It's visored, to p r o t e ct against sleet and rain. High chrome with big no-glare m' . H d I “5123†...?.’.‘.f..°.’.‘fii 3-49 REAR VIEW MIRROR Attractive dress-ups. PAIR die-cast triple chromed, steel back. plastic window protects license plate. EACH ............ (RIGHT) “SUPER†FRAMEâ€"For recessed mounting. High-chrome. EACH .......................... (CENTRE) DIAMOND PATTERN FRAME â€"- Heavy '5 visored, to p r o t 9 ct Attaches to car vi- L gainst sleet and rain. High SOT? W i t h comb, R name with big no-glare mirmrs Dene“ and E] irronï¬andsomely sun glasses holder p yled ...................... n and zipered 1 r: ‘ pocket. ' h $\\\\\\\\WWW\§ § . A , l I \ (LEFT) CHROME FRAMESâ€"Front and rear TU. 4-1196 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday December 22, 1960 ELEGTBIG DRILL KIT This V.†geared-chuck Drill is powered with a full 2 amp. Universal motor. Noâ€"load speed 2,000 rpm. Full-load spud 1400 rpm. Improved cooling fan, dynamically balanced for quid oporation and long life. Lightwaighr, aluminum housing and camfarlablc pislol-grip handle wi'h lock-lypn nigger switch. Up lo 30% more working iorqua for drilling or for driving chad-monk. May bu adopted ‘ro grinding, sanding, polishing, sowing, ck. OUTFIT INCLUDES: Drill with removable sido handle, so! of 9 drill bits, paint mixer, rubber backing pod, lambswool buffer, 6-pim arbor “f, 15 assoned randing disu, 64". cord and plug. and moral tool box. IN HANDY METAL TOOL BOX LICENSE PLATE DRESS-UPS 36-Piece Multi-Purpose VISOR HOLDALI. Mastercraft Steering Sleigh â€"- Hard maple construc"on. Natural finish. Steel runners. Safety turned ends. 36" size ............................ 43" size ........ 4.39 47" size 5.19 “Convertible†Baby Sleigh -â€" Natural hard- wood, Steel runners. Removable handle, rail- ings, make it a flexible steering sleigh. 6 33" long ......................................................... ' Mastercraft Toboggan â€"â€" Clear grained hardwood . . . flexible, speedy. 3-ft. size 4-H. _ 5:19".5.-r.£.'â€" ’ék'swé-H. L 7.93 Sleighs and Toboggans Complete '3 1.29 2.59 2.98 Gold-color c h a 1' n and safety ring and purse contains iii? .......... n 59 LADIES’ KEY RING - PURSE â€" IULDUOJ ucbcluuuL “a, ejectors. Gleaming F its neatly under glove compart- ment, neat and at- tractive. Chromed $3635 tissues AUTO TISSUE DISPENSER ‘its neatly under love compart- 1ent, neat and at- :active. Chromed tissues AUTO COMPASS Large easy-toâ€"read dial . . . can be seen from all angles. Accurate, aircraft- style compensator. Easy to install ._.... CHRISTMAS TREE Reg. 25c SPECIAL 200 STRAND I ICICLES Multi - sp able â€"- 1i; Powerful m o t o r, MIXER “International Charge" At CANADIAN TIRE For Your Xmas Shopping Convenience: Standsâ€" No Down Payment, Nothing To Pay For 50 Days speed, port- lightweight op - ;p up 13.88 CASE â€" Fine Eng- lish Morocco, 'key hooks, license card holder, coin purse ZIPPER KEY spéed )- out p by A GIFT OF SAFER VISION- WINDSHIELD WASHER TWIN-JET NOZZLE sprays powerful jets of water on to each side of windshield to ensure clear visiOn at a touch of the ï¬ngertips. A “must†on the list for every driver â€" 12 months in the ye It. Complete with all fit- tings for fast installation. wrNDSHIELD WASHER ANTI-FREEZEâ€"ZOâ€"oz. .89 Open An KEY CASE With Card Holderâ€"com. Pact style: Protects pocket against key 6 d g e 5. Simulated leather. 6 hooks: Value I98 Use when trunk is too full to close properly, bringing home Christ- mas tree, etc. Strong chain and spring holds to desired height. set "KIDDIES" snow ring, Heel pike ADULTS’ DURALUMINUM SKI POLESâ€"Sfrong, yet lightweight. Top quality. 42, 45, 48" long. Pr. A H ._ ADULTS' FULL-TAPERED ALUMINUM SKI POLESâ€"Chrome finish, comfortable plastic arips. Lighiweighf. 43, 51 54, 57" long. Pr. I Spectacle-Type Lightweight while nylon frame with inler- changeable leakâ€"green, amber. Practically unbreakable _ I POGKET HAND WARMER Sate, easy to light. Use either white gas or lighter fluid. One filling lasts up to 24 hours , , 1 u59 FIGURE SKATES Fashion fresh styling. shaped top, solid heel, well' leather sole. -Tempered and chrome-plated figure skate: with saw- tooth picks. Misses' sizes, 11 to 2. Pair . ~ _ _ , _ _ _ _ , _ v , ‘ _ _ , , _ _ _ _ 7.98 Women': sizes, 3 to 9. Pair ____ 8;98 OPEN EVERY NIGHT BOYS' HOCKEY PANTSâ€"Red Padded hips, fibre fronh. 26 SPORT GOGGLES TONKIN CANE SKI POLESâ€"M’." leather wrist Chang; ferrule. 33" long. Pr. hhnuvn. n 13655-2? EQUIPM'E'I'WI DART BOARD and DARTS .49 HOCKEY STICKSâ€"Selected cleer- v grained hardwood. 1. R99 3, V , 5*» F'°mâ€""‘- 9M1-95 I (r 2/ R?" L' 4 53.4 or blue, white stripe to 36" waist, 5L7; _ 7.98 Solid brown leather; reinforced steel shank; grooved heel: felt lop, wide leather tongue. Sizes 1 to 9. £375 STANDARD SKI BOOT Pair A Duousf-Lalondo boot with Che most wanted features: 4-soled shank; lealher lined Tyrol he. Men’s sizes 6 to 12 18.95 Per pair _, "EUROPEAN LAST†Worth $18 . . . top buy for the semi-pro. Black grain leather upper with cross stitched leather lining. Built-in tendon guards. Leather soles. Excellent quality tube skates with specially hardened blades. Men’s sizes, 5-13. HOCKEY OUTFIT ‘| lO-Piece TABLE 9. TENNIS OUTFIT . . . challenge mem- bers of your family, friends. Set consists of 4 laminated sponge-faced bats, 3 top-qualify ping- pong balls, 2 sturdy steel brackets and strong net. all regu- lation size. Com- plate in handy plas- tic carrying case. Famous - name set . . . great for recre- ation room. Test your skill, reflexes 9 PM. - Made by Samson on special form-fitting last for firm support and outstanding :onfrol. Fine black calf, cushioned ankle fining. Men': sixes 6-12, ladies' sizes 4-9. Pair 27-95 «w flr‘h w... b‘; at h By Daoust-Lalonde. Fine top grain black leather uppers. Leather interlining. Pad- ded tongue, armoured toe caps, built-in tendon guards, Boots riveted to speedy "St. Lawrence" tube skates. Siies 5 to 12. Worth $15.00! HOCKEY OUTFIT Famous “Milbro†dart board â€"made in Scotland. A game for the whole family. Sturdy steel frame with contrast- ing black and yellow sur- face on each side. 5/33" thick. 18" diam. Metal "spider" for accurate scoring. Com- plete with 3 “Milbro-Spider" darts and rules. $7.50 Reg .99 $3.45