 10,000 fires occurred. Keep an eye on discarded cigaret butts af- ter a party. Dispose of Christmas wrappings as soon as you have opened the gifts. Watch out for candles used for mantel or table decorations. As a matter of fact. it is best not to use them at all. Stop 24 Yonge Street THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday Decemï¬er 22. 1960 17 “it? We Wish You A Merry Christmas and A Happy and Prosperous New Year ,‘.:‘r°gf*;*:g: ï¬g Percy and Albert Hill hem at 311‘ lmmmwnmrhmmnmmhamamw :mxawmmmnuummmvmummmxummmï¬ Toronto Fuels Limited HieTest Fluidï¬re Fuel Oil It Is a Privilege To Know and Serve So Many Pleasant People WI?!flKKKKKKK'K'KKEKwaxflï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬KK'GHESKK’ xi WILSON â€" NIBLETT ./4 Iii/emu C/zri GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE 63 YONGE STREET N., RICHMOND HILL, ONT. PHONE TU. 4-7851 \ . L Fox & Son TO ALL OUR CLIENTS AND FRIENDS FOR THEIR LOYALTY DURING THE PAST YEAR Official Agents for all Steamships and Airlines Reservations for Sea-Air-Toufs and Cruise! may 1961 combine the promise of morning with the peace of night Canadian . Tire Corporation ltd. ASSOCIATE STORE The story of the ï¬rst Christmas lives on eternally. May the Season bring you great blessings. Agent; for I VIC/'1'â€. pnrwlma. ANI) A N0 BOOKING FEE MOTORS LTD. RICHMOND HILL healthy, happy and cheerful festive season and to wish you and your family a very friendship and patronage mean to us Herbert and Joan Goodhoofd to tell you how much your loyal we really Richvale, Ontario emit a ham cherish riJlmaJ 'CCh‘i tradition time 0H! ild